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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Jasper19 Sarcastic

Member Seen 7 mos ago

I had forgotten to put that on his cs thx for reminding me
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sylvan
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Sylvan Local Cryptid

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Yeah, Runa is a high-aptitude Initiator-type Scout. That is to say, a scout that gains info about an enemy team by getting in their face and starting a fight. I should have a post up later today/early tomorrow, and a lot of her high aptitude is going to show itself as (at least early on) as high resistances and her own personal moves, as well as shinsu reinforcement.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DELETED08737


Banned Seen 9 mos ago

<Snipped quote by ColourlessKing>

Most of the characters here are young, I think it's only you and me who are old timers.

It's understandable for the others atleast most of them don't get trapped in a suspended castle or rigoriously trained to be a princess. Mostly talking about the guys with lineage.

Although technically we are pretty young compared to Endorsi and Khun them being in the 300s
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sylvan
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Sylvan Local Cryptid

Member Seen 1 hr ago

I finally got my post up! Yaay!!! I hope you all like it.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by DELETED08737


Banned Seen 9 mos ago

20 Years Earlier, Outside the Tower, Village of the Elements Outer Boundary

"Mommy, what’s that giant tower on the horizon?"

A younger Runa asked, turning to her mother and pointing at the Tower, a look of childish curiosity on her face. Turning to look at her young child, Runas mother got a distant look in her eyes.

"That is a place nobody returns from, young one. A cursed place, full of blood and death. Do not think of it again, there is nothing good there."

After this brief exchange, Runa and her mother continued along a dirt path towards a shaded village and Runa, ever a curious child, swore to herself that she would visit the mysterious tower one day, although the village elders hoped she would forget her dreams as she grew.

1 Week Before Present Day
Outside the Tower, Village of the Elements

"Yes mother, I'm sure I'm going. I have to find out what is truly within that tower! You said it yourself, nobody in the village has even been near the thing in ages!!!"
Runa said, almost shouting with frustration at her mother’s worried attitude as she packed a bag with all she thought she would need, throwing it together in a chaotic mess of food, clothes and other supplies.

"Runa, the ancient stories tell of only death coming from that tower. If you go inside, you might never come back!"

Runas mother replied, almost whining and shaking with worry as she paced around her daughters’ room. After a few minutes of this, and other similar exchanges, and ancient old man knocks briefly at Runas door before sticking his head inside.

"Ah, so the rumor is true, my young student. You are leaving soon, as you so often mentioned when you were younger. It is a shame to see my most talented student go, but if that is the path your heart is set upon, let the blessings of the 5 elements follow you wherever your travels might lead. And do not forget to nurture the lightning within you, and never let the flow halt."

"Master! I'm sorry, I was going to come and say goodbye before I left... Thank you for all of your knowledge and assistance all these years! I hope to return here after discovering all there is to know about the tower. I have to know what secrets it holds, and why the ancient stories tell of nothing but death and flight for our people there. I need to know how true the ancient ballads and stories actually are."

Runa snaps to a still, standing position for the first time since she started packing, and gives a formal, polite bow to the elderly man, before resuming her halted task.

"Perhaps, though, you could share one last meal with the village before you leave, to give all of us something to remember you by, and to give you something to remember all of us by. The blood of the five elements should not go alone, even if it is only company in spirit."

the elder said, with a respectful nod towards Runa and her mother in turn.

"Yes... that would be lovely, and it would give your father and I another joyous memory with you, seeing you off like that."

Runas mother left it unsaid, but all three knew that the village did not expect Runa to return. That night, the village had a massive feast, with almost everyone in attendance, that went on throughout the night. In the morning, seen off by her family and a few close friends, Runa left her family and village behind, possibly forever.

Present Day
Tower Doors, 1st Floor

After a fairly uneventful week of travel, Runa arrived at a large, ornately carved set of wood double doors, the end of this leg of her journey. She resettled her pack and walked up to the doors. She reached up and pushed hard on both doors, expecting them to be locked, or at least heavy, and stumbled forwards across the threshold and falling onto her face. The doors turned out to not only be unlocked, but extraordinarily light given their size.

