Name Arizawa Iwao
Description: Clocking in at 5'10 and 150 pounds soaking wet, Iwao is a man made of wire. The sharper lines of his face are mellowed and softened by an expression that most often wobbles between careful neutrality and faraway melancholy, smiling rarely. He's reserved, and seems driven by routine more than anything else, and tends to retreat inward once that's spent up. The more observant sorts would notice his pronounced knuckles (at least if they were weirdos that looked at hands), and those that catch him on his nightly runs through the city would find his hands wrapped in cloth— both tells of the passion that once dominated his youth: boxing. The former amateur prospect may be unable to train, but it's undeniably still what he loves. His poster is a framed image of Madison Square Garden, and his laptop is often playing an old black-and-white fight on YouTube (Archie Moore a common face) as unobtrusive background noise. It probably has something to do with why his normal wear is usually utilitarian or sporting in nature. Lots of shoes to run in, and hoodies to work up a sweat in.