Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
Mission Database

Stop the Kidnappings
1. Defend the natives against the enemy
2. Identify the enemy
3. Cripple the enemy's operation

Location: Planet Karkon

Native Population: Karkonites are a feline-esque species known for their excellent climbing abilities, perfect for their rather rocky world. The general population is not particularly strong but they compensate with agility and weapons.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Scather Location

Planet Fealt

At the moment the Scather was nestled in a large depression in the ground on the Planet Fealt. The planet was a very loamy planet, with a lot of foliage, yet most of the planets were of the small variety. Moss, clovers, ferns, grass and the like covered pretty much the entire planet, giving the ground and uncharacteristic, springiness to it. Walking on the planet felt as if one was treading on a soft carpet. The biggest planets were probably the variety of bushes that produced a variety of berries and fruits, the bushes were thick but most only grew to about four feet high at best.

The reason the Scather was on this 'soft' planet was because of a job. The planet had not been very far away and the Yardrat transportation service had been quite busy at the time so captain Tempest had decided to make it the ship's next temporary home. Food and water was in abundance on the planet and the native species were quite diminutive in stature and strength, making it almost like a vacation spot. While the animal life was quite mild, the planet life was thriving, any ki blasts and explosions on the land which destroyed the loamy soil, was quickly overrun with more within just a day or two, it was pretty much a plant's paradise. It was for this particular reason that the Planet Breakers had been called.

A group of intelligent, rabbit-like humanoids lived on the planet and noticed an invasive species had been introduced to the planet's ecosystem. A type of large herbivore was devouring the plant life and producing offspring at such a rate not even the super fast planet growth could keep up without a predator to hunt them. The herbivores were massive, bull like creatures, that the native population was unable to effectively hunt and so had hired outside help to deal with the problem.

Other than their impressive life force and sharp horns, the creatures had been no match for the Planet Breakers who discovered that an alien race had decided on using the planet as a ranch for their cattle. The evidence was in the equipment scattered on one of the planet's hills, space pods from where the creatures had emerged from to feast on the overly green world. As none of the natives were meat-eaters, the Planet Breakers had been free to do whatever they wished with the creatures' corpses, which meant a lot of jerky and other meat preservation techniques while they waited to catch the ranchers when they returned to check on their herds. In the meantime the Planet Breakers were free to do whatever they wished on the planet, at least while they were not on a mission.

Captain Tempest sat in his command chair with a scowl on his face, there was nothing quite as annoying as waiting for a quarry to arrive; thankfully the next batch of missions would come in for him to mull over to help occupy his mind. The captain was experienced so he was used to situations like this, but it didn't change the fact that it was boring just waiting around. Technically their mission was already over as they had quelled the various herds of animals, but a rather hefty bonus was waiting to be claimed if they could ensure the ranchers never returned, and so he waited.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Potemking
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


| Outside The Scather |

Such a lush, green place felt foreign to her. She was used to the blackness of space and to see such bright scenery honestly hurt her eyes. Such a thing meant it was a potential hampering on her combat ability, so she decided to torture train herself by staying outside the ship until it was time to get off this giant bouncy ball of vegetation. She'd train her eyes for minutes at a time, before momentarily closing them for a rest period. Aside from the headache, she felt as if progress was being made: There wasn't much worth fighting on this planet so this would, for the moment, have to satisfy her urge to train as she waited to embark into the stars again.

Part of her had feared this place on the way down; All green, where was the meat to satisfy her hunger? But the mission had proven to be an answer to her question: Enough for a feast or two, she'd think. Though she was having to learn about this horrid concept known as 'restraint' which wasn't exactly a word in a Saiyan's vocabulary when it came to food, but hell. She figured she could manage to portion it out to last a bit longer, even if there was no fun in that. Maybe if she was lucky, when the ranchers came back, they'd bring more cattle. Then surely nobody could argue with a few of the beasts disappearing into the pit she called a stomach.

So far, she hadn't gotten terribly used to the rest of the team. She tried to keep herself from making more enemies in case they weren't actually aiming to stab her from behind; Though a striking paranoia kept her wary. She thought at one point that she had a family she could trust; And that ended in a chaotic mess that haunted her to this very day. Her trust wouldn't be so easily earned by another group, that much was certain. Though she didn't currently care if anyone knew her reasoning: She wasn't pressing them for their life stories, and she sure as hell wasn't expecting them to ask about hers.

There came that urge to rest her eyes from the brightness again.

Eyes closed and arms crossed, she began resting her eyes. Unfortunately, the scenic and peaceful area surrounding them was beginning to both bore and relax her, causing her eyes to stay closed a tad longer than her training required. Two minutes... Three minutes... Five... Ten...

Rabi had fallen asleep on her feet, her hair and tail showing light movement from the breeze. With her mind not locked on the thought of the mission, her light train of thought during her slumber lead her down a path of thinking she could settle for a peaceful place like this, one day. Once she felt more secure, that is. Who knew how long something like that would take, though? Probably why thoughts like that only lingered in her day dreams, instead of being aloud ponders made towards herself.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Unlike the female Saiyan Burnet easily found food on Fealt even when ignoring the meat from the invasive herbivores, he was a Frugivore after all. He did have something he agreed with Rabi on though, for the most part the planet was kinda boring. Sure killing the invaders was something but they were still just animals and didn't require a lot of effort to defeat.

However bored as he was he knew better than to harass his fellow mercenaries. After all he didn't know them well enough to be able to judge their reactions yet and if he accidentally went too far he might burn some bridges. So instead he spent most of the time outside as well trying to teach the natives some card games hoping to get them good enough to make cheating at least some what of a challenge.

So far he didn't have much luck but it was better than nothing, even though he had no idea what he was gonna do with all the different fruits he had won. Eating them before they would spoil was unlikely and while he could share with the other Planet Breakers that wasn't his style, though he wouldn't mind at all if he noticed someone "stealing" a few of them.

