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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Day 1, Week 1, Cycle 1
Springtime, 21 C°, Sunny

The sun rises over a world unknown to it's denizes. Upon it's unfamiliar shorelines and peaks, indescribable canopies of strange flora cast's animated shadows. The forest is alive with fauna that they have never seen before, and the cacophony of sounds that are escaping from it fill their hearts with doubt. What is this place? What are they doing here? Who are they...

A myriad of questions fill their minds by the time they group up, all of them looking just as confused as the other ones. They are without clothes or any sort of tools. Some feel the touch of gowns that are no longer upon their bodies, while others squint as their eyes readjust to not having to wear... something. It feels as if their mind's library has been violently cleared down and then burned to the ground, only leaving the most essential of skills untouched. This only becomes more apparent as their mouths begin to form words and it spirals into a frenzy of speech about concepts that they can't quite put their finger on.

Indeed, by the time the group quiets down, they are all left dumbfounded. Whereas minutes ago they were full of these lingering thoughts and feelings, they have now thrown away most of them in desperation. As the air around them finally comes to an awkward silence, only disturbed by the sounds of nature, their instincts begin to kick in. The basic necessities that they weren't aware that they needed until now begin to form in their heads. The goal is now clear, clearer than ever: they have to survive.

The island around them remains vibrant with life, but silent about their questions. It doesn't deny nor confirm their newfound realization about their very own survival. It simply surrounds them with it's bountyful forests and rivers, watching over them as it always has... A herd of large herbivores with spiky protrusions on their head watch them as they graze on the lush grass, their eyes watching them in silence. Perhaps they are wondering what these new arrivals to their land area, sizing them up to see if they are any threat. On this island full of mysteries, the only thing familiar is themselves, and the same confused but determined look in all of their eyes.

The sun rises over a world no more unknown to it's denizens than it was an hour ago. But it's not as scary as before. It's not as strange and mysterious, however alien some things may appear at first glance. No, they have each other and they have their primal instincts. And with it, they will brave the land as the sun rises over it and casts it's long shadows, and thrive. They will thrive, because they have to.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 1 day ago


Day 1, Week 1, Cycle 1
Springtime, 21 C°, Sunny

Safe to say, the two groups of Velari had both awoken to what initially had been much confusion.

Thoughts, words, concepts all so alien to them somehow and yet so familiar...yet all washed away as primal instinct and a dumbfounded silence eventually took over in the end. Knowledge they had never known before began to cause many things to take shape within their minds, and before long they began a scramble to get organized and ready to survive. The tallest Velari in each of the two groups had begun to bark out orders to their kin, after asserting some amount of control post-chaos, and it hadn't taken long for the others to fall in line. Shortly thereafter, the soft flutter of Velari wings would be visible from the myriad of beasts on the dark and dense rainforest ground as these new arrivals took to the air.

A few moved to inspect the area from the air in all directions and seek signs of their own kin, some others began to simply seek out wood and suitable plant materials for making homes, and others more began to scour for something...edible, whether it was moving around eating things or just growing out of the ground. All in all it began to cause a bit of a stir in dense, wet grounds that the Velari had awoken in, all as birds and small scaly flying things, small lizards, beasts big and small, and all were being awoken or already moving about with the rising sun.


The crack of wood and spring of tree branches rang out into the air, alongside a mighty, screeching roar of anger that could send chills down one's spine.

The young Velari's heart was racing almost as fast as her wings were beating in the air, with the sticky hot and humid air of the rainforest feeling like it was clinging to her very lungs. Leaves were whipped to the side as she darted through with all of the haste of a prey animal in flight, and flecks of moisture seemed to whizz by her at top speed as her pupiless white eyes glanced around for a guaranteed path to safety. Mere moments ago she'd been attacked by a large primate-like creature, larger in height than her, having four eyes, being covered in greenish-black hair that almost camouflaged it, and bearing most of all frighteningly pronounced lower canine teeth. It had come charging with a mighty roar and large fists, its lanky but muscled limbs swinging about as it had gone in for the kill outright...only for her to narrowly dodge in time due to being in the air.

Even now it pursued her seemingly to try to make her a meal, even as she was darting away as fast as she could with her butterfly-like wings. She most definitely regretted wandering from her group of gatherers to investigate some odd sounds, but had at least felt she had a good reason to disappear. She had found some odd fruits near where this primate had been as well. One taste had told her it was sweet, and while its bright blue rind has been thicker...the flesh of it had been mostly sweet and ever so slightly hot to an extent when eating closer to the seeds. However, the decayed bones of dead prey animals hanging from branches or around the bottom of those fruit trees should have been a sign to her of something not being right here.


The roar of the beast was so close she could feel it now, sending smaller creatures into a frenzy of panic as it was swinging along after her. She glanced back instinctually at this, noting the moving mass coming up on her, though at the same time did not notice an upcoming branch.



The Velari's body crashed into the tree branch, after having darted lower to try to lose the larger predator in the underbrush, snapping the branch and sending her finally crashing down to the ground. It had been a low enough flying altitude, and a thin enough branch at least, to ensure she didn't snap like a twig on impact. Even the brush and plant life acted as a cushion for her fall in this case. Yet...the sudden halt of her flight from danger would pose its own far greater dangers now.

The young gatherer scurried to her feet, and instinctually grabbed the now sharp and pointy long tree branch that had broken off due to her impact. The sound of her heart now seemed to ring in her ears, however, thumping away as her eyes widened in an instant with fear. There was no time to move. No time to run. It was here.

The great primate came crashing down near her onto the forest floor, lightly shaking the ground around it from the dramatic but intentional impact. The beast stood up tall as it looked down upon her, all four of its its entirely black, with white pupils no less, eyes now glaring down at her with ravenous hunger and a very much murderous glint in them. The shaggy hairy exterior of the beast seemed to sway almost like tree branches as it moved, before the beast licked its meaty chops and began to pound its chest with a scream of dominance. It had slain many prey that ran from it before. It had eaten them, and the fruit of the tree it lived in, many a time before. This..insect...thing...female...whatever it was, it would soon become food as well anyways!

Such was the foremost Law of the Jungle, after all: 'Eat or be Eaten'.

Not hesitating, as it had sized up its target to be flimsy and frail and easy to kill, the hulking creature leapt forward at its next dinner with its mighty jaws opened up wide-! At the same time, the young Velari's 'fight' instincts and some inkling in her mind pushed her to roar back and protrude her pointed branch out with its back end on the ground-!




How could-?!







Eventually silence once against settled over the rainforest floor...save for the distant chatter of the smaller creatures that had long fled from the immediate area out of instinct. Yet now a sticky, dark red liquid began to pool about on the ground, staining and coating and pooling about the uncaring the flora and fauna and refuse in a disgusting gush of what once was the lifeblood of another living thing. Indeed, the way of the jungle was a harsh one...and a lesson from which none, not even those at the highest levels, would be preserved from.

The corpse of the mighty ape slumped to the side, now leaning against a tree as its wide open eyes gazed out with a glassy and empty gaze. Its heart had already stopped beating, though, and the last breath had already left its large lungs in what almost seemed like a hushed and quiet whisper. The air that had once been so thick with tension, so thick one could cut it with a knife, seemed to suddenly yet softly dissipate as quickly as it came.

Amidst all of this, the young Velari gatherer collapsed to her knees on the ground. There was no care that she kneeled in the blood of her pursuer, yet as she felt her breathing begin to slow she pulled up a hand in front of her eyes. It was her hand...and yet it was not her blood that stained it.

She slowly began to stand once more, the beat of her heart returning to normal, before slowly looking to the sharp stick still stuck inside of the primate's corpse. After a moment of contemplation, she then pulled out the stick out and held it in her hands once more. Some fragment of organ and heart and muscle and such was stuck to the end, lifeless yet still warm and covered in blood...but the gatherer then took a wary yet curious bite of the severed flesh. Her eyes widened at the taste, even as she chewed it all slowly before finally swallowing it.

After some moments that felt like an eternity, however, the young Velari then looked up at the sky once more. This was all a place so very strange, and yet under the rays of the sun it felt more familiar somehow.

But...they, she, would not be prey here. They would not be the hunted, as she had been.

Indeed, they would be something more! They were mighty! She was mighty!

Raising her blood-soaked weapon above her head, the young Velari felt a surge of energy wash through her, rising and cascading and shooting up to the point that-


The young gatherer-...no, the young huntress now let aloud a cry of victory at the top of her lungs and with all her might. In a sense one could see it as her somewhat mimicking the odd sounds of her former pursuer, and yet it was her own cry and voice all the same.

Soon it would draw others to her location, others of her kind and people. Soon they would return to the fruit tree that was once this predator's lair, and take apart the body of this mighty beast as well as take its well-protected harvest.

...Such was the Nature of Civilization: For to the victor, thus went the spoils.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Klomster
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Klomster The man, the myth, the legend.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Ascendant
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Ascendant No One In Particular

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Day 1, Week 1, Cycle 1
Springtime, 24 °C, Sunny

Almost in the shadow of the island's highest peak, where two rivers whose sources run that peak's range nearly touch, one hundred strange insectoids stood in three columns at the edge of where a forest and grassland met, arranged in a three-pointed star. Four insectoids stood out from the rest, three of them standing in front of their respective columns, staring towards the center of the group. These three were Queens of the Mordukai, and behind them, each column was organized into six columns with sixteen rows of depth. In total, there were 24 Soldiers and 72 Workers. In the very center was a single Drone, standing motionless.

And in an instant, the columns began falling apart as the Mordukai began to bob their heads around, their compound eyes taking in their surroundings. Their brains racked themselves, aggressively trying to figure out what was going on, who they were, where they were, and so on.

Slowly, the insectoids began to move around, looking at grasses, trees, and shrubs, but the Queens were more thoughtful. All Mordukai felt the Bond with their Queen, and their Queens felt their Bond with their children. Gazing at each other, the Queens felt a mixture of hostility, defensiveness, and curiousity. Deciding to be the first one to speak, one of the Queens walked towards the other two, ignoring the Drone in the middle that was examining the local foliage.

She lifted her four arms to the other Queens, welcoming them as she spoke in the Mordukai language of skitters and hisses, "Sisters, where are we?"

A few moments passed as the other two Queens considered the situation before one of them cautiously approached closer, "I know not. I know not... almost anything."

This second Queen's approach fueled the third's, "Agreed. It is like... emptiness."

The first Queen's suspicions rose rapidly as she wondered aloud, "Yes," she bent down to pick up some dirt and then stood, "Nothing is... familiar. Something is very... wrong." Frustration led her to toss the dirt away, "Nothing can be done. We may be stuck here a long time, wherever 'here' is. Where else to go, I don't remember..."

Scratching her head, the second Queen mentioned, "We need food and water. We have none I see."

"Let us focus our efforts separately. My Hive will gather berries and food from the forest," declared the third Queen.

The first decided not to be left behind, "Mine shall work on hunting."

Finally, the second decided, "I will learn what grows here and build homes."

Once all were decided, the first lifted her arms once more, each fellow Queen receiving two hands each, "Then we work together." The other two Queens joined the circle of arms, nodding, "Together."

They set outward then, going to their respective Hives, issuing commands to their loyal children.

The third Hive quickly set about gathering berries and vegetables from the forest and grasslands, the Workers nibbling a little on different material to learn if it was edible and potentially toxic, preferring to sacrifice some of their health to warn the others. Watching over them were the Soldiers, who also helped gather at times. The food was brought back to where they all awoke.

Where they awoke, the second Hive worked on gathering sticks, wood, and leaves, doing their best to establish simple shelters while the Queen and a few of her Soldiers surveyed the area, determining what could be bent into a domestic crop. Some of the Workers were instructed to prepare fields for planting, and worked hard to clear what land they could for the seeds and plants their mother discovered. This second Queen spent quite some time considering the layout of the fields as she analyzed local flora, slowly beginning to realize the issue of how to water the future crops.

The first Queen split her Hive into four hunting groups consisting of two Soldiers and four Workers each, retaining eight Workers to help construct shelters and gather food. These Workers were also held back in order to give the first Queen some semblance of protection just in case the other two Queens became aggressive towards her. Each group was sent in a different direction in relation to the Sun, both to hunt and to report back what they found.

