Name: 'Stryker'
Age/Race/Gender: 31 year old human male
Appearance: Picture
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Arc-Corp M6 Pistols (x2): Developed by the now-defunct Arc-Corp, these dual Laser pistols are some of Stryker's favorite weapons. They can fire as fast as Stryker can pull the triggers, and are ideal for taking down shields at close-range. They do not use clips, but can overheat if overused.
Blastec AR-15: The Blastec AR-15 was an experimental assault rifle that never made it to the markets, but Stryker got his hands on one anyway. Originally unstable and prone to constant jamming, the rifle required extensive modification to work efficiently. This ballistic rifle is accurate if used correctly, and is a great weapon when used against Armored targets.
Arc-Corp Long Rifle: A standard, bolt-action, military-issue sniper rifle using ballistic ammunition. This high-caliber, anti-personnel weapon is accurate and ideal for eliminating a single target, able to blast through Armor. It is, however, heavier than most small-arms weapons and can be unwieldy.
Stasis Grenades: These sticky grenades emit psionically-charged pulses that disable nearby targets and locks them in stasis for a limited time. Ideal for capturing bounty targets alive.
Armor: Picture
Stryker's Armor: This Powered combat armor uses shielding technology to protect against enemy fire. It is lightweight, and not well-armored, which is why he uses shielding technology. His helmet has an HUD which connects him to the galactic network, and he can use it in conjunction with his gadgets.
Repulsor Boots: These boots are able to use tiny repulsors that allows Stryker to 'fly', similar to a jetpack. These boots are usually used to reach high elevations or evade enemy fire.
Tracking Magnets: Tiny magnets that allow Stryker to track specific targets. They can stick to the side of spacecraft, weapons, and even enemy armor. Their location can be displayed on his helmet's HUD.
Wrist Cable: A wrist-mounted cable that can stick on many solid surfaces, allowing to swing, rappel, and hang.
Wrist-Com: A wrist-mounted mini-computer.
Skills: Stryker is a technician and mechanics expert, as well as a decent pilot. His skills allow him to hack electronics, and he has enough knowledge to work on almost any mechanical system (such as conventional engines). His years working solo and piloting his own personal starship has made him a decent pilot.
Powers: Stryker has no psionic talents.
Combat Class/Role: Leader. Most effective at close-medium range. Specializes in combat strategy, assault rifles, and gadgets.
History: The captain of the Revenant Crew. Stryker has been there from the beginning. He has a mysterious link to the Alliance that has not yet been explained. His time with the crew and the loss of so many under his command has caused him to develop feelings of genuine companionship and responsible for anyone who flies on his ship. He made the call 3 months ago to attack a superior Alliance officer and launch a rescue operation on a Federation prison transport ship to save Grayson, who was captured on a mission. He recently developed romantic feelings for the pilot, Tibulass Sepitan. They hooked up after a mission and decided to pursue a relationship.
Other: Stryker is a bounty hunter who has operated in Deadzone in recent years. He is well-known for bringing in targets alive.
Name: Daniel Grayson AKA Maverick
Age/Race/Gender: 29. Human. Male. Caucasian.
Appearance: 5'11. Pale blue eyes. Jagged scar running from above his right eye to roughly the cheekbone area. Unkempt short dark-brown hair and scraggly goatee with permanent five o'clock shadow. At the start of Chapter 2: Haggard-looking, overgrown, unwashed dark-brown hair, unshaven, uneven beard, dark circles around his eyes. Update: Now clean shaven and trimmed short.
Occupation: Assassin.
1- MARS-388 Tactical Rifle: Prototype Modular Weapon that, with the flick of a switch can re-arrange it's parts to shift functions from a long-range sniper rifle, to a short-range automatic ballistic rifle, and just about anything in between. It also has a experimental CLAR (Concentrated Laser Assault Rifle) mode that is extremely prone to overheating in its current unfinished form.
2- Twin BlackHammer pistols- Fairly standard ballistic sidearms, easily acquired off the black market. Personally customized with Magnetic Grips. In-Line Silencer Toggle and 3-Way Ammo Shift (Light, Heavy, and Shrapnel)
Also has access to a large armory from his black market contacts, which he keeps on-board for general crew use.
Armored using mainly a heavy ballistic weave rather than cumbersome metal plating for effective protection against small-arms fire as well as nimble movement for quick on-the-job escapes. Completely ineffective to laser fire however.
