-This thread will contain my RP concepts. Don't steal. If I find out, I will be very, very angry and you will officially be on my shit list. -Don't steal my characters. -You can use my images, and you can use the faceclaims that you may find here. I prefer if you ask first. If you don't, I'm not going to hold any hard feelings, but politeness is always appreciated. -That's pretty much it. Enjoy these few shitty resources.
"I've met Rachel at a couple parties. I'm the football captain, so it's sort of mandatory that I get an invite to every party. Anyway. Me and Rachel always got along. She's drop dead gorgeous, throws one hell of a rager. We're pretty good friends, I guess."
Appearance Details
Hair: Brown | Slightly longer in the front than the back in order to be styled into an effortless swag style.
Eyes: Blue.
Height: Five feet, eleven inches.
Body Type: Mesomorph // Athletic Muscular // Abs for days.
Clothing Style: Rich Boy Chic || T-shirts // Jeans // Skinny Jeans // Leather Jackets // Vans // Button up shirts // Khakis // Etc.
Scars, Tattoos and/or Piercings: Various scars all over his body from bad boy adventures.
Personality Traits
Ezra is goofy sort of boy, usually seen with a smile on his face and being the class clown. With the gift of charisma and charm, Ezra is known to be popular amongst the ladies. His trysts are said to be something legendary, and he has no problem bragging about them. He resorts to sarcasm more often than not - usually a defense mechanism. Though loyal, Ezra doesn't have that many true friends. He is the determined sort of young man, and often times stubborn. A natural born leader, Ezra tends to take over things like school projects. He tends to keep his true emotions hidden, causing him to be a ticking timebomb. Though he is a player, he is also a gentleman - he will hold open doors for people, and help the elderly across the street.
Underneath the goofy exterior is a tragic boy with a broken soul. The little boy that cried himself to sleep for years, and vowed to never do it again once he reached a certain age. The boy that is scared of true, unconditional love. An angry person deep down, when Sam explodes, he truly explodes. He has been suspended from school on multiple occasions for fighting, and his knuckles are often bruised from punching near by walls.
Upbringing Synopsis
Born and raised right in Brooklyn, Ezra's life has been a roller coaster. Born to a single teenage mother who became a heroine addict six months after his birth, Ezra was more or less neglected for most of his infancy. His biological mother overdosing when he was two caused the boy to be put into foster care. The first family who fostered him - the Costellos - only wanted him because they could not have a child of their own. When they found out they were pregnant, they no longer wanted Ezra. and put him back into the system. He was with them until the age of six.
Ezra lived in a group home from ages six through fourteen. This group home was a personal hell for the boy. The older boys bullied him by taking his food, ripping up his stories, and even pushing him down the stairs. He often went to his room and cried when this happened - angry because he couldn't defend himself, and sad because he didn't understand why they did such things to him. The person assigned to look over them really didn't care. He was just there for the pay check.
Over the years, Ezra learned to fight back. With every day he grew taller and angrier, until one day he finally exploded. It would be at the age of twelve that Ezra would break his first nose. He liked the feeling that it gave him - the feeling of power, and the sense of control. It made the older boys cautious, but it didn't make them completely stop. So he kept fighting. At the age of fourteen, the Princeton family would begin to foster Ezra. They were a true family - the loving, nurturing kind. They were rich, and for the first time in his life, Ezra had what he needed and more. They had him join the football team as a way to deal with his anger. Football seemed to be the only thing that he truly excelled at. The new good life or the sport didn't stop the nightmares or the anger though. Looking for some sort of comfort, Ezra began turning to sex for comfort. Stolen kisses in the halls at first - the playful young relationships one will always remember. Over time, Ezra became more and more bitter. Actual relationships did him no good, so he proceeded to use up girls and toss them away - a habit he has to this very day. At sixteen he began smoking, and at seventeen, he found comfort in a bottle of Jack.
His grades were never more than average, but average was enough to get him into Wooford.
-Is attending Wooford for his psychology degree. -Smokes Marlboro Reds. -Surfs. -Plays acoustic guitar. -Prefers his coffee black. -Loves Disney movies. -Afraid of Clowns. Zac Effron || 48A9F4 I ate mozzarella sticks. Three of them to be exact.
Back before the advent of the sciences, humanity had the ability to cast magic. Magic users were the more dominant force of humanity. During these periods their power was nothing short of incredible and you could tell these people apart from the standard human by their tattoo like birthmarks. The magical powers these people possessed had a varying range - from telekinesis to elemental abilities. At the height of their power the Magic users accounted for almost 70% of the human population.
However, the magic users were split in their philosophy. Some of them believed that it was the magic users job to protect the earth and its inhabitants. Others thought that it was their place to control the rest of the world. This differing view of beliefs eventually culminated in a magic war between the two warring factions. The first was the Guild. They wanted to protect the Earth. The second faction was known as Corpus - the group that wanted to dominate humanity. This war was highly destructive, causing many lives to be lost in a short span of time. At one point it was even thought that the Earth might be destroyed. The remaining non-magic users of Earth, in the fallout of this war, decided to put aside their petty squabbles of country and tribe, and try to deal with this 'magic' problem.
What happened next was nothing short of genocide. Quickly, large groups of Magic users were being murdered. The population of magic users quickly diminished. As their numbers dropped so did the chance that any new born children who were born became magic users too. After hundreds of years of persecution, the remaining population of magic users had dwindled to less than 5%, and today in 2019 has fallen to 0.1% with only an estimated 20,000 magic users left.
However, old habits never die, and once again the cauldron is starting to bubble. A group of angry and disenfranchised magic users have started their own terrorist cell called 'Dark Shadow'. The Dark Shadow are essentially The Corpus re-imagined for the modern world. Their goal is to take over the world, and show the rest of humanity why magic users are the dominant species.
On the flip side, the Guild still carries on, trying to regulate the hiding magic users. Creating rules and laws which it enforces, trying to keep the peace between the magic and non magic forces by creating its own authority. While everyone in the magic world might not agree with them, everyone has no choice but to accept. This mainly comes from the fact that the Guild has been run as a hereditary dynasty. The powers of the dynasty have been passed down through each child and this has culminated in creating arguably the most powerful magic user in the world. The Guild leaders powers are legendary and she has used these powers - along with other methods - to keep everyone in check.
The GM's of this RP have left the lore rather light. This isn't due to laziness, but more so that we wanted to allow people to form their own lore without having to read 20 pages first to see if it fits. There will be some Google Docs provided with some basic lore in the short future. This RP is not a black and white, Good Vs Evil RP. The Guild is the force for good, but they are not angels themselves. The leader of the Guild can be an asshole. But it is pretty much a RP where two sides will be competing against one another and trying to get the upper hand. Your characters will get hurt and may even die. You have been warned.
The GM will be taking on the role of the leader of the Dark Shadow. I, the Co-GM, will be taking on the role of the Guild leader.
