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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"I wanted them to end quickly is the thing, but I may've overdone it, and I messed up on that last one."

He wouldn't have minded if Ryan quit, but he was clearly the kind of man that fought to the bitter end, no matter what it takes. It was admirable in one way, but not so great in another. What surprised Niko was that, with the preliminaries over, she was actually unsatisfied and feeling cheated in her wins. Niko smiled as she mentioned personal junk and introduced herself.

"Nah, it's just a nickname. I'm Niko, and I'm in the military, usually working in stealth and in the dark."

He offered her a handshake, glad to finally meet someone he hadn't freaked out with his sudden, forceful attacks.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 9 days ago

World Martial Arts Tournament, Planet Earth
Saturday, July 16th, 2500

Thanks to the incredible medical team, all the victors were able to wake up in the morning feeling like new. Even broken bones had been mended. Today would be decision day. Only one person would walk away from this undefeated. Even still, just making it this far was enough for many contestants. They would all be walking away with a cash prize, but the more rounds you survived, the more your money grow, exponentially.

The tournament grounds were already starting to fill up with people who had stayed on the island's hotels. A few enthusiasts were already sitting in their seats, even though the tournament wasn't set to start for another two hours.

Inside the main building, in a separate dinning room from the public, the sixteen remaining contestants were sitting around a large dinner table. It was customary to have a silent breakfast with everyone together, before being excused to prepare for the opening ceremonies. And so, everyone started standing from their spot at the table. They would have one hour to themselves or to socialize, before they would need to gather back in the same room where the preliminaries were held.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Bakuto Enters the Fray

Location: World Martial Arts Tournament, Planet Earth
Time: Saturday, July 16th, 2500

The primary fights seemed rather easy for Bakuto who is feeling great about being one of the sixteen people to be going on into the actual tournament portion of the World Martial Arts Tournament. Bakuto isnt a stranger of fighting in competition but on a much smaller scale and with less people and with not as tough competition. Bakuto found himself rather enjoying himself during the preliminary fights to make it forward. It also helped he won his fights and hadn't been eliminated. The only thing Bakuto wasnt liking was they were taking a break between the preliminary rounds and the main fights that are yet to come. He was fired up and ready to continue fighting but now he has to calm down somehow relax.

Bakuto was scarfing down the food presented to him for the breakfast. Apparently this was a traditional thing for this tournament to give its combatants a big breakfast before the first actual tournament round begin. That is a far bit different then his local village tournaments where he fought just so he could win food to eat. His village was poor and food only went to the those who were strong enough to get it. With free food being given to him he took the opportunity to get his fill now before the fights could begin. While eating he looks around and takes mental notes of the other fifteen fighters in the tournament that managed to get past the preliminary rounds. He didnt recognize any of them, he watched a few preliminary fights but didnt really follow anyone apart from his own fights to get himself to the finals. Even when he got to his hotel room the night before he really didnt stand around to see who else made it to the finals. So right now is the first time he could see his actual competition in this tournament who he might be facing in the tournament.

Looking around after a bit of eating he was seeing if it was time to head back to the room where they had fought in the preliminary rounds to hopefully get the next rounds started soon. Bakuto wanted to get to the next rounds as soon as possible, he was looking forward to fighting some more and or watching the others do battle. Deep down he was a warrior who enjoys a good fight whether or not he is watching them or fighting in them he just likes fighting.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 9 days ago

World Martial Arts Tournament, Planet Earth
Saturday, July 16th, 2500
30 Minutes Before The First Match

The stadium surrounding the arena was almost full. Even with assigned, pre-purchased seats, everyone wanted to be early. And even though the stadium was outside in the open air, the excitement of the crowd seemed to echo, as they spoke to one another in anticipation. The ring itself was empty.

Inside the main building, where the preliminary rounds were held, the remaining sixteen combatants stood on one of the four miniature arenas. Per tradition, a tournament employee turned large lottery wheel, with white plastic balls inside. When a number would fall out, he would then write the number on a large chalkboard behind him. Once all the numbers were on the chalkboard, he revealed the name of the person attached to each number.

By the time this quiet ceremony was finished, it was ten minutes till the first round...
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Location: World Martial Arts Tournament, Planet Earth
Time: Saturday, July 16th, 2500

After he had finished up with the morning breakfast that was provided for him. Bakuto got up and made his way to the preliminary arena. He had his fill of food and wanted to get prepared for his first round fight. Wasn't long until Bakuto arrived back at the preliminary halls. Bakuto glanced over the area a few times seeing the four areas the combatants had to go to.

