Organization Sheet — Organization Name/Emblem — > Rough Translation:: “Hydrogen Group” > Group Symbology:: “A hydrogen atom, below which is four vertical lines.” — Affiliation — > Rough Translation:: “Group Over Group” > Group Symbology:: “Four vertical lines above a horizontal line.” — Leadership — > Rough Translation:: “Queens Hostage Council” > Group Symbology:: “Four vertical lines with a gash horizontal on the shape. It has a circle around it.” — Military/Civilian Assets — Budget:: > ~100,000+(7(10))X, Laborers. * X = “Days Program Active” * 7 = “Breeding Females On Program” * 10 = Maturing Laborers/Day > Food supply, laborer lodging maintained by Group Over Group. > Materials harvested by Hill Groups, provided at no cost. > Training provided by Pack Groups, provided at cost of laborers/day = -100. — History — > Established 15 years ago following the discovery of the Gate at the edge of the solar system, the Hydrogen Group is the only purely scientific multinational organization maintained after the resource war that occurred thirty years ago. The Hydrogen Group has since acquired huge political power through the introduction of new Queens into the Queens Hostage Council. > Five years into its foundation the Hydrogen Group was able to argue for control of weapons, and expanded its research areas into the development of new weapons valid in a vacuum. Using the plasma based weapons found on the corpses on the derelicts near the gate, and the weapons of the derelicts themselves, they began producing, “Ring Group Killing Toolset.” This product line would result in the hegemony of the Group Over Group, which used the weapons to subjugate the groups that had not yet affiliated with the world government.
— Characters — > “The Lost Eighteen”:: The young breeding female, colloquially a Queen, her two drones, and fifteen freshly matured worker females. When the Group Over Group confirmed their mission, they were ecstatic. Now that they’re adrift in space in a retrofitted xeno vessel, they have no idea how to proceed. For lack of a speakable name, Laurie, has begun to lay eggs in jerry rigged nest cells created using the remains of cardboard boxes. Certainly not the woodpulp bioconstruction of her home nest, but better than nothing. > “Laurie”:: The breeding female leading the exploration project making use of the jump gate. At age five she began working as one of the research leads, ten years after the creation of the Hydrogen Group. This was an advancement from her prior position as a student, training at a school that had been established by the Hydrogen Group to train xenobiologists, engineers, pilots, and physicists for just such a mission. Her performance as well as her quickness to bond with the two drones that she studied with made her the first choice to send on the operation. > “Franklin”:: A mature drone male, aged eight. He has studied the xeno derelicts carefully, and is pretty sure he can keep one running as long as he has access to similar enough tools as used by them. He is also a rather capable pilot. He spent his early years doing as most drones do: serving the local government in the nests. > “Benjamin”:: A younger male drone, aged three. While his studies were focused in the field of physics, he prefers writing short parables about how best to live in society. His mother was actively close to him, and unlike most breeding females did not neglect the individuals in her brood. Her encouragements and styles have made him rather popular as a director of labor.
Nation Sheet — Nation Name/Flag — > “Group Over Group” > The symbol for, “Group Over Group,” as written using the mandibles and frontmost limbs. It is four vertical lines adjacent to each other, with a single horizontal line below it. The four vertical lines are the most simple symbol in the written language, and is the name they use to recognize themselves. Its closest translation is simply, “Group.” — Government Type — > Anarcho Communal Hegemony:: For most of their history, the Group have lived in chaotic communes operated by group necessity and a reliance on each individual to create a happy collective. It is only in more recent years, after a major conflict between the three largest communes and the establishment of the Hydrogen Group as the first interplanetary commune, that the Groups have begun to seek leaders and representatives. There are simply too many chemicals in the air for every voice to be heard. > Major communes in the Group Over Group are:: “Hill Groups”, “Flat Across Groups”, and, “Many Crossed Groups”. — Demographics — > “Group” , 100% of 32.4 billion > The species has no formal manner of reference for a single member of the species, and they have very little concept of an individual that has no group. Without a group you cannot function. So henceforth, members of The Group. > General Physiology:: Members of The Group are physically similar to Wasps, with metallic green stripes over a black body. Chitinous wings allow them limited flight in Earth gravity, but are far more useful on lower mass planets and planetoids. The largest, breeding females and drones, get to be about the size of a hog. Most, the workers, don’t get much bigger than a large dog. > The Stinger:: All of them possess ferrous stingers that can be used to inject a paralysis and psychosis inducing neurotoxin that most greatly impacts mammals and other insectoids. As all members of The Group possess stingers, very rarely is there an actual military career path. When something is stung, pheromones released into the air send the population into a rage, and they seek out threats to sting, leaving little formalized military. > Mental Abilities:: Due to a briefer lifespan and a generally more obsessive mental state, individuals in The Group tend to learn much faster than do humanoids. At month nine they are physically mature, and at ten years of age they are considered old. — Leadership — > Anarchic Communal System:: The strongest pheromone gland wins. — Economy — > Localised groups produce goods and services and then provide those goods and services to a communal resource pool from which things can be collected. Due to the rarity of conflict between individuals and the priority of the group in culture and biology, this tends to go well. They are not yet an intersolar society, and so do not produce for sale in the markets of other groups. — Military — > See, “Demographics.” — History — The Group Over Group was founded after a resource war that occurred thirty years prior to today. The three largest communes, predecessors to their modern equivalents, warred over access to fossil fuels. The war ended only when a small coalition developed nuclear fusion technology and executed the queens responsible for the excessive reliance on fossil fuels. The modern communes were established and formed the Group Over Group, to ensure all are managed and peaceful relations are maintained into the future.
My sheet. Practically finished barring a few touches.
Confederate Free States of Asteria
Nation Name: Confederate Free States of Asteria (CFSA) Alternative Names: The Confederates, The Thirteen, Asteria, CA (for Confederation of Asteria) Government Type: Federal Republic Capital: Jefferson City, Planet Artemis, New Asteria System Gateworlds Owned: 5
Asteria is a relatively new nation experiencing rapid growth. Abundant in resources and job opportunities they are one of the few Frontier states with significant domestic production capacity. This obviously puts them at tense relations with the ITC and there's a slow boiling rivalry. Occasionally dubbed as the land of hope Asteria attracts lots of migrants looking for a new life and decent work.
Like with all nations in the Eden Cluster the story of Asteria began with Project Arc. In particular this is the story of Arc Strelitza and Aurora. They were among the 316 Arcs to undertake Project Longshot, a daring wild bet to cross astronomical distances in a moment, unsure where their destination might lead. It was a disaster, while projections estimated a few lightyears of inaccuracy in fact they had not fully understood the physics behind the gate technology, namely its interaction with quantum superposition theory. Future researchers could confirm their predecessors were lucky the Arcs didn't turn into mere atoms spread across the multiverse. Presumably due to a freak cosmic event all Arcs survived the transit intact, although scattered in a massive 700 lightyear radius area. Cut off from contact and their inhabitants asleep the Arcs were trusted to the guidance of rudimentary AI pilots, only seeking out planets ideal to support life.
At least that's how it should've been for Arc Strelitza and Aurora. As luck could have it both of these arcs were relatively close to each other and contact was established between them and a third arc called Griffin. Since the AI prioritized survival, meeting between these Arcs was essential for continued operations. Yet before this contact could be made the communications with Griffin were abruptly cut off. Eventually they picked up a distress signal only to find the shattered remains of Arc Griffin. At first it appeared Griffin crashed with a giant asteroid but upon further review it turned out to be a ship of foreign construction. Not programmed to communicate with aliens the AI woke up the staff in hopes of resolving the situation. The time is AD4492 and this is the first time humans and Silicoids met each other.
While communication was troubled the Silicoids were innately peaceful people and they established a healthy relationship. Just as humans, Silicoids also faced the ruin of their home planet and sent out their own generation ships untold thousands of years ago. Rather than settling on a new planet they chose to live on these ships, promising to be no longer tainted by natural gravity. Though physiologically and culturally far different the Silicoids and humans of Streliza-Aurora forged an alliance. This marked the long period regarded as the Four Thousand Year Sleep during which the majority of the humans remained under cyrogenic stasis but humans and Silicoids jointly created their new home, Asteria. Conceived as a gigantic space cylinder with artificial biosphere and capacity to sustain life the project was beyond ambitious. Yet after millennia of effort they finally made a place which could be called home, the true birth of the nation known as Asteria. With the technological and industrial base laid down the actual construction of Asteria was a simple matter. Or could've been as material technology could not allow to build colonies of such massive scale. Instead they went for an alternative thus Asteria became a collection of 13 colonies. With their artificial "Eden" complete humans were woken up from cyro sleep en-masse. They woke up into an entirely new society yet they rapidly adjusted. At least that's how it seemed.
