Aberration - An oddity among the Extra-Normal beings as they were created by Apparitions. Which isn't supposed to happen.
Abscised - A form of Aberration that either had their body taken over by an Apparition or were otherwise removed.
Abstraction - The term for an otherworldly and fantastical ability that all Extra-Normal beings possess
in one way or another.
Adept - A type of Extra-Normal being from Glint that uses their abstraction similar to a wizard.
Adjoined - A form of Aberrant when a person is fused with an Apparition and is permanently fused or capable of transforming.
Affinity - An Adept's preferability to learn certain spells that correspond with them.
Affixed - A type of Extra-Normal being that has an Apparition bonded to them that they can control.
Afflicted - An Extra-Normal being that was cursed by an Extra-Normal Being.
Agent - An Agent is created when a Blind comes in contact with an Apparition that has been
sealed and are allowed to use their power.
All-Verse - The multiverse, a collection of infinite worlds.
Apparition - An ethereal being created by Luminscience that is created and powered by belief and emotion.
Aura - An invisible field that surrounds all people and objects that Extra-Normal beings can sense to discern information (such as health, hostility, etc).
Awakened - A being from Shimmer that had strong emotion within them and during their Awakening event gained extra-normal abilities.
Awakening - An event where a normal person gains fantastical powers - usually a moment of intense emotion such as dancing with a lover or almost getting killed.
Blind - Someone who possesses no Extra-Normal abilities or even the slightest affinity towards it.
Casting - The act of an adept using their ability.
Channeler - A tool an Adept uses to use their abstraction.
Collective-Awakening - The phenomenon when a group of people Awakens in the same area where they share a piece of each other's powers. Each collective has their own "mechanics" which dictate how their abstractions interact with each other.
Counterpart - The phenomenon of there being another version of a single person from another universe. They can be drastically different or more or less the same.
Coven - A buncha idiots.
Emotional Field - An invisible barrier that exists between all Extra-Normal Beings that protects them from each other's abilities.
Exile - A former member of the League of Luminscience that, for one reason or another, was sent to another world.
Extra-Normal - The term used to refer to anything supernatural.
Farmer Hill - A place in Montana where the Glutton was originally sealed. After the Glutton's defeat the place was destroyed by an earthquake.
Glint - An alternate world where the Adepts and the League of Luminscience originated from.
Glutton - An eldritch abomination that consumed countless worlds and was sealed and eventually defeated at Farmer Hill. However, a small fragment of the Glutton remained.
The Hound - The grim reaper of the setting, a black world that claims lives and takes them to the other side. Actually a pretty nice guy.
Kindling-Event - An event where an Adept experiences a vision of either the future or one of their ancestors having experiencing emotions that correspond with their Lux.
Knights of Luminscience - The primary fighting force of the League of Luminescence.
Luminescence - The alternate term for magic used in Glint and by the Adepts and members of the League of Luminescence.
Lux - The terms for each of the eleven colors of Luminescence. They are known as Rage, Fear, Love, Happiness, Pride, Anticipation, Nostalgia, Sadness, Hope, Apathy, and Courage.
Nexus-Point - Little points that act as the web that connects the All-Verse, in the presence of a Nexus-Point an extra-normal being's abilities are far stronger.
One-Eye-Open - The state of a Blind gaining more of a sensitivity to the Extra-Normal and can perceive them.
Recollection - A flashback that can be experienced by Extra-Normal beings under certain situations.
Sealing - The act of sealing an Apparition into an object.
Shimmer - The universe in which the story takes place.
Sigil - A tattoo-like brand that appears on an Awakened somewhere or appears when an Adept casts.
Subsequent-Awakening - After undergoing great personal change, an Awakened's abstraction can completely shift to something completely new after being exposed to strong emotions.
The League of Luminscience - A massive, world-spanning, organization that worships the Luminscience and is comprised of thousands of different Adept families in the universe of Glint.
Traveler - A being that has traveled from their original world into another one.
White Rabbit Society - A massive resistance organization in Glint that arisen to oppose the League. It primarily consists of oppressed Apparitions and dissents from the League lead by an enigmatic woman known as White Archne.
