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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lilith was looking at the knife she caught which Ivy had thrown to her which was a surprise because as it flew through the air she was sure it was going to strike her. Then before she could form a plan Ivy says “Run! I’ll cover you! Go!”

Lily had never had to fight a day in her life and her dad had always surrounded her with the type of men and women that just looked at any threat to her person and it ran or melted away.

I don't know how to fight and from the looks of it and the way most legends and myths work I am either going to be the victim or an anchor that holds them back, she thought and the helplessness of it made her angry at herself but before she could do something about it Ivy grabbed her hand and started dragging her towards the portal then through it.

Once they were on the other side Ivy asked “It was Lilith, right?” she panting

"Hi hi, my name is Lilith; Lilith Fader but most people call me Lily she answered blushing.

She offered Ivy her dagger back saying in a soft gentle tone colored a bit by her voice unconsciously seeking to impress on Ivy how truly sorry she was "I'm so sorry I was useless, I've never even seen an act of violence before except on the TV. I promise this will be the last time I am a burden"

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sanity43217
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Member Seen 16 days ago

Jason welcomed the aid to his feet. Glancing between the monster and the portal. He winced as he tried to move his left arm. Having done some damage to it in the fall. He glanced around to see who was still on this side of the portal only to realise he was the only one left. Sheathing his sword, he ran for it. He leapt over a swipe of the monster's tail, and rolled over his hurt shoulder, wincing in pain, only to grab his bag of food which he had put down when the fight started. "Fuck." He was wheezing. Having had the wind knocked out of him, and with a dislocated shoulder, he was pushing himself to keep running towards the portal. The only issue was, his manoeuvring had placed the beast between him and the portal. Which did well to allow the others a window to escape, but meant his job was this much harder. "Fuck." He swore again. Realising how dire the situation was. Trying to think of a plan before they closed the portal was hard, with the pain throbbing from his shoulder.
Using his good arm, he tossed his food bag under the beast, using a gust of wind to carry it through the portal.
Jason took a step back and dropped to one knee. Trying to suck air into his burning lungs as he continued to overexert his body. "Fuck" He said again, now with a plan in mind, just not one he enjoyed. Rising to his feet, he ran. Dropping to his knees, he power slid under the monster, jumping into the air after he had cleared it. This was the part that it all hinged on. Lacking the energy to do much else, he had to get hit.
Just as he expected, Jason was smashed by the tail whip from the monster, the momentum sending him through the portal. "You can close the portal now. I think that's everyone." He said in a weak voice, lying on his back. Trying to force a smile on his face, but failing to the massive amounts of pain racking his body.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Jasper19 Sarcastic

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Tony wiped the sand from the portal out of his hair as it closed behind him. Looking at everyone's injured his eyes still glowed orange as he used Sekhmets power to begin healing. Tony would Kiss his fingers and then place them on whoever he was healing until eventually he healed everyone . With each heal he would get angrier and angrier at how everyone was hurt and barely survived. Looking around he would realize they were in a abandoned House of Life Base .

Suddenly Tony breathes deeply and the bloodlust and rage from sekhmet combined with his own anger gets too much for him as he turns his glowing orange eyes on the group. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!! he yells in his mixed voice. " I don't expect us to be a team right off the bat but Jesus Christ don't get yourselves killed we're fucking teenagers and half of you don't even know how to use your fucking magic or powers or whatever the fuck it is! " he points to arty " You! Who gives a fuck if you know archery I see another person with a bow and then yelling at everyone else to distract the thing for you!? You're the one with a goddamn bow your supposed to be distracting it! he yelled at her. He then turns to Devon " You instead of charging the goddamn monster without backup make a fucking mental plan first so you know what you're fucking doing when you charge at a goddam monster with near unbreakable scales! " he whirls on Damien " you you're supposed to be the other archer! Distract the fucking monster and maybe instead of shooting tons of your goddamn arrows in a hurry take your fucking time and shoot a well placed one it's not that fucking difficult to understand! " he turns on Theo if you don't know how to use your goddamn powers dont! Your little fucking trick almost caused me to lose focus and almost got us all killed! And next time if you know about the fucking monster use your own goddamn knowledge! he turns toward Jason " You! How about you don't go bossing people you just met around and then go and get smacked and knocked out for almost the whole battle! Next time think and follow your own fucking advice before you give it to others! " he turns toward regan " you!...fuck I don't even know what you did! Tony yells in frustration

