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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rolling her eyes behind her sunglasses, Maya opened her mouth to say something sharp to interrupt Emily - only for something else to do it for her. A large metal canister dropping right on the table they were standing around. She stared at it momentarily before Lyss shouted at them to get down and for once it was an order that Maya didn’t have a problem following. She dropped to her knees and yanked her jumper up and over her nose and mouth, sincerely regretting not bringing a scarf that day as the gas bombs exploded around them. It hit her eyes first, burning hot as they instantly filled with tears and blurred over.

At least no one would see them behind her sunglasses.

She momentarily considered blasting the gas away for a momentary reprieve, as she gasped for air and it hit her lungs with a burning pain that had her coughing instantly. She quickly dismissed the idea. It would give her seconds of clear air at most before the gas flooded back in and would only exhaust her. No, she had to get outside.

Spluttering out a cough, Maya began to crawl in the same direction Lyss had - fairly certain that it was probably towards the exit. Tears streamed down her face, eyes in such intense pain that she could barely keep them open and even as she forced them to the sunglasses didn’t help with seeing at all. But she kept forcing herself forward, following the sounds of the others who were stumbling towards the exit just like she was. She had to get out.


Fuck, seriously? Maya came to a halt as she let out a sharp breath, only to break into a coughing fit as the gas hit her lungs more. Why was the FBI here… was this some kind of raid? Where they suddenly in a fucking movie? Fuck this. She forced herself to keep moving forward, closer to the exit and the blurry views of figures she saw.

"Alright ladies, I know it hurts, but it's going to get a lot worse if you don't give up here. So just agree to surrender and I'll get rid of the gas."

Maya grasped out for something to hold onto, hand finding what felt like a half destroyed slot machine or something. She wasn’t sure and didn’t care as she used it to push herself up so she could stand at her full, incredibly unimpressive height. She probably looked the exact opposite of intimidating as she levelled the FBI with a sunglasses covered glare, tears still streaming down her cheeks and gasping for breath. Herik’s shout to do what they say half registered in her mind but she quickly discarded that. Like hell was she going to do that.

“Fuck you,” she bit out, loud enough for the FBI members to hear as she steadied herself. She silently apologised to the other coven members nearby as the soundwave on the back of her neck began to glow.

She let out a powerful blast of sound in a ten metre radius around her. She tried to stay on her feet as she did, but her head spun with the sudden loss of balance and her legs gave out from under her. Loud ringing hit her ears and she squeezed her eyes shut.

She couldn’t see or hear anything now, but she sure as hell hoped the blast had at least knocked back the FBI.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 2 days ago


Everything seemed to be going well with the whole raid. Everyone was choking and miserable but it wasn't going to last forever. They were all screaming for them to stop this chaos and Maximilian couldn't help but raise his hand as he prepared his abstraction to get rid of it.

Then one of them teleported another one out.

And another one thought it'd be a great idea to attack them.

A blast of sound hit the four like a wave of force and sent them flying backward out back towards the door. Maximilian seethed through his teeth as he shouted, "Alright, we're doing this the hard way!" The three other FBI agents got up and raised their pistols and began opening fire on the Coven... except they were firing darts that would give them a shock.

"They have a teleporter!" A female with blonde hair and green eyes said.

Maximilian, on the other hand, got down on his knee as he looked up. He muttered "... Sound." to himself as he seemingly launched himself through the air at high speeds up above the Coven. He came to a sudden stop as he looked around and she caught his eye - before he launched himself directly at her. He came to a stop that wouldn't make any sense right above her as he crossed his arms. "... Try that now."

Today was not going well for Emily. First, she got tear-gassed and there was an unladylike trail of snot coming from her nose. Second, Maya sent her rolling across the floor with her sound blast and she hit her ribs against the table. Her ears were ringing and she could barely balance herself onto her hands and knees. And now the FBI is shooting at them. Emily rolled underneath a blackjack table as the rage welled up inside of her, "... Maya, you dumbass!" She shouted over all the chaos, not realizing that it was stupid to give away her position.

"Babylon!" Emily seethed. "Do something, don't just float there like a slut."

"Slut?" Babylon said as she floated above the blackjack table. "And I thought your generation was all progressive-"

"Babylon, I swear to God," Emily said as the Apparition was just fucking with her. However, pointing at Emily, Babylon fired an orange sigil. The sigil hit her and floated above her head as her entire skin was covered in gold. Like she was a living, moving, golden statue. Suddenly her eyes stopped burning as she looked around.

"This might help with the dart thingies, bye," Babylon said before she disappeared. Emily took as a sign to get up and haul ass for the door opposite to the FBI. Unfortunately, she was made out of gold and hauling ass was kinda power walking (like the speed an old man would go). She didn't care, she had to get the hell out of here.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Skai
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Skai Bean Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lyss was still struggling to breathe. Her eyes were getting sore from the amount of tears they'd produced in the last five minutes. Five minutes. It only took five minutes to bring the Coven to their knees. She'd noticed the blue astral birds above them. That's how the gas canisters went unnoticed. FBI and witches. Since when was that a fucking thing.

She heard Herik shout out. At least the man wasn't unleashing his size upon the FBI. If any one of them battered an agent there would be serious consequences. Lyss hadn't exactly been in a raid before, but she'd heard stories. She also was sure that there might be a file on her in the FBI's black market ops division. Big sellers do go unnoticed by the government. As sneaky and smart as they'd been in the market, there had to be some level of evidence to trail. She wasn't sure what they'd have on her, but she hoped that this matter could be settled easily without any last names given.

