Ar∙ee∙ella Kie∙lee∙ah
![]() ![]() __________________________________________ Ari Kaile'a __________________________________________ 22 | Human | Islander of Kassia __________________________________________ ✧ Height – 5'3" ✧ Weight – 115 ✧ Build – Small frame; lean ✧ Eye Color – Deep Blue/Green ✧ Hair Color – Raven ✧ Other – Very light freckles along her cheekbones & nose; a small beauty mark below her right eyebrow. | B I O G R A P H Y As far as Ariella knows, she was born somewhere among the islands of Kassia. Unfortunately she was abandoned as a toddler but fortunately was adopted by another human islander couple who discovered her and raised her as one of their own. Her adoptive parents had always made it known that she was adopted to avoid any surprises down the line; not to mention that Ariella looked nothing like her adoptive parents or her siblings. Knowing this, Ari has always been incredibly thankful to her family. Without her parents, she would have surely died as an orphan. The islands could be beautiful and serene but they were also dangerous and teeming with creatures who would gladly jump at the opportunity for a small human snack. Ariella lived an average life with her adoptive family on Pai'Rua; the smallest of the Kassian Islands. She had a father who fished for a living, trading with the other islanders as a way of providing the family with everything they needed. A mother who taught her how to craft jewelry, clothing, and pottery. An older brother, and two younger twin siblings; one boy and one girl. Life was simple in her small village, aside from the occasional threat of hurricane, tsunami, or sea serpent lurking near by. There weren't many people in her village, but they all took care of each other as if they were family. She had been happy. This serenity had been shattered on the day an Aerowyn knight arrived to her island in search of a criminal who had been rumored to be hiding among them. The day started off with the village unsettled by this visitor from the capital. They rarely, if ever, experienced meeting new people who were not from another Kassian island; especially on the small island of Pai'Rua. If there were ever any visitors, they typically would arrive and stay on the main island of Kassia and never venture further than that. The fact that his ship had made it there in one piece was something of a miracle. In fact, this knight was Ariella's very first experience with "an outsider." The knight and his entourage had been making rounds within the village to interrogate people in order to find this so-called "criminal" hiding among them. They would pull a person into a hut, alone, and question them until they were satisfied with the villagers answers. When it had been Ariella's turn, she had never been more nervous in her life. Her heart had been racing as she stood in front of such a powerful man with a strange accent and eyes of steel glaring down at her, surrounded by other powerful people listening to her every word and watching her every move. At first the man had been stricken by her beauty and thought to say this to her, which caused her to feel more panicked. Shortly thereafter a woman that had traveled with him, presumably a mage, had gasped and beckoned her group to view a visible aura that Ariella was supposedly producing. With all eyes on her, and the panic setting in, Ariella fainted. When she awoke a few hours later she found herself on a massive ship, laying on a cot with several capital soldiers watching over her. She panicked and tried to leave, but they refused to let her - even threatened to shackle her if she did not sit back down and relax. They then told her that they were already on the way back to the capital, so returning to her village was not an option. When she demanded to know why they were kidnapping her, they claimed that she had shape-shifted into the elven goddess Aurelia when she had been unconscious. The Emperor had to know about her; about how she was the goddess reincarnated in order to save Aerowyn from the evil beginning to plague their lands. |
Previous to being taken from her village, Ariella had a bubbly personality and loved making other people happy. She could be quick-witted and if she could make someone smile, she was happy. She enjoyed taking care of her younger siblings and being a helpful part of her village community. She had been rather naive to the world because of her sheltered life on the islands, like most people there. All that mattered was life on the island and nothing else concerned her outside of her small bubble of life.
She had aspirations to be a mother one day and continue the way of life that her adoptive parents had shown her. She was happy doing this and enjoyed learning about new crafts and trades that other islanders could show her. She does have a feisty side, however, most likely due to her adoptive mother who taught her how to speak up for herself. Ariella had never been one to hold her tongue. On the island, the risk of this had never been high. Now, however, it could mean her life. Obeying a higher power who did not respect her or even care for her had never been something she had experienced before.
Currently, she has become withdrawn, extremely stubborn, and depressed. Her once lighthearted fire-cracker personality has manifested into something more angry and seems to only grow with every day that she is forced to live within castle walls.
She had aspirations to be a mother one day and continue the way of life that her adoptive parents had shown her. She was happy doing this and enjoyed learning about new crafts and trades that other islanders could show her. She does have a feisty side, however, most likely due to her adoptive mother who taught her how to speak up for herself. Ariella had never been one to hold her tongue. On the island, the risk of this had never been high. Now, however, it could mean her life. Obeying a higher power who did not respect her or even care for her had never been something she had experienced before.
Currently, she has become withdrawn, extremely stubborn, and depressed. Her once lighthearted fire-cracker personality has manifested into something more angry and seems to only grow with every day that she is forced to live within castle walls.