I’ve been thinking of running a Fate Rp for a while, and now seems a pretty opportune time.
This RP will be set in Las Vegas, with a small cast of only one servant of each class and one master for each, with each person playing one character. There will be a couple minor NPCs, but I don’t intend to throw Beasts or the like at everyone. This will remain PvP the whole way through.
In addition, the masters will all be abnormal people able to fight defensively with a Servant. Since masters seem to trip people up, or at least be slow to fill, I’ll be offering archetypes for the masters that should make them easier, as well as assistance. Essentially, things like Dead Apostle, Church Knight, Atlas Sage, etc, serving as prompts to make a cast of characters with a little more variety than the usual spread.
Since the slots are so few, I’m uncomfortable offering them to the first person who expresses interest. Rather, it would be better to express interest in a slot or two, and make sheets for those.
So far, the only bars to go forward are me finishing said archetypes and interested people, so please tell me if this sounds good.