“I know that I have no strengths to offer. It irritates me how weak I am. But let me protect you Caslan!” NAME: Sindia Allora Fang
AGE: 21
GENDER: Female
BLOOD TYPE: Masala Chai
The Drink EmpireOCCUPATION: Court Lady
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
PERSONALITYDutiful : Daydreamer : Gentle : Reliable
Self-Critical : Spiteful : Furtive : Neurotic
. She has a Way with Animals
. Lip-Reading
. Singing
. Chess
. Mathematics
WEAKNESSES. Fears Thunder Storms
. Prone to negative thoughts and doubts
. Sometimes Socially Inept
. Insomniac
. Physically Weak
. Caslan
APPEARANCESinna is considered an attractive girl for her age. She is a slender and a bit on the taller side for a woman. Her eyes are caramel colored, she has naturally bronze skin, and long, white hair. Raised as a noble lady, Sinna possesses the traditional feminine graces of her milieu. She tends to dress in the fashions of the secluded south western Hau'Ma, where she was raised, but she has slowly been switching to wearing the fashion popular in the majority of the drink empire. She has a love for jewelry, and beading. She has multiple scars on her back from whippings she received as a young child, thankfully they healed to be faint.
HEIGHT │ 5'7
WEIGHT │ 133
EYE COLOR │ Caramel
LIKES. Jewelry & Gems
. Charity
. Perfumes & Oils
. Caslan
. Reading
. Candied Pecans
. Divination
DISLIKES. Gambling
. Toads
. Weapons
. Onions
. Bugs
. Angry Yelling
. Thunder & Lightning
BIOGRAPHYSindia is the youngest child of Renshu and Vanna Fang. Her parents were madly in love with each other, and married without their parents blessing. As Renshu came from a family of poor gentry, and Vanna was the only child of a count, it was quite the scandal among noble circles at the time. Thankfully they later obtained Vanna's father's approval when she announced she was pregnant with their first child. Little Caslan was born six months later, and Renshu took his wife's family name of Fang. They were a happy young family living in Renshu's small picturesque manor near the border of Hua'Mu and Estrye.
Three years later Vanna became pregnant with Sindia. Tragically when Vanna entered labor she began to show the early symptoms of pre-eclampsia, and the midwife was ill-equipped to do anything for her. After delivering baby Sindia, Vanna began to experience a series of severe fits and spasms due to the eclampsia, and was unable to breathe. Little Calsan, the midwife, and the households ladies-maids were present at her bedside, while Renshu held her as she suffocated and died. Renshu could not accept the fact that Vanna was gone, and took to drinking himself to sleep, and ignoring his two little children, who only reminded him of his dear Vanna.
A month or so later after the burial, Vanna's father arrived to collect the children, as Renshu had written that he could no longer bare to look at them, and needed a
brake. So their grandfather collected the toddling Caslan, and newborn Sinna, whose nursemaid begrudgingly came along, irritated that she had to move to the isolated south western Hau'Ma. Renshu was nowhere to be seen, as his children and father-in-law departed, in fact according to the household servants he had run off a week ago, delirious, drunk, and insane with grief.
Unfortunately things were only going to get worse for the siblings. Being under their grandfather's guardianship was awful. Their neglectful absentee father was heaven compared to Count Fang. He blamed Sindia for the death of his one and only child, and made sure she knew it. So she grew up terrified of and abused by her maternal Grandfather. She was regarded as fearful and furtive by the manors servants, who always looked the other way during the abuse. Her brother Caslan tried his best to protect her, and take the brunt of the abuse, but there was only so much a kid could do. So they found comfort with each other, quietly playing in the library, and gardens to stay out of their Grandfathers path.
Count Fang had never forgiven her for his daughter's death in childbirth, and frequently made her the target for his frustrations, by making it practically impossible to go a day without braking any of his ridiculous rules. His "punishments" included simple things like going without food,to much harsher things like whippings, and beatings. Being dragged by the hair, getting locked in the stables overnight, and verbal abuse was Sindia's normal for the first nine years of her life. Her brother was fortunately always there, sneaking her food, tending her wounds, teaching her to read, and hiding her when the count was on the war path. She was nine years old when she was beaten severely and locked outside during a storm. She ended up with a serious infection, and became so sick she was bedridden with fever and hallucinations for almost a week. The doctor informed Caslan and the Count that she may not survive if it lasted any longer. Thankfully she lived through it, though her health would never be the same. Two weeks later her grandfather, who was healthy as a horse, and as strong as an ox, died in his sleep...
Sindia believes that he died, due to her prayers being answered. As she had been praying to any and all of the gods of various religions every night since she was seven, praying to make her grandfather disappear. When she woke up in the morning to a wailing maid, and the news of her grandfather's death she ran for her brother. Life changed quickly after that. Caslan inherited everything, including the estate, and title of count. Relatives they had never met, came out of the woodwork to dispute Caslan's inheritance, and try to manipulate their way into their lives for selfish reasons. The excuse that Caslan and Sindia were only children, was thrown in their face more then once. Caslan wasn't having it, and took over the Counts seat rather well for only being only twelve years old. These so called relatives were basically banished, and ignored from then on.
Caslan spent quite a bit of his time on martial arts training, Sinna wished to follow him and train too, as was custom for girls in the Drink Empire, but after her illness she could never fully keep up. Her training flittered to an end by the time she was eleven, and instead she took up playing chess, and helping her brother manage the household. Her life was now peaceful and enjoyable, her brother made sure of that. A governess from the capital was hired, and so began Sindia's official education. Though her brother had thankfully taught her what he learned from his tutors, so she was not completely behind in academics for her age. Learning the etiquette of being a noble lady came easy to her, and she actually enjoined learning to dance, sing, sew, play the harp, pursue the arts, and write poetry.
Nightmares still plagued her, and anytime there was a thunder storm you would still catch her crying, bundled in blankets hiding in the wardrobe, but for all intensive purposes she was safe and happy. She was fifteen when Caslan was appointed a position as a official knight and guard at the Hua'Ma palace in the capitol. She came with, as the idea of living alone, and a whole months journey away from him was horrifying to her. So at fifteen she debuted at the royal court, and has been living there since, becoming friends with Princess Minagi.
TRIVIA. She has a horse named Cymbeline, and a black cat named Nixon.
. Bites her bottom lip when she is nervous.
. Always has coins in her purse to give to beggars and peasants.
. She is scared of the idea of giving birth, and believes she killed her mother by being born.