Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by airgetlam
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airgetlam ****

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Gaul, upon seeing Flame light up with excitement at the prospect, looks to Smough. “Ready when you are,” he says as he pulls the hammer from his belt. “I’ve been itching to try this out.”

He then turns to Raven. “They’ve used some ability to turn into smoke, if that’s what you mean by ‘bite down’. Should we be wary of something specific?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I turn away slightly. I don't know how to answer her question. But I should. So I do.
"The same way I told you. He was an impostor. He usurped my throne while I was recovering from... from death." It's still hazy. I died. But was that really me? Who am I now that I've taken on this power? I shake the thought from my mind. I am real. I AM real.

My replica appears. This one has the appearance of Sin. My aspect of honor and duty. He holds out his hand. The Umbra swirls. I take it from him and use my power to dispel it. He vanishes again. Everything will happen as my will dictates. I am real.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The Raven kneels on the stone floor and presses his palm to the floor. There is an audible pulse as he sends a wave outwards. Finding nine of the twelve he relays the information over the Seal Telepathy with surgical precision. He stands and in the blink of an eye vanishes. Karnariel turns to Shadow.
"Look after her. I'm going to help." He says before running out of the room. Stella starts to make a move like she's going to reach for him, but stops before she actually does. Turning on her heel she strides towards Shadow.
"Do you have a safe room?" Stella asks. Shadow nods. "Then let us take those who cannot fight there."

Raia helps Sia to her feet.
"Come on. Now's no time to be hung over." She says. "I'm getting her out of here. Does anyone want to come with?" Stella looks to those still here and shakes her head.
"Those of us here can see to our own safety. Thank you for offering." They say and head out towards Shadows safe room.

Raia calls for Chron and as soon as she places her hand on his fur she and Sia are back in Raia's castle bed chamber.
"Stay here. I'm going to go help your friends." Raia says to Sia before Chron vanishes her back to the fight.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Following closely behind Lexianna Baruss receives the location of more Hands. Five ahead in the courtyard. It looks like Gaul's team is headed to the ramparts where three are. Breaking into the courtyard they are in direct sight. Baruss shifting the muscles in his body and digging his heels into the ground propels himself into the fight by crashing into one and tripping another.

The Ninja
The ninja running in tow with Smough follows Gaul.
"The bite down is a powerful poison they can use if subdued to induce death. When rendered unconscious or killed they become momentarily ethereal and their injuries, ailments, etc. are healed." Smough explains. "If we can subdue them, Raven can remove their forced loyalty to The Father."

The Ninja spots them. They stand ready to intercept. The Ninja draws his blade and prepares for combat.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Razz, Please. Just... please." Pulling her hood up Nevermore kneels to pick up her sword. Taking a deep breath to steady herself she forces down all her emotions the way her adopted father taught her. Gripping her sword more firmly she turns away from Gale. "Don't worry about fighting. I'll cover you if anything happens."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by IIKittyII
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Member Seen 3 mos ago


I frown. I had really hoped to perhaps talk to the children before attacking but maybe this is the most efficient way. I don't do things with the same instant fighting energy Baruss does. I plant my scythe and the winds starts churning. The nearest Hands are swept in the current. The wind dies down nearly as suddenly as it started but instead of hitting hard unforgiving earth on the way down, the swept children fall right into a light barrier. I wince as Baruss crashes headlong into the Hands he's engaged. I know the Hands are resilient but it doesn't mean they're impervious to pain. If it were up to me, each child would come home with me. I twist the wedding ring on my finger. Now what would Galen say to that?

The First Lotus

This has not set well with Lilianna. I know why. This answer will not appease the Current Lotus. I dare say it will shatter her heart. It might even force her hand into a fight with him all over again. The Current is so rife with raw emotion. However my future self is not my concern, Lilianna is.

She's doing an admirable job of reigning in her emotions but I can tell her resolve is faltering, I can see it by the change in her aura. Her hand twitches as if she's going to pull one of Galen's guns and shoot Zaakilio on the spot. I'll have to intervene. Right when I'm poised to do just that something appears that freezes us both.


