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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"... JoJo!" Skylar shouted, looking at Celebrity and nodding his head back to call her back up to him. The 'Puff was annoyed, but reluctantly floated back up to where the rest of the group was as JoJo watched Skylar close.

"We'll be fine, JoJo! Just gotta work on making sure you won't be hurt." Skylar smiled at JoJo as the Ralts nodded, teleporting into the fight. The Beedrill was asleep, which did give JoJo an opportunity that he couldn't squander. "JoJo, Double Team! If he can't hit you then there's no worry!"

As JoJo was Double-Teaming, that probably gave Beedrill a move to work with, so whatever he did, hopefully he missed...!

Oh, and Skylar was still trying to wake up Smiley, who was still really asleep.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 11 days ago


Escaping from the forest they’d apparently set on fire, Eryn and co got to the maze before them. Choosing to brave the maze full of Lunatones instead of confronting the Houndoom, she sent out Eri disguised as a Lunatone…

Eri passed into the view of a Lunatone… and got promptly ignored. Bet he had super good reason to be way out here. Didn’t matter to the Lunatones, that stuck to their personal patrolling routes. With other words, Eryn had a scout which would not trigger the Lunatones to map out her route for her!

It still wasn’t easy. Even with Eri scouting ahead, it could still be hard to predict where a Lunatone would come next and stealthily maneuvering the maze it happened more than a couple of times that they had to make a hasty retreat because the patterns of the Lunatones closed together a little too fast for safe passing.

However, slowly but surely, she made progress. But…

Umbreon was still following her. Not doing anything, just following. The Lunatones wasn’t bothering to notice the Umbreon, who wasn’t one of the Pokémon they were to hunt. Yet, Umbreon was not, so far, calling attention to the infiltrators of the maze. Just following at a set distance, watching calmly while following with graceful steps.

Still, assuming Eryn just tried to ignore Umbreon for now, she endured a long and hard piece of stealth mission, but it was looking like it was working, and finally, she turned a left to-



Skylar called back Celebrity in order to send out JoJo, who immediately commenced to Double Team. Lorette looked down at her no-sign-of-waking up Beedrill, and…

‘Ah, no. That just won’t do,’ Lorette said, a little smile on her lips as she brought out a Pokéball and called back her Pokémon. ‘Alright, sorry, Beedrill, you’re not the right bug for the job.’ So she said, as she put down the Pokéball into a pocket somewhere and then took out another Pokéball.

‘So, for your next challenge… how about you take on one of my two aces?’ Lorette smirked, as she threw the Pokéball and a new shape took form in front of the multiple JoJos. A small and red rock with a bunch of little limbs sticking out of it, looking forward at the JoJos with a confused looking expression…

Pokédex Entry #213 – Shuckle, the Mold Pokémon. It stores berries inside its shell. It is naturally shy and typically hide under rocks, keeping its body concealed inside its exceedingly hard shell while eating stored berries. The berries mix with its body fluids to become a delicious juice that it secretes through various holes.

Now, switching Pokémon is a move, so Skylar’s allowed to make an action here. But, if JoJo’s still the Pokémon on the field, Lorette will start the next round by announcing…

‘Shuckle! Rock Slide!’

‘Shuuuuu…!’ Shuckle called out loudly, and, for some reason, a large amount of rocks suddenly came falling from the skies! … Really, utterly tiny rocks on account of Shuckle’s pathetic attack power that will do middling damage at best, but they’d make it really hard for all of JoJo’s clones to get out of the way unscathed, hence the real one becoming easier to hit and notice…!

Skylar’s next move? Now, two turns of Lorette’s were described here, so Skylar can also do two moves in a row next turn if he so wishes.

And, Smiley won’t wake up when he’s not on the field, because Pokémon battle rules. Same goes with Lorette’s Beedrill now.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Eryn Montero

Trial of Fear || Day 4: Evening || @PlatinumSkink

Sneaking through the maze was rather nerve-racking, even with Eri the Lunatone leading her. Every corner presented a new chance to get spotted, and behind her, the Umbreon showed no signs of letting up. Having it around creeped Eryn out, though she knew from the Umbreon’s Pokedex entry that the unsettling feeling she had about it was just a part of its powers. Still, it didn’t seem to be looking to fight, and Eryn was happy with that much. So they had a silent, fear-striking stalker with glowing rings. They’ve had worse.

Eri froze first, and Eryn peeked around the corner, brows rising when she saw a kid up ahead, yellow shirt, blue cap, and all. Beside him was a Rattata with some red band tied around him, and as soon as he started talking, identifying himself as a part of the trial’s challenges, Eryn grinned, walking up to him.

“Sounds like we’re almost done then,” she said. “Which is good ‘cuz I’m getting hungry.”

Looking at his Rattata curiously when it was brought up, Eryn frowned. Even though it looked like it was raring to go, determination filling every follicle on its body, it didn’t look very strong. What the red ribbon or sash it had on was, Eryn had no idea, and she made an internal note to study some items. From the way the youngster worded his challenge, it was clear that there was something up with this battle, but what was it? The no switching rule meant he fully expected to knock his opponents out, and adding on the healing rule he put forth, it sounded like he was expecting his Rattata to get pretty beat up doing so.

“Trial of F-E-A-R, huh?” she repeated, grinning again. “Bring it.”

Whatever it was, she’d figure it out when it came. The Rattata didn’t look very challenging, and she had no more clues as to what the boy’s brilliant plan was.

“C’mon out, Kylie,” Eryn said, Kylie materializing in front of her. She’d play it safe first. Kylie’s typing made most normal-type attacks useless, and she could tank a hit or two if the kid pulled anything surprising out of his sleeves.

On the field, Kylie looked around for a moment before settling her eyes on the Rattata, a smile playing on her lips. “Maw,” she sang, waving at her opponent, her eyes trained on the red sash the Rattata had around it.

“Let’s go, kid. Kylie, Bite,” Eryn called

On the field, Kylie leaped forward, jaws first. Her teeth wrapped around the mouse, clamping down, and when she let go, Eryn was surprised to see that the Rattata already seemed to be on its last legs. It had seemed rather weak, yes, but she’d given it the benefit of the doubt since there was no way such a weak Pokemon could beat any of her Pokemon, nevermind her whole team. In fact, she was surprised it was still standing when a slight breeze looked capable of blowing it over.

Then came the reveal—Endeavor. The dots connected, and Eryn’s mouth dropped, her eyes wide as she watched the kid command a follow-up Quick Attack to knock Kylie out entirely. With a measly hit that couldn’t have hurt any of her team on a good day, the Rattata took Kylie down, crumpling the Mawile.

On her side of the field, Eryn spluttered, recalling Kylie with some amount of disbelief as the youngster healed his Rattata up. The red sash—it had to be. It’d prevented Kylie from knocking the Rattata out, thus opening her up for Endeavor and Quick Attack. In short, it was brilliant, but Eryn was a bit too annoyed to tell the boy so. Cheap tricks and rules established in good faith were what had led Kylie to get knocked out so easily, and Eryn didn’t like it one bit. This wasn’t a real strategy—wasn’t a strategy anyone could use anywhere except in this battle, where switching was barred and items were allowed in an established pause.

Eri the Lunatone drifted over, red eyes boring into Eryn’s, and she sighed, nodding. “Alright, kid. You got me. That was good,” she said, eyes drifting to his Rattata as she pondered her options. She needed something to break his two-move knock-out strategy—something that could hit faster than the Rattata’s Quick Attack, something that could knock the Rattata out before it could execute its two-step plan. A ranged move? Dei could jockey Smokescreen and Ember, smoke the Rattata into missing and take it out with a second Ember before it could get close enough for a Quick Attack. Or was it Peri and Rock Tomb to hinder the Rattata and allow her to get in the final hit as the Rattata took its time climbing over rocks? The red band—that was key to the boy’s success, so something that could get around it would solve the problem.

“Hold up, Eri,” Eryn said, grinning as she looked to her resident shapeshifter, whose blank, stoney face communicated no emotion whatsoever as he turned to her. “Multi-hits—you know the one.”

Registering her words, Eri's eyes glowed in understanding, and he drifted onto the field, hovering a foot or so above the Rattata on his side of the field. Behind him, Eryn was all grins again. Thinking fast in a pinch indeed.

“Alright, kid. I better get something for beating you in this game of wits!” she called. “Eri, sic ‘im!”

