Faction Name: Imperial Remnant
Homeworld: Coruscant
Leader(s): Bertroff Hissa (Grand Vizier), Gilad Palleon (Supreme Commander), Miryia Janus (Religious Leader, Pontifex Invictus)
Brief background: With most of the leadership gone or dead, the Imperial Remnant leadership has been usurped by a duo of aliens with a grand vision for the future. Miryia Janus, an Arkanian Jedi who had been rescued by the Empire following an accident that left her stranded in space for over a thousand years. Obsessed with her own vision of the New Order, she gathered allies and with the aid of ISB Director-General Raveem Vas'ah couped the Pestage government. Now, the new ruling council composed for the most part of Janus and Vas'ah loyalists have begun to restructure the Empire purging it of incompetency, corruption and those who dare oppose their new leadership. Despite their attempts, the Empire remains fractured internally with elements of the Empire still unaccounted for and others seeking to take over for their own gain.
Status: Active
Faction name: The New Republic
Homeworld: Yavin IV
Leader: Mon Mothma (Chancellor of the Republic)
Brief background: The New Republic is the fledgling government established by the leaders of the Alliance to Restore the Republic following the defeat and fragmentation of the Galactic Empire at the Battle of Endor. Based on Yavin IV, the New Republic has adopted many of the characteristics of the former Galactic Republic. Many liberated or neutral worlds have pledged their allegiance to the New Republic many of them either on the Outer or Mid-Rim. Despite proclaiming victory against the Empire, the New Republic still must defeat what remains of the Galactic Empire if it ever hopes to truly liberate the galaxy. However, the war has taken a toll on many creating a divide between those who wish to take action now and continue the war and those who wish to make peace. Only time will tell how the Republic will act in the coming months.
Status: Active
Faction name: Zsinj's Empire
Homeworld: Sereno
Leader: Warlord Zsinj
Brief background: Zsinj's Empire is a faction that was formed by Imperial Admiral Zsinj following the death of Emperor Palpatine. With a formidable fleet under his command, Zsinj conquered the worlds of several Imperial warlords, placing their forces under his command. He then expanded his territory, bordering that of the New Republic and even the remnants of the Galactic Empire. Zsinj went on to establish a financial and government system to attain a level of stability even the New Republic lacked. Using his formidable forces and his flagship, the Executor-class star destroyed Iron Fist Zsinj has been able to keep his conquered territories. Despite his loyalty to the Empire, Zsinj has refused to join the Imperial Remnant instead he has begun to build up his forces in an effort to destroy the New Republic once and for all.
Status: Active
Faction name: Pentastar Alignment
Homeworld: Entralla
Leader: Grand Moff Ardus Kaine
Brief background: The Pentastar Alignment was founded a few weeks following the death of Emperor Palpatine at the Battle of Endor. Grand Moff Ardus Kaine, who had replaced Grand Moff Wilhuf Tarkin as the head of Oversector Outer consolidated forces loyal to him and used coercion and intimidation to bring several systems and Imperial corporations under his banner. Ever since then, Kaine has maintained an isolationist stance which placed him in a unique position compared to the other warlords who either waged war against each other or the New Republic. Taking advantage of the new Galactic Cold War, Kaine has focused on building up the Pentastar Alignment's military forces and allies. One of the most prominent members of the Pentastar Alignment is a Dark Jedi and former Imperial Inquisitor named Jerec.
Status: Active
Faction name: Zann Consortium
Homeworld: Ryloth
Leader: Tyber Zann
Brief background: The Zann Consortium is a criminal syndicate founded and led by Tyber Zann, a former associate of Jabba the Hutt. Zann founded the Consortium in the midst of the Galactic Civil War and slowly began to grow in power as the war progressed. One of Zann's biggest achievements was stealing and then destroying Emperor Palpatine's new personal flagship, The Eclipse. He then raided the Emperor's private vault in Coruscant, cementing his legacy as a dangerous and capable criminal. The Consortium's operations expanded across the galaxy, rivaling the power of the Hutt Cartel and even the Black Sun. After the destruction of the second Death Star, Zann began a new campaign to take complete control of the galactic criminal underworld. However, this placed him in direct conflict with the Black Sun sparking a war between the two criminal syndicates.
Status: Active
Faction Name: New Jedi Order
Homeworld: Yavin IV, Jedi Praxium
Leader: Grandmaster Luke Skywalker
Brief background: The New Jedi Order is the restored and reformed Jedi Order founded by Luke Skywalker following the Battle of Endor. Though small in numbers and still relatively unknown, Luke Skywalker has passionately attempted to restore the teachings of the Jedi in an effort to train a new generation of Light-side Force users. Together with Mara Jade, Luke Skywalker has traveled the Galaxy in search of potential new recruits to train.
Status: Active
Faction name: Black Sun Pirates
Homeworld: Mustafar
Leader: Prince Xizor
Brief background: The Black Sun is a criminal organization that has been active around the Galaxy for several centuries. The chaos of the Galactic Civil War and its aftermath gave the members of the Black Sun ample opportunity to establish a galactic-wide operation to rival that of the Hutt Cartel and the relatively new Zann Consortium. After hearing about the death of his rival Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine, Xizor took advantage of the brief chaos to wage war on the remnants of the Hutt Cartel and the Zann Consortium. With the Empire split and the New Republic still struggling for control, the Black Sun has expanded its operations across the entire Galaxy establishing itself as an unrivaled criminal power surpassed only by the Zan Consortium. Now the two criminal superpowers are at war, fighting for control of the Galaxy's criminal underworld.
Status: ActiveFaction name: Order of the Free Force
Homeworld: Tython
Leader: Grandmaster Ja'karr
Brief background: The Order of the Free Force is an organization founded by Ja'Karr a decade after the formation of the Galactic Empire. Its origins can be traced back to its founder Ja'karr, a former Jedi Master who left the order following a disagreement with their involvement in the Clone Wars. When he left the Jedi Order, Ja'karr returned to his native Serenno where he used his considerable wealth to obtain rare texts and artifacts connected to the Force. During this time, he began to reject both Sith and Jedi ideology and began to craft his own ideas, most of them based around the former Je'daii Order. Several years later, when the Galactic Empire was founded he traveled the Galaxy in search of Force Sensitive individuals in an effort to save them from the Great Jedi Purge or from being turned into one of Palpatine's feared Inquisitors. Eventually, Ja'karr went on to train dozens of Force users who remained at his side for many years after. Most of these now form part of the Order of the Free Force, a group founded by Ja'karr to collect and preserve artifacts created by both Jedi and Sith. Members of the Free Force reject Sith and Jedi dogmas instead, they have adopted a more open-minded view of the Force as an energy capable of both good and evil.
Status: ActiveNote: Your character may be a free agent, someone who isn't affiliated with any of the factions. However, at some point, your character may have to pick a side.