Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Honesty Crow
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Honesty Crow Tlaloc

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The moment Phasma, Aladar and Highsinger arrived in Taris the human immediately regretted her decision to even come on this mission. She felt… alone and uncharacteristically anxious. What was going on? Was it the planet? The rancid smells of this dump's streets? The people? She couldn't figure it out. All she could think about was Raveem. The moment his face crossed her mind she began to piece together what was going on. Phasma felt like a child who had been abruptly separated from their parents. That sense of comfort and security was gone, replaced by a series of emotions she hadn't felt in a long time. Regardless, she did her best to keep her composure.

The moment they arrived at the brothel she found it harder and harder to keep herself from smashing someone's skull open. That little bit of restraint she had managed to work up on the way here was gone the moment she saw the depravity of this world. She was angry and sickened by what she was seeing. This place was filled with hopeless drunks, depressing drug addicts, disgusting slavers and their victims. Raveem had once told her that slavery was a necessary evil, but she never agreed with him. Going back to that moment, he seemed happy that she disagreed with him. She never understood why that was the case. Though, at one point she gave up in her attempt to understand what was inside the Bothan's head.

Earlier, one of the server girls had brought over a drink. She despised alcohol and refused to drink it, but did so anyway to keep up appearances. Taking a bit, she immediately regretted it. It tasted terribly sweet and it burned her throat as it came down her esophagus. She just wanted to get out of here. That is when Aladar leaned in and outlined their plan. A gang war? Phasma tried not to seem confused, but whatever had popped up in Miryia's disciple was probably the best of all the other options. It sounded chaotic, but she would make do. Wouldn't be the first time Phasma was caught in the middle of a crossfire.

"About time." She whispered back. "I'll follow your lead."
And take you out if I have to... Highsinger and Aladar were two people… well, and droid, who she had only met a few hours ago. While Raveem seemed to trust them, she certainly didn't. For now though, she was going to stick to the plan and follow Aladar's lead.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


<Snipped quote by Guy of Z>

Almost as soon as that last sentence was finished, Holdo would find the barrel of a DP-23 shotgun pressed to her temple, the clone's eyes open and staring coldly at her through the visor of the salmon-highlighted helmet.


"You understand your objective, soldier?" The officer across the table asked as CT-6871, codename Carter, made some final preperations on his equipment.

"I am to act as a bodyguard to the entity known as Vehia under the orders of chancellor palpatine, with a cover of being a member of the Couroscant guard. I am to accept orders from either the chancellor or the girl in my charge and nobody else. I am to ensure her nature is not revealed to anyone at all costs, and ensure that if any spills occur to mop it up appropriately. Is that correct, sir?" Carter asked as he slid his weaponary into the appropriate slots on his armour before putting his phase ii helmet on

"Correct. You will be entering cryo-statis inside the storage facility Vehia is being kept in and will be thawed out upon the opening of either of your pods. You will most likely be woken either by one of our own or by the chancellor himself."

"And if I am not, sir?"

"How you approach that and any similar situation is up to you. You'll be acting under your own instinct and wit for the most part, 6871."

"Understood, sir."


Carter could tell quite easily that this wasn't someone who was supposed to have woken him, unless things had changed significantly while he had been in cryo stasis. However he could also tell that this place was not where he had been stored, so there was a likelyhood that he was in potentially hostile territory. Still, his gun was up and inches from the oddly-haired woman's face, and he was gonna be very concice with his words. No point in not making himself clear to these people.

"I don't want to start a fight if I don't need to" he says slowly, voice level and deliberate, "But you aren't what I expected to see when I went into stasis so you best tell me who you are. Any bullshitting and I will blast you, and you don't contend with clones when it comes to making a good shot."

“Don’t just stand there Earhen! Use your Echani Martial arts to save me!”

“I'm fine right here, not unless you can like triple my payment here? I thought you didn’t need me and some spast babe.”

“Oh Kriff off!”

“Fine you deal with the angry Mandalorian clone while I call Hirog about my Fee.”

Holdo looked back at the clone with a shotgun pointed into her direction.

“Okay okay okay I’ll triple your price just get him to lower his gun!”

“Ok clone just informing you…it's been two decades since the clone wars ended.” The dark skinned white haired Human with silver eyes began to explain.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by TheWatchDog
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


“Why here?” The question came from Rae Sloane, newly minted Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy; such as it was in its current state. She’d asked this several times, the first as they arrived at the Imperial palace and gazed upon its immense shadow which loomed over Coruscant’s wealthier districts as if it were its own mountain range. That impression might have been helped by the fact that its doors were massive enough to fit a Victory Class Star Destroyer through and was large enough that required its own atmospheric controls. Indeed, the Imperial palace as redesigned by Emperor Palpatine was indeed the size of a mountain. She’d asked the question a third time as they passed the massive granite slabs which acted as hanging gardens and it was only a look from Gilad Pelleaon that cowed her into silence. Sloane had taken to wearing Grand Admiral whites, with a sky blue cape while in dress attire, the insignia of the fleets she commanded plastered on the back. It was gaudy, but the of the right sort and added a sort of martinet presence to the woman whose puffy hair was eternally waging a war of resistance against her Grand Admirals cap. Supreme commander Gilad Pelleaon by contrast wore dark black and included a cape with silver lining dotting the edges and unlike Rae Sloane who seemed to enjoy the trappings of office in a newly revitalized Imperial military Gilad had the look of a man who would much rather be in a simple officers tunic and with his hands in his garden.

Bertoff Hissa, the current Grand Vizier technically lived in the imperial palace, but the bat faced near human looking Grand Moff spent most of his nights in his penthouse near the commerce district of the Imperial capital, preferring the bustle of the economy over the tomb like, cavernous surroundings of this place. They’d boarded the interior tram and had been ferried by members of the Crimson guard to one of the hundreds of “indoor gardens” filled with nocturnal, bioluminescent plants that created neon colored light shows as they absorbed nutrients and UV rays from the lamps above that simulated moonlight. They walked through an area where small “creeks' ' created to flow inside synth marble embankments flowed into a gravity well which shot the water up, creating a reverse waterfall that brought water flow against natural gravity and created mist. She didn’t like this and again she asked for a fifth and final time only for a voice to answer her that belonged to a porcine looking man in red and green robes, covered in fine jewelry and grease from the fried avian he was currently cramming into his gullet by a hand swollen enough to look like a Hutts. “Because, she wants to remind us..err..hold on..something in my teeth”

The man beside him, Grand Admiral Octavian rolled his eyes “She wants to remind us who our “sovereign” was”

-A demented space wizard clinging to a dead cult founded by a long extinct species who stood in my way and held me back because of my gender and social class...And who built an empire to fail given men like you have power.- Grand Admiral Sloane thought “No one in the galaxy will forget the name Sheev Palpatine, or Darth Sidious for that matter” she’d said, with more scorn than she wanted to allow into her voice. Octavian Grant said nothing, though he gave the slightest inclination of his head as a sign of affirmation. Octavian Grant seldom spoke to people who weren’t part of the aristocracy if he could avoid it, he spent two decades ignoring her. Supreme Commander Pellaeon gently declined Plumba’s offer to take a seat, wanting be far away from the obese wretch. It had been disturbing though, why would a civilian member of the Ruling Council be invited to what he’d thought was a pure military gathering? Over the next ten minutes, more than just the ruling Council Arrived. Several Captains in charge of ISD battlegroups, survivors of the different factions and dead Admirals and Grand Admirals who were purged when Pontifex Invictus Janus crushed Sate Pestage to death with his own throne. Most were enemies of each other, most had been suitably chastened into coexistence, some found religion. It was then, that Grand Vizier Baretoff Hissa arrived, flanked by the Imperial Guards corp in their crimson uniforms though an old style seemed to have been resurrected as they possessed the head crests of their old Republic counterparts. Hissa walked between them, wearing robes in the military gray of the Imperial moffs, refusing to adorn himself in all the odd purple and dark blues that Pestage fawned over, nor the absurd hats. His eyes gleamed in the light, his fangs bared looking every bit the creature of the night. “Ah, Gilad! Rae! I’m glad you accepted”

“When I.I’s director comes calling” Pellaeon remarked, displeasure in his voice. He’d hated the Isard family for decades, they were cruel, treacherous and they ate their own. Everything he believed was wrong with the Empire and the Republic before it neatly wrapped up in one group of kriffed up humans. “At least you picked a good venue for the meeting Grand Vizier’ Gilad remarked eying the ornate night gardens. A shadow, caused the Royal Guardsmen to turn towards the walkways leading deeper into the night gardens, only to relax when they saw the figure of General Paltr Carvin who gave Hissa a curt nod, he’d been in the running for the position of Grand Vizier and was passed over for Hissa as the new “order” was sanctified. There was no love lost between them but his jaw was tight in his mouth “I only came for the garden” he admitted “The woman has zero right to summon me like a dog”

They were all here, when suddenly the sounds of heavy boots disrupted the tense quiet and everyone gazed in awe at the black clad Imperial StormTroopers, the Shadow guard loyal to “blackhole” The mysterious dark side mystic who’d been the I.I director before Isard, the recluse who withdrew in the final years of the reign of the Emperor, only to return as a sort of minister of propaganda, he’d disappeared a month before Endor and many believed him dead. No one had any idea if the man was still alive, but given his infamously paranoid nature and how Invictus Janus had a habit of butchering any Sith cultists who hadn’t joined her (which so far was only that tall, if attractive ex whore turned inquisitor Vader’s dog used to call “Darth Dope”) no one could fault that paranoia. The Shadow guard stepped aside, revealing a large, spider-like holographic projector which slowly settled onto the ground a bit like an animal about to have a nap. That left only their host, who’d called them but had decided to be fashionably late, which made more than a few present reached for a blaster or some antitoxin pills just in case. “To remind us of our former emperor” Sloane murmured, taking an unconscious step back from the spider like holoprojector and the shadow troopers. She was joined by several Captains who, after witnessing what Miryia Farlina of House Janus, now their so called “cultural leader” had done were more acutely aware of how dangerous force users were than ever.

“So this meeting is about “Invictus” Janus then?” Rae asked, recalling the conversation the two women shared recently after the Arkanian cobra retrieved her war master and assassin droid. That had been one part a dressing down and a total deconstruction of her mindset and one part, darkly inspiring. Two things that came from a clarity of insight and a charisma that Rae was certain wasn’t enhanced by the force which made it all the more concerning. Their combined silence, was all the confirmation she needed and sloane took a breath, she knew she’d be speaking for Supreme Commander Pellaeon who was now looking around the massive garden, taking mental notes on the plants and discussing the lay out with General Carvin.

The kriff was it with these people and gardens?

“Dark Greetings to you all, what do I owe this…’delightful’ interruption?” A black Holo avatar with stars shimmering within the void in what appeared to be robes with muscular arms and a peculiar crescent shaped formation on what appeared to be its head with piercing white eyes looking forward.

Several of the Captains began to shift backwards as the entity known only as Blackhole spoke, his voice rung out with its usual neutrality but there had been a hint of a threat below it as if the mysterious figure whom everyone believed dead for months was off doing something more important than appearing at a meeting that could potentially determine the fate of the Galactic Empire. Grand Vizier Bertoff Hissa sneered at the shadowed figure, being among the few “brave” enough to think his position would somehow shield him from the wrath of someone rumored to be a powerful devotee of the darkness. “I bid thee Dark greetings Blackhole” as stiff as his posture might have been there was a sense that Hissa enjoyed saying it, how he missed the old greetings. Finally, after a time one spoke, Rae turned her eyes towards the man doing the speaking, he was Captain of an old Victory class Star Destroyer called the Perseverance. -were things so bad, this constitutes our leadership?- No wonder the imperial citizenry were taking to Miryia’s cult like a Mon Calamari to water. “With respect m’lord, but in case you haven’t noticed a lot has happened since your withdrawal from Galactic politics, beyond the death of the Emperor Grand Vizier Pestage was murdered via the powers of a Jedi! A Xeno! By his own throne no less! A dozen Admirals lay dead, half that number in Moffs and her treacherous xeno cohorts seized control!” his voice tapered off into a muted whimper when he realized he’d just disrespected Blackhole and he quickly lowered his head in shame. “Forgive me, it’s been a trying time”

“More than that...I hear!” Plumba said, his jowls rolling like waves off a cliff as ignored the simpering plea of a man who may have just walked up his own gibbet. “she’s inserted herself into imperial politics as a sort of minister of culture and faith!”

“Pontifex Invictus was no mere political post” Gilad intoned, his features rigid, conflicted. On the one hand, the morale of the Empire had improved by leagues. She’d removed several of the most corrupt of the Imperial Moffs, their followers and cronies began meeting with unfortunate accidents the moment that crested killer returned out of legend and the rest? Well that were lynched, torn apart on the streets by irate fanatics who’d just discovered religion for the first time in their miserable lives. That, that frightened Pellaeon more than anything, the power of mythical figures in times of desperation. The Galaxy was looking for heroes, the people for saints and messianic figures and while the farm boy on Yavin managed to avoid a personality cult, this woman embraced the notion. “Between the Paeus Dei and the Sith, the galaxy has been ravaged by eleven thousand years of sectarian strife.”