"Fuck you!"

Oh, fuck. Maya.

A second later, Lyss tumbled backwards as Maya's psionic sound wave crashed into her. She found herself tumbling backwards into the FBI agent that had blocked her path.

There goes our perfect behavior. She thought bitterly.

Lyss immediately turned to crawl onto the agent, her hands reaching for any sort of taser she could use to stun him. He was a smaller guy. Maybe when he was standing and she was crouching he could overpower her, but now they were both at a level playing ground. He was gaining focus again. The blast probably made him hit his head a little hard when he fell. Lyss could hear the other agents firing something. Bullets? No, they wouldn't shoot to kill. This bastard must have something I can use!

She felt his hand grasp onto her left wrist, but it was too late for him. Lyss's right hand found what she was looking for. She grasped the grip of what she had a feeling was the same weapon the other agents were firing and turned. After all, the small agent beneath her only had one weapon. She could see the big guy hovering over Maya. "There you are, fucker." She hissed. It was hard to see through her tears, and one eye was refusing to open at this point, but she had enough practice that she could at least make her mark.

The agent below her was reaching for the dart gun, but Lyss was too fast for him. She pressed her knee against his chest to keep him down. Then pulled the trigger. The dart flew straight towards the big guy's leg. Maya might have thought that Lyss was thinking of her in that moment. It was true, Lyss was definitely looking out for Maya. For any of the other members of the Coven too. The other part of Lyss just wanted to make this guy hurt. "No one fucks with my girls." She hissed before going into another fit of coughs. In a half-hearted attempt to help the others, Lyss sent other darts towards the other masked agents in the room. She wasn't sure if she was getting anyone, but she didn't care. They needed time to gather themselves before being hauled off to an interrogation room.

The dart gun soon 'clicked' instead of fired and she knew that her time to shine was over. She dropped the weapon and loosened her hold of the agent below. He was smart, she had to give him that. The second she stopped putting pressure on his chest, he threw her off of him. Lyss didn't fight back. She'd done enough to these agents. She just hoped that she managed to make the big guy squirm. Lyss felt her arms being pulled back and slapped into cuffs. She knelt on the ground and wheezed. Her lungs ached and her eyes felt swollen and red. "Do you think I could have a glass of water?" She asked the agent.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by KatKook
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KatKook Mic muted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Never a boring day."

Lucky Strike Casino

Sin was definitely still a little riled up at the sound of having a new member just come in willy-nilly. She let out a sigh and prepared herself to move, it always took a second before she could start walking again, do not get her wrong she was thankful for the heal but she wished her leg did not feel so numb. She had Keisha help her for a few steps before what sounded like a gas canister hit the floor of the run-down casino. She heard at least two people yell to get down and since she could not really react, Keisha moved and made her off balance, making her fall on the floor. A light back thud at the cost of Quinn's eyes not having a terrible burning sensation, Quinn after seeing the smoke in the corner of her eye needed to think, and she knew Keisha was not going to hold out very long. Seconds later, Quinn could feel Keisha's pain, she did not want this last any longer so she de-summoned her, using Keisha's unsummoned energy to go to her leg. And just like that she could use her leg again.

She started crawling away, she saw Elise grab someone amidst the smoke and she could not really tell who, but that was when the gas hit her, the stinging pain in her eyes caused her hands to curl up into a fist as she tried to fight through the pain. She held her breath and started weakly walking, she could barely see anything, her eyesight already was not the best and the gas was definitely not helping. She heard voices, it was the FBI? Well that whole redneck vampire thing must have attracted a lot of suspicion. At least two of us were out, and the other three that left to go do something else. She did not have enough time to summon another creature, especially one that is helpful in this situation, Heize could probably do some damage but not enough to save them... But maybe Kali, but all she has is a measly 10 minutes with the Kitsune, but that could be enough, Kitsunes are relatively immune to a lot of things and Kali could definitely get rid of some of the tear gas with her speed. This was all hypothetical, she did not have enough time to summon anyway, she needed to get clear if she wanted to use that plan.

She was not going to lose the Coven, she would not admit it to them but she would absolutely die for them since they were generally good people just with different intentions. She slowly made her way to the back entrance, and it would appear Emily had the same idea, she knew both of them would not be able to get out just like that, she had another idea, she just needed to know who was going to get to the door first. Dammit Emily... If only they coordinated, but she could not voice her concern, the gas was eating her alive, it was either this or plan B.


Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Maya let out a wheezing breath, looking up and cracking one eye open in time to see the four FBI agents knocked backwards out of the door. Hell yeah, take that. She forced herself back up onto her knees, rather than prone on the floor, even as every breath felt as if she was inhaling fire. She muttered something incoherent to even herself (she couldn’t exactly hear it) and pulled off her sunglasses to throw them on the floor. What was the point in covering up her red, tear stained eyes and black bags under them when she could barely see anyway.

She squinted her eyes at the FBI agents that were now going all out, guns blazing (though it didn’t seem to be actual bullets). She’d have felt remorse if she wasn’t completely pissed at how quickly they’d recovered from her blast as she continued to choke on tear gas. She craned her neck as the largest of the agents literally took off. Because of course, these agents had powers too.