Active Camo: Bends light around him to give the illusion of invisibility. Battery life ranges from 10 minutes (sitting completely still) to 2 minutes or less (when sprinting/running)
Analysis Tool: HUD overlay that identifies weak points on a sighted target. Secondary effect allows for tracking of targets. Synced up to both his helmet and eye implant (see below)
Cyber-Eye Implant in right eye that gives him a helmet-less HUD as well as assists with long-range targeting data.
Spider's Web Belt-mounted grappling cables that can stick to many surfaces, allowing him to suspend or transport himself between specific points. Controlled by a wrist-mounted computer.
Skills: An expert in nearly all forms of weaponry, both in the operation and maintenance department. If he likes you, he'll fix up any damaged weapons, or lend you new ones. His expertise in the art of tactical murder have also led to him developing quite a good tracker's sense.
Powers: No known psionic powers
Combat Class/Role: Sniper. Most effective at medium-long range. Specialties include: Accurate shooting, weapons mastery, weak spot identification. Though his comprehensive assassin training includes a wealth of close-quarters-combat techniques, he prefers to keep a distance.
History: To be edited.
Other: Somewhat unstable. Seems to suffer from some undiagnosed form of a split-personality disorder. Strange accent containing traces of Irish and Australian dialect.
Age/Race/Gender: 29. Human. Male. Caucasian.
Appearance: 5'11. Pale blue eyes. Jagged scar running from above his right eye to roughly the cheekbone area. Unkempt short dark-brown hair and scraggly goatee with permanent five o'clock shadow. At the start of Chapter 2: Haggard-looking, overgrown, unwashed dark-brown hair, unshaven, uneven beard, dark circles around his eyes. Update: Now clean shaven and trimmed short.
Occupation: Assassin.
1- MARS-388 Tactical Rifle: Prototype Modular Weapon that, with the flick of a switch can re-arrange it's parts to shift functions from a long-range sniper rifle, to a short-range automatic ballistic rifle, and just about anything in between. It also has a experimental CLAR (Concentrated Laser Assault Rifle) mode that is extremely prone to overheating in its current unfinished form.
2- Twin BlackHammer pistols- Fairly standard ballistic sidearms, easily acquired off the black market. Personally customized with Magnetic Grips. In-Line Silencer Toggle and 3-Way Ammo Shift (Light, Heavy, and Shrapnel)
Also has access to a large armory from his black market contacts, which he keeps on-board for general crew use.

Armored using mainly a heavy ballistic weave rather than cumbersome metal plating for effective protection against small-arms fire as well as nimble movement for quick on-the-job escapes. Completely ineffective to laser fire however.
Active Camo: Bends light around him to give the illusion of invisibility. Battery life ranges from 10 minutes (sitting completely still) to 2 minutes or less (when sprinting/running)
Analysis Tool: HUD overlay that identifies weak points on a sighted target. Secondary effect allows for tracking of targets. Synced up to both his helmet and eye implant (see below)
Cyber-Eye Implant in right eye that gives him a helmet-less HUD as well as assists with long-range targeting data.
Spider's Web Belt-mounted grappling cables that can stick to many surfaces, allowing him to suspend or transport himself between specific points. Controlled by a wrist-mounted computer.
Skills: An expert in nearly all forms of weaponry, both in the operation and maintenance department. If he likes you, he'll fix up any damaged weapons, or lend you new ones. His expertise in the art of tactical murder have also led to him developing quite a good tracker's sense.
Powers: No known psionic powers
Combat Class/Role: Sniper. Most effective at medium-long range. Specialties include: Accurate shooting, weapons mastery, weak spot identification. Though his comprehensive assassin training includes a wealth of close-quarters-combat techniques, he prefers to keep a distance.
History: To be edited.
Other: Somewhat unstable. Seems to suffer from some undiagnosed form of a split-personality disorder. Strange accent containing traces of Irish and Australian dialect.
Name: SAL-PMA-M005 (Saber AutomLabs Prototype Personality Matrix Automaton Model 005) SAL for short.
Age/Race/Gender: Unknown Age. Robot. Male-Pattern Personality.
Occupation: Assassin.
CerberTech Ballistic Shotgun- A lever-action shotgun that looks comically small in his large hands. Fires standard ballistic short-range scattershot, as well as special explosive rounds.
