Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name : Jessalyn "Jess"

Age : 21

Skill : cook and supply organizer

Weapon (up three): lead pipe with a jagged end

Personality : sweet, naïve, helpful, hesitates to strike, trusting, 'blonde' at times, has trouble coping

Bio : Jessalyn was working as a prep cook when the outbreak happened. Her and her boyfriend lasted quite a while before she got pregnant. They were captured by raiders and her boyfriend was killed. The stress from it caused Jess to miscarry. Jess worked for the raiders until she saw an opportunity to let the walkers into the camp. She escaped to sounds of carnage. Now she lives in dilapidated school bus half buried in the side of a building.


Name : Katelyn (Katie)

Age : 7

Skill : epic cuteness, hiding

Weapon : small pocket knife

Personality : adorable and uses it, not trustworthy at all, she can't really fight, but she can hide like nobody's business.

Brief Bio : Katie was left on her own after her school was attacked and she saw most of her classmates and teachers torn to pieces. She uses her cuteness to lull people into a false sense of security before stealing anything she can carry and taking off. Since she is small she is hard to find once she runs.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Weeping Raven
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Weeping Raven not all those who wander are lost

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Molly Bauer

Age: 18

Skill: shooting (regularly spent time target shooting with friends and family), running (she was on the school running team).

Weapon: .22 rifle

Personality: In pain at the loss of her family, Jealous of those that still have their families or good groups. Kind and caring to those she considers her friends. Understands her limits and always tries to have an escape route planned. Can be paranoid and untrusting of new people and groups. Doesn't get on overly well with other women her age.

Molly was at high school when the Walkers came, she escaped alone and tried to find her little brother. When she failed to do so, Molly returned home to wait for her parents. They never came back. After several days and with food running low, she had to leave in order to survive.

Lacking physical strength or force of arms, Molly avoids danger as well as she can and scavenged to stay alive.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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Carlyle ​🇳​​🇴​ ​🇨​​🇺​​🇹​​🇸​

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Alex Roe // #04A9ED

"Maybe I'm an idiot for holding onto hope; that I haven't got with the times. But hope is the only thing keeping me going."
— Wesley, regaling his tale to another survivor

NAME: Wesley Howe

AGE: 26

SKILLS: Hunting, Athleticism, Mechanic

PREFERRED WEAPONS: Remington 700 (.308 Winchester | 7 bullets; 5 round internal magazine), Pocket knife

PERSONALITY: Often, Wesley comes off as your stereotypical "good boy". Hardworking, and more willing to trust strangers than most, he refuses to abandon his humanity where others throw it aside for the sake of their own survival. The thought of taking advantage of others sickens him, knowing his pa would've whooped his ass had he done so. Keeping this mindset has cost Wesley in the past, with his gear and supplies forcibly taken or him being left to the walking dead, but a code isn't a code if you make no effort to live by it.

BRIEF BIOGRAPHY: Wesley, or more commonly, Wes, was raised deep in the Oregon countryside among his younger twin sisters. Most of his childhood had been spent playing football and on hunting trips with his uncle, Jackson Palmer, who often brought his nephew along as thanks for helping him keep the family ranch in order. Little did Wesley know that he would miss these childhood memories when the world came to a halt whilst attending his friend's wedding as best man, trapping him in an unfamiliar land far from home. Now, all that matters to him is getting home to his relatives in the Pacific Northwest, hoping that they might still be alive.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Red7VII
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Red7VII Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Rex Carmine


• Hunter - Proficient in tracking, marksmanship, archery and stealth
• Primitive Survivalist - Proficient in setting up camp and living off the land
• Animal Tamer - Proficient in training and caring for animals from dogs to livestock

Preferred Weapons:
357 Magnum Revolver - A gun given to him by his late father. Rex only has a limited supply of bullets and the gun tends to be loud so it is only used in emergencies.
Compact Compound Hunting Bow - Small and light, this bow packs a punch without being cumbersome. Rex wears a custom sling that houses the bow across his back with an added quiver filled with crude bolts that he whittles himself.
Survival Knife - Whether he uses it as a weapon or a tool, Rex doesn't go anywhere without his knife.

There are days when Rex embraces solitude. It's a simpler way to live in the midst of the apocalypse. Less mouths to feed, no need for suspicions about other peoples' motives. However, isolation has it's cost as well. In truth, Rex prefers the company of others and, when comfortable, can be quite funny, compassionate and fiercely loyal. However, if someone were to prove themselves unworthy of his friendship, he can be fiercely vengeful. He is low to trust, but once you've earned it, it's incredibly difficult to lose. He is also generous to a fault when it comes to those in his clan which whom he feels an obligation to protect. On cold, lonely nights, he is no stranger to brooding but he tries to keep his emotions in check.

He's got a love of drinking, smoking and gambling. In the times before the world turned upside down, he was a good ol' boy party animal raised on a ranch and brought up to enjoy the small things in life. Today, he still tries to embrace that mentality when he can, but the opportunities to do so are fewer and further between.