Then he was above her, just hovering there with folded arms and his lips moving to say something that Maya couldn’t hear over the ringing. But she assumed it was something condescending by his stance and the way he was literally looking down on her. So she pushed herself so she was sitting straight, head craned up to look at him with the closest to a glare as she could muster under circumstances, and slowly raised her right hand to give him the middle finger.

Out of nowhere a dart flew past and hit the agent's leg, Maya's gaze moving to spot Lyss holding one of the FBI's guns. She smirked slightly, returning her attention to the one above her and pushing out her already raised hand to send a blast of focused sound at the FBI agent above her. It’s knockback pushed her out of her sitting position and back towards the ground, even as she shot another focused sound blast at him for good measure.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Right when Maximilian was ready to drop his dong the hammer on the girl a taser dart hit him in the leg and he let out a yelp as his abstraction cut off. Which caused him to fall to the ground... and when Maya launched her sound blast. It strangely did nothing to him but Maya was unlikely to notice. As he was falling a blob of black ink leap through the air and engulfed Maximilian. It splashed against the ground but formed an orb that faded away and revealed Maximilian... covered from head to toe in black ink.

"Oh, sorry, Max," Agent Maria Mayfield said as she reformed into her human form, a skinny Spanish woman with dreadlocks.

However... his face was burning as he realized the gas mask he was wearing was gone. He choked as, out of desperation, he raised his hand into the air. A blue wave of energy came out of his hand and the CS gas disappeared as Maximilian (and probably the others) gasped for air. He violently vomited out whatever he ate earlier today as he stood straight up. Tears were coming off his eyes as his cheeks were burning as he just shaved this morning. Which sucked.

Meanwhile, Trevor felt emasculated by Lyss... his first mission and he lost his gun, Meifeng was going to kill him! She shot Maximilian too... oh boy. They aren't going to let him live down this one, and she fired the weapon until she heard the click. That was when Trevor moved in, violently twisting her wrist, and then took the pistol back. "Here, let me help you," Trevor slapped in a fresh clip and then shot Lyss with one.

While Quinn was making a break for it (and is probably spitting her brains out) a figure landed in front of her. A short, blonde-haired woman wearing a gas mask, which she promptly removed. She stood straight up as said, "Hey, where do you think you're going, lassie?" She pointed her pistol at her, "You heard the man nobody's gettin' outta here, so get on your knees. Hehehe..."

Okay, this was getting out of control... Maximilian thought in between coughs. He stood straight up and looked at the Coven and the FBI as he shouted, "Everybody! Calm down!" His voice boomed, as he swung a knife-hand around. "Who is in charge here?!"

Emily pointed at herself.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Skai
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Skai Bean Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

While Lyss was done fighting back, Maya certainly wasn't. Even though her twisted wrist hurt like hell in the cuffs Lyss grinned. The big guy didn't like her taser dart and he fell. She watched in disappointment when instead of collapsing to the ground, he was helped by his black blob of a colleague. She frowned, but the grin soon returned when she realized his mask was askew.

"Here, let me help you."

Lyss turned to look up at Trevor with a confused look, but saw that he'd reloaded her empty weapon. A second later and she was writhing on her side, looking like a fish out of water with her hands cuffed behind her back like this. She grimaced and gasped for air, which only sent her into further hacks and wheezes because of the gas. From this position on the ground, though, she could see the big guy choking on his own tear gas. HE FUCKING PUKED! She laughed her ass off, which sounded like a mix of laughing and a mix of huffing as much fresh air as her lungs could get in a short amount of time. The electricity running through her body still hurt like a bitch, but at least she could watch the big guy suffer too.

The taser dart soon wore off, thank satan. She laid back on her back and her body went limp. She was exhausted, and her eyes still stung. She looked up at the ceiling and panted. She was just glad to have fresh air now. Her head turned to the guy who'd darted her and gave him a smug smirk. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone that I overpowered you."

"Everybody! Calm Down! Who is in charge here?!"

Lyss turned her head towards the big guy and shouted as best as her hoarse throat could. "Don't listen to the 24 karat girl. I'm who you're looking for. Now, what the hell do you want with us?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Maya choked back a cross between a coughing and a laughing as the larger agent fell towards the ground, completely missing the fact that her sound blast had absolutely no effect on him. It was only made more hilarious by the fact that he wasn’t wearing a gas mask anymore after the weird ink left him and got hit by the effects of the gas too. A strange blue wave filled the room and suddenly the gas disappeared.

Pushing herself back up onto her knees, Maya’s chest heaved as she sucked in the fresh air as if she’d been dying. She reached up to desperately wipe her tear stained eyes, which still burned up, but it didn’t do much to relieve the stinging pain. But even as she did this she couldn’t help the smirk on her lips and light laughter at the big agent recovering from the tear gas, even after he’d only been hit with it momentarily. Sadly for her the sight of him puking was enough to set her off, gagging as she fell forward and threw up herself. She grimaced as she sat back up and wiped her mouth, shuffling away with a scrunched nose. Smell was one of the few senses she still had mostly functioning. Her hearing was still filled with a loud ringing which she estimated would take a bit to let up.

The big, lead guy was saying something while waving a knife-hand around and Maya had absolutely no idea what it was. However, she assumed it was a question by the way Emily pointed to herself in response. Maybe the question was ‘who’s the biggest bitch here’ though she doubted that the FBI were going to ask something like that. Lyss, on the other hand, didn’t point but just shouted something that Maya also couldn’t hear. She just about lip read the words ‘girl’, ‘who’ and ‘hell.’ Didn’t really help things.

