Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by SassySalamander
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Organic Bean

There in this shitty coffee house, that seems to have a magnetic pull on all the pretentious entities Tampa had to offer, Molly state lazily behind a counter. Mindlessly tapping at a screen as she was rattled off a list of instructions on how to make a simple cup of black coffee with foamed milk; which apparently this customer believed needed 37 steps to complete. She forced a smile as she gave the total, only to get a credit card unceremoniously shoved in her direction. She swallowed groaned that tempted its way towards her lips before taking it, charging the woman and returning the card and receipt. As she turned to make the order she checked the clock, 2:47pm. This last 13 minutes were gonna be agonizing...

Lucky Strike Casino

a handful of minutes after 3 o'clock an old and rusted '97 chevy s10 parked in the near empty lot; aside from the others cars from the Coven. Seeing as she was already late might as well change in her car before heading in. She quickly stripped out of her work clothes down to her 'skivvies' and pulled out a change of clothes she kept in her glove box. The small truck jostling lightly as she squirmed within trying to pull on the clothes in the confined environment.

Once dressed she pulled the door handle and slammed her shoulder against the door to get it to open; a trick she has become quite an expert at to release the often stuck door. As she hopped out and stuffed her keys into a pocket she quickly adjusted her clothes to lay properly. She wore a simple black t-shirt that was a little loose on her petite figure. Possibly lifted from a clothing outlet that she didn't properly scope the size of before walking out of the store with it. She also wore a pair of simple dark jeans that actually fit appropriately and some older black and white converse she's had for years. As she made her way to the main door to the rundown casino she quickly ruffled her fingers through hair to get the loose strands out of her face. As she pushed her way through the door she nearly slipped on the fallen slices of pizza right there at the entrance.

Falling back into her default she instinctively went to pick up the slices and throw them into a nearby pizza box before taking that now filled box to a nearby trash can. As she quietly tossed it into the trash she finally took note of the room. Realizing that was probably a useless thing to do. This place was already wrecked, loose pizza on the floor wasn't really the main issue with this places cleanliness. She simply had been conditioned to pick up any mess upon returning home. And in some weird place, this place felt like home to her; excluding the fear, she actually felt at peace here at least to some degree.

Without a word she awkwardly looked away from the group and avoided eye contact with anyone that made have given her weird looks. She moved off to one of the corners of the large main hall and took a seat on an overturned tree pot that has been empty since they first came here. She knew she was out of place here. They were all some semblence of true Extra-Normals. Molly was just a normie with a weird tattoo. So she tried to not step on any toes.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KremeSupreme
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Agatha Loom

Miraculously, Agatha actually managed to defuse the situation. Apparently her big attention-getter was enough fun for Babylon to lift the curse and dissipate, allowing Keisha to calm down. Though Sin seemed a bit more offended by Agatha telling her to keep her gryphon calm, walking straight up to her.

"Uh... You tell me that I have to put a leash around Keisha again, I'm going to have a Chimera set you on fire, okay?" She asked, smiling sweetly at Agatha, "Keisha didn't do anything wrong, it was that... Uh... Thing, over there."

"Good to see you too, Sin", Agatha responded, brushing off the threat. Though she made a mental note that Sin had no patience for anyone who had the audacity to tell her to control a beast that threw casino machines like empty cans. She reshuffled her papers, watching as everyone actually started to give her the floor, moving in to take a seat around the makeshift roundtable. Madison and Kayla seemed a bit restless, just hoping to get through whatever motions the meetings usually had. Others were a bit more enthused, though. Lyss actually greeted her and asked what she had in mind. Herik came in, always a reassuring friendly presence. Soon enough, the actual meeting was ready to go underway. With a quick whistle, Agatha returned everyone's attention that drifted away as they all set up.

Agatha took a deep breath, then began.

"Okay! Welcome, everyone who could make it. Seems we don't have much patience for... pleasantries today", Agatha began, eying over at Madison and Kayla, who were obviously less enthused than she was to have a meeting on a Saturday, "So... Let's just get through things quick, then we can all head down to the beach if you want, okay? So! Anyone... Personally see anything unusual this week?"

Agatha gave a brief moment of silence, her gaze tracing along all members of the Coven, letting them speak any trivial pieces they may have had.

"Okay, okay. Good", She nodded, regardless of if even a cricket had anything to add to the conversation. "Now that we're done with that, let's get to the next order of business: The News."

With that in mind, she opened the folder she brought, sliding it out into the center of the table, letting each of the articles she printed slide out softly onto the table.

"Before the meeting today, I decided to do some trawling around the web for any big cases. After getting past the daily adventures of Florida Man, I noticed a chain of... Oddly chilling events."

Each of the printed articles had different circumstances, but the same outcomes described: Violent mutilations leaving hardly anything behind. None of them were able to be identified. Definitely a cut above the ordinary murder or assault around the mythical land of Florida.

"Absolutely mutilated bloodsoaked skeletons. In pretty quick succession, too, most one down in Port Richey. Just three happened this week alone. I'm not saying we suit up and try to go find some serial killer, but I do think it'd be worthy of warranting some attention, maybe some attempts to dig deeper. I won't guess this is the first time most of you are actually hearing about these murders going around the state... Thoughts?" Agatha briefed, ready to face the full brunt of accusations of insanity and possibly getting stripped of her leadership.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 2 days ago

"I have actual business, today."

"... Then you're in the wrong place," Madison muttered to herself as she rested her fist against her cheek, already done with this bullshit. More people decided to show up (late) and Madison was surprised that so many people decided to even show up! Usually, it was the "core members" as she called them because everyone usually gave an excuse. Maybe this will be a good day for the Coven.

Or maybe they'll fuck around some more and make her go the hell home.

Of course, Elise backed off - the girl shouldn't be opening her mouth if she can't take the repercussions. Emily thought that none of this would be happening if she was the leader. They always put out time and look at these losers; showing up whenever the hell they want to! Its a disgrace to the Coven and they need to respect the leadership slash founding members (Aka. Her). A part of Emily was interested in what Kayla had planned, though she wants the Coven to do what she wants. Though, Emily raised an eyebrow at Jessica's comment.

