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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Ray wanted to not believe her, but there was something... about Vivian that made her comfortable around her.
"I..." She started before she thought, "I would like some proper art supplies." She straightened up, trying to look her in the eye but something made her not. "And I...I'd like the guards to stop repainting my room every time I do it."

Ari let out a loud angry growl, Dia on the other hand stayed silent. She had her eyes closed, focusing on the air and area around her before she heard Benjamin's voice. Something in her clicked, energy surrounded her before it exploded outwards- Knocking Josh back and freed both her and Ari.
"Go to Ray." Dia asked before she quickly sprinted through the wall. I'm coming Benjamin. She thought before she stopped in a hallway.
Ari dropped to the ground, heaving. "You." She started, standing up as she seemed to be breathing heavily, "How dare you." She stepped towards him, "You can contain me all you want, You can restrain me to a point. But if you dare bring Dia into this again then I will end you."

Sara smiled to Marc, she was relaxed around him.
"I like Jazz." She started, "Not as much as I like Classical, Piano and Violin specifically." She said with a bigger smile.
"Winging it sounds good." She said happily as she looked out the windows of the car.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Vivian nodded. "I think art is a very good medium to express oneself, and it has a calming effect too. I would appreciate it if you won't paint on your walls, but I will give you paper and the supplies you need. Maybe we can pick a day every week and then you will show me what you drew, and we'll talk about what it means to you and what you felt when you drew it." She had a motherly smile and reached out to briefly touch Ray's hand as a sign of familiarity. "Would you be okay with that?"

Benjamin blinked when he though he heard a whisper. Dia's voice? That was impossible, he probably just wanted to hear her. He paced to the back of the room and to the door again. Why did this room have to be so small? He could barely walk in here. Benjamin hit the padded wall with his fist, which did absolutely nothing, he barely felt it. Something had happened to Dia and he was stuck here! He paced around the room, getting more restless with every turn he was forced to make.

"Jazz is nice," Marc agreed. "I listen to a lot, but my guilty pleasure is folk, especially the kind with uplifting music and positive lyrics. It's simpler than most things on the radio and after a long day of work I like to relax to that."
He found the jazz station and kept it on; smooth jazz entered the car through the speakers. Marc was certain there was a classical station too, but he rarely listened to that in the car.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ray tensed as she reached to touch her, before suddenly relaxing as soon as Vivian touched her skin.
She nodded slightly at the womans words. "Yeah, that... That would be nice?" She almost asked, smiling softly to Vivian. "I promise I won't paint on the walls."

Dia floated around before she picked up on Benjamin, suddenly speeding towards where he was. She broke through what felt like a barrier around him, sliding into the room panting.
"Benjamin!" She started, she went to step forward before she collapsed with a weak mumble, "oooh, too much energy used."
Josh stood up as Ari had turned away from him.
"You know why I had to do this." He said to her quietly.
"Don't give me that shit Joshua." Ari replied, looking back at him with a sneer, "We have history, do not cause problems for Dia and Ray."

Sara tilted her head before she nodded at his words. "Uplifting Folk is good." She said with a bigger smile, She listened to the Jazz that was playing. She swayed her head slowly as she listened. "Classical definitely helps relax. It helps me... It doesn't help the other one though." She managed to let out before she froze up and gave a small weak laugh.
The Jazz was irritating the other spirit, making it unable to take control despite how much they could have controlled her since she was relaxed, but that bloody Music.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"Thank you," Vivian said. She turned to the printer and pulled some sheets from it. "I'll get some decent supplies later, but it's a start, right?" She put the small stack of papers in front of Ray and a pencil on top. "Just be careful around Benjamin. And if there is any trouble, just go to the staff and they will protect you. Enjoy drawing, Ray. I hope to see some nice drawings the next time we meet."

Benjamin turned when he heard Dia and stepped towards her when she collapsed. "Dia?" he asked as he crouched down next to her, a hand rose but he lowered it again when he remembered he couldn't touch her anyway. "Are you okay? What happened?"
He was glad Dia was with him again, but seeing her like this didn't take his worry away. It did get his mind off the small room.