- First and foremost: No god-modding. No controlling other peoples characters. Agreed interaction before hand is fine. But most of the time that takes place in a Collab post. - Collabs are encouraged. It just helps reduce the amount of rapid posts we get, and helps keep the RP clean. It also helps us try and keep the RP as chronologically correct as possible. - There will be battles. There will be violence. People will die. If death comes for your character, take it in your stride. You are more than welcome to make another character and jump right in again. - Your GM's recommend making at least two characters for the situation in which one character does die. The most characters that one person is allowed to have is three. - @Hedgehawk, @HaleyTheRandom, and @SouffleGirl123 are your GM team for this RP. Our word is final. - This is a High-Casual level RP. - We will require one post every three weeks with each of your characters. More activity is encouraged. - Relation sheets are not required, but probably one of the most encouraged parts of the RP. - No use of forbidden powers. (Blood Magic, Necromancy, Rune Magic, etc. The GM's hold the right to deny any power if we think it is too powerful or god-moddy.)
The actual thread for the RP will be posted in two weeks - January fifteenth.
[center][img]Character Image Here.[/img] [b][color=??]Name:[/color][/b] [b][color=??]Gender:[/color][/b] [b][color=??]Age:[/color][/b] [b][color=??]Alignment:[/color][/b] [b][color=??]Rank within Organisation:[/color][/b]If Guild: Leader, Second in Command, Lieutenant, Captain, Member, Recruit. If Dark Shadow, Leader or second in command.
[b][color=??]Birthmark Shape:[/color][/b] (You can use an image if you don't want to describe it) [b][color=??]Location of Birthmark:[/color][/b] [b][color=??]Magical Ability:[/color][/b] One and only one.
[b][color=??]Place of Birth:[/color][/b] [b][color=??]Currently Residing:[/color][/b] [b][color=??]Personality:[/color][/b] [b][color=??]History/Bio:[/color][/b]
[b]Name:[/b] [b]Relationship (Bold/Delete as needed):[/b]Best Friends - Good Friends - Friends - Well known - Warm - Acquaintances - Unknown - Cold - Dislikes - Hates - Enemies - Rival - Nemesis [b]Characters opinion of them: (Why do they feel the way that they do)[/b]
"Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it." - Lady Macbeth
N a m e: Salem Adelaide de Silva. Sal or Addy to close friends. G e n d e r: Female. A g e: Twenty-five. A l i g n m e n t: Guild. R a n k: Leader.
B i r t h - m a r k_S h a p e:Click. L o c a t i o n_O f_B i r t h - m a r k: Runs vertically on her back between her shoulder blades. M a g i c a l_A b i l i t y: Electricity Manipulation: Salem has the ability to manipulate Electricity. She can cause electronics to go haywire, shot lightning from her hands, etc.
P l a c e_O f_B i r t h: Atlanta Georgia, USA. C u r r e n t_R e s i d e n c e: New York, New York. P e r s o n a l i t y: Salem is what is considered to be a fearless leader. The kind of woman who can look death in the eye and not flinch. At least that's what you would think by looking at her. In reality, there is so much more to her.
From an early age, Salem was raised to be a leader - nothing more, nothing less. This has stuck with her. She makes the hardest decisions, and seems to do it with ease. Like her father, Salem is proud and takes pride in what she does. And, like her mother, can have a short temperament at times. However, despite her similarities with the her parents, Salem is reserved, always have said to keep her feelings under lock and key. In fact, so reserved, it is said, by some, that the girl is not able to feel emotion at all.
However, Salem is a girl with a witty comeback for just about anything. If it comes off rude, well, you'll just have to decipher if it truly is or not. She is also very head strong and independent, always believing that she knows what is best for herself and others. She hates to be seen as a damsel in distress and will always try to do things on her own. Despite her temper - which sometimes does get out of hand - she is calm, cool, and calculated. Mess with the people she cares for (aka, the Guild) and expect some for of well calculated revenge coming your way.
Despite being your typical, fearless leader prototype, you have to understand that what Salem does is for the good of her people - The magical users and the humans alike. Every law that she comes up with, or has to alter, is intended to make the world better as a whole, and bring everyone into a state of unity. She realizes that some people may think that she only got the position of leader due to her parents connections and such, and thus, she is on the path to prove herself.
H i s t o r y:Salem was born and raised in Atlanta until the age of five. That was when her parents decided to pack up and move to New York, as to be closer to the Guild. Salem was a smart child, and knew that her parents were well connected, her father always having hushed meetings in the other room. However, what she didn't know was what these connections or meetings were. When they arrived in New York, Salem was told about her heritage. Her name held power, the de Silva line being one of the strongest to date. Many of her ancestors had been Leaders of the Guild, and held other ranks of power within the allegiance. Just like any other child, she would go to school and learn. When she came home, her father trained her to fight in the families basement, while her mother told her bedtime stories of their people. Her home life was like that of any other child - minus the magical ability and teachings.
Her father was a lawyer, her mother a doctor. Together they were two of the Guilds biggest contributors. Her mother was a Captain, and her father second in command. Her grandfather was the Leader of the Guild, and just like her parents, groomed her to be a warrior. She was a recruit of the guild at the age of thirteen, and a member at the age of fifteen. They taught her to be proud of who she was, but to be kind to those who did not have special abilities or marks such as she.
When she was twelve, her grandfather died, and her father rose to power. At the age of 19, she became fully aware of the Dark Shadow allegiance and their intentions. Shortly there after, the battle between them and the Dark Shadows leader broke out. Her father was killed in the battle, something she has been burning to get revenge for. There was a slight uproar in the Guild. Someone so young should not be allowed in a place of power. This was when her battle to prove her worth truly began. The officials of the Guild decided that there would be a test of sorts. She was given three different situations in which she had to come up with three different laws to make peace. After she passed this, there was a battle of force, to see how she would do in war. The greatest of the guilds warriors fought her, and she fought back even more fiercely than they. It was only then did the Guild accept her as their rightful leader.
However, that has not stopped there from being more challenges that she has had to face. She has been met with difficult decisions. Having humanities fate rest upon your shoulders is not an easy weight to bear. The older members of the Guild still watch her with a close eye, trying to find any weakness.
𝓞nce upon a time, there was a beautiful princess who lived in the fair kingdom of Aciras. She was kind and sweet and compassionate and could totally talk to animals (at least, that’s what she would have liked to believe), and when she found out that she was to be married to a handsome prince…
...𝓢he posted the news of her engagement on Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and god knows where else - then invited the princes and princesses of the entire world to two months of pre-wedding celebrations.
𝓣hese princes and princesses aren’t just international celebrities, of course, nor are they merely the sons and daughters of the richest men and women in the world. They’re royalty, and with the royal status comes certain expectations from both their parents and their kingdoms. Many of them have been betrothed to another since a very young age, and although they may have contact with one another on official business, this will be the first time that many of them will be spending a prolonged period of time together...so hopefully it goes better than your typical first date with someone you matched with on Tinder, yeah?