"... You do know that half the Coven consists of Apparitions? Or people who get their powers from them...?" Emily just had to remind Jessica. Again. Mainly because she just loves rubbing in how nonsensical that logic is in her face.

"If you want to kick Apparition ass," Babylon appeared yet again, except merely her head. Jutting out of the side of Emily's body and the girl didn't even flinch. As if this was normal for her. "Mine's always up for the taking... if you're brave enough. Hahahahahahahahaha..." She giggled as she disappeared again.

"Reed and Babylon," Claudette finally spoke up as she faced Emily. There were mini-flicks of darkness coming off her body almost as if she was ready to act should Babylon speak again. She didn't like Babylon - and who in their right mind would? That Reed girl was playing with fire - and she didn't like how she was causing trouble in the Coven. This was why her run as the leader ended so badly because she just always had to say something. Always had to get in the last word. And always had to start with the others. "I have to politely request that you and Babylon stop or else I will have to silence you - the same goes for everyone else."

"Fine." Both Emily and Babylon said at the same time, as Babylon faded away and Reed crossed her arms.

"I'll keep my mouth sealed," Babylon said as she did a "zipping" gesture over her mouth.

Thank God. Madison was probably going to shut the two of them up herself if they didn't. It wasn't going to last for long - it never did. One of these girls is going to say something and it'll devolve into a fight. Again. Though, Madison could only help but crack a smile at Nina's suggestion, "... I'm not cleaning this mayhem up, heh." She chuckled. "Rest of ya'll clean as much as you want." She shrugged as she chuckled. She wished that she had some pizza.

When Agatha began the meeting; the talking stopped. Maybe it was out of respect for the girl or that they were just mildly interested. At least it was enough to quiet Emily and Kayla, which were good things to Madison. Agatha explained the chilling murders that were going on throughout Florida... and it elicited a different reaction out of the three (and a half).

Emily grabbed one of the newspapers and gave it a good look as Babylon manifested behind her - looking at the newspaper inquisitively. These were chilling and Emily knew that it could be the work of the Extra-Normal. It was her sworn personal mission to exterminate all threats to herself and her sisters. However, Babylon was the first to speak... and probably for the first time; it wasn't flirting or fucking with the group.

"Ahhhh, this reminds of something..." Babylon said as she crossed one arm over her chest and leaned her head against her fist with the other hand. "There are Apparitions out there that liken themselves to Gods. And many Apparitions like to start cults around them... Just putting that out there, do with that information what you will."

Claudette was frozen in eye-wide fear as she stared at the article. Could it be them...? No. They wouldn't... I don't know. The thoughts ran through Claudette's head as the possibility that the Apparitions that could be after her are behind this. This is not the work of a person... but then again; Florida. Still, Claudette kept her mouth shut. Trying to play it cool lest somebody noticed.

"... This is something we should leave to the police," Madison was quick to add after Babylon spoke. Now, she was personally against these ideas of the group being vigilantes or super-villains - which popped up now and then... especially with some members that are no longer with them. "No offense, Agatha, but we're not the Scooby gang and we really shouldn't try to be. Or else we're gonna get jammed up in the kind of bullshit we can't get out of."

Madison sighed. It was one of the lessons she learned living out in the hood - if it doesn't involve you, keep it that way. It sucked, but that was how they get killed. And if they end up at the wrong place at the wrong time, then the police were going to implicate them for it. Especially in the eyes of the normal world... they could be interpreted as a cult.

Well, even in the supernatural world they were kinda culty. Unfortunately.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by JunkMail
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JunkMail Shitpost Supreme

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Oleander did his best to... appreciate Izzy's attention without necessarily trying to encourage it further. Yes, of course he enjoyed the treats, and affection- but he had an image to maintain damn it! And Kayla's image too, who simply peered down over the edge of the table when Izzy said her name, and little more. The enormous Herik's appearance was a welcome one, as it removed the distraction- but the empty Tupperware bowl smelt good...

At that moment Emily spoke and despite her entertaining display with Elise, it was obviously in quite a bad mood. Kayla knew it wasn't directed at her because of anything she had done, rather the antics of the rest of the coven and the frustrations they created. Kayla was... equally less than enthused. Agatha mouthed on, did her typical grandstanding. Something something dead people. Something something mutilation. Kayla had enough. "I think," she began as soon as Agatha gave opportunity to speak. "... That this is a great way to get arrested doing something incredibly stupid."

Not too many would so openly defy the leadership as her, but it seemed as though Madison had similar thoughts and further supported Kayla's claim. Kayla sighed, and stood up. "Listen, thousands of people die every day. Some in really horrible ways. This sounds like some Florida serial killer who uses piranha solution as his calling card. We don't even know if this is supernaturally related."

Kayla crossed her arms, and her left came up to pinch the bridge of her nose. "Ladies and Herik, use your abilities to keep you sake. Herik- use your..." She motioned to the man's entire body and his enormous stature. It was obvious he had very little to fear from most other men. She shook her head, deciding to move on to what she came here for. She looked away from Herik to the rest of the group and leaned against the table. "I need some muscle." she stated, her voice firm even if her tone was easy.

"I sold to some hicks in a trailer park about twenty minutes north of here. I may or may not have mixed their weed with oregano and actual dog shit since they gave me fake bills last time. They're pissed, and some goon broke into my home the other day." She explained, then her head snapped down to her dog. "Oleander, up."

The dog was instantly at attention, and leapt onto the pool table. "Down." Kayla followed, prompting the dog to lay down at an easy eye level. With gentle hands, Kayla leaned over and spread the fur on the dog's neck to show a large, ugly bruise that was only just now beginning to heal. "They sent some goon after me, and Oleander stopped him before he made it far past the door when he broke in."

Kayla released the dogs hair, but did not command him down in case any of the others wanted to see for themselves. A rare opportunity for Kayla to so openly allow others to give her dog such unadulterated attention. "I want to teach these rednecks a lesson. We're aiming for hospital visits and chronic pain that doesn't go away. Not paperwork and police chases. They sent a motherfucker after me. The goal is to make sure that doesn't happen again."