So, just to be contrary, Maya pointed towards the big agent with one hand and herself with the other.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 2 days ago

"Oh, so you think you're the leader?"

Emily stopped and immediately turned on her heel back towards the Coven. The curse disappeared as she turned back into flesh and skin. She seethed at both Maya and Alyssa as they both seemed to be so intent on claiming her rightful spot to the FBI. Like hell, she was going to let these losers be the face of the group, represent her. She pointed at Lyss but kept her gaze above the girl.

"First off," Emily bared teeth as she said to the Lyss, "I never seen you do one thing as a leader of the Coven. All I see you do is kiss ass, so unless they're looking for an ass kisser; I'm the one they want."

Then she turned towards Maya who, for some reason, was pointing at herself (and oh yeah the FBI Agent) and shouted, "And like you're the leader, you slut! All you do is bitch and moan and be a royal pain in the ass. For no reason. I'd rather piss myself than admit you're the leader."

"... Girls, can I add that there's at least four outside waiting for us?" Babylon appeared and added on all bored. "No? Alright then." She disappeared.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KatKook
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KatKook Mic muted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I can't believe that just happened."

Lucky Strike Casino

All the vomit that was building up inside her, she kept swallowing back down since first; she did not want to vomit in front of everyone and two; it was gross and embarrassing. She continued her way to the door when the gas faded away, this time picking up the pace, but when this girl landed in front of her, she got startled and fell on her butt. The girl had her pistol pointed at her and all Quinn could think was- She vomited, she was not able to think at all, she turned her head to the side and vomited the eggs she ate that morning. "I...'m going to need a heavy lunch." She mumbled under her breath as she looked down at the orange-yellowish sludge she just made.

She got up and looked at the girl, before backing up, her legs were weak and she was constantly rubbing her eyes and scratching the exposed parts of her hands. "Worth the try." She was breathing pretty heavily, the constant irritation going on everywhere was the most annoying thing in the world. Her eyes trailed to examine the girl, were they in 2007? Had Paramore or MCR just release a new album that everyone was going nuts over, Quinn was pretty nuts for Paramor- That is besides the point! She cleared her throat, and placed her hand on her chest to calm herself down.

"Everybody! Calm Down! Who is in charge here?!" Someone yelled from behind her.

Quinn looked around, and just shrugged her shoulders as she had her hands up to make sure that she was not a threat. Who was this girl? And how did she just land in front of her like that? Was she...? No... She shook her head before saying, "Hey, if you're going to shoot me can you double tap me like a zombie?" She said, man that irritation from the tear gas is not helping her think straight. "Or..." She said before taking a step forward and getting on her knees right in front of her, she then moved her head slowly forward and rested her forehead on the gun's barrel. "Do I have to do it myself?" She asked, now this game of chicken was heavily not in Quinn's favour... It was kinda cool though.

Interactions: @Ghost Note

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Maya twisted her head to look at Emily, pointing at Lyss and mouth flapping indignantly as she clearly chewed out the girl for her answer to whatever the FBI man had asked. Maya snorted as the muffled sounds spewing from the annoying girl slowly grew clearer. She raised an eyebrow as Emily turned to her and started going off too.

“...do is bitch and moan and be a royal pain in the ass. For no reason. I'd rather piss myself than admit you're the leader."

The ringing reduced in her ears enough to catch the second half off what Emily said and a grin grew across Maya’s lips as she realised the question she’d responded to. She dropped the hand pointing towards the agent to properly shuffle around and face Emily (though she didn’t risk standing up yet). She completely ignored Babylon.

“Oh of course Emily, because you do a shit ton for us! I don’t remember the last time you actually did anything for the Coven that wasn’t bringing everyone down with your inflated ego,” she snorted. “Unlike you, the two of us,” she pointed to herself and then Lyss, “actually tried to defend this place while you just ran to protect your gold ass. So why don’t you just shut up because the feeling’s mutual, and I’d rather get gassed again then admit you’re the leader.”

She winced slightly as all the shouting she’d done hit her still ringing ears and turned around to look at the FBI. “Why does it even matter who our leader is, we could be communist for all you know. So why don’t you just tell us why you dropped shit on a bunch of innocent girls and what you want?”

She was acting awfully confident for someone who’d attacked literal FBI agents, but honestly she was running completely off adrenaline, spite and anger.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by SassySalamander
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Molly was stunned completely as she watched Madison strike out against the Hound. Was this girl insane? From the little context Molly could comprehend that Madison was trying to get a favor from the entity of Death Incarnate. This didn't exactly bode well for her chances to receive such a favor.

'fuck..' Molly breathed the words out quietly as she noticed the Hound turn back towards them and begin to charge.

She didn't exactly want to reveal herself this soon, but pretending to be the weak meat suit he was stuffed in simply wouldn't stand a chance against the Hound; even if the Hound was simply trying to toy with them.

Molly stood for a moment, staring at the charging Hound as she awaited the moment an opening revealed itself. Like mana from heaven, suddenly a pillar of light bolted out past the group of girls towards the Hound. The Hound quickly bounded to the side, just barely fast enough for the beam of energy to strike a divet into the large entities shoulder. Molly smirked, the strange girl with the absurdly long lightsaber gave her an opening.