and then turns to Lyn and Lilith " you guys! If you don't know what to do at all then get the fuck out of the way! You're just causing a more sure liability and likelyhood that someone will get killed trying to save your ass! " he turns to J.R " if you don't have the own weapon then get out of the fucking way as well because needing to take someone else's will just fuck that person over! Fucking try to come prepared or don't come at all! " he looks at darya " if you can use your powers the same goes for what I said with theo! Don't cause a fucking earthquake that could hurt the group and doesn't do shit to the monster! " he turns to ivy " if you are making a plan don't just stand there and take forever and a fucking day! At least evade or some shit that distracts the fucking monster attacking us goddamnit! " he looks at Gabriel " and you! Don't fucking protect one person when the whole entire group is in danger! Use your damn fighting skills or whatever shit you have to help and contribute or there is no reason to be on the quest! "

Tony pants hard out of breath after the ranting and let's out a sigh. " If we are to succeed as a group and as friends and finish this quest " he says calmer as his eyes fade back to green. " then we must learn to be a team and how to control our powers and work together and play off of each others strengths " he says gazing at everyone " and that is exactly what we will do , until we become a team we are not leaving this place he sighs , now just worn out and tired " I'm sorry I yelled but what I said was truthfull , so before I sleep tonight I'm going to come up with our training regiment and rules we should follow to stay alive and come back home " Tony says and gazes at them intensely. He then sighs again " Now any of you that has been at camp for more than a day please tell me about demigods and their powers and attracting monsters "

Damien stands up in what would be legion at attention , Tonys yelling reminded him of camp Jupiter. " Well we are half Greek or Roman God and half mortal , your powers vary from each one and their godly parent but she can't control until we train until then it's just them being used in stressful situations. And then well our presence attracts monsters and if we use phones that can also attract monsters "
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

Member Seen 1 day ago

Devon points his scythe at Tony, the blade turning a vibrant purple, and his pupils glow with the same violet blaze. "Shut up. I don't care who you think you are, you have no right to scream at us like that. You want to start a fight? Then keep yelling. See what happens." He scowls, his hands burning with dark fire. "Who are you right now? Tony, or that stupid god Sekhmet?" He keeps his scythe drawn, and the foundations under him begins trembling and cracking.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by PrincessVampora
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PrincessVampora The Princess of Vampires

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Arty sighs as she looks at Tony. "Ima slap a bitch who yells at me next." she said under her breath as she walked off pissed. She looked around the house and sighed. "IM GOING TO LOOK FOR A FUCKING ROOM! JACK ASS!" she said to Tony. She was fuming. She found a room and sighed as she set her stuff on the bed. She sat down and mumbled. "How am i supposed to get in a good shot if no one fucking distracts it." she said as she grabbed her ipad and headed to the desk, She started doing some commissions she had been paid for but had to put on hold do to this bullshit....She sighed as she spent hours there. She was so focused on her work, thanks to tony. Hours later she sighs as she finishes her work and then looks at her other messages, Most where asking for commissions, she sighs and texts back that she cant right now as shes going throw some stuff and will pick it up when she can. She then posts it on her SM profiles. She sighs and puts stuff away, after turning everything off but her phone. She quickly checks it and sends a few hearts to her one friend. She then texts her mom and sighs, and grabs a box of pocky. She nibbles on it as she thinks....
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Entlein
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Entlein Not a duck / as far as I can tell