It was these hunting groups that brought back knowledge of the Sunrise and Sunset Rivers, knowledge of strange creatures, as well as the carcasses of a number of Lepus and even a captured live specimen. When the three Hives reconvened that night in what flimsy huts were available, the Three Queens sat in the main hut, discussing the day. There seemed to be relatively plentiful food and game in the area as well a number of water sources. With the knowledge of the Sunset and Sunrise rivers, the Mordukai resolved to build their homes here, mostly because the fields would go alongside those rivers, beginning with the Sunrise River. The beginnings of the Mordukai Civilization had been laid.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SonOfFire


Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Day 1, Week 1, Cycle 1
Springtime, 20 C°, Sunny

A large gust of wind made its way out and around the hills that made up much of the terrain the Gronin's feet stood upon. The group of more than 100 was gathered around a local river, a large one at that. Naked, confused, and some even afraid, they looked upon one another's flesh and knew these were their brothers and sisters but it was unknown as to how they had gotten to this unfamiliar place. Thinking of possible explanations only created more questions, who were they? Why cant they remember anything? Are they alone? A large green skinned Gronin stood upon a boulder and looked down upon the large gathering of new arrivals, he raised his arms and called out to the group.

"Brothers and sisters, blood of my blood" his voice resonated in the ears of his fellow Gronin. "I am just as lost as each of you with no memories of my past. Yet I know deep down we are a proud people, an ambitious people who wouldn't waste our precious time trying to remember the long forgotten past. Instead me must seek to rebuild!". He motioned to a younger member of the group standing near the front of the now forming crowd around the boulder. "To build a legacy for our young to remember with ideals to follow! I am Uzuk! First of his name and protector of our people!"

The other Gronin discussed between themselves for a moment, some nodding, others snickering and revealing a tusk or two. Another large Gronin with red skin stepped forward towards the boulder, stopping at its base. He looked up to Uzuk and snarled. "Who are you, that I must bow so low? You have not proven yourself worthy as our leader". Silence fell upon the group as what was sounded like a challenge was issued. Uzuk slowly climbed down from the boulder to look his kin in the eye, his back still to the boulder. "I am the first speaker, the one who seeks to unify our people. I will not be questioned by the lesser". Uzuk grabbed a nearby rock sitting atop the boulder while his opponent was distracted, locking eyes with one another. As the red skinned Gronin began to speak his rebuttal, Uzuk threw himself forward onto the other Gronin, rock still in hand. Standing over his opponent he brought the dense, jagged object down upon his opponent's head repeatedly until the impact of the stone onto his enemies skull stopped sounding like a thud but rather a squelch.

Uzuk threw the blood stained rock at the feet of the still silent crowd as he climbed off of his opponent, blood and brains scattered across his hands and chest. "I, Uzuk, protector of his people and slayer of our enemies will lead us to greatness. You need only have faith in me". With that the remaining Gronin dropped to their knees and bowed their heads to their first leader. "I grow hungry. I'm sure most of you do too. We must hunt". A smaller framed Gronin picked up the blood stained rock that had been thrown at his feet and approached the boulder. He smashed the brittle edges against the much harder and denser boulder until it formed a long and sharp point. "I am Grazdan, first of his name. I shall make tools of death for the great hunt". Uzuk nodded and picked out the a dozen others from the crowd, mostly smaller framed Gronin and females. "You help Grazdan first of his name make these tools. I expect to hunt by tonight". With that the remaining Gronin moved off to complete other task. Some began building basic primitive shelters, others searched for fertile land where they could eventually till soil and grow crops. Other Gronin moved off to gather wood, long and slender sticks were used for spear hafts while shorter thicker logs were gathered around for the eventual first fire in this new land.

Hours later Grazdan approached Uzuk who was aiding his kin in the construction of shelters. "Uzuk, first of his name. The tools are ready, and now you may hunt". He handed Uzuk the two spears that he was holding. Uzuk inspected them closely, observing the haft, blade, and what held it all together. "Far from perfect, but it will do. Hone your craft, continue production of tools and weapons. With time you will become our best. I name you Grazdan, first smith of his people". Grazdan bowed his head and hurried off to continue his work. Uzuk gathered six other unoccupied Gronin and armed them all with spears before the group of seven made their way south in search of food.

The Hunt

With the group hiding behind a cluster of boulders, Uzuk poked his head out and for the first time saw what would become known as prey to them. A herd of a dozen or so Krollan were slowly making their way through the woods and were a mere 60 feet from their current position. "These are large beast so we must stick together. With just one we should be able to feed all of our people for several days. We cannot let them down". The group slowly crept up towards the rear of the herd using boulders and trees for cover. Less than 20 feet away from the back of the herd, two of the Gronin in the party stood up and threw their spears towards the creatures hind legs throwing all of their weight into it. The first spear went wide and struck a hardwood tree, breaking the tip. The second found its mark and buried itself several inches deep into its right hind leg, just above the heel. The beast cried out in pain and dropped to one leg, clearly confused as to what had just occurred. The five others including Uzuk sprinted from behind cover with their spears raised shouting a war cry as they charged the Krollan. "WAGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!" was shouted with such anger and ferocity the rest of the herd took off in an attempt to escape. The downed Krollan attempted to make it to its feet and catch up with the rest of the herd but it was too late. The five Gronin had gotten close enough and thrusted their spears into the beast from both sides. None of the blades went deep enough to kill it instantly as the Krollan kicked out its hind leg that was still good into the Gronin behind it who had gone to retrieve his spear embedded into the beast's leg. The unnamed Gronin couldn't even get a word out as his skull was crushed and his face was left a mangled mess upon the forest floor. The other Gronin removed their spears and continued to jab at the beast until one got a lucky strike into it's neck, severing a major artery and killing the beast in seconds. A loud thud resonated throughout the forest as the once mighty beast fell on its side and drew its last breaths.

"We are victorious! Gather what you can and we will return home. We will need help gathering the rest of the meat". The men used their stone knives to cut away what they could and carry with their small numbers. After several more hours of travel the returned home with nearly 100 pounds of meat at their backs. A large fire had already been lit and was ready to be cooked upon, it would also make it easier for those who had to gather the rest of the meat to find their way home on the return trip. Wasting no time the Gronin cleaned the meat the best they could and got to work cooking a large feast for all to participate. Uzuk sat upon the same boulder he'd given his speech on earlier as a sort of makeshift throne, a large serving of Krollon meat resting beside him. "To those we lost on this day. Shall they forever be remembered. One as a warrior who gave his life to feed his people. Another as a would be usurper, yet still a brother". Those gathered around the fire shouted in agreement as they stuffed their faces.

The next morning when nothing but embers and ash remained of the fire, Uzuk pulled Grazdan aside as the other Gronin went back to work with another small group now cleaning and separating the fresh stockpile of meat, bone, and sinew. "Could you make something more efficient for transportation? Perhaps something which we could exert less energy and transport even more stuff?" Grazdan shrugged and knelt down to the dirt. He drew a circular object in the dirt with a stick. He looked at it for a moment thinking before drawing another one beside it and then a third one in the front. He then drew what looked like wooden bars and flooring on top of the circles. "A wheel" Grazdan said. Uzuk nodded. "Wheel. I like it". Uzuk stood up and went back to his throne and observed his people, the 118 left were all making themselves useful in their own way. The quality of tools and weapons began to improve, nearby soil was being tilled for crops, shelter was being built for everyone to get them out of the elements, and now the wheel was being invented. There was also rumors spreading through the camp that some of the men had begun to experiment with overripe fruits they'd found nearby. It sounded like nonsense to Uzuk but as long as they were being productive it's all that mattered to him.

Time Passed:
None, this is the the first day!

Time Until Next Turn:
3 months

The Gronin experienced both their first quarrel between one another and their first leader. They hunted for the first time in this new land and there are several developments underway including the wheel and fermentation.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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Skepic Spookbuster

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Aatu shivered, clutching her animal skin cloak a little closer to her body as she landed on the ledge of a small cliff. She paused for a moment to turn around and gaze out across the land. Before her stretched an endless sea of brown and green, as the vast grasslands met the borders of the forests far beyond. It had been two weeks since that fateful day, but the view was beautiful as ever…

Had it already been that long? Aatu thought for a moment before nodding to herself. Yes, it had been that long! That day had felt like an eternity. The confusion, the chaos, it was such an insane day… The day when he took power…

Day 1, Week 1, Cycle 1

Days ago...

A humanoid lay in the open plains that hugged the gently sloping mountain. At first glance, one could have mistaken it to be a human, yet, the large, impressive wings that spread out just below the waist begged to differ. This was a Kotka, and a confused one at that, for it had just awoken.

Aatu’s eyes shot open and she quickly sat up. A million questions flooded her mind as she began to process her surroundings. This quickly overwhelmed her, leaving her slightly dazed and confused. Shaking her head, Aatu quickly prioritized what she knew already, then worked from there. For starters, she knew her name, Aatu. That much was already concerning. How did she know her name? A thick fog persisted in her mind, one that began to give her a headache.

“Try not to think about it too hard, or you’ll get a migraine and that won’t help anyone.” A voice said, lurching Aatu from her thoughts. Another Kotka was kneeling beside her, hand outstretched. He was of similar age, brown, messy hair covered his head and large, grey-brown wings stretched behind him. Shaking her head, Aatu pushed aside the barrage of questions and took the offered hand. Nodding, the Kotkan male turned toward the sky, cupping his hands to his mouth. “Eetu! I found another one!” he yelled.

Aatu soon found herself among many Kotkans, all gathered on a windswept cliff that overlooked the grasslands below. A great bonfire had been seemingly erect and as the sun set, its purpose became clear. Like the others, she was lost, confused, and afraid. Shivering naked, they crowded around the fire, but a single Kotkan stood above them, atop a small boulder near the fire. HIs wings showed a brilliant white and his eyes a glistening gold in the firelight. Had he been there the whole time? Aatu was not sure, but now in his presence, she was transfixed as the others as he surveyed the group before him. Unlike them, the cold seems to not bother this Kotka. Unlike them, he appeared neither scared nor confused. Seemingly satisfied with what he saw before him, he smiled and nodded.

“My kin, my kind, my… clan. We are lost, cast from an unknown home into this strange land. Our collective knowledge is scattered and fleeting, yet it is still there. That odd sense of familiarity as we drift through these skies, yet with no memory of ever doing so before.” His voice boomed, resonating with the crowd, their attention completely captivated. “Within this haze of the unknown, I have plucked a single memory. Yes, listen to me! I remember but one thing from our previous lives, our world. We, the Kotka, are the people of the sky! We are a proud, noble people who survived countless persecutions and trials. This memory I have wrestled from the abyss showed me that before we were robbed of our minds, we had fought for our freedom from fate itself! And so… here we are now” He gestured grandly to the lands around him, the setting sun brilliantly illuminating the rolling fields below him. “Our fates are unknown, but our freedom has been achieved! We must unite our scattered peoples! Rebuild our greatness! Claim our rightful place in the sky!”

A Kotkan man suddenly stood, a sudden flash of anger in his eyes. “Who are you to claim such things! I only remember my name!” He heckled. The white winged Kotka simply shrugged at this.

“Really? Only your name? You seem to also remember how to fly, how to speak our tongue, how to burn this fire, do you not? My people, my clan, we are not helpless! It will take time for you to steal your knowledge back from the Abyss as I have, but I assure you… we already have all the foundations of greatness within us.” replied the white winged Kotka cooly. The disgruntled man simply huffed and sat down, feeling the pressure from the crowd. However, before the white winged Kotka could continue, Aatu stood, finally finding herself again.

“And who are you? Why did you remember when we didn’t? You act as though you’re meant to be in charge of this… this… rebuilding. Who are you? What do you mean ‘clan’?” Aatu said, her voice only wavering slightly. Yes… now that she thought of it, she did know what clan meant. But how did he…?

“I knew what I was, what this was, from the beginning. In fact, I can answer your two questions with one answer. I knew because I am the King of the Skies, leader of our peoples before the Abyss stole our memories in exchange for our freedom! I, who dominates the skies above, was the only one who possessed the strength to keep hold of something, anything from the time before, so that I could share it all with you today. I knew when the… the Abyss came to take our minds in exchange for freedom, that I would have to retain the core of who they are, in order to survive! Not just you, but all who are here, you are my clansmen!.” The King of the Skies shook his head, facing away from the crowd, towards the setting sun. “You are my people, indeed. And now what I ask of you is no small thing. It will be a long journey, filled with plenty of uncertainty. Doubt will dog at you from every corner, with the very Abyss lurking at the edges. We will struggle, we will fight… but through all of it, we shall realize our dream, our purpose…” The King of the Skies turned to face them once again, the light of the sun now disappearing below the horizon. “My Taivas Clan, I now ask you to help me! We must reclaim our Sky!”