As she was picking herself up off the floor, she froze, seeing a strange creature with an oddly pointed face staring at her as it sat, one leg over the other at a tea table, a delicate porcelain cup raised halfway to its mouth, and what could only be described as a look of perturbation and surprise on its strange face. Both parties kept still, frozen in that tableau for a few seconds before the creature set its cup down with great ire and stood, offering Runa a hand up and introducing itself.

"Welcome to the Tower. I am Headon, the Administrator of the First Floor. If you wish to climb the tower, you must first pass a test equivalent to the value of your wish. Tell me, why do you seek to climb the tower, irregular?"

"Wait... This is the tower? I just... got in? And you, Headon, what do you mean about wishes and tests? All I want is knowledge. I need to know about this tower and its history."

"Then your wish is knowledge, of course, and to gain that knowledge, you must pass the test on each floor, until you get to the top, where any wish can come true. Now, to come up with a suitable test... Ah, I know! If you can shatter this cube within five minutes, you will pass my test, and can move on to the next floor."

Headon gestures with his staff, causing a cube of solid, translucent blue material, half a meter to a side, to materialize nearby, hovering at about chest height for an average human.

With a very If I have too shrug and roll of her eyes, Runa takes off her backpack, and surveys the cube. As she starts walking around, however, she quickly recognizes the feeling of the lightning pulsing in her veins, but it seems to be coming from her skin, and the stuff around it, the energy pouring into her body like it never had before. Filing this information away for later examination, Runa took her stance in front of the cube, and struck, as a blaze of electric power blasted out of her punch, shattering the cube and filling the room with the echoes of a thunderclap. Runa stared at her fist afterwards, momentarily stunned, muttering "I... I can do that?"

"Ah, just as I suspected. Congratulations, irregular Runa, you passed the test. Good luck climbing the Tower." Headon said with a foreboding chuckle, as he waved his hand, transporting Runa, and her backpack, up to the second floor.

This is great honestly, really great but it has one glaring flaw. Shinsoo is only produced by the tower itself. And doesn't exist outside of it. I mean one Irregular could have possibly made it out of the tower but their Shinsoo would degrade over time since it would be replaced by air and water like what happens when you enter it as Shinsoo replaces those needs. Knowledge of Flow converted into ritualistic religious practices or dance rather than actual Shinsoo techniques could fix this though. Either way maybe not making Jeonsula being known so blatantly when one is outside rather it activating when she got inside.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by SilverPaw
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Still gotta write a bio and some personality (for my own use), but here he is. The name in brackets is his former last name (before being adopted). Not sure if it should stay as an actual middle name or if would have been officially overwritten, though I'm guessing it's the latter.

Name: Ha-nul Rang (Hendo Lok ties)

Age: 137 (appears to be in his early 20s)


Regular or irregular: Regular

Shinsoo aptitude: Medium

Position: Scout

Special position: Dansula

Reason for climbing the tower: Become officially adopted.

Weapon of choice: A black hook. It would be about 2 meters long if it were unfolded, but its actual reach is cca. 1.30 meters.

(Edit: changed the colour code.)
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DELETED08737


Banned Seen 9 mos ago

Still gotta write a bio and some personality (for my own use), but here he is. The name in brackets is his former last name (before being adopted). Not sure if it should stay as an actual middle name or if would have been officially overwritten, though I'm guessing it's the latter.

Name: Ha-nul (Rang) Hendo Lok

Age: 137 (appears to be in his early 20s)


Regular or irregular: Regular

Shinsoo aptitude: Medium

Position: Scout

Special position: Dansula

Reason for climbing the tower: To gain enough power and connections so he (and his blood family) can safely gain independence from his adopted family.

Weapon of choice: A black hook. It would be about 2 meters long if it were unfolded, but its actual reach is cca. 1.30 meters.

