Welcome to Mountain City, a city of adventure and intrigue. In Mountain City, a hero is made every day and a villain every night. A thriving metropolis, Mountain City is a modern city, built in the Appalachian Mountains of the eastern United States. Over the years the city thrived with coal mining being its main source of revenue however it quickly became a leading industrial city on the eastern 'States with several noteworthy corporations, factories, and production plants. Westman Chemical Plant, Napier Valley Ammunition Plant, Pepsi Cola Bottling Company, and Wells Helicopter are just a few of the reasons people choose to live and work in the grand city of tomorrow. The Mountaineer is widely known for its stories of new superhumans and celebrities, as well as the general local news. Midtown is where most of the action is, as well as the Mercury Mall. Subdivisions, landmarks, and schools include Lee Heights, the Kirby River, Bendis Elementary School, Mountain Avenue [one of the longest streets in America], Simon Middle School, Kubert High School, Riverview [ghetto subdivision], Highland Park, Warpath State Park [in the mountains], the Museum of Tomorrow [tech museum], etc. The city sees a number of tourists as well, all trying to get a glimpse of superhumans in action. Mountain City has more superhumans than any other major metropolitan city in America with a general population of over three hundred and sixty thousand residents with an estimated fifteen thousand superhumans possibly within city limits. And who are these superhumans?
That's where you guys come in. This Sandbox-style RP idea is to build an original universe but not necessarily a team right off the bat unless some of you want to. We'll mostly be basing our characters off of Marvel archetypes just because they have a wider range of possibilities. The general idea is to build a universe similar to how the big two comic book companies have done with heroic crossovers, fights between the heroes, and team-ups leading into the eventual founding of a superteam within the game. Now, that isn't saying you HAVE to join a superteam. Originally in the comics the Hulk only joined the Avengers long enough to take down Loki. When looking at the building blocks of a more connected universe I look to movies and story lines like Batman v Superman, Civil War, the Avengers, Justice League War [the animated retelling of the new52 JL origin], Hulk vs. the Thing, Secret Invasion, etc. There are a lot of teams and concepts involved, but not everyone's characters will be team players or want to be. And I get that. There will always be the option to have a 'Wildcard' which is exactly what it sounds like. Can be anything and not even based on an existing archetype. Maybe you wanna create something of an amalgam of Archangel and the Punisher and toss into the game as a vigilante w/guns and superpowers? That can still happen.
Here are the archetypes I’m looking for the most with some examples of Marvel characters listed. Any of them could also be used for villains in the RP.
Super Soldier – [Capt. America, Winter Soldier, Red Guardian]
Demi-God/Goddess – [Storm, Thor, Hyperion]
Advanced Techno – [Iron Man, Black Panther, Forge]
Feral Man/Woman – [Wolverine, Beast, Tigra]
Archer/Sharpshooter – [Hawkeye, Punisher, Bullseye]
Size Manipulator – [Ant Man, Wasp, Atlas, Goliath]
Big Man/Woman – [Hulk, Thing, Juggernaut, She-Hulk]
Vigilante – [Daredevil, Moon Knight, classic Destroyer]
Cosmic – [Starlord, Capt. Universe, Darkhawk, Nova]
Mystical –[ Dr. Strange, Brother Voodoo, Scarlet Witch]
Alien – [Silver Surfer, Starfox, Capt. Mar-vell, Beta Ray Bill]
Wildcard – [Can be based on any character type]
I'm also going to be one of those people who insists this is a High Casual Sandbox RP. I'm not exactly looking for Advanced level length posts, I just don't want to have to assist everyone with their own individual stories because that isn't what this game is about. Two or three players could be working on their own thing in the game while I'm mimicking a battle like Hulk vs Thing or Superman vs Batman with another player in the background. If we lack a Superman or Capt. America type character or somebody else we may need, then the group can have dibs on collectively making them.
Here's the CS template. Throughout the game we'll create supporting characters and such for our characters and the universe as a group. However, players will also have the option of a secondary character after five posts in-game. Secondary Characters will need the same info as your Primary Characters and will just be used less often whenever you're not coming up with anything for your Primary Characters. Sandbox heroes and villains will also be made as we need them and can be used by anyone and everyone. For now, let's just work on your Primary Characters, can be hero or villain or something in between....
Alignment: [hero or villain, or walking the line]
Personality: [5 words best describing your character]
Appearance: [pic or description]
Potential Storylines: [What do you have in mind for your character?]
Notes: [anything else you need to tell us?]
This is the first in-depth iCheck I’ve made in quite a while so let me know if there’s any other information you guys may need before submitting Character Sheets. Admittedly I just reworked an older concept for this iCheck… I’m just excited to get another RP going sooner than later. It’s been too long for this guy.