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Amelia took a seat in a nearby chair and listened to the man talk. As he spoke, her expression changed from one of interest to one that suggested she was torn about something. Which the young girl definitely was. If what Johannes said was true, then she was hesitant to tell him that the team wars still seemed to be going on. Another part of her said he might need to or want to know, but she wasn't sure that telling him something like that was a wise decision. She bit her lip in thought for a good minute after he finished talking before deciding against telling him, deciding it might be better for the man to have his peace.
"I'm sorry to hear that your past haunts you so. I wish that I could do something to help, but sadly, such a feat is not within my powers. Maybe Cresselia would be able to help you find some peaceful sleep but... I sadly do not know where it currently is. I did see one though, very recently. Maybe, if you're lucky, she'll fly over this town someday and bless you with pleasant dreams." She said, hoping her words would comfort him rather then cause him distress.

When Johannes got up from his seat, Amelia did the same and a look of shock crossed her face when the man handed her a Reaper Cloth. She looked down at the cloth before nodding and smiling at him.
"Thank you very much sir. When I finally get a Duskull, I'll be sure to raise it well so I can make use of this." She said, pulling the cloth in her Bag.

Assuming the man left, Amelia would turn to Misdreavus' direction before calling out.
"It's okay Misdreavus. You can come back out now. It's just me and Litwick now."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 11 days ago


And so, Kylie came out into the battle, and Jeremy excitedly started his challenge. Kylie successfully bit down on the Rattata, causing MAJOR damage to the crying little rat… but it didn’t faint. The Focus Sash tightened and held Rattata conscious, and then… Endeavour struck Kylie, and she was reduced to the same state as Rattata, barely holding on… and then Quick Attack quickly slammed into Kylie and she fainted. Rattata leveled up a bunch, probably. Jeremy laughed as he went forth and pulled a Super Potion for his rat.

‘It was good, indeed! Focus Sash lets you survive any one move while barely holding on! Endeavor reduces your enemy to the same amount of health you have! Then Quick Attack lets you strike out the last bit of health before the opponent! It’s the Focus Endeavour Attack Rattata! A.k.a, F.E.A.R!’ Jeremy told, excitedly, grinning happily. He took a step back and his Rattata was ready for the next battle. ‘Do you feel it!? The strategy of the invincible Rattata! I bet you have no way to combat the enemy before you! Quiver in fear as my Rattata wipes out your whole team! Hahahahaha…!’ Jeremy laughed, excited to show off his broken combo…

And that’s when Eri came into the field, visually a Lunatone still.

‘Oh, you got a Lunatone of your own? That’s cool. I don’t think it can overcome F.E.A.R, however…!’ Jeremy boasted, Rattata ready to take another beating… when the transformed Eri performed Fury Swipes. As far as the Rattata saw, a Lunatone floated up to it and started swiping with non-existing claws. First hit blew into the Rattata, doing considerable damage, but with Focus Sash, it held on and-

And then came the second claw.

Rattata was sliced back, the weaker Pokémon rolling back to its trainer, Jeremy’s eyes widening in sudden realization of what happened. ‘Nooo! Rattata!? What happened!?’

Obviously, far too little experience from this Rattata to level.

Eryn was victorious! Eryn gained 456 P for winning!

‘Ouch, it seems that I have been beaten! Rules are rules, so I guess I have to give you your reward!’ Jeremy told with a sigh, as he took a deep breath, and then…

‘THE TRIAL MASTER IS GLORIOUS!’ Jeremy shouted, loud and clear… … … … …

‘… What are you still around for? The exit’s that way! Go back, turn left, and keep maneuvering the maze!’ Jeremy now asked, pointing behind Eryn with a smirk.

Assuming she did so, she’d find that the maze was still as it was… except for one crucial difference. There were Houndooms prowling the maze, alongside the Lunatones. There were less Lunatones, but there were now also the dogs that someone had let out, not following any particular route but simply wandering, searching for their target, far less predictable than the Lunatones had been.

And there sat Umbreon, waiting for her to return into the maze. Assuming Eryn didn’t immediately try to chase the Pokémon away, it followed her, way closer now, not exactly making a secret of the fact it was following her.

So, with the Houndooms around the maze, would Eryn’s strategy for finding the exit and travelling about the maze change any?


@Joshua Tamashii

Johannes gave the slightest of a pained smirk at the mention of Cresselia, and one of his hands wandered to one of his pockets, lifting up a shiny feather… a Lunar Wing.

‘I… got that covered,’ he said, some regret in his voice. ‘It does indeed help me sleep, but it isn’t helping me during daytime…’ he says, and then sighs, losing the smirk again, going back to his usual expression and putting the Lunar Wing back. He nodded to her words about raising a Duskull. ‘I’ll trust you to it. Good luck, young trainer,’ Johannes said, and then departed eventually. And then, Amelia could turn back to Misdreavus…

‘Misdreavus?’ Misdreavus looked in and looked around, making sure Johannes had departed before greeting Amelia once again, and Sneasel plus Kecleon showing up from the bookshelves and out of nowhere respectively as well. The Shuppets were torn between some drifting in to inspecting Amelia for now because she’s interesting, and others following Johannes again, because, Johannes.

What does Amelia do now?

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Upon seeing the Lunar Wing in Johannes' possession, Amelia's eye widened and she managed to give him a soft smile. Before he moved, she would reach out and take the hand holding the Lunar Wing into her hands.
"Don't let it bother you. I'm sure the days are hard, but all you need to do is find something to believe in. Something to give you hope. Once you do that, the days get brighter and it's easier to get through them." She said gently. "I know once I had something or someone to believe in, my days, no matter how sad they got, were much easier to get through."

She did not try to stop Johannes when he left and simply let him. When Misdreavus reappeared, along with her friends Sneasel and Kecleon, she smiled up at the ghost.
"Thank you for playing with me. It's been a while since I got to play tag with a ghost-type like yourself. You and your friends made a very nice team, though I think you might want to be more careful, since you could hurt someone if your not careful. Then you'd be in big trouble." She said, looking amused as she thought about how she had been running around the entire school.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 11 days ago

@Joshua Tamashii

Johannes silently let his hand be grabbed, looking at Amelia with his usual tired expression as she consoled him. He listened to her attentively, maybe feeling a bit awkward that a child was giving him advice like that, yet still attempted to take it to heart. ‘Something to believe in, huh…’ he considered. ‘I'll try that. Thank you,’ he simply said, before being allowed to put his Lunar Wing back and eventually departed the room. Then Misdreavus came back, and got a thank you for playing with her and a warning not to actually hurt anyone. The ghost wearing a necklace smiled happily.

‘Misdreavus!’ she called out in total happy acknowledgement.

And that's about that. Did Amelia have anything else she wanted to do here?

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Cyril Desrosiers

Earlier that day.

The sun shone brightly, a bit too brightly as the Wingulls and Pelippers cried over head, singing their songs for the sailors, fishermen, and many others at these large, rather ornate and solid docks. There were myriads of different people who had arrived here in the morning, especially on a much larger boat that could of been easily mistaken for a cruise ship, if it was five times larger.

A ladder extended downwards as many people of different statures traversed down, families to friends to even the lone person, all of them coming from their own distinct walks of life. One of the workers on that boat ushered people off, urging them to be careful, as the songs of the birds were drowned out by the now cacophonous chatter going about the new arrivals.

"What a nice breeze."

One of the few in the crowd slowly walked down the stairs, much to the chagrin and impatience of those behind him, who practically just shoved him off the moment he was one step away from the dock and began chattering about their plans. Instead of frowning or scolding them, the tall, young man instead glanced them, unblinkingly and inquisitively, eyes slowly widening like a child on Christmas, before sighing and brushing them off, shaking his head as he looked upwards at the bright, morning sky.

Sheltering his eyes from the beating sunny day, he continued to look at the baby blue sky, inhale and exhaling the sea breeze before smiling, his body feeling lighter than when he was on the ship, "Finally, I'm here."

Diverting his attention from this beautiful, yet hot day, he pivoted to face inwards, squinting at the city ahead as he held a finger up to his bottom lip pressing it. Thoughts flew through his head about the location, Pureplain, was it? Professor Kalmia should be located there as Sycamore explained, hopefully with a Pokemon that specifically evolved by friendship; he did remember requesting for that.

Instead of marching off instantly to the lab, Cyril instead took in the sight with a bright, dopey as he utilized his other hand to waft in the sea salt currents that rolled over them, feeling the mist cool him down just a smidgen. Sighing to himself, he took it easy as waves upon waves of people traversed down the boat, either taking their time or shoving past each other as if they were going to an amusement park.

Now then, a map of Pureplain was in order as the hand he was wafting with earlier moved towards the relatively empty satchel, and began to sift through it. The map had a specific texture to it all, unlike all the paperwork and generally paper he had brought along as well, even feeling his fingers bump into some of the pokeballs he procured, as well as the smooth everstone and packs of lunch. He was starting to get antsy as he began to rummage through his bag even more, even bending over to stare with an exaggerated look on his face. Eyes open so largely that they could pop out at any second, a wrinkling of his nose as if he had just stepped in pokepoop, and a frown that could be mistaken for his jaw dropping.

