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Paramount School Grounds Locations

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Welcome to Hell Paramount

Not long ago, there was a new initiative, many of the schools who didn't meet the grading standards were shut down. Most, schools with students who had disciplinary problems. Paramount, being one of the highest academic institutions, agreed to take in the worst of the worst in hopes to turn the problem children into upstanding citizens of the future. In the end, it all backfired. Gangs, assassins, spoiled rich kids, military children, and so on, have been dropped onto Paramount. Now this faces the same situation of possibly being shut down. A once, high profiled school, turning into a dump thanks to the students who stirred up the turf wars. But this needed to end...

The Paramount administration gathered to speak on the matter. Police couldn't stop the violence. Instead, most were hospitalized. The teachers will only teach who is willing to listen. of course there have been occasions of teachers getting hospitalized as well. This place was nothing but hell. With the administration discussing all of the problems and some of the solutions not bringing much success, the dean had an idea. Why not fight fire with fire? Researching various students from other schools who made a reputation for themselves, were brought up in the meeting. Files of each of these students who could be brought to this school under the idea of replacing the wiped out former Student Council. After a debate about transferring these students would just bring trouble, most of the administration agreed to transfer the students. They already had nothing else to lose. Whether these candidates answered the call was up to them...

A few weeks passed as the work of bringing the so-called saviors of Paramount went through. Today was the day these newly transferred warriors were coming in. Each transfer student would have their letter as it mentioned them needing to come to see the dean for "orientation". Elrey was just coming into the school grounds after taking the bus there. The moment he approached, he noticed four thugs at the entrance and honestly, it didn't bother him one bit. These guys stared him down as Elrey walked over. "Hey guys! You know where the dean's office is?" He asked not bothered by them. One of the guys stared. "Tch...find that shit yourself." he said to Elrey. With a raise of the eyebrow, he just walked in. "What the hell is their problem?"

Coming in, the stench of blood hit his nose. Dark blood stains were on the ground. parts of the pavilion was battle damaged and to the right, there were at least a body or two laid out, looking like their were mauled by a bear. Yes, definitely a hell hole. Just the place Elrey felt would help him grow to become a stronger fighter. Elrey walked into the front office looking around and asked about the dean's office as the woman in the front pointed out his destination, coming into the quiet large office first, grabbing a few pieces of candy off the desk before taking a seat.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 17 days ago

The sky seems very blue today, it almost feels like it going to be a peaceful day...But instead, there is a bloody fist fight in school grounds.

Kamiko looks on as she see the sea of people watch in awe for the fight, both of the opponents faces are all bloody up, even their knuckles are bloody too, Kamiko could have sworn she can see a bone from the knuckle. She sigh in disgust as she look away from the ongoing, what Kamiko need to do is to focus as the task at hand, she need to go dean's office, seem pretty easy, right? Well, with one little step, Kamiko is already getting into trouble when three thugs is standing in her way, the front thug could one step forward and smirk at her "Hey Dollface~ What does pretty face like yours doing here?"

Kamiko didn't answer the front thug question, she try to walk past from the left but then one of his friends steps in front of her as well "Come on~ My boss is asking you a question~ Can you be a nice girl and talk?~"

Kamiko roll her eyes at him as she try walking from the right but once again, the other thug friend is blocking her path "You know? Even though you have a sexy face, you are acting like a bitch, you know that?" "Oi! Don't call her a bitch! She probably won't find you attractive if you say that to her" the front thug say to the right thug "What? It's true! Look at her, she not even smiling" righty say "Guys would like you much better if you smile more~" With every word this guy is saying, Kamiko can already feel her braincells dying one by one. righty finally stop looking at her and instead he spots at Kamiko gym bag "Hey! what in that bag?" as righty hand try reach toward bag, his hand came to a complete stop when Kamiko grab his wrist, she squeeze his wrist hard enough that could just leave a pretty bad bruise and then finally say these four word to him "Don't touch my bag..." and with that being say, Kamiko let out of righty wrist and finally walk past the three thugs and walk toward entrance.

