"Does it look like I care?"
Jocelyn Joestar
Much to her contempt, most people call her Jojo. Her step-brother calls her Lyn.
Eighteen years old
April 11th, 1981
Chinese Zodiac:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
159 lbs
Body Composition:
Slightly curvy
Choice of Attire:
Jojo likes wearing casual clothing that she deems comfortable. This mostly includes sneakers, shorts, jeans, jackets, hoodies, and t-shirts. She often wears a black cap with two silver horn-like metal spikes jutting out from the top.
Eye Color:
159 lbs
Body Composition:
Slightly curvy
Choice of Attire:
Jojo likes wearing casual clothing that she deems comfortable. This mostly includes sneakers, shorts, jeans, jackets, hoodies, and t-shirts. She often wears a black cap with two silver horn-like metal spikes jutting out from the top.
Most people consider Jojo a complicated person. Despite her intimidating appearance, she is actually quite friendly and social; she craves human contact and is eager to please, which leads her to have little to no sense of boundaries. Loud, boisterous, and fun-loving, her energy often gets her and those associated with her into trouble. At Linden HS, she is considered a delinquent and very few people choose to be involved with her, though she honestly means well. She has an overwhelming amount of patience when she is pestered and bullied by others and prefers to brush off insults and jeers as if they were jokes. On the other hand, she has absolutely zero patience when someone messes with a person she considers a friend. Whether it be a simple insult or an all-too-rough pat on the back, Jojo will not hesitate to put the person who dare cause harm to her ally in their place.
Overall, she is a person who exhibits a lot of sloth and monetary greed. Jojo dreams of becoming rich one day, though she does not bear the dedication to do so. Her grades almost always toe the line between passing and failing and she sometimes falls asleep in class or plays hooky. For a person who always has her head in the clouds, Jojo isn't sure about what to do when she graduates and has no plans to attend college.
Short Biography:
Jojo's family has always been small. A British police officer who had come to New York on vacation, her father quickly fell in love with her Puerto Rican mother and chose to remain in the states. Born soon after her parents' marriage, Jojo was coddled by not only her mother and father, but her step-brother as well. Eight years her senior, he took her under his wing as she grew up, teaching her how to apply her knowledge to her studies, how to tie her shoes, how to wash plates-- but most of all, how to defend herself in fights. Her step-brother and her grew extremely close, especially after their mother died of illness when she was eight and their father was killed in the line of duty when she was twelve.
Now orphans, Jojo's step-brother and her had to decide what to do. Thankfully, they did not have to worry about being separated. Her step-brother was old enough to become her guardian and followed their father's footsteps, pursuing a career in law enforcement. All Jojo had to worry about was doing well in school, though this would prove more difficult than they both thought. Her interest in academics dwindled when she took up a job in a local bodega when she was sixteen. Her relationship with her step-brother has quickly become strained, though Jojo likes to think they are just as close as ever.
Jojo likes to whistle in a variety of situations, whether in song or in awe of a situation. She also draws out the last syllable of a phrase when she is agitated.
Jojo knows how to speak Spanish, but doesn't know how to write it.