Molly then outstretched her hand towards the charging deity; suddenly a circular blade of bones appeared off to the side and flashed across the landscape, slicing cleanly through the beasts leading legs and separating them from the rest of his massive size. The front of the Hounds body crashed into the Earth, his form grinding across the dirt, only coming to an abrupt stop from Molly's next attack. As soon as the Hounds body hit the ground 6 ten feet tall, two feet thick spikes plunged down from the sky. Skewering the Hound through the body at different angles and piercing the Earth.

As the Hound lay pinned, his legs quickly began to regenerate as his eyes snapped to Molly, a grin spanning across his large mouth.

"Oh, Hraesvelgr. I should have sensed you." The Hound coyly snarled; his legs having fully returned he flexed his massive body and easily turned the spikes piercing his body into powder, standing once more at fully height.

"Hello, Hound. Anyway I could convince you this fight'd be boring?" Molly suggested rather simply, seemingly convinced the request would go unrewarded.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by RogueFox
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RogueFox Runner-up Hero

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Elise watched the mayhem inside the casino as she recovered her breath. She couldn't make out much but there were projectiles and people flying around. She couldn't just stay here doing nothing. She changed her remote vision to focus outside of the building. She saw four FBI agents aiming weapons at the exits, and a flock of ethereal blue birds waiting as well. They were an obvious problem. Luckily she also spotted the large FBI truck. She took a deep breath. "I can't believe I'm doing this..."

She teleported herself to the drivers door, easily out of anyone's sight. She climbed into the seat and to her dismay discovered there were no keys. She rolled her eyes in frustration. She didn't know what the FBI wanted with them, and usually she'd just surrender, but her friends were making more of a mess, and she couldn't let them face that alone. She grit her teeth as she slammed her palm on the horn of the truck. A deafening blast of sound emanated from the large vehicle. She knew that would at the very least grab their attention. She then teleported out of the seat and landed on her but behind the casino. She wasn't done yet. She focused hard and then teleported into Jess's car, since she had been there before. She crawled over to the driver's seat and hit the horn. She then teleported again, feeling very worn out around the other side of the Casino. She'd watch their reaction, and hope it was enough of a distraction to start getting people out of danger.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by JunkMail
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JunkMail Shitpost Supreme

Member Seen 1 yr ago


There were a lot of moving parts to Madison's gambit, the fact that someone had died. The fact that she was trying to trade her soul. The fact that she had already been dead herself... All wonderful topics to explore and question had she not lunged forward and attacked the shady hound head on. Kayla had seen the kind of damage that Madison could do- which was a good deal in controlled areas like this one, but she didn't think she'd ever see the day when she'd see someone take a hit from her and laugh.

"... You know you can't win yet you still fight. If you're so set on this path at least make it entertaining."

The Hound charged, and Kayla wanted to scream. Let in rage, and more in frustration at Madison's complete disregard for their lives. Like, fuck, if you're going to throw your life away, do it on your own bill rather than someone else's. She was going to have Madison's ass for this later, dead or alive, rain or shine. She was going to kill her.

But that would have to wait. Right now, she had a death hound on her ass that needed far more immediate attention, because this Hound was going to kill them. There was something so unsettling about it- making her pulse race and adrenaline flow. There was always something about the supernatural that did that. Forest. It could be pushed. a voice whispered in her head, and as she reacted her passenger seemed to act on its own accord in her body. That's right, this was a forest. The Hound, at that, had been shoved a great distance by Madison's attack even if it was mostly unharmed.

Kayla's arm acted on its own accord, her eyes flashing a brilliant white as an invisible, irresistible, unstoppable force rippled through the air from her hand. Everything in front of her not nailed into the ground was uprooted in a positively empyrean blast of telekinetic power moving so fast and with so much power that it, momentarily, rendered the laws of physics a child's plaything. The very air danced with energy like heat on a scorching hot road during the day. It was the sound of thunder, a lightning strike of the loudest sound one would ever hear in their lives. Like a freight train passing directly by, but it's coming from every direction at once, including above and below. The breath left Kayla's lungs momentarily as the force displaced the very atmosphere around them in a vacuum lasting for not even a moment.

And in that moment there was no sound, there couldn't be. There was no air. It felt like the pressure around her had returned, and she felt like she had fallen ten feet and not at all at the same time. She gasped, filling her lungs with the air they had been robbed of. The rocks had been thrown, or obliterated outright. The Sticks, leaves, any animals among them... every tree within sixty feet of her had been not only uprooted, but hurled dozens of yards away. It was like a hurricane, or a meteor had fallen directly on the area, but only in one direction. The Coven had never seen her really let loose. They hadn't even seen a tenth of what she could do until now... but this Hound? There was something wrong with it. Something told her that it would take everything she had if she wanted a chance to survive it, if it wanted to kill her.

The Hound was undoubtedly within the rubble, having been hurled like it was nothing along with that entire section of the forest. Her hearing began returning, a small amount, but enough so that she heard more than the incessant ringing that always came after an event like this. She tasted metal on her lips, and ran a hand across her nose to confirm how badly she was bleeding. It would heal- it always did, but it was heavy on the body.

Kayla wasn't sure how the other group was fairing- they undoubtedly had been shoved back by the sheer air pressure even if they had been behind the blast, but she doubted the thing was dead. If it had shrugged off Madison's punch so easily, this likely did little more than but them time.