ArcLight Pulse Pistol- Lightweight and quick firing laser pistol.
Wrist-Mounted Laser Knife- Custom made and designed. For extreme close-encounters only.
Armor: His body is made up of dated, but still effective plating used in traditional Heavy Armor. He's equipped himself with a low-level Powered-Shield emitter for an added (albeit admittedly ineffective) layer of protection.
Powered-Shield Emitter (see 'Armor' section above)
Skills: Intel Analysis. Robotic/cybernetics expert through his study/research into what he is.
Powers: None.
Combat Class/Role: Battle Droid. Most effective at close range. Specializes in shotguns, heavy weaponry and reactionary hand-to-hand melee
History: Prior to Project Revenant, SAL was a gun-for-hire. He has no memory records of his true origins, or how he was granted sentience. He's simply always been a mercenary or contract killer. During the Corvais Wars, he accepted a contract for an ill-fated smuggling mission alongside several other contractors, one of whom was Daniel Grayson, a man he quickly came to resent. The duo barely survived the job with their lives and as punishment for failing to deliver, their employer implanted bombs in their heads equipped with a proximity sensor- as long as they are together, the bombs remain dormant. He saw it as a fitting, if not ironic, punishment- the 2 couldn't stand to be in one another's presence, yet now had to work together if they wanted to continue living.
As a member of Project Revenant, SAL simply kept his vocal processors shut and did his job. When Grayson was taken, it was in his vested interest to lead the charge on a rescue operation. He revealed the nature of the bombs to Stryker, and found new respect for the captain when the man decided to go against their superiors.
Other: Partnered with Maverick. The two are inseparable for some reason, even though neither can really stand the other.
Age/Race/Gender: Unknown Age. Robot. Male-Pattern Personality.

Occupation: Assassin.
CerberTech Ballistic Shotgun- A lever-action shotgun that looks comically small in his large hands. Fires standard ballistic short-range scattershot, as well as special explosive rounds.
ArcLight Pulse Pistol- Lightweight and quick firing laser pistol.
Wrist-Mounted Laser Knife- Custom made and designed. For extreme close-encounters only.
Armor: His body is made up of dated, but still effective plating used in traditional Heavy Armor. He's equipped himself with a low-level Powered-Shield emitter for an added (albeit admittedly ineffective) layer of protection.
Powered-Shield Emitter (see 'Armor' section above)
Skills: Intel Analysis. Robotic/cybernetics expert through his study/research into what he is.
Powers: None.
Combat Class/Role: Battle Droid. Most effective at close range. Specializes in shotguns, heavy weaponry and reactionary hand-to-hand melee
History: Prior to Project Revenant, SAL was a gun-for-hire. He has no memory records of his true origins, or how he was granted sentience. He's simply always been a mercenary or contract killer. During the Corvais Wars, he accepted a contract for an ill-fated smuggling mission alongside several other contractors, one of whom was Daniel Grayson, a man he quickly came to resent. The duo barely survived the job with their lives and as punishment for failing to deliver, their employer implanted bombs in their heads equipped with a proximity sensor- as long as they are together, the bombs remain dormant. He saw it as a fitting, if not ironic, punishment- the 2 couldn't stand to be in one another's presence, yet now had to work together if they wanted to continue living.
As a member of Project Revenant, SAL simply kept his vocal processors shut and did his job. When Grayson was taken, it was in his vested interest to lead the charge on a rescue operation. He revealed the nature of the bombs to Stryker, and found new respect for the captain when the man decided to go against their superiors.
Other: Partnered with Maverick. The two are inseparable for some reason, even though neither can really stand the other.
Name: Moon
Age/Race/Gender: 27. Human Female. Caucasian
Appearance: Very short (5'4) with a lean, slightly muscular build. Pale skin. Blue eyes, shoulder-length Ginger hair, slightly curly, usually always tied up, or held out of her face thanks to a headband. Several tattoos, though only one is easily visible (her old merc company's logo on her left arm). Casual attire usually consists of plain neutral colored t-shirts or tank tops, military-style cargo pants, and combat boots.
Occupation: Mercenary (Medic)
Weapons: SOP-65 Light Assault Rifle: Alliance-standard issue for MedCorps Marines. Technically an SMG with a range-boosting Stabilizer Barrel, the SOP boasts 50 rounds of light ballistic ammunition, selective rate of fire and a lightweight frame.