Grand Admiral Sloane allowed the discomfort in the air to mount at the irony of a man who served the Jedi and Sith bringing up an uncomfortable truth, it made it no less weighty because Gilad was unquestionably on the side of the woman. His reservations might have been bait to create open discussion, but Sloane knew full well he wouldn’t side against her. “Which brings the question” Carvin put in, at last speaking as the sound of Plumba’s jaws clamping around some Manan Oysters filled the air. “Can an Empire founded by a Sith, be governed in spirit if not in actuality, by a Jedi”

“That, General Carvin; is the very question we are here to answer '' many turned, except for Supreme Commander Pellaeon who was staring at some Umbarian night violets and some Corelian posies. Above them, the voice rang from the stairs leading down from the palace tram that led straight to the Throne Room and the personal apartments of the former Emperor. A thing so arrogant, it set Grand Vizier Hissa’s blood to boiling. If Miryia Janus was an Umbarian cobra, dark, yet radiant and utterly lethal, than I.I director Ysanne Isard was a Mandalorian Jackal, tall, elegant, austere, grim and venomous and treacherous even to its own pack but no less elegant. Decked out in the crimson uniform of her directorship, flanked by her own crimson colored StormTroopers, wearing none of the formal trappings of the others, though not necessarily needing it. Ysanne was beautiful, her poise carefully crafted to convey regality but also her own deep abiding bitterness. Barely in her thirties, she was in the prime of her life yet her mismatched eyes, the gray streak in her hair and the tight, gaunt nature of her face made her look a decade or so older. She walked down those stairs as if the palace was already hers, even the plants began to yield to her passing as some of the orchids turned their “heads” away (no doubt produced by some UV patch on her wrist for effect), above them night birds began to migrate from the “solar” gardens into the interior of the night garden and she eyed the group with that sneering arrogance that was almost a familial trait.

“Gentlemen, ladies, I bid you...Dark Greetings”

“Oh Isard... my second placeholder for Imperial Intelligence is the one behind this summons? How uninteresting.” Blackholes hologram spoke.

“I summoned you because there has been a political upheaval and I need a word of advice. I need allies..”

The Hologram began wheezing in ugly uncharacteristic laughter that disturbed the onlookers.

“My dear Isard you are acting as if I wasn’t already aware...my eyes and ears are everywhere or did you forget my previous position already?”

“I never had an exact date you even had the position of director my father was around since the Clone wars.” Isard began to sound annoyed at Blackholes posturing.

“Ah child how little you truly know then, what do you desire? For me to join your doomed stand against the Arkanian? I personally enjoy her antics despite her...flawed ideals on the true way of the universe.

“So, you’re finally here and descending from the palace stairs as if you were the Galaxy’s mistress huh?” Hissa spat, his voice venomous and threatening. Behind him, a series of lights oscillated from blue to crimson causing a ficus colony to begin to shimmer somewhere towards the edge of the room. “Funny how I don’t recall you saying anything before, during or after” his posture bent as if he was attempting to look down at the woman who was standing over him in a feral bit to accentuate his contempt for Isard. Carvin who was looking from Captain, to Moff, to Vizier’s eyes finally settled on the face of Gilad Pellaeon; their supreme commander. It was the look of a man who wanted to be tending to the plants which presently surrounded him, rather than engaging a wildly dangerous female. Grand Admiral Sloane spoke up, her eyes narrowed “Doomed is a good descriptor Blackhole, what you’re suggesting is presently treasonous”

“Technically we make the laws” Plumba responded, waving a fat finger in the air, the fat of the man's arms causing his robes to ripple from the vibrations. “It’s not treason if we say it’s not!” the joviality of his vapid input caused Octavian Grant who’d been silent up until this point to let out a hiss of disgust “Yes, let us plot to murder a woman who has caused a surge in volunteers, whose seemingly able to root out her enemies on a whim and whose mere word causes rioters to storm mansions and dismember Imperial officials”. Were they insane? The whole galaxy was experiencing a cultural crisis, war was everywhere, starvation was rampant in some sectors and at any moment entire planets could be swallowed up by some mad warlord from one of the hundred independent factions or some errant acolyte who fancied themselves the next “Lord of the Sith”. The woman had the breeding, the rhetorical skills and the last name and the historical weight behind her, to sweep in and set up a religion. “And what do you suggest we do?” Plumba spat “Nothing?”

“Contain her and channel her, direct her and her zealots to our end?” Another put in.

“It seems to me” Paltr Carvin began, his tone measured to try and keep this unofficial council session from degenerating into a brawl. “That Director Isard’s stand is only doomed if we don’t act. Have we forgotten the powers of our Emperor so that we’re humbled by mere Jedi tricks? What is she, but one of eleven thousand we ground into dust since Order sixty six all those years ago”

Sloane turned, speaking again for Pellaeon who had taken to gazing at a patch of silver daffodils. “You, really think her powers are so insignificant?” “Are you comparing her to the Emperor?” he shot back and for a second Sloane found herself considering that and it was perhaps the more terrifying realization she’d experienced today. Carvin could speak all he wished, but she was there, she saw the serpent crush Sate Pestage with his own throne, which rose like some animated golem to devour him, she saw the blaster fire dance around her. She’d hunted Jedi before, ordinary Jedi didn’t do things like that. “She’s nothing, you’ve let desperation cloud your Judgment”

“Indeed her power in the Dar...I mean the Force is formidable, channeling her is the most option for you my dear conspirators.” Blackhole caught himself on this error, it mattered little if the Arkanian or Skywalker won he would be sure he would benefit the most.

“How are you so confident we couldn’t topple the Alien? She's still a mortal being” Isard asked

Blackholes holo merely looked at the current Intelligence Director with scorn and spoke.

“Oh she is by birth but she's parlayed with entities who are by most definitions...remnants of beings considered “gods”, her degrees of mortality are arguable at this point.” A perfect vessel he thought.

“Spare me this cryptic nonsense Blackhole, can she die?”

“Why would I even bother giving you a straight answer? It's not like you could succeed regardless of the answer.” She was one blessed by the Dark itself. His predictions saw much carnage and decay at her hands in the future. Why would he want to raise a withered finger to stop that?

This conversation was as pointless as it was stupid, Gilad thought as he gazed at a pair of “lunar flowers” which had begun to track the shifting motion of the lights in thie dark place. Why couldn’t he get them to survive in his garden? He’d spent ten years tending to the last batch only for them to die during one particularly long spring. -Is this the work of Sith sorcery? Or can a poor soldier like me figure out how to make this work? I need to order soil samples collected- hopefully it wasn’t something awful like the ground being watered by the blood of the Emperors enemies. Palpatine, for as long as Gilad knew him, hated gardens, his hatred of something as simple as growing things, tending to them and enjoying the calm was nearly enough to convince him to join the rebellion once upon a time. Only Blackholes correction caught Pellaeons attention, how interesting. He did not amend his statement to say light merely the force. So this Jedi had become truly gray? How had she not been devoured? Yoda always said attempting to juggle light and dark resulted in disaster and Sidious had echoed those sentiments among the few times he’d said anything on the matter in the Supreme Commander’s presence. The commentary about parlaying with the obscure, macabre and unknown made his mouthpiece raise her eyebrow. “The history books describe her as the greatest enemy Darth Ruin possessed, she pardoned no one who was Sith and raised entire entire planets and killed billions to wipe away the darkness. Hard to imagine her tapping into something she hated”

A war master, a politician, a hero. There were moons named after her, battles she’d won were still celebrated as minor holidays on many worlds in the expansion region and mid rim. But an explorer of darkness? The thought of her compromising her convictions made Grand Admiral Sloane simultaneously discouraged and amused. “Hah! The greatest foe and a fearless hero who struck out hard and fast during the early days of the war and then slowed down” Plumba muttered and Hissa raised a surprised eyebrow at the implication, damn the porcine bastard had odd insights at times. “Are you implying something?”

“Only that she failed”

Oh, not as bright as Hissa thought then.

“Or did all she could to extend the war” Granted intoned then shrugged for it had no bearing on today, except that it only piqued his curiosity as he wondered why someone like that would do such a thing. “Consult your history pads, the massacre of the High Council occurred on a fortress world, deep within Republic space. All the surviving masters of repute and the lesser councils had to go on was the testimony of one blind Miralian Padawan and two service droids”.

“This is an exercise in wasting time” Carvin waved his hand dismissively “We all know what happened next, the war ground into a stalemate and then the Jedi took over the Republic and nine centuries of intermittent warfare followed..none of this matters not today and not to our conversation at present. It means nothing”

“I suppose the question Ysanne; is this?” Gilad broke the silence, finally speaking to Isard. “Are you asking us to call a vote to support you, over her?”

Silence reigned, but for the chewing of Plumba.

“Yes, I am. This upstart is a threat to all of us and perhaps the galaxy in time.”

“Upstart?” Grant asked turning his head towards Isard, there was something rather absurd in a comment like that. “Do not forget Isard, while she may be new to the empire, she was a Jedi for nearly a century before the new Sith wars and led troops in battle and commanded armadas for nearly a century of a thousand year long war. While you’re barely out of your adolescence..and..Well outside of killing your father I can’t really think of a single achievement you’ve to your name?”

Hissa let out a laugh “Ysanne Isard, who would be empress and would have us plunge ourselves into another civil war while our enemies grow stronger! Tell me woman, how do you plan to suppress rioting across the core? Do you think House Janus will take the murder of their own lying down? A Mothma an Iblis and an Organa were enough to start a civil war that took decades for us to fight and it cost us our Emperor and millions in men and trillions in credits! Do you think we could survive more founding families turning on us?”

“We’re the Empire not the Republic” Carvin snapped “I don’t intend to kowtow to a bunch of highborn slugs living off the achievements of men who died thirty thousand years ago”

“We cannot survive another civil war you dense fool” Rae Sloane snapped, her voice was venomous “And you...little girl, you weren’t there, you didn’t see. I did, does she concern me? She does, is she dangerous? She is but Blackhole is right, we can’t stop a storm, only channel its wrath and ride it out”

“You forget Grand Admiral the Jedi were Traitors to the Republic, and their antics necessitated the creation of the Empire in the first place. It's hypocritical to allow one to control it no? Likewise Carvin is correct being beholden to those loyal to her is indeed a betrayal, there are other ways to quell a rebellious populace without firing a shot but it would take time and strategy.”
Blackhole merely watched in amusement, ironically while most of the Galactic core knew only what the Empire fed them about Jedi the Sith were even less then a myth to the galactic populace and to many they were not much different.

To Blackhole himself both were fools who had no grasp of the greater truths of the Universe, the way of the Dark. The ideal that the only thing truly eternal was destruction itself, even the force itself was dependent on life and eventually it would die with the universe’s heat death. This Janus woman was as foolish as she was insane, believing she was operating in the will of the “Light” , she was a true instrument of destruction and entropy.

She had stolen something of unspeakable entities beyond reason and gained greater power in the name of her crusades and was awarded for it by the Dark. In many ways she was no different from his mentors the Sorcerers of Rhand, but she deluded herself into thinking she was something otherwise. She dressed herself up in the useless, frivolous deeds of heroism but somewhere in Janus’s deluded mind she had to have realized she was no better then the very Darth Ruin she opposed. He knew the truth of her deeds during the so called “New Sith Wars”, if anything she was living validation of the Sorcerer’s belief in the Dark.

There was plenty of death and destruction in Isards path but a force user always provides more destruction it seemed, her quant little plot would never yield the results Blackhole desired.

“I suggest acting against Janus is foolish, she is formidable or did you ignore how she wielded the power to snuff the life out of the other force users and commanders in the Empire?” Blackhole continued to feign loyalty to the Arkanian, her role was not yet done.

“Well” Grand Admiral Rae Sloane’s eyes narrowed at Ysanne Isard, a woman the older Sloane saw as little more than a violent, sadistic upstart who inherited a position through patricide and was born to the purple, to privilege where she had to bleed for every promotion, every success. A woman she took as the embodiment of imperial corruption and whom she despised. “It seems you have your answer director Isard...Pray we don’t inform on you”

Carvin shot a dismissive glare towards Sloane before shaking his head “A woman’s place is in the kitchen or on her back, not commanding Starfleets or playing at Spymaster.”

“Nor at playing a Messiah I take it?” Scorn filled Isard’s eyes and she turned to leave her footfalls ringing out like distant thunder as she made no attempt to measure the sound of plastoids brushing against synthmarble. Before departing the Gardens entirely she turned back as Blackhole’s holographic visage vanished. “Remember, all of you had the chance to put an end to this madness now. When the time comes, when you realize it, my price for accepting your support and bestowing forgiveness will be far steeper” a martinet’s pirouette later and she’d stocked into the darkness as the crowd of would be conspirators began to depart, leaving Sloane and the Supreme Commander alone, Gilad preferring to linger awhile in the gardens.

“Why, won’t I report this to Sub Director Raveem? For the same reason I won’t report it to the Pontifex herself”, Pellaeon knelt, gently parting some of the thick pink glowing grass to allow a flower long denied the light to take its first doses of synth lunar light in days. It bloomed, glowed, shimmered with a blindly light that seemed to fill the entire courtyard up to its farthest, darkest corners. Then passed into withering dust in Gilad’s calloused fingers. -Because they’ll already know- he thought and smiled sadly. Then, noticing Sloane perceived his thoughts ,and rose again. “Ysanne Isard is like that Rose, rare, bright, intense and blinding. But transitory, withering in mere seconds. Nonetheless, it deserves its chance to shine, even if that radiance may come at cost” he gestured to several plants in the general vicinity which had received such a violent burst of UV light that they’d burned and began to fall in on themselves, their lights flickering into darkness, the greedy, choking, grasping things paying the ultimate price for denying its smaller neighbors the light.

“After all, an old forest must sometimes be cleared and parasitic flowers must be scoured, root and stem as with their destruction comes renewal”

As they left, purple, snaking vines began to climb up several of the failing trees so scorched by their tiny neighbor that the nocturnal things began to die. Engorging themselves on the remains of that vibrant last stand.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SansTheMedic
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SansTheMedic The one that possibly doesn't exist,

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

“Don’t just stand there Earhen! Use your Echani Martial arts to save me!”