Kamiko made it to the dean's office, she enter into the very quiet room and notice there is a another student in the office, She guess that she wasn't the only one who got the letter. Kamiko sits down at her seat next to him, she unzip her gym bag, pull out her book and begins to read.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Jasper19 Sarcastic

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Markus's thoughts were fairly hectic as he rode his his motorcycle a blacked out Harley Davidson Low rider. He knew he had gotten a letter to go to Paramount Academy but he didn't know why , the school had a reputation for being a living hell. Parking his motorcycle a couple of blocks away from the Academy so it wouldn't get stolen Markus put his helmet in his bag and took his viper who he had named Todd out. His eyes turned yellow and his pupils became slits as he told Todd to wrap around his arm. Once the viper was around Markus's arm he began to walk to Paramount. After a couple of minutes he ended up at the school and began to walk through the bloodied pavilion and was stopped by a couple of students who fancied themselves the shit.

"Look fresh meat" one of the students smirked as they looked at Markus. Markus looked unamused and crossed his arms Todd slithering over to the next one. " Move out of the way I don't have time for this today" Markus said annoyed at the students. When he tried pushing past one of the students they grabbed his wrist " not so fast buddy". Markus sighed and his eyes became snakelike " your loss" he said as Todd striked the thugs before slithering back onto Markus. Markus then twisted his hand causing the venom in the students to send speed up and ready their hearts faster, but he lowered the toxicity to only cause them to pass out didn't want to kill anybody on the first day. Once the students dropped unconscious Markus smiled lightly and walked to the dean's office sitting by the two other students who had gotten the letter as Todd slid around his neck.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


After a few moments being along in the office, Elrey noticed a serious and sort of cute nerdy looking girl come through. He was silent for a moment and stared at her for a moment while chewing the candy he swiped off the desk. "Hey!" he said to the young lady. "I'm new here. Are you here to kick some ass too?" He asked her. Part of him felt that this girl could fight but he was not exactly sure. If she could fight, would he be fighting her.

A few moments after the girl came in, he noticed a male come in as well and had a snake slither around his neck. "Whoa you actually have a snake! That's badass! Can I touch it?" he asked excited.


A car pulled up to the front of the school where the thugs that was originally there, left. Harmony turned to her mother. "I'll be fine...you taught me to be strong." She smirked and got out the car. "Bye mom." she said before the car drove off. As she walked up, she noticed there were a few fights going on and well, this was a little concerning but she was okay for the most part never being in a fully hostel atmosphere as this. yes, the school she came from had a gang problem but it seemed this school was infested with trouble. As she came in, the girl walked towards the front office as someone in the shadows kept watch on her.

"hehe gotcha bitch." the hiding figure whispered with a smirk. As she turned the corner, someone rushed up from behind her and hearing them, she sidesteps and gracefully in fluid motion, grabs the guy by the wrist and flips the guy to make him fall on his back. She took her palm and thrusts it towards the guy's face that was on the ground and stopped before her palm made contact. The guy grunts and closes his eyes thinking he was going to get hit. "Excuse me...but never sneak up on a lady. Especially wearing a hoodie. You look like a rapist. If you're interested in a girl, you don't have to attack someone from behind. Just man up and ask someone. now if you would've asked me nicely, I would've considered giving you a try but since you're being a jerk about it...I say ta-ta to you...hmph!!" tooting her nose up and walked in as a woman seeing all of this, smirked.

Harmony Belleville correct? Harmony looked over. "Hm?" There was an older attractive woman standing at the counter interesting. you nearly pummel a guy and yet chew him out. Interesting. Please, come with me. They are waiting as well.. Harmony raised an eyebrow. "They?" She asked and walked with her to come to her office as the door opens. Hello there! She speaks to the others in the room with Harmony standing next to her.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 17 days ago

While Kamiko is reading her book, a student is already talking, she groans, she doesn't need a another student talking to her, she just want to get this over with and read her book quietly. When a very upbeat student ask Kamiko that she here to kick some ass too? Kamiko answer his question with a deadpan expression on her face, looking at him and then she goes back reading her book. It didn't take long when a another student steps in the room, it appears that he bring his pet snake into school, Kamiko thinks that school also allow pets apparently