Over Eager to get started Bakuto made sure he was one of the first ones to get to a podium first. He ignored people calling names and walked up ready to draw a number for his self to get to get ready for his next fight. "Alright give me a good number now. Cant wait to get started" he had said to those running the podium he went to first. Bakuto waited to see what number would come out for him. Bakuto wasn't sure how they things were done but he assumed that the lowest numbers went first so he hoped for something low so he could be the first out to get that first fight.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

It was a good thing that all previous injuries - be they serious or not - had been mended. Niko had awoken today displeased with himself. He ate breakfast in silence, bombarded by his own thoughts about yesterday. He'd made it through the preliminaries, but he'd been sloppy. At least, that was the young soldier's estimate. One could say that a career combatant's measure of self was that of a man on a razor's edge, each perceivable flaw weighing down his overall efficiency, a mistake made that - in a serious battle - could cost lives. You don't go into the service without thinking like that, and if you don't, then you might not make a very good soldier. Or worse, you could be an excellent soldier as far as killing goes, but lose your humanity in the process. In any case, he felt like that wild man had exposed holes in his method of combat, making it exploitable. Niko wasn't certain, but he felt like it jeopardized everything he was here for.

He spent his hour preparation alone, practicing some of his moves and trying to regain some confidence in his well-honed skills. He had capabilities, skills that definitely set him apart from other people. That much was clear in his presence here. This was, after all, the World Martial Arts Tournament! Even if those who qualified among him here were just a fraction of the fighting community, it meant that he was ahead of most people on the planet! That should mean something, shouldn't it?

Yeah, it means don't get TOO confident. Cocky attitudes get you killed.

He trained himself a bit, getting the body oriented for combat, and then reported with the others as the balls with their numbers were chosen. As Niko watched, he started thinking of Angela. He didn't want to face her too soon. She really seemed to enjoy this event, and it wouldn't be right to inflict her with his serious-as-hell personal mission, at least not until later, assuming they won their fights. The young soldier now waited for the results of the drawing...
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Darkmoon Angel
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Darkmoon Angel Lunar Guardian of Time

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Nah, it's just a nickname. I'm Niko, and I'm in the military, usually working in stealth and in the dark."

He offered his hand to her and Angela accepted the handshake. "At least someone here is willing to have a casual conversation." She said as they went their separate ways, right now it was time to rest before the actual fighting starts.

The next morning was spent in silence as Angela ate her breakfast with the other fighters. These people were her competition, the true fight. Niko seemed like he might be the biggest challenge for her yet, he was stronger than what she noticed during the preliminaries that's for sure. It was only after breakfast where she stood with the others in front of a lottery wheel. The man in charge was spinning it and writing the numbers as they fell onto a chalkboard. Angela could only tap her foot anxiously, she glanced around the room at the other fighters. Who was her first opponent going to be?
Hidden 5 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 9 days ago

World Martial Arts Tournament, Planet Earth
Saturday, July 16th, 2500
1st Match Begins!

Thirty minutes later, at high noon, the ceremonial gong was rang for the first time. This signaled the first two fighters to emerge from the main building and take their places in the arena. Waiting for them in the middle was a well dressed announcer with bright orange hair that shined because of all the hair products holding it up.

The first combatant to emerge from the building was the large man known as Rhine. The man won all his preliminary matches with hardly a scratch, and strangely enough, all his opponents lost without much more damage. The reason why? He won all his matches by ring out. A master of Tai-Chi with the body of a brute, and most impressive of all, he won all his matches with a smile.

The second was Bakuto...

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Location: World Martial Arts Tournament, Planet Earth
Time: Saturday, July 16th, 2500

Second up into the World Martial Arts Tournament ring was Bakuto. First he started off pacing, Bakuto was barely able to contain his excitement. Somehow he managed to bottle up is own excitement long enough to turn to his opponent and give him a respectful bow. He gave the fight the proper respect he believed is was owed and that of his opponent. While he did not know his opponent Rhine he gave him the same respect he would give any man, woman or child that he would fight in any competition.