Under the surface the humans had a growing minority of those who were far from satisfied. The Arc staff who were awake and active during those missing 4000 years became de facto nobility and ruled Asteria like their private kingdoms. The discontent with the odd rock people known as Siliconoids also gradually rose. While not topic for public speech a lot of humans were less than thrilled to be equals with a bunch of walking rocks who hardly even speak to them (as only the elite were allowed to know the language of the Siliconoids). The tension began to rose as human populations skyrocketed. It soon became obvious that the thirteen original colonies will not be enough and construction for new habitats began at rapid pace. The old order of Asteria gradually collapsed as each colony rose up against their rulers. Silicoids as representatives of the former regime were sidelined and gradually became oppressed. In contrast the 13 colonies declared their independence. This initially meant only maintaining a loose alliance between each other but resource scarcity and outside threats eventually made them to agree on a sorts of confederation. Each state retained their autonomy but also agreed to share some responsibilities to the Federal Government. This of course didn't always work out and Asterian history has its share of revolts and civil wars.
Though far from a public knowledge but Asterians were aware of the beacons laid down by Eden. Thinking of their survival as a species they chose to follow the beacons in hopes of once reconnecting with their long lost brethren. AD9675 (773EC), Asterians finally reached the region of Eden Cluster, even though they were unaware. The system which later be known as New Asteria had a habitable planet and a number of astral bodies fit for colonization efforts. Unfortuantelly they were not alone. They treaded on the land of the Kroatans, a tribalistic space-capable alien race. The aggressive and xenophobic Kroatans and the greedy Asterians had no reason to approach this the civilized manner. 773-771EC, the period of the First Aster-Kroatan War. Though the aliens had numerical superiority their inferior tech and the still ongoing rivalry between tribes.
Asterians spent the following decades in war, gradually gaining ground in Kroatan space. Meanwhile they finally managed to activate the gate of New Asteria, allowing them to contact Eden. 808CE, Asterians stabilized their hold over the 5 systems, also controlling the gates. With Kroatan aggressors either assimilated or fled to dark space they enjoyed a period of peace. Thus the modern age of Asteria had begun...
In spite of the migrant waves the core of Asteria's population are still the descendants of the original nomadic colonist who first arrived to this world. Asterians are of course humans. While developed separately from Edenians, enough that they have genetic markers unique to them, the differences are down to culture rather than anything else. The ancestors of the Asterians lived in dangerous times and their emphasis on individual liberties over government control can even seem a bit odd. Then again with the isolation of deep space nearly every country in Eden created their own unique culture, Asterians are just one of them. For an Asterian liberty is a birthright and compliance to the government is a social contract with both sides as active parties. They view laws and even taxes as something which could only be allowed through consent and don't appreciate when the government may appear to infringe upon this idea. The first shock for newcomers though is undoubtedly the Asterian view of arms. In the distant past Asterians lived in uncertain times and carrying weapons was the only sure way for security. While troubles can still arise in the more rural regions for the overwhelming majority this concern is long gone. Yet the tradition never disappeared and it's fairly common to see people walking up on the streets with rifles.
Asterians love guns, they view them as symbol of their freedom and unsurprisingly marksmanship competitions are one of their favorite sport and pastime. To the outsider the sheer density of guns may seem threatening but Asterians are generally friendly folk who do not treat misusing weapons lightly. In addition it's a common belief for Asterians that if a wrongdoer may try to start something there are always 10+ good boys with similar rifles to put a quick end to this rampage. As weird as it may seem the Asterians feel less secure when there aren't many gun wielding people around. Asterians have two essential items that define them. One is their gun while the other is owning a decent ride. Hovercars are a must for every self-respecting Asterian and most of them also own personnal shuttles for interplanetary commuting purposes. They have a different view on distances than the average Edenian. Some Asterians even love the long treks and would consider it part of their national pride. While there's an increasing need for mass transportation these tend to be government owned and offered for free, paid by tax money. They are of course unpopular with "true" Asterians who consider reliance on them as a mark of shame, equivalent to accepting handouts.
Asteria has open border policies and with ever expanding ventures and growing industry they are constantly hungry for workforce. Aside from the obvious draw of the core worlds Asteria has perhaps the largest percentage of immigrants. Some dare to say Asteria is the melting pot of the galaxy. Humans of various cultural backgrounds venture towards Asteria in hopes of starting a new life. Even alien population move to Asteria, often also trying to escape oppression and prejudice they might face in other regions. While some hardline Asterians may view them with disgust, this is indeed the land of the free. Be it foreigners, aliens or fellow Asterians, all is viewed as equal. There are only two exceptions: Silicoids and Kroatans.
Silicoids are aliens with mysterious bodies that essentially makes them living rock statues. Asterians contacted Silicoids early on their journey and soon enslaved them. Since then they have been considered as borderline property while also essential to work in environments where no human could survive. Ever since settling down the overall treatment of Silicoids improved yet most of them are still forced to be servile to Asterians. Compared to them the Koratans are considerably better. Used to the true owners of the systems now owned by Asteria these native aliens were vicious and lived in tribalistic communities even though they were technically sophisticated enough for space travel. They waged brutal wars with the Asterian settlers but ultimately lost. For a long time they were viewed as savages that must be contained. Although nowadays they find it relatively simple to integrate into society. Still, compared to other aliens they suffer way more prejudice. This is in part because a tiny minority is still on the loose. Some of them are radicals not much different from other states' terrorist threats. While an even more significant portion is just hiding within deep space, still retaining their old culture. These pre-civilized Kroatans semi-frequently launch raids and skirmishes against Asterians, providing an ever present security concern. Due to such activities the way larger portion of "civilized" Kroatans face enmity or discrimination for acts they should not be responsible for.
The Confederate Free States are considered a true federation where each state retains most of their autonomy and only relinquish their rights in regards of important matters that concern the entire nation. Even then each state made individual agreements with the Federal State, resulting in varying levels of Federal control. These agreements can be also be renegotiated or even denied, provided they have a strong reason behind it. While there's a constant Federal push for increasing government control but these are often met with resistance. Administration wise Asteria has 5 regions (for each system they own) and altogether 24 states. These include planetary government, moon/planetoid bound colonies, space colony clusters or even space mining operations that grew large enough to become their own state. Becoming a state used to be a fairly dynamic process where a colony with sufficient weight and reason to self govern could have voted to grant stateship almost immediately. Yet with the growth of the Federal Government and the influence of already existing states this process is currently all but non-existent. The Federal leadership preferred to increase the power of already extant states than further upset its legislation. As a consequence many newer colonies which traditionally would earn states rights are instead rolled into their neighboring states, creating tensions. While these "territories" are given representatives the fact they are alone against the much larger representative base of the mother state does feel oppressive. This is partly intentional as states have the legal right to vote for secession. With many fresh would be states containing vital resources the Federal leadership of Asteria could not allow these territories to turn independent.
The Federal Congress is the heart of Asterian interstate governance. Held in the capital city of Jefferson AC this is where the 96 territorial representatives and 24 state governors run the legislation. The head of the Federal States is the President. As the representative of all Asteria his position has a lot of responsibility and technically would have a lot of power to accompany it. In practice though the President is incapable of doing anything meaningful without the Congress' approval. That being said the President is often also the leader of either of the two major parties in Asteria: the Hippos and the Centaurs (both named after constellations). Hippos are the "conservative" group, representing more traditional Asterian values. They are against overt government control, pro security and usually enjoy support more from frontier territories. Centaurs are pro-government, promote higher economic regulations and often support relations with the ITC. There are numerous small parties but these tend to be rolled into either of the two sides as causalty of this centuries long rivalry. With the lines long drawn there's littl hope for this political system to ever change.
Economy & Industry
Asteria is considered curious among the frontier nations. The classic beginning of a frontier state is via one or a few Arcships with their small populations still clueless in cyro sleep. In case of Asteria they spent centuries as a growing nation of space nomads. This allowed them to establish their new society without requiring any assistance from the ITC. Actually, by the time the ITC became aware of Asteria they had already established their control over a system and were in progress of expanding further. They were strong, independent and possessed a long history separate from that of the rest of the Eden Cluster. Asterian industry is robust, although somewhat compartmentalized. This traces back to their nomadic culture when fellow space colonies had to operate away from others for months and occasionally even years. After settling down this tendency is gradually making way for classic centralized efforts but you should not underestimate the lobbying power of local companies when investing in the region. Combine this with the different state laws and it could be said that Asteria still has a lot of room for growth. Regardless, while no competitor for the giant of the ITC this makes Asteria a regional powerhouse with considerable export revenue. Galactic Dollars (also abridged as Galado) is a trade currency recognized in most countries.