𝓞f course, there are also some who are single and ready to mingle (for political purposes or otherwise), and still others who are here to socialize, explore Aciras, or negotiate trade deals and/or alliances. No biggie.
𝓐ll politics aside, there’s bound to be drama galore. Celebrity Twitter fights are nothing compared to the scheming and back-stabbing of these pretty princes and princesses, and hey-what happens when they end up falling in love with the wrong person? ___________________________________
(𝓘nspired by/based off of Haley's original When Royalty Collides RP; The premise has been taken from one of the later renditions hosted by @ayzrules)
𝓐s the description suggests, this roleplay will be about an extended social gathering in the main kingdom of Aciras in the months leading up to Princess Vivian's wedding. Vivian is a NPC. More information can be found later on about her in this post. All the invitees are princes and princesses of their own respective kingdoms (see "Rules" section for the policy on non-royal characters) and unmarried, and it is recommended that you work out a betrothal with someone before the RP starts (but not necessary/required). Once people have CSes up, I will also run every character who isn't already betrothed through a random number generator and post results in the OOC, in case any of the pairings inspire ideas.
𝓐ciras is the kingdom in which the RP takes place in, but you will be loosely creating your own kingdom in the process.
Castle // Built in 1519, the Aciran Castle is home to the royal Willow family. The castle has been slowly renovated over the past few decades, with some construction still underway. Among the castle staff are seven maids and ten chefs. The Aciran staff are to live on the castle grounds during these current times due to there being such a higher volume of people in the castle. Dining Hall // The Famous Spiral Staircase // Library
Bedrooms // One of the most recent renovations, all of the bedrooms in the castle are identical. They all include a king sized bed, walk-in closet, bathroom, desk and windows. All of the rooms can be found on the second floor of the castle, along with the library.
Garden // Aside from the spiral staircase, one of the most stunning views of the castle is the garden. Also found on the kingdom grounds in a tennis court, basketball court, horse stables, and multiple riding/hiking trails.
Vivian is the first born of two sisters. Betrothed to a lovely young man named Christopher. The two of them are said to be a perfect match, and unlike most betrothed couples - they actually seem to love each other. Vivian is currently twenty-five years old and has tasked her little sister, Raven, with planning the wedding and the events leading up to it with help from some of the royal staff.
-Drama stays in the IC tab. -If you end up having a problem with a fellow writer or the roleplay in general, please come to me in PM's/DM's and I will resolve it to the best of my ability. -Romance is more than encouraged, but let's not post smut on the main forum. -This is a character driven Roleplay. Interactions are required between characters, so please don't isolate your character in the back corner of the room. -The main thing is basically to not be a dick and have fun. -One post per character is required every two weeks. If you miss a deadline, you will not be able to post until the next posting cycle. (Aka, you're on a two week hiatus where your character becomes and NPC.) Deadlines will be every Sunday at midnight Pacific Standard time. If you PM me no later than the Friday before the deadline, you can have an extension until the following Wednesday. (Special thanks to @Dirty Pretty Lies for letting me steal her posting rule. -Collabs are an important part of any RP -- However if your partner bails on you or you feel that you don't think you will get the collab done in time for the deadline, finish up the best you can and post what you have. Being stuck in a collab is not an excuse for missing a deadline. -DO NOT tag each other in your posts. -Please allow two people to post before you post again. This does not count posting for your first and second character back to back. -I expect two paragraphs minimum in every post -- and I mean actual paragraphs that consist of at least seven sentences. No, I won't go so far as to count, but you get what I'm saying.
-No Mary or Gary sue characters. -Real life Face-claims only!!!if you come in here with some anime bs i will fight you. -Two characters per player. Your characters must be of the opposite gender if playing two. This is to attempt to keep the genders balanced. -Customize your sheet however you wish, just don't remove any of the required sections. -Please only post completed Character and Kingdom sheets for GM review in the OOC. -Non-Royal characters are allowed, but keep in mind they may not be able to attend all of the events as some of them will be exclusive to only royals.
[center][img]Character Name of Kingdom Name. Image text headers are preferred.[/img] [img]Character Image // Gif // Aesthetic[/img]
[color=][i]"insert character quote here"[/i] -[b]Quote author[/b][/color][/center]
[color=][b]Name[/b] [/color] [INDENT](and nickname, if applicable)[/INDENT]
[color=][b]Title[/b] [/color] [INDENT](crown prince, crown princess, prince, princess, etc-include if they are heir to throne here)[/INDENT]
[color=][b]Appearance[/b][/color] [INDENT]Can be paragraphs or bullets following this guideline: [list][*][b][color=Hair:[/color][/b] Color | Type | How it's usually styled or worn [*][b][color=]Eyes:[/color][/b] Color [*][b][color=]Height:[/color][/b] In feet and inches [*][b][color=]Body Type:[/color][/b] Figure, build, etc. [*][b][color=]Clothing Style:[/color][/b] Type of Fashion | Examples of clothing items they wear frequently or that can be found in their closet [*][b][color=]Makeup Wise:[/color][/b] If applicable. If not feel free to delete. [*][b][color=]Scars, Tattoos and/or Piercings:[/color][/b] Self-explanatory.[/list][/INDENT]
[color=][b]Personality[/b][/color] [INDENT](bullet form or paragraph)[/INDENT]
[color=][b]Likes // Dislikes[/b][/color] [INDENT](self-explanatory - at least five of each.)[/INDENT]
[color=][b]Biography[/b] [/color] [INDENT](at least one paragraph)[/INDENT]
[color=][b]Betrothed[/b] [/color] [INDENT](TBD if you don't know yet; N/A if not betrothed. can be edited later)[/INDENT]
[color=][b]Other[/b][/color] Faceclaim // Color Code[INDENT] (add anything you want; fun aesthetic-y stuff; please use hiders for any of these, pets, fun facts, etc)[/INDENT]
[center][h1][color=]Character Name[/color][/h1] [img]Character Image[/img] [color=6ecff6]{[/color][i]"Quote"[/i][color=6ecff6]}[/color] ⚜ Respects ~*~ ☯ Neutral ~*~ ☮ Friends ~*~ ♫ Best Friends ~*~ § Tense ~*~ ♥ Crush ~*~ ⚤ Significant Other ~*~ ☠ Enemies [/center][center] Symbol [color=][b]Name[/b][/color] Symbol [i]"Thoughts on person"[/i] Relation Details Symbol [color=][b]Name[/b][/color] Symbol [i]"Thoughts on person"[/i] Relation Details Symbol [color=][b]Name[/b][/color] Symbol [i]"Thoughts on person"[/i] Relation Details Symbol [color=][b]Name[/b][/color] Symbol [i]"Thoughts on person"[/i] Relation Details Symbol [color=][b]Name[/b][/color] Symbol [i]"Thoughts on person"[/i] Relation Details Symbol [color=][b]Name[/b][/color] Symbol [i]"Thoughts on person"[/i] Relation Details Symbol [color=][b]Name[/b][/color] Symbol [i]"Thoughts on person"[/i] Relation Details Symbol [color=][b]Name[/b][/color] Symbol [i]"Thoughts on person"[/i] Relation Details Symbol [color=][b]Name[/b][/color] Symbol [i]"Thoughts on person"[/i] Relation Details Symbol [color=][b]Name[/b][/color] Symbol [i]"Thoughts on person"[/i] Relation Details Symbol [color=][b]Name[/b][/color] Symbol [i]"Thoughts on person"[/i] Relation Details Symbol [color=][b]Name[/b][/color] Symbol [i]"Thoughts on person"[/i] Relation Details [/center]
[center][h2][color=]Official Kingdom Name Image text header preferred.[/color][/h2]
[img]Image relating to your kingdom. Flag, prized crop, etc.[/img]
[color=][i]Insert caption about picture here[/i][/color][/center]
[color=][b] Kingdom Name[/b] [/color] [INDENT](the most commonly used name and/or variations thereof; ex-China for PRC, USA/America for United States of America, etc)[/INDENT]
[color=][b]King and Queen[/b] [/color] [INDENT](include names, at the very least. can also include pics and personality, but it's optional)[/INDENT]
[color=][b]Kingdom Colors[/b] [/color] [INDENT](if you have specific color code in mind, include it here)[/INDENT]
[color=][b]What The Kingdom Is Known For[/b] [/color] [INDENT](what is it famous for? any stereotypes we should be aware of? etc)[/INDENT]
[color=][b]Recent // Relevant Kingdom History[/b] [/color] [INDENT](try to keep this concise/include a TL;DR if you end up writing more than a couple paragraphs-this is meant for quick, easy reference)[/INDENT]
[color=][b]Other[/b] [/color] [INDENT](add anything you want, such as religion, caste systems, languages, etc.)[/INDENT]
"Don't expect flowers to fall off my tongue. I only spit out storms." -Unknown
Raven Aster Willow
Ray -- Usually the very first nickname anyone ever uses. She doesn't really mind this one.