"I'll be looking forward to our fight"

With very few words spoken Bakuto was quick to take up a fighting stance. The moment he took up the stance his trembling and frantic excitement stopped. His tone and facial expression changed, as he had gotten ready he got more serious about fight that was to come. His breath was steadied and his eyes pin pointed locked on his opponent. The only thing he waited for now was for the go ahead to begin his fight.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 9 days ago

World Martial Arts Tournament, Planet Earth
Saturday, July 16th, 2500
Bakuto vs Rhine

Rhine's quiet energy combined with Bakuto's sudden shift in tone made for one intense moment. The crowd could feel the intensity too, because for a brief moment the entire stadium went quiet. Then, the gong rang once more. The match had begun.

Neither combatant rushed into battle, it was more of a careful sizing up of the opponent, especially for Rhine. He stepped forward, one well placed step at a time. He knew this match would be harder than the rest, not only because the opponent was better than the others, but also the arena was bigger. It would be harder to win by ring-out. He might have to go about this differently.

-Tai-Chi Basics
-Total Power Available: 70
-- Attack 20
- Speed 20
--- Defense 30
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Bakuto VS Rhine

Location: World Martial Arts Tournament, Planet Earth
Time: Saturday, July 16th, 2500

Sound of the Gong and the match had begun. Bakuto didn't charge in he watched his opponent whose guard appeared to be up and who seemed to be on a high alert. This battle was far different then those of the preliminary rounds but Bakuto had come up with an idea and a plan to fight Rhine. With an opponent with a high defense Bakuto thought of a way to try and change up the defensive plans of his opponent.

After the moment of silence Bakuto shifted his feet then charged forward. With the appearance of that he was going for a big right handed power punch with one hand as he dashed forward. Suddenly Bakuto would try and stop right before his opponent and then snaps his left hand forward with lightning quick reflexes for a jab. His idea was to lead forward with the appearance of a power attack when he was really just going to switch and hit a speed attack instead as close as he could get. An attempt to get his opponent to shift his guard so he could hit with something unexpected.

    Power Level 110
    Attack- 30
    Speed- 40
    Defense- 40
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 9 days ago

World Martial Arts Tournament, Planet Earth
Saturday, July 16th, 2500
Bakuto vs Rhine

The beginning of the match was well calculated, with both sides sizing each other up. In the end, it was Bakuto that came out on top. Careful not to leave any openings for the Tai-Chi master, Bakuto was able to land multiple hits. At the same time, none of these hits were critical.

Bakuto blocks all damage and only takes three recoil damage.
Rhine takes five damage from Bakuto's attacks and two recoil damage, taking seven damage total.

Seeing that his opponent had much more to offer than anyone before, Rhine decided to take this match more seriously. He didn't charge forward, but his steps were much more direct. He couldn't win by being defensive the whole time.

-Tai-Chi Offensive Serious
Remaining Health: 63
Available Power: 66
-- Attack 20 x2 = 40
- Speed 16
--- Defense 30

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Bakuto VS Rhine

Location: World Martial Arts Tournament, Planet Earth
Time: Saturday, July 16th, 2500

Having landed a few hits on Rhine help Bakuto and that his plan was working, but now Rhine was trying to put up an offensive. Bakuto managed to fend himself off decently, but he knew he would be in a bad shape if Rhine could keep up with him so Bakuto wanted to keep him moving. So he kept this battle close. Dodging close shots but kept on moving making Rhine move towards him.

"You can take a punch pretty well, but lets see how well you can keep up!"

With a little taunt Bakuto continued worked to get both himself and Rhine towards the edge of the ring as he backed up towards it as he kept dodging. Throwing multiple quick punches to keep up the pressure as he would reach the edge of the ring Bakuto planned then to make his move. He used a sudden surge of speed to dodge out of the way. Bakuto had hoped catch Rhine off guard as Bakuto tried to trick him out of the ring with his quick dodge.

    -Focus- Serious Speed
    Remaining Health: 107
    Available Power: 108
    ** Attack-40
    * Speed- 50 x2 = 100
    * Defense- 18
Hidden 5 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 9 days ago

World Martial Arts Tournament, Planet Earth
Saturday, July 16th, 2500
Bakuto vs Rhine

As the match continued, the crowd began choosing sides and growing in volume. They chanted both combatants names and roared when their fighter landed a solid blow. Unfortunately for Rhine's fans, they had little to roar about. No matter what he did, Bakuto stayed one step ahead of him. And the longer they fought, the larger the difference between them grew.