Kayla placed both hands on the table and leaned against it. She scanned the people around her with laser focused intent, and finally the edge of her lip quirked up. "You all help me, and I'll see what I can do about freshening this place up a bit. It could use it." she said her eyes flashing over to the destroyed slot machines.

Time to... set the hook.

"And one last thing... They're vampires."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 2 days ago

"I sold to some hicks in a trailer park about twenty minutes north of here. I may or may not have mixed their weed with oregano and actual dog shit since they gave me fake bills last time. They're pissed, and some goon broke into my home the other day. They sent some goon after me, and Oleander stopped him before he made it far past the door when he broke in. I want to teach these rednecks a lesson. We're aiming for hospital visits and chronic pain that doesn't go away. Not paperwork and police chases. They sent a motherfucker after me. The goal is to make sure that doesn't happen again."

"Now this is starting to sound like some shitty horror movie - vampire, redneck, junkies," Madison said with a chuckle. Though this was no laughing matter. They were going after Kayla... even though, truthfully, this was her fault. It was hard to admonish Kayla for this because Madison made mistakes far, far, worse. However, Madison didn't want them to get involved in this. Mainly because this was probably as stupid as chasing after a potential serial killer. However, some of the others seemed to be more receptive to it.

"Ooooooh," Babylon said all excited, "How about we skip the intimidation and just wipe them out? After all; the only good enemy is a dead one."

Emily shook her head as she seemed to be a bit more partial to Kayla's idea. Only because she wants to take hostile Extra-Normal beings out of the picture. Especially junkies... a junkie will always get desperate when the money dries up and they need their fix. Besides, as Kayla said, they don't have enough information to even suggest the serial killings are supernatural. It's probably just a fancy serial killer...

... not their problem.

"I'm sorry to say it, but you have to remember how many serial killers crawl out of Florida," Emily said with her eyes closed and mildly sarcastic. "I think we should take out the vampires..."

However, at this moment Babylon floated over and whispered something into Emily's ear... that didn't even elicit a reaction out of the girl. Almost like this is nothing new.

"... Because they could turn their attention onto us," Emily said, "They are junkies, they don't make sense. They just want a fix."

Of course, Riley something insightful to add.

"We should at least probe into it, to see if it's supernatural or something. Then maybe we could learn more about what it is, their powers. Maybe absorb them? Headin' out and just looking for trouble is no good idea at all, but reconing and making an informed decision is a finer choice."

"Recon what?" Madison asked with a raised eyebrow. "Girl, if you're suggesting snooping around some crime scenes; then you're straight-up being dumb." It was rude for Madison to say it, but people like Riley need rudeness. Especially when they're talking dumb. Because nothing good was going to come from this and Madison was going to do everything she could to talk the Coven out of going down this path.

"Let me just say, for the record, I think both of these are bad ideas," Madison just said now... so when it blows up in their face again she has the satisfaction of saying, "I told you so". Still...

"... I'm going to tag along anyhow to make sure that this doesn't, y' know, go wrong."

"Me too," Claudette said with a sigh... even though she felt safer with the Coven around.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by RogueFox
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RogueFox Runner-up Hero

Member Seen 8 mos ago

"... You do know that half the Coven consists of Apparitions? Or people who get their powers from them...?" Emily just had to remind Jessica. Again. Mainly because she just loves rubbing in how nonsensical that logic is in her face.

"If you want to kick Apparition ass," Babylon appeared yet again, except merely her head. Jutting out of the side of Emily's body and the girl didn't even flinch. As if this was normal for her. "Mine's always up for the taking... if you're brave enough. Hahahahahahahahaha..." She giggled as she disappeared again.

Jess was used to this statement from Emily. "I get that not all apparitions are bad. And there are even some that can be... useful." She gave a glance at Babylon when she said this. "I'm obviously talking about the bad guys." After she finished, Agatha gave her small speech, which riled Jess up. "Like whoever or whatever's behind this!" The coven seemed mostly against looking into it, and Jess knew this wasn't the type of thing to do alone. "I'd be all in to looking into this, but there is the possibility it's not even extra-normal. That's a good point Madison. I guess we'll have to see if something shows its face first!" She didn't like having to wait, but she liked the thought of being arrested and blamed for this even less. Jess appreciated Riley's comment about looking into the matter, but Madison shot it down quickly. Madison seemed really against fighting apparitions even though her abstraction was perfect for it.

It was about this time that Kayla mentioned her problems. "Holy shit, vampires? I'm in. I don't like the whole crime part, but they're vampires! We totally have to take them on! Jess was excited to be doing something adventurous. She might have to find something else to use as a weapon though if they weren't fighting normal apparitions. "Count me in Kayla! I'm coming too!" Jess barely even thought of the danger and things that could go wrong. This was too exciting! She gets to live a real life adventure in this day and age! "So you got a plan of attack, or are we just going there looking tough?" She asked Kayla, just to be on the same page.

Elise had pretty much half watched what happened after her short talk with Sin. She also noticed that Molly had come in. She could have come and sat with her, but Elise knew how it was. She was surprised to find her small bar retreat being so crowded. It was okay though, she didn't hate anyone who was here. Nina mentioned cleaning up the hideout, which sounded nice enough, but Ellie sort of liked it in it's current state. It had character. Agatha spoke of some grisly murders. Elise was all for keeping her nose the hell out of it. "Madison is correct. Our dabbling in this would only convince the public eye that we are involved. It's far too risky to do. People dying like that is awful, I agree, but we are not spirit detectives." Riley and Jess were far too interested, and of course Emily showed interest. Further reason to stay out of it.

Kayla's plan was just as ridiculous, but it seemed like the Coven agenda for the day. Several of the girls had already showed interest. Any time they decided to do something dangerous, Ellie felt obligated to go. She was able to get everyone out of danger (even if it exhausted the hell out of her) if she needed to. She didn't want anyone in the coven to die. Not even Emily. There were two reasons for that however, One being the usual human belief of not wishing death on others, the second being Babylon. If Emily died, who knows what Babylon would do next. She seemed a little satiated for now, like a child with a brand new toy. The longer she could stay like that, the better.