"What other one?" Marc asked. but as soon the words left his mouth he had an idea about what other one Sara was talking about. Still, getting to know her also meant getting to know her condition, so he definitely wanted to learn more about it. In the very least he had to be able to pick up on warning signs.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Rays eyes lit up at the sight of the paper stack and the pencil. She reached out gently to take it before she hesitated and nodded.
"Thank you." She started, for once it was a pure thank you towards Vivian, nothing like Ray had ever said to her before. "I'll hopefully have an idea that's good enough to show you." She said before she looked around, she hesitated and slowly stood up. "I'm... Gonna head to my room if this is all?" She asked.

"I'm fine." Dia started, trying to steady herself, "I was caught by a Memopath. Ari and I were pulled from Ray." She lifted her head up and moved to sit down slowly. She crossed her legs slowly and breathed slowly. "I don't know why... But I feel... Different."
Josh stood up and moved out of the empty office, brushing himself off as he locked the door. He furrowed his brow slightly as he walked along slowly, heading back to the staff room.
He paused as he passed the solitary confinement and turned to walk down the hall, stopping in front of the guards of Benjamin's room. He turned to face the door, not focusing on the men before he zoned in on the wall.

Sara hesitated to respond. She breathed in slowly, "You'll think I'm fucking crazy." She said as she lifted her head to stare at the ceiling of the car. "But.. I have another entity inside me. I don't know who they are. But they hate Jazz and it keeps them weak." She admitted, closing her eyes and waiting for him for laugh.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"That was all," Vivian said as she walked with Ray to the door. "Just draw whatever comes up in your mind, you don't have to draw for me. Draw for you." She opened the door and looked at the guards. "Ray doesn't need supervision anymore," she said to them. "But once Benjamin is out of isolation I want you to stay with him. I fear Ray may be his next victim."
She turned to Ray, again with a motherly smile on her face. So far it seemed to work, Ray started to trust her. The next step was making Ray realize the spirits she thought she could see were just figments of her imagination. But first she had to try and let Ray see the spirits she claimed were with her were her enemies and not her friends. It would make it easier. She stepped aside so Ray could leave the office if she wanted to.
"Stay in control of your spirits, Ray," she said to her. "Not the other way around. Don't let them control you, because when that happened they got you into confinement. And remember," she took Ray's shoulder. "We are part of the real world, you and me. The spirits aren't. Okay? I hope you'll find much enjoyment in your art."

Benjamin sat down next to Dia. "I don't know what a memopath is, but I don't like the sound of it," he said as looked at her with concern in his eyes. "Do you think Ray is okay? She was outside the office of the psychiatrist... if you and Ari were pulled away from her before she entered, she was there by herself. The psychiatrist plays dirty tricks, she pushed me far enough to lose my temper and now I'm here. Locked up." His fingers dug into his legs. So far he could handle being here, but he didn't know how long that would last. He didn't want Dia to leave, but maybe Ray needed her more.

Marc listened to her and thought about the best way to respond. Obviously she was delusional, maybe schizophrenic or a multi-personality disorder. But he knew that for patients their other personalities, if they were aware of them, were very real to them.
"I see," he said. "Then I'm glad I found the jazz station, I'd rather hang out with you than the other entity." He glanced briefly to Sara. "What are they like?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ray hesitated when Vivian mentioned her spirits not being real. They were real... right? She had been living with them for ages now, Dia for most of her life and Ari for a little time shorter.
She gave a nod to Vivian as she started head off towards her room, she focused on the art supplies before Ari caught up with her.
"Ray you're okay!" Ari said as she moved to try and press her forehead towards Rays. Ray stepped back almost instinctively and looked around slowly.
"N...Not now." She started before she got into her room and closed the door. "I got art supplies!"
"I can see that." Ari started, giving a small smile. "For once things went good with Vivian. Did she.. talk about Benjamin?"
Ray sat down and nodded, tapping the side of the bed for Ari to sit down.
When she dd she started to explain things mentally.

Dia sighed, "Ray should be fine. I sent Ari after her. I wanted to see you." She said quietly before she sighed. "A memopath is... Hard to explain."
She watched him dig into his legs before she moved to gently touch his arm- part of her expected just to go straight through his arm, but she connected with him. Her hand stopped and made proper contact with Benjamin's arm. "Oh." She uttered quietly.