A silence fell on the crowd below the self proclaimed King. Nobody spoke a single word as they stared. A man suddenly stood, his arm raised with a clench fist pointed toward the sky. “I am with you my King!” he shouted. Soon another Kotkan man stood, proclaiming the same oath. A dam of uncertainty, of bottled emotion broke open within Aatu, as it did with every other Kotka that was present. It mattered not if what this man said was true. He was giving them something they all had desperately craved since the moment they had awoken lost and confused. More than the growling hunger in their bellies, or the cold winds that whipped at their bare skin, he had given them all what they had truly desired… Meaning. Purpose. Direction. No longer were they aimless or confused, they were driven.

And so, the story of the Kotka and the Taivas Clan began. It began with a sense of loss and a sense of hope. Confusion and direction. Terror in uncertainty, yet meaning in purpose. It began, oh yes… it began with a lie. A lie told by one bright Kotka man, who was just as lost, just as confused, and just as scared as the rest of them. Unlike the rest of them, however, he would never show it. For Hakkan, the King of the Skies, leader of the Taivas did have a single memory aside from his name. It was no memory of grandeur or conquest. No, it was a single phrase, a montra that echoed through all the fog and confusion that so clouded his mind when he awoke.

“To lie is neither good nor evil. Only who wields the lie and why.”

And so, he lied.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nate1008
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Member Seen 5 mos ago


Day 1, Week 1, Cycle 1

One by one, a large mass of creatures awoke in the dead of night. Unsure of where they were, or what was happening, they all began to rise from the cold soil and rock. Some started to wander, in awe as they watched the stars and the moon fly high above the sky. A massive mountain, taller than their eyes could see, stood in the center of their landscape. Sunlight was shining over the horizon. The setting sun. The light was beautiful... but it felt so wrong, and the Kigore felt it would come again. "We must hide from the burning rock!" the largest female called. "Yes... but where..." said another. "There! Inside these rocks!" the largest female called again. Just at the base of the mountain lay a massive mouth leading into an underground cave system. Within, the Kigore felt safe. Safe from the burning rock in the sky. Some gathered to rest, while others went into the caves to explore, making sure not to stray too far. Soon, the female that had found them safety was named Matriarch.

"What is this place..." one of the Kigore scouts said in awe as it stared at the beautiful caves full of strange plants that created an odd purple glow, illuminating their environment. One of the scouts grabbed on of the purple clumps and bit into the mushroom flesh. It tasted sweet and sour. "Good..." the Kigore said. The other two in the group gathered and tried some too. They all decided to take some back to the group. But as they started heading back to the group, they heard a strange clicking noise... "What was that?" Two of the Kigore said at the same time. Suddenly, a creature revealed itself from the darkness. A huge spider stepped out from its hiding place and lunged at one of the Kigore. Immediately, one of the others grabbed his friend and started running back to the group.

Another small group of brave Kigore set out into the dead of night, searching for materials. As they wandered, they found a few dead trees and found an assortment of small, long, thick, and sharp sticks. They started gathering the largest sticks and some leaves. Meanwhile, others grabbed sharp sticks and started looking for prey.

As a group of Kigore returned from the surface with sticks, three Kigore came running and yelling for help. Unsure of what was going on, two Kigore grabbed their sticks and slowly walked towards the cavern tunnel. Within, a huge spider crawled out with its fangs out. Three more Kigore grabbed sharp sticks to engage the beast, the first two already swinging their spears and jabbing at the creature. The rest of the Kigore cowered at the back of the cave while the Matriarch stood in front of the tribe. Overpowered, the spider began retreating back into the undergrowth. There was a long silence... "We must protect ourselves from these creatures... otherwise, where is there to go?" The Matriarch said.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ever Faithful
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Ever Faithful Will always be Ever Faithful

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Week 1, Cycle 1, Day 1

Tilvadus groaned as he woke up with a sneeze. The first thing he saw and heard was the sunlight peeking through the tree canopies and the chirping of birds while they flew from branch to branch. He wondered why he felt so cold until he realized that he had no clothes on him. Resting his back against the tree trunk to steady himself, Tilvadus looked to his left and right hoping to see if there were more people around.

Thankfully there were as he could see other individuals with pointed ears wandering about with growing curiosity. He saw the young and the old, parents and children, and men and women trying to make sense of their surroundings. Suddenly, a loud voice shook the forest they were in.

"We need food, shelter, clothing, and protection!" the voice shouted to the heavens. "Menoic! Get a census, I must know how many of us are present in this area!"
80 elves, only 80 elves were accounted for as they shyly gathered around the current leader of this group. Uriel, an elf of ashen blonde hair that reached his elbows carefully laid out his decisions to his fellow elves. A source of clean water was paramount for the small tribe to ensure their survival. And so began a mildly long trek to find the end of the forest which the elves found to be a bay area that surrounds the small peninsula they were on.

On the distant horizon, they could spot three mouths of rivers flowing into the bay area. A good sign for a source of fresh water for the elves. It seems the location they found themselves in was a good spot to take residence but Uriel was cautious. He was determined to explore the rivers to see if it was safe for drinking and washing. With few other able males to form a small scouting party, he set out to reach the closest river to the starting location by walking along the coast to avoid getting lost in the wilderness.

The elves that remain in place have to set out to start gathering material for clothes and food to eat.
Time Passed:
many hours passed but still on the first day

Time Until Next Turn:
3 months

Events: the Tylissians found a potential spot to live in a place in the forest and have identified three rivers that could provide a source of fresh water.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 4 mos ago


The Maytari people awoke with a headache and for a slight moment their minds were cleared off all worries, tranquility overcame their minds. The knowledge that they were going to perish gone but not forever. The hundred or so Maytari that had woken up in the clearing could hear the river next to them, foreign sounds of birds and the well-known sounds of leaves being touched by the wind. The Maytari didn't know their own names, their own anything, did they really ever own anything before? They couldn't know and wouldn't know. The past seemed distant and the future so unknown that it was better not to think about it.

Yet the natural instincts of the Maytari soon took over, they were in an unknown place that they knew and the rest, the rest would have to play out just like how it unfolded in the first days of the Maytari back in their home. They had no language, they couldn't communicate as if they used nor could their minds try to bring back precious memories of how to speak. Only weird sounds came from their mouths when they began "speaking" grunts, noises. Their communication was crude but their instincts soon guided their sounds, the survival instincts and most importantly the focus on the present soon became the main drive of the Maytari who found themselves in these foreign lands.

As Maytari foraged and hunted for food. It soon became clear that they were an apex predator, the animals they found were no faster than their younglings and not strong enough to fight back. Wounds were rare but they had to be taken care of and as such, the Maytari soon became to organize themselves in a better way to avoid injuries that could put them out for too long, if they did get hurt an adult maytari was a hurdle to feed and they needed everyone to maximize their hunting payout.

Amongst the Maytari various cliques formed, each representing a group of 20 or so Maytari that took care of each other. The cliques lived to close to each other, each lead by a strong male and each with a delineated area to hunt and forage. The five leaders speaking with each other solving problems between their cliques and those of others trying to maintain competitive and aggressive Maytari from causing too much social disruption and overall trying to keep a certain level of order and social cohesion in the group. Each of them learning

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Day 1, Week 12, Cycle 1
Summertime, 17 C°, Overcast

On the dawn of the first day of the 12th week, the wind carried the smell of salt deep inland, up the highest peaks of the island and down into it's deepest valleys. The birds of the forest were awfully quiet, and the game seemed more reluctant to leave their nests and homes in search for food. It was the unmistakable smell of the great storms coming from the south, the winds carrying their scent hundreds of miles ahead of the clouds themselves as a stark warning to all that they were on the way. A reminder that they did not forget their old promise to return, and a silent vow that they will visit till the end of times.

The unruly waves washed floatwood and palm leaves onto the southern beaches of the island, along with plenty of fish that was unfortunate enough to be swimming near the beach. The caves echoed with the sound of the ocean and cliffs roared as the unmovable rock faces clashed with the raging waves. By the afternoon, the clouds have begun marching across the sky over both the island, with light rain showering the forests and grasslands that made up most of the land, and brought life to the dry deserts of the mountains as their flowers boomed with vibrant colors.

But all who dwelled on the island, even the animals deep in the forest and caves, knew very well that this lighthearted trickery of the wind and the sky would not last for long. Deep down inside the brain of even the smallest insect, the gears began to turn and survival instincts switched gears. It would not take more than several days before the sky would turn grey and spew lightning and thunder forth, bringing with itself tides meters high and incessant rain that would blur out the sun for weeks, or days if they were lucky.

It was the calm before the storm, and the animals of the forest and the hills knew this very well, covering deep within their nests or scurrying around frantically looking for supplies that they could use to weather the storm.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Deep within within the jungle of the island, far north of the mountain range that dominated the island, a Sonjari raised it's head to the sky with a squint of it's beady eyes. Then another one, then a few more, until all 100 of them were staring up at the grey sky that stretched far above them. It was raining in that melancholic afternoon fashion that makes you want to stare out of the window for hours, but this wasn't what perplexed the Sonjari.

No, they could... feel the change. Something was coming. This wasn't just a normal rain, not something that they could dance in and enjoy while they guarded their origin tree. No, this was something else, something much more sinister.

They knew, because it wasn't supposed to rain yet. Rain always comes in the afternoon, but it was hardly even noon. Highly unusual for a place that was so predictable for the people who have lived their whole life in a forest, even if they don't remember it. Their instincts were there, and even though they couldn't tell why exactly, they knew that this wasn't supposed to be happening.

Eventually one of the Sonjari, a burly winter turned his head away from the sky and back towards the upturned mounds around the area where the Sonjari have planted the only sapling they had from the Ősfa. When 3 months ago they found themselves on this island all of a sudden, everything they thought they knew ceased to exist. They were thrown into a chaos, not knowing what will be of them on this island that they clearly knew had to sapling from their tree. It was during this initial chaos that this same winter scoured the area of their first landing and stumbled upon a small tree, barely a sapling, that resonated with an all too familiar energy. Gathering around it, the Sonjari finally organized under the leadership of the winter and a short spring who excelled with the words. For a week they scoured a place to plant their sapling, and after some initial encounters with the wildlife and scouring the forest for a good place they have found said place.

It has been 3 months since, and the Ősfa has grown into the size of an ancient oak, it's foliage finally starting to pierce that of the forest around him. Trees around it have been cut down and their trunks removed to give space for the mighty sapling to mature, and the wood they gained this way were used to construct primitive huts made of sticks and thatch. The burly winter now turned towards said houses, clay pots with various contents strewn about them. This would not do, they needed to prepare.

"Inya, to me." He called out, and a few of the Sonjari turned to him as his voice pierced the music of the rain. One of the smaller springs had a confusion on their face, their foliage rustling a bit as they sighed and walked over to the winter, looking up into the eyes of the larger winter for a moment before taking their place besides him.

"Sons, I call to you!" The winter now explained as he raised his hand towards the sky, his simply spear in one of his hands. "The weather is changing, and it means that we must adapt! The tree needs to be protected, especially now when it's still but a sapling, a shadow of it's former glory. We need to get a move on, and gather food for ourselves!" His voice was harsh and brazen, but it carried no ill intent as it addressed his kin. The winter stopped here for a moment and turned his head towards the smaller spring besides him. It looked back up for a moment, anxiously changing their stance before taking a step forward to speak as well. "Kor is right, we must do what we can to prepare for the worst. We do not know what weather the clouds bring. I will go with the springs and autumns into the mountains to see if we can't find any more evidence of other Sonjari, or other saplings of the tree. The winters will stay here to guard the tree, under the leadership of Kor, and the summers will continue to forage in the woods."

Inya was clearly about to say something else too, but Kor took a step forward, silencing the other Sonjari and making the others shift uncomfortably as they began scurrying around their little campsite to gather their equipment. "Remember sons, the tree relies on us to protect it, especially now. It once was a force of nature, blessing us with sentience and life, but now the roles have been reversed and we must protect it!" He took a short break here as he looked back towards the tree. It was all a lie, but a convincing one. No Sonjari knew what exactly the Ősfa is really like when it grows up, but they all knew that they had a strong connection to it, and that it birthed them. Anything else was but a suspicion or a lie, and lie which Kor has been playing form the moment he found the tree. He could not stand seeing his people lose hope when they knew they would surely die without their tree. He had to step up and establish order where there was none.

It didn't come naturally to the winter, but over the past 3 months he and the spring established a primitive form of order amongst their peers. Broken into groups based on their season, they Sonjari were split into groups who were assigned different tasks. The Winters were their warriors, the Springs their gatherers, the Autumns their explorers and hunters, while the Springs usually remained around the tree to tend to it and cater to the needs of the other groups. And so far it has been working well for them, but they all knew that this split into groups didn't come naturally. With time, they would have to change, but that could wait until the tree was fully grown.