With no other idea in mind to kill time he decided that he could at least try to get some training in. While snacking on his favorite fruit from Fealt, some kinda blueberry the size of an apple he approached Rabi. He knew enough about Saiyans to be reasonably sure she would be up for a spar. Unfortunately for him she turned out to be asleep.

After a few seconds Burnet came to the conclusion that this might actually be a good chance to prank her without getting caught. Settling on something minor but more childish then his usual style he went back to the Scatter to find a marker.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Mangrale
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Mangrale Star-Craving Mad

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

It didn't feel quite right, from where the namekian was standing (or floating to be more accurate) to eradicate all the penned up space cattle while they were still locked up in the ranches he came across. Whenever possible in fact, Gastrod saw to it that the hapless herbivores were set free from their holding areas before he reduced their former livestock prisons into smoldering craters. Course his patience only lasted for so long, and so after the first ranch he hit, any stragglers that didn't heed their liberator's stern call to evacuate would meet their fate in the smoldering cavities where their homes once stood. Oh well, he gave them a chance at least.

Of course the specimens that he allowed to escape wouldn't last that much longer in comparison, as after a good few minutes, the slug man would track and hunt them down, tallying up his quarry according to the animals he counted as surviving the carnage. They'd have a preciously fleeting row of freedom in their final moments, he'd get to practice his hunting skills, it was a total win-win, as they say. Sure he got a good number of dirty looks and a tad worse come his way courtesy of the native population that witnessed his methods in action, but he took special exception to claims suggesting his plan of attack was sloppy. One of the especially rowdy hunters even had the nerve to call him a "garish, squishy-looking, two-bit sellsword". If the Grand Master had been inexplicably present to witness such disrespect, then Gastrod would see no other recourse but to slap the mouthy ingrate over the head with his own dismembered arm.

Sure it'd be a pain to grow back, but that just goes to show how seriously Gastrod views such insolence in the company of his master. Ultimately though, the namekian's hands were tied, given the lad's annoying lack of evil in his heart.

But that was then (and a pleasant, hypothetical daydream), and this is now. Gastrod had since levitated on his lonesome within eyeshot of the Scather, overlooking the smoking black pillars of the wreckages that also awaited their former owners. For now, he mostly occupied himself with munching on the juicy produce that some of the aforementioned natives had thrown his way. Picking a few sticky berries that had stuck to his shoulder pieces and lifting them up to his mouth, he pondered whether the peltings were a part of their complaints against him, or if they were actually expressions of customary gratitude, in which case - Who was he to judge? Food for thought.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Captain, we just got the next set of mission requests!" A brench-seijin technician called out from their monitor.

"Took long enough." Tempest grunted from his oversized chair built to accommodate his extra bulky form. Unlike others of his race, for some reason he preferred to stay in his most monstrous most of the time and so quite a bit of the Scather had been modified to accommodate for that. His large fingers tapped on his display as he scrolled through the various requests, usually just a quick work at the request would tell him if it was worth the hassle accepting or not, anything where the pay wasn't worth it or just too little was quickly scrolled past. Anything he didn't personally approve of for the Planet Breakers to officially accept he would let anyone in the organization take on their own dime, but as few were worth the effort if one didn't have access to the Yardrat instant transportation service they tended to not be taken up by many.

Tempest stopped on a particular request as soon as he saw the sizable sum being put down as an advanced payment. He quickly looked over the details of the request, according to the information, entire villages had been raided by an unknown force. The villages themselves were mostly left intact but the entire population had vanished, there were signs of the populace struggling against the attackers but no bodies, which meant they had been captured. Usually such behavior meant a slaving ring was passing through and decided to drop by on a nearby planet, but as there were no reports of ships in that sector for the past several months at least, it wouldn't be an intergalactic ring most likely if it was indeed slavers.

Whatever was behind the attacks had hit three villages by the time of the request and it appeared they were getting braver with each success. The native population had sent out a rescue squad but they had lost contact with them, meaning they had been captured as well most likely. At the moment they seemed to think their best bet was to improve defenses as much as possible and to call for backup. Everything about the mission seemed like it would be an exciting one, the captain wished he could go himself but as one of the few races that could withstand the vacuum of space, he needed to stay for when the illegal rancher ship came to make sure it couldn't escape.

Captain Tempest quickly accepted the mission and went on to look at the other ones. As soon as a mission was accepted by him for the Planet Breakers, a signal would be broadcast out to all members so they would be informed of the mission's acceptance. Depending on the individual, they could look up the mission themselves with their own equipment or they could come back to the ship to view it themselves. In any case to actually accept a mission members need to return to the Scather so they could officially sign up for a mission, that way when they activated the Ki Signal the Yardrats could instantly appear and transport the group to their assignment. A very efficient system to be sure.

Some enough, more and more missions started to be added to the ship's computer as Tempest went through each one. Newer members liked to stay as close to the ship as possible so they could quickly grab any lucrative ventures that looked somewhat easy, at least until they earned a little clout. Other members had more dangerous tastes and tried to pick the hardest ones they could find, though they were few in number except for a few very experienced fighters who actually knew what they were doing. There were few times that the ship every had their full membership as most worked quite often and could be gone for months on end depending on the job.

Soon everyone on Planet Fealt would know about the mission updates.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Potemking
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| Outside The Scather => Inside The Scather |

An alert notifying her of a new mission startled her awake, the snot bubble slightly inflating from her nose popping as she still wasn't used to hearing that damn thing go off in her ears yet. Her eyes squinted as they were harshly reminded of the bright landscape, the Saiyan seeming disappointed that she was back in reality instead of her dream. A low growl of annoyance escaped her, though it wasn't particularly at anyone or anything: She was just not the friendliest when woken up before she deemed herself ready. The scowling woman was already making her way inside the Scather to see what this new mission was all about; Hopefully something thrilling. That being said, thrilling tended to go hand-in-hand with 'defending the weak' with these missions at times. So the fun ended up getting sucked out of them because some weaklings couldn't take care of themselves.

