Credit to artstation.com/h1ts
Seohyung Kamenashi; also called Suicidal Seo by his co-workers.
October 23rd | Born in Karuizawa, Nagano
Seohyung is lean and on the smaller side muscle wise compared to the men he works with, but his commanding officer found use for his smaller physique. There was an incident when he was younger that ruined both his knees, so he has bionic knees covered by artificial skin to match the rest of his legs. It gives him the ability to jump two stories comfortably, but more than that at a time puts a serious strain on his knees. There's danger he could blow them out if he's not careful. He has a healed over stab wound on his right side under his ribs. He's also left handed.
Seohyung's Recon uniform: His uniform is a tight fit. Not uncomfortable, but without the flexible armored plates it leaves nothing to the imagination.
Seohyung's Civilan outfit: Enjoy's the height of fashion whenever he takes off his uniform, which is rarely.
He wears his NSF non-combat uniform whenever he's on duty, but not out in the field...but he spends most of his time training, so it's not likely for anyone to see him in it.
Seohyung's Recon uniform: His uniform is a tight fit. Not uncomfortable, but without the flexible armored plates it leaves nothing to the imagination.
Seohyung's Civilan outfit: Enjoy's the height of fashion whenever he takes off his uniform, which is rarely.
He wears his NSF non-combat uniform whenever he's on duty, but not out in the field...but he spends most of his time training, so it's not likely for anyone to see him in it.
On duty Seohyung has relentless focus, too eager to rid the world of Jinrai, and is impulsive bordering on suicidal. He knows what the NSF does is for the good of the country and its people. He can’t be a weak link among the thousands of officers. He’s already judged for his age. The higher ups expect greenies like him to get themselves killed, despite it being his second year with the NSF. Too bad he’s not as strong as he’d like to be. If his team leader tells him to sneak in, stay put, and observe, he does everything to the letter, then fucks it up when sees something more important happening. For example, he was on a mission to sneak into a Jinrai base, watch their movements, and listen for intel. All he had to do was report back to his team what he observed and heard, but he noticed a Jinrai agent keying in codes for a weapon, but his zoom function wasn’t close enough for him to see it. So it he waited for the agent to leave the room, before climbing out the vent and hacking the computer for the codes. It would’ve worked, but nothing ever works out when Seohyung deviants from the plan, which is every time. He got caught and had to fight his way out the base, requiring his team to come in for backup. It was a hot mess, but the type of mess only Seohyung could get out of. No one else would’ve survived escaping thirty Jinrai on their own. Seohyung got suspended for a week and spent all that time training his hand-to-hand combat skills, because he doesn’t have any other hobbies. He's the type that likes to feel the fall of his enemy, so he gets close and personal any opportunity he has.
Seohyung isn’t as intense when he’s off duty, but he prefers not to talk to anyone and mostly keeps to himself. People make him anxious, particularly Japanese people, because he tends to get dirty looks or messed with whenever he introduces himself. In his experience most aren’t kind to Koreans, half-bloods or otherwise. He’d rather not bring attention to himself more than he already has from his mission reputation. When he does socialize, he tends to be the quiet one with quippy one liners and a dark sense of humor. For those he gets on with, he’ll playfully tease them for their failures only cause he’s on the receiving end of it too; Suicidal Seo and all that. But these times are few and far between. Most of the time he stays busy, because his social anxiety gets to him more than his need for human contact.
Seohyung isn’t as intense when he’s off duty, but he prefers not to talk to anyone and mostly keeps to himself. People make him anxious, particularly Japanese people, because he tends to get dirty looks or messed with whenever he introduces himself. In his experience most aren’t kind to Koreans, half-bloods or otherwise. He’d rather not bring attention to himself more than he already has from his mission reputation. When he does socialize, he tends to be the quiet one with quippy one liners and a dark sense of humor. For those he gets on with, he’ll playfully tease them for their failures only cause he’s on the receiving end of it too; Suicidal Seo and all that. But these times are few and far between. Most of the time he stays busy, because his social anxiety gets to him more than his need for human contact.