The fighting came to a stand still. The air was frozen. At least, that's how it felt for Rhine, when he found himself with just a few feet of distance between him and Bakuto. He had to change his tactics, this was going nowhere fast. It was time to return to his element. No more running around, trying to match this man's speed. Instead, he would wait for the opponent to come to him. He would wait all day if he had to, and he would attack when the time was right.

-Tai-Chi Counter Measures Serious
Remaining Health: 33
Available Power: 50
-- Attack 20 x2 = 40
- Speed 0
--- Defense 30
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Bakuto VS Rhine

Location: World Martial Arts Tournament, Planet Earth
Time: Saturday, July 16th, 2500

His plan had worked yet again, or well most of it, Bakuto's speed seem to out match Rhine's which Bakuto seen and he quickly realized Rhine knew this as well as after the attacks Rhine retreated to a defensive stance again. Right how they started again but yet this was different, Rhine now has a vague idea what Bakuto could so what tricks Bakuto has used he knew wouldn't work now.

"Going to sit back again? You think you can strike when the time is right, but can you react fast enough to get that right timed strike? Let's test this then."

Then Bakuto took off running circles around Rhine and trying to pick up more speed. He ran as fast as he could as he built up momentum, he clenched one of his fists as he prepared for a punch. A maxed speed assisted punch, with Bakuto's inhuman speed with it at max speed the punch would be more then a simple punch thrown so far. As he got ready he finished up once at full momentum and power would turn towards Rhine with a straight shot to him.

He hoped his speed would be faster than Rhine could react but also he had enough speed to amp up the attack. Also hoped that the power of the attack wouldn't be too much of a double-edged sword. While ramping up the impact of his punch one could only guess what would happen to his own arm if it hits its target. Though Bakuto threw out his thoughts of caution and went head on with his plan looking to not only to beat his own opponent but to see how much could his body take.

    -Focus- Serious Speed
    Remaining Health: 103
    Available Power: 106
    ** Attack-40
    * Speed- 50 x2 = 100
    * Defense- 16
Hidden 5 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 9 days ago

World Martial Arts Tournament, Planet Earth
Saturday, July 16th, Age 2500
Bakuto vs Rhine

As Bakuto circled Rhine, the crowd grew more and more quiet in anticipation. Everyone could tell the same things, that this final attack would decide the fate of the battle. And they were right...

The stadium roars for Bakuto, as Rhine falls to the ground unconscious!
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Bakuto VS Rhine
The Fights Conclusion

Location: World Martial Arts Tournament, Planet Earth
Time: Saturday, July 16th, 2500

The speed boosted punch ran true. Rhine had no defense that could block this attack and Bakuto hit him full force, and that was the end of the fight. Standing there with his fist in the same spot in the air where it connected with Rhine. Bakuto was relived that he didn't take more damage from his own attack. He knew since he survived his first fight and his own attack that he would only get stronger as the tournament went onward. Bakuto breathed heavy as he tried to catch his breath from that last attack. He was completely unaware of the crowd cheers that had for that conclusion. It took Bakuto a moment to catch his breath then he made sure to check on Rhine to make sure he didn't accidentally kill him with that last punch. He used a lot more effort in that last punch then he wanted and Rhine didn't have a chance to block any that punch.

"You were a tough opponent. If I am being honest, I wasn't sure what would happen with that last attack. Didn't think I would get enough speed to make that attack work. Even after the attack I don't think that attack had enough speed to it just yet, but I have a feeling by the time I am done with this tournament the attack will be complete. Maybe then I will even have a name for it, but now this is the end. Thank you for the fight"

A few words, and a bow Bakuto gave his opponent the same respect he did went the fight first started. He didn't showboat or gloat about his win. Bakuto was respectful for that fight he had and for his opponent he had defeated. Bakuto in the end stood there with crowd cheered for him. He eventually turned and walked back out of the ring back to the waiting room as his first fight was over. He put on the opening fight, from here on everyone would know what Bakuto could do. He knew he would have to watch the next fights carefully as his opponents now know what he can do, and he must learn what they can do if he wanted didn't want to lose is next match.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The awaited results came in, and he could see the tournament brackets posted on a wall. It actually gave him some relief for two reasons. First, the returning champion was in the first half instead of the latter, where he was, and that would mean he could study him when he fought without having to worry about him until maybe the finals. Of course, the champ could also do the same with him, but the advantages of knowing the man's style far out-weighed the chance of him studying him. There was so much more TOO learn from Michael Miocic.

