Name: Leonard Magnus Aldridge
Nickname: Leo, The Macedonian Bull
Age: 17
Grade: Mephisto's School for the Wickedly Inclined, 2nd Year
Nickname: Leo, The Macedonian Bull
Age: 17
Grade: Mephisto's School for the Wickedly Inclined, 2nd Year

Strength is obtained by overcoming adversity, and adversity is found in the midst of battle. This is where I belong, in the fiery pits of the fight!
Crude, ill tempered, aggressive and arrogant to a fault. There’s nothing and no one this boy fears, nothing he doesn’t deem unbeatable. First tries are downloads, seconds are stepping stones and thirds are but a means to get stronger. Determination and will flow through him like very blood that boils in the midst of battle. A child who was born with incredible strength and endurance, his speed surpassed people far more trained than himself, far more experienced and as age came, his abilities grew greater. His demeanor and overall his features painted him as a villain, a delinquent, eventually Leo grew to accept such and shoulder the weight of his own title. Fighting came naturally, shapeless yet malleable, like the water which flows on the riverbeds, his fighting and magical prowess began to synchronize.
Leo grew to enjoy the fight, to overcome that which all thought was his own destiny. Leo is a delinquent through and through. He follows only his rebellious spirit, does what he wants and when he wants it. He shapes himself and disciplines himself according to only his own perspectives. Ironically, this boy holds a passiveness most don’t deems to witness too oftenly. Perhaps this is also a means to display a side of strength he was not allowed to through childhood.
Leo hanged with the wrong crowds, fought a lot and met himself in dangerous situation merely due to the look of his mein. Everyone and anyone who dares stepped forwards was never met with kindness, the world around him demanded him to become stronger and stronger. Defeat after defeat, pain through admission of living, but this never weighed on him, if life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. But if life gives you tragedy, then I guess you should take such and shove it up the worlds ass.

Core Power: True Rend of the Iron Wall
What makes this ability so different? Perhaps because it is not an ability to begin with. An Iron Wall exist both as a metaphor and as warning. Perhaps to keep whatever approaches at bay, or maybe even to sustain something dangerous within. Naturally gifted with athleticism and strength, Leo has conquered his own weaknesses and insecurities and made them into power. Controlled them under the guise of his own genius, or perhaps lack of there of. Simply put, in a world where magic and mages preside, perhaps the battle of fist has begun to die down. And as such, a power of rebellion swelled upon him and the fight began to boil on his blood. It is simple, so simple some doubt it is even an ability. The ability in essence is full body control. Precise movement, and even the cancelation of one, undoing one action so quickly and immediately shifting to the next. It uses the flow of magic to simply sustain and control the flow of how he decided to move
Full body control at its peak.
What makes this ability so different? Perhaps because it is not an ability to begin with. An Iron Wall exist both as a metaphor and as warning. Perhaps to keep whatever approaches at bay, or maybe even to sustain something dangerous within. Naturally gifted with athleticism and strength, Leo has conquered his own weaknesses and insecurities and made them into power. Controlled them under the guise of his own genius, or perhaps lack of there of. Simply put, in a world where magic and mages preside, perhaps the battle of fist has begun to die down. And as such, a power of rebellion swelled upon him and the fight began to boil on his blood. It is simple, so simple some doubt it is even an ability. The ability in essence is full body control. Precise movement, and even the cancelation of one, undoing one action so quickly and immediately shifting to the next. It uses the flow of magic to simply sustain and control the flow of how he decided to move
Full body control at its peak.
Warden: Judge, Jury and perhaps even executioner. Witness, fall before the stance of absolute defense. Standing perfectly still, honing every secular muscle under a single regulated breath, the world become its own observer. Reality in itself shifts before the might of its bane. Attentive, secure, and certain, reversing his own flow of power and instead granting the enemy levity of freedom, a single hand exposed to his periphery, sensitive to all which dawns at his behest, any and all whom is met with such will be susceptible to a conqueror’s tenacity. A stance taken where any attack that attempts to fall would be intercepted, a mostly physical skill in which the flow of his own strength is reversed and utilized effectively for the absorption of shock that a blow naturally emanate upon contact, forcing such to reduce the quantity of strength or even nullify such to its entirety. Projectiles attacks are treated differently, however. Although the same principles apply however, he cannot catch a bullet in his hands, or stop a fireball in its track entirely. Although he could reduce the damage dealt with such, he cannot completely nullify its effects.
Starchaser: Grant me once again that which was lost upon a sea of creation, or perhaps even ignore such fact, and grant me what’s rightfully mine! A limiter, enhancing is one thing, it is to push the body’s limits to its very core, beyond its normal capacity and grit. However, to some this is but a limitless folly. The body unable to cope with such would eventually give out, run out of its own incompetence. Not this one, this releases the chains of a beats and demonstrates to the world the gift of being born a true warrior. Upon such, his velocity, strength, awareness, and all are brought to their zenith, their natural state. Utilizing 100% of his brains functions. What some might consider to be beyond human strength to others it’s merely their destiny.
Iron Facebreaker: You cannot perhaps get as straightforward as this, Perhaps there is art in simplicity, but truthfully there is nothing of note to take from this ability. Simply put, this is the third attack of many more to come. Finally a display and true recognition of power beyond physical. Building momentum from any angle, even if standing still, even if moving only a few centimeters, his strength will show and a powerful blow will be released upon contact, doubling, tripling even it’s natural impact. A force truly to be reckoned with. It could be as mild as allowing the user to successfully break a bone, to bending steel with only his thumb.
Starchaser: Grant me once again that which was lost upon a sea of creation, or perhaps even ignore such fact, and grant me what’s rightfully mine! A limiter, enhancing is one thing, it is to push the body’s limits to its very core, beyond its normal capacity and grit. However, to some this is but a limitless folly. The body unable to cope with such would eventually give out, run out of its own incompetence. Not this one, this releases the chains of a beats and demonstrates to the world the gift of being born a true warrior. Upon such, his velocity, strength, awareness, and all are brought to their zenith, their natural state. Utilizing 100% of his brains functions. What some might consider to be beyond human strength to others it’s merely their destiny.
Iron Facebreaker: You cannot perhaps get as straightforward as this, Perhaps there is art in simplicity, but truthfully there is nothing of note to take from this ability. Simply put, this is the third attack of many more to come. Finally a display and true recognition of power beyond physical. Building momentum from any angle, even if standing still, even if moving only a few centimeters, his strength will show and a powerful blow will be released upon contact, doubling, tripling even it’s natural impact. A force truly to be reckoned with. It could be as mild as allowing the user to successfully break a bone, to bending steel with only his thumb.

Friends, Rivals & Enemies:
None… yet