Reconnaissance Operative - NSF; hopes to be promoted to Espionage Operative one day.
He's only mastered three weapons and carries them with him at all times. His sword and short sword he uses the most. And his gun he only uses when he doesn't have a choice.
Uniform: Allows him to move freely with little resistance, is absolutely silent and blocks radar, so he can get in and out of Jinrai bases without being heard or detected. Has automatic shield sensors that activate when bullets are too close for comfort. There's a zoom function in his helmet he uses for distance. It can't see everything, but it does a good job for the distances it allows him to see. Along with heat and night vision, and recording, and magnified audio functions.
Uniform: Allows him to move freely with little resistance, is absolutely silent and blocks radar, so he can get in and out of Jinrai bases without being heard or detected. Has automatic shield sensors that activate when bullets are too close for comfort. There's a zoom function in his helmet he uses for distance. It can't see everything, but it does a good job for the distances it allows him to see. Along with heat and night vision, and recording, and magnified audio functions.
Previous Careers
Cadet in the NSF academy.
Seohyung was born the year Korea nuked Tokyo in a concentration camp in Karuizawa. A month after the blast nationalist attacked and rallied against Korean citizens that made Japan their home, whether they were a natural born or naturalized citizen. To protect their citizens, the Japanese government created concentration camps for Koreans to live in peacefully. Except it wasn’t peaceful. Japan’s military were tasked with protecting their people and the allowed the nationalist officers to torture them instead. His mother, Seola, made friends with a sympathetic officer that understood none of them were responsible for what happened, but that didn’t mean she was protected. Pregnant women were starved for a week at a time and denied water for three days at a time. Many lost their babies, but the fetuses with a will to live survived. He was born a week early on October 23rd and named Seohyung, but his mother barely got to hold him. Other babies that were born before him didn’t make it passed a month. Their mothers were underfed, stressed, and couldn’t produce the milk necessary to keep them alive. Seola was determined for Seohyung to live, so she made her officer friend promise her he’d get her baby out of there. Soon after his birth, the officer walked out of the concentration camp with Seohyung wrapped up and carefully placed in an empty backpack. Seola gave him her address with her husband’s name, Jin Kamenashi. Seohyung was delivered safely to his father’s arms that night. The concentration camps lasted three years and his mother never made it out alive. Neither did the officer that helped her when it came out he was a sympathizer.
Five years later, Seohyung has lived the first five years of his life confined to his home, because his father was afraid what would happen to him if he was out in town where their neighbors knew he was half-Korean. Korean children went missing every day all over the country. The news didn’t talk about it, but Jinrai supporter pages were full of users bragging about what they did to the little akuma. Jin didn’t want Seohyung to end up being one of them, so he was homeschooled by his aunt and only played with his cousins. But his family weren’t the nicest to him. He was often excluded from games and belittled for not picking up material fast enough. One day his aunt went to the market for lunch and forgot to lock the door. Seohyung only saw his neighborhood from the window, so he wanted to go out and explore. He didn’t make it a block, before he was attacked by high schoolers. They beat him black and blue, broke his knees with a metal bat, and left him for dead. His aunt found him on the way home and called an ambulance, hoping he’d make it. Not for his sake, but for hers. When his father found out what happened, his aunt ended up in the hospital in similar condition. Seohyung’s knees were so bad that he had to have a bionic knee replacement, because no amount of casts or surgery was going to heal them properly for him not to walk without leg braces for the rest of his life.
Seohyung didn’t have a memory of the attack, but he suffered night terrors until he was sixteen and only experienced them when he was under extreme stress. His father allowed him to go to school when he was eleven, but his anxiety made it hard for him to make friends. He was bullied a lot, especially by Gojiro and his little band of assholes.. Pushed around on the school yard, his in door shoes either went missing or had tacks in the soles, his gym uniform would end up soaked in spoiled milk before the gym, and his notebooks and textbooks ended up in fountain in the courtyard. No matter what Jin how much Jin protested his son’s abuse to the vice principal and principal, nothing changed. Even the teachers turned a blind eye. Seohyung was at his lowest and settled to kill himself, but when he jumped from the school roof his knees over shot and he ended up in a tree too far for a normal person to jump to. Amazed, he practiced jumping whenever he could, used it to get away from bullies on the school yard, and gained confidence doing something no one else could do.
