Archetype: Super soldier/Techno
Name: Johnathan Adams
Alias: MK Ultra
Age: 27
Nanobots: John has nanobots within his body that alter his body makeup allowing him to have strength many times greater than a normal man as well as greatly enhanced speed. The nano technology also increases his durability and can help heal injuries. His vision and senses including his mind are more powerful, which allows him to process info quicker and react faster.
Expert Marksmen: John is incredibly accurate with a firearm and has mastered the use of many types of guns.
Weaknesses: The nanobots are vulnerable to powerful electromagnetic pulses and will shot down if hit by a strong enough pulse. While the nanobots do increase his durability and speed up his body's healing process, John is not invincible and can be killed by conventional weapons such firearms and explosives.
Alignment: Walking the line
Personality: Loyal, obedient, cold, tenacious and analytical

BRIEF Bio: Johnathon was born to a normal family with loving parents. Life was good and for a little while his memories were some of the greatest for a kid. But then one day when he was eight years old him and his parents were in a deadly car crash with a truck. The crash killed his mother and father. Johnathon was able to survive, but the crash had severely damaged his legs leaving him permanently crippled.
He had been told by the doctors about his injuries right after they told him that his parents were dead. John had no one and was now faced with having to experience life without his parents and in a wheelchair. He had dreams about going into sports like football and basketball, but now those dreams were crushed.
With no one to take care of him, Johnathon was sent to an orphanage and there he stayed for several years, not finding anyone to adopt him. Life seemed to have gone completely down hill, but when he was thirteen he was approached by suspicious looking men in black suits and they took him away from the orphanage. He had been terrified at first, but then he became curious when they explained to him that they knew his father.
He was given information about how father had been a researcher into the development of nanotechnology for military and combat uses. He could hardly believe since he had no memories of his dad doing that sort of work, in fact his dad never talked about his work.
After they had finished explaining to him about his dad's work they gave him the offer to join the super soldier program that his father had helped develop. With no other options available he accepted the offer and was put through years of intense training before being injected with the nanobots, which granted him superhuman abilities. The nanobots while granting him incredible abilities did however change his personality and he became more cold and obedient to the program and his superior.
They set about sending him on dangerous missions to test his skills and after several successful ones, he was assigned to deal with some disturbances in Mountain City.
Potential Storylines: Missions that involve the criminal underworld of Mountain city as well as neutralize threats to local government.
He also may discover that the car accident that killed his parents may not have been an accident after all.
Notes: Has a big arsenal of guns which include military grade pistols and assault weapons. He also has smoke bombs and grenades as well as a combat knife for when he has to go into close range combat.