And create kindling.

But Kayla needed a moment to right herself. "Keep it busy!" she just about hacked out between gasps, trying to catch her breath again. "Just- just buy me ten seconds and I'll get us out of here!" Her sense of balance having been thrown off by the scale of the blast she had created- that was one of her largest. That could have leveled a fucking multi-story building. a part of her surmised, somewhat proud of her work.

The other part?

That part wanted to hurl.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 2 days ago


"Maya!" Emily shouted, "How about you. Suck. My. Dick!"

However right after the last words left her lips there was the loud buzzing sound as Quinn, or whatever stupid-ass name she calls herself, fell to the ground. Special Agent Sonya was standing over here looking at nervous as she glanced around, "... What? She asked for it!" She tried to plead.

Trevor lifted Lyss to her feet by her cuffs and held onto her with both hands as he looked worried, "... Why do I feel like you're lying." However, the girls started arguing and the FBI was being pushed to their mental limits. Trevor shook his head as Maya asked why they're here.

"Well, ya'll better shut up and adopt capitalism real quick because the boss is outside and is not in the mood for your tomfoolery," Trevor started, "One of you better start being the leader because if she comes in here, shit's going to get ugly. Uglier than Maxi over here."

Maximilian facepalmed the second they started arguing and hadn't stopped since then. When Maya asked a question he sighed as he pointed a knife and at her, "Okay, we're here because you all started a god damn gang war in the middle of South Tampa- wait why am I even explaining this to you?"

Maximilian stuck his hand out and a mass of blue crystals came out of it. It was like a beam and it quickly grew and grew upwards explosively at Maya's feet. Probably enough to send her flying. "You are giving me anxiety." Maximilian said... probably as she was flying through the air.

Though, Emily had to get the fuck out of here. She realized that she was being stupid. Like really stupid. Because the Feds are going to throw them in the slammer at this rate and she's already terrified as is to bend over around these lesbians. She's not going ass to ass in a jail cell with some stud. "Babylon, do something," Emily said. "Fuck everyone else, make a distraction."

"Ask and you shall receive," Babylon appeared and she figured that, since the FBI didn't know about her curses, she could cast them at will! Though they'll wear off after a little bit, so she'd have to be quick. Babylon quickly fired her demonic sigils at each member of the FBI.

"... Why didn't you do that in the first place?" Emily asked and Babylon shrugged.

Maximilian saw the sigil coming... and merely stepped to the side as it went directly past him. It exploded in a cloud of pink energy behind him. Maria turned into a puddle of ink and the sigil went right over him. However, the sigils connected with Sonya and Trevor. Which caused them to compulsively do naughty stuff to the two. At the moment it started with groping.

"Have fun, sluts!" Emily shouted as she took off, "I'm out of here!"

"Oh my God," Maximilian said as he saw his two comrades being turned into sex fiends. He saw the floating sigils above their heads and aimed himself towards Trevor. Okay, this is either going to end up going well or horribly. Knowing these people, probably the opposite. He was sent flying through the air and came to a completely abrupt stop right at Trevor. He punched the sigil and a blast of energy came out of the other side that looked like a wave of blue energy and the thing shattered.

"... Oh," Trevor awkwardly said, "... Don't file a sexual charge either, alright?"

Maria had turned into ink and slithered along the ground and eventually launched herself at the sigil above Sonya's head and broke it.

"... You're not Maria," Sonya said as she came to her senses. "Oh, um, shit."

"Oh no, you don't!" Maximilian said as he saw Emily make her getaway. He was getting in control of this situation and not letting anyone get away... and instead of using his abstractions, he pointed his pistol at Emily and fired a taser dart. All she felt was the taser shock... not that it hit her directly in the ass. She screamed as she fell forward, unconscious.

"... How in the world did you hit such a small target? You must be an expert and a professional..." Babylon asked as she faded away... this usually happened when Emily was knocked out.

Meanwhile outside the casino...

"... What the hell is going on in there?" Meifeng asked as she had a finger to her ear. She stood outside of the back entrance of the casino with Cindy at her side. Fortunately, they had every inch of the place being watched by birds so none of the Coven could get away without being noticed. A blonde-haired girl came running out the back door and Meifeng smiled. "Finally, some action!" She excitedly said as she primed her pistol.

"Stop right there!" Meifeng said as she fired a barrage of taser darts at the blonde-haired girl... before she heard the command vehicle honk. Which was weird because nobody should be in it. Her eye twitched as she turned around. "... Stop touching my car!" She shouted.

"Meifeng," Cindy said as she aimed her pistol at the girl.

"Oh yeah," Meifeng said as she pressed her earpiece, "Helena, somebody's in the van-"

Then they heard a beeping from the car. "... and that car. Investigate!"

"On it, boss," Helena said from the other side of the casino as all Helena had to do was send a command through her flock and the mass of birds went over to the cars and vehicles but saw nobody there. Which was where.

"Lemme give you a hand," Leon said as massive glowing red eyes floated around him, surrounding him side by side. He put a hand on Helena's shoulder and he showed her the image of the teleporter on the other side of the casino. He released and Helena smiled.

"... Oh, you're mine," Helena deviously said as the swarm of birds closed in on Elise, hoping to catch her off guard while she was recovering.


"Hello, Hound. Anyway I could convince you this fight'd be boring?"

