Paramount School Grounds Locations
Usually the place where most fights happens or is initiated in a spur the moment situation. Just feel bad for the janitors that have to clean up afterwards.

Believe it or not, this is also a fight zone. Usually used for ambushing despite the limited fighting space. Face to the toilet is not a pretty sight.

Oh yes, the room that's meant for teaching and learning. Unfortunately the lessons taught here is: Pick your battles wisely or you'll get your teeth kicked in.

One of the nicest areas in the school. usually you have the nice blue sunny skies and a wonderful breeze. One could come here alone and enjoy the quiet and incredible view. On the flip side, You don't want to be on the receiving end of possibly getting thrown off.

A wonderful set up if you're looking to have a ton of spectators come to an upcoming planned fight. It's not so bad. Just know all phone cameras are on you to show the different angles of ones defeat.

Pavilions, courtyard, various tree areas, parking lots. Anywhere around the outside of school. This is a the most common of areas to fight in. Some could walk straight up to the school to witness the many brawls happening at once. The place is usually kept in one piece surprisingly. The gardening club needs a pat on the back if they don't punch you in the face first.

Sadly, even though this place is where you're to enjoy your food, sometimes it turns into a battleground. Sometimes a fight can start from a simple cutting in line or someone sitting in your favorite spot or worse, someone taking the food off your tray. To be honest, I'd rather take my lunch outside.

Sometimes you just need a place to call your own to relax in. This is the place for the New Student Council to discuss possible matches and other forms of action that needs to take place. If there's an issue, others could come here to inform the council or what's going on for them to spring into action.

You want an all out war, there's plenty of room out here. 2 gangs, 3 gangs, 4 groups all battling or even a simple 1 on 1, there are no restrictions out here. This area is usually the gang war spot but even if there's no fighting, a group of friends can play a game.

Well...a battleground school wouldn't be complete without a nurse's office. This place is often visited by students who took a massive beating. There's not one day that this office won't gain visitors. nine times out of ten, the nurse would be forced to have students sent to the hospital if her office is jam packed. The nurse is a stern but yet nice woman with great healing skills.