Kamiko stop reading her book when she hear a door opening, she turn around from her seat and spots two people, one with blue bow on her head, a student probably, and when other is a grown women "Hello..." Kamiko say the grown women "Are you, by any chance, the dean?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Jasper19 Sarcastic

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Markus smiled a bit when the upbeat kid asked to touch Todd "Yeah sure Todd won't bite....well unless I want him to" he says chuckling. His eyes then turned snakelike as he had Todd slither over his shoulder and onto the upbeat kids lap. Markus then sat a little forward , yeah Todd and him were connected through his powers but sometimes Todd could get antsy. Watching Todd to make sure he didn't bite the kid Markus barely paid attention to the girl who was reading though she seemed pissed for some reason. After Markus decided that the kid had petted Todd long enough he picked up Todd and let him wrap around his arm.

Suddenly Markus heard the door opening and looked toward the sound of the noise. Walking in were two people a girl with a blue bow in her hair and a blue jacket on. The other person was an older women who he hoped was the Dean.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Elrey / Harmony

With Elrey trying to speak to Kamiko, he noticed she had a bit of an attitude as she didn't really want to talk. When she gave a simple answer, he smirked. "Well I hope we kick ass together." He said. When Markus came in and actually allowed him to touch his snake, Elrey watch as it slithered to his lap and touched on it. "You must be a snake whisperer or something! Didn't think this school allowed pets." He said excited seeing the snake head back to it's owner.

When the female came in, she looked at the students before her and looked to Harmony. You can join them. she smirked and looked at everyone hearing Kamiko questioning who she was. Hi there. My name is Miss Avington and yes, dear..I am the dean. I'm the one who sent the letters to each of you. She said looking at them all.

She walked over to the desk and went to take a seat. She pulled out a wine glass and a wine bottle popping it open and pouring herself a little of wine this early, in a school, in front of the students. She took a swig and spoke I'm glad to see you all made it here. Well...some of you. I sent more letters out to others and it was a risk that some of you would not answer but I'm grateful for the amount that did so I'm not complaining. I know you're all curious as to why you're here. I transferred you here because...I need your help and I want to hire you all. Elrey...Kamiko...Markus...and Harmony. All four of you have incredible talents. In fact, the schools you all came from, you've had run-ins with problematic situations and you handled them. not just school but in general. Your reputations are what caught my attention. I'm sure you all have heard of this school and the terrible reputation it holds. I need you to handle the problems that plagues this school. I have confidence that if you work together, you can save this school. She said.

That's if you're not inclined to refuse this request...
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 17 days ago

After Miss Avington was done explaining her reason of why she choose four students to protect this hell of a school, Kamiko is very skeptical by her request, specially she know about their reputations and knows what Kamiko and the other students are capable of, specially with Kamiko, she know what she did back in middle school. Kamiko quickly push those memories back into the deepest depth of her mind, she think about that day, in fact, she doesn't want to do this at all, she should just get up and leave this place and never come back...But then she thought of her powers, she want to try so hard to control them, try to keep it from going crazy like last time and maybe this is a chance for Kamiko Page to try be a better and calm person she once was before the incident when she was young.

Kamiko calmly close her book and put it back in her bag, then she look at Miss Avington with a calm expression and finally spoke "....All right, what problem do you want us to get rid of first?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Jasper19 Sarcastic

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Markus listened to the dean as she spoke Paramount did have a reputation but Markus didn't think it would bother him much. Besides it most people here were like those punks he met on his way to the office he would have no problem hurting them. Plus the Dean didn't look half bad so if they had meetings regularly that wouldn't be the worst. Also the other people who were invited seemed like a good team the book girl seems aloof but the upbeat kid was pretty cool. Markus was deep in thought when he heard the book girl announce something about them getting rid of the first problem.