Member Seen 9 days ago

Darya takes Tony's criticism in stride, hardly blinking. She recognizes that, although she'd been trying to localize the earthquake, his anger and concern for the safety of the others was well-founded. When he announces his plan for a training regiment, she let's a small, pleased smile slip through her stoic expression. He asks for more experienced campers to provide information, so she tries to catch his attention with a raised finger.
"Damien's insights hold true across to the Greek demigods. Unless we have proper training, it's almost impossible to control our powers. They vary based on the skills of our respective godly parents, but they often manifest differently among demigods. For example, Percy, another child of Poseidon, has very strong water-based powers, whereas mine are centered around earthquakes. My family had connections at Camp Half-Blood, so I was fortunate enough to have training from a young age, but many were not so privileged." She gestures to his eyes. "Would you care to inform us about 'hosts,' and where we are?"
At Artemis's outburst, she winces in secondhand embarrassment. Some people don't take criticism well.
Reagan winces as Tony yells, but almost giggles nervously as Tony's frustration is directed at them. In hindsight, they wish they'd done more to distract the monster, but they'd protected the others, so they didn't regret their decision.
Tony calls for anyone who had been in camp for more than a few days, so Reagan starts towards him. With a timid smile, they offer, "Well, I don't have a whole lot of information that hasn't already been offered, but myself and other children of Hermes have a few safe-ish houses and cash stashes. As for powers and attracting monsters, we've all got quick instincts in battle and can read Ancient Greek, and our camp is protected from monsters by-" they cut off, unsure of how much they're allowed to reveal. "magic stuff?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ouTland01
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Llewellyn looks a bit sick, and it's only half because he's a jittery, adrenaline-filled wreck. There's something horribly familiar pulling at him from the earth, and he has a sinking feeling that he knows what it is.
The godly half of his parentage. His missing link. A strength that he never dared to think he might actually have.
But he wasn't claimed at the campfire. Maybe-
Maybe soon. He hopes so. Maybe being claimed will assuage the nauseating pull of power in his bones- or at least let him give name to it.
He barely hears Tony, caught up in a million racing thoughts. He nods blankly. What is he agreeing to? Something about staying out of the way. He can do that.

Gabriel looks almost startled, then his face drops into a scowl. He feels anger rising up his throat, and he snarls something in that other language. His eyes narrow to near slits, livid. "You really think I care-"
He cuts off, taking a ragged breath to calm himself. Focus. Stand tall but accept input. Voice low, he continues. "Don't lecture me on motive, skíthaus. I stayed by you so you could finish your portal and I could keep it away from the fucking-" he gestures vaguely- "fjandinn hafi það. Obelisk. Did you stop to think what would happen if it had destroyed it?"
"I am a son of Mars. I know I should've been up there. But we already had a competent enough distraction, and if you were going to sit idly by, undefended, working on a portal that the survival of half the group hinges on, then I'm going to prioritize you. It's called initiative for a fucking reason. I know what I'm doing."
Mouth twisted into a frown, he runs a hand through his hair. He inhales and exhales, calmer.
Gabriel stands tall, back straight, chin level- proud. He has every reason to be. "I'm a legionnaire of the Second Cohort. I have a handle on my powers and several years of experience under my belt. I can field questions or training, depending on demand."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sharidi37495
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Sharidi37495 The Nerdy Alien

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

J.R. lets Tony rant, indignation flashing across her features when he says she didn’t have a weapon. “I didn’t have the right weapon,” she mutters. She sighs at Artemis’s outburst. “I swear that girl’s going to kill us all.” She grins at Reagan’s input about the children of Hermes, taking a mental note to talk to her half sibling about their powers and abilities. She wonders about the cash stashes and safe houses. Was it possible she took advantage of them without realizing? She approaches Reagan with quiet feet. She taps their shoulder, just enough movement to get their attention. “Hey. Find me later. We need to talk,” she murmurs so only they can hear.