After re-entering the ship, Rabi was quick to review the mission info to see if she would be willing to bother: Her worst fears came to light as, of course, someone was in trouble and couldn't defend themselves. The weird thing about a mission like this was judging the weakling wasn't easy to do before taking the mission: They could actually be tough but the opponent could be tougher. But considering the details of the mission, she assumed slightly more powerful weaklings were trying to round up weaker weaklings. She might be able to blow off some steam with a mission like that, though she wondered of the challenge it'd provide. Part of it was her desire for combat, and the other was being a bit gung-ho since she had nothing to truly lose. Even if it wasn't the hardest mission that could be offered, it was better than taking nothing and sitting around, right? Things would surely be a breeze on this planet with Tempest here, anyhow.

I suppose a fight's a fight. She reasoned with herself, curious what the two green Planet Breakers planned on doing with this information. While she was in it for the the fight, if they ended up being fodder, it wouldn't hurt to have a few extra hands cleaning out trash. This job looked like it might take a bit more socializing with locals than she'd like, too. So maybe one of them could talk with them easier than she could. Though her brash and threatening way of holding conversations with the public could sometimes work in her favor, it usually didn't go terribly well with wimps. They'd cry, or try to hand over their belongings thinking she'd eat them. It was fun, to an extent: But she tried to keep focused on the job, and the reward that came with it.

Ah, to hell with it. If worse came to worse, she'd just make one of the attackers talk to find out more. She could do this with her wrists tied using her tail; Even if the green giant and midget didn't get involved. She knew she couldn't be picky with company, but... She was going to be anyways. Either way, she'd see things to completion one way or another. She needed something to do instead of bright scenery endurance training, and a mission could provide her with a good stretch, at least.

Rabi hastily prepared herself to sign up for the mission; There wasn't a real idea of how long this would take, so she'd pack at least a little so she wouldn't have to scavenge on the planet. Just some necessities like food; She held no real personal belongings, though collecting some neat junk on-site while working was always a possibility. A trophy or two for her trials never hurt, right? She thought so.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Just when Burnet was about to head back out with his marker in hand the mission notification came up. Seeing that it woke up the intended target of his prank he quickly hid the marker in his pocket before she got close enough to notice it and casually changed directions heading the captain. The man had a good system going and Burnet not so secretly wondered what deal he had made with the Yardrats, though he had never openly asked him. He figured it might be smarter to at least wait until he actually had Tempest's trust before asking something that he could potentially use to start a rival business.

Anyway it turned out the mission was to stop small slaver crew from bothering a planet's natives. It sounded simple enough and Burnet saw no reason not sign up since Fealt had been rather boring so far though one small thing bothered him. "Why aren't they asking us to try and return the slaves already taken?" Sure it made things seemingly easier but he couldn't help but think someone was hiding something and given how little he knew about his two most likely team mates he figured it was better to know as much about the mission as possible.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mangrale
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Mangrale Star-Craving Mad

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

It would be a little while longer still before Gastrod would fully get used to the insistent beeping that he associated with the notifications his personal communicator received, a low enough volume that only he could effectively hear. In picking the device from his robes and fiddling with it until he eventually got it to show him what he wanted to know, it occurred to him that this little lunch break of his was pretty much over.

With a general sense of how to approach this new mission, the namekian returned to the Scather, keen to gather as much intel from the ship's available systems as he could competently understand. Since these latest offenses affected multiple villages by the looks of it, it felt appropriate to confer with the onboard holographic map readings to get a proper visual representation of the settlements already hit and those projected as most at risk. For Gastrod, the idea was to pick the most outstanding one of the latter and station himself there. The idea did occur to him that searching through a previously assaulted village might allow him a chance to come across some manner of clue to where the victims could have presumably been taken, but he decided on saving that option for the possibility of the stakeout taking too long.

"... There's no guarantee that the victims will still be alive by the time we arrive, little one. Our first objectives are to defend the natives who haven't been captured yet, and make contact with the trappers if at all possible. Anything else is too early to predict," responded the namekian to Burnet's question, taking to his self-imposed responsibility to prepare the "budding lad" for the horrors of conflict with all the sobriety he could spare and none of the tact.

After signing up for the quest, a task certainly expedited by the helpful operators nearby, Gastrod made his plan of attack known and patiently awaited for dispatch via Yardrat, his arms crossed in silent introspection. How his fellow fighters factored into the mission, he couldn't say nor did he feel it urgent to group up just yet considering how they didn't have a read on where the attackers were located. If the aggressors were indeed getting bolder with each hit, then he couldn't even discount the possibility that multiple settlements may yet be attacked at once.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Clementine was a bit bored as she had pretty much nothing to do while the Scather idled on the soft herbivore planet, as such she tried to find other things to do besides routine maintenance on the Scather. Really the worst that had happened was some resilient moss kept trying to find a foothold on the Scather's hull, but some quick buff work always did the trick. For now, she was in charge of the Ki Signal that was used to call the Yardrats when a team was assembled.

The Ki Signal was a large cylindrical device about the size of an escape pod. All one needed to do was charge the device with their own Ki and it would be converted into a signal easily picked up by the Yardrats. The signal was very precise and had a particular pattern to it that was hard for an individual to mimic, which was what made the piece of equipment so reliable in getting the Yardrats' attention. A few groups had already departed for various corners of the galaxy and the next to go was the group taking the kidnapping mission.

Clementine took a look at her pad to see who had signed up. "Let's see here, Burnet, Rabi, and the Sixth one?" She gave then a look over from beneath her helmet which she seemed to never take off. "Well you obviously know what you're getting into, I'll get the Ki Signal ready to-"

"Wait, wait, I'm joining too!" One last member stumbled in from outside, slightly out of breathe showing that they had been pretty far away and and really booked it to make it. "Sheesh they really should implement a cool down period for missions so they don't miss anybody!"

Clementine looked down at her pad as the newcomer quickly inputted his own personal code into the computer to officially join the mission. The late comer was of an insect type race called the Arlians and wore a rather impressive looking suit of battle armor. Soon enough his profile popped up on her screen and she added him in.

