Name/Titles: Castigus Sharak
Denomination: Chaos Undivided.

Towering at approximately nine and a half feet tall out of his power armor Castigus frame is on the tall end of the space marines range of heights. With pale skin, black eyes, and dark stingy black hair he is readily identifiable as a Nostroman native. The right side of his head has been shaved away and Nostroman script spiders across the pale flesh in blue ink. Crawling down the right side of his face and neck; the tattoos continue down over his right shoulder. A gift or perhaps a curse from the Ruinous Powers the tattoo is a warp mutation.
The Astartes gene-bulked body features the characteristic ports of his black carapace. Beneath his skin dark lines have begun to appear tracing veins and arteries; another visible sign of his increasing corruption.
In his armor, Castigus is a terrible sight to behold. Painted in the colors of his legion the armor is covered with a variety of death motifs as originally encouraged by The Nighthaunter. Hundreds of decorative bronze skulls can be seen within the trim of his armor. Each wrought with varying degrees of expression in the brown arches and jaws of the skulls. Eschewing the bat-winged helm of other Legionnaires, Castigus helm is smooth save for his vox-grille which has been worked into the clenched teeth of a skull. Additional markings along his pauldrons and armor indicate his assignment to the Tenth Company, 3rd Claw as a Night Raptor. If the markings were not enough of an indication, Castigus preference for a jump pack often makes it readily apparent. Armed with Legion bolt pistol, bolt gun, combat Knife and chain axe, Castigus maintains the lighter close combat weapons of a Raptor over more archaic or heavy armaments.
Personality: On the opposite end of the spectrum from many of his companions in the Night Raptor’s ranks Castigus possess an almost laconic demeanor. Many could accuse him of being slow at the worst of times or overly patient at the best. While he may be slower to anger or bloodlust than his murderous brothers he still possesses the gene predilections of his legion. When combat or the need to inflict terror and pain are upon him Castigus loses much of his usual demeanor becoming vicious and brutal. True to his assignment as a Night Raptor.
Following the destruction of third Claw, Castigus has begun to learn to channel this hot burning viciousness. The change has been brought about more out of necessity than out of real want on his part as it stems from his new Alpha Legion brother. As if this change were not strange enough Castigus has also begun another, perhaps arguably more sinister, change in his personality. The Nighthaunter’s grim sense of black and white justice has begun to creep back into Castigus’ actions and thoughts. Where once he might have slaughtered everyone without a thought he now assigns sins for which they are being punished. Cowardice, Pride, Sloth, the list goes on.
Biography: Castigus was born on Nostromo and was raised there during the Great Crusade. His family were informants for one of the local crime bosses after the Nighthaunter had been called back to Holy Terra and the planet had deteriorated once more. During one of the selections for children to be sent as a tithe, he was selected. His parents were merely thankful that it was the youngest and not one of his older siblings who were chosen. Little did they know it was his age that was to be desired for he would be gene forged into one of the Emperor’s Astartes.
Years passed in a whirlwind for Castigus who passed the trials of a space marine and was finally assigned to 10th Company. Void Warfare Specialists. For a time it was almost a peaceful thing for him. They would be sent off to one theatre of war or another. By that time their reputation was established. The system or world would plead for mercy, and there would be mercy. The Emperor’s Mercy in the form of a vicious and sudden campaign of terror and brutality before order was restored. It mattered little to Castigus who the enemy was for it was a simple thing. Whoever his Captains and Primarch said he should kill. He killed with startling viciousness letting them scream out their last moments in blessed fear.
Then the time came, the Warmaster. Now the Arch-Traitor Horus decided it was for the best that the Emperor be dethroned. Once again he was pitched back into the fight but this time. This time it was different. Brother fought brother, and the carnage that was wrought across the Galaxy was apocalyptic. Castigus reveled in it as he always had but now his brother’s deviations were not so strange in light of Lorgar’s children allowing the Neverborn to ride their souls. Or for Slow and plodding Mortarion’s children to show up to the siege of Terra bloated with pox and disease. “Gifts” he later learned from the death god Nurgle. Still, stranger was Magnus’ Thousand Sons fully steeped in the powers of the Warp. The list went on. It didn’t matter.
While his brother’s boots found the soil of Holy Terra Castigus fought a different war. A silent one. In the quiet void between ships where he participated in boarding action after boarding actions. Racing down the hallways of Imperial ships and Space Marine battle barges alike. The Cult Mechanicus had sided with them after all… The rush had been something, unlike anything he had ever felt.
When all was said and done they fled into the night. Sowing terror and death across the stars before they were finally forced to limp into Eye space. Their Captain became the Exalted. Things changed. They always did. It was never really the same in light of Tera. Finally, the day came. He never could remember the name of the planet. Some Black Legion resisting bastion of Slaaneshi cultists. Didn’t matter. They screamed a lot. He couldn’t tell if it was from the fear they had inflicted or because they liked it. When it was all said and done he was left wandering on the surface of a still reeling planet. Alone without the other members of Third Claw with the Covenant of Blood vanished into the void.
That had been when he met the Alpha Legionnaire. After a brief standoff in which they determined that their goals were mutually aligned the two began the grim business of escaping the planet and finding a new purpose. An unlikely duo to say the least. But an effective and deadly one without a doubt. The cunning of a Twentieth Legion spook and the sheer unadulterated fear of an Eight Legion terror trooper working in concerted tandem.
Necessity and the will of the Gods have finally seen fit to bring the pair to the surface of Skuberrima. Strange enough to find a single legionnaire without a Warband, let alone two from different Legions. Running low on personal supplies it's clear the two are more than willing to sell their talents to the highest bidder. And their talents are nothing to be scoffed at.
Other: The Night Lords have several notable differences from other space marine Legions stemming from their heritage and the will of their Primarch. Notably They are capable of a Vox amplified shriek sufficient to incapacitate most augmented and augmented mortals for a period of time. In addition their power armor has been augmented to provide a type of auspex that augments their already perfect night vision giving them the ability to see living beings heat signatures, termed “prey sight”. Castigus was blessed with Nostroman heritage and as a result has the perfect night vision of his legion however bright unfiltered lights can be painful and disruptive to his sight without his helmet.