Ivy waits for Tony to calm down, frowning when he mentions her. She didn’t have a plan, unless you call helping others a plan. She has no clue what her powers could be, all she knows is that she can heal. Hell, her mind is still reeling from the fact that her mother is a goddess. She listens to the more experienced demigods, wondering what would feed such a large group.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hearing all the angry conversation Lily realized it was partly due to a perceived lack of granted authority and it might continue if the issue wasn't addressed soon but she didn't hold any hope it would be an easy fix according to the legends and myths surrounding demi gods.

So knowing she isn't a known quantity Lily looks for a clear space of ground and pulls off her heavy pack and guitar setting them and herself down on the ground and rummaging through her snack haul settling on BBQ Corn Nuts and her Water flask.

Desi had been really surprised when she found herself in the back of a car sleeping and saw a group of punks wandering by that promised a bit of adventure so she got out and followed them only to watch as they got in a fight with a critter like a dragon as one of their number did some mumbo jumbo which opened a portal.

When the portal opened and to her disappointment none of the punks got even a scratch (A scratch meaning the need for EMTs) she flipped a gold coin she'd found (stole from an idiot that showed it to her breaking the rule of never show your treasures to strangers) and it came up heads so just as it closed she dove through.

It was easier than she hoped to take advantage of the Chaos and the focus on the guy called Tony to slip off to the side and just blend as if she belonged while making sure to do as little as possible to attract notice. Once in position she checked her throwing blades and the nifty chain whip a gift from the whore slash goddess who abandoned her to her dad and the harpy she called granny.

Not sure how they'd react to her just tagging along she was sure if they tried anything she was going to make several of them bleed or escape; maybe both.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sanity43217
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Member Seen 16 days ago

Jason gently pressed down on the side of the scythe, to move it away from his friend. In a gesture for Devon to lower the weapon. ”Calm down, before you do something you regret.” Tony’s words may have cut, but he’d be damned if some edgy punk-ass Emo kid was gonna kill the closest thing they had to a leader. ”Everyone here is a friend. There is no need for violence.”
Everyone seemed to be taking the criticism well, expect for two. The lady who just yelled and ran off. He doubted if she had much future with the quest, acting in such a childish manner, Jason doubted she could really bring anything of value to a team. Then there was the Emo edge lord. Who instead of taking form of criticism defaulted to threatening murder. ”There is no reason to make new enemies amongst these friends.” Jason said in a calming voice. Gesturing to the group of Demigods. ”There will be a time for a fight, but this isn’t it.”

A figure stepped out of a doorway to an adjacent room. ”When Odin sent me to keep an eye on a group of Demigods trying to get involved in a prophesy, I expected...” He gestured at the group, wearing a mask of disappointment. ”More.” He glanced at his watch. ”I’ve been waiting for little more than an hour, only to see...” He gestured again. ”... This. You’ll have to fill me in. Dad’s gonna be disappointed if he finds out this band of misfits are who set Ragnarök in motion.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Jasper19 Sarcastic

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Tony shrugs Gabriel's title didn't really mean anything to him as he didn't even know what a second cohort was "well since were saying things about ourselves then I'm the Host of the Egyptian goddess Sekhmet and a magician of the Brooklyn Nome " Tony said then ignored devons comment about a fight and made a gesture of thanks to Jason . even though Sekhmet was screaming for blood in his mind and wanting to fight Tony didn't want to lose control, not again. He then took a deep breath and turns to the kid who just spoke " Odin? Don't know who that is and don't known what Ragnarök is either " Tony then fills in the kid on the past events that happened and introduces him to everyone then looks at the silver haired kid behind him and thought 'hmm why does he have a tat?' . Tony then turns to Darya " A host " he began his cheerful tone returning " Is the human vessel for a Egyptian God , they can not interact in the human world without one though there are a few exceptions , a host has the god in their head and either are in a symbiosis nature when both of them are one and are called the eye of whatever God they are hosting. Or are at a novice stage like me and draw upon the gods or goddess in my case power then the final thing is a god can just completely take control of the human. " once explaining that he frowns as he sees a new girl who he could've sworn wasn't there before but just let's it slide not really having the drive for anything right now. Once he organizes his mind he walks out of the nome and asks where they are , walking back in he smiles " well everyone welcome to Australia , on and don't worry about being attacked by monsters for now Nomes have multiple spells and wards placed on them "