Hendo Lok? Damn someone went hardmode. XD
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SilverPaw
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Eh, he's adopted, so at least the life span is normal.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DELETED08737


Banned Seen 9 mos ago

Eh, he's adopted, so at least the life span is normal.

I'm confused so he doesn't have Hendo Lok blood? Does he at least have a sibling with Hendo Lok blood or something? Like a half-sister? Cuz the 10 Great Families wouldn't adopt someone into their suspended palaces out of the kindness of their hearts.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SilverPaw
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Hey, I just went by the wiki which states the Hendo Lok family's rankers are all adopted. So, I'm assuming they have a system in place to gather individuals with potential, or something.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DELETED08737


Banned Seen 9 mos ago

Hey, I just went by the wiki which states the Hendo Lok family's rankers are all adopted. So, I'm assuming they have a system in place to gather individuals with potential, or something.

No, I get that. It's just that in his situation he probably won't have Hendo Lok in his name yet considering they adopt rankers. Since having a Ten Great Family name is a pretty big deal. Probably pass a couple of floors before he is formally adopted and allowed to use the name. Good character development idea though.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SilverPaw
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by SilverPaw>

No, I get that. It's just that in his situation he probably won't have Hendo Lok in his name yet considering they adopt rankers. Since having a Ten Great Family name is a pretty big deal. Probably pass a couple of floors before he is formally adopted and allowed to use the name. Good character development idea though.

Oh, I see, so that's how it is. I didn't know how exactly the adoption process works. I'll change the name then, and have him formally adopted later, if we come far enough that is. Thanks for the info btw.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DELETED08737


Banned Seen 9 mos ago

<Snipped quote by ColourlessKing>

Oh, I see, so that's how it is. I didn't know how exactly the adoption process works. I'll change the name then, and have him formally adopted later, if we come far enough that is. Thanks for the info btw.

Not really how it works SIU hasn't made anything cocnrete about the background families. But considering how brutal the ten great families are to the point that if you're a male you'd die faster since you can't become a Princess. It's easy enough to think that they won't just give the right to wave their name around to a Regular who hasn't even passed the first floor.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

I imagine they adopt Rankers since their own Rankers are all going to die early and therefore the family needs to adopt Rankers to stay in power. It would be similar to how business owners in Japan (and probably other places) legally adopt prospective heirs to take over their companies when they retire; more of a business arrangement than wanting a kid.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DELETED08737


Banned Seen 9 mos ago

There is certain leeway in how the process on how it works since Jasper can dictate it in the RP. I'd guess you can just copy Po Bidau's we test you on the 30th-floor tradition then mix it in with a Princess of Zahard training for normal Regulars. Like have a large pool of possible candidates and after they thinned out test the survivors on a specific floor.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SilverPaw
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Hmm, gotcha. I'll probably have to alter his reason for climbing a bit then, either make it a wish to get into the family or sth. similar to that.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DELETED08737


Banned Seen 9 mos ago

Hmm, gotcha. I'll probably have to alter his reason for climbing a bit then, either make it a wish to get into the family or sth. similar to that.

You could always just be a member of the Ari, Arie, or Ha Family since most of them have the physical attributes. Fits for a Dansula.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

If you want to have him and his blood relatives escape the family, you could make it so that his father or other relative is a Ranker who was adopted? You'd technically be part of the Hendo Lok family and you tweak the reason why he wants to leave to include his father being a Ranker; maybe his father wants out but doesn't have the power to do so or maybe his father is one of the people he wants to get away from?
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SilverPaw
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

If you want to have him and his blood relatives escape the family, you could make it so that his father or other relative is a Ranker who was adopted? You'd technically be part of the Hendo Lok family and you tweak the reason why he wants to leave to include his father being a Ranker; maybe his father wants out but doesn't have the power to do so or maybe his father is one of the people he wants to get away from?

I'll consider that.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Jasper19 Sarcastic

Member Seen 7 mos ago

@SilverPaw alrighty you are accepted
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