"S-seriously, it isn't here?! I remember picking up everything back at the lab, like the formal paperwork, the information of my studies, and... hnnnng," A light-bulb suddenly went off in his head as he retrieved his Holo Caster, clicked it on and began to tap on it before the visage of a yawning Sycamore, still dressed in his lab coat.

"Oh, bonjour Cyril, je ne m'attendais pas à ce que vous arriviez à Issen si vite! Comment était votre voyage? Avez-vous rencontré Mme Kalmia," he emphasized the last part with a wink, though he followed up with a rather large yawn which he failed to stifle, earning an unrestrained laugh from his younger assistant. "Non, non, je viens de descendre du bateau, j'ai rencontré quelques jolies femmes, même si je ne sais pas comment elles se mesureront au charmant Professeur Kalmia~."

The duo chattered for a couple of minutes, exchanging this such as current events in Kalos to informational tidbits learned about Issen to each other, even dipping into some older memories they reminisced on. "Je savais qu'il était un bon choix! Sina et Dexio me doivent donc de l'argent à mon retour, ha ha," he cheered, smiling brightly as he fist pumped into the air, joyfully hopping like some sort of cheerleader.

"Je suppose que oui! Dis, autant que j'aimerais continuer à parler, je suis sur le point de rentrer à la maison pour la nuit. Heureux que vous soyez arrivé en toute sécurité et-"

"Attends attends! Avant de partir, pouvez-vous vérifier si j'ai laissé quelque chose comme je ne sais pas, une carte de Pureplain par là," Cyril cried out, nervously looking to the side and squinting as he rapidly scratched the back of his neck, lips tightly pursed together as if he had eaten some sour candy.

"Ah, bien sûr Cyril, laisse-moi un moment." While Sycamore was still on call, his hologram disappeared from view for a minute as his assistant stood there with bated breath, until finally, he returned with a solemn smile on his face as Sycamore held up the folded paper, "Ouais, le voici; pensais que tu l'avais amené avec toi."

"Merde, eh bien, merci pour ce Professeur, on dirait que je vais devoir trouver son laboratoire par moi-même," Cyril let out an exasperated groan as he tipped his head back, before ricocheting back and nodding to the professor with a weak smile, the duo sending their regards to one another before hanging up. So much for those crepes, what a great way to get the day started.

Though, maybe all wasn't lost as he turned his attention to the crowd, though while abundant, was actually thinning out somewhat at this point. Sifting through each individual, Cyril placed his hands under his chin, rubbing them as his eyes traversed from one person to another, studying them closely before taking a step forward.

Pushing and weaving through the crowd, Cyril, continued going against the currents of people as the mist of the ocean lingered in the air as the young man reached out his arm and tapped on the shoulder of a young lady who looked to be around the same age as him. She was rocking punk aesthetics and while not sensible fashion for a journey, there was a glint of admiration in his eye as he smirked at the girl, observing her as she turned to face him with a slight frown.

"What?" The tone of her voice was moderately harsh, sounding like she was fed up, though Cyril didn't drop the ditzy bravado, continuing to act friendly despite the strident response, "Ah, mademoiselle, apologies for bothering you, but do you know the way to Professor Kalmia's lab?"

Her two other friends nearby perked up, took a glance at Cyril that did not go unnoticed by him, as he winked and gave them an award winning smile, causing one of them to shake their head whilst the other grinned impishly before giving the blonde punk girl a slight shove, much to her chagrin as she brandished her teeth, grunting as her shoulders slumped, "Oh? And what makes ya think I know where 'er lab is?"

Cyril merely smiled as a response at first, remaining silent for ten seconds as he ascertained the trio, scanning over each of them like a metal detector before returning to the blonde girls question to question. "To start out, you're from Issen, but your friends are not. From what I can guess, they're both from Unova, aye?"

This gave them a bit of pause as the duo behind her stopped giggling and looked directly at Cyril, while the blonde merely scowled before challenging his assertions "... how'dya figure that, huh?"

"Well, for one, its the way you carry yourself. Up till this point, you seemed relaxed, nostalgic I suppose. Also, the Victini key chains they both have, as well as fashion and way they hold themselves is also a dead giveaway," he smirked, placing his hands on his hips as he snapped and pointed a finger gun at them, "either that or you came from a Serene Grace concert back in Unova. I know they were touring there a couple of days ago."

This got the other two girls interested, with whatever fears they had sloughing away, instead replaced by a glimmer in their eyes as they rushed over to him and began jabbering away about the concert, talking about each song they sang before one of them struck a pose. The blonde punk girl, rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"What, not much of a fan of their music," she responded with a nonchalant shrug. "Meh, more of an Own Tempo fan." That was a bit predictable, her style was somewhat similar to the singer in their group, but-

"Ooh, they have pretty good music! One of my favorite albums is 'Blazing Truths, Shocking Ideals,' what about you?"

This seemed to get her attention, though her gaze was still a bit hard, it softened under her lightly baggy eyes, smiling slightly before turning away, nodding and murmuring something. "Good tastes, huh," he thought to himself, smiling brightly at the girl before she turned and pointed a finger through her crossed limbs.

"Say, what's your name Mr. Kalos?"

The girl, named Marina, lead him through the bustling streets as people from different walks of life passed them by, some children playing with their own Pokemon, others heading to work along a cable car that was powered by an Ampharos. The smell of fried food came from one of the restaurants nearby, named Emboars Famous Grill. Original. Regardless of what people passed on by, the two chattered about different things, even got to meet her partner Pokemon, a Marshtomp.

"Seriously? That's their worst album!"

"Hey, it sounds great and still does today! Doesn't matter if it performed badly at..."

The talk and banter continued for quite some time until they were in front of a rather sizeable building as Marina explained this was where Kalmia did most of her research, "Soooooooo, you know what she studies?"

"Pssssh, I'unno, never got my Pokemon from her," she shrugged, tossing her hands up in the air and shaking her head, hips, and generally whole body. Cyril could only elicit a sigh, turning to face the lab before looking back to the girl.

"Guess this is where we part ways. Shame, I was really warming up to you and your friends y'know," he teased, causing her to roll her eyes and give Cyril a light shove, grinning slightly, "we met thirty minutes ago."

Cyril merely responded with a wide, toothy smile as he tilted his head to the side, before looking back at the girl. "Regardless, good luck on taking on the League and doing Contests; you've sure got a lot on your plate to multitask."

She bobbed her head, looking to the side, gazing as if she was smack dab in the middle of a fog, "Yeah, sure newbie, shouldn't be too hard for someone amazing as me."

"I have a name, your greatness."

She merely smiled at his retort, "Do you now? Welp, I'd love to stick around and see you get your first Pokemon Cyril, but I don't wanna keep my friends waiting. Maybe we'll see each other again on our travels, but for now, later dude!"

As she said that, she pivoted around and bolted down the path they came from, waving wildly to Cyril, who in turn mimicked her, "Ciao Mademoiselle, we will, I'm sure of it! And good luck!" And with that said and done, she eventually disappeared into the crowd of people.

Turning his attention once more to Kalmia's lab, he took in a deep breath before exhaling, slapping himself on the side of the face as he walked up the path to the entrance before standing in front of it. Raising a hand, he gave the door a light tap with his finger before reaching for the knob and pulling the door open.

"Hello, hello, is the lovely Professor Kalmia home?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
Avatar of PlatinumSkink


Member Seen 11 days ago


With the assumption that the opening post has already been read for Pureplain City…

The day was as pleasant as always, the sky blue and the weather as plain as the name of the city. Getting through the bustle of the city Cyril arrived to Kalmia’s lab at where the suburbs are just starting. The lab itself was a single-floor building with a sign that said “Pokémon Lab” on it that didn’t really look like a lab, and then an offshoot on the right side which looked like a regular home that connected to the lab part. Having parted with Marina, Cyril headed up to the Pokémon Lab and opened the door, calling out for anyone inside-

and a bucket of some water came swinging, fortunately missing him, then it fell outside and made some noise as a bunch of water uselessly spilled on the front yard.

‘We missed! Mission failure!’ a young kid inside called out.
‘Evacuate the premises! Before Kalmia discovers!’ another, identical kid called, and then the two kids ran by Cyril with happy little prankster laughs and off on the streets. Unless, he, like, caught them or something.

Those two aside! Inside the lab was a rectangular room, but the usable space was more round because the room had bookshelves placed in a circle around an area in the middle, not properly taking advantage of the space in the corners. The shelves contained varying books and papers of research, as well as the occasional Pokéballs. In the back and right, a large amount of what appeared to be computer servers filled about 40% of the available space, and they were coupled to a laptop which stood on a desk to the left of it. Other than the laptop, there was also a large amount of papers and binders on it, making it impossible to place anything else on there.

