[Application Note: Currently we have more than enough people, but you can still apply and I'll keep track of you, either incase someone backs out, has to leave, or maybe even if you just manage to impress me with your character :D]
Discord Link: Not making a new one just yet, i just want a spot for it incase I do!
Discord Link: Not making a new one just yet, i just want a spot for it incase I do!
The basic premise is simple!
This is an Alternate Universe kind of setup, based on My Hero academia, and taking place in America instead of in Japan, canon characters from the anime may or may not appear, or at least be mentioned, but overall nearly all characters will be OCs.
This will take place in a constructed Island campus off the coast of New York City, a massive island comparable to Manhatten Island itself, comprised of both a Well known Hero training High School, Quirk specializing College, and the vast array and size of facilities that they both use for their various activities!
We will generally be first-year students, though you can be let in on recommendations, Starting with gathering for our entrance exam, meeting eachother a little, and beginning our wonderous school year!... and no, it won't be a flat copy of U.A.'s Entrance exam ;P
The actual fundamental twist of this world is that it wasn't just earth as we known is used for the base of the setting, But the sort with various presumed fictional creatures living in hiding, seclusion, outside of human civilization entirely, or right under their noses in disguise... until the advent of quirks affected 'them' too.
This is an Alternate Universe kind of setup, based on My Hero academia, and taking place in America instead of in Japan, canon characters from the anime may or may not appear, or at least be mentioned, but overall nearly all characters will be OCs.
This will take place in a constructed Island campus off the coast of New York City, a massive island comparable to Manhatten Island itself, comprised of both a Well known Hero training High School, Quirk specializing College, and the vast array and size of facilities that they both use for their various activities!
We will generally be first-year students, though you can be let in on recommendations, Starting with gathering for our entrance exam, meeting eachother a little, and beginning our wonderous school year!... and no, it won't be a flat copy of U.A.'s Entrance exam ;P
The actual fundamental twist of this world is that it wasn't just earth as we known is used for the base of the setting, But the sort with various presumed fictional creatures living in hiding, seclusion, outside of human civilization entirely, or right under their noses in disguise... until the advent of quirks affected 'them' too.
I has been nearly Five hundred years since the emergence of Quirks, and by extension the destruction of secrecy among many creatures that had until then gone unnoticed amidst humanity.
Five hundred years since war broke out, over control of the quirked, over purging the mutants, the blasphemous abominations against one's god or another, over fear and paranoia, distrust, reaction, panic, survival... so many reasons, and all long extinguished...
Relative peace was established after a period of tremendous turmoil, the violence was incalculable, the very geography of the world was changed in some places from quirks used for war, but what became called 'War of Quirks' came to a close along with the extermination of many of the world's greatest threats from the last era, and with the rise of the heroes that broke them, Though much data was lost in the chaos.
Over the centuries, a new problem became known, though one that had a tendency to act as a uniting factor between the people's of the world, especially as the prevalence of quirked rose higher over the centuries, surprisingly quickly wiping away the stigmatization of quirks against quirkless... But now...
Once the war had ended and civilization restored to working order, many natural challenges of society returned, only now with quirks involved, criminals with or without quirks became a growing problem, especially as those uniquely capable of organizing them rose in power and influence, though heroes eternally fought back, disrupting their efforts around the world, It kept a certain... spice, on the world, as unfortunate as it was that it prevented permanent peace from being achieved, it kept things interesting.
Then came the rise of the top-tier heroes, the sort with power enough to level cities and, thanking all that is good and righteous, an intense ideal for peace and justice. Great heroes like All-might and Endeavor, names known world-wide for their achievements, yet there are so many more out there that are not quite as incalculably popular, yet no less responsible for the peace that their home regions have experienced in the 2500's.
As we all know, with the rise of heroes, came the rise institutions that trained new ones... but different nations faced this differently.
Five hundred years since war broke out, over control of the quirked, over purging the mutants, the blasphemous abominations against one's god or another, over fear and paranoia, distrust, reaction, panic, survival... so many reasons, and all long extinguished...
Relative peace was established after a period of tremendous turmoil, the violence was incalculable, the very geography of the world was changed in some places from quirks used for war, but what became called 'War of Quirks' came to a close along with the extermination of many of the world's greatest threats from the last era, and with the rise of the heroes that broke them, Though much data was lost in the chaos.
Over the centuries, a new problem became known, though one that had a tendency to act as a uniting factor between the people's of the world, especially as the prevalence of quirked rose higher over the centuries, surprisingly quickly wiping away the stigmatization of quirks against quirkless... But now...
Once the war had ended and civilization restored to working order, many natural challenges of society returned, only now with quirks involved, criminals with or without quirks became a growing problem, especially as those uniquely capable of organizing them rose in power and influence, though heroes eternally fought back, disrupting their efforts around the world, It kept a certain... spice, on the world, as unfortunate as it was that it prevented permanent peace from being achieved, it kept things interesting.