Anyway, his second relief was that if he and Angela were to face off at all, it would only be in the semi-finals. Hoenstly, he wanted to be able to enjoy this, be more laid-back like his brother, but he couldn't. The first real chance at getting a proper investigation underway... The money would pay for such an investigation, and if he actually became the World Martial Arts Champion, any case erupting from the information gathered would become so high-profile that the world would be set on its ear and out for blood against the Martian Mining Corporation. The loss would be paid in full and his family would be vindicated.

But that was in the future. Right now, the tournament was getting a move on and Niko stood close to ringside, waiting for the first official match to begin. According to the listings, it was Rhine VS someone called Bakuto. Niko regretted not paying attention to the other fighters before now. In the Preliminaries, there were just too many people to really notice all the rising stars. He could not forget that those who won their fights today would be known as eight of the strongest people in the world. Now, he HAD seen a little of Rhine fighting, because he'd been very quick. The man exuded confidence and even a smile. More to the point, he was a strong man with enough style to send people out of the ring very quickly. He waited to see what would transpire between him and Bakuto. Surely now, that they were down to the sixteen, it would be more difficult for him...

Bakuto was excited, eager even. Like Angela, he was enjoying this. Who knows? Maybe this would be a fun fight, since both opponents were in high spirits. After all, he was the serious one. Maybe I should cool down a little, try to enjoy myself. He flagged someone down for a drink as it got started. The ring was bigger and the two of them were not being reckless. Rhine was feeling this one out for now, waiting for his opponent to move. Niko was worried about something like this. He'd been rather quick and offensive in his own fights, and defensive opponents might be prepared for that. In a flash, then, they attacked each other, a flurry of blows! Bakuto seemed to jump right in there and open up, not strong but swiftly to get in the first hits, keep his own damage to a minimum! And right from there, Bakuto was suddenly leaping around, avoiding all attacks from the strong man's counter-attack.

He's quick, too quick for Rhine. It may take him a while to wear 'im down, but it might just happen that way. It's how I SHOULD be doing things...

The swifter opponent revealed that the way Niko had been trying to win the Prelims was more like how he seemed to fight in reality. He was greater in the attack and speed. Niko had been trying to fight that way, but his concern for opponents wearing him out too early caused him to incorrectly focus and he'd been overcompensating. Rhine was soon taken down by the very real gap in ability. If Bakuto was this strong, what was the champion like?
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 9 days ago

World Martial Arts Tournament, Planet Earth
Saturday, July 16th, 2500
Round 1 Continues!

Following Bakuto's epic victory, the tournament only got more intense from there...

The second match of Round 1 was between the two MMA world champions, a highly anticipated match indeed. Jackson, the champion of the men's division was the overall favorite, but his opponent Fantasia was not to be taken likely. In fact, despite the size difference between the two, the match was quite even. For every high powered move Jackson pulled out, Fantasia countered with blinding speed. Still, when Jackson's attacks did hit, they did more damage. In the end, it was Jackson by a hair.

The third match of Round 1 was between the King of Europe himself, the kickboxer named Wallace, and his opponent Lee, a relatively unknown martial artist from Asia. While Wallace had a larger fan base going into the match, there were rumors surrounding Lee, heroics about him saving small villages and towns from multiple invaders. At the beginning of the match, things seemed even, with both combatants going toe to toe, matching each other's moves almost perfectly. Then, all of a sudden, Lee struck Wallace with an attack that sent him flying out of the ring, even though his punch appeared to stop short a good foot in front of Wallace's chest.

The fourth match was the most highly anticipated match of the round, not because of the reputation of both fighters, but more so, the reputation of one, Micheal, the reigning champion. He had one the last two tournaments, making him the champion for ten years running. A master of every known martial art (as well as a few unknown ones), his name had become synonymous with victory. His opponent was Ivanik a mysterious fighter with a dark aura, rumored to be a killer. Their match began with a flurry of blows. Between Micheal switching between fighting styles and Ivanik's unpredictable yet calculated movements, this match was looking to be much closer than anticipated. That was until Micheal retreated to the corner of the ring in a mad dash. There, he took a deep breath with closed eyes. Ivanik tried to attack in this moment, but when his fist was mear inches from Micheal's face, the savvy champion moved his head just enough to avoid the attack and get in close for a dangerous match ending blow. Despite being hit multiple times, Micheal walked out of the arena without any signs of damage, while his opponent was left on the ground twitching.