Rave -- This is the one she can't stand. It makes her sound like a weird disco party.
Crown Princess.
Panaromantic Demisexual --- Raven is attracted to and will date anyone, but will not be sexually attracted until a strong form is bond with someone.
Hair: Brown | Falls three inches below her shoulder blades // Frizzy // Wavy | Left to free fall, in a ponytail, or braided. Most of her hairstyles involve some sort of braid.
Eyes: Electric Blue.
Height: five feet, five inches.
Body Type: Thin, fit hourglass.
Clothing Style: Royally Rebellious | While Raven enjoys dressing in the fancy dresses that royals usually wear, she finds more comfort in her own style. In her closet you can find dresses, lots of red, lots of black, ripped jeans, a ton of high heeled shoes and boots, different types stockings - usually ripped, various pieces of jewelry, tank-tops, over sized sweaters, etc. Most of her outfits have turned quite a few heads in the royal tabloids.
Raven - like her father - is proud and take pride in what she does. She's been told more than once that her hubris will be her downfall. One thing that most people notice is her short temper, like her mother. While she doesn't really have outbursts, her anger is more passive aggressive. Sharp remarks and sneaky glares are more than common. Despite her similarities with her parents, Raven is the reserved kind, always have said to keep her feelings under lock and key. So reserved, it is said by some, that the girl is not able to feel emotion at all. Years of reading in the royal library have added to her intelligence, giving the girl lot's of conversation topics to talk about.
Raven is a girl with a witty comeback for just about anything. Despite her ability to go about, make friends and carry on conversation at major events, the girl is actually really quiet. She is also very head strong and independent - hence some of her outfit choices. Once she gets an idea she tends to run with it. The young may come off as sweet and kind to people who get to know her - which isn't wrong. Raven has a big heart, and knows how to have fun just like anyone else. Don't be fooled; just because she is sweet and polite doesn't mean that she can't be bitter and cruel. After all, vengeance is a meal best served cold.
Likes // Dislikes
■ Thunderstorms, or just rain in general. ■ Writing. ■ Animals. All animals - especially dogs and horses. ■ Helping her 'subjects.' ■ Deep Conversation. ■ The Royal Library. Over the years it is said that this has become the girls sanctuary of sorts. ■ Starry nights. ■ Poetry ■ The sunset. ■ People with pretty eyes. Hazel and green are her favorite. ■ Funny people. ■ Playing cards. Spades, Poker, etc. ■ Sword Fighting. □ Having others do things for her. As the girl would put it: "I can take care of myself just fine." □ Broken Promises. □ Being told she's not allowed to do something. Seeing as she's the headstrong type, being told not to just seems to make Raven want to do it even more. □ Etiquette Lessons (Balancing the book on her head, etc.) □ Physical touching with people that she does not know all that well. □ Snow. □ Over-controlling governments. □ Overly religious people. □ The color yellow. □ Skittles. □ Valentines Day.
Raven grew up in what could be considered a loving home, at the least. From the time she was born, her parents felt the need for her to be involved with her country through and through. Therefor, the little princess was taken out on ever royal outing imaginable. Being the princess of one of the most main and well known Kingdoms only made things harder. The girl has been expected all of her life to what could be considered next to flawless. This came as a tough challenge to her, considering her rebelliousness. Thankfully she never really had to live under her older sister Vivian's shadow. Growing up the girls were treated just the same, and the kingdom loved them both.
The children loved their princess, always wanting to dance, sing or play with her in the Town Square when she visited. The adults enjoyed her intellectual conversation, and soon the tabloids speculated that she may one day be an even stronger leader than her father. One might think that this would cause a rivalry between her and Vivian, but it didn't. While Raven took on the more hands on leader approach, her sister dreamed of a life that was more that of traditional values.
Raven always knew that she would be betrothed to a young man one day, but this stirred up conflicting feelings. Raven had always made it public that she could take care of herself, never needing anyone to point her in the right direction. If she was ever to marry she would prefer it to be out of love. She spoke of it to her parents one night at dinner, but was quickly silenced by the wave of her fathers hand. Raven was given a speech about how it was tradition and that she would have to simply 'suck it up'. Upon Vivian's betrothal, Raven was tasked with planning the wedding, as well as the celebrations leading up to and after the ceremony. While completely unexpected, Raven didn't mind the new task and the responsibility that came with it.
Other Kaya Scodelario // Color Code
-Speaks Spanish, French, and some broken Latin. -Despite being reserved, Raven is quite the happy party type drunk. Alcohol seems to be her best friend as of late, causing some concern from the people closest to her. -Owns two horses, Hades and Aurora. Hades is solid black, and Aurora is solid white. Both of them are Mustangs. -Owns a solid brown Newfoundland hound called Ares. -Started horseback riding at 5. -Started sparing lessons at 6. -Has a Twitter with 877k followers. -Her Instagram has 3.8 million followes. -She has 900k followers on Snapchat.