Brief Bio:
Rex was raised on his family's ranch. The sole son of his parents, he took over the property when they passed. He eventually found love in a woman named Nikki the two of them created a small picturesque family complete with their dog, a German Shepherd named King,
with a daughter on the way.

The beautiful dream life that Rex wove for himself soon came crashing down once the dead refused to stay that way. While Rex and King were out herding the cattle, the ranch house was quietly overtaken by walkers. A pregnant Nikki was alone, fending for herself against the shambling mass of grotesque horror. When Rex and King had returned, all they found inside the house were animated corpses, one of whom looked tragically familiar. The horde was too much to take on by himself so he decided to do the one thing he could to clear out the problem in one fell swoop; he set his familial home ablaze with the abominations trapped inside.

With no house, no more family and just his canine companion at his side, Rex fled his homestead and set off on his own, living off what nature provides and seeking companionship with the living or vengeance against the dead.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by josephb
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Member Seen 22 days ago

Hey are you guys still accepting?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Yes but please post in the OOC tab.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Appearance :
Name : Ayla Alexander
Age : 29
Skill :
Runner - Ayla was a track and field athlete growing up, and even well into her adult life she maintained that lifestyle.
Spotter - Ayla is just good at noticing things, whether it's small things hidden from the naked eye or hearing something off even under a cacophony of noises.
Stealthy - A new skill Ayla had learned to develop. She's managed to get the slip on both walker hordes and blood-thirsty raider alike.

Preferred Weapons (up to three) :
Sling - A simple looking length of nylon that Ayla has fashioned into a sling. She can hurl anything from rocks, shards of glass, or really anything that could fit and has enough penetration power to go through a walker's head.
Rusty Machete - Ayla was lucky to find this weapon on an unlucky survivor. Though because Ayla doesn't know how to take care of weapons, it has some notches and rust on it.
Firecrackers - Not really weapons but still useful tools against the horde, or just something to cause a distraction.

Personality :
Ayla is just one of the many people who have survived the cataclysm and come out a darker person because of it. She's seen what both walkers and men would do to her if she isn't one step ahead of them, and as much as she doesn't want to think about it, she has willingly left others to suffer a fate worse than death to save herself. Ayla has no hesitation when it comes to doing things she's afraid of like fighting, scavenging, or just surviving. As long as she can survive she's willing to do anything, for good or ill, and she'll do her damn best at it.

Brief Bio : Ayla was married to a great man, and had two children. Her husband was a doctor and Ayla herself ran a daycare center where she'd raise her own children and many others. It was a tough job but Ayla was a tough woman, willing to do whatever she had to do to protect those children. But just because she had the will, doesn't mean that she would succeed. Because of her own hesitation, when one of the children were infected, Ayla was too late to stop the spread. She was naive and foolish. And what she saw that day changed her deeply. When she went home to find her husband it was already too late for him as well. Seeing the horrors ahead of her, all Ayla could do was run. Run, and survive.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name : Casey Guidry
Age : 30

: Skills :
Woodwork - ability to make and repair structures using wood.
Intimidation - ability to frighten others through physical or verbal stimulus.
Hand-to-Hand Combat - ability to confront others physically at short range.

: Preferred Weapons :
Glock 22 - taken from a deceased correctional officer.

: Personality :
Casey was known to be an easy going and optimistic individual prior to his event. He grew up with strong family bonds just like any other southerner and was known by many as a hard-working and overall good individual. After his event he changed drastically. His experiences inside twisted him, forced him to become a survivor - stealing his humanity in a sense. He wasn’t ruthless, but was forced into adulthood in a world he didn’t know - learning from poisonous individuals what it meant to be a man. His new environment sculpted him into a more aggressive and stilled individual, one that lacked a positive view of the world. Everything became serious, life-threatening and fearful. It was survival of the fittest, adapt or die...so Casey adapted.

: Brief Bio :
A night’s mistake led to an eight year sentence without reasonable bail in general population. Casey was charged and imprisoned for aggravated battery at the young age of twenty two years old - before the world’s inevitable collapse. He served his sentence with hard labor all while destruction crumbled the globe unbeknownst to him. Prisoners had limited exposure to the outside world during their sentence (even before the end) so their knowledge of the unfolding disease and the reanimation of corpses was nonexistent. Many prisoners rioted during this time, their privileges stripped inhumanely as the federal government stopped funding these facilities. Their treatment followed as prison guards began to exercise their rights to use force when necessary more frequently than before - foreman no longer regulating the code of conduct. Food shortages, unsanitary conditions and a crumbled system imploded the prison from the seemingly fortress it was to the outside world. Prisoners started to die from hunger and disease but they came back to life in their cells - shot to death and burned in their cells. Three weeks ago the prison became overrun by the dead and the guards’ humanity opened some of the cells. Casey was one of the lucky ones and escaped.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Nathalie “Nat” Soltero


- Stealth; being barely 5’3” on a good day helps a lot when trying to sneak past undetected.
- Climbing; one of Nathalie’s favorite hobbies was rock climbing with her friends, whether it was in the outdoors or in a gym.