LiteArc-6 Energy pistol: Fires concentrated pulses of energy, variable rate of fire dependent on how the trigger is pulled. Overheating and overcharging is a problem for this model, with lengthy reload procedures required if either limit is surpassed.
A custom modified version of after-market Alliance Gear, the top layer of plating and some plates on the under layer have been removed to enhance mobility. "Bubble" type helmet projected from the back plate of the armor when needed.
Items: First-Aid Kit- standard issue field-pack.
Surgical Implant: Moon has a small distribution device embedded in her upper back, near her shoulders. wires and tubes run out from this device and the small canister attached to it to key areas of her body. Activated by a trigger on the underside of her mouth that she can easily press with her tongue, the device floods her body with a calming agent that counteracts all the common symptoms of an adrenaline rush- it steadies her hands, slows her heart rate, and streamlines her line of thinking. Mainly used when tending to life-or-death injuries in the midst of battle. A 'scar' on the back of her left shoulder hides an injection port to replenish the stock.
Skills: Comprehensive medical knowledge of the human anatomy and several of the more-commonly encountered alien species.
Powers: No known psionics.
Combat Class/Role: Combat Medic. Best at medium range. Uses standard-issue light military weaponry. Skilled in self-defense hand-to-hand combat, but her best talent is the ability to stabilize wounds in the midst of the battlefield.
History: Joined 3 months ago. Forged a temporary alliance with the crew during the prison break mission just as the Revenant crew went rogue. Has stuck around with the crew despite constantly stating plans to leave and get back to her old life.
Other: As an unofficial member of the crew, Moon has not staked a claim to any one room, she usually sleeps on a chair in the crew lounge area, or sneaks into an unoccupied room or sleeping area such as below the flight deck.
Age/Race/Gender: 27. Human Female. Caucasian
Appearance: Very short (5'4) with a lean, slightly muscular build. Pale skin. Blue eyes, shoulder-length Ginger hair, slightly curly, usually always tied up, or held out of her face thanks to a headband. Several tattoos, though only one is easily visible (her old merc company's logo on her left arm). Casual attire usually consists of plain neutral colored t-shirts or tank tops, military-style cargo pants, and combat boots.
Occupation: Mercenary (Medic)
Weapons: SOP-65 Light Assault Rifle: Alliance-standard issue for MedCorps Marines. Technically an SMG with a range-boosting Stabilizer Barrel, the SOP boasts 50 rounds of light ballistic ammunition, selective rate of fire and a lightweight frame.
LiteArc-6 Energy pistol: Fires concentrated pulses of energy, variable rate of fire dependent on how the trigger is pulled. Overheating and overcharging is a problem for this model, with lengthy reload procedures required if either limit is surpassed.
A custom modified version of after-market Alliance Gear, the top layer of plating and some plates on the under layer have been removed to enhance mobility. "Bubble" type helmet projected from the back plate of the armor when needed.
Items: First-Aid Kit- standard issue field-pack.
Surgical Implant: Moon has a small distribution device embedded in her upper back, near her shoulders. wires and tubes run out from this device and the small canister attached to it to key areas of her body. Activated by a trigger on the underside of her mouth that she can easily press with her tongue, the device floods her body with a calming agent that counteracts all the common symptoms of an adrenaline rush- it steadies her hands, slows her heart rate, and streamlines her line of thinking. Mainly used when tending to life-or-death injuries in the midst of battle. A 'scar' on the back of her left shoulder hides an injection port to replenish the stock.
Skills: Comprehensive medical knowledge of the human anatomy and several of the more-commonly encountered alien species.
Powers: No known psionics.
Combat Class/Role: Combat Medic. Best at medium range. Uses standard-issue light military weaponry. Skilled in self-defense hand-to-hand combat, but her best talent is the ability to stabilize wounds in the midst of the battlefield.
History: Joined 3 months ago. Forged a temporary alliance with the crew during the prison break mission just as the Revenant crew went rogue. Has stuck around with the crew despite constantly stating plans to leave and get back to her old life.
Other: As an unofficial member of the crew, Moon has not staked a claim to any one room, she usually sleeps on a chair in the crew lounge area, or sneaks into an unoccupied room or sleeping area such as below the flight deck.