“I'm fine right here, not unless you can like triple my payment here? I thought you didn’t need me and some spast babe.”

“Oh Kriff off!”

“Fine you deal with the angry Mandalorian clone while I call Hirog about my Fee.”

Holdo looked back at the clone with a shotgun pointed into her direction.

“Okay okay okay I’ll triple your price just get him to lower his gun!”

“Ok clone just informing you…it's been two decades since the clone wars ended.” The dark skinned white haired Human with silver eyes began to explain.

"20 odd years, right. Seems I have a lot of catch up work to do." Carter slowly steps out of the cryopod, keeping his shotgun ready but not directly aimed at Holdo. From the display given she was clearly not a threat, and while this other guy was far more competant, he seemed to be neutral enough. All the same he'd be cautious, scanning the room for anything else of note, including the pod containing his mission target, his footsteps slow and precice as he backed off from the woman who had woken him up. If nothing else, these two could prove helpful with catching him up on the time he'd spent in the deep freeze. "First off, who are you two?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


<Snipped quote by Guy of Z>

"20 odd years, right. Seems I have a lot of catch up work to do." Carter slowly steps out of the cryopod, keeping his shotgun ready but not directly aimed at Holdo. From the display given she was clearly not a threat, and while this other guy was far more competant, he seemed to be neutral enough. All the same he'd be cautious, scanning the room for anything else of note, including the pod containing his mission target, his footsteps slow and precice as he backed off from the woman who had woken him up. If nothing else, these two could prove helpful with catching him up on the time he'd spent in the deep freeze. "First off, who are you two?"

"Thats a long story you see after the Clone Wars the Republic became an Empire because Palpatine claimed the Jedi tried to assassinate him and turned the Republic into an Empire and all that fun stuff. The Senate being full of monarchies and dictatorships thought it was the tightest spast and kept going for the next oh 20 Years or so before getting dissolved after they built the Deathstar, a superweapon that can crack worlds."

Earhen continued rambling on with the historical lesson

"Get to the point dammit!" Holdo yelled.

The nearby guards were tense as well but what could they do a Vat grown killing machine holding their commanding officer hostage.

"Fiiine I was enlightening this gentlemen on the current state of Galactic politics excuse me for being enthusiastic. We were initially the Alliance to restore the Republic then the Alliance of free Planets now we're the New republic now. Basically the new boss to your old boss cloney."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SansTheMedic
Avatar of SansTheMedic

SansTheMedic The one that possibly doesn't exist,

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Thats a long story you see after the Clone Wars the Republic became an Empire because Palpatine claimed the Jedi tried to assassinate him and turned the Republic into an Empire and all that fun stuff. The Senate being full of monarchies and dictatorships thought it was the tightest spast and kept going for the next oh 20 Years or so before getting dissolved after they built the Deathstar, a superweapon that can crack worlds."

Earhen continued rambling on with the historical lesson

"Get to the point dammit!" Holdo yelled.

The nearby guards were tense as well but what could they do a Vat grown killing machine holding their commanding officer hostage.

"Fiiine I was enlightening this gentlemen on the current state of Galactic politics excuse me for being enthusiastic. We were initially the Alliance to restore the Republic then the Alliance of free Planets now we're the New republic now. Basically the new boss to your old boss cloney."

"I see..." Carter said. So the chancellor overthrew the Jedi order and became the leader of an empire for two decades before being kicked out of power by these New Republic people. This brought to question the idea of 'what now?'. His loyalty did technically lie with the republic last he checked, but he fought directly underneath Palpatine. Not to mention his cover was a Couroscant guard soldier. Were these people his enemies or allies? He thought for a moment...

His objectives were to keep Vehia's nature secret and to follow her orders...

Well, that solves that dillema. Carter lowers his gun, stepping into a simple at-attention stance with safety on and barrel to the floor. "In that case, specialist CT 6871, codename Carter. I worked as part of the Corouscant guard until being tasked with acting the bodyguard for a high risk VIP named Vehia by the Jedi council. Speaking of which, where might the cryopod for her be located?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by TheWatchDog
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


It had taken Rhaenessya Aladar more than a few moments to realize the woman who was nearly taller than her (exceptional as she was very tall for a human female) was tense due to anxiety over something far away as she was due to the fact that she was watching what someone who grew up in a blasted wasteland would consider absolutely pointless waste and savagery. It was an anxiety that took her another second or two to process, her thoughts dwelt on Raveem but there was no lust for the bothan, love of a sort yes, devotion yes but nothing carnal. After that an eyebrow raised in surprise, the ISB spymaster from the Vash’Ah clan had taken a human female from a wasteland filled with backwater savages as a foster? One, that apparently was close enough to him to form filial bonds? Around them, the activity seemed to heighten to a fevered pitch as men and women came in from work, most of which were adorned with municipal uniforms of one type or another. Police (such as they were), sanitation workers, surveyors, several city accountants who requested their “usual” seats and drinks. Others, came in who were clearly thugs belonging to different gangs, each eying each other suspiciously but kept to themselves, taking seats at opposite sides of the brothel. “This place is neutral ground, once that compact is violated the people who do the violating will have to be hunted down and exterminated by the other gangs or the city cops”

Perfect! Aladar allowed herself a smile but a ping of shame fluttered into her heart as her mind raced back to the image of the bruised girl bringing drinks to her table, her tense hands, the stress in her eyes which seemed glazed. The addiction, the self hatred, the need for more to escape for a little while the feelings of despair, acceptance and when that passed..of..enjoyment. “Not like imperial intelligence reports huh?” she asked Phasma her voice almost tight. “I was a Padawan, then order sixty six happened and I found myself homeless and alone on a world much like this one...In a place much like this one” She allowed herself an almost baleful laugh. Though she’d begun to start making peace with this part of her life, the pain, the temptation to subsume her mind in it, the whisper of the dark, it was all as strong as ever. This time though, she pushed through, enduring the temptation to find her center in her new found freedom, purpose, mentor and..more..”See, when the idiot activists who talk about how the Empire tolerated slavery and even profited off it criticize us, they talk about all the children who are beaten and abused, seeing some shaky waif on a holoprogram makes for solid fund raising venture” her eyes flickered with tired annoyance at the sanctimony of it all, Republic or Empire, corruption was corruption and it was an eternal foe. “What they don’t tell you, is that the shaky waifs are the lucky ones, because if they’re still sad and scared and wondering why this happened to them, then they haven’t really become a slave. See, it wasn’t that I had grown men have their way with me when I was only a little older than her, it wasn’t that I had children torn from my body while I was still a child. It was that after a while, they succeeded in breaking you so badly you start to enjoy it all. And then, after that? You start to revel in how debased you are and then you start seeking out others to lure in, to groom, to make like you”

She took a breath, fighting back tears of regret, shame. -How could I relapse? Fall to the dark? When there so much work to do, mistress Janus is right….I needed to come here, I needed to remember where the middle of my journey began to move on- “That’s why the life of an inquisitor was to appealing, why the darkside was so seductive. The sad reality of it, is that I made it out because in my heart, in my soul part of me, screamed, cried and fought to be free of it all. Miryia..errr...Invictus Janus she..reminded me of who I was, she reminds me every day of who I am” a knowing smile flickered across her face, yes, Aladar thought, Phasma understood a bit of that. “Which brings me to the saddest part of this, all these child slaves you see here, they enter this world innocent..they become victims, then become willing participants. It’s why I hold the view that the only slaves worth liberating are the newest, or the ones who fight their way out”

She paused, her eyes narrowing on the Sephi and Zeltron, one of them had begun to think of the Chiss, they worked for him?! Her eyes flickered, the force seemed to wrap around Aladar in ways she hadn’t felt it touch her in a long time. Centering herself, recalling her first masters training and on the lessons Miryia had begun to teach her the woman allowed the light of the force to begin to burn in the center of her being, her “inner forge”. The living force and smatterings of the dark (as much as she’d allow herself to tap into any way), writhed within her, burning inside the fire of the light until all that was left was the purity of motion. Messing with the telepaths mind was dangerous, she wasn’t as skilled in the subtleties of the mind as her first master had been. “What I’m going to attempt to do is something I haven’t done since I was a little girl..Twenty years now? Hah they might sense me and start shooting” The woman stuck her tongue out, she was nearly thirty five, but she looked younger whether her strength in the force or her heritage, there were moments where she acted younger as well. Returning to focus on the Rodian pretending to look high as a kite she began to focus on his festering resentment, both for the Chiss who’d moved in and coopted their gang and for the gangs that were wining and dining here in front of him able to eat better and afford prettier females. How they were able to kill some of his guys before the chiss took over, before he “wiped the slate clean”. If Aladar pushed just right, this would look like his own men weren’t just turning on him but turning on everyone and breaking all the rules due to pent up fury at his presence.

“Regretfully” she murmured, between bouts of intense focus, touching the chords of those emotions until they began to boil. “Invictus..Janus...isn’t capable of mind probing without completely destroying the minds of those she probes, so she hasn’t been able to help me refresh my skills here the way a master might traditionally do so. By entering my mind and helping me to fend off their own attacks..but...Brick..by” something seemed to teeter inside the Rodian “Brick”

The apprentice pushed one last time, the Rodian seized, he hissed, he began to curse, to gripe louder and louder until one of the thugs at the other table overheard and tossed some dismissive remark.

And a conflagration ensued as the Rodian jumped up, pulled his blaster out and blew the left side of the other gangsters face clean off. His partners wiped off blood, burned brain matter and skull fragments and threw the table aside rushing towards the crew. Blaster fire rung out, the Sephi dodged and a bolt tore open the stomach of the little girl who’d served them drinks and before she had a chance to fall a human from another gang snatched her up and used her dying form as a human shield from which to fire from behind, -worked a little too well- she thought, everyone began to go wild and soon the entire bordello was up in arms. Aladar focused on the leg of the human who’d used the girl as a meat shield, his knew exploded and he howled in agony just as a trandoshan sank his teeth into the man’s back. Unable to move, the drug addled lizard tore him apart.

“We’re going to have to fight our way out of here” she muttered.

@Honesty Crow@Wildling@countlessinsect
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Guy of Z>

"I see..." Carter said. So the chancellor overthrew the Jedi order and became the leader of an empire for two decades before being kicked out of power by these New Republic people. This brought to question the idea of 'what now?'. His loyalty did technically lie with the republic last he checked, but he fought directly underneath Palpatine. Not to mention his cover was a Couroscant guard soldier. Were these people his enemies or allies? He thought for a moment...

His objectives were to keep Vehia's nature secret and to follow her orders...

Well, that solves that dillema. Carter lowers his gun, stepping into a simple at-attention stance with safety on and barrel to the floor. "In that case, specialist CT 6871, codename Carter. I worked as part of the Corouscant guard until being tasked with acting the bodyguard for a high risk VIP named Vehia by the Jedi council. Speaking of which, where might the cryopod for her be located?"


“This is Hirog...I am present on the Alliance ship Maria as an envoy for Admiral Ackbar...those fools won’t suspect the brilliant cunning of the Glorious Hiromi Empire when I will abscond with the extremely dangerous and mysterious Sith artifact from the Imperial Storehouse...yes this plan is flawless. When we unlock the weapon the Emperor stored we will conquer the galaxy with it!” An Insectoid in a military beret speaking into a comm device spoke outside of the hallway.

“Update me with your success first officer.” The device replied

“All in the name of the glorious destiny of the Hiromi Empire Yaaay!”

As the confrontation occurred the group were interrupted by the arrival of Hirog...froze suddenly at the sight of an Armed Jango Fett clone before a dark skinned young man with striking natural white hair and a woman with contrasting dyed green hair.

“Oh boy….can someone explain to me what's happening here?” He meekly raised his exoskeletoned finger at the group looking at a sentient bearing a shotgun.

“Oh good thing you’re here Hirog...on the topic of my payment...it's gonna be extra for this confrontation I just defused with the clone.”

“What the hell is happening I DIDN’T ORDER YOU TO OPEN THE PODS!”

“Blame Vice Admiral Aposematism here not me guy.”

"Hey I was checking if it wasn't a bob or something you selfish bastard!"

“Its good its not the main pod, now let me take it so I can take it to Admiral Ackbar.”

This was going just as planned YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!

“Ok just give me my money, gas isn’t cheap.”

“Fine I’ll mail it to you in time. Now get the clone out.”

“That's not how it works I want it upfront bug boy. I told the Admiral that I keep telling him this.”

“I don’t have the time for this you credit pinching merc!”



Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SansTheMedic
Avatar of SansTheMedic

SansTheMedic The one that possibly doesn't exist,

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

“This is Hirog...I am present on the Alliance ship Maria as an envoy for Admiral Ackbar...those fools won’t suspect the brilliant cunning of the Glorious Hiromi Empire when I will abscond with the extremely dangerous and mysterious Sith artifact from the Imperial Storehouse...yes this plan is flawless. When we unlock the weapon the Emperor stored we will conquer the galaxy with it!” speaking into a comm device spoke outside of the hallway.

“Update me with your success first officer.” The device replied

“All in the name of the glorious destiny of the Hiromi Empire Yaaay!”

As the confrontation occurred the group were interrupted by the arrival of Hirog...froze suddenly at the sight of an Armed Jango Fett clone before a dark skinned young man with striking natural white hair and a woman with contrasting dyed green hair.

“Oh boy….can someone explain to me what's happening here?” He meekly raised his exoskeletoned finger at the group looking at a sentient bearing a shotgun.