Speaking of exports, Asteria is best known as the largest supplier of Helium-3 and other essential fuels. Since fuel is less the matter of "where" than "how" the diffuse nature of Asterian industry actually helps them a great deal, topping even the performance of individual ITC members'. Asterian traditions combined with the abundance of fuel also set them up to a booming transportation industry. Hovercars are absolutely ubiquitous for Asteria and most citizens also own their own personal space shuttles. While no match for the sophistication of the ITC the Asterians are very famous for their fusion technology and the sheer number of industries specialized in their production. Lastly, Asterians introduced a new material to the Eden Cluster: The Zero Element (Z0). Z0 production is something learned from Silicoids and could be harnessed from certain stellar bodies or at the outer asteroid fields of star systems. Z0 enables gravity manipulation through conversion of electrical power and it's essential for Asteria's own gravity plate tech (among others). It's a curious material sought after by other nations for special applications. Its production is troublesome due to the inherent dangers and the long supply lines required for the operation thus it could be said Asteria has near monopoly on it. While that sounds amazing the international demand for Z0 is fairly small, if weren't it's almost assured the ITC would join the race. As things are Z0 is a stable source of revenue for a number of Asterian states and essential for Asteria's own technology but not much else. Gravity manipulation has been accomplished without relying on rare materials literally centuries before Asteria arrived so it only has a small niche.
- Gravity Plate: A flat surface capable of gravity manipulation mostly to enable hover capabilities. These are very compact and overall simple although their construction requires Z0 which makes them a bit costly. Still, a lot of Asterian technology including hovercars use them extensively. Gravity plates are also used on smallcraft for inertialess maneuvering.
- Plasma Engine: The Asterian take on the old combustion engines. An ultracapacitor flash heats inert fuel to almost a hundred thousand degrees while driving a turbine. Useful for power generation, air propulsion and locomotion.
- Plasma Impulse Drive: Asterian take on space propulsion which maximises the velocity of the exhaust while manages to turn the majority of the energy into motive force. The result is higher efficiency and less obnoxious exhaust thus these tend to be safer than regular torch drives. Impulse Jets are a derivative of this that compress the surrounding air rather than consuming fuel while being terribly simple (although a bit energy demanding) to install.
- Annie: Sometimes also referred as Antimax this is a composite material allowing to unleash massive amount of energies in a compact package. On the microscopic scale Annie includes an anti-helium molecule surrounded by a neutralizing matrix which passively contains antimatter in its natural electromagnetic field. Annie is inherently safe to store and barring plasma-hot sparks they won't react thus they allow very limited utilization of antimatter for ultracompact high energy applications without making it too risky.
- G-Cell:Using layers of opposingly charged gravity plates it's possible to catch energy as minuscule amounts of mass. G-Cells combine batteries and hypercepacitors for Asteria, capable of storing massive amounts of energy and also unleashing them rapidly. G-Cells are relatively safe to use although the larger ones are still prone to explode when ruptured, unleashing a tiny fraction of its stored energy in a plasma discharge.
- Ultracompact Fusion Engine: Fusion power is desirable yet trying to scale it down to the extreme proves very challenging. Instead of creating micro reactors Asteria went for another approach. Enter the fusion engine. Unlike reactors this mechanism operates in a cyclic fashion and may even be slaved to a drive to power locomotion. More importantly it enables extremely small scale utilization of fusion power. To accomplish this ultracompact fusion engines use liquefied helium-3 fuel catalyzed by Annie charges, effectively making this into a weird nuclear internal combustion engine. Naturally the ultracompact fusion engine technology is not cheap and only utilized in very high grade equipment.
- Waldo Wears: Domestic walker type invented long centuries ago by Asteria. As a humanoid machine it acts as a strength multiplier, enabling to carry more or use heavier equipment. Waldo Wears are made with space operation in mind and they can finely operate in such environments while also able to walk inside colonies. Waldo Wears tend to be on the small side as increasing the scale would rather warrant specialist vehicles that are overall better in their job. Their versatility also used to make them very attractive to the military although nowadays they only fulfill a secondary role. Waldo Wears nowadays aren't that different from the myriad of Edenian mech types although they incorporate domestic technologies that are rarely found anywhere else.
Asteria has a sizeable military force, fitting that of a regional power. While conscription is technically still active in effect Asteria utilizes all-volunteer military of professional soldiers. Asterian State Army forms the core of their military, consisting of regiments "borrowed" from all 24 states. In theory these troops belong to their respective state but in effect they are under the Federal Government's control. Quality and equipment variances used to be a major issue in the past hence Federal Laws now govern this aspect, making the arms and equipment of the common soldier more or less uniform. Arms manufacturers in each state also unified their production for military contact thanks to Federal sponsored programs. To provide reserves and home defense they also have the tradition of the Colonial Guard, second-line soldiers tasked with local garrison duties. Lastly but not least you have the Confederal Astro Marines, a force created by the Federal Government and whose job involves being on Astrofleet starships and often taking up expeditionary duties. When it comes to space Asteria has two organizations: Colonial Sentinels and Confederacy Astrofleet. Sentinels are the space variation of the Colonial Guard, they patrol the state's territory and provide secuirty in space. Confederacy Astrofleet is the Asterian navy itself but they are also the primary operators of starfighters. The overall system of the Asterian military is complex but it can be dumbed down the following way. Barring a few the Federal Government technically has no military on its own, instead the states "lend" their armies and fleets into the government's service. Of course in effect they are just the army of Asteria and the Federal Government can order them to do nearly anything. In addition while this would technically prevent mixed regiments with members from different states in effect there are numerous exchange programs and overall mixing armies from different states provides little if any trouble.
- Shock Technology: Asterian development of plasma weaponry which relies less on the heat and more on the raw concussive force of the bolt exploding. Shock rifles and other small arms with this technology are notoriously powerful while also versatile, capable of switching between a wide range of explosive modes to fit the situation. For non-Asterians though shock weaponry are needlessly overpowered and complex, not to mention dangerous. The explosive nature of the bolts make them often fairly hazardous to the user at close quarters unless one carefully picks a very modest setting. Furthermore achieving rapid-fire with this technology requires lot of bulk hence nearly all of them are semi-auto or repeater in nature. Shock technology is also commonly utilized for ordinance, although with decreasing popularity. Shock gunnery is versatile and fairly economical compared to railguns but lacks in terms of anti-armor performance, making it feel a bit underpowered. Shock artillery has far less of these problems although since you can't put sensors into plasma bolts they lack guided bombardment functions common for more physical artillery.
- Hyperlances: Asterian answer to combat armor the "Lance" is a very sophisticated mass accelerator which fires micron-thin streams of metastable ultradense matter. The stream is accelerated to ludicrous velocities thanks to its overall tiny mass and enables it to pierce through armors you'd normally require much more bulky equipment to breach. As the stream penetrates the armor it slows down, giving time for the metastable matter to violently expand. Essentially this means Hyperlances punch a tiny hole in the target and their energy explodes within the more vulnerable internals. That being said hyperlances can be more easily disturbed and they exponentially lose their effectiveness with distance. While anti-armor utility was their main purpose through manipulating the containment field and matter matrix it's possible to make hyperlances even more versatile than shock weaponry and numerous advanced technologies aim just for that. Regardless their chief application is still against enemy armor although they have become pretty much ubiquitous in the Astrofleet as standard starship guns.
- Plasma Warheads: Asterian plasma technology is also utilized in their explosives, giving them higher yields than standard conventional explosives. In ground combat this leads to dramatically scaled down explosive devices that can still perform the same role. Asterian hand grenades are for example are tiny ~2.5 inches diameter discs (akin to the stones you might bounce on the water) yet every bit as lethal as standard grenades. Missiles are also scaled down, not just in warhead size but also propulsion as micro impulse jets and their power source require way less space. In space application though plasma warheads are a specific low nuclear yield device outfitted with an inert jacket to create plasma. This improves efficiency while also driving down costs for the warhead thus these are the most common missile fillings in space combat.
- Blazearms: Asterian firearm type akin to old chemical powered slug throwers but instead using plasma detonation mechanisms for greater performance. They used to be mainstay of Asterian weaponry but pure shock technology replaced them. Nowadays blazearm tech is mostly relegated to the civilian sector and law enforcement with the only a few odd service pistols in the military still relying on such mechanisms.
- Higgs Shield: Standard shielding method which uses dense layers of pseudo mass to block incoming attacks. They are derived from your typical forcefield technology and don't appear to be much different from the typical shields. What changes is the way Asterians apply them. Higgs Shields are layered, there's always at least two of them: one inner almost hugging the body and an outer shield providing standoff protection. This makes the Higgs Shield behave a bit like composite armor, although it does add complexity. Personal shields are almost unheard of in this type and even for terrestrial combat vehicles the higgs shields only have an auxiliary function.
- Flare Shield: Also called gravity pulse shield, a very simple type of shielding which can only activate for moments hence its name. Flare shields use specialized gravity plates that blast the incoming attack with massive gravity waves in order to defeat it. Flare shields are widespread in hazardous work conditions although military grade ones are a bit too expensive for the common soldier. Another application of flare shields is the PRA (pulse reactive armor) which has the gravity plates embedded in the inner section of the vehicle's frame, releasing a counterpulse once a projectile digs deep enough into the armor. Flare shields are of course weak against repeated attacks, higher performance ones may even have minutes of cooldown period before they could be activated again due to them overstressing the gravity plate.