"Gather your tools. We split at noon, when the sun is right above the great tree. That is all." With that Kor gave a meaningful glance at Inya before he tightened the grip on his spear and turned his back to the other Sonjari and walked up to the great tree where a small group of winters were standing ground, staring at him intently after his announcement. By now, most of the winters have accepted Kor as their leader, but the other seasons always saw Inya as the one who should speak. The spring had a way with words that wasn't such dramatic as Kor, and unlike the winter, Inya wasn't such hard on them.

Without either of them, there would be chaos again among their ranks. Everybody could feel the tension in the air, and at night could hear as the two argued over what the Sonjari should do to survive. But for now there was an uneasy alliance, and while Kor was guarding the tree with his winters it would remain so.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 1 day ago


Day 1, Week 12, Cycle 1
Summertime, 17 C°, Overcast

Progress thus far seemed to be good, or so the Matriarchs thought. They had recently found each other's groups this particular week, and the reunion had been nothing short of joyous. To find more of their kin in this world was a delight, alive and doing well at that, one they had celebrated with much revelry in their primitive-built hopes near the tops of the trees. Cooked meats featured most definitely, abounding from a rather...'dumb' yet easy to raise fowl they had gathered from the forest. It seemed to eat about anything, usually off of the ground, and its nests were rather unprotected underneath large vegetation but they also produced many eggs to compensate. Dubbed the "Jordo", they had begun to keep a few the birds up in their own homes far above the vulnerable forest floor in order to begin a consistent food supply. Not like the birds were dumb enough to try to escape at least. Was better than nothing, at least, or just straight fruits and forest nuts.

Also present in the feasting had been those odd fruits, ones which a young Velari in the northern group had found very early on. The flesh of the fruit was textured somewhere between meat and other softer fruits, protected by a sweet and thicker bright blue rind, its flesh sweet to the taste and and slightly hot as one bit into it closer to the seeds. Likewise the seeds seemed to be useful as well after the fruit had been eaten. Hardy and tough, much like its mother plant, but rather bitter, somewhat fruity, ad ultimately even more spicy on the inside. They had begun to collect the seeds and store them up as well, as they were at least edible if nothing else.

The celebration would ultimately end up going on for three days, however, and while there were the obvious 'other activities' that occurred the same young Velari from the Northern group had also recounted her story of victory against a strangely strong but lanky monster that had sought to slay her. Yet as the Matriarchs had found out from each other, after some private conversation, none seemed to know of how they had come to be here. All had experienced the same chaos. Troubling. They had to survive, but that 'something' still itched at the back of their minds like the great and totally mysterious enigma that it was.

Regardless, they knew their people would need to get moving at some point. For now, at least, they were to prepare supplies and had gotten organized. How else would they be able to see more of this island, than but to travel it? Something in them spoke true to this, a desire to see a new terrain and new place among other things. Yet they knew not the dangers of this place, not all of them anyways, despite having seen much in this dense rainforest area so far to be sure.

The people were also not so antsy as of yet, and this was good. Indeed, they would need to prepared tools, spears, bows, and supplies for this journey. Just to be safe, of course, they would also form a plan. One group would set out before the other, then, to find good grounds to reside upon before sending back for the other. This would ensure their safety, and the first would carry more warriors in order to ensure their success. Such was the decision of the Matriarchs, passed down to the people aloud before they had all departed back to their homes.

They would work to ready themselves for the time to come, the time of movement and travel...and hopefully being ready enough for the unknown of this land.


Day 4, Week 16, Cycle 1
Summertime, 17 C°, Overcast

Primitive home up near the tops of trees, giant leaves woven into primitive roofs, and the dense tops of trees being used as added cover at that. Such were the homes of the Velari, very primitive and simple yet providing seemingly 'just' enough cover when signs of coming trouble began to show themselves. Their animals seemed to change in demeanor, the birds and animals of the trees seemed to be more reluctant to leave their own homes, and the salty smell of the wind seemed to make everyone in both groups of Velari nervous...to say the least.

The first group had just moved on to find a ground to migrate to a week prior, having gathered and foraged enough to go onward. Thirty five Velari of the Southern group with their Matriarch had gone farther north to try to find and escape, almost half of them being armed with bows made from prepared animal sinews and a simple spear each, while the remaining 15 had united with the Northern group to help gather extra supplies to bring along.

The gathering of supplies had become more desperate without a doubt for the second remaining group in the northern area of the rainforest, however, especially of what nuts and fruits and plants they had found to be edible. They had lost 4 Velari in the process of this, having found some less than edible bits amidst all of this. Huntresses were left with the harder and harder task of finding game, and had begun to try different means to get them. Looking for nests, placing growing foodstuffs over dug holes to try to trap them, amidst other rather hasty or creative methods they could try to think of in a hurry. The Jordo they were grabbing up were at least something they had to eat on, and with these birds now being kept in better, more contained areas now along with their eggs it gave them a safer and more consistent source of sustenance.

And yet...

"...You must go and take two sisters to find those who went to the north. Tell them we must remain here for the season, for it would be too dangerous to fly then," the Matriarch spoke, sitting cross-legged on the floor as a solemn look dominated her face. She looked the young huntress from before dead in the eyes, enunciating her words to help drive in the seriousness of the point as well, "Once the skies pour down above us, it will be too late. They must know, and either return or await our arrival."

The young huntress, now called "Virt", seemed to take pause for a moment, before taking a knee and lowering her head before the Matriarch. The three-clawed scar now over and under her right eye caught the glance of the Matriarch for a moment, though the older Velari merely let out a small sigh. For Virt and others it was an instinctive action, though who had first come up with it was still somewhat unknown. All they knew was this was how they showed respect to the Matriarch, at least when talking to her most directly.

Standing up, however, the Matriarch moved forward and took a knee before Virt, lifting up the younger Velari's head and lightly feeling over the scar she had with her left hand. For a moment the older Velari's face pursed in worry, before lightly shaking her head back and forth. Virt could handle this, that much she knew. She had shown a growth, a greater strength after her victory, and had led many a hunt and scouting party by now. The Matriarch had felt drawn to her after a time, and likewise in turn it seemed, and they had...well, become mates. Such was only a natural result of things. Virt's features seemed to soften as well for a moment as her mate caressed her face, though, before putting her own hand over the Matriarch's and giving a soft smile in return.

"I will return whole. I and my sisters shall find the path and way, and whether later or even after this season I shall return to you...I could never believe otherwise, for I desire to see our future young."

The moment of silence that followed required no explanation between the two, merely a wordless understanding before both stood once more and stood back from each other. It was dangerous, but it was necessary to send their new best huntress to track the others down. Perhaps the others who had moved on would be alright...but even so the remaining Matriarch worried nonetheless.


Day 2, Week 22, Cycle 1
Summertime, 17 C°, Overcast

The world had seemingly gone into a tumult, the skies roaring their anger down. When Virt had found the party that went North, they had just finished setting up in basic in a similar rainforest area farther to the north. They had just barely enough time to make some simple homes for themselves, and and a house-built space to keep Jordo that had been brought along or captured there in at that. Then the rains had come. The crashing of mighty sky anger above, and the fury and strength of it was poured down like the many rains and winds that came blasting through. Not much room to explore, and flight was limited to the seemingly brief time between storms and mighty winds. Ways to climb up and down on the trees under whose dense tops they made their homes had become necessary at that. Even with the tiny bit of fruit and seeds herself and his sister had been able to bring as extra, though, it was not enough to really supplement the more struggling food stores here.

As the winds blew by, however, Virt found herself trying to brave storms in order to locate anything for the warriors and others who were about her. Day in and day out she had climbed to the ground, and walked upon it to do what she could. Her mat-...her Matriarch had sent her here, and she felt an urge to not let her people die. Her sisters on occasion came along with her, and what few hunters or Jordo carers in this smaller group usually just went between storms.

It was a danger, and yet a necessity. It frightened her, and yet she pushed past it anyways. They could not all wait to the side, and not all storms stayed around so consistently. At the least, that beast from before seemed to not be here or anywhere else back where her Matriarch was.

Yet when she had gone out into the forest this day-




The fury of the skies had struck downward, down upon the area and small clearing in which she'd stood while looking for bird nests. Wood of the trees all about her had split and cracked with the white-hot and almighty power, all as it surged down and into the ground, but even she had not gone untouched. A white pillar of light visually seemed to surround her, a moment that felt like an eternity, and it was like something had hit her full on in the body. Raw pain surged through her, however, unlike any she had ever felt before.

Virt then rapidly felt her body lose all strength, and before she could blink she found herself fallen and lying back on the ground...her spear very warm in her frozen hand and obviously very singed...but at least not actively burning.


Her voice wanted to cry out, and yet she felt the words unable to be chocked out. Her survival instincts seemed to kick in with full intent, screaming and wailing at her to 'move' and 'live' and 'get to safety'...and yet she could not follow them. She could not leave her mate alone! Not when young would be here in due time, not after all of this! She could not even fathom it, even as her body screamed out in the lingering and fading vestiges of physical pain.

But Virt's gaze was wide open as she lied there, staring up at the heavens as she listened to its roar and looked deeply into its grey and seemingly infinite expanse. Even a little smoke was coming off of her body, at that.

As she finally found herself able to close her eyes for a moment, however, the roars of thunder almost seemed to take on a...distinctive tone. Almost like a voice of some sort, calling out to her, booming and crackling ad rumbling as it seemingly reached out to her with something. Yet what did it say? Virt kept her eyes closed and listened more, even as the regular warmth of her lifeblood bit by bit returned to her body underneath the cold of the pouring rain.

Eventually, she would open her eyes and find herself able to arise from the ground once more. Slowly standing, the Velari looked down at herself to see what had become of her. Wings...fully intact. Arms and legs...still attached. And yet quickly she would find something interesting upon herself. Covering her left arm down to her fingertips, and stretching over her shoulder to the left side of her chest and up onto the left side of her neck some, was a strange pattern burnt into her. They were like the branches of a great tree, stretching out all over and caressing her form.

All so strange, and yet it somehow made sense in a fashion. The voice of the skies, the markings, and the sensations she had been through. The tingle of power beyond her own almost seemed to linger as she had lied there.


Slowly but surely, Virt would return to the other Velari in the smaller group. Step by stumbling step, until her stride once again returned to normal and the squish of mud and plop of water became as normal as they had been in this last while. For her mate...for her future young...she had to get back at the very least. But more than that, what she had just gone through had to be relayed.

Upon seeing her approach, whilst sitting near their tree-home's entrance, the two sisters she had been sent with here seemed to perk up. Their voices called out, and more heads began to look out at news of the lone hunter's return. Never had she been gone this long, nor come in so very late. They had about all assumed the very worst overall, some already had, and yet here she was once more. As the rain began to lighten up some, several Velari began to climb down and make their way to her. Among these was even the other Matriarch, who as the others chirped about with words of concern took pause as she saw the younger Velari's sky-wrought burns. More so...

"Virt...what has happend to you, young one?"

The Velari took pause as the other Matriarch carefully reached out, hovering around her left shoulder before gently touching it. Virt winced in slight pain, simply if anticipating it, though after a moment seemed to return to normal as the Matriarch examined her. It...didn't hurt? The young Velari and Matriarch eventually looked at each other, their eyes meeting in a direct gaze between each other.

"I...it is a strange thing to explain" the huntress said, pointing up at the sky with her spear-wielding left arm, the very singed weapon still with white-hot cracks near its tip away from the huntress' hand, "The sky, it surrounded and held me in its power. I could not move, but merely stare back as her as she roared...yet soft words were spoken into my ear. Strange words, yet ones which I eventually came to be able to understand after being said again and again. She, the sky, spoke to me like the roar of a great beast as I lied before her mercy."

The Matriarch and others stared back at her silently as she spoke, and even a little after, even as the latest storm in their area for the day would begin lightening up even more about them. Yet as if on cue, a final and rather loud growl of thunder rang out in the sky directly above Virt's right after she had finished speaking. The other looked up towards the sky suddenly as the sound rang true, suddenly at this time standing out from all the others they had so often heard before. Yet Virt's eyes did not go up, but remained steadfastly forward-aimed at the others.