"And Brackus. Alright that should be enough, time to call the Yardrats." Clementine put her gloved hands to a hand reader pad and started to pump in her key, the device lit up with a green light and started humming in response, if one listened they could detect an almost song like quality to the humming. Within a few seconds a brown and yellow spotted Yardrat appeared beside the device. Clementine stopped supplying the machine which shut down almost immediately and showed the Yardrat the pad with the members and the mission information.

"So that will be four for transportation, make sure everyone is touching either me or someone else and let's go!" With the short bit of instructions, everyone did as they were told and before they knew it after about two jumps they had arrived on Planet Karkon where a small delegation waited for them. The feline like natives looked a little troubled upon only seeing five people arriving, which would soon become four as the Yardrat was about to leave.

"Give those slavers hell when you find them!" The brown Yardrat saluted and was gone as quickly as they arrived.

The Karkonites shuffled around a bit as one carrying what looked like a battle rifle approached the group. "Hail mercenaries, my name is Grippa. I hope you live up to your reputation..." He looked at the four individuals and couldn't help but be somewhat impressed by Gastrod's rather large build. "Well if you fail at least we won't have to pay anymore." Grippa grumbled which prompted a bit of a hiss from an elderly looking Karkonite as a warning.

"Right, forgive my rudeness, I'm just annoyed that we haven't been able to do anything about the situation yet. Considering they have only gone after one village at a time so far, we have reason to believe they are dedicated their entire force in one concentrated effort at a time, which is probably why no one was able to escape to tell us exactly who has been attacking us. The only pattern so far is that each village attacked has been larger than the last, like they are working their way up toward a big haul. I've sent out scouts to try and create an early warning system but, considering how efficient they've been I have my doubts it will be successful."

"Anyway, I'll be counting on your guys to sort this out when the time comes, I'd rather not have to start evacuating all the outlining villages and send everyone into a complete panic."

"Don't worry sir, we Planet Breakerzz will be sure to earn our keep." Brackus stated, his insect vocal cords adding a bit of a buzz to his words.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Potemking
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| Inside The Scather => Planet Karkon |

The question Burnet had was reasonable, but her opinion on the matter they were discussing was... Quite different from Gastrod's. Only a weakling would succumb to slavery, they ought to fight until their last breath to uphold their own honor. There was an extent that Rabi could perhaps understand, but nothing currently provided gave her a reason to take much pity on the creatures that were captured. She wasn't in the mood to voice herself and get into any sort of disagreement over it however, so she'd keep her mouth shut and work towards getting the job done instead. Since she was now packed and ready to go.

At least nobody was planning any sort of out-of-the way rescue mission.

She was awaiting transportation with her two green... Teammates. When Brackus' buzzing caught her attention. He was joining in too? The insect wasn't exactly an individual she had taken much note of prior, but that went for just about everyone, so really he was on the same level as the Green Team. After a moment of registering his presence, she looked away, instead focusing back on Clementine. At least until she called the Yardrat, which marked the time for them to get going.

"Let's get this over with." She muttered, placing a hand on the Yardrat's shoulder. As amazingly useful as their abilities were, she hadn't gotten used to the whole 'hopping to other planets' thing. It was a bit jarring, though she'd adapt eventually. At least they were straight forward about their jobs: She couldn't argue with the results the little creatures pulled in. They might not have looked like much in the way of fighters, but they more than made up for it with this utility, didn't they?

Rabi's eyes closed as the transmission began, having a preference for not witnessing the jumps. Once they reached their destination, she couldn't help but smirk at the Yardrat's words before he left: Oh, she'd give them hell. Though with their force increased to four members, she'd probably get a few less fights than she'd want. That was her problem and not anyone else's, however.

Rabi noted Grippa eyeing Gastrod, and felt a slight inferiority complex come over her. Arms crossed, she stood as tall as she could; Still nothing compared to the Namekian in appearance, but she attempted to look the part anyways. She chose to bite her tongue instead of responding to Grippa's remark about not having to pay them if they failed; As if she did punt the creature across the landscape, that'd really compliment her job security and her reward for this mission. Another of Grippa's race put him in his place somewhat, so she'd consider that good enough this time.

Annoyances aside, she took note that this Grippa seemed at least ready to fight for his home: She could respect that he was armed, even if he didn't look that dangerous. Maybe helping them wouldn't feel like an absolute waste after all? She was perhaps too hasty to come to a conclusion, but she wasn't about to start complimenting them or anything, considering they were still losing and apparently, losing hard. All these felines just needed to stand aside; Once the slavers arrived, they'd meet resistance they couldn't handle. Or at least her staggering over-confidence told her it'd be that way.

"They won't know what hit them." She added to Brackus' words, as she began to observe the rocky landscape. She was just glad this place wasn't as bright as Fealt, honestly. Though maybe that was only because of all the clouds in the sky. As much as she appreciated good scenery, it'd make her day if she caught sight of a threat in the sky. Grippa said himself that the scouts might not be able to alert them, so she used her habit of checking behind her to her advantage as she scanned the area, wary of a fight that might be brought to them without them even knowing it.

Though, it was more likely that these slavers weren't expecting them at all, with how smoothly things had gone so far. If they hit them hard, and fast, perhaps the sudden disruption and pressure would be too much for them to handle. She kept these thoughts in mind.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

A crackling sound could be heard from a small telecommunication device attached to the side of his battle rifle. Quickly he pressed the button to connect. "Report"

"This is Kanka, we just spot-" A larger crackling sound and then a static buzz was all that was left.

"Kanka! Respond! Kanka! They must have jamming devices. Where was Kanka's position!" Grippa barked out as the others quickly brought up their maps. They quickly poured over the canvas until they located the area.

"Kanka was located on the east side of Sunshi village!"