Ground Forces Asteria has environments ranging from ships and space colonies to urban concrete jungles to even literal deserts and jungles. Regardless of the surroundings the Asterian military has to maintain boots on the ground. Since they didn't want a huge bloated army of specialists this obviously lead to lot of expenses on training and equipment. Thankfully they hardly have any shortage of volunteers. Asterian soldiers are well-trained and compared to the average Frontier folk they have excellent equipment. Most recruits already know the basics of shooting their rifles so while marksmanship is empathized they have time to teach the rest of their trade. When it comes to armor the Asterian vehicles prefer utility over direct combat prowess. This often receives criticism from certain military circles, calling their vehicles either outdated or just ineffective. Of course field troops perceive it differently and barring the few odd noises they love these for their sheer practicality. Asterian military forces are very mobile with park of exclusively hover vehicles, orbital insertion and air transports, ground attack craft integrated into army structures and even the individual soldier often having their own mobility alternatives.
- GI/Dogface: The standard Asterian infantry doing the grunt work. They carry C14A2 shock carbines as their standard weapon and usually carry 6-12 demo-disc "grenades". They wear decent body armor which resists small arms fire and especially engineered to withstand blast effects (so they can use their shock carbines in close combat without worry). Their name comes from their bottom line position and the fact their elongated rebreather masks makes them look like a bunch of hound dogs. Asterian infantry is also known for often having hoverpads or micro impulse packs for extra mobility. The former being a very compact one person high-speed transportation vehicle while the latter is a jetpack for limited maneuverability in space environments or to perform short jumps in other theaters.
- Jarheads:More eloquently referred as the "Astro Marines" these troops are trained by the Federal Government and tend to receive a wider variety of equipment. They are still considered line soldiers but the fact they operate from starships and they tend to be the first line of offense in war kinda gives them an "elite" reputation, for whatever that is worth. As they participate in assaults and even boarding actions they tend to wear heavier armor and equip personal Flare Shields which can even take a direct shock rifle hit. They carry M1197A6 Shockguns, a heavily modernized version of the scattershot shock weaponry available on the civilian market. Unlike the base variant this is semi-auto and can also function as a shock rifle firing a massive plasma bolt. Marines are also nearly always equip their M75 Jump Packs while for infantry these are more of an auxiliary "per demand" basis device.
- Rangers: An elite recon corps of the Asterian Army. They are light infantry and are meant for special missions rather than operate like your usual GI. They are rightfully called elites and if not for the Devil Dogs perhaps they'd be the prime example. Rangers have great freedom in terms of equipment. Anything that is light enough to pack is free game for them. Rangers also tend to customize their CR10 shock rifles to make them even deadlier.
- Devil Dogs: Also called as the Mobile Infantry, they are the most elite soldiers in the Asterian military and are rightfully feared. Calling them infantry might be an understatement, they are effectively compact fighting vehicles and aircraft at once. Their primary armament is their shoulder-mounted hyperlance which could handle a wide range of threats. They also have rapid-firing shockguns for self-defense and a pair of automated grenade launchers firing "micro pills", very tiny high-yield plasma grenades capable of acting as explosive, incendiary or even anti-armor munitions. In addition the Devil Dogs are wearing a power armor which not only protects them but also provides them jet assisted mobility. They can technically fly but to avoid being an obvious target to air defenses they prefer to be "on the bounce" where they keep repeating short range plasma jet assisted jumps while constantly dealing out hurt.
Asterians spent centuries living inside the confines of their O'Neill type colonies so their concept of transportation shifted and consequently their idea on what a combat vehicle needs are also divergent from the Edenian norm. To put it simply hovercraft are the norm in Asteria and thus all their vehicles are designed with that in mind.
- M4A6 Schwarzkopf: Asterian hover MBT designed with utility and survivability in mind while fulfilling its overall role. Armed with a P75 Shock Cannon it has sufficient firepower to take on anything but the heaviest armored ground vehicles and has a frontal Flare Shield to take an incoming attack. Its duracomposite armor also has PRA blocks hidden in them to survive common anti-tank threats at least once. More importantly the tank's layout is such that most penetrating hits are unlikely to cause fatalities and the crew could survive almost any crash. Schwarzkopf tanks are also nimble and could cruise in the excess of 100km/h. In spite of this the now nearly 100 years old tank design has a lot of critics calling out its meager firepower (especially against the best tanks of other nations) and other less factual claims like undeservedly calling the M4 series a "death coffin".
- M106A4 Griffon: Built on Schwarzkopf hulls this is the latest family of assault mortar carriers in the Asterian military. It carries a massive P120 Shock Mortar and in order to fit this it sacrificed most of its duracomposite armor and installed four times as many G-Cells to accommodate the increased firepower. The result is a mobile, reasonably protected assault gun which could provide direct fire support and could demolish any but the heaviest fortifications. It still retains the frontal Flare Shield and PRA blocks and its Shock Repeater on top can help dealing with infantry and similar threats. All of these are necessary to stay close to the frontlines. Some even argue that in certain situations the Griffon is effectively a tank and indeed it could fight as such to an extend. While its Shock Mortar lacks the piercing power of the Schwarzkopf's Shock Cannon its sheer firepower can crack open many vehicles.
- M110A7 Basilisk: Based off the shelved XM103 heavy tank concept this artillery is a sizeable beast equipped with a massive P254 shock artillery. It sports a massive accelerator coil capable of lobbing plasma bolts just under escape velocity. The original plan was to create a mobile siege artillery but mid-development this changed to a heavy artillery meant not just for sieges but also for division level fire support. Dubbed the "grid space remover" its plasma bolt broke up into hundreds of smaller bolts to fill a huge area in catastrophic blast effect. Due to its naturally overpowered nature they also devised a variant called M110D which utilized a slightly longer but smaller capacity shock artillery capable of throwing hypervelocity plasma into outer space for orbital defense purposes. This variant actually got further developed to what currently known as the MIM-110A3, a mobile platform equipped with a G127 hyperlance battery. Back to the development of the regular M110 it eventually became the mainline artillery of Asteria even used down to brigade level. One such vehicle and a pair of M992 auxiliary power vehicles could provide fire support for entire armies and had 3 times the firepower of old divisional artillery batteries. M110A5 onwards it was also plausible to significantly dial back the firepower of the shock artillery to conserve power and increase rate of fire to upwards 4 times. While the system is inherently incapable of firing guided munitions its programmable flight path and plasma containment field settings can achieve a great deal of versatility. In terms of protection the Basilisk has decent armor, sufficient to withstand near impacts from other artillery which is further assisted by its deployable G-Screen to block incoming fire. This is essential since in order to utilize its massive P254 shock artilelry the Basilisk must use gravity anchors and thus remain completely stationary. While shoot&scoot is plausible in lot of scenarios the Basilisk batteries were hit by counter fire before they could evacuate.
- M104A1 Scorpion: While the M110 provided amazing capabilities the Asterians eventually realized that their over reliance on what is essentially a superheavy artillery made them vulnerable during smaller skirmishes. Enter the M104 Scorpion, a fairly compact and nimble vehicle which unlike the Basilisk didn't require gravity anchoring in order to fire. Its ultralong P90 shock artillery could achieve 70% the range of the Basilisk artillery yet being cheap, small and overall very nimble. The extreme velocity of the plasma bolts also enable this vehicle to fight back aerial threats, although doing so requires data linkage with dedicated sensor and anti-air command vehicles.
M18A1 Wolverine FAV: Speedy light vehicle equipped with a really powerful hyperlance against armor and fortifications. The weapon is mounted on a flexible ball mount allowing it to have nearly all around traverse where the distinction between vertical and horizontal direction don't exist. Unlike its predecessors the M18 was built with the versatility of the new generation hyperlances in mind. While still being a power hog and struggled in terms of demolition the hyperlances were no longer just anti-armor specialist weapons. Their diffuse beam settings allow for functions like airburst detonations or "shotgun" like effects, opening up possibilities of the Wolverine fighting infantry or various aircraft. Wolverine has G-screen and Flare Shields for extra portection yet its true defense is speed and positioning. Due to their sheer versatility the new generation of tank destroyers were renamed Fast Attack Vehicles. Some argued that FAVs like the Wolverine should replace tanks in the assault role but in reality these vehicles are both expensive and not really well suited to operate without cover. Deep advance with FAVs this innately risky and more conventional approaches are still preferable.
- M113A21 Gavin: After the cutting edge FAV here's a real oldie. Predating even Asteria's arrival to the Eden Cluster this mundane yet efficient APC stands as a reminder of simpler times. During its conception Asteria had no need for troop transport vehicles. Instead the Gavin was envisioned for military police and special law enforcement. Since then the Gavin had many dozens of variants and went on to become the symbol of Asterian military. Through its almost 400 years of career the Gavin had every last piece of her replaced by new components at least a couple of times. The modern Gavin thus only resemble the first one in rough outline and effectively a whole new design. M113 Gavins are the best known for their simplicity and reliability. They are built to be very modular for quick repairs and easy upgrades. Their overall performance though can be the best described as average if not worse. They are lightly armored with only sufficient protection against shock rifles and other hi-powered small arms. They have no shields although from the A18 onwards they can be outfitted with PRA plates to survive certain anti-vehicular weapons. Its main weaponry is a simple P15 shock repeater cannon but a light M134 3-barrel rotary shock repeater turret. While outdated this setup is fairly sufficient to deal with common threats while the Gavin is never intended to be a frontline vehicle.