Shrugging Markus leaned back into his seat and nodded as Todd slithered around his neck " I'm in".
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Elrey / Harmony

Hearing all of this, Harmony looked over at the excited Elrey when hearing they needed to get rid of the gangs and such at this school. She herself was not to fond of having to always use violence but one thing about her was that she had a big heart and was willing to help those who cry out for help. Elrey jumped up. "I'm down!! I'm ready to kick as many asses that you need!!!" he said while Harmony stared at him and slightly sighed and chuckled. Harmony spoke. "I'm not into violence like that but if you need my help, I'll do what you need to make this school peaceful again. And I hope my comrades and I will work fine together." She said while Elrey looked over. "Damn straight!!"

With another sip of her wine and staring at these four, she smirked and chuckled lightly. Interesting. Alright..and kamiko...to answer your question, your main targets are the Chaotic 10. 10 strongest forces in this school and they range from individuals to elite teams and gangs. they are not allies but more like a ranking system. That's your main objective...bring down the 10 and this school should gain a bit of peace once again. There are many other elite fighters here who are not ranked but here's my advice. Start at the bottom. Take down unranked problematic gangs and individuals. Make a name for your group as the Student Council. make yourselves a legitimate threat. yes..this will possibly make you a target but the more battles you win, the more fearsome you'd be where not everyone will face you. You need to know though, the Chaotic 10 are not as simple as those losers some of you dealt with when you came in. They are tougher. She mentioned.

So first act...I need you all to start clearing the halls of these low rank gangs and work from there. If someone initiates a fight with you or you see them causing problems...deal with them. You're like the law enforcement of this school. But one thing I ask...absolutely NO...KILLING. She requested. Is that clear? She said wanting to hear from all of them. Elrey smirked. "I'm just here to kick ass and get stronger." He said. Harmony nodded. "I understand. Just neutralize or subdue the enemy...got it."

Do any of you have anymore questions or concerns?
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 17 days ago

"Nope, I don't have questions or concerns. We'll do our part, Miss Avington, have a good day" So with, Kamiko stand up from her seat, grab her gym bag and walk out of the dean door. Before walking out toward the bloody halls, Kamiko look at the candy bowl that is on the woman in the front table, she shrug and grab one out of the bowl, Kamiko consider this her last meal before heading toward battle.

After walking out of the front office, Kamiko pull out her schedule "Hmmm Let's see...It looks like my first class will be-" "HEY!" Kamiko look away from her schedule and see some familiar faces, it the gang boys from school grounds "I was looking all over for you!" say Righty "Umm...Why?" "Why?....WHY?!?!" this question seem to angry righty even more "Because you embarrass me in front of my friend and my boss! That's why!" Kamiko roll her eyes, really? Righty is coming after her all because she embarrass him? "Look, I'm sorry that I hurt your masculinity But As you can see,probably you don't, it my first day and I need to head at my first clas-" Without finish her sentence, Righty grab her schedule paper, crumble it up like ball and threw it at her face. "Ha! Are you fucking me?! you think I can stand by while you walk away from me?! Well, listen here bitch and listen good! Don't thin-"...…….At this point, Kamiko can no longer hear his voice, all she can do is to look at the crumble up paper, that is laying on the floor next to her feet. Then Righty starting laughing at her....A wicked laugh....Kamiko can feel something almost slipping from her mind, something that she doesn't want out....

……...Breath in....Breath out....something finally retreat back to where it came from her mind....When Kamiko finally look up and face Righty, she can see that he already leaving her.

"-And don't ever think about messing with me again!" Righty say as he is leaving. Oh right, Kamiko hurt his feeling or something, she totally forgot about that while she was calming down. He want his masculinity get hurt even more? All right then. "You know what? You're right." Kamiko say with a fake smile "Maybe I was being a bitch." This comment seem to stop Righty from walking away "Maybe I should smile and talk more, that way, I could probably developed a personality...or something." "Um er Yeah! If you keep doing that, you could be my girlfriend!" Ha! Fat chance. "You know what? For way to say i'm sorry, how about you take a peek from my bag?" "Ummm, pretty weird but ok!" Got the bait. Kamiko fake happily zip open and present it in the front of Righty, As Righty slowly opening up the bag, she slowly move up her finger and then-