Tony informs the group and takes his wand out, a boomerang shaped piece of ivory. He then touches it to the edge of the door activating the wards as hieroglyphics appear. " there all activated " be says cheerfully and begins to walk off in the direction of the library , or what he hoped was the library nomes were usually set up in similar ways. " Rooms should be on the left hallway usually the nomes have enchanted cabinets to give clothes but I don't know if they will if you need me I will be in the library " he says walking off. Unbeknownst to Tony Damien and Theo had decided to leave and go back to their respective camps.

Robin scratched his hair that was peeking through his L.A. hat. He had been apart of the camp Jupiter delegate that was sent to Camp Half Blood , he was a fairly new legionaire not even been at camp for a year and part of the fourth Cohort in fact he had gotten his burn only a couple weeks ago. Robin gently traced his burn as Tony talked about hosts like all people at Camp Jupiter who had the burn it was on his inner forearm. A flaming hammer , the symbol of Vulcan his dad was in the center of his wrist and the letters SPQR were directly beneath it with one horizontal line directly beneath that. Sure he was a bit disappointed no one noticed him but he was used to it so we instead of making a scene he just sat there .

A mischievous smile played across Caspers face as Ryan walked up and told them their mission. A look of displeasure crossed his face when Ryan said" Me " and "I " he then walked up so everybody could see him. " Actually it's we" he said emphasizing we. Casper then bowed and stood back up " Casper son of Loki at your service " he sarcastically said with a little laugh. " But I do agree with Ryan over here you guys are kinda....underwhelming " Casper said smiling but it never reached his eyes and there was always a glint of mischief in his eyes.

The Next Day

Tony had spent all night researching Martial arts and creating Rubber shabti that everyone could use to practice their certain martial art on. Then everyone had woken up he lead them into the Nomes training room and began to tell them the martial arts they could chose out of. " I chose Seven martial arts for you guys to choose out of and made a shabti to train with you until you become good enough to fight each other all the use of channeling Sekhmets energy literally almost killed me so let's have fun" he said happily. He then began to explain the martial arts

Kung Fu(Zui Quan or drunken fist style)A Chinese hand to hand combat style that imitates the movements and actions of a drunkard but combines shaolin Kung fu techniques leading to a great martial art to mislead your opponent and swiftly and sharply start and end a fight using a combination of flat hand punches and kicks.

Muay Thai:Muay Thai, or literally 'Thai boxing', is a combat sport of Thailand that uses stand-up striking along with various clinching techniques. This discipline is known as the "art of eight limbs" as it is characterized by the combined use of fists, elbows, knees, and shins.

Taekwondo:Taekwondo, Tae Kwon Do or Taekwon-Do is a Korean martial art, characterized by its emphasis on head-height kicks, jumping and spinning kicks, and fast kicking techniques.

Karate:. Karate is predominantly a striking art using punching, kicking, knee strikes, elbow strikes and open-hand techniques such as knife-hands, spear-hands and palm-heel strikes.

Judo:A martial art predominantly known by its use of throws and joint locks

Brazilian Jiu-jitsu:Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is a self-defense martial art & combat sport based on grappling, ground fighting & submission holds, focusing on the skill of controlling one’s opponent through a number of techniques that force him or her to submit via chokeholds & joint locks (newaz

Krav MagaA fighting style created by the Israeli armed forces that uses kicks, punches, knees and elbows to attack and defend while teaching to target the body's weakpoints , eyes , throat, groin, back of the knee etc

Robin had thought about it and after having a mild conversation with Tony who was surprised to find out he was there decided to choose Muay Thai .