Grippa quickly rushed over to get a good look at the map when he realized something from the topography. "I get it now, they've been using the valleys as a way to quickly get close to the villages undetected, but to do that they either need to be able to fly to have really good climbing skills. I'll rush over as soon as I can, quickly give them the coordinates so they can help as soon as possible!" Not wasting any time, Grippa started running as fast as his legs could carry him, which was quite fast for a humanoid. Meanwhile the other Karkonites quickly detailed to the group the location of Sunshi village to the Planet Breakers.

Location: Sunshi Village
Event: Battle Phase - Beginning
Enemy Difficulty = Fodder
Riders x 30

"Grippa! Grippa! Blast it, they're jamming us, I hope they react quickly!" Kanka cursed from her position on a large boulder as she watched the squadron of strange riders bear down on her position and the village beyond. Their rides were making them incredibly fast, certainly much faster than any of them could run which explained in part how they managed to catch everyone so far in their previous attacks, though how they managed to locate everyone was a bit of a mystery.

"I need to slow them down to give everyone time." Kanka told herself as she leveled her battle rifle at one of the leaders of the pack. Once she got used to their speed she fired her first round which bounced off the the hard outer shell on the cycle. She cursed as the riders instantly started scattering and weaving to prevent an easy shot.

"Damn it they react fast and that armor is thick." She looked through her scope to see if anything was exposed, the only real vulnerable part appeared to be the tires themselves near the front, but it would be hard to hit them from a higher position. With a grunt she jumped off the boulder, hit the ground and pointed at her target and fired. The shot hit the tire and front collapsed, causing the bike to crash and scrape along the ground. The bike ground to a halt in front of her along with its rider and the sound of the others could be heard rushing past her.

"Guess I only managed to stop one." Kanka snarled at the bike but suddenly jumped back with a start as the rider got off the bike without appearing to be hurt at all. "Tough little buggers, but this should stop you!" Aiming her rifle at its head she fired, but the bullet merely bounced off what she assumed was a helmet, a completely dark and almost spherical helmet which seemed to have a bit of a red glow behind it. Seeing the bullets were useless, she rushed the rider, who pointed a palm at her at her as she approached. As soon as he got within a few meters, lighting erupted from the palm and slammed into her body, instantly causing all of her muscles to shut down.

Before she lost consciousness she could feel the rider start to drag her away toward the canyon.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

While Burnet had to admit the Namekian had a point slavers purposely killing their victims seemed unlikely to him to he decided to stay on the lookout for anything suspicious. No one else had any questions and the Saiyan predictably enough wanted to get things started so Clementine contacted the Yardrats,m though not before some insect showed up wanting to join the team as well. He placed his hand on the brown alien's side when he told to make contact with someone and they were off.

When he saw planet Karkon he was glad that he ate his fill before going on this mission because it wasn't exactly the haven for fruits Fealts was. One of the natives called Grippa informed them what was going on though he seemed most impressed with Brackus, in Burnet's opinion that meant he probably had never seen a Saiyan before.

The introduction didn't last long due to an emergency broadcast from one Kanka which ended up jammed though Grippa knew where she was. The cat like alien surprised Burnet by being a fairly fast runner while other natives gave them directions. With those directions in mind he took off and flew towards Sunshi village without paying much attention to the other Planet Breakers, confident that they could easily handle a few small time slavers.

When he arrived he was surprised by the large amount of strange looking motor riders, he was expecting a smaller group but still went to work, starting things by firing a Kankousen at the nearest rider.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Potemking
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


| Planet Karkon => Sunshi Village |

A scowl crossed her face as she came to realize their current location wasn't under attack, rather another settlement that she currently had no idea how to reach. She watched the feline-looking individuals panic and scramble to figure out where this 'Kanka' exactly was. She waited, but grew quickly impatient, feeling almost like she'd have better luck on her own finding them than at the pace these furballs were going. Her thin patience nearly caused her to shout at them, but a scared individual only did their job worse, so she held her tongue.

Eventually, they dropped the location of Sunshi Village. That Grippa... He was already long gone. This race was deceptively fast, though considering their weaponry it probably didn't mesh terribly well with their fighting prowess. Her eyes locked on Burnet as he flew away, his intiative coming before even her own was a bit of a surprise, but it motivated her to take off as soon as possible; The Saiyan heading towards the village at a breakneck pace as she wanted her share of the fun, and, if she didn't, the casualties might cut into her reward.

Arriving on the battlefield, Rabi looked over the situation on the ground momentarily, scanning threats from the air. They seemed to be on machines that increased their speed immensely, and along with those machines, the individuals themselves seemed to be fully armored. All armor meant to a person like Rabi was that it was more of someone to punch through; If something had defenses she couldn't break, then she just needed more training. She noticed something odd; While all of the riders had vehicles, one seemed to be heading back in the opposite direction without one: Well, it had one, but it seemed to have been damaged. And the rider was dragging along a lone karkonite.

What the hell was she doing here alone? It was obvious that these karkonites weren't powerful enough to fend off these slavers, but she was here by herself? Rabi's eyes caught view on the rifle on the ground, noting that this must've been the one that Grippa spoke of before; Kanka. She was in this position alone, and even though she was admittedly weak as well as outnumbered, she stood her ground and fought. Rabi couldn't tell if she was alive or dead, but assumed the slaver knocked her unconcious.

While her abilities weren't that impressive, her willingness to throw herself into battle was: This species needed brave souls to teach them how to fight harder, and perhaps one day even be worthy warriors to fight against. Even if she wasn't much yet, Rabi could see potential in someone who put everything on the line. And it motivated the Saiyan.

Motivated her to charge downwards from the air, a battle cry escaping the woman as she closed the distance between her and her identified target, leg swinging and a kick connecting with the head of the rider just as it was registering her presence on it's scouter with a turn of it's head; Sparks and the buzzing spurting from the machine as it was launched like a ragdoll into a nearby rock face, giving Rabi time to scoop Kanka up, and retreat back into the air; Aiming to find an elevated place to drop off the injured karkonite so she'd keep out of trouble and not lead to being a bodycount that was her fault.