Things had begun to click in the Velari's minds with this, and their eyes seemed to open as they stared up at the few rays of sunshine that began to now peek through the branches. Like clockwork they began to now look one to another, wondering if those about them were thinking the same. Words were tossed around, some were made up, and a mixture of hesitation and reverence seemed to settle over those who were near Virt right now. The light, as with the final crack of thunder, seemed to finally spark something within them. A fire perhaps...even an awakening of sorts.

This would change things...this would change things without a doubt.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ascendant
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Ascendant No One In Particular

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The skies quickly began to grow dark no doubt all across the lands as the Mordukai witnessed an intensely rapid change from sunny, to increasingly stormy. It turned out that the land they inhabited, what they would eventually discover to be the South of an island, was usually particularly hard hit by the storms, being that they came from the South. The structure of their land, Mountains a few days walk away North, with coasts right next door, created a kind of physical wall into which crashed the Southern Storms like a freight train. Their hot, humid air was sent crashing upwards into the colder altitudes by what the Mordukai would come to call, 'Skyrender's Wall'. And, as hot air becomes colder, rain begins to form. And rain, god damn, it did there in the South during this time.

Within a week, the Queens became concerned and began ordering a harvest of the fields, as the banks of the Sunset and Sunrise began to rise. Within the past three months, a great harvest of vegetables from wild beans to squash had been grown. What couldn't be eaten by the Mordukai was often eaten by the Lepus, which the Mordukai had finally mastered the husbandry of with the help of simple stone age plant fiber ropes, adding more food to the Mordukai supply.

It could have been larger, the Queens lamented, considering the help that irrigating the fields had given to its yield versus having moved the fields somewhere safer. In the end, they decided to test the difference later.

During Week 13, the storms only worsened, until the Queens decided to move towards Skyrender and seek shelter there. All the Mordukai grabbed what they could, tearing up huts at times, and moved north, seeking to avoid the coasts which were reported by one Soldier as, "having over my head waves." Unfortunately, without a good means to store things, a large portion of food was left behind, pushing the Queens to wonder how to store items.

The Mordukai discovered the beginnings of the Skyrender cave systems, taking cover in the lower altitude cave entrances. At higher altitude, conditions were a fair bit less wet, though the Queens worried that the Storms would simply increase further.

Even as the storms worsened, the Drone, whom had once been simply exploring the area, killing and eating game but now found himself huddled in a cave losing his mind, came to the Queens and declared, "Lay with me!"

A horny, bored, eight foot tall, dangerous Drone is not a good Drone. The Queens agreed on one condition: that the Drone go out and kill an Ovis singlehandedly. In truth, the Queens had seen the beasts on the Mordukai's journey up to the slopes of Skyrender, had seen how they were thick, muscular, Soldier-height beasts that would likely trample and brutally murder even a Drone most likely. And so, half hoping the Drone would get itself killed, the Drone set off.

Upon returning home triumphant, he fell to his knees among a crowd of Mordukai within the caves, holding up his Ovis skull helmet to the Three Queens who had assembled in front of him. The First Queen took the skull from his hands and looked it over before placing it upon her own head, finding it fit better. With the horns of the Ovis jutting out from her head, she thanked him, "Thank you Drone, for your gift. We will lay with you." Satisfied, the Drone became less restful, for now.

With the demonstration of this capture technique by the Drone, the Queens decided to take advantage of the situation and began hunting the Ovis with spears and ropes, also deciding to capture a number of the most young Ovis the Mordukai could find. The Mordukai would turn these Ovis into livestock just like the Lepus, the Queens reasoned. The rain and winds may have made things more difficult in one aspect, but they helped cover the Mordukai's movements on the other.

Within weeks, the Mordukai begin adorning themselves with Ovis fur, helping them adapt to the somewhat colder temperatures at higher altitude. Ovis skulls and bones also begin becoming a central focus, with the Soldiers often wearing pieces of a kill to show their worth to their Queen. Slowly, but surely, the Mordukai were beginning to form a culture.

The Storm worsened more and more though, to the point that the Mordukai decided to keep their heads firmly down during these trying times, remaining mostly inside the lower altitude caves of Skyrender. And it was during this time that rumors began to circulate amongst the Mordukai of strange, eerie sounds echoing through the caves. Sounds that would keep Soldiers up at night, standing watch reflexively. The Queens decided a simple stance of doing nothing other than being ready to be attacked by animals was all that was necessary, and so the Mordukai hunkered down and waited.

Finally, the Storm reached full strength during Week 18. And it seemed to refuse to relent. They wait, and waited, for almost a week, and nothing changed. Occasional gathering parties would go out for food, and the Mordukai had some stores, but more was never a bad thing. Finally, they sent Soldiers into the cave system, armed with torches, spears, and knives, soon discovering
a glowing purple mushroom that, after testing with a Worker, was entirely edible.

What they also discovered were the Chit. These creatures were magnificant beings to the Mordukai, fellow insectoids that also worked together as a Hive. It was a match made in heaven. Except for the fact that the Mordukai could not communicate with the creatures. Despite trying to lure Chit in with food, or trap young ones, the beasts proved difficult to gain control of. The Queens looked upon the Chit as natural underlings beneath the Mordukai, if the Mordukai could just figure out a way to tame them.

Satisfied, the Mordukai returned to their abodes, waiting for the Storm to die with the help of their new food supply.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ever Faithful
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Ever Faithful Will always be Ever Faithful

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Week 12, Cycle 1, Day 1

"Did you also notice how many of the birds and small creatures are moving inland?" Orlome pondered out loud to Tivaldis as she wrapped her arm around his waist. The two were sharing a leaf bed located inside their lean-to tent that they hastily crafted together out of fallen tree branches and twigs.

Tivaldis can only grunt in response. He has grown quite tired due to the responsibilities placed on him by Uriel. He should've expected how difficult it was to discern edile plants from non-edible plants. For the survival of the Elves, the sooner he was able to identify a food source, the better their diet will be.

"You think.." he groaned, "That it has something to do with the waves and the fish washing up onshore? Even the rain can't wash away their decaying stench."

"Maybe." Orlome replied softly, "I just hope Uriel knows what to do."
After a couple of days of careful observation with the weather and fauna movement, Uriel announced to the tribe that it is in their best interest to follow their movement and go inland. The best course of action he proposed was to follow the River Tylis upstream for higher ground. The waves from the ocean noticeably encroaching beyond the coastline and as such, the elves needed to find a new temporary home until they could figure out when the normal weather would return.

But first, the elves had the complicated task of seeking ways to store rations and water for the trip. However, time is of the essence and Uriel took a gamble of his tribe's survival by having them figure out the solution on the move.

Time Passed:
many hours passed but still on the first day

Time Until Next Turn:
3 months

Events: the Tylissians are under the impression that something is happening given the change of behavior in the weather and local fauna. Uriel decided to have them go inland by moving upstream the River Tylis to locate higher ground.

Tech research:

Finished: Primitive shelters
Researching: Pottery
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Klomster
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Klomster The man, the myth, the legend.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Nate1008
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Fixing this
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SonOfFire


Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Day 1, Week 12, Cycle 1
Summertime, 15 C°, Overcast

Uzuk awoke from his deep slumber to the sounds of cheers coming from outside his primitive shelter. As he made his way to his feet and pulled the fur blankets sitting atop him off, two other Gronin he'd taken as his wives rolled around the fur bed to make themselves comfortable. Uzuk quickly donned some simple clothing and a fur cloak as the temperature was beginning to drop in the recent days. Exiting the tent he snarled at the crowd before him, a group of two dozen Gronin huddled around the ashes of last nights fire. "What is the meaning of this!". The crowd immediately turned to face Uzuk as if they had no spines running through their necks. "The fermentation worked blood of my blood" said a tall and thin Gronin from the crowd. He stood from his kneel and jogged towards their leader with a wooden bowl in hand. As he neared Uzuk raised a hand to take the bowl. He sniffed it a few times and sloshed the clear liquid around. The smell alone felt as if it was singing his nostril hairs, it felt as if someone stuck a torch in his nose....yet he liked it. Lifting it to his mouth, Uzuk took a large swig from the bowl and handed it back to the man who'd given it to him. The bowls contents felt like magma coursing down his throat and into his belly yet in a pleasant way. "What do you call yourself?" he barked. The man puffed his chest out in response and replied "Horonno". Nodding Uzuk looked to the people behind Horonno and then back to Horonno. "Horonno, I name you creator of Grog. Make more as soon as you can". Horonno nodded and rushed back to the group to collect his things.

"Uzuk!" shouted a familiar voice from behind. Uzuk turned to face Grazdan and three other men rolling objects behind him. "The wheels have been perfected blood of my blood. You may do with them as you wish". Uzuk patted the man's shoulder while simultaneously adjusting the cloak around his shoulders. "Yes yes, Grazdan. Our people owe you many thanks". "That's not all, Uzuk. Some of our men were out foraging near the hills to the south and found a naturally occurring metallic resource embedded into the hills surface". Grazdan tossed what looked like a rock with blue, pink, and orange tints to Uzuk. Catching it Uzuk ran his fingers along the rough and jagged surface. He twirled the rock around in his fingers and nodded in response before tossing it back. "Gather whomever you need to gather this resource. Something tells me it might be useful. If it's metallic like you claim then it'll definitely be an improvement in our current tools."

Suddenly rain began to pour down upon the Gronin's heads. "Fucking rain. It couldn't have stopped more than an hour ago and yet here it is again" said a man near the ashes. "About that" said Grazdan. "I don't claim to be a god or to be capable of seeing the future. I do however think myself to be a smart man and I believe we should prepare for whatever is coming our way. We've seen storms before but something tells me this is different. Our hunters are finding less and less game as the days pass. The amount of rain we've seen has nearly flooded our crops several times and I fear the dropping temperatures could kill them". Uzuk let out a long sigh and began to rub his temples. When he decided to become the leader of his people he hadn't realized just how much responsibility fell upon his shoulders. Uzuk this Uzuk that he thought to himself. "On the bright side however, we did find a series of caves near the hills. Most of them were empty and with some caution we should be able to shelter our people in there when the worst comes."


"Some of the caves are situated closer to the sea level than others. Were things to flood then those very caves would become tombs". Uzuk nodded and looked to ocean and then back to Grazdan. "Take whatever precautions you need and whatever men, women, and children you need to do it. Make dirt and branch dams around potential flood points near the caves, prioritize the safety of our strongest and most intelligent. I wish for all of us to make it through should things even get that bad but i'd rather sacrifice the weak than the strong."

"Do you wish to inform the people, blood of my blood?"

"Aye. Yet I grow hungry and thirsty from all this responsibility. Tell them what you need to so that they take you seriously but for your own sake do not scare them. The last thing we need is a panicking population in a time like this".

Grazdan nodded to Uzuk one final time before moving to gather everyone around and make his speech. Uzuk on the other hand returned to his tent and finished what remained of last nights supper.

Time Passed:
3 Months/ 12 Weeks

Time Until Next Turn:
3 months

The Gronin finished their fermentation and wheel research. A group of foragers discovered copper and a series of caves that can be used to shelter from possible thunderstorms. Uzuk is finding the responsibility of leadership much harder than anticipated and has installed Grazdan as a sort of "Hand of The Leader" for the time being.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
Avatar of Crusader Lord

Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 1 day ago

Velari and Sonjari

Day 6, Week 24, Cycle 1
Summertime, 19 C° , Incessant Rain

It has been 12 weeks since the Sonjari group led by Inya departed from the location of the Ősfa to find it if more of their brethren could be found on the island. Sadly, the expedition had been a failure, as far as finding more Sonjari was concerned. The group had covered large swathes of land, ranging from the rainforests that they considered home to the vast grasslands that covered the mountainsides, but the worsening weather made it impossible to organize efficient search parties. By the end of the 6th week Inya had ordered the group to start heading back towards their home, the almost constant rain making it hard not only to travel but also to forage for food.

On the upside, they had plenty of autumns with them who taught the rest of the springs how to hunt. During their little trip, even the most meek of the springs have learnt to handle a spear or a bow, while the accustomed autumns honed their tactics and proficiencies of their weapons. They fashioned shields made of stick and hide from the creatures they have skinned, and used their fur to create warm coats for themselves. If nothing, it helped them stay dry and warm during the nights that they spent huddled together in the rain.

The experience had hardened them, though their resolve was vaning as they started heading back towards their camp. A newfound sense of loneliness began to creep into their minds, even into Inya who had been steadfast during this entire trip. She had learnt much about her people, and saw what they were capable of, but finding only animals was a massive blow. She had hoped to find more of their kin in order to come back to their camp and put Kor into his place. She did not mean to harm him or the other winters, but his hands have been messing with things he didn’t understand. Inya feared that his impulsive nature would bring war to any other natives they may find along the way. Even though that plan failed, at least she now had a group of hardy explorers on hand, and even the soft springs have grown a thick skin on their hands from wielding spears and bows.