Casper knew how to fight with a machete yes but we far as hand to hand went it was more bash a dude's head in with a rock , but the chokeholds and such interested him so he chose BJJ(Brazilian jiu-jitsu).
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Can I do Judo and Krav Maga?" He steps away from the sizzling earth, and slings his scythe over his shoulder. He pulls out a random book, sitting down on the couch to read. He looks around every now and then, his eyes a dark blue, almost black. Devon looks up at Darya, and he sighs, putting the book aside and walking away from the group. He grips his massive scythe in both hands, and the weapon flickers with dark, shadowy flames. He slings the scythe around, splitting the earth, summoning Spartoi to train against, the skeletal warriors raising swords as they rush forward to spar Devon.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by PrincessVampora
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PrincessVampora The Princess of Vampires

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Arty sighs as she heads to sleep. She sets her alarm and then lays there for a bit her limbs scraming at her to do something....she dose not know what time she went to sleep but she did.

Next Day***************

Arty wakes up to her phone SCREAMING out Monochrome Kiss. Her head pops up and she looks at it sleepily. She then sighs. "Noon....Again....slept to late again." she said as she got up and dressed. She winces as she Squeezes her large chest into a binder and sighs. "There to fucking big." she mutters as she sighs and cuts the binder off. She sighs as she puts on a sports bra and some shorts. She pulls her hair up into a pony tail and then heads to the bathroom to take car of herself....She comes out drying her face off. She then heads to the kitchen. When she gets there she sighs as she looks for food. "OI! You guys need some one to get some food? And other things? I can!" she said as she looked around the cabinets.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Entlein
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Entlein Not a duck / as far as I can tell

Member Seen 9 days ago

Darya follows the various explanations of pantheons carefully, mentally taking notes that she would transcribe later. She inclines her head in acknowledgement of Tony's explanation of the hosts, muttering a quiet "thanks" as she peers down the hallway he had indicated. With a glance at the boy wielding the scythe, she heads down the hallway. She turns into the farthest bedroom and closes the door quietly.
The bed looks inviting, but Darya lays her bag on the bed, unrolls a mat, and sits on the floor. She pulls out a notebook and jots down her understanding of the pantheons, then returns the book to the pack. There's a lot of them, she thinks, stretching her muscles out slowly. She works through a gentle yoga routine, re-stretches, and slips into bed. Her sleep comes easily, uninterrupted by dreams.

❧Next Day❧

When Tony comes around to gather everyone in the morning, Darya is stretching again, a mostly drained glass of cranberry juice on the floor next to her. She follows him to the training room and listens as he lists the martial arts. She decides to learn Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, interested in its submission holds. "Are we allowed to watch the others as they train?" she asks Tony. "I'd like to get a general idea of each style, even if I won't be able to practice them."


Reagan startles at the tap, grabbing J.R.'s wrist as she pulls away. Recognition flashes across their face, and they release it with an apologetic grin. "Okay?" they murmur back, a little confused. The discussion turns to the other pantheons and gods, so Reagan allows their attention to wax in and out of the conversation. Tony points out the left hallway, but when he leaves for the library, Reagan follows him to get a better idea of the layout. They gape openly at the size of the library, wandering between the rows. Reagan grabs a book at random and returns to the bedroom hallway. They claim the room closest to the library and throw their bag on the floor haphazardly. The book is set on the bed with far more care. Reagan throws open the cabinet eagerly, pulls out a soft pair of linen pants, and shucks everything else quickly. They crow triumphantly at the perfect fit and slide into the bed, opening the book eagerly.
It's in Egyptian.
They close the book, set it on the nightstand, and turn over.
☤Next Day☤

Reagan startles awake, accustomed to the routine of Camp Half-Blood. They change and pull out a meal bar, then reopen the book from last night. It's unintelligible, but this isn't the first language they've had to struggle to understand. They pull out a pen and notebook, jotting down symbols and their guesses at possible meanings. When Tony comes around to lead the group to the training room, Reagan follows quickly, stuffing the notes and their collapsed bo staff into a camera bag.
As Tony lists the different arts available, Reagan perks up at the mention of taekwondo. Once Tony seems unoccupied, they approach him with a questioning grin. "Hey! So, I have a yellow belt in taekwondo. My dad had me learn it for a few years, before I went to camp. Do the, uh, the-" he fishes for the word Tony had used. "Training dummies? Can they compensate for what I already know?" he asks.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sharidi37495
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Sharidi37495 The Nerdy Alien

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ivy explores the mansion-like nome, wandering aimlessly. She follows Tony into the library, because what better things does she have to do?