Something that hit Righty so hard, that it flew him cross the halls. Maybe as of right now, it feels like Righty got hit in the face, it was like a fist made of breaks....Well, more like a fist made of papers. Something that came out of Kamiko bag were indeed papers, paper that shape like a big fist "Hmmm...On second thought, nevermind. I don't need to smile..." Kamiko papers wrap around Righty ankle and drag his unconscious body into the front office "ok, that was one individual, I guess I can find the other two. But first..." Kamiko papers quickly retreat into her bag as she pick up and uncrumble her schedule paper "...I need to find my class."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Elrey / Harmony

Hearing Miss Avington ask if they had anymore questions or concerns, Elrey spoke. "Nope! So..clear the halls of the low level gangs! Gotcha!!" He said rushing out the room to go stir up trouble with a gang. Elrey didn't notice the guys that would soon stir things up with Kamiko but he did see 5 guys throwing a midget into the garbage can, laughing while they threatened to roll him down a hill.

On Harmony's end, she thankfully bowed to Miss Avington. "No, I think that's fine..wait...so each assignment, do we need to come to you to know what to do next?" She asked. That's up to you but I trust your judgement. Just don't go straight after the Chaotic 10 yet...at least not now. She said as harmony leaves to find out where her team have started to run off to. She was actually going to wait on Markus feeling it's not best to split up just in case they run into formidable opponents.

Elrey rushed over to the guys. "Hey! you guys take him out of there!" He said as the boys looked over. "And who the fuck are you?" One asked. "Doesn't matter...you know who we are? We're the Scorpion clique. And this part of the hall belongs to us. So I suggest you back the fuc-oooouuuuh!" Elrey rushed in to deliver a devastating blow to the mid-section, digging his fist deep into the guy's gut with enough force to lift the guy off the ground. The male, in pain fell to his knees nearly puking from the blow. "g-get...him!" He said before passing out as the others came at Elrey. With a smile, he got into a fighting position. "Alright..bring it!" Rushing in, he swiftly cracked 2 of the guys in the jaw, knocking them out as the next two came in with one having a knife and the other with a lead pipe.

Elrey would bob and weave from the attacks. "You guys are too slow." he said easily evading the attacks and grabbed the knife wielder's arm and launched an elbow into the guy's temple and blocked the lead pipe with his forearm and delivered a headbutt to the face as the guy cried out with a broken bloody nose. "yeah..weak..." he sighed and went to help the midget out the trash can. "Hey...you okay, little guy?" he asked as the midget student looked on. "I...I thank you but...you're only going to ask for more trouble. There's 4 gangs that usually hang out in this hall and the strongest gang out of the four...they are in the former student council room. Please...just stay away from them." he said. Elrey smirked. "Hehe it will be alright..I can handle myself and my team is pretty interesting so I think they will be fine too. I'm Elrey! And where's the student council room?" He asked while the midget male was taken aback by Elrey's attitude.

There were indeed 4 small gangs in this section of the halls as Elrey defeated one gang and Kamiko got started with the other as someone in the front office shook their heads noticing one of them were brought in. Miss Avington watched and smirked. Ms Monroe..keep track of all who have been defeated by the new student council. She said to the secretary and decided to wait if there were more students coming to answer her call.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Jasper19 Sarcastic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Markus got up and made sure Todd was wrapped around his arm as he fell in step with Harmony. Thinking about what he should do he gazed among the gangs he saw a ninja looking boy and a military looking boy. Racking his mind Markus remembered that those two were the duo known as Bloody Silence. Smiling as he got an idea he looked at harmony and stopped walking. " Ok so I have an idea" he said pulling her aside and leaning in to whisper. " I'm going to attack that gang near Bloody Silence in hopes of trying to join them" he raises a hand before she could protest. " I'm going to act as a spy and be our inside man , I'll gain information so we can take these guys down" Markus said smiling then turned and walked toward the gang near Bloody Silence.