It was now the 3rd month of their expedition when Inya raised her hands and the group came to a halt. They have been navigating a forest for the better part of the afternoon, and as it was turning into evening the rain began to pour even more than before. They were walking around like a group of blind people, but now she managed to spot something. It was a hut of some sorts. But she didn’t recognize it, and the great tree surely wasn’t anywhere nearby. Inya froze for a moment, hope filling her: maybe they finally found more of their kin? She waved with her arms to a group of autumns and whistled a low tone. “Follow me. The rest of you, stand guard.” She explained and waved back at the group before she turned around and began to walk up to the shelter with 4 other autumns, armed with their spears and shields.

The noise of movements, ones which differed from the constant patter of the rain upon the Velari’s homes that sat underneath the tops of the trees, finally roused Virt from her state of attempting to sleep.

The Northern group had been through much in the last four days, however, with much talk to be had among them to say the least. Virt’s experience, what had occured, it all seemed to be only spoken about in reverent tones and hushed voices as the days had passed. The huntress’ spear, also singed and cracked by the incident, had not been broken...rather, it was being kept safely by the matriarch in her own abode upon a smooth and flat stone they had found only a day or two ago near where Virt had been marked.

“A sign,” some said about it all.

“A vision,” others muttered.

“A choosing,” even more proclaimed among their peers.

Whatever the case was, it had caused quite the stir that they wished to discuss with their brethren still to the south once they could meet them. It would be time before the storms would subside and their brethren could travel to them, though, that much seemed apparent to them. This area held much promise and good neighboring locations to the east, from what little they’d seen anyways, and that would hopefully be good news for the others after their eventual arrival at least. Virt herself even felt like she was still processing it all, though, and not without reason...she missed her mate, had been marked by the sky, and the new way others seemed to regard her and her spear and her experience was nothing she was used to at all! It had made sleeping harder than before at that.

Grabbing up her bow, the young Velari softly awoke her two sisters and motioned to them to stay silent and grab their weapons. Something was here, walking near their particular home among those clustered up in the trees.

Was it food? Was it a predator? Was it another one of those lanky predators? She had no idea, but caution was to be expected at the very least in her mind.

Virt cautiously poked her head out of the doorway of her and her two sisters’ home, looking down and about as she held her bow carefully in her hands and gently moved into the open air-


What seemed to be down there looked far from what she’d ever seen before. They had a shape similar to her and her sisters, and yet...varied somehow in shape as well? They also looked like walking plants, literally walking plants. The young Velari had to rub her eyes with an exposed shoulder to ensure she wasn’t dreaming still right now. But indeed, they looked like walking plants, ones which right now carried spears and shields.

”Others are here!” the young Velari called out aloud, after a moment of silent thought. No idea on the intent of these, but perhaps it would be better for them all to be aware at least.

Inya’s head turned towards the sky as soon she heard the loud shout. That sound made her and those around her freeze, and they instinctively raised their shields at the sky above.

Whatever that sound was, it wasn’t one of their own. But, it didn’t sound like any noise that an animal would make. Instinctively they took a step back, raising the spears in defense as the autumns began turning their heads to spot if more people were coming their way.. At the same time, Inya was staring down a young Velari who was training an arrow at her. This was not how she imagined finding the native population of this island (in case it proved to not be them), and she was filling up with anxiety as the seconds crept by.

Finally she would extend her spear hand to the side, motioning for the other Sonjari to lower their weapons. At least, for the moment. She wished that she had her bow now instead of a spear, but she didn’t expect to meet anything in the forest that would need a bow to take down. But here she was, staring up at people high up on a tree.

Inya’s black eyes tightened as she examined this curious new species: they looked so very similar to them, yet so different. Her eyes were quick to notice the wings on their back, and suddenly the idea of houses in the trees without any ladders made sense.

“Bek, get me a few hunters with bows, and ready the springs too. We don’t know how this is going to go.” One of the autumns by her side now before they slowly backed away into the undergrowth, their form eventually blending in with the rest of the plants. Now, Inya turned back up at the natives that she had stumbled into on accident, her sharp lips grinding together for a moment as the gears began rolling. Whoever these people were, they were awfully close to their tree. She could not allow her group of people to get into a fight, especially without knowing just how many more of these natives the storm hid from their eyesight. And even if they could take them on, it would mean less people who could and would oppose Kor.

Slowly she would kneel down and place her spear on the ground besides herself, and then stood up with her free hand resting on her chest. “I am Inya of the Sonjari people!” She exclaimed slowly and loudly, though she doubted these people could understand her. No doubt they would have a hard time even deciphering the hissing tone of the Sonjari inside the loud rain. “We come in peace.” With that she would gently pat her chest before turning to the remaining hunters of hers to lower their weapons as well. “May we speak?” She asked, placing the emphasis and speaking as she pointed at her mouth. Hopefully they would understand what she’s trying to say. Or at the very least not shoot them.

Virt paused for a moment as these other beings seemed to take a defensive posture at first, raising spears up and backing up some with their shields. She kept her bow trained out of an abundance of care, yet hesitated to shoot as she watched what those who had come upon them were like. Her two sisters in the tree home also popped out about her, one with a spear in hand even, looking to her as the seeming leader of this plant-like people gestured to their fellows.

Ah. Now that was something she could understand with ease.

The young Velari began to lower her bow as the Sonjari lowered theirs, and while Inya looked at Virt...she looked right back at her with the same curious intensity. Were these peoples ones who were here, or too found themselves in a strange land? Yet when Virt noted the movement of one of these beings back into the foliage, strikingly blending back in, a slight unease crept in. If these ones became hostile, and had any with bows nearby, it could get ugly in a heartbeat. Especially without being able to fly much in all of this.

As Inya would kneel down, the plant being putting her spear down and standing once more, Virt tilted her head slightly at the being’s hissing noises coming out of where a mouth was….or at least what looked like one anyways. The individual seemingly then gestured to their chest, before patting their own chest and gesturing to others about themselves to lower weapons. Aside from the rain, the hissing noises seemed to change and flow, and was reminiscent of how the Velari spoke to each other. Was this...another tongue?

Keeping her bow down, the young Velari gestured towards the new presences with her head.

”They are lowering their weapons...Nir, please follow me down. Eir, please find the Matriarch and relay what has happened. Everyone should be out any moment.”

The young Velari then suddenly leapt down, her wings opened up and ultimately still allowed her to safely glide down and touch upon the ground. One of her sisters nodded and followed her, spear still in hand but not in an aggressive sort of stance. The other sister nodded, before doing her best to flutter over towards the largest tree home nearby whilst using the cover of the tree canopy to make it easier. Albeit, her movement in the rain was not as good as it could be, but at least it was manageable.

The Sonjari would then see more individuals popping out of other tree homes nearby, with some of these homes even seemingly blended into the landscape even better so. Some had bows in hand, whilst others wielded spears of course, and as they got sight of the new arrivals they began to chatter among themselves. Some had their weapons half-raised, others kept behind cover, and some merely looked between each other with a sort of worry. Yet a Velari somewhat taller and larger than the others, the Matriarch herself, would eventually step out of the largest tree home just as the other younger Velari that Virt had sent there arrived on the front porch.

”...What are these, Eir?”

The younger Velari took up the usual position of taking a knee and bowing her head, before standing up once more. Her eyes seemed to be steeled as much as they could be, though her hand every so slightly wavered.

”Virt heard their approach, Matriarch, and investigated before shouting aloud to ensure we were ready. They seemed to be...lowering their weapons, or maybe trying to speak to us?”

The matriarch seemed to think for a moment, before looking down where Virt was. Silently, she leapt down as well, walking over to where the young Velari was standing with Nir. No weapon was in her hand, though she seemed...stronger than the younger Velari she was now standing next to. Older and stronger really. It was also a wordless show of solidarity and frankly trust with the young hunteress’ actions that, ultimately, led to those still up in the trees that were aiming or holding up weapons to finally lower them as well. Not that all the tension went away...but it at least seemed to evaporate any hostile actions if naught else.

”I trust your judgement on this, oh one chosen of the skies, but we shall remain ready. Such is my word.”

Virt looked over as the Matriarch spoke to her, before silently nodding back. Putting down her bow to the side, she stepped forward before Inya and looked up at her. Youthful pupiless eyes shone with a sort of nervousness, and yet at the same time a sort of experience and one who had met face to face with death (a couple of times, in fact, in Virt’s case). By now the lightning scars on her upper arm and shoulder and lower neck/face on the left side would be visible to the Sonjari as well. The young huntress then did the first thing that came to her mind, even as the rain poured down around them-

”VVV-IH-RRH-T,” she said, sounding out her name as clearly as she could, ultimately introducing herself but silently wondering if these beings could mimic the sounds of her name.

Needless to say, the sight of all the velari coming out one-by-one was a rather intimidating sight to Inya. She didn’t expect so many faces to come out, and even though she meant no harm, she would’ve felt more safe with a weapon in hand, a dozen of her men by her side.

Nevertheless, she knew very well that there would be no bloodshed this evening if she played her cards right. Of course, that did imply that she would play them well, but Inya fancied herself more of a diplomat. She was the one that organized the race while Kor had provided the voice for most of her ideas, selling them as his own. But now it was just her, and while anxious, she was eager to prove her superior abilities.

Seeing how the younger velari has bowed before their matriarch, Inya would look at the larger woman and make a slight bow as well, enough to show her respect but keep her own integrity. Indeed, she had never felt quite as tall as she was now, standing in front of her people. Well, three of them anyways, but she represented far more. It was first contact with the natives, or other unfortunate souls who found themselves here. Whatever the case was, she could use their help to smoothen things out amongst her own people.

Her eyes now focused on the velari in front of her, who began to… speak? No, it must’ve been a word, uttered slowly. Inya had a hard time truly understanding what she was trying to say, but she got the vague idea that it was supposed to be the name of the woman. Placing her own hand on her chest again she too decided it was time for introductions.

“I AM INN-YA.” She explained, before she turned to the autumns by her side and beckoned towards them. “SSSON-JA-RII.” With that she would turn back to the young girl and straighten her back, putting on a slight smile. She had hoped that they understood her. It was hard to tell, and she hated playing stupid with others. Clearly these people had a language of their own, and having to play this guessing game felt below both of their races. But sadly there was no escaping it, not if she wanted to break the ice and start to decipher their language.

Before she could say anything, a few more of the hunters came through the bushes with a faint rustle, bows ready in their hands as they took up a formation behind Inya and eyed up their potential targets. One of them even readied their bow before Inya turned around, striking their hand with a frown. “Calm! We are here to talk. Worry about shooting if they shoot.” An angry hiss of sorts escaped her mouth before she would gently massage her forehead and turn back to the young velari. “Where were we…”

The spring had a hard time deciding on the next action. She wanted to get to know these people out of curiosity and hopes of receiving help, but she had a group of mouths to feed and take care of while on an expedition. While the rain would hardly trouble the hardy Sonjari, food was a concern that she thought would be an issue if they had to hunt the same game as the Velari.

For the moment, she decided to wait and see how these creatures would react. Perhaps they were just as curious as she was. And if not, well… she would always remember where they were.

Once again, those strange hissing noises came out, but the young huntress closed her eyes as she tried to listen more carefully and purposefully this time. She could make out the changes in the sound somewhat more at least, though sounding out the noises of the words seemed to at least be helpful in this case. Perhaps these plant people had understood her! Perhaps. She had no way of knowing for sure.

Once Inya was done, Virt opened her eyes again and looked back towards the Matriarch, who still seemed to be looking towards her and the odd newcomers with a calm, cool, and collected gaze. By this time, however, Eir had joined them long enough to hear some of the speaking at least. It was as if she was seeking to analyze the situation still, though as Virt looked back for a moment she began to speak up to her sisters and Matriarch.

”Hmm...they seem as wary as we are, but what they seem to be trying to say about themselves is curious. Hinyah? Sosjahrih? Imhinya? Somshari?”

”Maybe the other thing is something like ‘Sonharih’?”

”...No,” the Matriarch said, suddenly speaking up as her right hand came up to lightly touch her chin in furtive thought, before stepping over next to Virt and before Inya, gesturing to the appropriate being and begs as she spoke further, ”From the sound of things, this individual is called ‘Imyah’ and her people as ‘Samyahi’.”