Although I'm unsure another Lotus has honestly given it thought; each of us has a "one-in-particular" as I've deemed to call it. A part of Zaakilio that we have a deep connection to. For the Current it was Alastair. For me, my one-in-particular is Sin. He's dutiful and duty is why I'm here. He's honor bound just as my title makes me. Seeing him reminds me how close I use to be with this man. How deeply I trusted him. It's Lilianna who speaks and breaks the spell seeing his likeness has cast on me.

"What in Hades' Gate was Uncle Sin doing here?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by xxRazzxx
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Lifting the body onto my shoulder I turn too follow Liv. "So.... Why does this guy look like Galen? And how did you get your seals back? I cant even breath fire at this point."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Father's Throne
Nevermore leans against the door, listening to the corridor outside.
"He's a replica of Galen. Given to me to protect my world from collapsing into chaos. He sacrificed himself in a fight against some unknown enemy. I don't understand how he can be here. But..." Nevermore looks at her ring. "His parting gift to me was this ring. He must have forseen this. This ring is allowing me to use my seals. Or rather it is negating the effect this reality has on them." Nevermore peers out the door and down the hallway. She motions Razz to follow and steps out.

From behind the both of them The Father's voice rings out in the empty building.
"Where do you think you're going with my Messiah." The Father seems out of breath. Tired or pained, maybe both. "You pesky little insects are bothersome to no end. Why can't you just lie down and play your part!" Nevermore lunges at the Father to strike him down but with a wave of his hand she is sent hurtling through several walls.

Affixing his gaze to Razz the Father seems to smile underneath his mask.
"Give me The Messiah, Fire Demon. And I'll let you see your beloved little whore."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Shadow Hold
Baruss pins both hands down with multiple limbs that sprout from his back.
"You are being saved. Do not resist." Baruss says. He looks over his shoulder. Lexianna has captured the other Hands. One of the Hands in his grasps bites down shattering his hidden tooth. He reforms some distance away and begins to flee. A clawed hand erupts from the ground and seizes him. The hand is one of Baruss's. Baruss reels him in and holds him, with one hand, suspended in the air. "What did I say?"

Raven appears.
"That was faster than I anticipated." He says. "I have questions about those seals of yours, but that can wait." Raven then turn his attention to The Hand "I can free you from the leash of your creator."

"You can't. It's impossible." The Hand spits.

"You saw L. He chose freedom." Raven replies cooly. "What is your Name."

"I don't have a name." The Hand says. Then after a moment. "My friends call me G..."

"G, I won't force this on you. You must choose. Know only that it will be painful."

After a moment G meets Ravens gaze. "Pain isn't anything new."

All the Hands are watching as G lies down on the ground. Raven places a hand on his chest, the unmistakable surge of seals pulses, and he begins to channel powerful sonic waves into G's body. As G's atoms begin to shear apart Raven extracts The Father's Light and fills it's place with a mote of Arcane energy. Raven removes his hand and stands. "We must hurry if we are to save them all. The Father will show himself soon."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by xxRazzxx
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Member Seen 17 days ago


Turning and setting Nel down along with Gale I pat Nels head. "Whatever happens stay behind me little one." Turning back to the Father I rip a strip of cloth from my kilt, folding it over on itself I place it between my teeth. Cracking my neck I bring my fists up, elbows in close too the soul. Walking towards the Father I smile at him through gritted teeth.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I turn to face Li and First.
"It wasn't him. Not really. I created replicas of myself and altered their appearances to that of my Core Existences. They are out patrolling and identifying vulnerable Blackouts that we can remove from play." Zaak seems to hesitate like he wishes to say more but doesn't. Come We have work to attend to.

With that He opens a gateway and steps through to a city filled with automobiles and sky scrapers. His clothes are instantly fit for the era and the people around him pay little regard for his unusual entrance. He sets off with a determined purpose.