“Oh good thing you’re here Hirog...on the topic of my payment...it's gonna be extra for this confrontation I just defused with the clone.”

“What the hell is happening I DIDN’T ORDER YOU TO OPEN THE PODS!”

“Blame Vice Admiral Aposematism here not me guy.”

"Hey I was checking if it wasn't a bob or something you selfish bastard!"

“Its good its not the main pod, now let me take it so I can take it to Admiral Ackbar.”

This was going just as planned YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!

“Ok just give me my money, gas isn’t cheap.”

“Fine I’ll mail it to you in time. Now get the clone out.”

“That's not how it works I want it upfront bug boy. I told the Admiral that I keep telling him this.”

“I don’t have the time for this you credit pinching merc!”



Carter raised an eyebrow at the interesting interaction before him, before stepping forward. "Sorry sir, my orders are to protect the VIP in the 'main pod'. You'll need to tell me why you're so interested in them." There was a subtle flick of a safety. Carter didn't fully intend to get in a fight with this.... Weird looking alien, but it was more a subtle show of force that he wouldn't be afraid to blast the creature if his job called for it.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


<Snipped quote by Guy of Z>

Carter raised an eyebrow at the interesting interaction before him, before stepping forward. "Sorry sir, my orders are to protect the VIP in the 'main pod'. You'll need to tell me why you're so interested in them." There was a subtle flick of a safety. Carter didn't fully intend to get in a fight with this.... Weird looking alien, but it was more a subtle show of force that he wouldn't be afraid to blast the creature if his job called for it.


The bugman began to shout incoherently as he began to hide behind the guards.

“Why won’t you disarm him?!”

“We don’t know what's in it. I don’t want to touch it in fact since the Emperor died I wanted to keep the various warlords fighting over the scraps from getting access to this or just...blowing it up? Is it a bioweapon? A new power armor? A monster? Because it looks like this monster’s pod we encountered a few years back called the Night Beast.” Earhen asked.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SansTheMedic
Avatar of SansTheMedic

SansTheMedic The one that possibly doesn't exist,

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


The bugman began to shout incoherently as he began to hide behind the guards.

“Why won’t you disarm him?!”

“We don’t know what's in it. I don’t want to touch it in fact since the Emperor died I wanted to keep the various warlords fighting over the scraps from getting access to this or just...blowing it up? Is it a bioweapon? A new power armor? A monster? Because it looks like this monster’s pod we encountered a few years back called the Night Beast.” Earhen asked.

"It's just a woman sir." Carter says, concealing a smirk at the intense reaction from the bug as he flicks safety back on. "She was put under my protection and in cryo stasis to protect her from sepratists. She was a high ranking official of a small outer rim mining colony; if the seperatists killed her they'd be able to take control of the planet, so we kept her safe to ensure it didn't fall into their hands."

This of course was completely untrue, and given a deep enough research into the fine details of the clone war it could be disproven that such a planet didn't exist, but his superiors made sure to give a believable enough cover that only VERY few would be able to do the detective work.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


<Snipped quote by Guy of Z>

"It's just a woman sir." Carter says, concealing a smirk at the intense reaction from the bug as he flicks safety back on. "She was put under my protection and in cryo stasis to protect her from sepratists. She was a high ranking official of a small outer rim mining colony; if the seperatists killed her they'd be able to take control of the planet, so we kept her safe to ensure it didn't fall into their hands."

This of course was completely untrue, and given a deep enough research into the fine details of the clone war it could be disproven that such a planet didn't exist, but his superiors made sure to give a believable enough cover that only VERY few would be able to do the detective work.

"Yeah but why was it in a Sith Temple that doubled as one of the Emperor's storehouses? This doesn't add up why would he take effort to hide you with...whatever the kriff is there? And why does this thing look like the Chambers they found in Yavin? This really doesn't add up."

"Maybe they fed you false information clone, the Emperor was making preparations for the Empire since the clone wars." Holdo said

Hirog continued to cower.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SansTheMedic
Avatar of SansTheMedic

SansTheMedic The one that possibly doesn't exist,

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Yeah but why was it in a Sith Temple that doubled as one of the Emperor's storehouses? This doesn't add up why would he take effort to hide you with...whatever the kriff is there? And why does this thing look like the Chambers they found in Yavin? This really doesn't add up."

"Maybe they fed you false information clone, the Emperor was making preparations for the Empire since the clone wars." Holdo said

Hirog continued to cower.

"I have seen the contents of the pod with my own eyes. She is simply a woman. We were not stored in a sith temple originally, so if that is where you found us we must have been moved for some reason." Carter's voice was calm, levelled with a tiny bit of artificial confusion to sell the idea that he was confused about having been found in that location. It seems Palpatine had really not expected his prize to be found by someone else, huh... "And regardless of what they are or are not, my orders are to protect her. So if you plan anything that may cause her harm I will be forced to stop you."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by countlessinsect


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


It had taken Rhaenessya Aladar more than a few moments to realize the woman who was nearly taller than her (exceptional as she was very tall for a human female) was tense due to anxiety over something far away as she was due to the fact that she was watching what someone who grew up in a blasted wasteland would consider absolutely pointless waste and savagery. It was an anxiety that took her another second or two to process, her thoughts dwelt on Raveem but there was no lust for the bothan, love of a sort yes, devotion yes but nothing carnal. After that an eyebrow raised in surprise, the ISB spymaster from the Vash’Ah clan had taken a human female from a wasteland filled with backwater savages as a foster? One, that apparently was close enough to him to form filial bonds? Around them, the activity seemed to heighten to a fevered pitch as men and women came in from work, most of which were adorned with municipal uniforms of one type or another. Police (such as they were), sanitation workers, surveyors, several city accountants who requested their “usual” seats and drinks. Others, came in who were clearly thugs belonging to different gangs, each eying each other suspiciously but kept to themselves, taking seats at opposite sides of the brothel. “This place is neutral ground, once that compact is violated the people who do the violating will have to be hunted down and exterminated by the other gangs or the city cops”

Perfect! Aladar allowed herself a smile but a ping of shame fluttered into her heart as her mind raced back to the image of the bruised girl bringing drinks to her table, her tense hands, the stress in her eyes which seemed glazed. The addiction, the self hatred, the need for more to escape for a little while the feelings of despair, acceptance and when that passed..of..enjoyment. “Not like imperial intelligence reports huh?” she asked Phasma her voice almost tight. “I was a Padawan, then order sixty six happened and I found myself homeless and alone on a world much like this one...In a place much like this one” She allowed herself an almost baleful laugh. Though she’d begun to start making peace with this part of her life, the pain, the temptation to subsume her mind in it, the whisper of the dark, it was all as strong as ever. This time though, she pushed through, enduring the temptation to find her center in her new found freedom, purpose, mentor and..more..”See, when the idiot activists who talk about how the Empire tolerated slavery and even profited off it criticize us, they talk about all the children who are beaten and abused, seeing some shaky waif on a holoprogram makes for solid fund raising venture” her eyes flickered with tired annoyance at the sanctimony of it all, Republic or Empire, corruption was corruption and it was an eternal foe. “What they don’t tell you, is that the shaky waifs are the lucky ones, because if they’re still sad and scared and wondering why this happened to them, then they haven’t really become a slave. See, it wasn’t that I had grown men have their way with me when I was only a little older than her, it wasn’t that I had children torn from my body while I was still a child. It was that after a while, they succeeded in breaking you so badly you start to enjoy it all. And then, after that? You start to revel in how debased you are and then you start seeking out others to lure in, to groom, to make like you”

She took a breath, fighting back tears of regret, shame. -How could I relapse? Fall to the dark? When there so much work to do, mistress Janus is right….I needed to come here, I needed to remember where the middle of my journey began to move on- “That’s why the life of an inquisitor was to appealing, why the darkside was so seductive. The sad reality of it, is that I made it out because in my heart, in my soul part of me, screamed, cried and fought to be free of it all. Miryia..errr...Invictus Janus she..reminded me of who I was, she reminds me every day of who I am” a knowing smile flickered across her face, yes, Aladar thought, Phasma understood a bit of that. “Which brings me to the saddest part of this, all these child slaves you see here, they enter this world innocent..they become victims, then become willing participants. It’s why I hold the view that the only slaves worth liberating are the newest, or the ones who fight their way out”

She paused, her eyes narrowing on the Sephi and Zeltron, one of them had begun to think of the Chiss, they worked for him?! Her eyes flickered, the force seemed to wrap around Aladar in ways she hadn’t felt it touch her in a long time. Centering herself, recalling her first masters training and on the lessons Miryia had begun to teach her the woman allowed the light of the force to begin to burn in the center of her being, her “inner forge”. The living force and smatterings of the dark (as much as she’d allow herself to tap into any way), writhed within her, burning inside the fire of the light until all that was left was the purity of motion. Messing with the telepaths mind was dangerous, she wasn’t as skilled in the subtleties of the mind as her first master had been. “What I’m going to attempt to do is something I haven’t done since I was a little girl..Twenty years now? Hah they might sense me and start shooting” The woman stuck her tongue out, she was nearly thirty five, but she looked younger whether her strength in the force or her heritage, there were moments where she acted younger as well. Returning to focus on the Rodian pretending to look high as a kite she began to focus on his festering resentment, both for the Chiss who’d moved in and coopted their gang and for the gangs that were wining and dining here in front of him able to eat better and afford prettier females. How they were able to kill some of his guys before the chiss took over, before he “wiped the slate clean”. If Aladar pushed just right, this would look like his own men weren’t just turning on him but turning on everyone and breaking all the rules due to pent up fury at his presence.

“Regretfully” she murmured, between bouts of intense focus, touching the chords of those emotions until they began to boil. “Invictus..Janus...isn’t capable of mind probing without completely destroying the minds of those she probes, so she hasn’t been able to help me refresh my skills here the way a master might traditionally do so. By entering my mind and helping me to fend off their own attacks..but...Brick..by” something seemed to teeter inside the Rodian “Brick”

The apprentice pushed one last time, the Rodian seized, he hissed, he began to curse, to gripe louder and louder until one of the thugs at the other table overheard and tossed some dismissive remark.

And a conflagration ensued as the Rodian jumped up, pulled his blaster out and blew the left side of the other gangsters face clean off. His partners wiped off blood, burned brain matter and skull fragments and threw the table aside rushing towards the crew. Blaster fire rung out, the Sephi dodged and a bolt tore open the stomach of the little girl who’d served them drinks and before she had a chance to fall a human from another gang snatched her up and used her dying form as a human shield from which to fire from behind, -worked a little too well- she thought, everyone began to go wild and soon the entire bordello was up in arms. Aladar focused on the leg of the human who’d used the girl as a meat shield, his knew exploded and he howled in agony just as a trandoshan sank his teeth into the man’s back. Unable to move, the drug addled lizard tore him apart.

“We’re going to have to fight our way out of here” she muttered.

@Honesty Crow@Wildling@countlessinsect

"I take it this was your doing?"

That voice, it came from right behind Phasma and Aladar. Somehow, Highsinger was able to get behind both women without garnering the attention of anyone else amidst all the chaos and blasterfire and surprisingly enough; there was no blood to be found on his manipulators or his vibrosword. Yet at least, indicating that he really did sneak past the crowd before and after the blaster bolts started flying. Not bad for a 7 ft. tall killing machine with a large golden headcrest that's more at home on the most ostentatiously decorated and modified protocol droids.

"Too conspicuous for my liking, but it will work well enough to draw out our target's enforcers or those of his "business partners'". "

Looking into the increasingly expanding bar fight, Highsinger scans the ball of violence before he locks onto an interesting sight: A Zygerrian crawling out from an overturned table with briefcase in hand and tried to scurry away from the insanity without anyone taking notice, only to bump right into a Yinchorri's carapace as it was busy stabbing a Shistavanen in the gut with a broken bottle while the canid jumped on top of the reptilian's chest in an attempt to tear its throat open, knocking the feline down and sending the contents of his briefcase clattering across the now-bloody bar floor: Phials of glitteryll...

Scrambling to grab as much of the contraband as his pockets and furry claws can carry before they were crushed underfoot or worse; some of the spice-addicts taking notice, the Zygerrian reached out to take one last phial only for his hand to be stepped on rather painfully. Biting back a curse, he craned his head up and prepared to threaten whoever was blind enough to not see what he was doing who he was doing it for, only to let out a pitiful mewling whine as he realized that he was looking straight into the eyes of death itself: An assassin droid, with a circular thing on its head; just like the one that boss Jouren warned him about... And then what it said next confirmed his worst fears.

"We need to talk. Come Apprentice and servant."

Before the felid could pull away, Highsinger applies more pressure on his foot; earning him a series of satisfying cracks and the Zygerrian yowling in utter agony and misery, his hand was utterly pulverized and leaving him utterly helpless as the lanky droid grabs him by the head and began to drag him out of the bar, where either a nasty glare or a lightning-fast punch to the throat of anyone thinking themselves clever was more than enough to convince most of the brawling patrons that getting in the trio's way was not a good idea.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by TheWatchDog
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Star Destroyer: Errant Venture

Kale looked up from his seat to Booster. He'd been waiting on this ship for three days, three days he could have been searching himself for Aren. There was no telling what his Padawan was going through at the moment. He'd kept in touch with New Republic spies, but they had no concrete leads. Time spent here wasn't very fruitful either. While he was able to learn much about the current state of the underworld, it was of little use to him at the moment.

Lahana meanwhile was not enjoying her time here. Too many people willing to invade her personal space to sell her things she didn't want, too many annoying men hitting on her before catching a glimpse of the sabers on her hips. And then there was the arena, a place that reminded her too much of the pit she was forced to fight other slaves to the death in. She sat quietly in the room, letting her Master do the talking.

