C a n y o n
E v e n i n g
E v e n i n g
Hawke spoke with some of the newer Runners concerning certain items that would help them survive in the desert on assignment. Obviously, a sword or bow was very important to combat living threats but the real threats were the environment. Water was the biggest one. Without it, a Runner was doomed a very short life. That was why many Runners were given a supply of Aquamarine Tears, mysterious gems that when sucked on produced a fair amount of water. Not much mind you but enough to ensure you wouldn't die. They were a must for Runners but proper water was also welcome as well.
Hawke sighed as he tended to his boga and inspected the cargo as it was loaded aboard the schooner. Black Powder, Dried Food, Aquamarine Tears, men and women to aid the dig as well as man the schooner. It was quite a bit. It was a prize for any bandit or raider who spotted it. No wonder they had such a detail. Thankfully though, the schooner was armed. Torvin was making sure of that as the half-fae inspected the merchandise.
Torvin made his way aboard the schooner and inspected the defenses. Black Powder Grenades, Repeating Ballista, Dragon's Breath for spewing fire on those who came to close. Not bad at all. Torvin especially smiled when he examined the grenades. His weapon of choice every time. Blades and bow were good, sure but why not send your enemy off with a nice loud BANG! The dwarf glanced back to the Zitan as it signed to him. Torvin frowned a bit as he took a moment to decipher what was being said. He noticed the pointing and looked to see the tattoo. Torvin grunted. He understood.
"It's the mark of a member of the Iron Army. I was a member of the Iron Army's engineer corp but I decided to go off and see the world. I wasn't born to live a small life. It's much better to die a large death if you ask me..." he grunted as he took a swig of his flask. Some would probably criticize Torvin for drinking while working but Torvin wasn't drinking alcohol, rather he was drinking water. True he enjoyed a good brew but he wasn't going to dull his senses when he needed to be sharp like a knife.
Torvin was barking orders to the crew of the schooner, moving men to positions and assigning them jobs much to the captain's dismay. Torvin however had told the balding human that if he wanted to live to see Ruk, he'd listen to the dwarf or be put under with a good knock on the head. The dwarf got things done, one couldn't fault him for that.
Hawke mounted his boga and did a final run down of his gear. He was fully equipped and prepared to fight. Prepared to survive as well. Hawke looked around him at the others. They seemed ready and raring to go.
"Alright, everyone ready?" he asked. With the confirmation of others, Hawke put a whistle to his lips and blew loudly. The gates began to creak open to reveal the canyon path that lead down to the bottom of the canyon. Hawke pulled up his shemagh and snapped the reins as his boga took off through the gates and down the sandy path towards the ground below. The schooner followed behind as a mage aboard summoned a gust of wind to get the sail moving as they followed in kind. The night was cool, bright thanks to the presence of the Twins above them. The sky shades of deep blues and purples. It was always a beautiful sight for Hawke. One he'd never tire of so long as he lived.
The city of Ruk laid directly ahead of them, the city of Nekar and Sando behind them. On either side, the canyon walls stretched at least a quarter mile up. The air blasted through the canyon and kept things cool but sand shifted constantly and created dust storms. Hawke rode hard and kept his eyes out, eyeing above them as they rode. The first night was rather uneventful to say the least. Or it would have been had the wind not begun to pick up as the sun was starting to rise, casting crimson light over everything.
"Shit. Sandstorm! We need to find shelter for us and the schooner or we're gonna be shredded apart!" the veteran called over the winds. Hawke began looking around. There was a cave they could hunker down in not far from her that could shelter them and most of the schooner. So long as the sails were kept down and everyone pulled, they could position the schooner perfectly. Hawke jumped off his mount and motioned to the group. "Everyone! Grab a rope and start pulling the schooner towards the mouth of the cave! Use the boga if you have to" he yelled. Hawke looked to Torvin. "How long we got?"
The dwarf eyed the sky and judged the wind as his dwarven mind processed the information.
"1 hour at best!" he yelled. Hawke cursed as did most of the crew as they began to scramble. Torvin gave the Zitan a pat. "Time to prove yourself. Make sure everything loose is strapped down and once that is done, grab a rope and start tugging. Our lives depend on it" he told the insectoid.
Hawke looked to Karissa and called out over the wind.
"Karissa, do you think you can buy us time?" he called out.
H e a l t h :
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E f f e c t s :
Panicked & Determined
W i t h :
Karissa, Asante, Iyana, Skahn, Torvin, August
N o t e s :
M e n t i o n s :