An Aciran model showing off one of the latest styles of ballgowns in Aciras.
Their fashion -- mostly the lavish ballgowns and dresses. Most of the best designers live in Aciras.
Their festivities -- large carnivals, dances, fireworks, etc. If you attend and Aciran party, you know that the memories will last a lifetime.
One of their most sold crops is the red delicious apple.
They breed and sell mustang horses.
For being one of the most wealthy nations, but also one of the most wasteful.
Their military is very large and skilled. Aciras rarely loses a war.
Aciras welcomes any and all immigrants from other countries
Pop-culture: Aciras is a hub for music, art, religion, movies, food, and just about anything else you can think of. Their culture is spread far and wide and is known by just about everyone.
The food -- Being a melting pot for culture, it's no surprise that you can find all different foods from all over the world in Aciras.
The sterotype of an Aciran is typically said to be overly patriotic, obsessed with their right to defend themselves (aka guns), and a workaholic. The 'good' sterotypes of Acirans would be their generosity, and optimism.
Aciras is home to the apple pie, and BBQ.
Recent // Relevant Kingdom History
-Founded in 1476, the Kingdom of Aciras broke away from the Kingdom of Estonia in order to gain their religious freedom. Estonia was a very strict Catholic kingdom, and enforced their religion on the people living there in harsh ways. The war lasted for eight years, and eventually the people of Aciras won their freedom. -In the year of 1861, the country had another war. The currently ruling family of Rollings was leading the kingdom into times of famine. The ruling king spent his money frivolously, leaving next to nothing for repairs, paying the towns people, etc. It was the commander of the army - Christopher Willow - who would eventually become king when the war was over in 1866. The Willow family has been ruling ever since. -When 1929 came around, another war ensued with Aciras' neighboring kingdom, Lindale. This lead the Acirans into a time of economical depression as all the money was being spent on the war. The people of Aciras chose this time to grow closer together as a community, however, and after seven years the war was won. It still took some time for the Kingdom to get back up and running into it's former glory, but Aciras came back stronger than ever.
The most common religion in Aciras is Christianity.
The Aciran currency is the same as US currency.
Their public school systems are mediocre.
Almost 330 million people live in Aciras.
The country is worth 130 trillion dollars.
Acirans take way to much pride in baseball and football, and, well, just about everything.
On the outside looking in, Asher is a charming young man. He has a way with the ladies, and isn't scared to flirt. He is rather attentive, often leading to moments in conversations where people are shocked that he remembers small details from a story they told months ago. He's a regular everyday guy, doing his best to impress. He's extremely competitive, and loves a challenge. Rather charismatic, when Asher speaks, people tend to listen. A people pleaser, he often tends to bite his tongue when things upset him.
Underneath his skin, Asher is a troubled boy. He punches walls to release his frustrations. He drinks whiskey in order to laugh. He smokes cigarettes to stop his hands from shaking. He plays piano to calm his nerves. Sex is nothing but a way to release frustration. Asher is fiercely loyal, and protects the ones he loves. When he fails at that, he becomes extremely upset. He is his biggest critic, and his worst downfall.
Aside from that, he's a major fuckboy.
Likes // Dislikes
● Summer. ● The ocean - especially when it storms. ● Spicy foods. ● The outdoors. ● Cliff diving ● Horseback riding and just about anything to do with horses. ● Sparing ● Playing card games such as spades or poker. ● Surfing. ● Ink pens. ● City lights. ○ Always having to be poised. ○ Ignorance ○ Broccoli ○ Having everything he says criticized and dissected. ○ Two-faced people. ○ Narrow minded people. ○ Wasteful people. ○ Bow-ties ○ Horror movies - The plots suck and the gore is meh.
Asher was born into a marriage that wasn't sunshine, rainbows, and kisses. Instead his parents never learned to love each other, which caused the man to grow up in an environment where arguments took place more often than not. While his mother did her best to care for her son, his father was what some may consider an evil man. King Liam was abusive towards his wife and son, often throwing things at them, hitting them with belts, and other things.
Other Dave Franco // 00D0FF -Plays piano -Smokes Marlboro Reds. He covers the smell of the cigarette smoke with cologne the best that he can, though not so much cologne as to suffocate himself or any others. -Speaks Russian, Spanish, French, German and Portuguese.
[color=]Official Kingdom Name Image text header preferred.[/color]
[color=]Insert caption about picture here[/color]
Kingdom Name
Notia (No-sha) // The Land of Ice, The Land of Oceans.
-Their gorgeous oceans and high rising cliffs. -Islands and fields full of wild horses and flowers. -Their inventions: the atomic bomb, the cellphone, etc. Notia is known to be very technologically advanced. -They are very medically advanced as well. Most doctors and inventors come from Notia. -The typical stereotype of a Notian would be a pompous, stuck up, know it all. -According to studies, they have the best public schools, and very esteemed colleges. -Most of the people from Notia actually have brown eyes. -Known for their hellish winters. The average snowfall in Notia is three feet. The average temperature during the winter day for Notia is 16 degrees. The average low is -23. -They make most of their money from their medical advances, vodka, their technology.
Recent // Relevant Kingdom History
- The Kingdom of Notia was established in 1200. -Though a peaceful kingdom, Notia has been in two wars, occurring in the years 1582 and 1894. Both times they were victorious. - The Alcott family rose to power after the first war, as it was a revolution. The people demanded a new leader, and saw their commander fit to be the new king. The Alcott family has been ruling ever since.
Welcome to Rosefell High. Located in Columbus Ohio, Rosefell is not known for being glamorous. A few things that it is known for however is over crowded classrooms, horrible lunches, and nearly non existent arts programs. Surprisingly enough, their sports teams are actually half decent, and have managed to put a few championships under their belt. It’s said that Rosefell is one of the worst schools in the state academically. The classrooms are overcrowded, teachers underpaid, and the dropout rates are high. Students often sneak drugs and alcohol into their lockers. Fights are more common than not, and detention always seems to be full. Follow your characters as they make their way through the struggle known as life.
Hey guys! Here we have another high school RP created by yours truly. First off, thanks so much for the interest! Secondly - in this RP, we will be playing Junior and Senior (Grades 11 & 12) students at Rosefell High School. The RP will follow your characters as they struggle with relationships, grades, and the like while the GM will create different scenarios for the characters to be in. Our goal is to try and make it all the way to the end of the RP, with the end being prom and graduation.
First and for most, this is a character driven RP. Make sure that you communicate with your fellow writers outside of the RP, as well as having your characters interact IC wise.
The writing expectations for this RP is that of casual. I will expect two well written paragraphs for each post minimum. More is great, though quality over quantity is best!
The maximum amount of time between posts allowed for this RP is Fourteen days. I will expect one post for each of your characters every fourteen days. Deadlines will be every other Sunday at Midnight, Pacific Standard time. Extensions will be given until the following Wednesday if needed. Communication is key, and if you are not going to be able to post for a decent amount of time, DM/PM me and we'll try to work something out. If you work with me, I will do my best to work with you.