Outside of a club two mafia guards act as bouncers. An obvious front for a racket. Zaak strides up and the two men stop him.
"Exclusive members only."
There is a powerful pulse of Umbra as Zaak contorts reality into the shape he desires.
"I'm Mr. Bazi's three o'clock." Zaak says smoothly. "Me and my associates have a proposition for the family." Zaak motions to Li and the First.

Li-li receives a faint but unmistakable twinge of psychic energy. A message. "Come alone." followed by Coordinates in time and space within a specific reality. A reality that doesn't exist anymore. The Meadow of First Awakening.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The Father's Throne
The Father smiles wickedly and opens his arms wide menacingly and in challenge. Golden lightening arcs around his body as his power builds. But where as before it was piercing and vibrant, now it is murky and speckled with tiny fragments of Umbra. He cackles.
"What's this? You are approaching me? Instead of running away, you're coming directly towards me?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by xxhuntressxx
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Member Seen 6 mos ago


I note where the three Hands are. I move slightly off to the side for a few reasons. One to make myself more visible and hopefully draw one out, and two to have more visibility so I can draw one out. I palm a dagger and cut into each hand, the blood welling in the air behind me.

The blood I let loose stretches creating a barrier around me. It forms an axis like the path of electrons in an atom with me as the nucleus. One of the axis suddenly surges forward and slashes at a Hand. Drops of blood splatter freely and Mark that Hand.

I will know that one's movements no matter what. I palm my other dagger and my blood rushes forward, targeting the nearest enemy.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by IIKittyII
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My eyes turn golden, molten lava, at the mention of the False One. "Let the sanctimonious leech come and answer for his crimes. He will face our righteous judgement. I do not wish these children in harm's way though so please, do what you must. My light barrier will not obstruct you."

My attention moves to G. I kneel down next to the child, placing my hand on his forehead. "Hello dear, G was it? It's an honor to meet you. My husband's name starts with G." As I talk, my scythe's power flows. Using me as a conduit, energy transfers from it, to me and then streams gently into the child. "Better? You should be able to walk now. I'd like you to go inside and stay with my friends if that's alright." My weapon opens a direct pathway to Shadow and the others.


My blood heats in my veins when I get a good look at Zaak in his new attire. He's wearing a suit. He never wears suits but Galen did and he resembles Galen more now than he did before. Sensing my unease, The First Lotus shifts her stance so that Zaak is no longer in my view. Smart. I'm on the verge of tearing him apart. I need to calm down. I hate that I have to allow him to parade around like he belongs here, acting like my father. He wasn't here when it counted and now he wants to come back and call shots. I will shoot him in the face the minute he is no longer useful. Rebellion screams in my veins but I tamp it down. Compartmentalize. How much more can my compartments take? It doesn't matter. I must endure so I will.

It's only now that I'm not blinded by anger that I notice the change The First Lotus has made. She seems to have taken Zaak's lead to not attract attention and changed attire. She wears a white pencil skirt with a white fitted business jacket. A wide brimmed white fedora comes down low over her eyes, with the signature golden lotus tucked in. I'm not changing. Anyone who wants to call me out can answer to Lucy. Well....

A sleeveless trench coat appears on me. It's form fitting and reaches down to the backs of my knees. I button the first two buttons so most of my front is covered. The only parts of Akuketsu left visible are the skirt, navel chain, and arm attachments. Now that I think of it I'm slightly disappointed that I haven't yet had time to try and make more progress with the kamui. It can't be helped though, reality in peril and all that.