"Booster Terrik?" Kale stood to his feet and offered his hand to shake. "Interesting ship here. I can honestly say the past three days haven't been boring at least."

As the motley assortment gathered to talk business 3 gentlemen in bankers tunics appeared, they were all unassuming and seemed to be accountants or something within the like buy curiously they carried large cases with them.

A deck above the open area, where the bazaars and entertainment sections began to meet the hotel like quarters where the guests who intended to remain aboard the Venture for more than a few days, the immense figure of a Hutt who many would assume was nearly six hundred years old (until they got a look at the sleek, muscular form his immensity took and would realize he was a very young Hutt if gigantic). Loomed, his shadow casting down along the support structure of the "promenade" beside him a Chiss female in crimson leaned into his left arm, enjoying his warmth and oddly his company. Beside them both was a man dressed in reds and old Republic blues, the only indication of his Mandalorian heritage a pendant on his breast, took a long drawn out gulp from a bottle. "Hah, awful toned for a pair of bean counters" "I thought the same Rua"

"So, someone's stupid enough to hit the venture?" he asked with a whistle.

The chiss female shook her head "No, I don't think so..I believe this is something else...Isn't that....oh blast..is that Veers?". The Hutt began to laugh "Ah, a fight" "Naw" Rua shook his head "This aint my problem, what I came for, you?"

The Hutt shrugged "my caravan departs tomorrow, I've some time to kill. But I'll wait"

"Tyber keeping you on a short leash eh?"

"Hohohoh....Mando Poodo.."
Below, away from the crowd of accountants Booster Terrik beamed with at Kale and "You've got the look of a man surrounded by water whose thirsty" The glint in his eyes suggested he wasn't entirely disappointed though and he gave Kale a good natured slap on his shoulder. "Have to seem impartial, we're not for any side, we provide information about everything to everyone and we also facilitate commerce. Besides, there was a delegation from the Pentastar alignment here, thought I'd give you a chance to listen and see what you heard" The man shrugged "Rogarre says you were amusing to talk too. That's a high compliment from a Muun, which means its something very bad" Again he laughed and took a deep inhalation of whatever burning leaves he was smoking in that cigar which produced a dark blue smoke whenever he exhaled. "I'll take you to Karrde now, but he says his news isn't exactly good.."
As the trio crossed through the main "open grounds" two drunken Gammorians began brawling with a pair of off duty imperial soldiers from the remnant while remains of a Hutt Cartel drowned their sorrows in some hard liquor. "oh its lights out on a weekend, the regular crowd shuffles in.." Terrik stopped his singing and then laughed tossing the cigar towards the head of one of the Imps. "Buckets heads, used to get paid well enough to gamble away for hours, now its just the regulars. Come on, this way" he gestured ahead, towards a Casino which seemed to take up several decks, rising through the interior of the Starship like a cancer. The figure of a man dressed in black and gold could be seen, a gold cape fell over broad shoulders and long dark hair fell about his neck meshing with hair from a long black beard. Brown eyes burned with laughter, ambition and a warriors spirit. "That the Jedi?"



As the conversation proceeded the accountants had disappeared into a nearby Turbolift. Before entering the leader of the group noticed someone he recognized and walked to him.

“Don’t go to the promenade today.” The accountany warned before disappearing to the elevator with the others

As their leader entered, the accountants began to unpack their cases revealing they had the arms of Imperial Army commandos. One of the accountants took his peer aside and told him something in the lift.

“Remember no Imperial basic.” as he donned an Imperial sonic blaster pistol.

The accountants began to leave the elevator and began firing upon all the occupants of the meeting they could come across.

This wasn't the first time Kale and Lahana had found themselves in an ambush. Lahana in particular in spite of her age, had seen far more than Kale did in her mercenary days. This was reason number one why she despised crowds.

Kale moved to cover the man he'd come to see, flipping over a table for protection before moving his focus to the rest of the crowd. Lahana had already sprinted towards the shooters at a breakneck pace, making sure to keep behind pillars and tables in case a stray shot was sent her way. Three men, sonic blasters, lightsaber deflection wasn't an option. Weird weapon choice for imperials, but she didn't care to think about it right now. She flanked them from their position by the elevator, igniting her green saber and thrusting it towards the left most shooter.

"The kriff is going on down there!" roared Karrde, his voice managing to boom across the promenade echoing above the blaster fire and the sound of lightsabers igniting. "Which nerfherding, mother kriffing, hornblower thought it was smart...to shoot up MY KRIFFING SHOPPING MALL!"

"And my kriffing ship!" Terrik hissed, a meaty hand landed on one of the three shooters, impacting into a finely toned torso, through the tunic Terrik could even feel the rippled scars blaster bolts made. Accountants my rear! The man thought, reaching for a vibro knife, only to grunt as a sonic shockwave knocked him several feet back and several more "civilians", two lawyers and what looked like a school marm began to open fire as well. "ABSOLUTE JUSTICE! INVICTUS WILLS IT!" The last one was called out by a boy no older than twenty, he looked ill as if he'd been suffering from fatigue for a long time. A wasting disease caught fighting the Rebs in some jungle hellhole. He'd made this cry, then activated a thermodetonator and Terrik let out a curse as the world around him went black.

And then orange and then red as he rolled around on the floor, almost bouncing then skipping then rolling until he crashed into an immense hand which scooped him up and set him on a table. "ECHU-TA!" at that point a bright, silver colored lance flew through the air like a dart impacting into the school marm with enough violence to send her flying into a wall behind her. The immense Hutt from before launched himself into the fray, slithering at surprising speeds and singing a merry tune as he all but ate a sonic blast to the face and continued until he locked hands with one of the "lawyers".

fire erupted around them, alarm kalxons went on, suppressing systems began to try and put out the blaze as the acrid stench of plasteel melting in the heat began to fill the air.

"Terrorist Poodu!" The Hutt roared, tail whipping some drugged out pedestrians stupid enough to attempt to take advantage of the carnage to rob the dead. The Hutt eyed the Jedi "You" he spoke in basic "Civilians protect..let Padawan fight beside Dozo! Fend off...Trash...we..will" His throat rumbled as he did his best to speak basic, but there was sense in his eyes. The stronger of the two needed to apply his powers to run damage control..while the less experienced should handle the easier stuff..which in this case meant fighting.

"Already on it Hutt!" Lahana yelled as she drove her saber through another attacker. She wanted to draw her blaster, but she wasn't a sure enough shot to be sure she'd avoid hitting anyone in the panicked crowd.

Kale meanwhile was busy trying his best to lead people to safety. He went to help a man to his feet, only for him to draw a blaster. Kale snatched the gun from his hand and slammed the would be assailant's head into the floor, knocking him out. It would take more than that to ambush a Jedi.

Lahana's saber sizzled as water from the fire system rained down. An attacker rushed her from behind, only to find his head swiftly removed from his shoulders in a split second. Her instincts were telling her to move. "If they're setting off bombs, they could have planted some on the ship!" She called out.

The raiders assaulting the ship were assisted by a team outside the festivities...rushing to sabotage the power plant for the Superlaser on the ship. As the pair of commandos, made their way down towards the main engineering section for the colorized remains of the once magnificently intimidating Star Destroyer a sense of profound moral outrage filled the elevator. “Can’t believe this, it’s like grave robbery” one hissed, his indignation barely concealed by the mechanical voice filtration system. “The Virulence was a great ship once”

“There’s a fried bird shop where the gym used to be! A day care where the armory was! A Kriffing day care”

“I wouldn’t mind going down with this ship to blow it up, give it an honorable death and sail with it into the force”

“You’re rad fried TX, Invictus said no mass casualties, just a lot of noise and some decisive crippling of the weapon system”

The men nodded, their minds recalling the hero who’d ended his own suffering to help further the cause. General Veers was a great man to inspire such loyalty and a greater man still to serve the Pontifex directly. Once the elevators stopped, the group left and were met with a team of what appeared to be civilian engineers working engineering and the vessels power plants. While they certainly were engineers, the crew was imperial to the core and part of the frew who made it off the Second Deathstar. Power like that, even a fraction of it couldn’t be in the hands of a commerce thug and his information brokering master. “You’re late”

“Last minute switch up”

“Kriff! I don’t like changes!”

“The General wanted to lead this raid himself”

“Oh, well, let's get to work then grunts!”

"Keep pressure on the Jedi" A voice called out, speaking in Bocce. Behind the mask iron like eyes narrowed on the former trooper who was impaled to a wall -Songsteel, kriffing Songsteel-. He'd rushed ahead, weaving between screaming civilians, nearly slipping in some Toydarians intestines as it bled to death and finally caving in the skull of some Gungan who'd been jumping around in a panic to get to the lance which she'd pulled out and then turned and rushed towards the apprentice. The "accountant" was trained well enough in Echani pike fighting to block her attempts to behead another one of his boys. The Songsteel blocked the lightsaber as steam rose up from the storm of water as fires raged. "You're not killing any more of my men today Jedi" His voice was calm, but below there held an edge of grief and hostility. Whoever the terrorist was, he cared about those below him and more than that, he seemed to have a vendetta against the Jedi. The hate in his heart was different, he recriminated them as mass murderers who aided and abetted tyrants.

Away from the clash of Songsteel on lightsaber, the mammoth Hutt was laughing as two of the masked shooters abandoned their weapons and opted to try and tackle him towards a flight of stairs where the rough surface was traditionally hard for Hutts to slither on. "Hoooohohohooh...take away Dozo's mobility eh? Poodu think with brain dis time..hohohohoho" One of them found his head engulfed in the Hutts vice like hand and his skull more or less caved in, brain matter and bone bits pushed through the mask as if it was a colander.

By Kale, a young human female with long blond hair in the crimson uniform of Zsinj's raptors wholly ignored the chaos and carnage remaining seated at the bar closest to the explosion using the chaos and panic to stel a few drunks, while the Chiss from above began pulling the wounded behind cover.
Lazily, the female blew the brains out of some cowardly gangster who tried to take advantage of the chaos to knife the Jedi in the back to boost his rep. She nodded at Kale "Not your enemy today Jedi, but watch your pretty ass. There's a few crooks here who wouldn't mind taking advantage of your sense of duty"

"Bring the wounded here Master Jedi and we'll do what we can" yelled the Chiss, Rua might have decided to sit it out once the Hutt promised he'd get involved but she saw it in his eyes. He'd wanted to help the Jedi but being Zsinj's attack dog, his proximity made him too high a target. No telling if these two would attempt to apprehend him ignoring the enforced neutrality on this ship or not.

So to avoid unnecessary conflict his "Lady Hawk" assassins got involved in rescue operations instead.

“Hypocrite? I think you have me confused with the petty warlords fighting for what is left of the Empires domain. I see things from a higher perspective then you do.”

The "Accountant" said before he took the songsteel lance and pole vaulted himself into an echanti style kick to her chest.

“The False Jedi and the criminal scum scrambling for the crumbs of the Empire must fall.”

"Alright you brain dead, Bantha chewed, whore spawned little pond suckers! Who the Kriff told you, you could shoot up my guys boat and ventilate my bars and casinos!" the gold and black clad Talon Karrde pulled out a blaster and began to lay down cover fire allowing for Jedi Master Kale to yank as many maimed and wounded civilians towards one of the hangar bays. "Your boy is somewhere in Zsinj space" he called over the fray tossing Kale a data chip with some comm logs and coordinates. "My guys inside can't figure out where, could be Sereno, could be his SSD, Kriff, could be he's on Dathomir for all I know" Karrde gave him an apologetic shrug and then began to order emergency rescue personnel and droids to converge on the location.

Ahead of them the Hutt's laughter roared above the din of battle, he'd grabbed the leg of one unfortunate terrorist and proceeded to beat one of the others to death with him, another was knocked off the stairs and fell to his doom as the Hutt deftly slithered his way "around" the rough material and pulled himself back onto the main section of the promenade through raw strength. Spying the man battling with one of his song steel lances the Hutt let out a bellow of rage "No..hohoh..no.no...nooo...terror-man..that is Dozo's weapon!"
"Might not be the best time to point this out" The Chiss female called to both Kale and Karrde, she was joined by Terrik who was now helping the blond patch up the wounded and the maimed. "But doesn't it strike you as odd that they're all fighting us so hard? Spree shooters and suicide bombers usually..sort of blow themselves up, get spaced or shot up in short order...Something stinks"

As the battle raged a large explosion rocked the vessel from stem to stern. It seemed for a moment as if her entire body arched in a sickening shudder and plates of armor flicked off the exterior. rooms decompressed and one of the lenses for the super laser cracked. Power fluctuations dimmed the lights and briefly shut down the suppression systems. The accountant began to make flight from his confrontation with the jedi, eyes glaring contemptuously at her.

“My work here is done Jedi.” The fake accountant said before dropping the songsteel blade and making a leave with his cohorts.

Nearby the dead bomber a scattered amount of credits were found in his hand and a scorched but still intact datapad detailing orders with a blacksun insignia on it

Lahana was about to give chase when Kale called out to her. "Don't follow them, it's too dangerous." He said as he was helping a man with a wounded arm to his feet. She reluctantly switched off her sabers and put them away. "I appreciate the help, Talon." Kale said, nodding towards the man. "I'd make a call to the Republic to help here, but I doubt you want them in your business." He set the wounded man down on a seat and held out his hand over a bleeding gash in his right arm. The wound slowly stopped bleeding and began to close.

Lahana watched, being reminded that her own abilities had much room for improvement. "We aren't going to do anything about them?" She asked.