"There better be a bonus for this." She grumbled, trying to hide whatever minor amount of 'respect' she had for the karkonite that was trying to defend her home. "This might be the objective, but I don't think it covers those trying to get themselves killed."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The machine sputtered and sparked as it tried to get back on its feet after being thrown by the saiyan's powerful kick, but dropped to one knee as some of its servos were too damaged to compensate. Unable to get back into the fighting the machine did what it needed to do, send information to the others and from where it came from.


Location: Sunshi Village
Event: Battle Phase - Beginning
Enemy Difficulty = Fodder
Riders x 29

The rider veered out of the way of the Kankousen as its systems prioritorized evasion over retaliation. While the riders would attack if given the opportunity their primary objective was what was driving them. Any that were attacked would go into evasion mode and try to keep the attention of the mercenaries away from the others. The one attacked by Burnet started to circle around his position while firing electrical bursts from its gloves, they wouldn't be enough to do much except sting a little at that range but the point was to get his attention while the others did their job.

Already the riders were upon the villagers like a plague of locusts, using their electrical gauntlets and stun batons to batter the confused population into submission. Each village taken down was quickly loaded into the motorcycles which opened up and then closed up on the unconscious victim's bodies. As soon as a vehicle was filled to capacity the bike shot off toward the canyon with the precious cargo, leaving its rider behind to clean up shop.

Brackus flew down into the village and quickly got in front of a vehicle before it could speed away and held it in place. "You zzhall not get away with any more today!" The Arlian hissed as the tires squealed in protest. Two nearby riders quickly tried to stop him with their blasts but the tough bug merely shook it off without worry. The riders quickly changed to their much more powerful stun batons and rammed them into his sides. The increased shock caused his muscles to spasm out of control, making him lose his grip on the bike which tore away from his grasp.

"No!" He hissed as he fired a ki blast at the rear tire. Thankfully the bike had yet to reach full speed as it tumbled to the ground, but the occupants were probably quite banged up which was regrettable, still as long as they were safe he could consider it a win.

The riders struck him again but no longer preoccupied with the bike he lashed out with a sword he drew from his exoskeleton, catching one of them off guard. The stuck one crumbled to the ground while the other took a fighting stance, but was blind sided as Grippa rushed it with incredible speed, knocking the machine down with the butt of his rifle.

"I got this one! Now save the others!" Grippa shouted at Brackus, who merely nodded as the feline struggled with the robot and rushed off toward the next enemy.

Kanka groaned as she opened her eyes to see a smooth face above her. "Never seen one of your kind before...must be one of those mercenaries we requested, I hope." Briefly she wondered if she was actually her captor but one quick look around told her all she needed to know.

"T-Thanks, but I'll be alright, my people need you more than they need me right now." Kanka gritted her teeth in anger at having accomplished so little while needing to be saved in the process. "Don't worry, as much as I want to get back in the fight I know I won't do much good right now." Kanka tried to move her body but the electric shock had pretty much paralyzed any muscles of major movement.

"If only I were stronger!" She tried to grab onto Rabi's arm but the grip was incredibly feeble, like that of a newborn kitten, she wouldn't recover anytime soon.

Riders x 28
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Mangrale
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Mangrale Star-Craving Mad

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Potemking
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Potemking Command Grab / Bottom Text

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


| Sunshi Village |

She continued scanning over the battlefield as she ascended to a cliff; Out of the way and assumedly out of reach if these things used those machines to get around. Kanka's words didn't fall on deaf ears, but the Saiyan was observing the combat situation instead of replying. She could be thankful once this was over; Until then, there was no telling the exact amount of damage that'd be done. In a way, this was a waste of time; It was highly possible they were going to lose more karkonites because of these actions Rabi took, but that was something to think about later.

As she placed Kanka down, she felt a very light grip; Glancing down at her arm. Without hesitation, she pulled away from the karkonite and instead turned to prepare to leave, as she was right in the fact the rest of her people needed more assistance. However, Kanka's words rang in the Saiyan's head.

If only I were stronger!

If only she had been stronger. Maybe she could have been quick enough to stop the attack before it landed, fought off the others. Saved Kohl. Those words were similar to ones she had screamed to herself for a long time; She held a lot of regret. Pain that she used to get stronger, but she often questioned if it was worth the losses she suffered. Kanka surely had family down there as well; She put her people before herself. Something Rabi would have done, during a time long gone.

"Focus on healing." Rabi finally responded, head lowering in thought. "You might not have the strength to defeat these foes yet, but you have to will to fight. And people to fight for." Rabi didn't have anything to fight for aside from herself. She'd rather other people not turn out like she did, so she'd ensure Kanka wouldn't. At least this once.

"Train yourself once you've healed. There's worse out there than these fools; And we might not be here to stop them next time."

Having said her piece, Rabi flew off towards the battle; Aiming to finish their defense of the locals, then find the source of these bastards. After seeing Kanka's condition she began to wonder to herself what use these karkonites would serve as slaves if they were returned so injured? She wasn't an expert, but an injured slave was a useless one, wasn't it? And she wasn't sure how long the injuries lasted. What'd they do with all the injured slaves while rounding up new ones? To Rabi it didn't entirely matter, but the thought was still... Chilling, in a sense. As in a way this invasion almost felt pointless.

Approaching to join the battle on the ground, Rabi felt more motivated and brutal than when she arrived on the planet in the first place. The sight of one of the Riders throwing a karkonite inside of those machines of theirs was something Rabi didn't expect. Those compartments looked uncomfortable for an individual her size, but the thought of cramming Burnet into one and sending him off to find the source of the slavers came to mind. She'd use this descent again to her advantage on the ground unit; Diving down and landing with one hand on the handlebars of the machine, gripping it tightly before bringing her body down; Pulling the bike towards her while delivering a kick to the front wheel, causing it to fly off and roll across the landscape.