Was that right? Virt’s brows furrowed for a moment, albeit giving a respectful nod to the Matriarch as she now came and stood next to her, before thinking for a moment and looking back to Inya once more. She then gave a nod to the strange plant...woman...person...thing? Samyahi. That would have to make do for now at least.

Though as more of this Samyahi emerged with bows, seeming to be cautious like their brethren had been, though when one readied a bow at the Matriarch some of the other Velari seemed to immediately ready their own bows. Yet as they did so, the Matriarch looked the poor bowman dead in the eyes, watching as the seeming ‘leader’ of this group slapped their hands down. The Matriarch herself then held up a hand and called aloud to the other Velari behind her without looking back.

”Hold! Everyone is nervous here, so do not start anything.”

The Velari in the background seemed to suddenly stop, lowering back down once more at the Matriarch’s order and returning to a mode of observing what was going on. Virt, on the other hand, looked back suddenly after the Matriarch’s sudden proclamation for a moment...and yet felt somewhat relieved as she watched the others lower weapons once more.


The young huntress looked back to Imyah, speaking whilst she made a simple apologetic gesture with her hands. The weight of her position right now was putting pressure somewhat on her nerves, especially while standing next to the other current Matriarch of her people of all things. Yet the Matriarch seemed to have the most idea of these beings’ language so far at least...not that this was saying too much.

”Hmm...Virt, see if they are willing to come eat.”

The young huntress looked over at the Matriarch, a curious eyebrow raised. Yet after a moment, and opening her mouth almost as if to speak, the younger Velari seemed to quiet back down and give another respectful nod to her superior out of habit. Looking back to Inya, the young huntress motioned to the largest of their tree homes, the Matriarch’s own home, before making visible and distinct motions that would convey ‘eating’ as simply as clearly as she could manage. Then she motioned to all the Samyahi with a more friendly and inviting motion.

It didn’t take long for the Matriarch to look back right after, giving a nod to those still in the trees and sending them into a careful scramble as some began to go grab some Jordo and extra food supply and wood. They would prepare to make a fire in a mud-and-stone-made fire pit in the Matriarch’s home, and begin to cook some kind of food. A number of others, however, seemed to stay in place and continue watching with cautious eyes. The older and taller Velari then looked back at the Samyahi and Imyah, giving another friendly gesture to her own tree home once more and beckoning them to follow. After all, her home could fit all the Velari here and then some when it came to size. Such were her accommodations as a Matriarch.

Plus...they already had to build ways to climb up to their tree homes here in this weather. On top of that, still standing out in the rain right now for an extended time was not exactly a good idea either.

”Come. Eat.” the Matriarch spoke, speaking simply as she looked Imyah right in the eyes. She then turned and began to walk towards the primary tree her tree home was built upon. A thick, mighty jungle tree it was, standing tall in the deep of the rainforest. A truly fitting place for a leader to be and hold gatherings as well.

Inya turned her head over towards Virt for a moment once she saw the Matriarch turn around and head towards one of the large tree houses in the distance. Her black eyes followed her silhouette for a while before she would turn back towards her guards and give out a few orders for them to fetch the others in an orderly fashion. It seemed like they have been invited for… something. The details were quite hazy, but Inya assumed that the matter of this get-together was going to be a meal.

Given that they’ve been marching all day, she wasn’t against the idea of giving her people something to eat, even if it wasn’t exactly a feast. She was aware of just how they looked with their soaked fur pelts, crawling out from the thick undergrowth, but she didn’t mind it at all despite the quality that the leader of these butterfly people carried herself. She wasn’t one for show, and neither were the Sonjari, but it wouldn’t hurt to put on a decorum for this event.

Walking closer to Virt, she picked up her spear and shield, placing it onto the sash going across her back before she made a little nod towards the woman. “Virth.” She pronounced, her mouth seemingly trying to get a taste for the word. Placing a hand on her chest for a moment, Inya brushed her hands against the foliage on her head to reveal a pink flower growing on one of them. She would always cover it up when it rained or if she worked, but for what it was worth she adored the look of it. At least this way she could be more presentable in front of the leaders.

“Sonjari, come. More Sonjari.” She explained slowly towards the woman besides her while she pointed towards the forest. Almost as if on cue, the rest of the autumns and the more timid springs began to come out of the foliage, their eyes looking around with a curious glint on their black surface. Waiting for a moment, Inya would eventually turn back to Virt to give the woman a nod, and then waved for her entourage to follow her as she headed over to the treehouse of the matriarch.

It truly was a large home, though she doubted it had enough place for all of her people. Standing on the third step of the ladder, Inya turned around to the other Sonjari and pointed at the ground. “Stay here. I will talk with the leader of these people, and see about finding shelter and food for the night. Don’t cause any trouble.” She explained quietly before beckoning to the autumns that accompanied her earlier to follow her as she made her way up to the ladder. Once up, she would walk inside the house of the Matriarch and slowly looked around before her eyes rested on the woman herself. Inya had already found herself liking the stern yet graceful image that she put up, and walked over to sit down a respectable distance from the woman while she removed her wet fur cloak. “Thank you.” She explained quietly and made a small nod towards the Matriarch. “The Sonjari are grateful for your hospitality.” She was certain that most of her message was lost to translation, but hoped that the gist of it got across as her guards sat down just besides her. Now it was time to wait and see what this meeting was about.

Day 6, Week 24, Cycle 1
Summertime, 21 C° , Incessant Rain

To share a good meal was something that might help break the ice, or so the Matriarch had thought. Jordo, slain and plucked and cooked over a fire, alongside some roasted as well as unroasted fruits. They had even experimented with roasting a few seeds, before tossing excess seed-laced rhinds out of the tree homes and onto the ground, to which the Matriarch found they now had a more nutty and warm spicy flavor. Intriguing. Yet more interesting than this was the conversation to be had between them and the newcomers. An exchange of words over the course of the meal had gone on, as two peoples had gone about exchanging words and ideas enough to be able to finally have an actual conversation.

At the very least, though, it seemed they weren’t the only ones to really awake in a world foreign to them.

”So, do your people live near this place?” the Matriarch, who seemed to pick up on these Samyahi words about as well as Virt had, said to Imyah after swallowing a large bite of roasted fruit.

Inya stared at the Matriarch for a moment, chewing on a piece of Jordo while she was hard at translating both the question and her own answer. Communicating wasn’t exactly smooth, not by a longshot, but over the course of a few hours they have managed to get to a point where they could get an idea of what the other party was talking about, even if sometimes they had to explain words.

“Yes. We live close, up, ummm… North.” She explained with a hum, looking to the side at one of her guards. Patting their shoulder she turned back to the Matriarch with a smile. “We have split, just like your people. We hoped to find the others, more of my kin. But instead we found you.” Taking her fur cloak into her hands, Inya silently brushed the fur with her fingers before she looked back at Virt and the Matriarch. “It is better this way. Kor would think you are trying to burn down tree, and send sons here.” She explained with a sigh, shaking her head while her fingers clutched her cloak.

The Matriarch’s brows furrowed at the idea of the alternative that Imyah had suggested. Not that they would have been as troubled, most of their warriors being here, but even so...left a bad taste in her mouth. But such was the nature of any world, she supposed, that fortune seemed to find them or evade them as it pleased. Though the occurrence of events with the young Virt and now this...hmm…

”So what should be done from here? It sounds as if your people have some dangerous leadership. On top of that, my people expect to come and briefly settle here in the north when they get the chance to move,” she said, moving to bluntly get to the point of things as looked at the plant woman in the eyes, ”I wish to avoid conflict, but I cannot send word to the remainder of my people amidst these storms. We do not seek your tree-mother, but likewise if we are attacked we will defend ourselves however we must.”

“We have no quarrel with your people.” Inya hummed in response as she looked into the crackling fire for a minute. It showered her in a warm orange light, but the only thing that she could see in it now was the destructive nature of it. Just like war would be if they ever crossed ways. With how many of them were here, it would certainly prove to be fatal for at least one of the parties.

“Our people are split. Kor is a strong leader, but he isn’t considerate. The winters will follow him into battle, but the others would be more hesitant.” She now turned back to look at the Matriarch and leaned closer as she spoke up in a hushed tone. “Come back with me to my people. Bring your best warriors. Kor can’t do anything against those who fly, he favors the spear over the bow. It has been coming for a long time… he needs to be shown the error of his ways. Our people need a strong leader, but not one who would drive them into war.” With a sigh she turned over to the autumns by her side and sent them away except for one of the hunters. This autumn had been her right hand ever since they departed, and he seemed to have picked up on the words of the Velari much faster than Inya had. For this, he proved to be an invaluable asset. “I shall leave my best man here so he can learn your language, and if things go sour, be a valuable asset in negotiations. But I beg you, help me rid my people of Kor. If you help me, I can guarantee to you that my kin will forever see yours as friends. But if he is let to do as he wishes, I fear that my people will go down a dark path based on fear.” With that, Inya fell silent, and her black eyes gazed directly at the Matriarch.

The taller Velari thought for a moment, before taking a bite of some Jordo and looking Imyah back dead in the eyes once more. A serious air seemed to hang about her, the Matriarch's silent gaze holding a certain weight behind it. Even her expression seemed to be twisted into a furtive and deep-thinking sort, before she would open her mouth and speak again.

”You ask for my help, to achieve leadership of your people?

I will admit, the removal of one who might threaten my own, from among your own, is something I can understand. Further, allies in this new land would be something good for my people when the remainder come to this place. However...”

The Matriarch then slapped her hands down upon her own knees, as if taking a more distinctive posture of solidarity.

”Even If I and my warriors come and support you and those who stand with you, who is to say that a ‘new threat’ will not scare your people to the side of this ‘Kor’ instead?

Shall I bring my best, and risk the remainder being left vulnerable and the other majority unaware of a new danger they would be coming directly into should the worst come to pass?

Even if there would be success, shall we somehow be seen as allies...or be seen as those who can be used to usurp power or act servile to others?

I simply ask you these things, Imyah of the Samyahi, for I wish to hear your thoughts on these matters as one who seeks to lead. Further, what would you do if such a plan was offered to you?”

Of course, Inya expected these questions. While she was telling her plan, she already knew the flaws of it. No good leader would leave her people without defense while they march against other people. In the back of her mind she had a feeling that this has happened in the past, but with no memories to speak of she simply dismissed this as a bad feeling.

“I understand your concern Matriarch. I do not take your help for granted, for I know the burden of a leader.” She spoke before falling silent and beckoning out the door of the shelter. “I have led these people for two months, far from family, home and the tree that gives us life. Every day I fear for them, because they look to me for answers that I cannot give to them. Such is the burden of those who step forward when others are too meek or confused to do so.”

A meaningful silence followed, Inya looking down at the spear by her side, one of her hands scratching the chipped stone surface of it’s tip. Eventually she turned back towards the Matriarch and closed her eyes as she continued. “Kor believes the same. He believes that he used to be a leader of our people before… before all of this. Yet he is hardly fit to be one. I do not wish for you to come with me as hired soldiers, but rather as our neighbours. I wish to win over the people, and show Kor he is mistaken. But I fear he is not so easily swayed…” Taking a moment to finish her thoughts, Inya opened her eyes again and grabbed her spear, slowly pulling it into her lap as her fingertips ran along it’s features.

“I am no warrior. I lead my people because I don’t want them to suffer. I lead them because we are but lost children, and I merely have the least amount of questions. And just as my people ask for guidance every day, I can only answer to you with my thoughts, not the facts.” Taking a deep breath, Inya looked up towards the Matriarch and looked into her eyes, her face as determined as ever. “My people are lost. We must find our way, but it is not one of the warpath. I ask your help not so I may be the king of the lost, but so I can be the beacon of light that guides them to safer waters. I cannot speak for them, but if I don’t do this now, I fear there will be no chances in the future. If I return and I cannot get Kor to stop his foolish ways, then there will never be peace between our people. If I don’t do this now, I cannot guarantee that Kor won’t bend the malleable mind of my children against yours, and attack you while your people are split. If I don’t do this now, I will fail as a leader and as a diplomat. For the only result of inaction will be the puppeteering of my people into a culture of xenophobes under a ruler who believes he was given some divine mandate because he was at the right place at the right time. If I don’t do this now, it means the beginning of an era that neither you or I would want to witness.”