"There isn't much we can do, not at the moment anyhow. We should help the people here, and then we will leave." He said. Lahana let out a disgruntled sigh and glanced around the room. She spotted the remains of the man that had blown himself into hunks of meat. She'd seen worse honestly, what caught her eye was a datapad. She picked it up and looked at the insignia on it. She'd always wondered why a shady criminal organisation bothered to have a emblem.

She took a look at what information it had to offer before handing it to Talon.

"There's fires everywhere, I count at least fifty people maimed, our repair crews are running everywhere trying to contain whatever damn secondary explosions are erupted all over my ship..Run after them to one of the shuttle bays if you want little girl but its just as likely they're breathing vacuum right now and you'd join 'em" Tarrik roared kicking a bar stool half way across the promenade in a fury that matched the Hutts size. "Distraction!" Dozo muttered with disgust in his deep voice. "Dead innocents, loud distraction"

"A good one" Talon spat in a baleful voice, it was the superlaser, there was no other reason for this nonsense to happen and the shouts about some damn slut on Coruscant willing it were likely more misdirection as well? At Kale's suggestion of calling the Republic Karrde's eyes flickered dangerously "The Republic's been on our tails about the superlaser we managed to mount on the Venture for weeks. What makes you Mothma or that repugnant Sullustan or Iblis or Kriffing Wedge Antilies himself didn't send your SPIN thugs over here? Ask yourself that..."

A slow laugh emanated from the blond who'd sat out the majority of the battle but was now applying a lethal dose of pain killers to a ten year old boy who'd had most of his right side blown out. The child whom she cradled in an oddly compassionate gesture for how cold her eyes looked turned and grinned "Well it certainly wasn't us...I can tell you Zsinj has spent hours, and I do mean hours ranting about how stupid and pointless planet cracking weapons are. He always argued the Deathstar should have been a mobile military base, able to fire its superlasers against fleets and orbital stations, then deploy hundreds of troops across a system..You keeping a piece of a SL to use for defensive purposes is the one thing about you guys he doesn't whine about" she shrugged laying the boy down and muttering a funerary prayer in Huttese that the giant Hutt echoed for the little soul.
"But the Republic, the Remnant and the Pentastar alignment have all lodged formal protests against us" Booster sneered" "Kriff this,...you guys play politics I'm going down to see if there's anything left of my engineering crew"

"Stay and help Dozo will"

Both the blond and the Chiss looked up to the visage of Rua Skirata who'd remained perched on support strut watching the whole thing impassively. He gave them a nod "We'll remain and help you patch up for the next few days" The Chiss offered. "Jedi" Karrde turned and eyed Kale "I'm going to head into my office, I'm going to get pasted on stims and alcohol...And try to not suspect you of being involved in this. When you're done here..come up and see me. We need to talk I've got some info on the thing your Jedi took you should probably know about" Karrde turned and stormed up one of the broken stairs fading into the fire.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by TheWatchDog
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@countlessinsect@Honesty Crow@Wildling


Bodyguard, apprentice, harbinger, mastermind

-I hate it that he can do this to me- The Apprentice felt her blood chill as the enormous figure with a crested head loomed behind them both. The only give away about how profoundly it bothered her being how rigid she'd suddenly become for a few seconds before self control allowed her to take mastery of her involuntary reflexes. Aladar took a breath, her dark hair falling over her breasts which heaved under the silver and black tunic. She was her master's apprentice, but also her shadow, her protector (Even if that notion was laughable). Even an ally shouldn't be able to get the drop on her, the notion contradicted her duties so thoroughly it enraged Aladar. But less towards the Highsinger droid and more towards herself, she needed to be better, she needed to be more astute, she needed to expand her senses. -Funny, I've never felt more like a Jedi- even when she'd been a Padawan, how odd, she'd passed from drugs to the philosophy of the Sith and her connection to the force had atrophied along with her sense of self worth and pride and yet, she found herself in one who scorned both. Some wolf like xeno attempted to assault them both, Highsinger nearly disemboweled him with plastiglass and then remarked on how overt and loud her gesture was and the woman offered Highsinger an apologetic smile.

"You're right it was, I meant to inflame only one Rodian" she conceded apologetically. "My connection to the force was atrophied for so long, its stronger than ever now" she knew that had to be more than her facing her issues, or even her Master's philosophy and insight into the nature of "force craft" as she insisted on calling it. She'd never been this strong before and it felt as if the entirety of the force itself was shifting and awaking from a long sleep. She could feel it in the air almost -if I'm doing stuff like this without meaning too, that Skywalker kid must be a god- Then what did that make her master? To overcome both Darth Vader and the Emperor...Was Miryia's grand vision doomed? -she's more powerful than any Jedi I've ever known, but even a vegetable in a bacta tank could have felt the power surging around Endor- She shuddered remembering it, for one brief second of gentle defiance, a boy casting away his lightsaber radiated a light so bright it drowned out the power of the last Dark Lord and his apprentice. No, she thought, faith, I must have faith and fortify myself, grow strong and serve as best I can. Either way, Rheanessya Aladar was done probing the minds of sentient beings for now. The danger to herself was greater than the danger of starting another riot, that easily could have reverberated back onto her and boiled her brain.

Some reptilian began to run, she eyed Phasma and began to move her mouth to tell the warrior to grab him but Highsinger was on the brute and pulverizing his hand before either woman could react and then, he was summoning them along. Dragging the maimed reptilian in tow, who was muttering and howling and attempting to bleed. Aladar kicked him in the side "Shut your mouth fool" she hissed, doing her best to sound as vicious as possible even though she was never really good at torture (probably why she was such a bad inquisitor). As the bordello dropped further and further into the rear, smoke began to rise into the sky as several establishments around it erupted in flames and a riot was beginning to break out.

Crowds that had once been docile, emboldened by the frenzy seemed to get closer.

-Kriff- she thought.

Never reading minds again..no sir.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Unknown Regions

“Aaaahhahahahaha yes! Yes!” The raspy, guttural lizard like vocal chords chimed with their usual discordance as the second bird like pair brought a second, shrill voice out that echoed across the odd shaped, silver vessel. Ahead of them, in a sea of pinks and blues an immense dagger like behemoth breached. Thick gaseous clouds and hyper condensed liquid rained off its enormous bluish gray sides causing a cascade of fire and brilliant orange lightning that made the immense vessel appear almost alive. Wider than the average Executor class Star Destroyer the Intimidator cut a ferocious swath through the brilliant gasses and the ocean of condemned hydrogen and helium that were the remnants of the cosmic afterbirth of a stillborn gas giant.

Far in the distance, dark eyes espied a planet, it was mostly dead but it had once been home to a teaming biomass and a thriving civilization. A world city denser in size than Coruscant’s bones lined the world. The only flickering lights coming from the crews billeted on ad hoc Atmospherically controlled settlements, as thousands of Imperial soldiers and tens of thousands of engineers began to strip mine the cosmic graveyard for the raw materials needed to prepare for the undertaking that would come, one day. “Yes! Ahh Shira Brie! Lovely protestitute! You brought Tash so many wondrous presents!”

Months prior, on the eve of Endor an elite strike team led by Lumiya and Flint raided the Blackfleet, slew the command and drove the Yaveetha out of their stolen armada. Back from the dead Demtrius Zaarin The First Grand Admiral stormed the deck of the Intimidator in triumph and compelled by visions from a gifted Dwarf, led as much of the core of his old command and the liberated Imperial soldiers away, away to the mysterious allies Lumiya brought them. Nagai, who’d shown up periodically over the history of the Galaxy, always in small bands of refugee ships, always as scouts or colonists, or prospectors but never in force, never aggressively. And so they were dismissed as a minor nuisance. “We’ve allocated the aft wing of the Intimidator to you, your laboratories shall be there Scientist” One Nagai remarked, taking an unconscious step back as the shabby coated monstrosity bent its body unnaturally, its long, bird like neck and waddle shaking as its tail curled, both its primary arms and the two, hideously atrophied appendages reached out towards the transparasteel of a window as its tongue lulled out the side of its snout. “Excellent! Gray faced, black eyed chronic depressives have been more than gracious to poor Tash! Stupid Arkanians, just because a uterus has never been used to self replicate a hypermatter bomb does not mean that;s impossible! Felecatians fart helium and shape change! This implies that there is something other than carbon in their makeup! Tash was merely seeking to bring utility to stupid, useless pink eyed reprobate beast men!” A whimpering tsk, tsking noise came from the abomination, an odd dirge like quality to it. “No one listens to Tash! Tash told burn faced wizard that if he continued thirsting after bald harlots his force powers would atrophy and degenerate! And LOOK WHAT HAPPENED! COULD NOT SEE THAT TORTURING MENTALLY DEFECTIVE BABY BROTHER’S DESERT BAKED IDIOT CHILD IN FRONT OF HIM WOULD RESULT IN DISABLED PERSON TANTRUM!”

“Now Empire in hand of Arkanian Jedi whore! And stupid man bat thing and ugly heterochromatic female! No one listens to Tash and UNIVERSE EXPLODES!” The being wrung both his hands, looking at once hideous and oddly pathetic. “All Tash wishes to do is gift the universe with science! And cure...personal deficiency in production capacity! Except Shira Brie, who is best of crippled, mentally retarded baby brothers whores..Shira Brie always listened to Tash and Tash always does best to please Shira Brie!”

“You will refrain from addressing my master as a whore abomination!” Flint snapped, his armor tensing around his body as if the very energies he’d summoned through the force to lash out at Tash, to batter his body were so repulsed by his being that passed around him, refused to touch him and gently pushed back against his being. As if the force itself rejected its existence.

The Creature let out an incredulous laugh “Child please!”

“Enough Flint, he is a creature so thoroughly decayed he exists as if in mockery of life itself. The force itself denies him he is a wound, a tumor in it.” Lumiya was unphased by the creatures babbling, his rants uninterested her avenging herself and her masters against Skywalker and the Rebels mattered more.

“It seems this creature continues to be full of surprises. He is impervious to your wizardry?” A Nagai a frankenstein esque head of hair and an amused demeanor said as he sharpened a knife in a chair nearby.

“The force flows in all things his modifications to his being simply dull its effects.”

“It sounds like you are merely compensating in front of our new friends my Dark lady.” Zaarin spoke freely around the prospective Sith Lord. She could not slay him now while she still needed his technological expertise.

“Do not test me Grand Admiral, just because I am not that Jedi usurper who slays Grand Admirals and force users on a whim doesn’t mean I can’t simply find other ways to make you suffer. I did not forget your attempt on the Emperor’s life and your foolish rebellion.”

“I did not forget you still need allies in wake of this new Jedi Rebellion, like it not my dear Lady you need me and my technological might as I need a figurehead to lead the Empire out of this ruin.” He was contemptuous of the so called force users, much like Trachata and Gentis before him Zaarin chafed under the Sith Lords rule of the Empire and their cabal or mystics. But compared to that Arkanian abomination their rule was more...secular. The Rebels on the other hand were Rebels who wanted the depravity of the Old Republic back.

Lumiya’s eyes narrowed behind her mask and she stared down the insolent Grand Admiral intensely.
“There's no need to be upset, I'd rather follow you over the Alien at least. Krennel despite his barbarity had a semblance of a point.”

She merely raised her hand and pressed the man into the wall leaving him reeling on the polished floor.

“Stop chattering and update me with your collaboration with the Faruun Shipbuilders Admiral. We need to prepare our forces for the invasion. There must be no distractions.”

“The ...Nagai’s cloaking technology is superior to my own we are...making progress customizing my fleet with it, it just needs time.” Zaarin said as he attempted to pick himself up.

As the transient with pale skin and black eyes remarked about the limit of the Dark woman’s powers it seemed as though the monstrosity was about to speak only for it to go silent as another figure revealed itself. The creature raised one of its atrophied appendages to begin scratching at its neck, mechanical eye suddenly bulging out of its socket to zoom in until it had a solid look at the facial structure, the skin, its blemishes and its scars. “Aaahh! Grand Admiral Tinkerer!” As soon as the man was pushed into a wall the creature let out an annoyed hiss as if Lumiya’s antics had interrupted some momentous reunion. Beside him, Flint stared through his armor gazing at the creature, again attempting to probe it with the force only to find his powers rejected its very nature yet, pushing hard enough the youth could almost catch a glimpse of something coursing through its veins beyond the disgusting black sludge that passed for its blood. As if, the force swirled around it, delved into it, attempting to restore the accident of its birth.