If you miss a deadline, your characters will be put on hiatus until the next deadline. For example, if you miss a post for the second, you will not be able to post with your characters until the sixteenth. If you go hiatus twice, you will be removed from the RP. Being stuck in a collab is not an excuse for missing a deadline.
To let me know that you have read the rules, put what your favorite thing about Christmas is in the extra section of your character sheet.
Please allow two people to post before you post again. This does not include if you are posting separately for your characters back to back.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns - please PM/DM me and I will address them to the best of my ability. Same goes if tou are having any problems with any of the writers in the group.
This should go without saying, but no Mary-Sue or Gary-Stu characters!
There is a three character limit for this RP - but please DO NOT take on more than you can handle. Give all of your characters equal attention. Please try and keep the gender ratios even! It's not required, but if I see we have way to many of one gender as opposed to the other, I will enforce this rule.
Real life faceclaims only!! Your faceclaim needs to look around the age of 16-18 as that is the ages of the characters we will be playing. GM has the right to deny and faceclaim they feel does not meet this criteria.
You are allowed to customize the character sheet any way you feel like, just so long as you do not remove any sections.
Please post completed character sheets in the OOC for GM review. GM reserves the right to accept, deny, or make suggestions to your sheet as they see fit.
[hider=Character Nickname or Name][center][img]Character Text Header[/img] [img]Picture/Gif/Aesthetic of character[/img][/center] [color=]Name[/color] [indent]First Middle Last[/indent] [color=]Nickames[/color] [indent]As many as you want or none at all![/indent] [color=]Age[/color] [indent]16-18[/indent] [color=]Gender[/color] [indent]Self-explanatory[/indent] [color=]Sexuality[/color] [indent]Self-explanatory[/indent] [color=]Relationship Status[/color] [indent]Self-explanatory[/indent] [color=]Label[/color] [indent]Jock, Thespian, Prep, Band Geek, you get it.[/indent] [color=]Appearance Details[/color] Can be paragraphs or bullets following this guideline: [list][*][b]Hair:[/b] Color | Type | How it's usually styled or worn [*][b]Eyes:[/b] Color [*][b]Height:[/b] In feet and inches [*][b]Body Type:[/b] Figure, build, etc. [*][b]Clothing Style:[/b] Type of Fashion | Examples of clothing items they wear frequently or that can be found in their closet [*][b]Makeup Wise:[/b] If applicable. If not feel free to delete. [*][b]Scars, Tattoos and/or Piercings:[/b] Self-explanatory. Tattoos will only be allowed in characters that are 18 years of age.[/list] [color=]Personality Traits[/color] [indent]Positive and negative, as many as you want. Can also be done in paragraph form[/indent] [color=]Biography[/color] [indent]1 or 2 paragraphs about your character and how they got to where they’re at today. [/indent] [color=]Family[/color] [indent]List of family members. A collage of images can be included[/indent] [color=]Misc.[/color] [indent]Face Claim | Color Code Any extra things you want to say about your character that haven't been covered in the previous sections such as extracurricular, what car they drive, etc.[/indent][/hider]
The character acceptance deadline for this RP is Sunday, December 15th. We will start the RP Sunday, December 22nd. These dates are not set in stone, and are subject to move to an earlier date if the need arises.
If you would like to reserve a FC and/or color code, please post below.
-Ari -Jay -AJ -Ace (she's an awesome poker player.) -Nerd
Eighteen (18)
Female. She/her pronouns.
"Girls are just so... mesmerizing. Majestic. Gorgeous. Sweet. Dangerous. They're perfect."
She's gay. Hella gay.
Relationship Status
The Awkward Somewhat Nerdy Jock.
Appearance Details
Hair: Blonde // Falls to her shoulder blades // Usually left down, braided, or tucked/hidden under a beanie.
Eyes: Blue-gray. More gray than blue.
Height: Five feet, four inches.
Body Type: Slim hourglass.
Clothing Style: Nerdy Tomboy || Beanies // Converse // Converse high tops // Skinny jeans - most of them ripped // Lose fitting t-shirts // Tank tops // halter tops // Tons of sweaters // Random jewelry // Skirts // Dresses // Two random pairs of heels
Makeup Wise: Mascara and chap-stick. Very occasionally she will wear eye shadow and such.
Scars, Tattoos and/or Piercings: Two lobe piercings on each ear // Industrial piercing on her right ear // Belly button is pierced // Multiple self harm scars on wrists and thighs.
Personality Traits
+ Natural Leader - Stubborn + Friendly - Blunt + Heart of Gold - Sarcastic + Loyal - Struggles with Anxiety + Extremely smart - Jumps to conclusions + Creative - Over Thinker
Aria was raised in a nurturing, loving home right up until the age of twelve. During that childhood bliss, Arias family (her, her parents, and her brother Jared) were as close as could be. They couldn't take that many vacations, and Aria didn't always have everything she wanted - but her parents always did their best. Money was tight with her dad working at a mechanic shop, and her mom at the local diner. They had just enough money to live comfortably. At the unfortunate age of twelve, however, Aria's mother died in a car crash. Her father became hallow and distant from there on out, using alcohol to cope on his bad days. Liam tried to make sure that his children knew that he still loved them. Unfortunately, the family was just never the same.
Aria realized that she liked girls at the age of thirteen. She had never really been attracted to boys, even though people acted like she should be. Middle school came with a new set of challenges. Aria had never been the best a public speaking, and presentation projects seemed to be a frequent thing for most of her classes. The more she stuttered, the more she was bullied. She loved to read and code things on the computer. Bullying made to to where she didn't even want to go to school anymore. Jared was there for her when he could be, but he was two years older than her. His main focus was football and girls.
At the age of fourteen, Aria entered high school. High school was more of a hell then she ever could have imagined. She became emotionally distant like her father, and felt trapped not being able to be in a relationship like the other kids. Being gay was becoming more and more accepted, but it didn't make anything easier for her. She started self-harming half way into her Freshman year. Her English teacher suggested that maybe she should try out for the softball team, and so she did. The softball team was just looking for an extra person to fill up their roster. Instead, what they got was their star pitcher. She played softball for all four years of high school, and poured herself into her studies.
Sophomore year was more of a hell than ever. Aria was self-harming practically every day, and people asked questions as to why she always wore long sleeves or multiple bracelets all the time. She became more and more depressed as time went on, but coming out to her family made things just a little easier - though it didn't stop the self harming and depression. Jared was the first person Aria ever came out to, which gave her the confidence to do so with her father. There was a girl at school which she had a major crush on, and who just so happened to like her back. They started dating that summer.
Junior year was also really tough. Aria practiced pitching more and more, trying to drown out the world around her with things she could focus on and was good at. Liam moved out of the house, leaving Aria to take care of her father. Senior year doesn't look like it's shaping up to be any better but maybe - just maybe - things can get better.