"You've got one chance to talk." Rabi warned, feet landing on the ground. The action
she took alerted not just the rider trying to use said vehicle, but others still roaming in the general area. The rider seemed to recoil it's head at the sight but didn't hesitate to come at Rabi with it's stun baton; Jabbing it at the Saiyan only for her to sidestep the slow attack with ease; Charging forard and delivering a stomp to it's right foot, before delivering a bodyshot with her left fist, which had enough force and strenght to suspend the rider in the air, had they not been grounded by their own foot being stomped into the ground.

A cocky grin crossed the Saiyan's face. "This armor isn't so tough. I'll break through it, and you!" She growled, pulling her arm back for a second bodyblow. The swing came forward and connected again, this time her fist smashing through the machinery, making a hole in the torso of the enemy. The cockiness she felt soon ended as the rider wasn't entirely destroyed by this method; The two were momentarily locked together, and the rider took advantage by applying it's baton to the closest spot it could reach; Jabbing her in her right leg.

Despite the surprise, Rabi could thankfully keep herself up since she could fly: The pain itself wasn't that bad, but the shock to her leg wasn't at all pleasant. If she had to stand at the moment, she would've fallen for sure. Angered by this, Rabi gripped the rider's arm with her free hand, and placed her good foot on it's torso: Pressing against it with her foot while pulling it's arm, she plucked her other arm out of it's body, and applied enough force to send the rider rolling back as the pressure was too much for it's arm to handle; Rabi ripping it off entirely, along with the rider's weapon.

Dashing forward, Rabi had two weapons now: This neat baton thing, and the rider's own arm. She yanked the baton out of the grip of the rider's dismemebered limb, wielding one object in each hand. This didn't last long however, as since this arm was such a solid piece of machinery, she figured she'd put it to good use as a weapon. Now above the damaged rider, she attacked again by jamming it's own arm into it's face; The machinery within being maimed as it was finished off.

The calvary arrived in the form of multiple riders closing in on their vehicles. The sound was enough to alert Rabi to turn around, noticing two up front jousting at her with their batons, and one following up behind them. She threw the baton she had taken from the fallen rider at the one tailing behind, and the rider dodged without much issue but she hadn't thrown it to knock him out. She merely had to get rid of it.

As the riders approached, Rabi used her flight to flip in the air, stretching out her arms as she hung above the batons intended to hit her. Her entire body tensed, acting as a wall for the riders as she clotheslined both of them off of their vehicles, knocking them to the ground. Without skipping a beat, the Saiyan warrior grabbed one of them by the leg; lifting upwards and flinging it up to her height, stomach-down. She then delivered a kick with her good leg, sending it flying up into the air, in which she quickly gave chase to overtake the rider's upward momentum.

Managing to overtake the rider, she delivered a Double Axe Handle that caused the rider to plummet back towards the ground; Crashing into the other victim of Rabi's clothesline. Diving down, the Saiyan extended her leg and finished them both with an utterly devastating kick that crushed through the head of the first and nearly flattened the second.

Now where's that other one? She thought to herself, catching her breath. A cry of some villagers caught her attention, and she noticed that the third rider wasn't around. It had... Ignored the fight and went back to trying to capture karkonites? She wasn't sure if she should feel insulted that it ignored her, or...

Another cry from the karkonites sparked her back into action. She still wasn't allowed to let them get dragged off, after all. She dashed off towards the disturbance, prepared to eliminate anything in her way.

Riders x 25
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by WanderingDragon

WanderingDragon Professional Murderhobo

Member Seen 8 mos ago


The Scather

"And that's that."

When Jaden was beamed back to The Scather, he barely had time to get back to his quarters when the alert came up. He thought it over a moment. Sure, he'd just came back from a mission, but it was a simple escort that saw him do more sitting than anything. He checked his intercom. Apparently the planet, Karkon, is being attacked by slavers.

"Hm... Wouldn't hurt to throw my hat in the ring." Jaden finally decided. He hadn't even used up any ammo from the first mission, so it was straight to transport. He read the dossier about the mission on the way: A planet inhabited by feline humanoids...

"A furry's wet dream. Nice."

Somehow these attackers were able to make off with entire villages without anyone's notice? That's odd, even if those villages were small at first, surely somebody managed to escape capture and warn the others? He looked up who had already went.

"Let's see... Rabi, who's probably blown up half the planet by now... Brackus... Burnet... Hope he doesn't rob those people while he's saving them. So, it would seem there's more muscle on the venture than anything. Maybe if I got a hold of Burnet, we can try to divine the raiders' methods?"

A plan in progress was better than nothing. Arriving at the transporter, Jaden waved to the technician and explained his interest in the Karkon mission. When the Yardrat indeed appeared to pick him up, Jaden grasped his shoulder.

"I should ask how your people do this." He noted.

Planet Karkon

Jaden arrived to a room of panicking Karkonites. Holding out a hand, he managed to catch one by the shoulder.

"Hi, I'm Spyder from The Planet Breakers" He introduced himself. "Do you have a moment to explain the situation thus far?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


The Karkonites at the receiving sight were a bit startled when the human appeared as they were not expecting anyway else; however, once they noticed the Yardrat with him they realized where he had come from. The Karkonite that had been grabbed struggled for just a moment before noticing everyone else had stopped panicking. He settled down and turned to look at the human.

"Oh, you must be reinforcements! Thank goodness I was afraid when had been suddenly attacked from behind for a moment! Anyway, the others have already gone off to Sunshi Village to fight the slavers! Our communications have been jammed so that explains why no information about the enemy has gotten out before now. Oh right you just got here, they went that way!" The Karkonite quickly pointed Spyder in the village's direction.

Location: Sunshi Village
Event: Battle Phase - Middle
Enemy Difficulty = Fodder
Riders x 25

There was something off about the way the machines acted, it appeared that as long as the Karkonites were alive that was all that matter with the rough way they handled things. With how many had appeared at once it was pretty obvious why none of the even smaller villages had managed to have anyone escape, the riders had radar equipped and communication jamming so escape by the rather low technology level of their opponents was nearly impossible, as long as there weren't too many to capture at once. The riders themselves were not especially strong by a martial artists standards, but they were robust and certainly much stronger than most planet's general population, but it was their equipment that really set them a step above.