To the right of the table was a healing station from a Pokémon Center, with places to place six Pokéballs, along with a large cylinder thing with a glass middle and a hatch that one likely were to place something moderately large within. There was nothing that said what it actually was. While it was tight in here, it was still decently maneuverable and Kalmia likely knew where everything she wanted was. Also in here, were numerous Pokémon. They are, perhaps not entirely limited to,

From Claire (Rune_Alchemist) a Beedrill and a Ledyba.
From Erika (Pirouette) a Poliwag and a Pikachu.
From Erza (Ephemeral) a Meowth, a Lillipup, a Growlithe, a Castform and a Duskull.
From Amelia (Joshua Tamashii) a Yamask, Golett and a Spiritomb.
From Skylar (Gardevoiran) a Goomy.

As well as a Slowpoke, resting on the servers over there. Yupp, decently crowded. Any of the players mentioned above may have their Pokémon do something, if they so please, if they even read this.

Then the door to the room to the right opened, and there stood a decently tall woman, wearing glasses and had blonde hair tied into a ponytail, and wore casual blue clothes under a white professor-like lab-coat. Her hair was still wet from something.

‘Aaah, Cyril! Welcome to Isson!’ Kalmia greeted him, sounding relieved.

‘Did Tim and Tom do something? I do need their help looking after the lab and taking care of the Pokémon, but sometimes they-’ the professor said, coming over and looking out the door to see the product of the booby trap they’d set on the door… Kalmia sighed a little ‘… I apologize for them. Anyway, nevermind that! We’ve got a Pokédex and Pokémon to hand out! Now, I know this isn’t your first rodeo, but I’ll still be explaining all of the matters you need to know!’ Kalmia said, turning and going over to one of the drawers by her computer to retrieve a Pokédex and a Pokéball. She turned, holding a certain device with a screen and red edges, smiling as she presented it to Cyril.

‘This is your Pokédex. Now, let me explain a few things.’

The two could have any length of conversation after that, but eventually, it would be time.

‘And, here you go. A Pokémon that evolves by happiness, as requested. I look forward to seeing how you do,’ Kalmia said, and with that, the Pokéball was offered to him.

- You've obtained Budew! -

Pokédex Entry #406 – Budew, the Bud Pokémon. It is sensitive to changing temperature. In winter it closes its bud and endures, while in summer it blooms and releases its pollen. This pollen is mildly poisonous and can cause harsh sneezing. It lives near clear ponds.

- Would you like to give Budew a nickname? -

And with the opening block out of the way, here’s the chance for Cyril to check his Pokémon and then actually join the conversation a bit more actively.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Cyril Desrosiers

Thankfully, he didn't step inside, smiling for a brief second before swiftly reacting, twisting to the side and dodging the water splooshed onto the yard, the pail following after with a thunk, rolling uselessly on the ground in the new puddle. Cyril didn't know how to react, besides having what looked to be a mixture of a frown and a smile as his mouth was agape, eyes twitching as one hand held on tightly to the door frame.

"Uhm, what," he murmured in deadpan to himself, befuddled by this turn of events, pondering on if it was natural for the Isson professor to specialize, in, uh, traps. That, of course, was followed up with the shouts of two giggly little boys who hopped out and sprinted out of there in a burst of speed. He barely caught the two speedy youngsters, but they looked to be twins.

Cyril didn't bother pursuing, instead loosening his shoulders as he held a hand over his heart and did an over-exaggerated sigh, shaking his head and smiling as he looked to the bucket, now lying on its side. Kids would be kids of course, though they were unexpected.

Cyril didn't bother questioning this further, as with a shrug, he stepped inside the lab and dear god it was a far cry from what he was used to.

"This place... how does she even find anything around here?!" Cyrils head comedically spun around, trying to figure out where what was which and why everything was so unorganized. Pokemon were hanging around the lab, doing whatever, he had to squeeze around to avoid knocking things over, and even flinched like a Persian upon bumping into the bookshelves around the center, before pouncing and looking around to see if it was rocking before sliding away at a unhurried rate.

Guess being limber paid off as he hollered once more, passing by a Slowpoke that was resting on a server, "Uh, hello, Professor Kalmia, are you home?"

Following that, a door opened and a mildly soaked (hot) blonde haired lady in glasses emerged, greeting the young man as he gave a swift salute, an award winning smile, and wink, "Thanks for the warm welcome! That's a pretty strange way of greeting people, I might add."

He chuckled to himself, covering his grand grin as she explained the circumstances behind it all, with Cyril waving it off as she segued into chattering about things as he received a Pokédex, taking a glance at it. Current version, huh? He stared solemnly at it, smiling as he admired the design, swapping between maintaining eye contact with her, as well as checking out the functions of it, as well as the orange trainer card.

Cyril politely listened with a keen interest as she spoke on about this all endlessly, bobbing his head up at times during certain points, though he did ponder on how money functioned in this region based on this side job he now had. He couldn't help but grimace in the back of his mind, guessing that most items would be much more expensive than in Kalos as he ran his hand through his hair a couple of times.

"While this doesn't pertain to my own research, I'm curious about your primary field of study as a Professor, you know, like how Sycamore studies Mega Evolution and how Birch studies Pokémon habitats."

Cyril had other questions beyond the first, which ate up a bit of time, despite being aptly answered in an organized, yet short period of time, which left Cyril with a huge smile on his face as he scritched at his chin and nodded.

"Alright then, thanks for humoring me Mrs. Kalmia."

And with that said, he clasped his hands together and rubbing them together so quickly that he could possibly cause a fire with his hands alone as she held out a pokéball to him. His heart was slightly pounding as his thoughts fluttered with excitement as he reached one very hot hand out and retrieved the pokéball. "Alright then, lets see who I got then! Come on out little buddy!"

With a twirl on his finger and a light toss, a red light shot and fizzled out of the ball, forming the shape of a-


"Oh. My. God. He's..."



Cyril was practically squeeing as he fawned over the green, little Budew as it took a few steps around, looking up to the trainer as it tipped its bud to the side. It was inquisitive, though it did shrivel back a bit as he saw this giant of a man staring at him with pupils that seemed to form into the shape of hearts. Was that normal? He didn't know before the guy bent over and stretched a hand.

The little Budew didn't know how to process this and instead stood there, shivering like a Deerling in front of the headlights, only for Cyril to kneel down. "Heya little buddy, how are ya doing?" Cyrils tone was chipper and warm, almost instantly causing the nervous Budew to stop shivering and instead take a few experimental, cautious steps towards the Cyril. "Fwee?"

"Oh, right, before I forget," he suddenly spoke up in an excitable tone, retrieved his dex, spinning it in his hands like some revolver before stopping it and scanning the Budew. Once he did, he brought it down to the Budew's level, who bounced over to take a look at it, remaining oddly silent as the machine did its thing.

- You've obtained Budew! -

Pokédex Entry #406 – Budew, the Bud Pokémon. It is sensitive to changing temperature. In winter it closes its bud and endures, while in summer it blooms and releases its pollen. This pollen is mildly poisonous and can cause harsh sneezing. It lives near clear ponds.

- Would you like to give Budew a nickname? -

Nickname, huh?

"... how about Aster? You like the sound of that?"

The little Budew paused and looked up, tilting its little body to the point where it appeared it would tip over any second, raising its bud up and jiggling it for a second. It performed this song and dance for at least a couple of seconds before bouncing up with an excited "Fwee," iliciting a chuckle from Cyril.

"Alright, alright! Pleasure to meet you Aster, I'm Cyril~," he cried out, scooping the Budew up, much to its surprise and spun around, cradling the little pokémon in his arms. It looked scared at first before jiggling and giggling with excitement as the boy spun. Eventually he came to a stop as Aster nuzzled against his coat affectionately, causing Cyril to look away from Kalmia as he emitted a harsh sneeze.

This continued for a minute until Cyril was red in the face, sniffling as he rubbed his slightly teary eyes before smiling at Kalmia and laughing, "Miiiiight of gotten a bit carried away... and got a bit of pollen on myself, ehe~."

He rubbed the back of his neck, blushing a little, though it was difficult to tell due to how red his face was prior to that as a result of the sneezing. "Thanks Mrs. Kalmia, 'ppreciate you giving me such a cute partner with that specific evolution type in mind! I'm more than positive that I'll get results, especially with a partner like this!"