Liam Herondale // Father // Age forty-seven // Full time mechanic and alcoholic.
- Hopes to become a nurse. - Works as a part time waitress at Rhonda's Dinner. - Drives a Baby Blue 1969 Camero Z28. She inherited it from her grandfather. - Loves to cook. - She's a dog person, but also loves cats. - L O V E S nature. Virginia 'Ginny' Gardner | 00ee54
Hair: Dark Brown | Mediumish boy cut length. It's short in the back, and left a little longer in the front. | Typically brushed back so that it looks like a wave in the front.
Eyes: Baby Blue.
Height: Six foot.
Body Type: Ectomorph - Tall and a little lanky, Elijah also does have a fair amount of muscle.
Clothing Style: Casual Nerd | Jeans, Khakis, skinny jeans, graphic tees, Chuck Taylors, flannel, the one leather jacket he almost always wears.
Scars, Tattoos and/or Piercings: He has a tongue piercing.
Personality Traits
-Optimistic -Loves nearly all things science. -Hopeless Romantic -Sarcastic -Blunt -Friendly -Prankster -Impulsive -Impatient
Born and raised in Columbus Ohio, Elijah is the middle child of the family. His father works at the local steakhouse as the head chef, and his mother is a cashier at the local hardware store. The family never had much money, and Eli's clothes were mainly hand me downs from his older brother. His parents spent most of their time pulling extra shifts when they could, leaving his older brother Lucas to take care of him and his younger brother Alex. The boys were always close.
School has never really been an eventful thing for Elijah. While some will call him a nerd due to his love of things like science and Harry Potter, Eli has never cared. He has his own group of close friends, and that's what counts. His grades have always been stuck somewhere between B's and C's. The young man hasn't really thought of his future much, and likes to live in the moment.
Sarah O'Malley // Mother // Cashier at Jake's Hardware // Age forty-five. Robert O'Malley // Father // Head Chef at Huskers Bar and Grill // Age forty-seven Lucas O'Malley // Older Brother // Part time waiter at Huskers & Full-time business student. // Age twenty-two Alex O'Malley // Younger Brother // Age fifteen.
Blake Steven | 6CCDEB -Quotes vines basically 24/7. -Refuses to accept tictok as the new vine. Wishes that tictok would burn in hell fire. -Always has the best memes. -Is a slut for Starbucks iced caramel macchiato. -Loves conspiracy theories. -He and his brothers all share a red 2013 ford escape for long trips. He usually uses his bike to get around town.
Hair: Black | Super super curly. | Morgan likes to leave her hair mostly natural. Most of the time it is just left down to do it's own thing as it is not easy to tame. Occasionally she will straighten it or tie it up.
Eyes: Brown.
Height: Five feet, one inch.
Body Type: Morgan is what would be considered a fit hourglass. While her stomach is flat, it does have some pudge. Her thighs are considered thick, and she has more bust than booty - though her butt is noticeable.
Clothing Style: Casual Gamer Girl Esque | Baggy t-shirts usually with the design of a band or videogame. Skinny jeans, Converse high tops, various leather cord bracelets with bands, beads and charm designs, chokers, crop tops, skirts, some dresses, thigh high socks, etc.
Makeup Wise: Mascara, lipstick, eyeliner - Morgan loves makeup, though tries to keep it light unless for special occasions.
Scars, Tattoos and/or Piercings: Nipples are pierced. She also has double lobe piercings in each ear. A few small scars on her face along the jawline due to acne.
Born to a single mother, Morgan has never known her father. Her mother bounced from man to man most of Morgans early childhood. Parties were a regular thing in the house. During these parties Morgans mother Aliyah would send her to her room to play the xbox (a gift from Morgans uncle) or watch TV. Aliyah overdosed when Morgan was ten, causing her uncle to take her in.
Life with Richard was a much better life for the young woman. She had new clothes, food and school supplies when needed. Having a proper caretaker made it easier for her to concentrate in school as well. Richard always encouraged her to do the things that she loved such as playing videogames. When she turned fourteen, he got her a gaming headset for her birthday. When she turned sixteen, they agreed that it would be a good thing for her to do twitch streams and earn money that way. While Richard has never been a rich man, and there were times they struggled, Morgan is grateful for what her father has done for her.
For the most part of high school, Morgan has stayed out of trouble, though she has gotten into a fight here and there. The young woman has been known to smoke weed outside of class as well. She doesn't consider herself one of the super popular kids, and she's okay with that.
A lot has changed in the last year for Morgan. She's become more serious about her gaming than ever, getting some attention from pro leagues and even having pro gamers join her streams. People have been sending her money for new gear, and even just sending her random gifts. Aside from her gaming, Morgan has gotten curious about her sexuality. While she's always known that she's liked boys, she believes that she may like girls as well.
Richard Sinclair // Uncle // Works full time at a local factory // Age forty-one.
Shereen Cutkelvin | FF85CC -She isn't one to drink and the only drug she's ever tried is weed. -Drives a black 95 Honda Civic -Babysits for a few families in town. -Her dreams are to get out of Ohio and explore the world, as well as become a pro gamer. -Loves hip-hop, older R&B and rock music. -Her true love is pizza. There is never a time where she will not eat pizza. Her favorite kind is deep dish supreme with no onions, extra cheese and extra banana peppers.
"From punching you in the nose, to leaving holes in your walls and breaking your Playstation... it's easy to see why some people might not think we're the best for each other. But when it comes down to it, I don't really care what they think. Even though some of your asshole still shines through, I couldn't think of anyone else I'd rather get a domestic violence charge for. I know if you ever read this, you'd probably just laugh and roll your eyes, but yeah. I'm being serious. Thanks for being my favorite pain in the ass babe.
Kavan - "While we've never been the closest, Kavan and I do share a love for writing and the Mistfits. We've compared a few pieces before, and he's easily one of the most talented people that I know. He's considered one of the Misfits, so while we aren't the closest, I'd still fight for him."
Marisol - "Dear gods, where do I begin? I'm glad that Marisol gave me a second change. I'm still not sure why she did, exactly, but yeah - I'm glad. I've missed our sleep overs, late night talks and general shitting on boys. One day I'll sit down and explain everything when it came to my disappearance, but I need to grow a way bigger pair for that. I can't wait to see what the rest of Senior year has in store for Mari and I. Here's to raising a shit ton of hell."
Sonny - "It's no surprise that everyone's favorite asshole has a special place in my heart. Aside from Marisol, he was probably the second closest to me, Archer following very closely behind. It's nice to see that Sonny never skipped a beat when it came to me being part of the Misfits or not. Funny how the biggest jackass of us all is also the most accepting."
Shawna - "Where would I ever be without my Rage Fueling Angel? Probably four hundred dollars richer, but hey - Kavi had that coming. Thanks to Shawna I know have the best drinking partner ever, and someone I can literally just go to to bitch about anything. Whatever the universe had to move around to get us to meet, I'm glad it worked out."