-Is this monstrosity a spawn of Sith Alchemy?- the force seemed to flood his senses with a looming dread and a sense of revelation profound as it was maddening. Apprehension filled the arrogant fanatic and he quickly turned his attention to the conflict between Zaarin and..Oh kriff. Flint turned and gave a look of surprise as the being began to loudly rant about Felacatians and organic dirty bombs. Lumiya said that Palpatine kept this monster around, even regarded with a fair approximation of fondness but all Flint saw was horror and a mind that was as based in predatory instinct as it was in brilliance. “W..why..would you ever wish to make a rad bomb out of a female of any species?” At once the would be Sith realized he might regret the answer to such a question. The creature, for his part seemed to have paused in his grotesque quest to scratch his waddle with arms almost too short to reach. “Hah! Speeder racing, spice using burned Dark Lord ask Tash the same question! Tash pointed out that a retrovirus that creates bombs inside disgusting shape changing cat people was useful when violent rebel primitives based so much of their military on heterogeneity! Feh! Silly Rebels boast of having two thousand systems and eighteen species in their memberbase! Where they see strength in variety Tash sees eighteen thousand ways to attack each species! “ the creature clicked its beak like snout as if disappointed in something, recalling perhaps long ago settled arguments with the Dark Lord as Vader watched on in vexatious silence. “Silly burned faced Dark Lord! Tash tell him legions of non humans was spectacular idea! Limited may be but Tash could improve! Conscript or volunteer, all bodies belong to Empire yes? Tash says to the netherrealms with such provincial thinking as humanocentrisim! Humanocentrism good for governance but interferes with poor Tash’s research into making better men for better empire! Epidermally compromised Dark lord and ambling, wheezing retarded brother always tell Tash to abandon such folly as if true science is ever folly! Oooohhh the progress Tash could have made!” the creature whined dejectedly “So many races made better! So many wonders to discover! Perhaps even proper methods of sating poor Tash’s carnal needs!” The being shook its head, the conversation becoming suddenly one filled with despair and thirst. “Tash once offer to create new body for wheezing cripple, with DNA from Orbalisk, Rhakghul, Sarlaac and orphans! But poor Tash was thrown against a wall for his charity” the creature let out an unnatural guttural howl of frustration. Behind it, two more Star Dreadnaughts one an Assertor Class Super Star Destroyer, the other looked like the lone surviving Sovereign Class, each breached with the same intensity and together they caused massive tidal waves thousands of meters in height which rippled across the vastness of the Nebula, their escort ships swarming around the behemoths, as flying fish scattered by a pair of whales on a breach.

“Even with Knife’s new allies and the marriage of our cloaking technologies and vessels, it will still take some five years for the rest of our people to arrive and an additional ten to make their vessels combat ready” What might have passed for a Nagai General intoned, his teeth clenched as he gazed at the force users. “Your empire must accommodate us, you must wait”

“Tash can help make the planet serviceable for your kind pale faced melodramatic alien! Baaahh so much lack of efficiency, make war in five years, have world ready for temporary settlement!” The transport ship began to dock with the Intimidator as the conversation seemed to stop as Tash put in his “advice”. “Tash has experience with planetary engineering! Why Tash was the one who cracked the genetic code of Zeno-oh...ahh AHHHHHAAREEEEEE! TASH FORGOT THAT HIS ONCE MIRACULOUS ACHIEVEMENT IN PROCREATION WITH THE GREY SOUP MONSTERS CHANGE ALL THINGS...REMEMBER NOTHING OF THAT TASH SEES...SHAAAAMMMEEE HIS GREATEST SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENT DENIED IN ALL WAYS!” The creature whales and ruefully gestured to its crotch screaming in sheer frustration before continuing “but Tash can make you armada...with Faruun Shipbuilders! Yes! Though, though, serviceable genetic material needed for world engineering!” the creature stalked forward grabbing the nearest Nagai and Lumiya.

“TASH SEES IT NOW..MOMENT OF GENIUS! TASH CAN UNIFY NETTI AND WOOKIE DNA..CREATE LIVING MEAT TREES THAT RIP FROM DEAD WORLD BELOW AND MAKE CITY BREATHABLE AND HABITABLE...TASH CAN DO THIS YESS! BUT RAW MATERIAL IS NEEDED! ...And many aids who are deaf, Tash finds the moral bloviating of over ethical colleagues a tedious burden! Stupid Arkanians, Tash only vivisect eight million infants and implant them with orbalisk, Coruscanti-corridor worm hybrids! Not Tash’s fault force have seizure when stupid bald priest spy man attempt to use magic on test subjects! Tash not responsible for subatomic division among infants! TASH WARNED THERE WOULD BE CONSEQUENCES WHEN BEFOULING TASH’S PURE, VIRGINAL SCIENCE WITH CARNIVAL MAGIC!!!!”

“Ah yes the Emperor’s pet mutant bioengineer it's good to know you survived this upheaval, I’ve tried to contact your contemporary Blackhole but I doubt he cares to answer.” Zaarin said attempting to compose himself in front of the Aliens and the Dark Lords by switching topics. He was too sympathetic to the creatures disdain of parlor trickery despite the unpleasantness of his procedures but they produced results.

“You know this...creature?” Flint asked almost disdainfully, regretting deeply his foolishness at asking “Tash” why it wanted to weaponize the reproductive organs of Xenos in some of the most unnatural of ways. The creature itself seemingly answered for Zaarin bobbing its head and making a mix of pleasing sounding cooing noises and guttural rumbles that sounded like a Zegobah Swamp lizard making a mating call. Behind him, the Nagai known as Knife made a sound resembling a chuckle that seemed to alternate between laughter and disgust. As the vessel docked however, the whole of the Galaxy stopped spinning as the creature began referring to both Blackhole and a being who was clearly the Emperor and then Darth Vader with a kind of casual disrespect and disdain that set his blood to boiling and he grabbed the creature by the gruff of the fabric around its hunched back and odd medical equipment that rested under the ridge like casing and slammed him against transparasteel, fans inside the hump like ridge whirred angrily and the Creature made an odd gasping noise “YOU DARE?!” “Stupid Child puts hand on Tash! FEH! WHAT DOES WHINING ARMORED CASED BUFFOON KNOW?!” The words themselves didn’t phase Flint so much as the look in its one, remaining organic eye. A look that matched the utterly unholy sensations he and his master felt when that vile Arkanian witch wielded her powers for the first time, the same unnatural chill, a pained cry in the force. It was if he was staring into the embodiment of sentient intellect unmoored and freed from anything resembling honor, compassion, ethics, or conviction. It was pure, unhindered drive and progress, a need to push forward without any heed to the consequences of ceaseless, rudderless change. His hand twitched, knowing in that moment if he didn’t let go, this creature would not die by his hand but instead become his executioner, or worse his advocate.

Flint released him and stepped back and the monster dusted itself off and turned to the Nagai, Lumiya and the Grand Admiral. “Tash can solve your vexatious problems and shorten your preparation time by five years! Perhaps more, but Tash can only do so, with proper autonomy! Will gracious whore, beneficent pale parasite and temarous Tinkerer permit Tash to work without hindrance?! Will they permit humble, scorned, poor Tash to pursue the art of science for the Empire!? For the Sith...FOR SCIENCE?!”

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by TheWatchDog
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Errant Venture

Kale walked into Talon's office, wiping beads of sweat from his brow as he crossed the doorway. It had been a while since he'd used the force to heal so many people. Unfortunately many were too far gone to save. "Things are still a mess down there, but I've done what I can." Kale said, looking around the room. He hoped the man wasn't too serious about imbibing stims and booze, he'd prefer he be coherent. "So, what is this information you had to tell me?"

Karrde's office was a haze of smoke, rare antiquities and art and much more like miniature lounge than an office. The man stood pacing, a bottle of something that was potent enough to fill the room with a high octane smell. blood stained his clothing, his cape was lost on the way up, likely burning somewhere or used to drape over someone wounded. Karrde's eyes burned and when Kale entered the man tossed him a packet of credits "They were all former imperial...But it looks like they turned mercenary, black sun was behind this." At least, he thought, that was what I.I or SPIN or that bastard Kaine and his blind mutant Sith wannabe wanted them to think. "I have my doubts, could still be Republic or imp rats..or any of the dozens of other would be powers out there" he shrugged "I can't tell you anymore about the kids whereabouts, other than he's somewhere inside the Quelii Oversector, likely near the center of that pompous, sequin bedecked mamas boy. And yes, the Raptor troopers you saw down there are the bodyguards of that one eyed Mandalorian ponce who works as Zsinj's second in command..No...you cannot go an arrest him. The Venture stays neutral, even if our guests won't respect our neutrality"

Karrde gestured towards a cushioned seat made of wood from Worshyr tree. "However, I think I know what..specifically that holocron was"
"Well..first..what do you know about those infernal things?"

"They hold information, only one gifted in the force can open them. Sometimes the will of a force adept may linger inside of one. Which is why this holocron being Sith in origin would be a problem. The last thing the galaxy needs right now is an army of Sith." Kale said.

"An army of Sith? I always wondered why there were only a handful of them, in the Galaxy during our era, then I read up on the their history. Turns out if you get more than five in a room they turn on each other faster than a bunch of spiceheads jonesing for a fix. I can't imagine the damage crazy like that would do" Part of him wanted too, though, war was good for business, peace was also good for business, but pure pandemonium as witnessed today was bad for everyone.

"That Holocron is supposed to be a false a holocron...IE less a repository of knowledge and more a gateway, Ancient Sith believed they could come back from the dead, claw their way back as phantoms and incarnate inside a living host. Granted the old lady who told me that said she was a Jedi Master, two hundred years old and a descendant of Nomi Sunrider, so she's maybe as crazy as the upjumped Sabacc table dancer pretending to be a Jedi Master on Coru" Here Karrde paused, looking down, there were other points of knowledge he'd gathered on the thing, that it might have been Rakatan in origin as opposed to Sith. "I've heard its Rakatan...If that's the case your boy could be accessing knowledge even the Sith feared. Locations to sleeping superweapons, the darkside..kriff...maybe even to the Mother itself if you believe that legend. Point is, you need to be ready. Mentally for what's in that thing, what might be inside your boy now"

Kale had a stern expression on his face. It wasn't as if he hadn't considered the worst possibilities, but hearing evidence that they may be true made it all too real. "Aren being held captive makes more sense if this is true. If they wanted to use him as a bargaining chip we would have heard something by now. But if they simply needed a force adept vessel..." Kale pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a stressed breath. Looking after the young man was his responsibility, and he'd let him be taken away right from under his nose.

Part of him wanted to ignore Talon's warning and go straight to Zsinj's bodyguards downstairs, but little good would come from that. He needn't burn bridges that may need crossing in the future. "It appears time is more important than I'd thought. As you say it may already be too late. I am unable to even feel him through the force now."

Karrde remained silent for a time, eying the man evenly. Much of the scorn gone from his features, power began to flicker indicating engineering crew had finally gotten the power systems safely online. "Hah! Kriff, hows about that? Fatherless Nerfs managed to give us back the light without causing a meltdown" Any news not about an apocalypse was good news. Karrde remained focused on the Jedi Master. "It aint a hobby, there's an eccentric, loaded. uses me to acquire objects and artifacts at times, so I study this stuff. But my sources are pretty sparse on Holocrons, it was a crime to even utter the name in the days of the Emperor. Xendors Balls!" He roared the old smugglers curse "That wrinkled bastard made it real hard to do my job, ah well. I can say this, half the people who know about these things are conspiracy nuts, the other half are divided between two groups. Enthusiasts for history and those who claim to be former force users, of that group most are insane. Look'n like they went on a bad trip and never came back." he took a swig of the potent poison in his grip and let out a loud sigh that was almost a growl. "The others, they're different. Broken down ex Jedi who curse the force that betrayed them or Dark siders who became born again" Karrde paused, allowing Kale to realize where he was being led.

And when the Jedi declared that he could no longer sense Aren through the force he hammered it home "Might be, there's no saving this kid but putt'n said unfortunate hornblower out of his misery...Think you can do that Jedi?"

"I'll do everything I can to avoid it, I owe him that much at least. But if he really is that far gone..." Kale was silent for a moment, the sound of someone by the door caught his attention. It was Lahana.

"I'll do it. I've killed friends before, what's one more?" She was wiping blood from her hands with a towel. She wasn't exactly a medic, but she knew her way around combat wounds and had been helping as much as she could.

"That's not something you should put yourself through." Kale said. "Though I'm not so naive to believe it can be avoided. Just remember, that is the very last option we will take should Aren... Not be himself." He turned back to Talon. "Thanks for the help again, we should really get moving as fast as possible."

"What's the customary parting for you people? May the Force be with you? Kriffing melodrama, may the force be with you two and, try not to get any of yourselves killed" Karrde waved a hand and then turned back towards the large desk situated near a portrait of a Hutt decked out in military medals and with an eyepatch. Pointing a sword gallantly forward in one of the most absurd displays of "unHutt" like behavior possible.

"Before you go, I'd ask you a pass a message along to the Republic. If I find out Mon Mothma's little pack of spies was behind this and not Blacksun the IGBC will call in all of your debts immediately" Ice was in Talon Karrde's voice at that moment. "Now kriff off"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Honesty Crow
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Honesty Crow Tlaloc

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It didn't take long for Phasma to get up from her seat and moved in to protect Aladar from the chaos that ensued. Somehow Aladar had gotten one of the thugs in here to start a bar fight. In the middle of the chaos, Invictus Janus' assassin robot, Highsinger appeared. Somehow, the droid had made his way through the fighting crowd to their position. As he spoke, Phasma readied her blaster and checked that the spike she used as a melee weapon was ready to go. All that was left was her helmet. As she was about to put it on, a Duros ran up to her, smashing a chair against her head. The sudden strike made her drop her chromed helmet and fall to her knees. The half-drunken Duros laughed as he drew a knife to finish the job. She took advantage of his brief hesitation and spun around, kicking him in the knee causing him to go off balance. Phasma then tackled the man, wrestling the knife off his hand and then repeatedly punching his enlarged head until he stopped moving.