Once this whole encounter wore off, even though the Budew and trainer were still laughing, one new question sprung to mind as he locked eyes with the Professor. "Say, Mrs. Kalmia, how long ago was it since you departed on your own journey?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Eryn Montero

Trial of Fear || Day 4: Night || @PlatinumSkink

So Houndoom were pretty intimidating. So were Trevenant, Gourgeist, Arbok, and swarms of Sableye. The last bit of the maze was nothing worse than being chased by an angry Arbok, even if Houndoom had sharp noses. When Eryn got past them, reaching the tower she’d seen earlier, she stumbled upon some sort of passcode-locked door. If you asked, her, secret codes and passwords were too middle school to be taken seriously, but after some struggle, she had an epiphany.

“That brat,” she muttered, entering in the cheesy phrase he’d shouted.

The lock beeped, opening, and Eryn headed in, walking down the stairs with Eri and the Umbreon. At the bottom of the stairs, she found some sort of villain’s lair complete with snacks, seats, and surveillance. Wrapped in a comfy-looking blanket on the couch was none other than the Trial Master, who looked quite upset about seeing her.

“So that’s what you were tagging along for,” Eryn said, looking at the Umbreon with an amused smile. “And, let me guess, you could’ve had a bigger fear aura if you’d tried. Well, thanks for not doing so, at least for the maze portion.”

Turning to the Trial Master, Eryn grinned, setting her hands on her hips. “Of course I got through. Trial of Fear? Have you been to the Infested Woods yet? The Nuzleaf was a nice touch, but try some more ghost-types, won’t you?”

At the mention of Pokemon, she frowned. “Oh c’mon, do none of you have any good rewards?” she asked, then backpedaled when the Trial Master looked surprised. “I mean, of course, rare Pokemon are really cool, and I’m sure any trainer would be lucky to have one, but c’mon, I’m a trainer. I got my starter already. If I kept getting my Pokemon from other trainers, what kind of trainer does that make me?” She shrugged. “Plus, I just hatched a Pokemon yesterday—or today, depending on how you look at it. So I have my hands full. Quite literally.”

When the Trial Master relented, presenting an item reward instead, Eryn grinned, accepting the prize with open hands. Looking over the items, though, she realized that she once again had little use for them. If she remembered correctly, none of her team needed anything to evolve except Peri, whose evolution required a Metal Coat or something. Given that Peri was still but a baby, Eryn wasn’t too concerned with evolving her yet, but it remained that none of the items were useful aside from the cash and the sash.

“Oh, this is the thing that Jeremy was using, right? For his Rattata?” Eryn asked, holding up the sash and examining it. “I don’t think this is very applicable in actual battles, but, maybe I’ll find a time to use it,” she said, pocketing the sash as well.

“Oh, I’ll definitely be back. I’ll have to challenge the Lakewatch Gym sometime, so be ready. You’re going to have to get some bigger ‘mons for then!” she said, grinning.

As he shouted his catchphrase again, though, Eryn realized he was about to leave, and she held her arms out. “Woah woah woah, at least tell me your name. ‘Trial Master’ is a real mouthful. Don’t you have some sort of nickname so I don’t have to call you ‘TM’?”

After that, though, it was up another staircase to the house from before, emptying Eryn out onto Route 5. Night was upon the route, the sun long gone, which made sense considering how much time she’d spent in the trial’s forest and maze. Checking the time revealed that it had felt like longer than it was, but a few hours was more than enough time for the sun to go down.

“Right. Back to town we go, but let’s check out the lakeside real quick. We need a water-type to check out the ruins, and we may as well start looking now,” she said, stretching her arms out above her head. “Oh and Eri, how about doubling the Umbreon from earlier? Can you do the glow too?”

Eri’s Lunatone form bobbed, then faded, replaced by an Umbreon below, which looked exactly like the one that had been tailing them during the trial. While there was a faint glow from the Umbreon despite there being no moon around to encourage it. However, the glow was somewhat dimmer, fading within a foot or so of Eri.

“Hm, no using you as a light, huh?” Eryn said, grinning. “Too bad then. Guess Dei’s still our go-to flashlight then.”

With that, she called out all but Kylie, whose she made a mental note to apologize to later. She could have done better in that battle—predicted that Jeremy had some sort of trump card up his sleeve that even a steel-type couldn’t immediately counter. In a way, she’d used Kylie as a tank due to her strength, which is exactly why she felt bad.

“Alright, to the waters we go,” she said, pointing to the lake in the distance, or at least what dark patch she thought was the lake. Onwards her team marched, the ground shaking ever-so-slightly as Peri followed along. Dei was walking along with Eri, the two of them chatting with hushed tones, and Tula was in her arms, calm and unblinking but somehow seeming like she was aware of what was happening. Or was that just her projecting?

“You know what’s happening, don’t you, Tutu? We’re heading to the lake, and you’re going to help me find a water-type—provided the waters are safe enough for me to put you in,” Eryn said, rubbing Tula’s carapace. As she spoke, the Magikarp wriggled, and her words gradually mellowed out into simple coos. “Yep you totally know, don’t you? Don’t you, Tutu?”

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 11 days ago


So, after having fortunately dodged the attack by the two kids, they went through the motions of greeting one another. When he asked what Kalmia specialized in…

‘It looks like I’ll be focusing some time researching developments into Pokémon storage, like how different Pokémon experience the conditions and so on,’ Kalmia said, giving a bit of a smile. ‘I haven’t gotten very far yet, but I have special permission to host the Pokémon caught by the trainers I send out in my own servers, which I will be conducting research on. Perhaps I’ll discover how to make things even more comfortable? Can I develop something that can make “stored” Pokémon come out temporarily with the requirement that they can’t do any moves if they’re more than the sixth Pokémon? Things like that!’ Kalmia said, mildly excitedly. Then other questions that Cyril had could be answered…

And then Kalmia could be smiling on the side as Cyril went and had his Budew revealed for him, and then had his outburst and named the little fella.

‘If there’s one time that is entirely fine to get carried away on, it’s when being introduced to a new little partner,’ Kalmia said happily on the first note. She then nodded about how he promised results. ‘I’ll look forward to it. I’m happy to have been of help!’

Then the question about when Kalmia was out on her Pokémon journey.

‘Oh, that was around, seven years ago now?’ Kalmia asked herself, considering the exact timeframe. ‘And then most of my time was spent studying to become a full-fledged professor, meeting Professor Oak at some point during that time, and the plans for this little operation came into being shortly after! Of course, there were some circumstances during those years that made being a Pokémon Trainer difficult…’ Kalmia sighed a bit. ‘… But that’s in the past, now! Isson is free to be enjoyed!’

Something along those lines.

‘And, heh, do call me “Professor”.’ Just… as a tidbit.

Then the door opened again, and the two little boys came running in, excitedly.

‘Professor! Professor!’ one of them called for attention.
‘It’s Dr. Proudlesprout!’ the other said.
‘It’s Sir Snarklespark!’ the first one told at the same time.
‘He’s heading this way!’

‘… Right on cue, huh? Brace yourself,’ Kalmia said with a slight sigh, turning to face the slowly closing door.

There was a knock on the not-actually closed door, polite but firm enough that it wouldn’t let itself be ignored.

‘Oh, come in, already,’ Kalmia said with a bit of a smirk.

And with that, the door swung open. Standing in the opening was a man in a top-hat, white hair and glasses, a black suit and red ribbons on his hat and at his collar, wearing the proudest little smirk this side of Mt. Edge. Of course, there was all the likelihood that Cyril had already heard of him, potentially, possibly, who even knows. The man looked to Kalmia before his eyes fixed on Cyril, one of his hands going immediately for his hat as he made a polite little bow for him.

‘Cyril, I presume? I’m Jacques, member of the Isson Elite Four and also contact of Professor Sycamore in Isson. I’m pleased to meet you.’

Honestly, there was a decent chance they’d actually have met, given Jacques went over to Kalos for a time before the current time in order to discuss the Pokédexes of Isson with Sycamore, but anyways.

‘Couldn’t just let a new trainer pass without greeting them, huh,’ Kalmia asked with a smile.

‘Why, it’s someone fundamentally connected with Professor Sycamore and who’s already on record for being a formidable trainer. Of course I would like to make my acquaintance,’ Jacques told, because, yeah.

‘Got anyone else along with you, this time, too?’ Kalmia asked, getting up on her toes to look over Jacques shoulder to see if anyone else was coming…

‘Actually, yes. However, she got lost in a clothing store downtown before- oh, here she comes,’ Jacques said, taking a step inside the lab to allow for the next person to come running. Said person was a young but flashy female, with long blonde hair, blue wide, attentive eyes, decent amount of makeup and painted fingernails for her age, and mostly just looking positively shiny.

‘Hello! I’m Chloe, and I’ve been looking for you, Professor!’ she immediately told upon coming in and looking towards Kalmia, who raised her eyebrows looking at the young lady.