In middle school he made friends with a group of kids that had bionic parts too. Some more confident to have their parts show, but Seohyung wasn’t there yet. He didn’t want to stick out more than he already did. Middle school wasn’t as bad as his sixth year in elementary school. The bullies were still assholes, but he had friends to back him up and vice versa. One of them had an arm that could break concrete. It was enough of a deterrent to get them off his back. Of course, he fell in love with that friend. His name was Yosuke. His first love, but it was unrequited as far as he knew, because he could never tell him how he felt. During these years there was political unrest between the parties that wanted to hit Korea hard and the ones that wanted to take a softer approach. The Jinrai were losing supporters. People that hid their lack of contempt for Korea came forward and offered peaceful solutions. Jin was one of them, peace with Korea propaganda was all over the house, on the radio in the car, on the TV day in and day out. Seohyung didn’t care about any of that. What he wanted was for nationalist to lose power. They were the ones that killed his mother, almost killed him before he was born, disabled him, and bullied him in school. The only ones strong enough to do that was the NSF. Before Seohyung graduated middle school, he put in his application for the academy and was accepted.
His first year was rougher than the first time he went to school. His main bully in school, Kogiro, applied to the academy too and got in. The instructors didn’t care for bullying, told them to suck it up and work together, because without a cohesive team they’d all end up dead. Seohyung did his best to ignore Kogiro and took to training like a bird to the sky. He was faster, quieter, had more stamina than his classmates. His instructors took notice and put him in classes specific for recon and espionage. He hoped to fast track to the latter right out of the academy. By his last year he was at the top of the class and had many officers in NSF looking at him to join their divisions. Then he got into with Kogiro after a training course incident. The training room had settings for non-lethal and lethal practice. Seohyung always trained when he didn’t have homework, so he wasn’t a stranger to the routine and levels of the holographic robots. But Kogiro set it to lethal and level 33. The holograms became real, faster, stronger, and sentient robots. There’s no failsafe to stop training, so he had to fight his way to the end of the level and almost died when one of the robots stabbed him in the right side under his ribs. After he healed he heard what Kogiro did, but he got a slap on the wrist, claiming the system glitched when he set the room for Seohyung. He wasn’t buying that bullshit, so in his anger he went after Kogiro and beat the shit out of him. The fight cost him his top spot and he was suspended for a week. The officers didn’t want someone with anger issues and looked elsewhere for their future operative, even the Espionage division. They only one to stick around was the Recon division, claiming it was only a one time incident and they weren’t going to lose the chance to have one of the best operatives they’ve seen in a long time. Seohyung finished the year, graduated, and got swept right into Recon the year Jinrai went rogue.
Five years later, Seohyung has lived the first five years of his life confined to his home, because his father was afraid what would happen to him if he was out in town where their neighbors knew he was half-Korean. Korean children went missing every day all over the country. The news didn’t talk about it, but Jinrai supporter pages were full of users bragging about what they did to the little akuma. Jin didn’t want Seohyung to end up being one of them, so he was homeschooled by his aunt and only played with his cousins. But his family weren’t the nicest to him. He was often excluded from games and belittled for not picking up material fast enough. One day his aunt went to the market for lunch and forgot to lock the door. Seohyung only saw his neighborhood from the window, so he wanted to go out and explore. He didn’t make it a block, before he was attacked by high schoolers. They beat him black and blue, broke his knees with a metal bat, and left him for dead. His aunt found him on the way home and called an ambulance, hoping he’d make it. Not for his sake, but for hers. When his father found out what happened, his aunt ended up in the hospital in similar condition. Seohyung’s knees were so bad that he had to have a bionic knee replacement, because no amount of casts or surgery was going to heal them properly for him not to walk without leg braces for the rest of his life.