"Mean." Sara said as she closed her eyes, "She's very mean. She wants to cause pain and misery to me and others around me. It's okay to getting and keeping control but sometimes she just snaps into it."
She had a feeling he was going to mention the meds that they give others and herself. She looked towards Marc for a second, "You probably think I'm insane." She sighed, looking out the window again as she leaned back in her chair. "Everyone does. 'It's Schizophrenia' or 'It's just a Mental thing'. Everyone says." She huffed.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Benjamin felt Dia touch him, he stared at her hand and then at her. "Dia..." He reached out to take her hand. He had wanted her to come and she had come. And she wasn't some kind of invisible entity, somehow she was tangible now. "I'm glad you're here."

One of the guards pounded on the door. "Will you stop talking to your illusion," he spat. "Take you damn pills." He glared at Josh. "And what are you staring at?"

Marc nodded as he listened, he honestly didn't want to call her insane, but he was inclined to be on board with the people calling her schizophrenic. "She doesn't sound like a person I'd like to meet, so try to stay in control," he said. "We'll have a drink at a special place first and then go to another place for dinner. Is that okay with you?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Dia's eyes were wide, she was touching him. She was only ever able to touch something when she was in control of Rays body; but now... She was physically touching Benjamin.
"I'm... Touching you." She said, trying not to panic, "I'm not passing through you!" She said as she gently pressed her hand on Benjamin's wrist, expecting her hand just to fade right through.
She flinched at the guards pounding on the door before she shuffled a little closer to Benjamin. "I'm sorry, I'm getting you into trouble."

Josh didn't respond to the Guards, his eyes only narrowing. He glanced to the Guards after a moment with a bored look in his eyes, "Is the glare necessary?" He asked, his tone low but soft- Something rather scary from someone like him. "I am just making sure Benjamin is doing okay. Am I not allowed to show compassion?" When he said that word, he flooded the area around him with that feeling.
He wasn't able to fully manipulate someones emotion, but he was able to influence others.

"I am trying, I promise." Sara said, as if she was a patient talking to one of the nurses. She had tensed slightly, no longer properly relaxed. "That's fine to me. Whatever you'd like."
She was shielding herself again, she had opened up to Marc but now regretted it. She never should have bought up the fucking spirit.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Benjamin watched the hand on his wrist, the hand he could feel. The sudden pounding startled him and he looked at the door, but when Dia shuffled closer to him and apologized, he smiled at her. "Don't worry about that," he said. "They want to believe I imagine things anyway. I really am glad you are here."
He reached out tentatively and brushed with his fingers over her cheek. "How is this possible?" he whispered.

The guard looked uncomfortable for a moment and then he nodded. "Yes, of course. We should have compassion for our patients, they don't know any better. That is why I don't understand their resistance. They could live a normal life if they would just follow the treatment." He looked at the other guard for confirmation. "Right?"
"Right. We are here to help them be normal again."

Marc noticed the difference in her tone. "I'm sorry," he said. "I..." he wasn't exactly sure what words he had spoken were wrong, but he was certain he had said something wrong. "If you'd rather not go out..." he began, unsure what to say to make things right again, "but I'm sure, or at least I hope, you'll like this place I have in mind for a drink. But we can't eat there and, erm, well, this date is not about what I like, what you like is equally important. So, if you don't like something, please tell me, okay?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"I..." Dia started, also incredibly confused, "I have no idea. It's never happened, I never read anything about it in the books I read." She rambled as she looked at herself with wide eyes, moving her hand off his wrist to touch his shoulder, her surprise and happiness growing as she came in contact with him.

What really is normal these days? Josh thought to himself before he smiled gently, "Of course, making them feel normal is easy. Making them feel cared for is something different." He walked up to the taller Guard and tilted his head upwards slightly, giving a frown before flashing a bit of a cheeky smile. "I'm sure you would hate it if you ended up in the same position as Benjamin, Can you just imagine the fear and the loneliness you would feel?" He pushed his words carefully, watching the mans expression.

Sara gave a half-hearted nod, "You've already driven out this far." She said, her tone still not what it was originally but it was a bit better than what she was like before. "It'd just be a waste for you to drive all the way out here and then just return. I'm sure the place you've picked is amazing."
She almost bit her tongue as she whispered to herself "Probably better suited for someone less crazy than I am."