Ellie meekly raised her hand. "I'll tag along too, Kayla." The fact that the hicks were allegedly vampires also piqued her interest. Elise wondered what they might look like, what kind of abilities they might possess. She decided to bring her notebook and pen along to take notes about them. Perhaps she could add her findings to a book she was working on about the extra normal. She knew that her short and frail appearance wouldn't be intimidating, and she wouldn't be much help in a fight, but she had her uses, and she hoped that Kayla remembered that.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Izzy’s attention was drawn from her wine bottle across the room to the conversation at hand. Mutilated, bloodsoaked skeletons? Izzy turned her head away from the newspaper and grimaced. Despite the nature of Antheia’s abstraction, Izzy had never had to deal with gruesome injuries and whatever was on that paper was more than likely to make Izzy lose her dinner. Izzy didn’t say anything in regards to the murders, it seems that her thoughts were already spoken by Madison and Kayla. It’s not like she became part of the coven to fight the extra-normal like a good chunk of the others. Besides, she was too busy trying to suppress the nausea both from the alcohol and mentions of gore on the table.

When Kayla turned the topic away from Agatha’s original topic, Izzy was able to relax and was finally able to look back towards the group. Poor Oleander! Carefully, Izzy stood up and made her way towards the table. She had never used Antheia’s abstraction on a dog familiar, but since Oleander was very smart (probably smarter than Izzy, let’s be honest), he could probably understand and accept the healing. Leaning across the table, the redhead put her hand on either side of Oleander’s cute face and began to rub her thumbs over his cheeks. Antheia had said to do it herself if she needed it, so Izzy let the abstraction flow through her fingertips. Even through the haziness of the alcohol, Izzy could feel the soft warmth of love that always came with using the ability. It was hard to tell through Oleander’s thick fur if it was actually working, but even so, she leaned even further across the table to plan a smooch on his forehead.

Satisfied that Oleander was most likely healed of the bruise, Izzy stood back up and made a detour to pick up her wine bottle on her way back to the bar. She would have been very sad if it got knocked over or destroyed. ”If you really need me, I can tag along, but it sounds like you have a lot of volunteers already, Kayla.” Izzy wasn’t much for fighting or intimidating, but as the group healer she was occasionally called on to help with any injuries that people didn’t want to go to the hospital for. Not that she really minded, it just meant that she could call on favors quite a bit. Honestly, though, she should start charging money.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Skai
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Skai Bean Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lyss did her best to listen to Agatha, but the moment the articles were spread across the table Agatha faded into the background. Lyss managed to pull one of them to before the others could. Her eyes darted across the page as she read over the details and her eyebrow rose. She'd heard of deaths similar to this, but three of the same deaths in one week? Either this thing moved quickly, or there were multiple creatures in New Port.

Babylon's presence grew stronger and Lyss lifted her eyes from the article to stare at the apparition. This time her eyebrows furrowed, and her lips parted as if she wanted to speak. If these deaths had anything to do with apparitions, Lyss knew that she would be able to stop any further murders. Something about these deaths felt more like a werewolf or other flesh eating monster attack instead of the work of an apparition. Even so, it seemed like Babylon wasn't filling them in on all of her knowledge. Perhaps a little poking later when she could get Emily alone would get the rest out of her.

Lyss was certainly interested in these deaths. Was she capable of stopping a creature like this, if it wasn't an apparition? She certainly wouldn't be able to do it alone. Madison spoke up, and while Lyss thought she just stated the obvious, the Mystery Inc. reference brought a small smirk to her lips. She looked over at Agatha and raised her eyebrows. "Madison has a point. We can't do anything about it unless we do it from the shadows."

Kayla even stated the same thing. Lyss turned her attention towards the other witch as she stood and expected some grand speech about staying out of the government's way. She was severely disappointed, and expressed it with a puff of air from her nose. She set the article flat on the table. A serial killer? She sounded like a Blind. These were obviously caused by something supernatural. The real question here was whether any of the girls in the Coven could handle if they found out exactly what was feeding so openly. At least Riley agreed.

Lyss was just about to speak her mind. She even took in a deep breath so that her words would come out clearly, but then Kayla continued with a different topic. Lyss pressed her lips together, but listened to Kayla with genuine interest. She sounded different than usual. Was this... Was this the tone Kayla used when she asked for help? Kayla, the ultimate badass, was asking for help?

Well... she had a good reason to. At first it was odd that Kayla would put her pup on show like that, but as Lyss saw the bruising on Oleander's skin she felt a hot wave of rage pass through her. Who the fuck hits a dog? She pressed her lips together and she wished that she was close enough to Oleander to give the good boy a scratch behind his ear.

Lyss looked up at Kayla. It would be extremely evident that Lyss was totally, 100% down to rough up some animal abusing hick motherfuckers by the look on her face. It wasn't much different from her usual blank face, but her lips were a flat line. Her eyebrows were furrowed ever so slightly, and her jaw was sharper than usual as she clenched her teeth. What if they'd gotten to Kayla too? She hadn't known the girl for long, or any of the Coven members, but Lyss already felt an odd protective instinct kick in whenever they were threatened. It reminded her of her last little group of misfits, even though they probably hated her guts now.

"And one last thing... They're vampires."

Oh my satan.

Vampires fell for dog shit covered weed? Lyss laughed. Her hand came up to cover her mouth, just so that it wouldn't completely fill the room. It was a completely inappropriate time to laugh, but she couldn't help it. " So you're telling me, they didn't even smell the shit? I wouldn't have even fallen for that. Kayla must have found a vampire den with the combined IQ of a toddler.