‘Sorry I’m late! They just had the fanciest- OH, GOSH, HE’S ADORABLE!’ she promptly exclaimed as she turned her face and more or less squealed upon seeing Aster, kneeling over to look at the little leafy creature with her hands on her cheeks. The fact it’s the same exclamation Cyril did earlier was entirely coincidental and the GM didn’t realize it until right now, but it’ll stay.

‘Soooo, did you find another exceptional individual to stake your chances in?’ Kalmia asked as Chloe excitedly inspected Cyril’s Pokémon. Jacques looked amused.

‘… No, actually. I ran into her on the road, asking for directions to Professor Kalmia’s lab. Interested, I asked her why she wanted to come to Kalmia’s lab, found out she’d just burned the last of her money on the road, so I just decided to take her along,’ Jacques explained casually.

‘Ah, that’s right!’ Chloe immediately got up and spun towards Kalmia. ‘I travelled across the land searching for you because I heard you were handing out those Pokédex things, but, um…’ the girl was searching for words to say, but…

‘Oh, I’m sorry. The truth is that I don’t just hand out these Pokédexes, they’re for selected individuals that are decided ahead of time, and…’ Kalmia started explaining, but Chloe started waving her hands to her.

‘I know that now! Sir Jacques told me! That’s what he told me, and then offered to give me one of his own, so I have one now, but then he brought me here anyway…!’ Chloe said, looking kind of surprised about what she was saying herself.

Kalmia gave Jacques an inquisitive stare. He simply smiled.

‘I had one to spare. Besides, I am curious as to how she will fare. I seem to think our meeting may have been fated. I’ll see how far I can trust my hunches,’ Jacques casually responded. ‘Besides, it’s tradition by now that one of your trainers and one of mine will battle their first day on the job, is it not?’

‘Ah, that’s right!’ Chloe said once again, turning to Cyril, holding out a Pokéball. ‘I have a cute Pokémon, too!’ she told, as her Pokéball snapped open and a brown creature with long tail took shape, standing on Chloe’s shoulder.

Pokédex Entry #161 – Sentret, the Scout Pokémon. A very cautious Pokémon, it stands on its tail to spot far-off threats and shouts an alarm if it sees one. When they sleep, they always does so with at least one Sentret on guard. If separated from the pack, a Sentret is unable to sleep.

‘So, I’d like to battle you!’ Chloe said excitedly, looking to Cyril with a wide smile.

‘For your information, he’s an experienced Pokémon Trainer that has already challenged the Pokémon League in Kalos before this. I look forward what you as a sparkling new Pokémon Trainer can do against him.’
‘Eh!? You serious!?’



‘Eeeeh…’ Trial Master looked unconvinced about getting ghost-types. ‘The theme was “Pokémon that unnaturally cause fear”, not “Pokémon people tend to be afraid of”!’ Minor details, perhaps, but.

Then there was the part about rare Pokémon not being good rewards.

‘… Pretty sure that’s just you! Others have been throwing themselves all over my rewards! Hah!’ So the Trial Master said, sounding like he was victorious at something. Now, about Focus Sash not being useful…

‘Oh, it’s pretty good for Pokémon with multiple types with same weaknesses! It prevents them from being knocked down in one shot, regardless of what they’re facing! You could be facing Arceus himself, and you’ll still be able to hold him off for at least one turn! Perhaps that turn allows you to use Teleport, to get you into safety? Don’t underestimate the Focus Sash!’ Trial Master encouraged with a confident smirk.

‘Hu-hu, trials for experienced Pokémon Trainers, eh? I’ll rise to meet the challenge! Until then!’ Trial Master said as he was about to leave and such, when Eryn told him to hold on and asked for if he had a nickname… ‘Huh? Nickname for Trial Master? There can be no shortening of my title! The Trial Master is the Trial Master, and will never be less than the Trial Master…!’ he said proudly, then kind of did an awkward little smile waving his hands about a little, before saying… ‘… But if you want something shorter, I guess Max will have to do…’

‘AND WITH THAT I’M OFF!’ he quickly called before she could comment on that, Umbreon jumping up on his shoulder as he threw out the Escape Rope and letting himself be pulled off into the nothingness so that Eryn could depart.

And then…

The dark waters are safe enough. Just avoid the Carvanha, and Tula should be fine. But, yes, there are Carvanha. In fact, here’s just the list of all decently commonly occurring Pokémon in the waters.

That should do.

Previously not seen on this route because it hasn’t been night yet, there are hootings of owls on Route 5 during the night…

Pokédex Entry #163 – Hoothoot, the Owl Pokémon. It always stands on one leg, and changes leg so fast it’s rarely seen. It’s big, red eyes see clearly in the dark. They have an internal organ that keeps track of the planet’s rotation, allowing them to perfectly tell time. By giving them instructions, people have long been using them as alarm clocks before clocks existed.

And that’s about that. What does Eryn and co do?

There we go. What now?

Connected areas:
Lakewatch Town. On the south-west of the route, Lakewatch Town lies adjacent to the lake on the road to the Wet Caverns.
Stillwood Village. In the north lies the forest which hides the village, Mt. Strength lying behind it..
Route 6. Vast plains start in the south-east, this route leads towards Raremine Town.
Frozen Cavern. After an incline up to the ridge of Mt. Chill, a cavern of ice could guide the way to Route 9 and Cooldome City.
Endless Forest. To the south, a dark forest looms. There are no indications as to why you’d ever want to go there.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Getting the acknowledgement from Misdreavus, Amelia would giggle at the sprite before looking around at the Sneasel and Kecleon that were it's friends. She wanted to take to ghost with her but she knew separating it from it's friends would be unfair to the other two. Sure, catching pokemon generally separated them from friends and family, but in this case she didn't feel like getting the blessing of those close to the one she was catching like she usually did would cut it. Not only that but it seemed like a shame to remove one of the schools mysteries.
"Well... I wish you all a good night and I hope you have fun in the future. Hopefully no one seperates you from each other." She said before turning to leave. It wasn't something she wanted to do, but she knew leaving the Misdreavus behind was probably the better option overall.

So, it was with great reluctance that she left the school, not empty handed but emptier then she would have liked. Litwick could sense this and leaned down to pat her head with it's tiny arms, causing the girl to giggle a bit.
"It's okay Litwick. I might want the Misdreavus, but I'm sure there will be another chance down the line. They bring pokemon to the school, so they must be in the wild somewhere." She said before leaving the building.

Seeing as to how it was the middle of the night, there really wasn't much to do in town at this time. So, Amelia would simply wonder around, letting her other companions out so that they could keep her company. She would eventually find her way in front of the (likely) closed Gym, simply staring up at the building, remembering her thoughts at the end of her adventures back at the tomb and contemplating them.
Is getting stronger like my Master... what I really want to do? She thought to herself, soon losing herself in said thoughts.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It wasn't easy to navigate with a sleeping Wingull, but with enough time and patience Skylar approached the similar red roof of the Pokemon center once again. He still couldn't believe it, he had actually managed to secure his first Gym Badge! Of course, his entire team took a big beating from that battle, which already scared Skylar from trying the other Gyms. If they were like that, then this journey would definitely be tougher from there on out. Eh, maybe not. Hopefully as he continued he'd get more and more tricks up his sleeve to battle with.

He stepped into the Pokemon Center to hear the familiar tune once again, then stepped up to Nurse Joy and offered the Pokeballs he had, completely forgetting about Seabreeze still sleeping on his head.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Eryn Montero

Route 5 || Day 4: Night || @PlatinumSkink

Eryn made a beeline for the lake, setting up on a flat rock overlooking the waters when she got there. A glance around showed no Carvanha, so she bent down, easing Tula into the water.

“There we go, all nice and comfy,” she said, letting go of Tula. The Magikarp bobbed underneath the laketop, resurfacing with a wiggle of her fins.

“Perfect. Now, this might be a little dangerous, so don’t go too far, but could you try and find me a wild to take us into the ruins? Just poke around and see if any of the lake dwellers are interested in a short adventure. I’ll catch them in a Pokeball, yes, but I’ll release right after. And, you know,” Eryn said, grinning, “if they’re tough enough that the Carvanha stay away, that’d be a bonus.”

Tula bobbed in the water again, wiggling her fins, then disappeared into the water. After few seconds of staring at the water, Eryn paused, swinging her backpack around to rummage around in it.

“Ahah,” she said, pulling out her Old Rod. “Darryl’s gift was useful. Now, let’s see, how do you do this again… ”

A minute or so of experimenting with the rod later, Eryn cast the line, settling in against Peri, who’d coiled up against the rock she’d chosen, settling her head on top to create the perfect surface for Eryn to lean against. Beside her, Dei and Eri were still chatting, Eri turning into a Lunatone and cluing Eryn into the subject likely at hand.