She was usually fine with people thinking she was crazy, she knew about her Spirit... But now that Marc mentioned it... She felt... Bad. She hated this feeling, she hated having this... Fucking monster inside her.
Why did no one other than other patients believe her? Why was it so hard to find someone to take her seriously.
Marc was usually the person to do that, the only person to speak to her like a person, and now a mention of her monster made him think she was crazy.
That's because you are. The spirit hissed.
Fuck off. Sara replied, her eyes focusing on outside the car.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Benjamin shared Dia's surprise, this was unlike everything he knew about ghosts. "Can you still go through solid objects?" he asked.
For the moment he forgot where he was locked up, and why he was there. He had Dia with him. He looked at his wrist where she had touched him. It had felt real.

The guard tensed up and glanced back to the door. "Yes, I can imagine," he said, shuddering slightly. He soon regained composure. "But if he would have behaved and not attack the psychiatrist, he wouldn't have been locked up here. It's for the safety of the others he has to stay here. I'm sure that you, as staff, realise that too."
The guard genuinely believed what they did here was for the best of the patient, that they were helping him.

Marc sighed, he knew for sure he had fucked-up. He thought back to his choice of words and while he didn't really know what he had said wrong, he honestly didn't want to see that evil side of her, so he wanted her to stay in control of her other side. Maybe he shouldn't have told her to try and stay in control, surely she would try that without him telling her.
"Look, I'm sorry if I offended you," he said. "I'm taking you out because I want to take you out and I'm sure we'll have a good time together."
The jazz still played, Marc left the jazz station on after Sara had mentioned it had a good effect on her.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"I... Don't know." Dia replied to Benjamin's question; she stood slowly to step away from Benjamin.
She turned towards the wall and breathed in, she readied herself before she ran towards the wall, readying herself to be bounced right back into the room. To her surprise she faded right through the wall, and through one of the guards, leaving them with a feeling of cold and a sense of confusion.

She looked up towards Josh, both of them stared at each other for a moment before Dia started to step back through the guard and the wall without another word.
Josh looked to the Guards as they questioned him as Staff, "I realise this yes." He started, "But we need to remember, there are two sides to stories. We can't just blindly listen to those who think they know the best for these people."
With that he turned and started to walk off, glancing back to the guards with a sneer. If he could get away with it, he would harm them, but he had to keep his status down.

Sara gave a wave of her hand, "You don't have to be sorry." She started, "You're just doing your job." She sat up a bit better, moving to look out through the windshield, "We'll have a great time, don't worry about me." She continued as she looked towards Marc with a weak smile.
The smile was mostly fake, she wanted to make Marc not feel bad about mentioning it. She should be fine, the Jazz was helping and Sara was able to keep the beast down.

The beast tried its best to slowly push her way up, but hearing the Jazz caused her to fall back down with a rumble inside Sara's head.
She would have to bide her time, watch how Sara and Marc reacted, seeing if she was able to exploit it.
She had to hand it to Marc, he was kind and gentle- something that the beast didn't really notice at first.

One of the other nurses walked past Rays' room and smiled, stopping in the doorway.
"Hey." She started slowly, "Vivian said I need to give you medication."
Ray looked up slowly, Ari was ready for her to hesitate before Ray nodded, putting the pencil and paper down as she stood up off the bed.

Ari watched her with widened eyes, surprised she would even think of taking the meds.
Ray took the meds without hesitation, drinking the water quickly as she flinched. She thanked the nurse as she left and returned to the bed and back to drawing.
She didn't even seem to take notice of Ari staring at her as she continued to sketch.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Benjamin watched Dia go through the wall. If she went through a wall she should go through anything solid. Why didn't she go through him? Would it last? He hoped it would.
With Dia gone the cell seemed to shrink and he closed his eyes, reminding himself the cell was as big as it ever was and certainly big enough to move around and contain enough oxygen for him to breath.

The guard Dia had moved to shivered. Bloody draught, he thought.
The guards seemed to doubt for a moment and looked at each other. "But, well, the psychiatrist has studied for it," he muttered as Josh left, looking at his partner. "I'm sure she knows better how to treat patients than we do."
The other nodded to show he agreed.

