Full Name: Maya Ruby
Appearance: She's 5'8 ft / 176.7 cm tall, and under her helmet she's blonde with light-blue eyes.
Ghost Uniform:

Personality: Calm and Composed, Maya ensures not to crack under pressure, however she can be ruthless and aggressive when she needs to be. Otherwise of a mission, she's friendly and approachable despite being a Ghost.
Backstory: Maya worked under the UED as a former Confederacy Armed Forces Ghost. Defected from the group after their downfall, she worked for the UED to assassinate targets in the Koprulu sector that dared stand in their way. While her Psionic Potential hasn't been fully tapped into, she more than makes up for it with her deadly accuracy, reflexes and efficient ammunition management.
After the UED retreated from the Koprulu Sector during the events of the Brood War, Maya stayed behind and worked as a contracted Assassin, taking care of assignments such as dealing with Feral Zerg, pirates or anything else on offer.
Appearance: She's 5'8 ft / 176.7 cm tall, and under her helmet she's blonde with light-blue eyes.
Ghost Uniform:

Personality: Calm and Composed, Maya ensures not to crack under pressure, however she can be ruthless and aggressive when she needs to be. Otherwise of a mission, she's friendly and approachable despite being a Ghost.
Backstory: Maya worked under the UED as a former Confederacy Armed Forces Ghost. Defected from the group after their downfall, she worked for the UED to assassinate targets in the Koprulu sector that dared stand in their way. While her Psionic Potential hasn't been fully tapped into, she more than makes up for it with her deadly accuracy, reflexes and efficient ammunition management.
After the UED retreated from the Koprulu Sector during the events of the Brood War, Maya stayed behind and worked as a contracted Assassin, taking care of assignments such as dealing with Feral Zerg, pirates or anything else on offer.