By the end of her speech, her voice was fired up, almost furious, but drops of tear began to roll down the corners of her eye. Slowly, Inya rose to her knees and held her spear in both hands for a few long moments before she extended her hand out towards the Matriarch, holding out her weapon for her. “Please, I beg you, help my children. I don’t want to see them hurt for the actions of a misguided son. I cannot give you the answers you seek, and I cannot guarantee your kin’s safety, just as I cannot guarantee mine’s. I am no warrior, but a humble mother looking to save her sons. And if in your heart of hearts you can feel this pain that’s tearing me apart, then I hope you will make the right decision, for both our people’s sake.” With that Inya fell silent, her head bowed down and tears falling from her eyes like drops of rain outside the house. Her heart was aching, but she knew what had to be done if she wished to see her people make a home for themselves in these foreign lands.

The Matriarch would seemingly ponder on Inya’s words and pleas and actions, not even flinching in the middle of any of it as she retained her steady gaze upon the plant woman. After Imyah finished, the older Velari silently stood up in place and looked about the room. A sort of silence would soon fall into place, as formerly jovial talk and eating quickly began to soften at the sight of the Matriarch standing up tall.

”...Listen well, young ones and those assembled here. Listen, oh all who have ears to hear and hearts to listen. Heed my words, and through them gain wisdom.

To be a ruler is not to hold one’s self above all others, but it is to hold one’s self below all things.

To lead is to bear the true weight that comes with deciding, and for not just one’s own self but also for many.

To guide is to seek a path greater than one’s self and lifetime, but to place others upon the route to something better for those who come after.

To be a leader is not to know all things or claim such, but to seek to understand them and made judgement.

Leadership is not a gift, make no mistake. To lead is a burden that only those who can bear should take upon themselves. Yet it is a necessity so that others may thrive.

Since we have set foot in a world unknown to us, I have led you. Yet here we find ourselves to be at a place of great importance, one in which no decision for tomorrow is best. Through speaking with these Samyahi, we learned some of a new people who suffered the same fate as ours. We also learn of a potential threat to our people...and theirs.

There is one among them who seeks to lead, claims right by mere circumstance and strength but not by action and deed. To call such a leader of any sort is folly, just as is a rash and inexperienced youngling rushing out with spear in hand and inviting their own death.”

Reaching down and grabbing the spear from Imyah, the Matriarch hoisted it over her head and spoke once more, her voice carrying out as clear as daylight and with the boom of a storm.

”Tomorrow we go with these Samyahi, and seek the future of two peoples! Do not take this lightly, Velari and Samyahi, for we stand upon the edge of a new day! Your lives, the lives of your young, all will depend on what is done!”

With her other hand, the Matriarch then motioned for Virt to stand beside her. Though while hesitant at first, Virt in the end did stand as tall as she could next to her in the end. The young Velari’s heart was beating fast, and the nervousness crept down her spine, but at the same time something in her didn’t allow her to shirk from this invitation. She couldn’t.

At this, the Matriarch gave a rare, and soft, smile before turning her head back and speaking once more.

”The Chosen One, though she is in her youth, has pushed through dark times and has been marked by the power of the skies! She has without doubt felt much fear, as we know has nearly lost her life in uncertain days, and yet has held firm and did not surrender regardless! Such is the reason for her choosing!

Look, all you who feast here this night, take in the mark upon her which is that of one who has been chosen! She is chosen not for possessing wisdom, but to gain it! She is chosen not for strength of might, but rather for working for the strength to hold on through all things!

Remember these lessons, and pass them on to all those who come after us! Forget not what it means to lead, and to truly be strong!”

Inya’s heart filled with relief as the words of the Matriarch echoed around the room they were in. It was a roaring declaration of her honesty and diplomatic skills, but it was also something else for Inya. It was an eye opener, seeing this mighty woman in front of her who commanded with such respect that she had only seen in Kor before, but carried words so honeyed and true as she herself. As she listened, Inya slowly stood up and recollected herself, wiping away the tears from her eyes as she realized just how much she still had to learn. She would have to become strong like this woman, and then she could lead her people into a glorious new era. Thankfully, it seemed like she would have help doing that.

Once the Matriarch finished, Inya walked over besides the woman and raised her shield up above herself while she let out a deep hiss as her eyes gazed at those gathered. “Tomorrow, we march for the Ősfa! Fill your bellies and rest your eyes, for tomorrow we change history!”

Her eyes then stopped on the young Autumn who she asked to remain with her. “Ata, brother, carry the words! Let the sons know that we have found new brothers and sisters in the winged people. Make sure they know what is going to happen tomorrow. If any wishes not to march with us, then so be it. Gather everyone we can muster for battle, but let’s hope words can win this battle.”

With a swish of her shield Inya beckoned for Ata to leave, and her eyes rested on the autumn until he disappeared from sight. Lowering her shield, she finally turned over to the Matriach and made a small nod. “I am grateful for your help Matriarch. You and your people will always be welcome at the mother tree.” Finally the girl would sigh and place the shield back onto her sash before sitting down and closing her eyes. “Tomorrow will be a grand day for our people. I suggest we grab some rest, so we may lead our people with able body and mind.”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Day 1, Week 25, Cycle 1
Summertime, 25 C°, Overcast

As summer time comes to an end, the clouds over the island begin to slowly fade away. It seems as if the storm has passed, but left behind a great deal of destruction. Tress torn from the ground as the monstrous winds uprooted them. Plains that once used to be grazing grounds for animals now lay as impassable bogs that have to be avoided. Coastlines riddled with debris carried over from faraway islands as branches and algae scatter the shining sand for miles. But at the end of the storm, the sun shines brighter, and the inhabitants of the island can claim themselves rightful owner of this land, having survived the storm.

It is on this day, at the closing weeks of summer that the sky darkens once more. The previous day the rain began to pour from the heavens, perhaps as a last effort from the monsoon to ruin the lives of the people below. As it carried throughout the night, the inhabitants of the island wake to darkened skies and the rain pouring more than ever. The air is calm but heavy, and the water pouring from above obscures vision out past a few dozen feet. Everything feels wet and humid, and even the mighty Ruh hide in their nests. Rivers once calm are starting to pour out again, and the swampy marshlands of the island swell in size even more.

By noon, the sky is dark and the sound of pouring rain is deafening. Only the thunderous roars of distant lightning and the flashes of glowing white seep through this hazy blanket. All over the island, shadows of unknown figures appear for moments in the hazy fog, only to disappear once more into the rain. Screeches and roars of the wildlife go unknown to the rest of the island as this all consuming darkness and rain devour the light from the heavens above.

It is only as the afternoon shifts into evening that the skies begin to clear up, and the first ray of light simmers through the clouds above. Soon enough, the clouds drift off towards the east, carrying with them the terrible storm that can be seen from the coasts of the island for hours to come.

But what the storm left behind, is an island vastly different from what it once was. There is a fickle buzz in the air, like a charge of electricity that is only enough to tickle the skin. The landscapes of the many biomes have been altered, and now lie as testaments to the true nature of this storm: one of a change diligently executed under the blanket of darkness and deafening rain.

Upon the western slopes of the mountains a sinkhole hundreds of meters across, and perhaps thousands deep has appeared, like a portal leading into the underworld that is fed by the rivers flowing into it's endless depths. In the south eastern peninsula, protrusions of rock and minerals extend a hundred or more meters into the air, like strange alien beacons conveying some alien message. In the northeast, the people awaken to the sight of a massive tree that soars almost two hundred meters into the air, a sight that is oh-so familiar to the hearts of the Sonjari people.

These, and perhaps hundreds more less visible vistas cover the island that once knew how to be tame with it's inhabitants. But what changes lie ahead, now that the weather will start to grow cold and the landscape has changed, nobody knows. It is up to the brave pathfinders to find and exploit what the soil has to offer, and make a way for a new life now that the worst has come to past. And as the sun finally disappears over the horizon, the inhabitants of the island are greeted by a show of light upon the dark sky: an arch of debris fills up the star dotted view of the night, extending from one edge of the horizon to the other as it glows with a faint light reflected down upon the surface. And even though the day had brought so much to bear upon the denizens of the island, this soft light fills them with hope. A feeling that things will be alright from now on as long as they keep on going and make the best of this new, fantastic world.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ascendant
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Ascendant No One In Particular

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Mordukai spent much of the tail end of the monsoon huddled in the low-altitude caverns of Skyrender, until the rains finally began to dissipate. It began once more on that second-most fateful of days, the day when all seemed right with the world once more, but not until late. With the rains apparently finally ended, and the Mordukai pent up and anxious, the Queens decided to begin moving the Hives back towards the lands they first colonized.

A hundred insectoids picked up camp and began the hike back down the foothills of Skyrender, merry that calm times had finally come again. They set down much of their belongings not far from where they once made camp, though this time the Mordukai decided to settle at higher altitude. They began to set about rebuilding home as the day ended, and the rains once more began in the night.

At first it seemed little more than some errant droplets, irritating a few sleeping Mordukai, but slowly, it became a very clear sprinkle. The Queens were made aware of this issue, and watched for hours as the rain slowly increased, until it was clear something must be done. Before the Sun rose, the Mordukai grabbed what they could and began heading back towards Skyrender.

Yet it was too late. As noon approached, the storm became so intense it was difficult to see. Finding themselves on a forested hill surrounded by rain and the sounds of what may have been creeks become rivers, the Mordukai huddled close together, interlocking their limbs, ensuring no one would be lost.

With lightning crashing down repeatedly not far away, thunder deafening them, winds pummeling them, the Mordukai began to shiver and shake, losing hope. In desperation, the first Queen begins muttering to herself quietly, "End this storm," over and over. As the minutes grow into what feel like punishingly long hours, her fervency grows until her closest Soldiers hear her and begin repeating the mantra. Soon, all ninety-nine Mordukai are chanting together, though to describe it better would be more like ninety-nine roaches hissing and humming together in a giant clump in the middle of an ultra-hurricane. The Drone, meanwhile, was some distance away, yelling at the storm and fighting it with four stone blades.

At the peak of the storm, the strangest thing occurred. Shadowy figures began appearing in the rains, popping in and out of existent around and sometimes between the Mordukai. Panic began to sweep through the Mordukai, for this was something that was truly unearthly and impossible to them. Seeing this, the first Queen understood the Mordukai could likely do little to fight this figures, but she could still steel their souls, as she gripped those who held her hands tighter, declaring with her loudest voice, "This storm will break before we!" A second mantra that spread like wildfire, a mantra to hold themselves against the darkness that surrounded and enveloped them.

Ninety-nine insectoids hummed so loudly and in unison together that it is said that day that even the thunder could not drown them out, the vibrations even moving their bodies as shadows danced between them.

But finally, the darkest seemed to have past as the storm moved east. As the first rays of light began to fall upon the huddled Mordukai, they lifted up their heads towards the sky, relieved. The first Queen looked around and told them, "Sisters, let us pray until we are sure the storms have gone!" As none challenged the first Queen, the Mordukai returned to their 'chanting' as the day wore on.

When the night came, there was a new display awaiting the Mordukai through the branches of the trees; a great display of newborn light stretching from horizon to horizon. It was utterly marvelous to the Mordukai. The first Queen looked upon this display and felt in her heart a message, declaring, "This is the reward for our efforts! We have broken the storm!"

Her closest Soldier raised up her fist, "You lead us through the storm, you told us what to do. You are the Stormbreaker, leader of the Mordukai! Do any stand with me?" Rapidly, the entire peoples of the Mordukai, save for the Drone doing who knows what, stood and raised their fists. The great display above, the Mordukai declared to be the Stormbreaker's Crown, as the new stars appeared to be a crown atop the earth, and through weird logic, a crown atop Stormbreaker's head. And so the first Queen was anointed as Stormbreaker, First of Names, Breaker of the Great Storms, Crowned of the Earth.

To ensure their victory, Stormbreaker ordered, the Mordukai would return to their prayer until they were certain the storms were gone. And thus they prayed for three days and three nights until delirium and exhaustion forced them to slumber. It was then that Stormbreaker received a dream that has been recorded through time as,

When they awoke, Stormbreaker declared that there would always be at least one Mordukai praying to ward off the darkness, lest they risk the return of the shadows. She further declared that they would build their homes here, naming the spot 'Adamant'. This was now their home, their holy land, the land where they had stood against the storms and the shadows and won, in their opinion.

This caused some minor issues. Pottery had been refined not long after the storms ended, so storing food, water, and goods was much easier, but Adamant's relative distance from the rivers resulted in some inconvenience. This inconvenience pushed the Mordukai to begin pondering how to move goods around better...

With the air growing colder by the day, the Mordukai begin building their homes of stick, stones, leaves, and mud. They reconstruct their irrigated fields, hunt, gather, and spend more time working on domesticating the Lepus and Ovis. Their objective until they reach what their instincts tell them is winter is to store up as much food as possible and become established, and to those ends they focus.

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