J.R. picks a room slightly hidden, as the slightly smaller door almost seems like the entrance to an oversized closet. She unpacks what meager supplies she carries during her transient life. She sets up pictures from travel magazines and pictures she’d taken on her travels, and she inspects every nook and cranny for surveillance devices. After deeming it safe, she changes into comfortable sweatpants and lays on the bed as she starts to write.

A young woman looks around an all purpose store in an airport. She stretches, still a little worn from her flight to Australia. A voice in her head kept insisting she had somewhere to go, but first she had to wait for her boxing team to disband for the small vacation at their layover spot. ‘’Ooh what’s this?’ For a moment, the girl’s eyes turned a bright yellow and she reached toward a beauty kit. Her eyes return to brown, and she slaps her own hand. She seems to keep fighting with herself, until her team informs her that they’re going to the hotel. That night, she has the weirdest dream: lions, death, chaos, mischief, luck, water, and several other things.

Next Day

Ivy follows Tony to the training room as she munches on pepperoni, and listens to him describe the different styles as she stretches. “Hmm... Krav Maga sounds fun.”

J.R. stretches and pulls her hair up into a ponytail as Tony talks. “Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.” She grins faintly at the idea of using her flexibility and smaller stature to make someone suffer.

The young woman argues with the voice in her head about whether she should follow up on the odd dream as she snacks on a breakfast bar.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lily looks around the Nome for a room where she settles down and thinks of unpacking but instead decides it might be best for her to leave her things in her pack removing only the small things she'd need to change clothing and for her bath. Then takes her Guitar into her lap and begins playing some of her favorite retro acoustic tunes such as Yesterday and Time in a Bottle so she might have an excuse to cry a little.

That night she ate from her snacks before bed setting her watch to wake her at 6:00 so she could bathe again after her morning stretches then headed to breakfast having just enough to feed her body but not to cause her issues at what was sure to be a grueling set judging by the angry tones of the other day.

Des quickly lost herself in the large place and using her skills gained on the streets slipped into the place they kept the food first taking advantage of the chaos of so many new arrivals to pilfer the fixings of a large sandwich and stuff her jacket pockets with fruit, cheese and bread.

Then she set out to explore this place the kids of the more attentive and generous gods had supplied for their little salauds eating as she walked.

It was in her wanderings she encounter several of the other kids and surprise she was kicked out or asked to leave but given a wake up call of 7:00 in the morning which she thought of as a luxury and proof they were all so spoiled. So that night she piled on more food and even had a chance to wash herself and her clothes in the bath another luxury she was happy to take advantage of before falling to sleep or it's facsimile.

Sleep for Des was not the sugar plum dreams of the pampered children of the world, her's was the final battle and her hiding and watching as she watched people that had been as close a family and her dad and granny slaughtered by the local warlord who was obviously terminating the units contract.

"Je te tuerai, je te tuerai tous les salauds sans mère!" came from her darkened room

She woke and it was 4:45 and checked her clothing which was still damp form being washed she put on thinking to herself her body heat could do the rest and it would also add incentive to her morning work out as she waited for the others to wake at 7:00.

It started as always with her stretching herself into a pretzel making her almost as limber as a contortionist then came the cardio which she attacked as vigorously as her body could manage happy that the evaporating damp of her clothing had made sweating a minimum if any at all. Her body properly warmed up she practiced maneuvers with one then two of the Kunai daggers which while not the ideal were a good substitute for the machetes the boys in the band had taught her with her dad's approval.