Preferred Weapons
- Gator Machete 19”
- 9mm Berretta

Nathalie is a very reserved and cautious woman. Although her inner self wants to be optimistic and find the bright side in every situation, she has to continuously stop herself and tell herself to think realistically. Not being able to get in contact with her family and not knowing what happened with her little sisters eats away at her mental well being little by little. At times, it seems to overwhelm her, and the panic starts to set in. She is a very family oriented and being around other people can give her a bit of that feeling, although being alone doesn’t bother her anymore as it gives her time to try and figure out what her next steps are without having to worry about anyone else.

Brief Bio
Born in Chula Vista, California, Nathalie is the eldest of three girls. Her younger sisters are 16 and 14 and the three of them were unbelievably close before Nat left to college. FaceTime soon became their best friend as Nat pursued her education further on into her Master’s. Finding a job became all too easy and Nat fell into the typical 9-5 job before she knew it, unfortunately having to break it to her family that she would not be returning until the completion of her education and finding a transfer for her job. She kept a small group of close friends, choosing not to stray from the usual, and chose not to date. She led a simple life and wished for nothing more until the outbreak happened.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by josephb
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Member Seen 22 days ago

Name : Ethan Stanton

Age : 26

Skill : Construction, mechanics, boxing.

Preferred Weapons (up to three) : Steel hatchet, knuckle dusters, wooden compound bow.

Personality : Ethan is a very laid person, even after the outbreak. He daydreams a lot thinking about his life before, keeping himself smiling. He hates getting into dilemmas and having to deal with serious situations, still wanting to have a sort of easy life, which makes him a poor leader. Ethan also likes to try and keep peoples morale up in the group, it usually takes a lot for him to get angry or violent. One of his biggest fears is being alone which leads him to trust strangers when signs would tell other people not to.

Brief Bio : Ethan was born and raised in the north of England, just outside of the city, Leeds. From an early age Ethan was always a sporty child wanting to do all sorts of sports and activities. His two favourites were boxing and archery but when he became a teenager he gave up the archery wanting to spend more time with his friends. After he finished high school he went straight into construction with his Dad who also taught him to drive and the basics of fixing a car, he continued boxing semi-professionally. When he started to get paid he began to save up for a road trip of the US with his girlfriend.

When he turned 25 they flew to Maine, rented a car and started driving down the east coast. When the outbreak started they were in Miami, they managed to escape with a few other survivors and ended up in a town. A few months later, walkers swarmed the town, killing most of the people he'd gotten friendly with and his girlfriend. He managed to get a car and set off trying to find a new group.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Juniper
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

She has short, blonde hair styled in a pixie cut. Her eyes are more green than hazel and she has freckles splayed on her cheeks and nose on her fair skin. Scarlett is graceful, having spent her years in gymnastics and ballet. She has no tattoos and the only piercings that she has are the two on her ears. She prefers to wear clothing that will help her remain free and flexible. She's usually wearing some sort of running pants or leggings, a loose long sleeved black shirt and a black hoodie over it; she wears this along with running shoes.

Scarlett Watson


A gymnast, is a people person, book smart and can cook.

Preferred Weapons
9mm beretta, gator machete pro, and whatever else she can find whenever she faces trouble.

Scarlett will welcome almost anyone with open arms and a smile on her face. Scarlett is a complete sweetheart from the moment she meets someone. Don't let it fool you though, everyone has their secrets. Once Scarlett is pissed, she has no mercy, but she will rather leave people to die by the walkers than actually kill them.

Brief Bio
Originally from Pheonix, Arizona but ended up in the city when she received a full ride scholarship. She was the eldest of her siblings, as well as having a twin that was lost in the outbreak, although not knowing is she is alive or dead. Unfortunately, she had a younger sister and a baby brother that were killed when the outbreak happened, along with her parents. Scarlett would volunteer at a nearby gym to help kids with gymnastics while her twin worked as a part-time store manager at the local mall.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by role model
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role model Drunk With Odd Memory, High On Knowledge

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Character pic=nbclatino.files.wordpress.com/2012/06

Ray Walsh, Jr.

Early 20s

Heavy equipment operator, Good deal of strength and stamina

Preferred Weapons:
Machete, gun, miscellaneous

He is normal as can be for the undead apocalypse. He believes people deserve a chance because there isn't any great options that will cause a coup. On the other hand, he has bailed from people if he feels like he is going to die and be ate. So, in turn, he is honest and good natured, but it's better them than him.

Brief Bio:
After he graduated high school Ray worked several jobs. He was not a people person but he did have certain social skills like agreeability. But, social skills or not he wanted to make money doing something easy so he decided to enroll in the junior college to gain accreditation in heavy equipment operating. He worked for a few years before he witnessed the end of the world.
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