Lyss then cleared her throat,and took a deep breath in case any other giggles wanted to squirm their way out. She was glad that the other girls were speaking over her laughter. This isn't the time for laughs. They hurt her dog, for satan's sake. Madison and Claudette were in. So were Jessica and Elise. It was surprising that Madison and Elise had agreed. Especially after Madison made a Scooby Doo reference about snooping around crime scenes. Seriously, didn't the Mystery Gang fight some "vampires" too? At least as quiet as Elise acted, she could act as the getaway driver if things went south. Even Riley could add some shock to the beatdown. Lyss was beginning to think that this group might actually get the job done, but she was still unsure about her own role in the fight. "Look, I'm fully invested in helping you, Kayla. I can't believe what they did to Oleander, and he's so strong for protecting you like that with only a few bruises to show for it, but..." She paused, and raised her hands up from the table where they rested moments ago. "I've heard about how to kill a vamp, but I've never really... done it." She bit her lip and raised her brows. She looked apologetic.

She'd seen plenty of severed vamp heads in the black market. Plenty of advanced or rare "VAMPIRE KILLING KITS". There were even many vampire gangs that ran parts of the market. It was pretty obvious not to buy the kits when they were around. If Lyss ever saw one walking her way, she'd hand the table over to one of her partners and step away. She'd never liked them. Just the energy that they emanated was eerie and just downright creepy. How the hell was she going to fight one off?

"I can't guarantee I can do anything but act as a decoy, but I'm not sure I can stake a vamp if I have to."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KatKook
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KatKook Mic muted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I'm in."

Lucky Strike Casino

"Right... Right." Said Quinn.

She was trying to hide her smile from Elise by looking all over the place when she started talking about her, it was definitely a big surprise that Quinn was not just some loud mouth that goes unnoticed, and the fact that this girl agreed with her definitely made her realise that the Coven is not as bad as she had expected. "Smell of cars are pretty distinct... And I suppose the shit all over my face is pretty bad." She said as she brought up her shirt from the bottom, leaning down to wipe her face with it showing a bit of her midriff, and it was obvious that it was toned from all the work she has done. "Eliza... Right? I think, man why can't I get any name right." She added before Elise started about listening to Kayla, and Quinn just nodded at that before turning her attention to the girl in question.

Quinn then began leaning on Keisha, who surprisingly did not mind at all and was sitting there pretty tame even after all that happened earlier. She had her arms crossed as Kayla talked about vampires, this ought to be good; Her eyes went back and forth to each of the person of the conversation, and it got to the point where it apparently annoyed Keisha because she moved which caused Quinn to stumble and stand herself up. The griffin then went on to sniff Elise and rub her head against her arm. "And here I thought you hate people." She quietly said to her companion, which just resulted in a light annoyed chirp from the said companion. "Language! There's other people here." Quinn scolded, the griffin then rolled her eyes (Didn't even know they could that) and let out a growl as she continued to rub herself on Elise's arm. Quinn pulled her away and whispered something in native griffin language before saying, "Sorry, she's not usually... Uh... Touchy." Quinn stated, as she gave the griffin a stare.

Kayla then finished and Quinn watched Elise raised her hand to this event followed by a lot of others adding to this group of ragtag anti-heroes. Redneck vampires huh? She could go for that, and it could be fun actually. "Since everyone's coming, I can hop on this train" Said Quinn, her hat now thrown in the ring as she raised her voice to say that. She looked at Keisha and placed her hand on her head, "This one is going to have to go, unless you guys think if a Chimera is too much..." She then scanned the room and continued, "You guys know what a chimera is right? Lion, Goat on the back, snake tail if I can get that right, you know... Fire breathing, kinda cool if you ask me." Said Quinn, Keisha then scoffed and turned her head away from Quinn at the sound of her being temporarily replaced by a chimera.

"Hey, I'm here for a good time, not a long time, let's go fuck up some vampires." Said Quinn, there it was, she was getting too overconfident again, someone ought to snap her back in reality before it gets ugly.


Interactions:@RogueFox @JunkMail
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SassySalamander
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As the meeting came under way Molly decided her best tactic was; 1- Stay quiet. 2- listen to what was offered. 3- Have a cigarette. Step three was very important. As she she listened quietly from her corner she outstretched one of her legs, loosening her jeans just enough that she could stuff a hand into her pocket and produce a pack of reds and a blue baby-bic. She returned her leg to its bent angle and pressed her thighs together to give her a pseudo bench. She pulled a cig from the pack and set the box on her lap. She placed the filter between her lips and with a couple flicks a flame was produced and her cig was alight. She took an overjoyed inhaled, letting the nicotine seep into her lungs before exhaling a plume of smoke.

All this time she continued to listen to the meeting unfold. She listened as Agatha explained the current situation over the news articles. How people, which apparently could only be assumed by what little was left, were found murdered; left as skeletons in a pool of viscera and blood. Everyone, almost, agreed it was probably a serial killer and not worth snooping around to get caught and have suspicion cast their way; especially for a non-supernatural occurrence. Molly wasn't honestly convinced of that theory. But she needed to get her hands on one of those sheets that Agatha printed out.

Molly grabbed her pack and lighter from her lap and put out her almost finished cigarette on the side of the empty pot she sat upon before standing and moving over to the large table. As the rest of the group discussed, bickered, and snipped at each other Molly took one of the many as yet to have been snatched up printed articles sprawled across the tattered felt of the table. She took the article back to a new, closer sitting area nearby Sin and Elise. She opted for sitting on the floor, crossing her legs under herself criss-cross applesauce style and leaning her back against a large pillar she could only assume was a structurally significant item to keeping this entire lobby from crumbling. She unceremoniously dropped her pack and lighter on her lap once more as her eyes scanned over the sheet of paper.

From what this article was saying this didn't sound like a serial killer. Netflix would suggest this level of carnage wouldn't be committed so hastily yet so completed. Slash em up, dump chemical on em. All out in the open of their yards. She'd assume some human serial killer would have kidnapped and done all this is a secure location than dumped afterwards. This seemed like something that wasn't afraid of someone stumbling upon them committing the act. And extra-normals were just cocky enough to not worry about measly humans happening upon their kills. Or that at least is what she thought.

She wanted to offer her opinion but quickly squashed that idea. She needed to prove her role in the coven more before she started feeling comfortable enough to throw out opinions. Anyways, by the time she was done reading it seemed nearly everyone was on board with Kayla request; which seemed assuredly extra-normal.