“You two having fun in your little two-person club over there?” she asked, nudging Peri. “Look at those wannabes, being all exclusive.”

Eri looked to Dei, who puffed some smoke crossing his arms. At that, Eryn snickered, Peri joining in with some grating noises. Dei, however, looked very much unamused, electing instead to turn away and ignore both of them, continuing the conversation with Eri.

“Aw, he's so cute,” Eryn said, adjusting her grip on the fishing rod. Another snort told her Dei had heard her comment, and she grinned, petting Peri.“Hopefully Tutu found something, because I’m not getting any bites here.”

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 11 days ago

@Joshua Tamashii

‘Misdreavus!’ Misdreavus called happily to Amelia, with Sneasel and Kecleon also giving their little waves due to Misdreavus affection for this person. In all actuality, the ploy here was that Misdreavus feeds on fearful emotions, so her friends are basically helping her get a meal by scaring people. That didn’t work on Amelia, but they seemed to have gotten along anyway. With that, Amelia left the school and walked off through Pureplain City at night.

There were still people around at night, wandering with no immediately obvious purpose, some Pokémon here and there, and so. Surely the air was far calmer, darker, somewhat colder and with a bit more distinct sounds during the night, allowing Amelia to wander as she wanted. Eventually, she arrived in front of the gym. A big, fairly boring building. A four-story building, square in form with numerous banners hanging out, and an imposing sign hanging out at the front of the building. “POKÉMON GYM”. A sign in front of the gym…

Pureplain Pokémon Gym - Major League
Gym Leader: Dorian
“The Master of Normal”

… Of course, it was closed. Gym Leaders can’t be expected to take challengers around the clock, especially not one which is gaining in age like Dorian. Amelia was contemplating what to do… when sounds of something big approaching came from down the road. Big, heavy steps of something too big to be running coming running… it was… something she recognized since the last time she was here.

Pokédex Entry #143 – Snorlax, the Sleeping Pokémon. A very lazy Pokémon that typically only eats or sleeps. It is not satisfied unless it has eaten 900 pounds of food in a day, and after having consumed that it becomes lethargic and sleeps. Its stomach acids can dissolve any poison, so it doesn’t have to worry about what it eats.

With a band around his head, Snorlax came running, sweating all over, apparently having been made to work out. And, behind him, dressed in a warm jacket on a bike with a suitable bike-helmet came…

‘Young Amelia,’ Dorian said as the old man on a bike slowed down to have a good look at her.

‘You’re back far sooner than I would have expected you to. Though, it does not appear you’ve been led back with the purpose of the typical Pokémon Trainer. Snorlax, you’ve done well today. The trucks should be done delivering your dinner. You may start without me,’ Dorian told his heavily breathing Snorlax, who immediately got this incredibly happy expression, before turning and running at the building, and a huge partly unseen door just swung open for the oversized Pokémon that made his way into the building. The door closed behind Snorlax, and the old Gym Leader got off his bike and took off the helmet to look at Amelia.

‘What is on your mind, young one?’

Disclaimer: The GM is not a wise old man.
The GM can only pretend to be a wise old man.
You will not actually get genuine wise old man advice from the GM.
As long as you’re okay with this, go ahead.

Connected areas:
Route 1. Easier path, just follow the bigger road.
Route 2. Walk through quite an amount of suburbs until you eventually reach the path.
Sea. There’s water, alright. Can take you anywhere you want to go, assuming you have means to traverse it.



After a lot of trial and error, or just perhaps asking any of the random villagers in Highhill Town for help because you could 100% do that and they’d be more than happy to help, Skylar eventually made his way back to the Pokémon Center, aaaaaaaand…

And, with his arrival, a somewhat yawning Vivia was walking up to him from the side.

‘Good morning, Skylar… You weren’t there when I woke up…’ Vivia then blinked a bit as she realized Skylar was healing his Pokémon. ‘Wait, if you’re healing your Pokémon… and you’ve already been out… You already battled Lorette, didn’t you!?’ she said, suddenly wide awake as she realized. ‘Aaaaah, I’m behind!’ she remarked, spinning towards the exit. ‘I-I’ll be right back-!’ And so, Vivia was running off…

And with that, Skylar’s now free in Highhill Town. What will he do?

Waiting for Vivia to come back is an option.

Connected areas:
Route 1. To the south, is the common route of first journeys. Green and straight.
Route 3. To the north, the route to Rainrock or the Silent Shrine. A wet woodland.
Route 14. To the east, the lake known as the Dragon Lake, potentially for crossing.
Path to Silent Shrine. To the west, the Silent Forest and the path to the shrine within.



Not getting a bite? Are you entirely sure? Because, prepare for the premium Old Rod catch!

Pokédex Entry #129 – Magikarp, the Fish Pokémon. While known for being extremely weak and washed away by even the weakest current, Magikarp can survive even in the most polluted of water. They’re incredibly fertile and have spread to waters all around the world. They jump fairly high, and older Magikarps are known to brave mountains with these jumps, seeking evolution.

… Though given she already has one, these probably doesn’t particularly interest her. Probably. Now, while Eryn sat against Peri and Dei and Eri had their little conversation, Tula swam about searching for a Pokémon to take them down into the ruins. Now, it turns out the waters are a bit dangerous, and very few Pokémon will give a Magikarp the time of day, but eventually, Tula swam into a dumb-looking easygoing Pokémon that stopped, because, when’s the last time a Magikarp of all things is looking for help with something? Are they even smart enough to make requests like that? Regardless, the Pokémon in question was like “sure” and swam along with Tula.

Completely ignoring the fishing line, a big, blue, moderately oblivious-looking head emerged from the water next to Eryn, staring up at her along with Tula’s return.

‘Quaaaaaaaaaaaaag!’ it announced loudly at her, smiling so absurdly widely.

Pokédex Entry #195 – Quagsire, the Water Fish Pokémon. A very easy-going Pokémon, they swim about and don’t even mind if they bump their heads into things. When hunting, it simply opens its mouth and moves no muscles, waiting for prey to blunder in. When not moving, it expands very little energy and does not need food for a long time.

It then turned and started swimming towards Lakewatch Town. No need to catch it, it’ll help anyway. Just because. The Pokédex literally says that Quagsires are easy-going, so.

There we go. What now?

Connected areas:
Lakewatch Town. On the south-west of the route, Lakewatch Town lies adjacent to the lake on the road to the Wet Caverns.
Stillwood Village. In the north lies the forest which hides the village, Mt. Strength lying behind it..
Route 6. Vast plains start in the south-east, this route leads towards Raremine Town.
Frozen Cavern. After an incline up to the ridge of Mt. Chill, a cavern of ice could guide the way to Route 9 and Cooldome City.
Endless Forest. To the south, a dark forest looms. There are no indications as to why you’d ever want to go there.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"Uh... okay?" Skylar wasn't exactly sure why Vivia was running off so quick in her hurry, but it didn't really bother him. She had her own reasons, and it would be rude of Skylar to follow. He was just hoping it wasn't anything to do with crime or that sort.

Regardless, he had an admittedly minor thing on his mind right now. There was the lake right down the way from the Pokemon Center, and if he was waiting for Vivia anyway it might be a good time to try and get just a hair more training done while Skylar figured out what to do next.

Before anything else happened, Skylar stepped outside of the Pokemon Center and let all of his buddies back out.

"Krow?" "Troooopiusss." "Torchic chic!" "Rrrallllaaa?" "Puff!"

"Heh, we got it guys!" The boy pointed to his shiny new badge on his backpack strap. The team roared in excitement at the new badge acquisition, excluding Smiley and Celebrity. The latter was smugly grinning at the victory Skylar had achieved over the gym, definitely with her help carrying the team, but the former just watched the team. After a moment, Smiley gave in and smiled.

"Tch, fine. You guys aren't so bad."

Skylar, of course, couldn't understand that, but the rest of the group did and smiled towards the Murkrow.

"This is only the beginning, and with you guys, I'm sure we can forge our own destiny on Isson and become it's champion in no time!" Skylar put away all the pokeballs of his teammates, attaching them to his bag, before he began to walk towards the lake and green hill down the street. All of his Pokemon followed him, almost like a parade with how Mac ran over to Skylar's leg to stay near him, JoJo and Smiley hopping onto Paradise to ride, and Celebrity acting like she was too good for everything. As always, Skylar's head operated Seabreeze, who was glad to watch for Skylar's path to keep him from running into anyone.