Walking up to the gang Markus decided not to even hesitate yelling " hey! " to get the gangs attention. Markus then took the gang members arm and stepped inward his back turned to the member. Pulling the arm over his shoulder and rolling to flip the gang member but also allow Markus the space for an armbar. Breaking the gangs members arm and smiling as he heard sounds of " oh fuck " and " get him! " jumping up Markus had Todd secretly bite the gang members as he executed various jiu-jitsu moves on them such as flips and chokes using the venom inside their bodies to put them in a near death like coma. To outside viewers it would appear like Markus used a mixture of jiu-jitsu to attack them as the other gang members just fell down. Standing up and wiping his mouth and setting his dislocated shoulder Markus hoped that it was enough to attract Bloody Silence and figured he would probably need to go to the nurses office.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by IAmTheIsland
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IAmTheIsland Drifter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

( @sassy1085 )

"Hey Dollface~ What does pretty face like yours doing here?"
Here we go...
Veronica sat idly on what was left of a bench just inside the school's entrance. From where she sat, she could see and hear the unfolding scene just outside: a female student being confronted by a brutish trio of wannabe men. As usual, she thought, knowing full well that the boys' come-on was all sexual. Oh well. She rolled her eyes. Acting thoroughly uninterested in the altercation, she casually flipped through a textbook.

"Can you be a nice girl and talk?~"
Yup. Veronica nodded her head. She waited for a lash out, but it didn't come. Girl's gotta stand up for herself. Tucked crudely inside the textbook was a letter from the school's Dean. A personal invitation to join a task force to clean up the school's overwhelming gang problem. It was a tempting offer, now that she was reading it over again. But then again, it just meant possibly being on a team with more of the same 'bleh' the was harassing the girl outside. For the time being, Veronica had to fly solo, focus on her own mission if she could.

"Guys would like you much better if you smile more~"
Veronica smiled her own smile. As if. She gently closed her book, the letter still folded within. Maintaining disinterest, she pulled up from the bench, turning on her feet at the same time, and began the short walk to her locker. Occupying herself at her locker with mundane practices, she waited for the girl and the gang to pass by.

First came the girl... who walked into the nearby main office. So she's one of the others. Veronica knew from the letter that the task force members were to report directly to the Dean. Next, the gang passed by. Two of them continued down the hall, while the other, who had done most of the talking, stayed behind. "Unfinished business," he called to his buddies as he staked out by the office.

Taking cue, Veronica finished with her tasks and made her way down the hallway, flinging a shield over her back. You'll be sorry, she thought of the remaining boy. She'd deal with him when it wouldn't cause a scene. Coming around a corner in the hall, she found the other two thirds of the trio. Her first mark became appropriately clear as the other lackey turned back in her direction. As he walked her way, she ducked back around the corner out of his sight and positioned herself.

Her right foot twitched slightly on the whim of a magnetic pull. It shook eagerly as Veronica held it back. "Not yet," she whispered. Not yet... not yet... NOW. Thrown by a combination of magnetic force Veronica's own strength, the foot flew up in a vicious kick that caught the underside of the boy's chin. He lifted off the ground and tossed back a short distance as a hard, metal boot toe connected with his jaw. In landing he fell, mostly out of shock at a sneak attack. Clenching his bruised chin, he slid away as Veronica rounded the corner... she was smiling.

"What's the matter?" she said. "I heard you and your friends liked girls that smiled." She sauntered toward the boy, her smile fading with each step. She removed her shield, which then floated in front of her before pummeling, facefirst, into the boy’s knees. The sound of metal against bone was drowned by a painful howl.

As the shield returned to its owner, the boy, shuddering, began crawling away from Veronica. “Never,” she said, “talk to a lady like you did back there.” She stomped forward a step. “Never,” she continued, stepping forward again, “let your friends talk to a lady like that… Got it?” the boy, tearing as he crawled, gave a defeated nod, and started to crawl even faster.

Half satisfied she turned about, and walked back down the other hallay. “That takes care of Lefty. Now to pay Righty a visit.”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


With her new comrades alright heading different directions to start clearing the section of halls of the lower trash, Harmony felt it was more wise to at least be partnered up with a fellow member of the Student Council. Waiting for and finally getting visual on Markus, she smirked upon seeing him. "I'm not sure if you were going straight to class but I figure that it's best if we walk together...just in case we may have to fight someone or a group of formidable opponents." she smirked before he'd stop and pull her over. Hearing out his plan, she thought to herself 'Who or what is Bloody Silence?' Harmony unfortunately didn't keep up on who's who but it seemed Markus knew who they were. She was about to protest until he wanted to finish telling her. After, she stared. "Are you crazy!" she said in a whisper as he went to execute the plan.