- M1025 Goat: Light transport and utility vehicle seen carrying most military equipment. It replaced old M151 Heavy Jeeps and various hovertruck types in the said role, improving logistics and overall mobility considerably. The Goat is a deceivingly sturdy vehicle which might not have much armor but was engineered with crew and passenger survivability in mind. M1025A3 is the designation of the baseline current production model of Goats but the vehicle has myriads of different variants ranging from specialists like ambulance, tow and engineer vehicles to weapons carriers like missile, hyperlance and shock mortar variants. M1051A1 is a whole new vehicle called the Great Goat. It has increased armor including PRA blocks to resist modern threats and could carry heavier equipment. With the Great Goat production in full swing it is expected that the vehicle type will serve Asteria for another 40 years.
- Hoverjeep: Speedy and cheap hover vehicle used for personal transportation and reconnaissance. While there are universal requirements from the military to their jeeps these vehicles are created by myriad of manufacturers with varying features and capabilities. Jeeps are generally have little if any protection and are advised to leave combat at the soonest opportunity.
Howdy! I'm just getting back into nation arpee, and this one seems pretty interesting. I was considering making a nation of technologically anachronistic/backwards crustaceans from the far tertiary stars (that little section with almost nothing in it on the left of the map). Is the concept too bad?
@Xenonia I think it certainly fits the theme of the frontier. However, I will note that humans most likely had visited their home system(if only so that you have access to a Jump Gate).
Yeah, the idea is that when humans made contact with them they were in an early industrial age, combustion engines and early automatic ballistic weapons and whatnot, and the arrival of humanity made space travel available to them. Thus, they're essentially a early 20th century civilization of fuzzy crab men who have gone on to make massive colonization efforts of the systems around them, but very little in the way of technological progress. Big but not powerful.
Soo... this looks interesting. Is there room for a bunch of hyper industrial, cybernetically augmented militaristic, not-Russian/Americans with lots of explosives occupying a couple forge worlds? Dependent on others for food, but also a massive industrial base?
also maybe dragongirls or something because I am now obligated to combine grit and steel with cute kemonomimi people
The Continuance is, at least ostensibly, a representative democracy. Of course, by now that ruse has been all but completely exposed. It is true that at one point in the distant past the Continuance functioned much like the democracies of old earth, but time has seen those traditions and institutions eroded. Centuries ago wealthiest members of society, almost exclusively members of corporate dynasties, were able to leverage their influence and establish a legal system of peerage in the Continuance, and ever since the nations government has seen its power diminish.
Today the Continuance’s Parliament is entirely made up of members of the Peerage, as commoners are forbidden from running for office. As such, the legislative body of the nation acts as little more than a political arena for the elite and a rubber stamp factory when an issue affecting the whole peerage arises. Members of an enfranchised class may vote for any noble in the nation they please, but more often than not the companies those nobles control compel their employees votes, a practice that while deeply and unequivocally undemocratic is entirely legal and even encouraged.
61% Human: Halcyon’s Human population is largely descended from the passengers of the Arc Vasco da Gama. One of many Arcs financed by the European Union and its private partners. They are, as a whole, about what one could expect. Some have been subject to genetic or cybernetic alteration, others are no different from their ancient ancestors, and all are no more or less than what they are. Human.
23% Ataraxin: Of all the tragedies to play out in the Eden luster, perhaps there is none greater than that of the Ataraxian species. A people who have lost their culture, history, their very being, the Ataraxians exist today as little more than the favoured vassals of their Human masters. Casualties of a migration they could not have predicted.
Of course, it was not always so. Centuries ago, on the world known today as Ataraxia, there were a proud, if young, people. The ancestors of today’s Ataraxian’s, native sons and daughters of a planet whose true name is now long forgotten. They were a unique and alien people in the midst of a prosperous iron age, rapidly spreading out across the surface of their world and beginning the inexorable conquest of nature that all sapient beings embark upon.
They were every bit the captains of their own destiny. They fought, they loved, but they did all this themselves. Not one of them could have expected that to change, but change it did. When the Halcyon Continuance sent a Gate to their world, two centuries before it arrived, they hadn’t even discovered the secrets of Iron. How could they have even begun to suspect that their children's children would live to see all their accomplishments turn to dust?
For that is what happened. As soon as that first connection was made all was lost. Halcyon sent diplomats to every kingdom and tribe on Ataraxia, but they were not sent to secure peace. They were sent to secure surrender. Few complied, but they didn’t need compliance. Merely an excuse. Forty eight hours after the first human stepped onto Ataraxia half a million Ataraxian’s were dead and the rest second class citizens of an alien power.
Though, perhaps that is too generous a description. Humans flooded onto Ataraxia until its native people were a minority on their own planet, and that was only the beginning. Soon it became illegal for Ataraxian’s to own property, illegal for Ataraxian’s to work in administrative positions, and it wasn’t like they had ever been permitted to vote.
For over a century the Ataraxian species suffered under the Human boot, and then came the offer. The Halcyon Continuance had been effectively overthrown by the corporate dynasties it had elevated to nobility, and one of those dynasties had a plan for the Ataraxian species. Ricci Biotechnical developed a genetic treatment that could, if taken for a few generations, alter the Ataraxian people to look, think, and behave more like their Human masters. It was, in effect, genocide in a bottle. Of course, that mattered little when committing to the treatment guaranteed an Ataraxian full rights for their children, so long as they too stayed on it.
The price was high, in the beginning, but soon Ricci Biotechnical was able to sell the treatment for pennies. After all, they had just recently been awarded nearly a quarter of Ataraxia as their fief. They had no reason not to ‘improve’ its populace. At least, no reason its noble board controllers could see.
Centuries later and now every living Ataraxian looks close to Human, acts close to Human, and speaks exactly like a Human would. Interbreeding is still impossible, with many of the changes to Ataraxian physiology being more cosmetic than functional, but by and large the modern Ataraxian is little different than a Human. While the Continuance still forbids Aliens from holding noble titles there are few Ataraxian’s that don’t at least hold the status of a Commoner, a class with all the rights of a citizen and the ability to settle on Halcyon itself.
They are often seen in noble houses as servants or soldiers.
6% Putt: For centuries Putts, like most aliens, avoided Halcyon as much as was possible. This was partly due the anti-alien atmosphere within the nation, and partly due to the starkly humid nature of most Continuance planets. However, when Halcyon amended its laws, making citizenship and equal rights something that could be bought, wealthy Putts seized the opportunity. If there was money to be made in the opening of an entire Core worlds economy to alien investment and migration then Putts were there to make it. The annexation of Parousia, an arid world, two hundred years ago only made Halcyon more attractive to a species that had already found homes and opportunities there.
4% Dakku: Over the centuries many Dakku have found their way to Halcyon space. (Waiting for more Dakku Info)
2% Jakai: (Waiting for mote Jakai Info)
2% Simmie: Raygon’s Simmies have found there way to Halcyon in the centuries since their creation some two centuries ago. While the vast majority remain on Raygon, some of the wealthier or more connected examples of the species have found the Continuance to be a most hospitable home. Valued for their dexterity and skill Simmies generally work in the luxury goods industry. Crafting some of the finest bespoke jewelry and clothing Halcyon’s Simmie population is notable for being the few alien communities to find not only a foothold, but genuine acceptance in the nation.
1% Misle: With every rule, there is an exception. When considering Halcyon’s infamously hostile stance towards aliens it is the Misle that are the exception. Perhaps it is simply due to their appearance, or maybe the myths that surround why they look like they do, but by and large the Misle have been welcomed as equals by the Continuance. There are small communities of these peculiar aliens on near every world in the Halcyon Continuance.
1% Other (Petalosi, Drazuun, Qurok, etc.) The Continuance plays host to a number of other species. Petalosi can be found in the nation's universities and labs, Qurok’s have been seen acting as mercenaries in the employ of the Nobility, and the list goes on. For all it can unwelcoming to aliens, if an individual has the money or skills Halcyon will make an exception.
Halcyon is, above all else, a nation of hierarchies. It’s society and culture revolves around who you are, what you have, and how you use it. An individual's class not only governs their rights and the laws that apply to them, but also how they are expected to act in the presence of their equals, superiors, or inferiors. The influence of class on Halcyon is such that wearing the wrong clothes for your social group can be a grievous offence, or worse yet, a legitimate crime. So it goes without saying that to understand Halcyon one must first understand the nations legally enforced social strata.