Then came the rise of the top-tier heroes, the sort with power enough to level cities and, thanking all that is good and righteous, an intense ideal for peace and justice. Great heroes like All-might and Endeavor, names known world-wide for their achievements, yet there are so many more out there that are not quite as incalculably popular, yet no less responsible for the peace that their home regions have experienced in the 2500's.
As we all know, with the rise of heroes, came the rise institutions that trained new ones... but different nations faced this differently.
New York Bay University
One of the most prestigious and successful hero Campus' in the United States, all of North America even... debateably at least, everyone likes to believe their's is the best, but statistically NYBU has produced the most of America's most successful heroes and Trainees for Quirked Organizations.
It's built on the remains of Long-Island off the shore of the Rebuilt New-york City, expanded through the power of quirks and modern engineering to be nearly 50 miles wide and 100 long, as well as even more extended into the bay south of the city where the university began, all reinforced and rebuilt to with-stand the unrestrained training of heroes, military, and other potentially destructive quirk users, The massive campus allowing them to operate at full capacity without endangering any other civilized areas.
Many know of the university's massive scale, as well as it's appearance, but you... What 'you' see now is the looming walls that reach from shore to shore and all around the man-made portion of the Campus, the single bridge leading into the university's southern portion, 'University Way', Where younglings and new heroes combine both mundane and quirk education to build the most vital foundation for their surely incredible futures!
It is an imposing sight, Looming as high as smaller sky-scrapers, intimidatingly massive even from the other end of that bridge, where the university's admission's building is... that is to say, the former brighton beach converted into a testing ground for the Entrance exams, and all around you are the other hopefuls seeking entry into the hero most prestigious hero courses!
One of the most prestigious and successful hero Campus' in the United States, all of North America even... debateably at least, everyone likes to believe their's is the best, but statistically NYBU has produced the most of America's most successful heroes and Trainees for Quirked Organizations.
It's built on the remains of Long-Island off the shore of the Rebuilt New-york City, expanded through the power of quirks and modern engineering to be nearly 50 miles wide and 100 long, as well as even more extended into the bay south of the city where the university began, all reinforced and rebuilt to with-stand the unrestrained training of heroes, military, and other potentially destructive quirk users, The massive campus allowing them to operate at full capacity without endangering any other civilized areas.
Many know of the university's massive scale, as well as it's appearance, but you... What 'you' see now is the looming walls that reach from shore to shore and all around the man-made portion of the Campus, the single bridge leading into the university's southern portion, 'University Way', Where younglings and new heroes combine both mundane and quirk education to build the most vital foundation for their surely incredible futures!
It is an imposing sight, Looming as high as smaller sky-scrapers, intimidatingly massive even from the other end of that bridge, where the university's admission's building is... that is to say, the former brighton beach converted into a testing ground for the Entrance exams, and all around you are the other hopefuls seeking entry into the hero most prestigious hero courses!
I'll keep this short... 'any' quirk is possible, so long as it followed the basic rules of Quirks!
It is biological in origin, that is to say, it's your body, not some magical force that you wield with no limits.
It is balanced... I will allow even the most extreme quirks [short of literal city one-shotting], so long as you can convince me that it has been balanced sufficiently and won't break the game! You don't have to make that balancing public if you don't want to!
It can make at least a tiny amount of sense XD By which I mean, for instance, no spontaneously constructing fantasy gundams with 'cuts all things' laser swords and city evaporating particle beams... as a severely extreme example. XD
It is biological in origin, that is to say, it's your body, not some magical force that you wield with no limits.
It is balanced... I will allow even the most extreme quirks [short of literal city one-shotting], so long as you can convince me that it has been balanced sufficiently and won't break the game! You don't have to make that balancing public if you don't want to!
It can make at least a tiny amount of sense XD By which I mean, for instance, no spontaneously constructing fantasy gundams with 'cuts all things' laser swords and city evaporating particle beams... as a severely extreme example. XD
This is honestly just a really simplified summary of to make it simple for people to know how to categorize their quirks, the actual wiki has far more information about specific types.
Emitter - An Emitter Quirk quite simply affects something outside of your body as it's primary function.
Transformation - Transormation Quirks alter your body in some way as it's primary function.
Mutation - Mutation Quirks permanently alter your body in some way, it may be small or large in effect, but it is generally a permanent change that has some kind of power to go with it.
Accumulation - Quite simply, an Accumulation quirk is one that requires... well, 'accumulation' of something before it can be wielded at it's full power.
Emitter - An Emitter Quirk quite simply affects something outside of your body as it's primary function.
Transformation - Transormation Quirks alter your body in some way as it's primary function.
Mutation - Mutation Quirks permanently alter your body in some way, it may be small or large in effect, but it is generally a permanent change that has some kind of power to go with it.
Accumulation - Quite simply, an Accumulation quirk is one that requires... well, 'accumulation' of something before it can be wielded at it's full power.
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