Staying out of sight while Markus went forth to try and infiltrate the 10, she watched how brutal Markus handled this. Now...not far, there was a chatterbox speaking to two members collectively known as Bloody Silence. This individual wouldn't shut up but the moment Markus got started with his fight and how quickly he handled them, they were a little impressed. Lately, the ones who have wanted to either join or be an outside associate, were nothing but weak scrubs and losers. Seeing what happened, The military male whispered to the masked biker ninja and approached Markus.

Dustin kept his eyes on Markus "Hey..."

"Don't you need to go to the nurse to get that looked at?" Dustin asked. "Who the hell are you?" He asked Markus, never seeing him before.



Elrey was walking with the boy he saved earlier, having him show him the way to the former Student council office to meet with the gang located there. "Hey what's your name?" he asked the midget. "Huh? Oh I'm Chet..." He said. "What kind of name is Chet?" he asked bluntly. "I don't know...my parents saw fit to name me that." he said. Coming towards the former student council office, Elrey smirked knowing he may end up with a hopefully interesting fight. "so are these guys strong?" he asked. Chet shrugged. "They might be. They have 2 capable fighters in this group. They are called the Brawler Boyz. The leader uses a nunchaku that he can transform into a longer sectional staff. And he has a strong fat guy that uses thick brass knuckles." he said. Elrey chuckled. "Oh really....no I really want to kick their asses!"

Miss Avington came out the office to notice another new face. It had to be Veronica. Seeing another actually show up to join was a relief as she could add this young lady to the list as a Student Council member. She figured she could get acquainted with her soon enough.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by IAmTheIsland
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IAmTheIsland Drifter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Other than dodging a few small scuffles along the way, Veronica's walk back towards her locker was an uneventful journey; so much as she'd have liked to have gotten involved in one tussle or another, none of it involved her, as far she was aware. Along the way, she kept her eyes peeled for her true prize: Righty. This was to no avail, however, as he seemed to have either abandoned his stakeout, or, to Veronica's scorn, dealt with by someone else. The girl scowled at the thought of not being able to give him what for. "The nerve of some people," she muttered, rolling her eyes. "Leave the social justice to the real activists... oh."

Veronica stopped both her saunter and her muttering as she nearly collided with the woman standing outside of the office. "Sorry, ma'am," she said. She backed up a pace or two, regaining her bearings. It was then that she noticed that the woman seemed to be looking specifically at her. "Ummm..." she rest her hands on her hips, assuming a more defiant stance. "Can I help you or something?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 17 days ago

1. Mathematics - Room 123
2. Social Studies - Room 200
3. Science - Room 145
4. Health and Physical Education - Room 101
5. P.E - Gym
6. Lunch - Cafeteria
7. Biology - Room 155
8. Literature - Room 187

"One down, seven to go" Kamiko say as she finally found her first classroom, she should go in and introduce herself but she rather not get hit in the face by a chair. As Kamiko walks to find her next classroom, she spot a familiar guy who seems to be running away from something. the guy fell toward the ground, Kamiko walk toward him to get a better, it that Lefty guy from the school grounds, what is he doing here? And what he running away from? Lefty looks up and see Kamiko, his eyes turn into complete fear and with no hesitation, he quickly got up and run away screaming "WHY ARE THESE GIRLS IN THIS SCHOOL SO FUCKING SCARY?!?!"

Kamiko feels rather flabbergasted, when did all suddenly Lefty became scare of girls? It doesn't make any sense but then, Kamiko remember when she was trying to find her classroom, she did hear some metal like noise hitting someone. Kamiko sigh while she put her schedule paper in her bag "I guess finding my classes will have to wait, now I have to take a another annoying student..."