There are four legally enshrined classes within the Halcyon Continuance, of which only two are afforded the rights of Citizenship. The nobility and the common classes are considered to be citizens of Halcyon and are thereby entitled to a number of legal rights their non-citizen counterparts lack. Notably, only citizens may vote, only citizens may own property, and only citizens are entitled to legal counsel. Those without the distinction of citizen are almost invariably the poorest members of society, especially considering that membership in the common class has been obtainable via purchase for close to two hundred years.
That said, the common class is the highest one that an individual can buy their way into. Halcyon’s peerage is, by and large, fairly similar in membership to what it was when it was first declared centuries ago. That isn’t to say that there aren’t more nobles alive today than there were then, but rather that there are only a handful of new noble families. To ascend to the rank of nobility is a difficult thing and can generally only be accomplished by marriage into an existing family, or massive and unprecedented success and popularity. A new noble family may only be declared by a two thirds majority vote among the heads of all exist noble families, and thus even some of Halcyon’s most successful commoner businessmen lack the distinction.
However, for all the difficulty in attaining it membership in Halcyon’s peerage is beyond rewarding. A noble is largely exempt from all conventional criminal punishment, being given the option to pay nominal fines rather than suffer any real consequence, and that is only the beginning. Halcyon’s nobility exists apart from all but the richest and most influential in the Eden Cluster. One of the honours which has led to the dominance of the noble class is their sole right to conduct international commerce. While corporations may be run and owned by commoners, only the nobility may operate private entities beyond Halcyon’s borders. Thus, even the most successful commoners are forced to rely on their betters forbearance and sponsorship if they wish to access the vast markets of the Eden Cluster.
The privilege of the nobility extends to almost anything one can imagine. Failing to yield your place in line to a member of the nobility is a legitimate crime, failing to pay proper respect to a member of the nobility is a legitimate crime, and that barely even touches upon the extent of a nobles rights. In truth the quagmire of laws surrounding class interaction means that a noble has, at almost all times, the legal right to imprison or even murder anyone of a lower class. Abuse of this has, historically, been met with harsh punishment within the family, but never justice.
In Halcyon the nobility do not merely make the law, they are the law. However, they are still few. The other citizen class, that of the commoners, is far larger. While they don’t possess anything close to the rights of the nobility most commoners live a rather privileged life. Albeit, one that must be bought into at birth or in life. Educated professionals entitled to subsidized education, free healthcare, and legal counsel Halcyon’s commoners are among the richest civilians in the cluster. Part of this stems from their right to own property, which provides nearly every commoner family a source of income in the form of rent from non-citizens.
Indeed, Halcyon’s commoners may be at the whim of the nobility, but few nobles walk the streets in broad daylight exercising their more questionable rights. In truth, it is the common class that represents Halcyon’s greatest collection of tyrants. Landlords almost to a man commoners not only dictate how the non-citizen classes below them live, but they also hold a great deal of power over their lessers in personal life. Members of non-citizen classes must pay respect to the common class in much the same way the common class pays respect to the nobility. For example, it is considered a legal offence for a non-citizen to besmirch or slander a citizen. It is considered a legal offense for a non-citizen to enter an establishment not specifically designated for their use. It is even considered a legal offence for a non-citizen to die in the employ of one of their betters, the punishment being a fine levied on their surviving family.
To lack citizenship in Halcyon is to lose, and to continue losing. Two classes fall into this category, the peons and the dregs. By definition all Humans, Ataraxians, and Misle without commoner status in Halcyon are Peons, able to purchase entry into the common class at birth or in life but by and large far too poor to do so. Having to pay for education, healthcare, legal counsel, and renters by definition Peon’s are almost always in debt from the day they’re born. Few actually live on Halcyon, being largely relegated to living on the Continuance’s industrial and agricultural Periphery worlds.
Of course, for however difficult it is to rise from the status of peon,dregs have it worse. The lowest class in Halcyon dregs are sufficiently ‘inhuman’ aliens that have either been born in Halcyon or have migrated there and failed to buy their way into a higher class. Dregs suffer all the inhumanities peons do, but they lack even basic rights. Notably dregs are barred from educational institutions, subject to exploitation rates for healthcare, and presumed guilty until proven innocent in trial. None wish to end up as a member of this class, and few generally do. However aliens whose parents have been unable, or unwilling, to buy then membership in the common or peon classes end up in this most wretched class.
About the de Gama
When the Arc Vasco da Gama landed on Halcyon it, unlike some of its fellows, encountered nothing more than a world rich in flora and fauna. Not one pair of alien eyes watched the enormous vessel break through the world's atmosphere, nor did any curious native encounter the Arc’s occupants as they swarmed out and built a city around their ship.
The republic
Rise of the elites
Establishment of the peerage
A WIP. Should be done tomorrow or the day after, but I thought to post some stuff tonight. Been too long.
Nation Name/Flag: Mirvolyudkiyska Soyuz (Union of Mirvolyudki) - Mirvolyudki Government Type: Socialistic Stratocracy Nominally a Federal Republican system of government, the real power of Mirvolyudki lies in the military and the vast workers’ unions. Indeed themselves theoretically separate, in practice the military and the economy are so closely linked as to be indistinguishable. A head of state and Commander-in-Chief known as a Premier is elected from the pool of those individuals who have completed their state service, be it explicitly military or some other field, and will serve in this role for a period of five years. A position analogous to Prime Minister known as a Chair is also elected from this same pool. Once more, in theory these positions may be filled by nearly anyone - but in practice they nearly always come from the upper echelons of military hierarchy. Civil servants are wholly part of the military’s administrative apparatus, and public works are funded and constructed by the Ministry of Domestic Infrastructure, a wing of the military’s engineering corps.
Volyudki: An offshoot of humanity tracing their origins back to the early days after the detection of the rogue star known as Perses. In the vast, uncontrolled violence and pandemonium that ensued, one nation created the progenitors of the people that would come to call themselves Volyudki. Initially an attempted supersoldier project, they have come far since then through liberal use of genetic modification technology, sporting an engineered compatibility with cybernetic modification. The average Volyudki stands at 193cm and 136kg, not including the extensive cybernetic modifications made to most individuals throughout their lifetimes. The Volyudki posess an unmodified average lifespan similar to that of healthy humans, and a modified lifespan that can seemingly stretch on for hundreds of years. In addition to the physical modifications done to themselves, signwprefab housingificant modifications have been made to other aspects of their biology, such as their male to female sex ratio - currently sitting at 1:20.
Achanastari: The indigenous population of the planet Furymilvyaz-2i, the Achanastari had already achieved limited spaceflight by the time of the arrival of the Volyudki in their system and had begun the process of explorative landings upon the other planets within their system, hoping to establish colonies upon them. This was interrupted by the Volyudki, who imposed their presence upon the system with little negotiation, subjecting the uninhabitable planets to aggressive mining operations and beginning the construction of more of the vast housing and manufacturing sectors that defined their burgeoning empire. The Achanastari, left with little in the way of meaningful resistance, were entirely subsumed into the apparatus of their new overlords, a cultural affinity for bureaucracy ensuring them a solid, well defined role within the society of the Federation. Despite the harsh, violent change to their way of life they have adapted shockingly well, pioneering many of the adaptations of Volyudki cybernetic enhancement to their own biology and to that of unmodified humans. Culturally strongly individualist and solitary beings, they often clash with the more communally minded Volyudki, leading to occasional small scale violence and frequent workplace friction.
Leadership: Valeriev Glagoleva Mariun Konstantinovna: Premier of Mirvolyudki. A young Premier at only 84, Valeriev is a precocious and charismatic leader. Having been elected from a comparatively junior rank of only a field captain, her forward thinking capability was credited with saving the lives of many comrades during her tour on the border with Saudovskaraviya. Doubted by many for her relative youth, she is a bold and polarizing figure within Mirvolyudki.
Tyomkina Fenya Borisovno Innokentievna: Chair of Mirvolyudki Unlike the Premier, Tyomkina is far, far older at 314, a seasoned military commander holding the rank of Army General and an equally seasoned politician, having survived the decades of intrigue and the rise and fall of countless political movements.
Burov Ludomir Semyonovich Kudashova: Minister of Finance
Larionova Lydia Petrovnu Nikitovna: Minister of Military Industry
A massive industrial powerhouse, the economy of Mirvolyudki is a market economy like many of their contemporaries - though the similarities end there. There are no vast megacorporations within the confines of Mirvolyudki’s space - instead there are equally vast worker owned cooperative enterprises spanning the width of the entire economy. Shipbuilding, electronics, the manufacturing of goods both necessary and frivolous, all these sectors and more are dominated by cooperative and state enterprises - though like many spheres of life in Volyudki, it can be difficult to tell the two apart, so tightly they are intertwined. The state retains almost complete control of military manufacturing, producing reliable, rugged machines and equipment. Some of the surplus is sold to other nations in exchange for shipments of food or raw materials the Voldyuki lack. Almost all Volyudki, and many of the other segments of Mirvolyudki’s population are heavily augmented with cybernetic technology, and the production and maintenance of these crucial components of not only everyday life but of the nation’s strength and welfare is of vital concern.
