@LordOfTheNight I don't know about the last one, though it does sound pretty good

In my last game as an ork, well... how to explain. Something along the lines of: *
clears throat* We bash sum spiky drots in da noggin an rip dem wingz ovv a flyin git. Den we smash dem wingz on bestboy OrcK an pray ta Gork, den Mork put wingz on 'im. Or wuz it Gork? OrcC not 'ave good noggin, but he do propa Krumpin!
Edit: speaking of a gentle giant, I also once played a 7 Int Bugbear who was the kindest person in the world, and would totally give you a candy with one hand while using the other to rip apart a goblin. It's was extremely fun when with a Glaive he had 15 ft reach and was essentially a tower you'd have to get rid of if you wanted to run away. Also, somehow +5 to stealth in teh rules. Very good at sneaking for an 8ft tall furry monster