"Though, I'm gonna be honest, I don't know which Gym to tackle next. I'm thinking Freecape might be a good next-destination, buuuut I'm not sure if I'm ready to challenge Lowell. It'd certainly show I've got some nerve, challenging royalty to their title though, eh?" Skylar joked. He walked over to the grassy hills he trained on yesterday and pulled out a map of Isson, basically smushing his face into it as he thought where to head to next.

"Freecape is split by Stillwood, so we could just go through Stillwood, beat the gym there, then go to Freecape to challenge Lowell. We're definitely going to need some training if we're doing that, though. I don't think we'll get much more experience with anything else around here, though we could at least see if any of the Pokemon around here catch our eye. That, plus we deserve a little break, eh?"

So with the Pokemon Center in view (and even if it wasn't, you just had to find Paradise), Skylar sat down on the grass and watched the various wild Pokemon of Highhill's area go about their lives (mainly the Pidgeys, cute little birds.) If any of them happened to be special, Skylar would inquire further, but otherwise he was just gonna watch them and let his team have a moment to rest. Who knows? Maybe they'd find another rare Pokemon or overhear some fancy gossip? Anything could happen.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Dawkin Trustram

Hmm, it knew... Dive. Well that was something at least. "Alright, lets get going. I'll tell you what I know about the Cresslia thing." Dawkin noted the tag along Pokemon his companions had gotten but made no comment. Given nothing else happened, Dawkin would use his trusty butterfly pokemon to lead him home, telling Florrie what he knew about the strange man. Namely that he was using his Hoopla to go after at least Cresslia and Darkrai, if not more legendary and rare Pokemon.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Cyril Desrosiers

"Alright then Professor Kalmia, sorry if I disrespected ya," he chuckled awkwardly, slipping an arm behind his neck as he glanced off to the side, the little green bud still giggling and nuzzling against his trainers chest. Of course, that resulted in another violent set of sneeze as he whipped his head back before sneezing into his arm twenty times and sniffling a bit before looking down at the little Budew who had stopped jiggling around in his arms, looking up to see if his trainer was OK.

Of course, that was before her scamps came scurrying back into this messy abode, causing a confused "Fweeeeeeeee," to escape Aster, freezing up and stiffly protruding its bulb upwards. Cyril could only tilt his head to the side, looking with a blank, yet befuddled expression, "Proudlesprout? Snarklespark?"

He mumbled these two names, if they were even real names, rather slowly, pausing for a couple of seconds in-between the two of them before being brought back to Earth thanks to the Professor.

Cyril turned his attention to the door, with a rap-tap-tap that was courteous yet firm, Cyril pursed his lips, rubbing it with his thumb.

Duh, duh, duh, duh, duuuuuuuuuuuuuuh! A dapper young gentleman in a top hat! Reminded him of another guy he met at a gala Sycamore took him, Dexio, and Sina to. "Actually, that might of just been Dexio." Anyways!

"Oh, oh! So you're the Jacques Professor Sycamore told me about," Cyril exclaimed, smiling before nodding once at the man, a more informal way of being polite, "pleasure to meet you too!"

With that said and done, Cyril opted to scooch to the side making some room for the elite member to mosey on it, but regardless of whether he would take the offer or not, the assistant opted to watch with a keen interest, smirking impishly as the small Budew bobbed around in his arms, curious about the whole exchange.

"Clothing store?" He perked up like a little Yamper, staring at Jacques with almost twinkling eyes before being brought out of his little trance the moment a rather striking young lady stepped into the scene, he felt his heart skipped for a moment. Charming smile, lovely appearance (that make-up is soooo unnecessary for a journey), and was into cute Pokémon, as evident by her fawning.

While Aster did enjoy the attention, he wasn't as receptive as the first time, yet he wasn't exactly as cowardly as the first, instead tilting his little bud body over, letting out a simple, confused sounding "Fweeeeeeee?"

Of course, following that, the whole scene played out as Cyril watched silently to the side, until Chloe pivoted around and showed off her own Pokémon as well as it popped out and stood on her shoulders. The assistant quickly whipped out his Pokédex again, recording the Sentret before pocketing the device.

Sadly, he couldn't get the chance to fawn over the Sentret before she issued a challenge towards him! Cyril could only fondly smile, rubbing his chin with a thumb as he reminisced. His reverie, however, was broken by the sound of Jacques whispering something to girl.

"Hey, hey, spoiler alert Jacques. NO need to tease the girl~."

Cyril covered the side of his mouth, leaning in to whisper this to the two before backing off with a little hop, twirl, and smile like it never even happened, "Aaaaaaanyways, sure, but before we get to that I've-"

He took one giant step towards her, staring lovingly at the Sentret, "I've gotta get a closer look at your Pokémon~!" He spoke in a singsong voice, covering his mouth with one hand while Aster shyly looked away, the two contrasting each other. Assuming she does let him, he would do a half-circle, going between the front and back of her as he examined the small scout Pokémon.

After a minute, he took a step towards the door, nodding cheerfully to himself, "Yup, yup, she really is cute," he spoke quite loudly as he stood in front of it, "but then again, I shouldn't be tooooooo surprised."

"After all, Pokémon do reflect their trainers~,"
he gave the girl a playful wink before opening the door, gesturing for her to go on out. "Anyways, anyways, how 'bout we battle outside? Lot less cramped out here than in here."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Typically one would be asleep at five in the morning, but today was anything, but typical for Basil; today was the day they would arrive at Pureplain Town and begin his journey as a Pokemon trainer. Now sure he was a native to Isson, but he was some ways away from his destination. As a native to Worldedge City, he lived essentially on the opposite side of the north-east on the southern landmass and since crossing the region via air or train was not viable, he has spent who knows how long on a ship travelling.

To say he was excited would have been an understatement. He gave up any attempts to sleep because his mind was filled with so many things at the moment, good as much as bad. To know that his own family was not going to support him on his efforts though that was completely unexpected. It wasn't all bad though. He smiled at the hiking pack that was given to him by the servants that he had treated so kindly. At least he had their support.

Many hours later he could see the destination, as well as the rest of the ships passengers. When they would arrive at the port, people were pushing and shoving their way through as if there was a prize for being the first to get off. When Basil tried to make his way down, two rather large people sandwiched him unintentionally though they did not notice the scrawny young man between them. Squeezing his way through, he was free at last and rushed down the stairs to get away from the crowds.

Well this was it, Pureplain Town. It was a modest place, much unlike the grand city of Worldedge that spanned as far as the eye could see, but the quiet, inconsequential monotony of this small town was very much welcomed. Basil was walking down the streets, passing a bay where ships were docking and fisherman shooting the wind as they stand around with their lures bobbing in the water. He had never been this close to the sea before; back in his home city the only way to get close to it was a steep death drop by the cliffs.

It could not have been a nicer day to start this journey; the sun was shining with comforting warm rays and there was a gentle breeze of cool air coming from the bay. Basil smiled at the prospect of finding himself a cozy spot and paint the scenery, but he had an appointment he had to keep! Professor Kalmia was expecting him to arrive today and he certainly did not want to make her wait after being so kind enough to let him go on this journey to begin with.

"Stay focused Basil, focus." He said to himself as he surveyed his surroundings. Right now he had to find out where the lab actually was. Of course he knew the address, but the professor forgot how to actually get there. Just the thought of getting lost in an unfamiliar city made him shiver, but he had to remain calm. He was on this journey to better himself, not freak out.

Okay, maybe he could just ask someone. There was a very pretty looking girl with a green bonnet and a grey cardigan walking by so he thought to ask her instead. "Uh, hello miss? Could you tell me how to-?"

She turned to him with gentle smile, but what she said could not have been further mismatched by how she looked. "What do ya want ya wee posh cunt? Ya lookin' to fight or not?" She said in an accent thicker than a muddy bog.

Basil trembled in absolute shock and horror as she continued to hurl sentences at him that he could barely understand. At this point he looked like the breeze could knock him down.Oh no, she's Galarian.


He could not have been any luckier when a very nice lady from a local flower shop found the distressed young man and gave him directions. Well, that was one hell of a first step to this adventure; getting berated by a very aggressive Galarian tourist was not one of the things he expected to happen, but all that mattered was that he finally found the lab. It did not match the image he had for it in his head; the lab was rather a bit more homely than he anticipated. There really was not that much funding for research on Pokemon in Isson was there.

Okay, he was staring at the building for way longer than he should have been. Basil smacked his cheeks lightly to get himself out of it and said with as much determination as he could muster, "Alright, let's do this." He walked towards the facility and noticed that there people standing out on the front yard. Well it looked like there were people that arrived ahead of him and...Wait, wasn't that man in the ridiculous suit and top hat part of the elite four? Why is he here?!

They must have not noticed him, it looked like they were caught up in their own thing at the moment. He glanced around to see if the professor was spectating though he was not exactly sure what to do in this situation.
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