'Wait...' She began in the silence of her own thoughts. 'Vampires are fucking REAL?'
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Maya scoffed as Agatha pulled out a folder filled with news articles (who even read the paper news nowadays), harping on about some murders that they should all go on a merry adventure to solve. What were they now, detectives? People died all the time and really Maya wasn’t about to put out her own neck for people she didn’t know.

Thankfully almost everyone else agreed that it was a bad idea, aside from a few of the weirder members, so she didn’t even need to put forward her own opinion.

Then Kayla went on to mention a whole fun combination of stuff: vampire redneck junkies. Now that sounded like a much better time! And much closer to home… after all they attacked one of their own, which was almost like having a friend attacked. Or something. Not that Maya had much sense of community but she was more than happy to help out here. Vampires, seriously! Even being Extra-Normal it seemed so far fetched. She hadn’t heard about real vampires existing before and it certainly sold it for her. She wanted to see this for herself.

“I’m in,” Maya leaned back on the bar stool, somewhat precariously. “How’s a vampire’s hearing? Sensitive, I hope, because then it’s easier for me to fuck it up.”

She turned her head to fix Quinn with a solidly annoyed look and eye roll. “Shut up Sin, everyone knows about a Chimera and literally no one here cares. You’re in so we don’t need your entire life philosophy.”

Her gaze flickered back to Kayla. “So when are we doing this? Today? The sooner the better, if you ask me.”
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by silvermist1116


Member Seen 2 mos ago

There was a lot going on, but Herik tried to keep up. There were serial murders in Port Richey. He remembers hearing something about it on the radio, then he changed the station, because he doesn't like hearing about bad news. Agatha thinks it's something supernatural, but no one else thinks so. He'll go with the majority ruling that it's best to leave it to the cops, but he didn't want to leave Agatha hanging. She's new at this and probably needs the reassurance that her idea wasn't a bad one. He understood that. Then Kayla's news about her being attacked held his attention. His blood boiled at the thought someone he cared about being violated in their own home. He knows home invasions are personal and terrifying. Kayla was definitely affected by it. Her usual self-assured attitude took a back side when she expressed her concerns and anger. They even hurt Oleander. No one should abuse animals. That's cruel. He can handle simple guys that thought they could pick on someone smaller than them. He was ready to offer his help, until she said vampires. He's seen vampire articles on the internet, but nothing was concrete on how to deal with them. That'd be tough, but he'll cross that bridge when he gets to it. Most everyone else was going and he didn't want to be left out, so he raised his hand.

"I'll go with you." He said with the utmost confidence, then he spoke to Agatha. "Since one of our own is in trouble we should handle this first, then I'll help you can way I can with the murders." He hopes for the sake of future victims that it's not supernatural, then they'll have a fighting chance to live. A monster would be more difficult and not something the authorities could handle on their own. They should work out Kayla's problem quickly for the sake of the innocent.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 2 days ago

A sigh escaped Claudette's lips.

She raised a hand and suddenly the room was blanketed in a thick sheath of darkness that would had surely surprised the group. There was suddenly no light, sounds were muffed, and they could feel the heat draining from the room. However, the various sounds of surprise were here as Claudette shouted loud enough so that it wasn't muffed all that mouth.

"That is enough, girls!" Claudette didn't even get up from her seat. She just sat there with her elbows on the table and the darkness gradually faded away. It was hard being the level-headed voice of reason for a group of rowdy (and apparently hormonal) teenagers - and other rowdy gents. They were ready to tear at each other's throats, almost constantly. Which was why Claudette ended it here. She gestured towards Kayla.

"The stage is yours, Mademoiselle."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by JunkMail
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JunkMail Shitpost Supreme

Member Seen 1 yr ago


"Ooooooh, how about we skip the intimidation and just wipe them out? After all; the only good enemy is a dead one."

"I've heard about how to kill a vamp, but I've never really... done it. I can't guarantee I can do anything but act as a decoy, but I'm not sure I can stake a vamp if I have to."

Kayla immediately reeled at the statements, and her hand came up to her face in exasperation. She was going to drown someone later, she knew it. She understood the risks of inviting a bunch of estrogen crazed egomaniac (and Herik) to battle in her name, but she didn't expect anyone in the group to jump to murder. She doubted any of these women had actually killed anyone in their lives, and she double doubted that anyone here understood the affects that had on one's psyche.

Kayla knew what it was like to be unmade. She knew what it was like to have a monster inside of you, lurking in the shadows, waiting for a chance to escape and destroy everything you held dear. She had a bit of a ledger, after all. She imagined briefly imagined what it would be like if the others did too. She imagined that they knew the name of every person the they had ever hurt or worse, intentionally or no; she could see them lying in bed at night, reciting that list from memory, like a prayer. If they could, she imagined they would want to meet with every victim's family like her, to explain, to apologize, to beg for forgiveness that they would never really be able to accept, because she hadn't been able to forgive herself. At least- not in full. Claudette used her abilities in that moment to silence everyone, much to Kayla's eternal gratitude. Breaking her silence, she nodded to the elder witch in silent thanks, and then addressed everyone's concerns.

"Let me be extremely clear," Kayla said, her voice like a razor blade- but not directed at either of the two people who had insinuated murder. It was to the general group. "We are not going to be killing anyone. I still plan on selling to these idiots. We're breaking bones and blowing homes- I'm not looking for murder charges. If I find out one of you cant keep a lid on it and kills someone... and that trails back to me, then I'll kill you myself."

The pupils of Kayla's eyes seemed to glow unnaturally, like molten metal, but her hardened expression did not change. There was no humor or wolfish grin tacked onto her face to mask the thinly masked threat- because it was just that. She massaged the bridge of her nose and blinked, and just like that the hellfire in her eyes had died away as if it had never been there at all. She began addressing each individual who had spoken.

"Let me just say, for the record, I think both of these are bad ideas... I'm going to tag along anyhow to make sure that this doesn't, y' know, go wrong."

