"Upstairs, now!""Who are you, my father?"[ 40 / 17 | 6'3 / 5'1 | Canadian | He/Him / She/Her | 210 lbs / 103 lbs ]
[Blunt / Wanderer]
First impressions speak wonders. For Dean, he would get the occasional unsolicited stare when he'd be out and about. It's not his salt and pepper beard groomed to near perfection or his ruggedly handsome looks, but rather, the large number of tattoos on display from his neck down to his fingers. To top it off, his facial expression usually matches his outward appearance. He has the male equivalent of "resting bitch face", and his neutral expression makes him unapproachable at times. Dean has been advised by his friends he needs to smile more, but the man simply scoffs and gives them the middle finger. Dean's attitude coupled with his naturally strong build sometimes puts him in the hot seat.
Fashion-wise, the man is unpredictable. He looks good in a tuxedo, sweatpants, or shorts. Given the California weather, he'll wear whatever is appropriate at the time, which more often than not it's a button-down shirt and jeans. If he had to pick, he'd say his favorite style is business casual. As a bar-owner, Dean takes full advantage of the freedom he's allowed with his wardrobe. On occasion, he dons some of the jewelry he owns such as a watch or ring, but he refuses to over-accessorize.
On the other hand, there's Jane. She is a rather short girl for her age, but despite being small, she packs a big personality. Growing up, she always loved playing dress-up with her dolls and having tea parties, thus her hair always had to be made up and her nails almost always had a layer or two of glitter. But sometime in middle school, she dropped the act. She cut her hair short to make it easier to manage and given she has bright blue eyes, she loved the contrast created by black eyeliner and mascara. Some have labeled her as a goth, but she doesn't have any one specific style. She'll dress up if she needs to or dresses down to lounge or run errands.
MAIN GOAL ⫻ Dean and Jane both want to find Sydney as well as take care of each other.
PHILOSOPHY ⫻ This step-father/step-daughter duo have somewhat similar personalities. Dean has a "fuck it" mentality. He's overly-confident and believes he can get out of any nasty situation he may find himself in. Jane, much like her step-father, doesn't worry too much about what may or may not go wrong as she's a natural-born rebel. Currently, however, they're both starting to realize that they need a solid plan to simply survive.
SECRETS ⫻ When he was young, Dean got into a fight with another kid from school, Stefan. The two were alone, and after being punched in the nose hard enough to start bleeding, Dean knocked out Stefan and left him lying on the ground. News later circulated that Stefan was found dead, and Dean has never said a word of it to anyone. Jane's secret isn't anywhere near as shocking. She lost her virginity to a boy named Max on her 15th birthday and she never told her mom, or anyone else for that matter.
SEXUALITY ⫻ Both Dean and Jane are heterosexual.
FEARS ⫻ Dean is scared of losing those he loves the most, while Jane fears death.
FLAWS ⫻ Dean is reckless and at times believes himself to be untouchable. Jane has an attitude problem. She'll say things she later regrets but can't help herself in the heat of the moment.
It's no secret Dean had a troubled past. From a young age, he got involved with the wrong crowd and it went downhill from there. He often would drink and smoke weed, and eventually got his feet wet with the harder stuff. But his experimentation didn't last as he didn't enjoy the aftermath of the effects. Throughout his adolescence, Dean was in and out of juvie a number of times. His mother, who was raising him alone at the time, threatened to send him to some boot camp for troubled youth, but Dean didn't pay her any mind. He loved her, but he knew she wouldn't do anything like that to him. But his mindset changed when one day, the school's dean had a talk with him. He'd either clean up his act, or face expulsion. Sure, he'd been suspended numerous times, but he was never threatened to be kicked out of school. Just because he was a bad boy didn't mean he was stupid. He still wanted a high school education, and since he was so close to achieving that goal, he slowly began to clean up his act. Not only did his mother take notice, but so did the school staff. They supported him every step along the way until his graduation. Dean was indecisive as to his future, but after a few years of going in and out menial jobs, he started working at a local pub as a barback, and he loved it. Dean slowly moved up, being promoted to bartender after some time and eventually, bar manager. He loved his job, and he had an amazing life going for himself when he met Sydney.
The young woman, Sydney, showed up at the bar one evening while leaving her daughter, Jane, with a babysitter. Jane was two years old and was as playful as a little girl could be despite the fact that her father was shot and killed during a sting with drug dealers. She was too young to understand why her father was gone, and the thought never crossed her mind until she was told the truth one day. Sydney and Dean eloped, the family eventually moving down to California when Jane was 7 years old. Sydney's architecture business was thriving, and Dean had just opened his own bar. Jane was without a doubt a pretty lucky child. Or she was, until they had to break the news to her that Dean was not her relative by blood. Jane took it pretty hard, lashing out at her parents before running away for the night. She had the typical teenage response to such big news, but over time, she slowly calmed down and realized she didn't have to treat Dean any differently than she had been treating him up to that point.
When the mist rolled around, Sydney was nowhere to be found. Dean and Jane were quickly able to meet up at the bar, but their attempts at getting through to her were futile. The two rushed home, avoiding the chaos going on around them, but Sydney wasn't there either. They debated staying home and waiting, but their argument was cut short when they heard a loud crash somewhere near the back of the house. They ran to the car and Dean peeled out of the driveway as Jane stared in awe at the monsters in the distance.
Up to that point they've avoided being killed, hoping that Sydney too was alive.
Brawler ⫻ Dean has had his share number of fights, and he's won most of them. He's not afraid to get down and dirty with an opponent or multiple attackers.
Multilingual ⫻ Even though Jane is young, she has learned two additional languages aside from her native English. She speaks French and Spanish, making it easier to communicate with some strangers whom they may come across.
Glock 17 ⫻ Due to his upbringing, Dean always knew a gun by his side would help him rather than hurt him, and he's had a number of them throughout the years. When the situation turned ugly, he grabbed his Glock and tucked it behind his back before he frantically tried to get hold of his wife.
First aid kit ⫻ Jane had called Dean who then advised her to rush to the bar. She had her backpack with her and the first thing he did was snatch the kit from behind the bar, handing it to her so she could put it away.
"We'll find your mother, don't worry."
"I hope you mean that..."