Archer - "Archer was the first person I can clean to about the situation with my dad. He didn't push me, but let me know he was there. I'm not sure if he realizes how much I needed someone to help me carry that burden and just be there without the pushing. He put his friendship on the line with Marisol with being friends with me first before anyone else again. Literally the only good thing to come out of Homecoming was reuniting with Archer."
If you have received this letter, you are about to be given the chance of a lifetime. I am inviting you to my home for one night. I will be hosting a masquerade party that will give you the chance to walk free. The chance to be cleared of your crimes. The chance to start again. A new house. A new car. A new identity. I have take the liberties of arranging transportation. You will also find that I have gifted you your attire for the evening. Please come dressed and prepared for a night filled with fun and surprises.
In this RP, you will be playing the part of a character with a mental disorder. Your character has previously been locked up in prison for violent and abhorrent crimes, or a mental institution in order to receive special treatments, etc. They were invited to the party by a renowned psychiatrist. Over the course of the RP, your character will be studying the other characters in hopes of figuring out what disorder the other party has. At the same time, you will do your best to keep your disorder hidden throughout the night, and more so, you as the writer will slowly give away clues/traits to what your character's illness may or may not be. You know what's so fun about this? You never know which one is a predator and which one is a prey. If you get your guess wrong - you die. If you refuse to play - you die. If you get the answer correct - you get to live and live the rest of your life as a free person. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a fancier version of hunger games gathering twisted masked figures with bipolar disorders, dissociative personalities, high functioning psychopathy and more than you can fathom. Not only their faces are hidden, but so are their intentions. Only the smart can expose which trait defines a member. Only the observant can thrive.
Keep in mind that this is a character driven RP. Make sure that you communicate with your fellow writers outside of the RP, as well as having your characters interact IC wise. While the GM will help to move the story forward, you characters will make decisions that keep the story going.
The writing expectations for this RP is that of casual. I will expect two well written paragraphs for each post minimum. More is great, though quality over quantity is best!
The maximum amount of time between posts allowed for this RP is Twenty-one days. I will expect one post for each of your characters every twenty-one days. Deadlines will be every on Sunday at Midnight, Pacific Standard time. Extensions will be given until the following Wednesday if needed. Communication is key, and if you are not going to be able to post for a decent amount of time, DM/PM me and we'll try to work something out. If you work with me, I will do my best to work with you.
If you miss a deadline, your characters will be put on hiatus until the next deadline. For example, if you miss a post for the second of the month, you will not be able to post with your characters until the twenty-third of the month. If you go hiatus twice, you will be removed from the RP. Being stuck in a collab is not an excuse for missing a deadline. If it comes down to it, post what you have.
To let me know that you have read the rules, put your current favorite song in the extra section of your Character Sheet.
This RP has a darker theme to it. The GM would love for there to be some funny moments as well though. Keep in mind that murder, mental disorders and other such things will be of common talk and mention in this RP.
I will not fact check you on how you chose to portray your chosen disorder. HOWEVER, please do your best to research and fully understand your chosen disorder. This RP is not the place to disrespect people who have these disorders.
Please allow two people to post before you post again. This does not include if you are posting separately for your characters back to back.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns - please PM/DM me and I will address them to the best of my ability. Same goes if you are having any problems with any of the writers in the group.
This should go without saying, but no Mary-Sue or Gary-Stu characters!
There is three character limit for this RP - but please DO NOT take on more than you can handle. Give all of your characters equal attention. An even gender ratio is not required, or enforced. It would be interesting to see as much diversity among the cast as possible.
Real life faceclaims only!! Your faceclaim can be of any age.
You are allowed to customize the character sheet any way you feel like when it comes to the aesthetics. Do not add or remove any sections for either of the sheets. Furthermore, do not add anything to your sheet after it is approved without contacting the GM first.
Please PM completed character sheets to the GM team for review on the Guild. You will be completing a shorter CS to be posted in the character tab, and a longer, more thorough sheet for the GM. Both need to be PMed for approval.
Only two characters will be allowed to have the same disorder. Feel free to ask me in the Discord if your chosen disorder is available.
[center][img]Character Text Header[/img] [img]Picture/Gif/Aesthetic of character[/img][/center] [color=]Name[/color] [indent]First Middle Last[/indent] [color=]Nickames[/color] [indent]As many as you want or none at all![/indent] [color=]Age[/color] [indent][/indent] [color=]Gender[/color] [indent]Self-explanatory[/indent] [color=]Sexuality[/color] [indent]Self-explanatory[/indent] [color=]Appearance Details[/color] [indent]Please give at least one paragraph describing your characters appearance. Scars, piercings, height, eye color, etc. You can also do this in a detailed bullet point format.[/indent] [color=]The Attire[/color] [indent]If you post pictures, please do it in aesthetic/collage form or in a hider. Otherwise, please use links. There should at least be pictures of the mask and dress/suit. You can also do gloves and other things if you really want to go into detail. [/indent] [color=]Personality Traits[/color] [indent]Positive and negative, as many as you want. Can also be done in paragraph form[/indent] [color=]The Disorder[/color] [indent]What disorder/illness does your character have?[/indent] [color=]The Crime[/color] [indent]If your character is coming from jail/prison, they will have a crime. If they are coming from a mental institution and were not put in there as an alternative to jail, then there will be no crime. If there was no crime committed, please delete this section. Include the details of the crime. How did they do it? Was it a crime of passion? How much time are they serving for their crime? [/indent] [color=]Biography[/color] [indent]1 or 2 paragraphs about your character and how they got to where they’re at today. Detailed bullet form is also accepted. [/indent] [color=]Misc.[/color] [indent]Face Claim | Color Code Any extra things you want to say about your character that haven't been covered in the previous sections such as allergies, favorite colors, etc.[/indent]
[center][img]Character Text Header[/img] [img]Picture/Gif/Aesthetic of character[/img][/center] [color=]Name[/color] [indent]First Middle Last[/indent] [color=]Nickames[/color] [indent]As many as you want or none at all![/indent] [color=]Age[/color] [indent][/indent] [color=]Gender[/color] [indent]Self-explanatory[/indent] [color=]Sexuality[/color] [indent]Self-explanatory[/indent] [color=]Appearance Details[/color] [indent]Please give at least one paragraph describing your characters appearance. Scars, piercings, height, eye color, etc. You can also do this in a detailed bullet point format.[/indent] [color=]The Attire[/color] [indent]If you post pictures, please do it in aesthetic/collage form or in a hider. Otherwise, please use links. There should at least be pictures of the mask and dress/suit. You can also do gloves and other things if you really want to go into detail. [/indent] [color=]Biography[/color] [indent]1 or 2 paragraphs about your character and how they got to where they’re at today. Detailed bullet form is also accepted. [/indent] [color=]Misc.[/color] [indent]Face Claim | Color Code Any extra things you want to say about your character that haven't been covered in the previous sections such as allergies, favorite colors, etc.[/indent]