A voice whispers through my mind. It startles me at first and I realize Zaak and The First are completely oblivious to it. A message just for me. Alright, I'll bite. After we finish up here I'll stash the two away somewhere for a moment and check it out. Thankfully, I know exactly what to do to accomplish just that.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by xxRazzxx
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Member Seen 17 days ago


He talks too much, hit him in the teeth! I couldn't agree more. Stepping in I slam a left hook into his jaw. There's zero give and I hear and feel my hand crack. Pulling back I shake the flakes off of it. THIS IS BULLSHIT! Shut it Blackthorn! Stepping in I slam a right uppercut into his chin. FUCK!
Leaning back I crash my horns into him. Staggering back I bring my arms back up in defense.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Father's Prison
When Razz headbutts The Father a shimmering barrier around him seeks to warble and pop. While the barrier absorbed most the impact it did not stop it all. The father reaches up and wipes a small trickle of blood away. His body seems to shift and pulse unnaturally, as if it were about to burst open. The Father groans as he brings a hand to his mouth retching. Pitch black blood spills forth and splatters the ground before skittering away.
"Sinful beast. Rampaging about like a mad bull. Be still, mongrel." The Father says as he regains quickly regains his posture. Raising his hand the golden arcs of lightening converge on his hand.

Nevermore attacks from behind. She swings her sword at The Fathers neck to decapitate him. At the last moment he recoils the arm with the lightening to block her attack. Nevermore's sword cleaves through his arm and digs into his neck. Using the momentum of her lunge she flips over and directly in front of him. A look of horror is plastered on the Father's face as Nevermore drives her sword into his chest. He raises his last remaining hand and makes a fist.

The Commander's Throne
Nevermore smashes onto the hard marble floor. There are gasps from all around as elegant ladies and lavish lords are taken aback by her arrival. She quickly scans the room. Razz and Nel are here too. Guards begin to surround them. Nevermore prepares for a fight.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Shadow Hold
Raven explains quickly the situation to Shadow who was surprised by the sudden influx of non combatant Hands. Raven makes quick work. As he stands and passes the last Hand off to Lexianna to be healed he asks her.
"Who are you? Why are you here?"

Sir Baruss indicates to Lexianna that he will go on ahead to assist the others. Raven stops him.
"And you. How is it you came to posses Seals?"
Baruss looks at Lexianna. "I learned them from her."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Domitorem Corvo

Domitorem Corvo

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I walk into the club and into the back. The First and Li are following. Lilianna still mistrustful of me. But that doesn't matter. I will ensure that she succeeds where I failed. I have to believe that. It's all that I have left.

I couldn't see any of myself in that boy. He never doubted himself. He moved like providence and spoke like fate. His every breath was proof of destiny.

But he turned his back on the people. He made no move to aid them. He offered no comfort or solace to people who suffered in his world. He made no plan to change the world to accommodate. He merely strode forward. Gaze fixed on some unfathomable goal. Where was it he was going? To what end did he strive? No matter how much I gaze there is no answer. Was he merely striving for nothing? Was there no meaning in his battle? I cannot fathom such an existence. No. I cannot abide such an existence.

I'm sure he felt the same of me.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by xxRazzxx
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Member Seen 17 days ago


Landing on my feet I step into the first guard, swatting his sword aside I jab his throat. As he crumples to the ground I throw his sword at the next man. The hilt connects with his helmet it caves and he goes down. "Well?! Is that all you have?!"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by IIKittyII
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I smile somewhat bashfully back at Baruss to his answer. When he puts things that way, I feel like a surrogate mother. As I attend to the last Hand I try to answer Raven's question. It's more loaded than he realizes. I answer slowly and softly so as not to sound boastful. Defining myself is not easy.

"If you are asking for my name, it's Lexianna. If you are asking for my title basically, it's The Eternal Lotus of Life. If you are asking for my biology I am a Divine Cosmic Being. The why of my team and I's presence is rather complicated but suffice it to say, I am aim to help. So does he. " I indicate Baruss with a nod of my head. "I'm happy to answer any further questions, but I'd like to suggest we also move along and assist where needed." Having finished with the Hand I send the last one to Shadow as well.


I'm impatient to get on with it. All I want is to stop this unauthorized dangerous reality-warping seal user, park these two substitute parent bodyguards for a few moments, and slip away to investigate this newly born mystery of a mysterious voice from a mysterious location giving me mysterious orders to arrive all by my lonesome. I don't take orders I give them. However, I'll overlook that for now in favor of finding out what is going on. First thing's first though. Watch and hopefully learn more about umbra as Zaak uses it.
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