The greatest weakness of the economy of Mirvolyudki is food - for their domestic production falls far short of the necessary amount to feed their own people. Vast quantities of staple crops are imported from abroad to feed the hungry masses of Mirvolyudki’s forge worlds, which in turn produce vast quantities of ships, other vehicles, prefabricated housing, electronic goods, weapons, and more.
Products from Mirvolyudki are known to be reliable, ruggedly built, cheap, and utilitarian - with little in the way of extravagances or luxury in mind. Those items manufactured with a private consumer in mind, such as personal electronics, sacrifice some of their rugged durability for a more comfortable and enjoyable experience. Cybernetics from Mirvolyudki are likewise known to be simple and rugged, immensely powerful and robust devices with a higher cost than the norm expected of products made by the Volyudki, however they make no effort to hide the cybernetic nature or to emulate human form - instead prioritizing maximum efficacy at their intended tasks.
With the war with the traitors of Tretirykh, the economy is under great strain as millions, if not billions of souls are called up to fight against this deadly threat. Automation fills much of the gap, but even still, the price of everyday goods has risen in order to finance the war effort. With the war with the traitors of Tretirykh, the economy is under great strain as millions, if not billions of souls are called up to fight against this deadly threat. Automation fills much of the gap, but even still, the price of everyday goods has risen in order to finance the war effort. The new domestic shortfall in agricultural production has an even more marked effect on the related goods, available food has become much more expensive and much less varied. Preprepared stockpiles of preserved staple foods are being emptied to feed the hungry masses, but without imports from abroad the situation is untenable long term.
The military of Mirvolyudki is a near all-encompassing entity, dominating public construction, criminal justice, and more - and its budget it set to match. Even viewed solely through the lense of its wartime arm, the military of Mirvolyudki is an enormous behemoth commanding the respect and consideration not only of just their neighbors, but the whole cluster. Rooted in the deep seated cultural paranoia and militarism ingrained in the average Volyudki since childhood, the vast military of Mirvolyudki reflects the deep suspicion and distaste with which ‘outsiders’ are frequently viewed. Those nations not of the Volyudki themselves do not understand the trials endured by their people, and those nations will surely seek to explot or destroy them, such is their view. In response, the military can call upon vast, seemingly endless manpower to fill out its infantry formations, tank battalions, and the armadas of heavy warships. This enormous force places an equally enormous strain on the nation that hosts it, and it is for this reason that the military so permeates nearly every aspect of life within Mirvolyudki.
With the outbreak of the Tretirykh Rebellion, the military of Mirvolyudki has been kicked into overdrive. Hundreds of mothballed warships were refitted and remobilized, tens of thousands of tanks, vast reserves restored and rearmed. The military is gearing up for the grinding, bloody war of attrition developing in the embattled systems.
During the near-apocalyptic wars waged in the aftermath of the discovery of the brown dwarf that would spell the end of humanity’s habitation of the earth, one nation, situated in the territory of modern day Russia, Finland, and Sweden, sought to achieve supremacy on the battlefield. In doing so, they leveraged the comparatively primitive genetic manipulation technology of the time. Their goal was the creation of a strain of humans that, with the addition of further training and cybernetic enhancement, could become the ultimate soldiers. Fearless, pitiless, harbingers of death that would assault any position, purge any foe, and obey any order. But as any cautionary tale of science fiction would warn, creating a new life form, a sapient one, and expecting it to perform as planned is a fool’s errand. The progenitors of the people who would become the Volyudki rebelled at some point, the exact date lost to time. Sickened with being used as expendable troops, forced to commit atrocities no sane being could condone, they rose up against their creators and seized power in a part of the country. Their fledgling rebel nation coalesced around an urban center once known as Saint Petersburg. For years, the fighting raged on, brutal, bloody, grinding warfare. A siege the likes of which the city had not seen since a time almost a century before, when the people of Saint Petersburg had likewise been surrounded by an enemy determined to wipe them out. At first, it was an insistence upon crushing the rebellion, but it grew to an ideological war of annihilation as the emerging culture of the people who would come to call themselves Volyudki grew to be influenced by schools of economic and societal thought from decades past. The fighting grew even more bitter as at times entire formations of the enemy’s soldiers, modified and unmodified, would defect to the side of the rebellion.
At some point, yet another rebellion occured within the state, one wider reaching and more vast than anything achievable by a comparatively small segment of the soldiery. The state’s power waned as vast swathes of its territory fell in a matter of weeks, and soon the Volyudki’s progenitors were faced with a new potential foe - but this new state came with an offer of peace instead. They would be reabsorbed into the broader state apparatus and would pledge their by now formidable military might to the annihilation of a few remaining foes - and in turn they would be granted passage on an Ark of their own. Fierce debate raged, and a rebellion nearly broke out within the ranks of the rebellion, but at length the offer was accepted. With the redoubled efforts of the once more unified nation, many targets fell within days under the relentless, brutal assaults of the hardened veterans that filled the ranks of the Volyudki.
The rest followed as expected, and the construction of the arks began. The Volyudki dedicated themselves with gusto to the task. But once more, they would be used - as they entered cryosleep, the capsules containing the hibernating Volyudki colonists were separated and distributed amongst multiple arks, rather than one of their own as they had been promised. A calculated effort to weaken and divide them, ensure they would not have the power to rebel and cause havoc once more.
Upon awaking in the new cluster, they were not greeted with the idyllic garden worlds they had hoped to see, but a murderously cold planet, so volcanically active that entire rivers and lakes of lava coursed through the permafrost. Many colonists had begun to starve and die in light of the difficult conditions, and they soon realized the betrayal that had befallen them soon after - as the overseers of the colony instructed them to instill order in the now riotous people. Initially, they were lead on, promised their own corner of the world to grow and build on, but as they suppressed the rebellions the same distaste and loathing as before grew within them and they turned their weapons on their would be rulers, commandeering the ark in a brutal coup and casting the overseers out into the cold with the colonists they had sought to control. They would watch coldly as the colonists began to starve, unable to adapt to the planet’s harsh climate. They would listen as the people called them callous murderers, a feral pack of wolves that cared only for themselves. As the last of the screams died off, months later, they emerged from the ark, greeting the remaining survivors with bullets or arrest, depending on the individual. But the experience had left them shaken, traumatized - the name wolves had stuck with the colonists, and the Volyudki began to adopt it to describe themselves. They were wolves, they would fight and destroy any obstacle that threatened their wellbeing, they would work as a group to survive and thrive even in the bleakest adversity, they would mercilessly carry out whatever needed to be done to live.
It was then that, as they began to expand across the planet, they discovered Genestealer technology. Already a genetically modified people, ones who had fully embraced a transhuman ideal, the discovery of this new technology, advanced beyond anything they could have imagined before, sent a ripple throughout their society. Once more, open conflict loomed within their own ranks, some wanted to destroy it, others sought to embrace it - in the end the latter won. The leadership at the time proceeding to craft their new image of the people who would go on to claim the planet for themselves, to bend its icy, volcanic fury to their whim. They would properly embrace the name wolves. As the process began, the term Volyudki first came into true common vernacular. They were the wolf people. Other changes became evident as the process continued - an incredible resistance to the cold, a remarkable adaptability and compatibility with cybernetic augmentation, and most controversially, a birth sex ratio heavily skewed in favor of women. Justified by the then de-facto leader of their people as a necessity of the times - they were in unknown space, more of the people who would have them destroyed and purged lurked out there in the uncharted stars, their population would have to grow as fast as possible to accomodate the threat. In private she was more candid - wishing for a society dominated by and almost wholly composed of women. Her exact reasons were never determined.
The Volyudki population boomed, and they began to cover the entire world in vast industrial cities, greenhouses built with the aid of the copious volcanic activity feeding them in ample quantities for a time. But as it always did, ideologies grew separate, and violence reared its ugly head. Once more, rebellion loomed amongst the Volyudki as they struggled to assert their own individual ideologies. But this time, it could not be averted. A vast war broke out across the entire planet, raging for years and racking up a death toll into the hundreds of millions as factions representing a dozen different ideologies waged a brutal war across the ice fields and solidified lava plains, in local space, and more. As the years dragged on, two primary factions remained, one professing a Maoist ideology, and one adhering to the market socialistic model identified with Mirvolyudki to this day. The war raged on, a grinding attritional nightmare, with no end in sight - until one day, in one of the planet’s fits of volcanic fury, nearly an entire continent was consumed in the fire of a supervolcanic eruption. Billions perished in the ensuring chaos, an entire megalopolis wiped off the face of the map - but the side that would go on to create the modern empire of Mirvolyudki had survived, and despite the logistical nightmare, pushed hard into the chaos, securing all points of value that remained and declaring final victory.