"Right." Marc drove through the city and finally parked in a modest shopping street and turned off the engine. He put down a card that allowed him to stay in this spot for an hour. "We'll have to walk from here," he said. "It isn't far."
He opened the car door and stepped out, waiting for Steph to also exit the car before locking the door.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Dia stepped back through the wall into the Cell with Benjamin, if she had blood- it would have run cold. Sure she had just faced Josh beforehand, but... Something about him was different, a different spike in his Aura. His motives were hard to pinpoint.
Did he want to help?
Or was he there to harm?

"N...No." She mumbled as she stepped back more, seeming to stumble on her own feet and falling down to the ground with a properly audible thump.

Josh felt his body bristle. He had to hold back his powers, he hated this place; it had a feeling of dread, death and hopelessness.
Those who are said to be spiritspeakers or spiritwalkers turned out to be crazy or driven crazy by the lack of understanding. He wanted to mention things, but he would be found out otherwise. Surely Vivian knew about him? Did she know about his powers?
Josh only wondered before he moved to look through the doorway of the staff room, it was empty for once. The lights had turned themselves off and only the dull glow from the numbers on the microwave trickled through the room.

This felt like home, Josh stepped into the room, moving to sit at the table. The light should have flickered back on at the very mention of movement, but they stayed off. The man leaned back on a chair, leaning against the wall as he closed his eyes and listened to the humming of the phone chargers and the oven.

Sara stepped out of the car slowly, not replying to Marcs' words. Her lips didn't seem to change expression, not parting.
She looked up to the sky before she looked back down to the real world and looked to Marc, her expression slowly changing to a small smile.
"Good thing I only have comfortable shoes." She stated rather matter-of-fact.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Benjamin looked up when he heard Dia; when she fell he quickly rushed to her side. "Are you okay?" he asked, his hand tentatively above her arm before gently touching her. The sound she had made when falling made him think of mass, but she couldn't have mass... she was a spirit. "Dia, what has happened to you?"

Vivian sat in her office. Things with Ray went well now, a precious girl, definitely impressionable. Benjamin less so, but he would be willing to accept anything if he would be in isolation long enough.
She opened some encrypted files with a key and brought up the data of Simon. After reading it through, she closed the file and read the one of Susanna. After closing everything she went to the regular patient files and read through a few until she ended on the file of Carol. Nodding to herself, she ticked a box which added a small symbol to the upper-right corner. Most thought it meant she would be evaluated regularly by the psychiatrist to assess when she could return home or go to another caring facility better equipped for the patient's needs; that was how it was listed in the manual. Only a few knew what it really meant.
After locking her computer, she left her office to find the nurse who aided her with the special program.

Marc led the way to the place he had in mind. He wasn't sure what to talk about, so he kept silent. It would be a short walk. He followed the street until he could turn right into an alley paved with cobblestones and smaller shops on either side. He stopped in front of a door with a wooden sign above it.
The Library Tearoom
"I think you'll like this place," he said as he opened the door. "It's a tearoom, but they have this massive oak book cabinet, and people can either buy or borrow books from this place." As he pushed the door open a gentle classical tune greeted them, the interior was mostly wood and yellow light, giving it a cosy appearance. Several paintings of amateurs and lesser known artists were on the walls, with various styles. "You can also buy the painting they have on the walls. And they usually play classical and jazz music in the background."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Dia seemed to almost be shaking, Benjamin's touch brought her back to reality as she looked up towards him.
"Josh." She stated, looking back to the wall with widened eyes, "That new nurse. He's..." she trailed off for a moment before she looked around, "Ari." She moved to stand up, slipping and falling back down, "I need to get to Ari."

Josh stayed still in his chair, it was almost like he wasn't there. He focused on the sounds he could hear, the heartbeats, the whispers...
He breathed in as he slowly opened his eyes, he heard Vivian. He moved to put his chair at a more normal angle, putting his feet on the ground with a cautious glance towards the doorway.

Sara followed Marc quietly, keeping her eyes on the ground. She stepped along the cobblestones carefully before she bumped into Marc, she stepped back and looked up at him almost apologizing before she looked to the sign.