"Then don't come." Kayla said evenly. "I want you there, but if you aren't going to help, then don't show up. The less witnesses, the better."

Kayla turned away from Madison, allowing the resounding statement of 'stay out of the way then' sink in. She paid no mind to any response- it was nut up or shut up, and Madison's two cents mattered like a fart in the wind if she wasn't going to do the former.

”If you really need me, I can tag along, but it sounds like you have a lot of volunteers already, Kayla.”

"Every able bodied person is invited. If you can swing a bat, you're in if you think you can keep yourself from getting turned into a smear on the floor. If you get hurt, hurt 'em back. If you get killed, walk it off."

"So you got a plan of attack, or are we just going there looking tough?"

"This is mostly intimidation." Kayla stated, crossing her arms. "We're going to show up and see the group of lowlife thugs. I'm going to beat the macaroni and shit out of their ringleader. They are either going to back down, or they're going to come at me. Your jobs are to pick a dance partner and keep them away from me, and to beat the shit out of your chosen dance partner. I don't care how you do it."

""This one is going to have to go, unless you guys think if a Chimera is too much... Hey, I'm here for a good time, not a long time, let's go fuck up some vampires."

"Everyone here has been to grade school, headass." Kayla said, motioning to the entire table dismissively. "Your greek mythology, Walmart brand Percy Jackson and the Olympians summoner ass isn't surprising anyone. Use whichever works, but if you cant keep them on a leash, then I'm going to put it down before it kills someone. Or kills someone a second time."

“So when are we doing this? Today? The sooner the better, if you ask me.”

"Today." Kayla stated. "I deal to them today every week. Meet me in South Tampa in a place called Greenwood in two hours. It's a mobile home neighborhood. Park a few minutes walk away. Bring a bandana or a mask if you have one." Kayla instructed. She turned to her dog and made a low whistle, and Oleander was up and off the table and by her side in an instant.

"I'm going to go home and make my preparations. If you have any questions, text me. Or text someone who has my number. Cheers." Kayla stated, and with that she was out the door.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by RogueFox
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RogueFox Runner-up Hero

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Before the silence was commanded by Claudette, Sin had spoken to Elise. Elise, actually. Call me Ellie if you prefer. The griffin started rubbing its head against Ellie, much to her sudden surprise. She jumped nervously but soon realized she had what was essentially an oversized kitten asking for pets. Ellie pet the Griffin gently, fascinated that it even existed. She loved reading about Greek mythology and was overjoyed that she got to see a griffin in person. "You're a good girl aren't you?" Elise asked.Sin then mentioned her Chimera. "Chimeras were said to have several more abilities than breathing fire, such as a deadly venom as well, it was next to incurable according to myth-" Elise had planned to go into further detail, citing the myths that included the creature and go into modern interpretations, but Maya rudely shut Sin, and Elise herself, down by saying everyone knew of them. Ellie's eyes brightened a bit when Riley spoke up against Maya and let out a small laugh. It reminded her a bit of Ashley which was both a pleasant and painful sensation.

By the time Claudette fired off her special move, which frightened Elise, and if she hadn't already been quiet, she'd definitely be so now. Kayla continued to explain the plan. It sounded dangerous. A brawl of extra-normal capacities. The thought of it made Elise nervous, but that's why she had to go. She could get valuable information, and she could easily take the injured out of danger. "I...Izzy. With your healing, and interest to come, perhaps we should play the support role. You stay back where we park, and if anyone gets injured, I will bring them to you with my abstraction. We could make quite the team... that is if you want to. I'd like to see no one get too injured if I can." She managed to get her voice loud enough for all to hear after Kayla had finished. "And Kayla... I don't condone the behavior that got you here, but I condone breaking and entering and injuring an animal even less. You can count on me."

Before the darkness struck, Jess had been watching most of the girls bicker and talk. It was noisy as hell, and how could they care more about what they were going on about than vampires and skeletons!? She had to admit that Riley's jab at Maya was funny though. Maya was a bit too stuck up and took herself too seriously, then all went black and silent. Jessica quickly shut her mouth and listened.

Jessica was glad to have the time to go and prep, maybe buy a bat or some other blunt weapon to use, plus she had to mask up. "Hell yeah Kayla! I read you loud and clear! I'll meet you there. Anyone need a ride? My car can hold five. You'll be with me while I suit up, so you'll be able to get stuff you need too." Elise had taken her offer, but she waited to see if any of the other members would need a ride.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
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BlueAjah Dance The Night Away

Member Seen 1 yr ago

“Ahh, thank you!” Nina grinned and began munching on Maya’s gimbap. “Mmmmm!” She had never tried many asian dishes before but this was super tasty! It was the perfect snack. Nina made a mental note to ask Maya for the recipe after the meeting. Maybe she could even convince her to teach her the dish in person!

The group grew quiet as Agatha made her announcements. Skeletons? Serial killers? Nina could feel her heartbeat grow quicker and inched her chair toward Maya. Why was Agatha so interested in investigating something like that? Nina wanted to help others too but this was just too dangerous. Someone could really get hurt. She clutched her mother’s locket before speaking, “I agree with Madison. That seems really dangerous and scary.”

Kaya followed Agatha’s news with another unsettling story. She frowned upon seeing Kayla’s dog and the large bruise under his fur. Who could hurt a dog? Especially one as precious as Oleander. She followed behind Izzy to him and began scratching behind his ear. “Such a good doggo!” She looked up to see Izzy healing him and relief washed over her. Nina continued petting Oleander for a few minutes before returning to her seat beside Maya.

“And one last thing... They're vampires."

...What? Vampires? Every day spent in the Coven was never boring, that was for sure. “I don’t know... What if something happens? I know they hurt Oleander, and that’s terrible, but violence with violence only gets more people hurt.” It seemed as though the whole group was intent on battling these vampires, including Maya. Nina shook her head. There would always be times people would disagree with her, and that was okay. She couldn’t stop them, she just hoped they’d be careful.