"Hehehehe..." The Hound chuckled as its body fixed itself. "... If you had no interest in this fight, then you shouldn't have come here. For now, let's battle."

The black fog appeared and wrapped itself around the spikes. They yanked them off the Hound's body as it got up to its feet. It grinned widely as it saw the four before him... they were insects in terms of power, but the Hound was at least going to entertain the idea that they could kill him. Maybe they'd surprise them and they'd finally kill him. For now, the Hound was just going to play the part.

The telekinetic had cut loose with an immense amount of force probably one of the strongest he'd seen and he was suddenly sent flying along with the rest of the forest around him. He was buried under a mass of trees, and other rubble as he laid there. They could hear a chuckling as a black fog came from underneath the rubble...

"... What?!" Madison said to Molly as the Hound called her Hraesvelgr. However, Hraesvelgr!Molly pinned the thing down but she wondered for how long. There was only one thing going through her mind: rage. She was going to kill the Hound for toying with her like this. If he was only going to say no; then why did he come? Tears welled down her face as she dropped her body weight as if she was squatting, putting her arms back as she screamed, "This is my fight!" She was dead set on that.

Madison was about to launch herself towards the Hound but Kayla cut loose with her abstraction and Madison was sent off herself. Fortunately, she had the Jaws to absorb the force, but she was still disoriented as she was spinning in mid-air. She felt extremely nauseous as she had to swallow her vomit but she managed to come to a stop. Madison managed to get control of herself and shook her head as the whole place was spinning. Once it stopped she realized that the whole forest was... well, gone. "... God damn." She muttered to herself.

The rage inside of her subsided... and she started to realize how stupid she was being.

Just- just buy me ten seconds and I'll get us out of here!"

"Oka-" Madison tried to shout as she eyed the black fog that was emanating from underneath the pile of trees and other rubble. Suddenly the Hound exploded from the pile and leap through the air at speeds it shouldn't be going as it left behind a fading afterimage. It lunged at her and bit down on her leg and she screamed as she was carried along with the Hound as it finally made contact with the ground and flicked her off at high speeds as she made contact with the ground. She came to a rolling stop as the shattering of the Jaw's barrier told her that it wasn't her bones that were being broken.

She got up onto her knee... only for the black fog to condense into a beam and fire itself at her like a railgun. It fucking hit like a railgun because it sent bones flying all over the place and kept her rolling around. Okay, the Jaws was being broken and she doubted that she even scratched this thing.

"How pathetic," The Hound said, "I've barely tapped into an ounce of my power... try harder."

"I'll try harder, alright!" Madison shouted as the Hound raised a paw into the air and just gently brought it down. However, what came afterward was a shockwave of force that went out in all directions that sent Madison rolling again. Her glasses came off and she internally hissed.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by RogueFox
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RogueFox Runner-up Hero

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Jess was completely taken aback by Molly's show of power. She knew Madison was strong so she wasn't surprised when she launched the hound, but Molly went mental! Then Kayla did too, much to Jessica's dismay as she was tossed backwards, standing behind Kayla. She noticed Molly try to trap the beast but it didn't work, and Madison started going toe to toe with it. Jess had to help. Her cut leg was aching, and she wondered if the searing pain in her chest was a broken rib. She couldn't let it hold her back. She grit her teeth and ran as best as she could, her energy flying twenty feet off her blade. "You three are amazing, but don't count me out!"

Jess waited for the beast to be still after sending a shockwave with a simple step. Her opening. Jess got into range, so the orange energy would effectively cut through the Hound if only she could manage it. She swung her blade down in an over-head strike, then followed with a horizontal slash. The energy cut deep into the hound like a hot knife through butter. She breathed heavily hoping this damage would be enough to take him down. She wasn't hopeful since she just witnessed the previous attempts be shaken off, but she had to try. No one was killing her pals, even if she was suspecting Molly wasn't all there at the moment.

Elise was breathing heavily, her back leaning against the abandoned casino's wall. She was watching the group remotely, but figured out a little late that they had spotted her. She was attacked by the birds, and fell to her knees. In desperation she teleported again, this time inside the casino. So many girls were unconscious and there wasn't much she could do. She bit her bottom lip, tears forming in her eyes. She had one job, act as the getaway, and she couldn't even do that right. She knew she'd hear it from the others. She curled up on the ground in fetal position, anxiety and depression getting the best of her. She tried her best, but it was far from enough.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Maya laughed at Emily's shout, unable to help it at the sheer annoyance in the other girl's words. Ah, winding her up never got old. One of the FBI agents, the one holding Lyss, started rambling about them adopting Capitalism or some shit that she completely ignored. She nodded, on the other hand, when the lead agent started to actually explain (only to abruptly cut off mid sentence).

She was half distracted as the crystals began to grow at her feet, letting out a yelp as she haphazardly shot a blast at sound at them to cause them to shatter. She still got launched back slightly, from her own abstraction and the crystals she had just destroyed herself, but it was nowhere near as bad as it would've been if the crystals had properly exploded. It still hurt like a bitch with a bunch of crystal shards hitting her, some embedding themselves in her bare legs, and she lay on her back winded. Her ears ringed as she momentarily ignored what was going on around her as she caught her breath. Phew, that could've been a lot worse if she hadn't been able to shatter those crystals.