As Kamiko walk in the hall where the fight took place, she suspect to find a another delinquent holding a metal bat but what she find was to her surprise, it wasn't a delinquent, it was just a normal looking girl. she have long blue hair that is tie up with a yellow bow and she was wearing something out of a fashion magazine "Um...Excuse me" Kamiko say to blue hair girl "Were you the one who scare Lefty? I mean, I appreciate the help but I got this covered but thanks though"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Jasper19 Sarcastic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@King Tai

Markus turns and looks at dustin " hey, and yeah probably " he says. Markus then stands up wincing from his arm as he did. He then mentally commanded Todd to slither into his pocket while the members of bloody silence couldn't see him. He decided he would keep Todd a secret and just make it seem like he used jiu-jitsu. " names Thomas" he lied and held out his good arm for a handshake. " And you are? " he asked Dustin acting like he hadn't heard of him before. If his plan was to work Markus would need to act ignorant about the chaotic ten and this school playing the role of the unfamiliar new kid.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Miss Avington was pretty happy to see how her new student task force was already on the job and looking at veronica, she spoke up Miss Veronica Blaise. nice to meet you, I'm the student Dean here, Miss Avington. I sent the invitation for you to come here because well...we need the help. I'm sure you'll run into your soon to be comrades soon enough. When you have some time, come to my office. Excuse me but I have a matter to attend to. She smirked noticing Kamiko was coming and could potentially meet her partner in this school to help fight for the halls.

Someone was watching these two girls who just seemed to stir up some crap all of a sudden as two males stayed hidden, not getting involved while studying them. There was still another gang in this part of the halls that could be a threat enough to stop these girls but little did they know, there was already a knuckle head on the way to deal with that other gang as they spoke. with two gangs basically down, one of the two other gangs was on the way noticing something went down and asking around, 7 males were heading over to the girls that already beat up on Righty and lefty. @Wayward@sassy1085


harmony was still hiding when Dustin, one of the chaotic 10, came over to speak to Markus. She just watched and listened for a moment. Dustin stared. "I'm Dustin...and it's best you know who you're running into in this school or you will be at a disadvantage and learn the hard way. He shook his hand that was of Markus' good arm. "Seeing your fight, you seem to have good potential. come on..." he said starting to walk to the nurse's office. "You just got here today or have you been here already?" he asked. "I take it you use jiu-jitsu?" he asked as well walking with him. He wondered just how good this guy was. There was a reason he needed to recruit and manpower wise was one of the reasons @Jasper19


Walking into the former Student Council office, Elrey stood at the door as he could hear the hip hop music going on with several students in there talking and smoking before they'd look over to see Elrey. Chet was hiding behind Elrey as the male stared the group down. Hey guys...are you the Brawler Boyz? If you are, I'm here to beat your ass and take this room. He said wanting to free up the Student Council office for his group. The guys all looked at each other and laughed. One guy stood up as at the other end of the room, there were just two guys sitting there quietly watching as some dick head comes in claiming to beat on them.

One guy stood up. "Man get the fuck outta here!" the guy said grabbing his shirt with the intention to throw him out but, with Elrey's strength, he grabbed the guys wrist gripping it harder and harder as the boy winced in pain and was getting close to being brought down to his knees before being punched in the chest, getting launched back 9 feet slamming into 3 others who caught him. "What the fuck?" one of the guys said as the others stood up grabbing what they could to fight with weapon wise. There had to be able 10-12 of these guys in here and Elrey hoped these guys would provide enough fun. Hey Chet...would you excuse me? Pushing Chet out the room and closed the door behind him as he could see in the shadows the fight breaking out with Elrey going on the offensive and grunts, hits, and crashing could be heard in there.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 17 days ago

Veronica Blaise Huh? Sounds like a British name but neverless, this girl seem like she take on any fight despite looking like a prep girl in some rich school.

"Veronica Blaise? Well, it nice to meet you, Veronica." Kamiko say to her new partner and then she shake her hand but introduction was cut short however, Kamiko sense some trouble people looking at her and at Veronica "I hate to cut my introduction but I feel like you and I are not alone in the halls"
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