After a brief intermission, the tournament continued with another highly anticipated match, the first, and only guaranteed, "girl fight". In one corner, Rica stood quietly, another mysterious martial artist. She was seen talking to Lee multiple times backstage. In fact, neither one of them spoke with anyone besides each other, but their conversations were always short and under hushed breaths, making their relationship as mysterious as themselves individually. Sammy, on the other hand, was a much more "known factor". She grew up with a dark past as a backroom cage fighter in the USA, eventually becoming a dangerous name on the international stage. Then, one day she retired from that life and began to use her skills to break up their dark industry she became so famous for. This match, between these two female warriors, was very intense, but again, it was the mysterious martial artists that won. Rica walked off the stage with many cuts and bruises, but at least she could walk.

And then there was the sixth match. In one corner, there was Niko, the wiry, relatively unknown youth with a hazy past. In the other corner stood Kyro, an up and coming legend in the martial arts world, following in the footsteps of his master... Micheal, the champion himself....

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Athena: So, how's it going?
Niko: It's going.
Athena: Fantasia wasn't bad. I'd put more money on Rica, myself. She looks alot more collected an individual.
Niko: You'd know. Wait, are you taking bets on this?
Athena: Couldn't hurt. Don't say nothing, okay?
Niko: Yeah, alright. Just...don't lay any bets on my matches. I dunno if that's right to do...
Athena: Niko, lighten up! It's just a friendly wager or two. And besides, if I wasn't willing to bet on my own student, even take the loss with dignity if you fell, what kind of teacher would I be? Now, calm yourself down, study your opponents, and try to kick some ass!
Niko: Okay, okay. I will.

To be fair, he had been watching the fights with interest, or maybe as though his life depended on it. True, there was no thought of dying here, but he had to give this tournament the seriousness it deserved, if not for his reasons, then for the importance accorded to the very event. And so, he watched as Jackson hunkered down and took the blows from Fantasia, waiting his chance to strike back and take victory in a patient brawl. Then, he saw the King of Europe get knocked out of the ring all of a sudden, and Niko's eyes were like 'What the hell?!' as he stared at Lee. True, Wallace was a more dedicated leader than fighter, but he'd made it into the tournament proper.

I guess these are the moments that really draw out the hidden potential of the fighting community. God damn...

Then, of course, all eyes were on the Champ's first bout of the Tournament. As returning Champion, Michael was able to skip the Preliminary fights, so nobody had had a chance to see how well he was fighting lately, as opposed to his win five years ago. The match between him and Ivanik began suddenly and forcefully, the two opponents taking and giving blows. Michael kept switching combat styles in the middle of the fight to change the flow of battle. What surprised Niko was how he managed to do it so naturally, so seamlessly. This was going to be tough for him, if he made it that far. That said, whatever Michael's skill, at least he was lucky enough not to have to face it now, like Ivanik. One thing that really stuck out, though: Michael's speed. He had the focus and control to get in close to an opponent after having dodged a punch by a small margin. Niko felt he could possibly achieve that sort of feat if he tried, but he was untested in that regard. He preferred to by completely out of an opponent's threat area in terms of an incoming attack than anything else.

Michael had won and next came Rica and Sammy. Okay, let's see if Athena was right, then. Sammy was a cage fighter, vicious and brutal, and Rica was completely unknown, except perhaps to Lee. Perhaps they were past opponents somewhere? Trained together? Who knows? Niko watched carefully and...yeah, he could see it too. Rica was collected and capable. More to the point, when she took damage, she seemed to have the focus to ignore it in the moment and react to Sammy quickly and dangerously. Rica walked out with cuts and bruises, but otherwise intact. And that left his match now. He was fighting...

Oh shit... I forgot!

...another protege'. Win or lose, it was he who Athena had chosen to carry on her skills into the new generation. Maybe he wouldn't be her only true student, but he was the first, and facing him now was a man called Kyro...who trained under Michael Miocic himself. He was nervous for a moment, but then...he stopped. All of a sudden, the tension released, and it wasn't because he was told to or because of his training or what have you. He just realized that...making it up here was an achievement beyond anything he thought possible for himself, and anything he learned from this tournament could only benefit him. He was standing in a ring before a man trained by the Champion, looking to perhaps surpass the Champion himself. Standing here like this, his other problem - the reason he came here, initially - didn't seem so difficult. Not in the face of those who could move in the blink of an eye, at any rate.

Alright... Let's see what I can really do.
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