Her hearing was just returning as she pushed herself back up in time to see Emily hit right in the ass with a taser. She couldn't help but whistle.

"Wow, that's a nice aim you've got," she commented as she sat up and put her arms up in the air in the classic surrender position. Not that she needed her hands to use her abstraction. "Alright, I surrender. I can't beat that." With a slight smirk she added, "Be gentle, I'm quite fragile."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Skai
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Skai Bean Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lyss was 100% ready to take one for the team. To tell the feds that she was the leader and talk the group's way out of this. She had the big guy's attention for a split second before she heard Emily's shrewd voice pipe up from across the room. Lyss rolled her eyes when Emily began to point her way. She watched the girl from her spot on the floor. What Emily said was, to be honest, completely true. Lyss hadn't exactly done much in the coven so far, but Emily? Hadn't she just seen Emily heading for the door instead of standing up for her sisters?

Lyss turned her head towards Trevor and raised her head towards him as if she was about to tell him a secret. "She's just mad they voted her out of the position." Which was entirely true, as well. For being in a situation that requires lying, I'm telling a lot of truths. She rest her head back on the ground and sighed as she heard Maya shouting back at Emily.

"I don't think she meant to say communists." She murmured through Emily's retaliation, to anyone that might be listening.

The agent she'd humiliated moved towards her, and she instinctively flinched as his hands reached for her. She was grateful for the help, but she wasn't fond of being manhandled like this. The way his hands grasped her arms brought forth memories. Situations she wasn't happy to recall. His comment about the big guy brought her back to the moment and she chuckled. "Can't get any uglier than that."

She jerked forward when she saw the big guy point his knife at Maya, but felt herself held back by the agent behind her. She was about to make a comment. To defend her Coven for their actions that caught the FBI's eyes, but then the big guy sent Maya flying. Lyss jerked again, her expression changing to anger. "Why don't you pick on someone your own size, asshat!" She seethed. "Ugh, get your man hands off of me," she hissed back at Trevor. Just as she began to struggle again, she felt his hands pull back. She stumbled forwards a step, but caught herself. "Thank you," she muttered, but as she turned to look at him she saw him groping the female agent.

"Really, Emily??"

She turned to see Emily walking away and scoffed. "What a fucking leader you are."

The big guy headed their way, and Lyss stepped backwards so that his elbow wouldn't nick her in the face. The display of power was impressive. Especially because he was able to break Babylon's sigil with a single hit. We're fucked. She took a deep breath, her lungs still sore from the gas. Her left eye finally felt better, and she could open it to get a full view of the rest of the feds break the sigil above the female agent's head. Then she turned her head in time to see Emily get a dart to the ass. She had it coming, honestly.

Maya surrendered, and Lyss was just grateful that she hadn't been hurt by the big guy's attack. Lyss turned back and walked right up to him, her puffy eyes narrowed. His height was unexpected as she neared him, and she found herself tilting her head back to look up at him. As intimidated as she was by his size, she didn't show it. Her anger was fueling this courage. "Hey, big guy. Let's all just calm down, okay? Whatever your leader wants, we don't have it. That little tussle you somehow managed to pin on us was a huge misunderstanding."

She gestured with her head towards all of the fallen Coven members in the room. Even Elise had found her way back inside and was curled up in a fetal position. "Let these girl's patch themselves up, and take me to whoever the fuck ordered this."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by SassySalamander
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Molly groaned audibly at the Hounds response; though she'd be lying if she said it wasn't entirely expected. But her annoyance was cut short as an alarming pressure began to form around the entire area. Molly's eyes quickly shot back to Kayla before quickly enacting countermeasures to not get thrown around like a paper bag on a windy day.

Suddenly from the Earth beneath Molly's feet twisted flesh like vines and rapidly wrapped and secured a hold up Molly's legs; anchoring her to the ground. Molly needing to fully brace herself against the sheer force being pushed through the area, glad she decided to start her anchor point with her abstraction as deep into the Earth as she did given how the first few feet of ground began to crack in areas. As the shattered Earth began to fall back and reality seemingly returning to this area Molly shock Kayla a curious glance; apparently surprised by her sheer power output, even though it seemed to take a toll on her body.

As expected then the Hound began to return to its form. Molly let the binding around her legs deteriorate into ash as she listened to Kayla request a bit more time for... who knows what. But she seemed confident so might as well try any attempt to get out of this shit show. Even though the Hound could follow them wherever they went if he truly wished it. She watched as Madison and the Hound clashed; or rather, Madison get tossed around like a ball of yarn in a cat sanctuary.

As the Hound began it casual, yet powerful, step Molly suddenly appeared in front of Kayla and instantly summoned a large wall that came to a point in the center, diverting the shockwave to either side of the two and leaving them untouched. As the shockwave dissipated Molly dropped the wall as it crumbled to ash.

"Whatever you have planned, I would hurry." Molly stated casually to Kayla as she saw the large blade of light strike against the Hound and split him into pieces.

Using this time Jess afforded Molly as the Hound was reforming itself she went into action to stalled his reforming as long as she could. Molly suddenly dashed forward towards the reforming Hound and instantly from the Earth a large spike jutted out and punctured into the beasts chest. Without missing a beat a large vise appeared around the hounds head and instantly enveloped its entire head and clamped down, destroying the head and turning the physical form into a black smoke. Ultimately, inconsequential but an attempt to slow the Hounds return to its full strength.
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