Before she could stand up and return to Aladar and Highsinger, she was grabbed Trandoshan who held Phasma in a headlock screaming profanities at her. Seems like the guy had a friend… Phasma elbowed the Trandoshan several times in the ribs until he let go of her. As she was about to turn around to face her attacker a human sucker punched her, making Phasma stagger backwards. The Trandoshan then shoved her forwards making her fall over again. The Trandoshan and the Human along with a Gran started laughing and congratulating each other. Now distracted, Phasma used the moment to turn things around. First she kicked the Trandoshan in the knee. The force was enough that the knee was dislocated backwards making the Trandoshan howl in pain and fall to the floor. She then drew her spike and rushed the Gan before he could go tend to his friend. He was impaled by the spike through the chest. The sheer force of the attack forced them both to the floor. Finally, the Human attempted to shoot her with a pistol, but the armor was enough to stop the low yield shots. In a fit of rage, Phasma grabbed the human male by his shirt and tossed him out of the bar into the riot unfolding outside. The crowd trampled on him, probably killing him. At the end of the fight, the Trandoshan laid there incapicitated while his Gan friend had been killed by the spike. Panting, Phasma searched for her gun, finding it under a turned over table. Though now, she was missing her helmet. Damn…
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 4 mos ago

A covert request

collab w/ @Honesty Crow

Yavin IV
Gold Squadron Hangar

“You let Kyrin sit at a Pazaak table while he was fuming?” asked a seasoned war veteran whose head was deep in his ship’s cockpit.

Nareia fought the urge to smirk, instead biting the inside of both her lips and looking at a few other Y-wings resting idle nearby. Gold Squadron’s hangar had less variety than the Rogues, but they were just as brave and skilled as any other unit; Marvo was one of just a few members inside, performing a daily system check with an R2 unit inside his craft. Gold Leader didn’t want to take any chances.

“You know,” she started, cocking her head. “Suri said the exact same thing you did, and in almost the exact same tone.”

Marvo glanced over his shoulder and peered at Nareia with suspicion. “You know what you’re doing, don’t you?” He left his R2 unit to finish its check and descended the Y-wing’s retractable ladder. “People talk more and more, and no one knows how this is going to turn out yet. You really think setting him loose is going to make things any easier?”

“No, but it might get us back to the fight a lot faster,” Nareia said, straightening up. “Besides, Wedge is Rogue Leader, not me. I’m not in charge of anything any of them do.”

“Nareia, when you’re part of a team, it’s up to you to watch their back just as its up to them to watch yours,” Marvo said matter-of-factly. “And it’s also your responsibility to keep them in check when you have to. You know that. Don’t pretend otherwise.”

Nareia’s jaw tensed; she wanted to retort with something clever, or even something he couldn’t deflect. He wasn’t scolding her or pulling rank, and he’d seen more action than any Rogue still living. It was hard to contest someone who disagreed and showed such grace while doing so. Besides, he was right, and she’d be a fool to deny it.

“I know he’s not the only one.”

Nareia blinked. “What?”

“He’s not the only pilot with reservations. This is more than just Rogue Squadron; this thing is in Gold Squadron, too.” Marvo gave a small wave at his R2 unit—who acknowledged with a bleep—before coming around his Y-wing and moving towards the entrance, Nareia close beside him. “Suri also had a lot to say.”

“She did?” Nareia asked. “She never said she agreed.”

“Because I asked her not to—not yet, at least. When word first got out about Zsinj and that Super Star Destroyer, it was like a storm zapped everyone out of indecision.” He shook his head. “You, the Rogues, Suri and I… we knew this wasn’t over. Now, so does the rest of the base. Mon Mothma has to come to a decision and quickly; either she extends a peace offer to the Remnant, or—”

“You can’t seriously believe they’d ever let Endor go.”

“Maybe not, no…” Marvo sighed heavily. “But isn’t it worth trying at least? If we can restore the New Republic, we can also hope for a peaceful solution. An end to all this bloodshed.”

Nareia couldn’t fathom ever shaking hands with an Imperial. The thought of it made her shudder. But her way, she knew, wasn’t the only way to end this war. Marvo had a point; and although she didn’t want to admit it, Mon Mothma’s attempt to seek peace wasn’t wrong, only ill-timed. With Zsinj and that fleet out there, a temporary truce between the New Republic and the Imperial Remnant might have been considered, at least briefly.

She stopped at the hangar’s mouth and stared at the ground. Marvo must’ve noticed her conflict; a strong hand came to her shoulder and squeezed it firmly.

“If we divide now, I’m afraid we may not recover in time to fight if we have to,” he whispered quietly. “Mon Mothma helped start this fight. She had few supporters and even fewer resources at the time, but she helped make the Rebellion possible in the first place. So, I’ll place my faith in her until every fiber of my being can’t sit still any longer. I owe her that much.”

Nareia swallowed, then gently nodded her head. “Well, hard to argue with that,” she conceded with a growing grin. “Why didn’t Wedge pick you up yet?”

“Me?” Marvo smiled tightly. “I’m too old to play with the hotshots and the up-and-comers. Besides, I get more enjoyment out of teaching Alara how to fly B-wings than destroying Imperial targets.” Nareia shot him a look. “…Okay, just a little more.”

The two shared laughter, and by coincidence Nareia caught Wedge’s silhouette walking towards them in the distance. “He’s back,” she pointed out, and Marvo caught the same image. “Wonder how it went.”

“You’re about to find out.” Marvo released her shoulder and gave her a few pats on the back. “Whatever Wedge might have to say, I’ll find out one way or another. I’ll see you later, ‘reia.”

“Thanks,” Nareia said. She watched Marvo turn and step back inside Gold Squadron’s hangar for a moment longer, then moved to meet Wedge halfway towards it. “Any news?”

She sounded desperate for a plan she could believe in, and she was.

When Wedge walked into the hangar, the look he had on his face wasn't promising. At a distance and without context one could have believed his wife had passed. There was a mix of unbridled anger with a hint of despair.

"We should discuss this in private." He said, gesturing for Nareia to follow him. Wedge led them both to a corner in betwern the hangar and an fuel storage warehouse next door. After making sure that no one was around to listen, Wedge took a deep breath and exhaled, trying to relax before speaking.

"General Iblis and Chancellor Mothma fought again. This time, I thought their little groups were going to come to blows. The events at Onderon just made things worse." He paused for a moment, running his hand through his hair before continuing. "For now, Mothma wants to keep us grounded. Again... He wants every available unit defending the New Republic in case Zsinj's forces attack us. It's sound, but unpopular."

Nareia found it difficult to believe that any member of the fledgling Senate—much less High Command—would ever put hands on one another. She also found it difficult to believe that Mon Mothma heard the things she did, and still insisted on lying down while all this was happening. Marvo’s faith in Mon Mothma may be unshaken, as much as it could be these days anyway, but it was hearing things like this that made her a firm believer in what Iblis desired to do.

She took a deep breath and crossed her arms with a disapproving headshake. “Okay…” she started, restraining her temper. “What’s so unpopular about putting our worlds and territories on alert? If Mon Mothma and her entourage won’t agree to a full-scale attack, then the least we can do is shore up our defenses. We can continue to train new pilots and troops in the meantime; Mon Mothma can have peace of mind that we won’t make an attack, but we need to see our forces put to better use than cantina games and routine maintenance checks.”

Scoffing, Nareia smiled at their misfortune; weeks ago, they were more united than they’d been since the destruction of the very first Death Star, and now they were fighting among themselves for power, just as Imperials would.

“I’ll just get newer pilots for early morning training runs,” she continued, defeated. There wasn’t anything wrong with training, but Rogue Squadron’s experience could be better used elsewhere; they were an elite unit, not flight academy staff. “But you know as well as I do that what you told me won’t satisfy everyone… and apparently this isn’t just an issue with Rogue Squadron. Resources are going to waste all over. And if I’m being honest, I’ve had about enough of waiting around doing nothing.”

Rayce and Alara would understand and would play ball, even if they didn’t like it; people like Kyrin and Suri, they were harder pilots to convince. Rayce was right before, they needed a win and badly. Something to rally behind. The high from Endor was no longer going to cut it.

“Not that I hope you threatened to beat anyone up, but did you stress the importance of giving us intelligence?” Nareia asked, hoping his backbone didn’t go missing.

That was the worst part of it all. The secrets. Back then, the Alliance had been fairly open with its information on missions. But now, things had been locked down. While Wedge understood the logic, they had come down way too hard on it. It was eroding the trust of their subordinates. And even his own trust.

"Madine didn't budge on it. He's seemingly gone back to his Imperial roots." Wedge sighed and reached into his pocket pulling out a small data chip. "Take this and don't tell anyone outside Rogue or Gold Squadron. If they won't give us the information, then we'll get it ourselves. I'll cover for you and the others while you're out there."

“Wonderful news,” she replied dryly with a forced smile. Her days of destroying key Imperial targets looked well and truly over. Maybe starting an academy of her own wouldn’t be such a bad idea. At the very least, people under her tutelage would have the privilege of knowing every condition they were going to be flying in; that was the least she could do for people under her care.

She was about to thank Wedge for at least trying to make Madine see reason, but his hand wandering inside his pocket caught her attention. A small chip was retrieved and extended to her, which she took without hesitation. Examining it closely while he instructed her to keep this secret from all others except the Rogues and Gold Squadron, her dark eyes returned to his face. She held her stare for a few seconds before pocketing the chip and looking around, making positively certain that none were nearby to overhear them.

“Are you sure about this?” she asked quietly. Keeping secrets is what got them in this position in the first place; Wedge appeared ready and willing to play the same game Madine was. But perhaps she wasn’t reading the situation properly. Maybe Wedge wasn’t doing what she thought. “You know I’ll do it for you, Wedge, but this means you’re taking a side in the politics you didn’t want to get involved with in the first place. Like it or not, what I think you’re asking of me and the others is something General Iblis would get behind.”

Wedge sighed, looking away for a moment before returning to Nareia.

"I have a family that I want to go back to. But I can't do that if the Empire is still around or if the New Republic falls apart. At the same time, I think we deserve to know what else they're hiding from us and why we were sent out to Onderon in the first place. I want to do right by you first." He pointed at the data chip in her hand. "Those are coordinates. It's an estate on Bothawui. You're going to meet with him and ask him to decode that chip for us. It should have everything we need to know."

Wedge had broken into Madine's office and stolen the secret briefing on the Onderon operation. He wouldn't appreciate it now, but Wedge knew that the General would understand later down the line.

"After that, return here. Make sure you do this quickly. I won't be able to cover for you guys for long."

She could relate in wanting all this to be over, but preferably with democracy back in place. He couldn’t have gotten this chip without something morally questionable, if not treacherous. In other words, something entirely unlike him to do. They were becoming truly desperate if one of the New Republic’s greatest pilots and leaders would resort to something underhanded—all for the greater good, of course.

“And only the contact on Bothawui can accomplish this?” Nareia asked, doubting such a thing. But with time short and only the coordinates themselves being accessible in this chip, Wedge’s options were few. Anyone else he could ask might sell him out the instant he tried. It was better he didn’t take that risk.

“I can mobilize the other Rogues and leave in ten,” she continued, “and it might not be difficult to convince others that Gold Squadron went out on a training exercise with us, but if this was going to be something simple you wouldn’t have mentioned Gold Squadron.”

She believed in preparing for the unexpected, and it was that doctrine that allowed Rogue Squadron to be one of the most versatile units in the New Republic’s arsenal. Informing Gold Squadron to follow them to Bothawui without mentioning Command was suspicious by itself. Respect, however, went a long way, and there were few pilots who wouldn’t throw themselves into the unknown for his sake. As for her…

Nareia reached inside her other pocket and withdrew a comlink. “You told me the planet and the estate. Can you tell me about the person I’ll be dealing with, and why I might need to bring a few Y-wings behind me?”

"His name is Zaid Vas'ah. A member of a wealthy and powerful Bothan Clan on the planet. He's an intelligence specialist who works for the New Republic on occasion. Vas'ah will be able to break through the ciphers on the chip and reveal the briefings and whatever else they hid from us."

Zaid Vas'ah was untrustworthy. Even he knew that the Bothan had connections to the criminal underworld, but desperate times called for desperate measures. If the New Republic wouldn't tell them the truth, then they would have to search for it.

"I'd go with you, but..." He sighed, glancing toward the command center building across the base grounds. "It'll raise the alarm if I go missing after what happened."

The name didn’t ring any bells. She didn’t know how long this Bothan worked with the New Republic and what his ‘occasional’ partnership would cost them. The Rebel Alliance’s work with unsavory types for the greater good wasn’t unusual, although they preferred to keep their noses cleaner now that they evolved into the New Republic. To still have need of someone they couldn’t trust without a bomber unit at their back was a disappointment. After all the Bothan people gave to the Rebel Alliance—making the attack on Endor possible to begin with—she was counting on a peaceful solution to get what Wedge needed.

“I hope he’s in the mood to talk then,” she said, flicking on her comlink and bringing it to her lips. “Rogue Group, we need to talk. Suit up and meet me at our hangar, quickly and quietly.”

“Madine take Rayce up on that flight show on Chandrila idea?” Kyrin laxly responded. “I’ll get right on it.”

“This is Wedge’s request… and Madine doesn’t know,” she added tensely. Rayce and Alara acknowledged and prepared to suit up, with Kyrin whistling sharply before doing the same. Stowing the comlink for now, Nareia maneuvered around Wedge and hustled towards Gold Squadron’s hangar. “Hope you’re as good a storyteller as you are a pilot,” she yelled over her shoulder with a smile.

In twelve minutes following the order from Wedge, Rogue’s Six, Seven, Eight, and Nine took flight one after the other from their hangar; nearby, Gold Leader and three other men took off from their own and formed up behind Rogue Group. Leaving the atmosphere, they flew casually through the defensive fleet positioned over the planet, made the calculations for lightspeed, and jumped not long after.

They emerged from lightspeed in the Both system and continued for Bothawui. The coordinates available on the data chip retrieved by Wedge were uploaded to every individual ship. Despite this, they chose to form up behind Nareia, having decided without her that she would be acting as the squadron leader for this assignment.

The eight starfighters broke atmosphere, were able to admire a change in scenery from Yavin’s endless jungles and temples, then continued towards the estate’s coordinates...
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