Decades followed, almost a century, and the planet was once more thriving, united under the same basic governmental and economic structure that characterizes Mirvolyudki to this day. And the eyes of the Volyudki turned to the stars, once more. They began to build shipyards, docks, and their colony ships, teeming with colonists began to branch out into first their local solar system, bringing to heel the equally unforgiving climates of the other technically ‘habitable’ planets of the solar system, and then branching out from there, building vast communications networks through the gates and upon their planets. New solar systems came under their heel, an entire new species, and re-contact with unaltered humans, many of whom reacted with bewilderment at the sight of the Volyudki. In under a century, the borders of Mirvolyudki reached their present extent, but the real work of development had yet to be undertaken. Vast mining and construction projects began on the conquered and colonized worlds, those planets and asteroids not habitable even by the stubborn Volyudki were mined even more intensely. Mind bogglingly enormous cities and industrial complexes began to rise from the crusts of their worlds.
But a danger loomed unbeknownst to the people and leadership of Mirvolyudki. Festering in the underworld and dark corners of the internet, a movement thought long defeated grew in size and power. Calling themselves Tretirykh, they professed adherence to ancient ideologies that many in Mirvolyudki considered repugnant and abominable. And yet, this movement grew, buoyed by false claims of endless prosperity in the lands outside Mirvolyudki’s sealed borders, images of the palatial estates of the corporate elite of Raygon and promises that all would live like kings under the rule of Tretirykh. By the time Mirvolyudki’s leadership became aware of the scope of the threat, it was too late, and a full fledged rebellion erupted upon an industrial world in the Kravinigorka System. Bolstered by arms and equipment from across the cluster in numbers scarcely believeable, the rebellion quickly seized control of the entire system, putting to death those they deemed inferior and launching lightning assaults on unprepared adjacent systems. The militaries of those systems fought bravely, but were woefully underprepared to face a threat from within their own borders, the vast bulk of Mirvolyudki’s armed forces being deployed in maintaining the closed borders and preventing the incursion of outside interlopers.
Hurriedly, the Premier called up available reservists and recruitment drives began, tens of millions of soldiers being rushed to the defense of the interior from this inexplicably well equipped rebel force. The momentum had been lost, however, and the rebellion succeeded in annexing the majority of the systems of Vylganitsyn and Kurkesta, and with it Mirvolyudki’s most productive agri-worlds. Only a small foothold consisting of a mining world in the Vylganitsyn system and the military bases of the moon orbiting Kurkesta-II remained, and it was from these that counterattacks would be launched with the full force of the military of Mirvolyudki. But though the counterattacks succeeded in establishing small footholds in a few occupied planets, the fighting was fierce. Grinding, attritional warfare set in as even well drilled tank batallions and heavy orbital bombardment were unable to dislodge the defenders - whose numbers defied belief and showed no signs of thinning. The key targets, vital agri-worlds that made up a vast percentage of Mirvolyudki’s overall food supply could not be retaken. And Mirvolyudki began to go hungry.
And so, faced with starvation, after centuries of relative isolation in the wake of past conflict, of being the reclusive, heavily armed nation that refused to trade, the Volyudki opened their borders in desperation. They began to hunt for potential trading partners, nations whom could feed the hungry soldiers and workers of Mirvolyudki in their war.
Characters: Valeriev Glagoleva Mariun Konstantinovna: Premier of Mirvolyudki. A young Premier at only 84, Valeriev is a precocious and charismatic leader. Having been elected from a comparatively junior rank of only a field captain, her forward thinking capability was credited with saving the lives of many comrades during her tour on the border with Saudovskaraviya. Doubted by many for her relative youth, she is a bold and polarizing figure within Mirvolyudki.
Tyomkina Fenya Borisovno Innokentievna: Chair of Mirvolyudki Unlike the Premier, Tyomkina is far, far older at 314, a seasoned military commander holding the rank of Army General and an equally seasoned politician, having survived the decades of intrigue and the rise and fall of countless political movements.
Burov Ludomir Semyonovich Kudashova: Minister of Finance
Larionova Lydia Petrovnu Nikitovna: Minister of Military Industry
Melekhova Agasha Tarasovnov Georgievna (Mashka): A hapless criminal, convicted of manufacture of Class III pharmaceuticals without a license and improper maintenance of state issued arms. Sentenced to thirty years of state service, twenty if in a combat unit. Melekhova accepted the latter, and is currently a Lance Corporal, serving in her third year. She has been deployed to the polar front on the planet of Vylganitsyn-III, leading an infantry squad.
Isayeva Verka Yakovn Adeliya
Relations: Tretirykh (NPC): At war. No peace may be brokered, only unconditional surrender.
@Apollo26 We're still accepting and no, it would not be lore breaking. In fact, it very much is something that could happen in the frontier, so you're all good in that regard :)
Economy: The Economy of the cartel sustains itself via the production, distribution and smuggling of narcotics to other nations and systems.
Military: The Cartel lacks a professional army but has a large force of “ Sicarios” or cartel assassins that function along the same role. Like any other military, the sicarios are spilt into different groups ranging from drug crazed mobs with guns to highly trained teams of assassins. In terms of vehicles and armament, the cartel uses whatever they can buy from other nations, leading to a large variety of weapons and vehicles to choose from.
History: The Kudra family grew up in extreme poverty, the patriarch was a human who was exiled from his world and dumped on some backwater planet to die. The elder Kudra was a shrewd and effective character and quickly learned how to survive in this new slum of a planet. Robbery, murder and highjacking were common and the patriarch of the Kudra family excelled at this carefully planned violence. It wasn’t long before he gained his own followers and built an infrastructure around this emerging industry. After another generation Sylvester Kudra’s father, Vitayl Kudra added another facet to the cartel business model, narcotics. Taking advantage of the addiction ever present in the frontier worlds and the joy seeking behaviour of those in the core worlds, narcotics provided a steady stream of income for the Kudra family. After Vitayl stepped down and passed the business to his son Sylvester expanded the business from a single planet to three, increasing production and income in orders of magnitude. Sylvester however has bigger plans for the cartel, he wants to become a narco superpower and is willing to do anything to accomplish that aim.
Characters: - Vitayl Kudra : Gradnfather and former leader of the Kudra cartel. Old but certainly not infirm or weak. Currently living a lavish life in his villa on the Kudra homeworld. - Sylvester Kudra: The current leader of the cartel, shrewd, cold hearted and intelligent. He is an effective business man but is not a stranger to violence or using violence to achieve his goals - Kan Karrick: Chief Sicario for the Kudra cartel, this man has a body count rivalling most armies, he has proved his worth behind the trigger of a gun and at the edge of a blade. An expert in using fear and intimidation. - Moira Jaal: Head of production, she oversees all production efforts for the cartel. She is the head chemist and is uncannily intelligent. She is as dangerous as she is a genius. - Ku’kamich: Lead smuggler and manager of all smuggling operations, he is the only xenos to reach the upper leadership of the cartel, he is well respected and is responsible for all of the smuggling procedures and practices the cartel uses.
@Sigma Hey there! May I ask a question or two about this RP, if that is ok? Just looking around the site this holiday season, thinking about things so i don't join too many RPs on an impulse, and trying to sate the curiosity i have about this RP! :D
1. What's the, ah, general situation in-RP as of current times? Is there a lot of war? Internal civil strife? etc.
2. Would a race based on something like the Valkyria from the Valkyria Chronicles series be potentially acceptable? Aka: A race who exerts great power when exposed to a particularly unique mineral on their homeworld, or something of the sorts, perhaps? Just to get a feel of what kinds of things you would, or would not, accept.
3. Any sort of nations, or races, or such you feel the RP would need..or otherwise better suit it currently? :)
Thank You for your time, and i hope to hear back soon! Ah, if that is ok i mean. ^^;
@Crusader Lord No worries! I welcome any questions about the rp!
1. With some small scale conflicts, a cold war raging, and general frontier shenanigans here and there(And indeed, some internal strife, I think :P). The setting for the most part is pretty peaceful, which to me is a surprising development in an NRP :P
2. Hmm I'd say that could work, we have a human nation(Zishan), who's colonists had come into contact with an alien mineral/substance that made a segment of the population into psionics. So something similar happening could be possible.
3. Honestly I can't think of anything at the top of my head at the moment :P You can check the currently set sheets to see if you wish to fill in some sort of role. I will await to see what you have in mind and we can discuss if any changes need to be made.
I'm sort of tempted to do a religious type of organization that frequently raids and steals supplies disguised as pirates. I sort of know what I want to do, something like Nod in C&C, a charismatic leader who's goal is ascension through alien technology and artifacts. Ascension then would be tied to their ideology that they will be one people with shared thoughts and shared goals. However, they are quite far from there yet thus, they are sort of terroristic, raiding, gathering materials, stealing artifacts, all to further their goals. They operate with different cells around the galaxy but center themselves near the fringe where they are less likely to be snooped on while at the same time rousing the poor and oppressed to rise up against their supposed overlords. But it's just a concept, any ideas on criticisms, or things I may have missed? I did only skim a little of the accepted sheets, I don't want to conflict with anything.