One moment she could see everyone, the next, the entire area was covered in darkness. Nina yelped and almost fell out of her chair. What in the world? She couldn’t hear anything except Claudette’s voice, shouting at them to settle down. She had to blink several times before seeing clearly again. Kayla continued answering questions before rushing out the door. Nina remained sitting at the table, looking around the room. What would mom do?

Facing Maya, Nina couldn’t help but speak her mind. “Are you really going to go, Maya? What if someone gets hurt? I think this is really dangerous. I don’t want to abandon everyone but I don’t know.. I don’t think I could handle that.”

Nina wasn’t sure she’d like the direction the Coven was heading toward. She only hoped she could find the courage to stay by everyone’s side.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KremeSupreme
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KremeSupreme im here

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Agatha Loom

Agatha watched as the conversation almost immediately drifted from where she had hoped it would have gone, and instead steered back in the direction of Kayla's own problem. Honestly, made her own efforts of finding something to do today a bit redundant. She even made herself late just trying to find something worth the group's attention. Then Kayla just threw her own problem out on the floor, and watched everyone magnetically draw themselves to that, eager to head on down and bash some heads for Kayla(and her dog)'s sake. Honestly, it wasn't quite the worst way for the meeting to go, Agatha confirmed to herself; Regardless of how toxic the group had been to one another so far, they were still looking out for each other. Of course it'd make sense to tackle some... 'vampires', which Agatha doubted the word-for-word legitimacy of, which directly threatened one of their own over some obscure yet violent killings.

However, she was robbed of the chance of making any sort of decisions or confirmations towards handling the vampires. Once attention drifted away from what Agatha laid out on the table, the Coven returned to chatter at Kayla, overwhelming her with questions until Claudette threw out a blanket of silence, only to hand the entire floor over to Kayla at that point. She'd basically said anything Agatha thought to, but with a lot more authority and control than she could probably even muster.

By the time Agatha was even able to squeeze out a single word, Kayla had already gotten up and left for preparations, with most of the rest of the coven egging to follow after her.

"Alright then, uh...", Agatha began again, standing up and quietly picking up her folder, "I guess that should conclude today's meeting. To anyone who doesn't want to participate, we can either get this place cleaned up or head down to the beach, if you guys want. Either way, rest of the day is yours."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 2 days ago

'Wait...' She began in the silence of her own thoughts. 'Vampires are fucking REAL?'

"Wellllllllll...." Madison dragged out the last letter of that word as she leaned back in her chair and threw her arms behind her head. Unintentionally jutting out her chest as she looked around the room. "There are two girls with ghosts attached to them, someone's a fire-bender, there's like six harry-potter ass wizards, and me, someone who gets their power from the ghosts of dinosaurs or something."

She was hoping that her point was clear enough, but Molly seemed a little... slow on the draw. Which was okay. "... I don't think vampires are stretching it." She said it with a chuckle to make it clear that she was playing-

That was when darkness blanketed the room and Claudette made her intentions very clear. Which was good that they had somebody else to try to keep order. The room went back to normal and Madison sighed as she put her arms down.

"Let me be extremely clear, we are not going to be killing anyone. I still plan on selling to these idiots. We're breaking bones and blowing homes- I'm not looking for murder charges. If I find out one of you cant keep a lid on it and kills someone... and that trails back to me, then I'll kill you myself."

Fortunately, Kayla had so sense, too. She made it clear that killing was not allowed under no circumstance, but Madison had to sigh at the sad reality of it. "... You shouldn't even have to say that." And left it at that. If anyone tries to kill somebody Madison was going to stop them. It wasn't going to even come to that.

"What?" Babylon said all cheekily. "It'd be... self-defense." She chuckled before she disappeared.

"Then don't come." Kayla said evenly. "I want you there, but if you aren't going to help, then don't show up. The less witnesses, the better."

"And you're gonna wish you hadn't said that when I'm pulling your ass out the fire," Madison cheekily said as she placed her elbow on the table and propped up her head with it. Of course, Kayla didn't mean it; Madison was the most powerful motherfucker here! Or at least, that's what she thinks. "I think I gotta come because you had to say that."

"Alright then, uh...I guess that should conclude today's meeting. To anyone who doesn't want to participate, we can either get this place cleaned up or head down to the beach, if you guys want. Either way, rest of the day is yours."

"... Just give up," Emily said to Agatha, flicking some hair out of her face. It was truly pathetic... Agatha couldn't even give the group something to even talk about. She was completely overtaken by that degenerate Kayla... and it was sad that the group seemed more excited to commit crime. It made Emily smile widely, ear-to-ear as she looked at Agatha. "They don't care... nor can you make them."

"Today." Kayla stated. "I deal to them today every week. Meet me in South Tampa in a place called Greenwood in two hours. It's a mobile home neighborhood. Park a few minutes walk away. Bring a bandana or a mask if you have one."

"How about we don't do this in broa-"

Madison tried to voice her complaint, but Kayla was already out the door... and Madison realized that getting through to that girl was a waste of her time. Madison sighed.

"Hell yeah Kayla! I read you loud and clear! I'll meet you there. Anyone need a ride? My car can hold five. You'll be with me while I suit up, so you'll be able to get stuff you need too."

And this reminded Madison that nobody was going to touch her car. It was selfish, but Madison just got the bitch detailed. "I at least want to take a shower before I get into a fight," Madison said as she took flight and flew out the door. "I'm out."

"Right behind you, Mademoiselle!" Claudette said as she walked out behind Madison in a hurry.

Emily sighed as she got up and slowly walked out. Nobody was gonna use her car, or her help - they can do it their damn selves, they're adults.

Two hours later... The Greenwood Estates

Ahhhh the smell of white trash and trailer park. Madison thought that she had ventured north again but this was all in Tampa. So, she was not too far away from the place at their meeting spot... and Madison was the first person there. Now, the last thing Madison wanted to do was hang around a trailer park full of a bunch of rednecks by herself but she at least had Claudette with her.

"How do you think this will go?" Claudette asked.

"Badly." Madison answered, "At least I know I'll be able to keep people safe."

She said as she played candy crush on her cellphone... and it wasn't long before more people showed up. Which was weird.

Usually when they meet up only a few people show.
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