Oops, sorry, this character is supposed to be atheist. "Blah blah blah burn Bibles God isn't real swag."
Nimda said
And that thought you had right there is why it would be a sin to read it. But go read those chapters.
The World said
And your thought just now is why it's no more sin than any science book, since they both oppose your favorite book.
Etcetera said
It's definitely my favorite book. It has action, morals, history, and future. Like Sci-true. It's like a super MLP. Except better.
The World said
Except the morals suck, the action is shit, the history is barely even inspired by nonfiction, all of it's predictions have been wrong so far, and the main character of the first season is practically Ragyo.
souleaterfan320 said
i hope the olympian thing was okay..
Nimda said
It's fine, but gods aren't viewed as anything special by most others.
souleaterfan320 said
alright. also, the darkness void is not as powerful as a black hole, so you can escape it, its just dang near impossible.
Nimda said
Hehe, we've escaped black holes before. Oh, and you'll have to rescue David. Otherwise, evil David will have a grip on everything.
souleaterfan320 said
i think that mhyrra may be the heavy-hitter of my characters. what whould you say? since alucards abilities focus more on powers that dont require melee, and shinji is a speed type character with telekinesis, but cant take much damage.
Nimda said
Okie dokie.
Nimda said
I'll be back later.