The Campaign
Skuberrima, a fallen pirate colony, sat amidst the howling insanity of the Screaming Vortex. Home to warring bands of hungry corsairs, and bloodthirsty raiders, Skuberrima is a world of battle and carnage, held in the dark clutches of the ruinous powers.
To most, Skuberrima is just another damned world, amidst a sea of corruption, but the devious merchant Euromulus Krynne knows of the dark and terrible secrets which lurk beneath the planet’s surface.
Krynne came to Skuberrima in search of the Gauntlet of Myreena, the once pirate queen. During its prime, the planet was at the heart of a cataclysmic feud between Myreena, and the pirate king, Eliphayne.
This battle of egos reduced Skuberrima to a charred husk of its former glory, as the planet drowned beneath an ocean of fire and blood. The gauntlet was thought lost, but Krynne believes he knows how to retrieve it.
However, the wily merchant cannot do so alone…
To most, Skuberrima is just another damned world, amidst a sea of corruption, but the devious merchant Euromulus Krynne knows of the dark and terrible secrets which lurk beneath the planet’s surface.
Krynne came to Skuberrima in search of the Gauntlet of Myreena, the once pirate queen. During its prime, the planet was at the heart of a cataclysmic feud between Myreena, and the pirate king, Eliphayne.
This battle of egos reduced Skuberrima to a charred husk of its former glory, as the planet drowned beneath an ocean of fire and blood. The gauntlet was thought lost, but Krynne believes he knows how to retrieve it.
However, the wily merchant cannot do so alone…
Storms and Shadows is a Role Play adventure, heavily inspired by the 40k tabletop RPG Black Crusade. It will follow a band of up-and-coming heretics, devoted to the various dark gods, on their quest for power and glory.
With a small, closely-knit group of players, we will play out an unholy adventure, focusing on servants of the dark gods, and their shadowy exploits.
I’d like to keep this part fairly light.
Obviously, standard guild rules apply. Additionally, I’ll make the point that we’re all here to have fun, so please conduct yourself pleasantly, and with the appropriate level of maturity.
If a player leaves, or drops off of the face of the earth, I reserve the right to decide what their character’s in-game fate is.
Whilst this adventure was inspired by Black Crusade, we won't be getting bogged down with character stats, and tabletop mechanics. Combat, and other altercations, will have their outcome decided by whatever makes the most sense, narratively speaking.
As the game's master, my word is final.
Beyond that, just don’t be a wank-muffin, and we should all have a merry old time!
Character Creation
At least at the start of this adventure, our heretics are up-and-coming villains, who will have something of an infamous reputation, but are not fully-fledged “super villains”, for lack of a better term. We will advance, and grow in notoriety, as the adventure progresses.
Beyond that, aim to create a character that could feasibly be a part of this rag-tag warband of deviants. If you’re unfamiliar with the setting, the various 40k wikis offer extensive recounts of the warhammer 4000 universe, and id4chan also hosts a more brief and humorous, yet still ultimately informative, look at everything warhammer.
Applications for character sheets go in the OOC thread. Once a character has been approved, it can then be posted in the CS tab.

“I swear to make war on the Imperium and its people, and I will
go to my grave attempting to tear down the walls of that benighted,
decadent, and foolish empire. It is not I, at long last, who have
betrayed the Imperium, it is the Imperium who has betrayed me. It is
the Imperium who has betrayed us all.”
go to my grave attempting to tear down the walls of that benighted,
decadent, and foolish empire. It is not I, at long last, who have
betrayed the Imperium, it is the Imperium who has betrayed me. It is
the Imperium who has betrayed us all.”