Seohyung didn’t have a memory of the attack, but he suffered night terrors until he was sixteen and only experienced them when he was under extreme stress. His father allowed him to go to school when he was eleven, but his anxiety made it hard for him to make friends. He was bullied a lot, especially by Gojiro and his little band of assholes.. Pushed around on the school yard, his in door shoes either went missing or had tacks in the soles, his gym uniform would end up soaked in spoiled milk before the gym, and his notebooks and textbooks ended up in fountain in the courtyard. No matter what Jin how much Jin protested his son’s abuse to the vice principal and principal, nothing changed. Even the teachers turned a blind eye. Seohyung was at his lowest and settled to kill himself, but when he jumped from the school roof his knees over shot and he ended up in a tree too far for a normal person to jump to. Amazed, he practiced jumping whenever he could, used it to get away from bullies on the school yard, and gained confidence doing something no one else could do.
In middle school he made friends with a group of kids that had bionic parts too. Some more confident to have their parts show, but Seohyung wasn’t there yet. He didn’t want to stick out more than he already did. Middle school wasn’t as bad as his sixth year in elementary school. The bullies were still assholes, but he had friends to back him up and vice versa. One of them had an arm that could break concrete. It was enough of a deterrent to get them off his back. Of course, he fell in love with that friend. His name was Yosuke. His first love, but it was unrequited as far as he knew, because he could never tell him how he felt. During these years there was political unrest between the parties that wanted to hit Korea hard and the ones that wanted to take a softer approach. The Jinrai were losing supporters. People that hid their lack of contempt for Korea came forward and offered peaceful solutions. Jin was one of them, peace with Korea propaganda was all over the house, on the radio in the car, on the TV day in and day out. Seohyung didn’t care about any of that. What he wanted was for nationalist to lose power. They were the ones that killed his mother, almost killed him before he was born, disabled him, and bullied him in school. The only ones strong enough to do that was the NSF. Before Seohyung graduated middle school, he put in his application for the academy and was accepted.
His first year was rougher than the first time he went to school. His main bully in school, Kogiro, applied to the academy too and got in. The instructors didn’t care for bullying, told them to suck it up and work together, because without a cohesive team they’d all end up dead. Seohyung did his best to ignore Kogiro and took to training like a bird to the sky. He was faster, quieter, had more stamina than his classmates. His instructors took notice and put him in classes specific for recon and espionage. He hoped to fast track to the latter right out of the academy. By his last year he was at the top of the class and had many officers in NSF looking at him to join their divisions. Then he got into with Kogiro after a training course incident. The training room had settings for non-lethal and lethal practice. Seohyung always trained when he didn’t have homework, so he wasn’t a stranger to the routine and levels of the holographic robots. But Kogiro set it to lethal and level 33. The holograms became real, faster, stronger, and sentient robots. There’s no failsafe to stop training, so he had to fight his way to the end of the level and almost died when one of the robots stabbed him in the right side under his ribs. After he healed he heard what Kogiro did, but he got a slap on the wrist, claiming the system glitched when he set the room for Seohyung. He wasn’t buying that bullshit, so in his anger he went after Kogiro and beat the shit out of him. The fight cost him his top spot and he was suspended for a week. The officers didn’t want someone with anger issues and looked elsewhere for their future operative, even the Espionage division. They only one to stick around was the Recon division, claiming it was only a one time incident and they weren’t going to lose the chance to have one of the best operatives they’ve seen in a long time. Seohyung finished the year, graduated, and got swept right into Recon the year Jinrai went rogue.
Jin Kamenashi - Father
Yosuke Tanaka - First love
Kogiro Iriguchi - Most hated bully
Yosuke Tanaka - First love
Kogiro Iriguchi - Most hated bully
Relationships [Optional]
This is how they view other characters throughout the story. This will be updated as major changes in their involvement and view of one another is expanded. Most changes will be listed from experiences out of combat, but some can occur from within their combat positioning out in the field. They can become rivals, hating on one another, romantic couples or simply comrades in arms.
Click title.