As she went through the motions she pictured the few times since running away she'd had to use her blades to protect her body and all that she owned and this made her faster as she felt the tingling blood lust and the remembered screams of those who'd be party to this oldest of arts with the blade.

Finally after an eternity of waiting the time of 6:45 arrived so she put her toys away and bounced off to raid the kitchen and was happy to find a laid out spread of breakfast waiting which she devoured just before looking for the place that the time was so important to by just following the crowd.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sanity43217
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Member Seen 16 days ago

Jason spent the night wandering the halls of the Nome. It was getting late. Most of the others had gone to bed. While he often tried to keep up the upbeat, naive quester vibe going, he often found when he was alone, he struggled with his own darkness. Not that he would ever bring it up with anyone in the group. Wandering the halls while it was dark, gave him some solace. Leaning against a wall, he slid to the ground. His head resting between his hands. "I'm sorry." He whispered into his hands. His mind takes him back to that fateful night. Taking a deep breath, he centred himself back in reality. Jason stood up and found a room, to finally get some sleep.

Next Day

Jason had gotten up early, and made himself breakfast from his bag of food, and went to the training room when summoned. Listening to the options. Looking at the kopis on his hip. It never really suited him. He only got it because the camp was greek. He had taken fencing classes as a kid and was more suited to long thin blades. He decided to take Kung Fu. His fighting style always revolved around mobility and hard/fast strikes, so it seemed like the best fit.

Ryan spent the night maintaining his weapons and equipment. While making idle chit chat with Rösk.
Next Day

He was up early. Never really slept. Not since the war. So, up and ready, he waited the training area for the briefing. When he listened to the different martial arts, he sighed eyed his cousin. He didn't really feel the need for combat practice. When he was alive, he practised Hung Ga, Kung fu, and since his death, he had practised Lausatok.
Ryan pulled a cigarette packet from his pocket and held it to his lips. It lit itself instantly as he took the first drag. "Krav Maga sounds interesting," He said to no one in particular. Taking another drag, he cracked his knuckles, getting ready for a fight.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Jasper19 Sarcastic

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Tony smiled once everyone had chosen their martial art. " Alright nice and now this will basically the general schedule will be , wake up at 7:00am martial arts training , until noon then we have a lunch break and then it's ,team building exercises until three and then power practicing from three to five and then sparring sessions from five to seven and once it reaches seven its relaxation time and if you don't wake up by seven am I will pour my code red mountain dew on you to wake you up." he said cheerfully and snapped to have the shabti, which he had made enough for everyone to get one on one training began teaching everyone in their respective martial arts. Whistling a Irish tune he took his spot next to Jason for kung fu and began to practice with the Shabti.

Robin walked to the Muay Thai Shabti and began to practice. He wasn't used to the furry of kicks and elbows and generally everything being thrown at him so he got beat fairly eaisly. Robin would get more frustrated as the shabti beat him and as he did a aura of heat began to radiate off of him . "Agghh" he cried out in frustration then walked out of the nome and calmed down then walked back in and began to train with renewed vigor.

Casper smiled as he looked at the shabti. " Ooh scary statue made out of rubber please don't hurt me" he said chuckling . His humor was quickly cut off when he found himself on his back. " Stupid statue" he growled and muttered a curse in old norse then began to trade blows with the shabti. He usually found himself in some form of submission or chokehold or caught in a flip as he wasn't used to this type of fighting style. Though he did enjoy the exercise and began to be able to dodge the shabti though performing the moves on it was one other thing entirely .

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by PrincessVampora
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PrincessVampora The Princess of Vampires

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Arty sighed and then went to her room grabbed her back pack and then headed out. She was gone for most of the day getting groceries, and other things. When she got home she sighed as she started to un load them onto the counter then into the fridge. She organized the pantry, Fridge, Freezer and Cabinets. She even made some healthy chicken, broccoli mac and cheese. She sighed as she sat down at the counter and started to eat.

(Might add more later)
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

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