Three more bikes were loaded up and sped off toward the cliff side as quickly as possible, the riders themselves stayed behind to run interference and attempt to capture more natives. Brackus crackled with annoyance as he watched the bikes drive off with their captives, unfortunately he had no good way to stop them without potentially killing their new captives, so there was only one option left. He flew after the closest bike, raised a small gun and shot at the bike's back. Instead of a bullet, a small tracker glued itself to the bumper as the bike sped off, as they were machines the best way to keep track of the bike would be electronically, as ki would be no good as the Karkonites' levels were too low to effectively trace.

He returned to the battlefield and started to buzz around the riders, striking out with his sword when he got in range. He dove down on one and quickly lobbed off its head, then turned and fired a ki blast into the chest of another, downing it instantly as it failed to guard in time. A third managed to stick him with a baton, causing him to careen out of control and smash into the ground, the electric impulse causing his muscles to spasm.

"Currsssed machine." He hissed as the rider tried to strike him again with the baton but he managed to grab its arm, holding it in place while he ran it through with his sword. "We should finish this up as quickly as possible so we can chase after those vehicles."


Riders x 22
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

No sooner had Spyder departed The Scather, a different Yardrat appeared in its bay, bringing a sole individual along for the ride. They were Namekian, his skin largely green and patched with pinkish areas within dark red border lines. He walked forward without a moment's hesitation or even a word to the Yardrat. He did, however, give a quick wave albeit without even turning to look back. Sitar had made for the mission room to report the completion of his previous contract. It involved hunting down an capturing a slippery criminal that could only be described as a galactic snake oil salesman, traveling planet to planet convincing locals that he possessed an elixir capable of making the drinker several times stronger. But of course, after receiving orders and payments for elixir shipments he would instead vanish into the galaxy, never to be heard from again. Apparently Galactic Patrol had been having difficulty capturing him, as they were the ones who put up the contract and paid the bounty for him.

"You can tell Galactic Patrol that their con man is in imprisoned on Planet Raxus. I'm sure they'll be delighted to pick him up." Sitar told Clementine as he entered his personal code to log in his arrival. But Sitar didn't exactly bother with small talk, instead he went straight to checking the board for any active contracts he could take on. Unfortunately, most of them seemed to require that he wait for a team, but there was one currently active that he could jump into now without any delays, "Hmm, I'll go help with the Karkon Mission. That con man wasn't nearly enough of a warm up for me." and so he waited to enter his code on Clementine's pad so that he could be added to the mission roster, and then waited for the Yardrat to show up. Funnily enough, it was the exact same one that had just dropped Sitar off mere minutes ago.

"Fancy seeing you again." Sitar said, putting his green hand on the shoulder piece of the Yardrat's outfit, and waited.

In mere moments, the Namekian found himself lightyears away on another planet entirely. Planet Karkon, in a village that the others probably had also first arrived in. But unlike them, and unlike Spyder, Sitar didn't wait to ask the locals any questions. Instead he immediately closed his eyes and focused. Sitar was one of the only Planet Breakers who didn't wear a Scouter of any sort, namely because he had no need for such a thing. His own Namekian senses were more than capable of detecting Ki, and did so far more reliably at that.

Locating the Ki of his fellow Planet Breakers would not a hard task. They were easily the strongest beings on this planet. And so all he had to do was get a bead on where the highest levels of Ki could be found, "That direction!" Sitar had suddenly said aloud to no one in particular. Perhaps Spyder had heard him? But it didn't matter, Sitar took off in the direction he sensed the high ki in, and he didn't bother waiting for anyone.

With flight, it didn't take long for village under attack to come into view. The enemy had numbers on their side, and appeared to be more concerned with withdrawing than with fighting. He could see the aftermath of the efforts of some of his fellow Planet Breakers. The battle had already started, which meant Sitar had no time to dawdle. The first thing he noticed was a trio of armored foes speeding away on vehicles. If they were Slavers, then that meant they had to be transporting their captives in some manner using those vehicles. All that really meant was that simply blasting them was not an option. But Sitar had his own idea.

The Namekian dive-bombed to the ground, ensuring that he would be directly in the path of the fleeing Riders. The large emblem emblazoned on the back of his vest seemed to gleam in the light, just before Sitar lunged forward. As he did so, he spun his body around, making sure to elongate his arms in order to create a wide, sweeping blow capable of clothes-lining the Riders right off their vehicles. Without them operating them, the vehicles and their occupants shouldn't be going any further. After that, Sitar was finally free to cut loose a bit, he formed a spear of green Ki in his hands, his Dragon Spear technique, and charged forward, this time with the intent of skewering these riders and running them through with his spear attack.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by WanderingDragon

WanderingDragon Professional Murderhobo

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Jaden's gaze followed where the Karkonite pointed and nodded. In due time, the Namekian arrived and had rushed off in that direction as well. Jaden knew where that was going. For now, he focused his attention to other matters.

"While my comrades are off raising hell, let's see about restoring communications, or at least figuring out an alternative until such communications can be restored." He suggested. "Do any of you have a map of the area?"

When one was brought to him, Jaden figured the valleys were how these slavers were getting around undetected. That would also be where he'd need to go to pursue. Now, if communications were being jammed, that would mean that these people had some kind of jamming device on their person. Communication between Planet Breakers were simple enough, at least for those that can sense energy.

Thinking on this, an idea occured. He looked to the nearest one. "Are any of you familiar with Morse Code, or smoke signals?"

When one of the Karkonites answered, Jaden elaborated, "This is what I suggest: light a large fire and use some kind of covering to gather the smoke until releasing it. You can make the smoke clouds different sizes to represent different messages. Until communications are restored, we can use this to communicate. Got it?"

"Now, might I take one of your rifles?"
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