Abscised - A form of Aberration that either had their body taken over by an Apparition or were otherwise removed.
Abstraction - The term for an otherworldly and fantastical ability that all Extra-Normal beings possess
in one way or another.
Adept - A type of Extra-Normal being from Glint that uses their abstraction similar to a wizard.
Adjoined - A form of Aberrant when a person is fused with an Apparition and is permanently fused or capable of transforming.
Affinity - An Adept's preferability to learn certain spells that correspond with them.
Affixed - A type of Extra-Normal being that has an Apparition bonded to them that they can control.
Afflicted - An Extra-Normal being that was cursed by an Extra-Normal Being.
Agent - An Agent is created when a Blind comes in contact with an Apparition that has been
sealed and are allowed to use their power.
All-Verse - The multiverse, a collection of infinite worlds.
Apparition - An ethereal being created by Luminscience that is created and powered by belief and emotion.
Aura - An invisible field that surrounds all people and objects that Extra-Normal beings can sense to discern information (such as health, hostility, etc).
Awakened - A being from Shimmer that had strong emotion within them and during their Awakening event gained extra-normal abilities.
Awakening - An event where a normal person gains fantastical powers - usually a moment of intense emotion such as dancing with a lover or almost getting killed.
Blind - Someone who possesses no Extra-Normal abilities or even the slightest affinity towards it.
Casting - The act of an adept using their ability.
Channeler - A tool an Adept uses to use their abstraction.
Collective-Awakening - The phenomenon when a group of people Awakens in the same area where they share a piece of each other's powers. Each collective has their own "mechanics" which dictate how their abstractions interact with each other.
Counterpart - The phenomenon of there being another version of a single person from another universe. They can be drastically different or more or less the same.
Coven - A buncha idiots.
Emotional Field - An invisible barrier that exists between all Extra-Normal Beings that protects them from each other's abilities.
Exile - A former member of the League of Luminscience that, for one reason or another, was sent to another world.
Extra-Normal - The term used to refer to anything supernatural.
Farmer Hill - A place in Montana where the Glutton was originally sealed. After the Glutton's defeat the place was destroyed by an earthquake.
Glint - An alternate world where the Adepts and the League of Luminscience originated from.
Glutton - An eldritch abomination that consumed countless worlds and was sealed and eventually defeated at Farmer Hill. However, a small fragment of the Glutton remained.
The Hound - The grim reaper of the setting, a black world that claims lives and takes them to the other side. Actually a pretty nice guy.
Kindling-Event - An event where an Adept experiences a vision of either the future or one of their ancestors having experiencing emotions that correspond with their Lux.
Knights of Luminscience - The primary fighting force of the League of Luminescence.
Luminescence - The alternate term for magic used in Glint and by the Adepts and members of the League of Luminescence.
Lux - The terms for each of the eleven colors of Luminescence. They are known as Rage, Fear, Love, Happiness, Pride, Anticipation, Nostalgia, Sadness, Hope, Apathy, and Courage.
Nexus-Point - Little points that act as the web that connects the All-Verse, in the presence of a Nexus-Point an extra-normal being's abilities are far stronger.
One-Eye-Open - The state of a Blind gaining more of a sensitivity to the Extra-Normal and can perceive them.
Recollection - A flashback that can be experienced by Extra-Normal beings under certain situations.
Sealing - The act of sealing an Apparition into an object.
Shimmer - The universe in which the story takes place.
Sigil - A tattoo-like brand that appears on an Awakened somewhere or appears when an Adept casts.
Subsequent-Awakening - After undergoing great personal change, an Awakened's abstraction can completely shift to something completely new after being exposed to strong emotions.
The League of Luminscience - A massive, world-spanning, organization that worships the Luminscience and is comprised of thousands of different Adept families in the universe of Glint.
Traveler - A being that has traveled from their original world into another one.
White Rabbit Society - A massive resistance organization in Glint that arisen to oppose the League. It primarily consists of oppressed Apparitions and dissents from the League lead by an enigmatic woman known as White Archne.
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