Her mood suddenly perked up, "Oh wow!" She started as a big smile spread over her face. She slowly walked into the tearoom and looked around happily, soaking in the light and the sounds around her.
God, this felt amazing, this was everything she loved, books, music...
"I love it."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"Then go," Benjamin said. "It sounds important. Warn Ari and Ray about Josh." He managed a small smile. "I won't be going anywhere."
The words were spoken with more courage than he felt, but if Dia was this worried about Josh and warning Ari, she had to go.

It wasn't long before Vivian showed herself in the doorway, looking inside. Tiffany wasn't here, but there was a new face. "Were you recently hired?" she asked Josh. "I don't think we met yet. I'm the psychiatrist of this facility, doctor Vivian Gartner." She smiled kindly when she said that, waiting for Josh to introduce himself too.

Marc grinned when he saw Sara smile. That was the smile he had wished to see. "I thought you would after you listed the things you liked," he said. "Shall we order some tea with scones or pie?" he suggested, gestured to a table with the menu on it.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Dia looked to Benjamin as he spoke to her, her face moving to a small frown before she nodded.
"I won't be too long." She said before she disappeared through the walls.
She paced quickly down the halls and to Ray's room.

"Ray, Ari-" She started before she froze.
Ray didn't even look up at her, didn't even move when she appeared like she normally did.
And Ari was nowhere to be seen. Dia would have felt her stomach drop if she had one.
"Ray." She started before she moved to shake Ray, her figure completely moving through her body. "Ray!" Dia tried to yell at her.
"She took... Meds." A soft, weak but barely familiar voice echoed from a small red wisp that was close to Ray.
"Ari!" Dia floated over to the small wisp, holding her gently in her palms. "Oh my god are you okay?"

As Vivian entered the room the light suddenly flickered on. Josh looked up at Vivian and felt his own shadows twist in annoyance and fear.
"Aye." He started with a nod, "Josh." He introduced himself, he didn't stand up but he kept his gaze on Vivian.
Something was different about this woman, and he didn't like it what-so-ever.

Sara pulled her attention back to Marc before she nodded, moving to sit at the pointed out table. She looked to Marc after he mentioned the food before she hesitated.
"I've..." She started, "I don't want you to spend money I can't pay you back with." She continued, feeling suddenly bad at the entire thing. "I also have never really had... Tea." Sara gave a weak chuckle and slowly slunk down in her chair.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Benjamin watched Dia leave and sat against the padded wall, resting his head against the soft fabric with closed eyes. The only upside from this room was that he could make himself comfortable.
But it was boring and he didn't like sitting still, doing nothing.

The nurse Tiffany looked through the window of the door. "Your medication, Benjamin."
"Don't want it."
"That's okay, you don't have to take it."
Benjamin opened his eyes and looked at her suspiciously.
"But, we can't let you out until you do. You are a danger to others as long as you don't take them. So either you stay here to protect others, or you will take your medicine." She waited to hear if Benjamin had something to say. "We may have to keep you here for days."
Benjamin jumped up and went for the door. "You can't do that!"
"The psychiatrist was right, you really are aggressive today. Imagine if this door wasn't here and I was another patient. For their protection you have to stay here." She turned around to leave.
"Do you want your pills?"
Benjamin pressed his lips together and shook his head.
"I will leave them with the guards," Tiffany promised and she walked away after giving the bottle to one of the guards.
Benjamin closed his eyes and rested his forehead against the door. He knew he wasn't insane and he knew he wasn't a danger to anyone, but he did react easier to provocation because he was here. And that had gotten him locked up. Locked up...

"Welcome," Vivian said. "I'm sure we'll meet again." After a smile and a nod, she left Josh.
It was a strange one, that new nurse. Maybe she should ask Tiffany about him too.

"I didn't take you here expecting to be paid back," Marc said. "I know you haven't done this before, but trust me, you're not supposed to pay me back when I asked you out. It will be my treat. Don't feel bad about it, okay?" He had a kind smile for you. "And besides, I will get a chance to spend time with you outside work and get to know you, while enjoying foods and drinks I never have when I'm alone, because it's not fun to go out by yourself. You're doing me a favour."
He gave one of the menu's to Sara. "What kind of pastry would you like with the tea?" he asked.
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