Plummeting through the air was not a pleasant experience. The cool winds of spring had been overshadowed by the turbulent resistance that failed to meaningfully slow one's fall. Above you, a warm yellow sun idled in the sky. Clouds deftly moved alongside the wind, concealing only a portion of the great blue above. Beneath you, a great meadow of wildflowers made their claim in the land. Despite being surrounded by trees, the gaps in the forest let the spring air in. The flowers moved with the breeze, snapping back straight every few seconds. A gentle river cut out of the forest and across the meadow, wide enough to require a log bridge across. In the center of the meadow, a great stone obelisk was carved. Though, from one's bird's eye view, it was impossible to make out any of the intricate details it possessed. Besides being made from a gray rock, the only detail that one could make out was that it was pointy and landing on it would most likely result in death.
And it was getting closer.
As the distant flowers quickly grew in size, one could only wonder what kind of rebirth this was. The speed was so great that, even though one could shift and contort their body, it was impossible to adjust where one fell. Within ten meters of each other, everyone had collided with the rapidly approaching ground. Though, instead of the rapid-crushing of organs due to the instant-deceleration of the sudden traumatic event, each of the newly reborn heroes had felt as though they had landed onto a soft pillow. The meadow itself, however, was a different story. The wildflowers around the various landing points had been replaced by dusty craters. Flowers were crushed, petals were sent into the air, and a thick plume of dirt erupted and settled atop of them.
They were okay, save for being suddenly assailed by dirt.
Before one could get any respite from their sudden descent into a new world, the galloping of a single horse broke the spring-time ambience. Careening out of the tree line, a lone man atop a chestnut horse revealed himself to the group. The figure's unassuming body had been concealed by an undyed wool cloak, but his emerald eyes were as radiant as they were honest. A massive ear to ear grin filled with child-like enthusiasm appeared as he excitedly yelled.
"Did you just plummet from the sky?!"