Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial Gowi Reinkarnated

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Ishin Academy, Sapporo, Japan -- April 7th
Interacting With: Asuka @Hero

“Mhm.” Yoshiba commented, acknowledging Asuka’s response.

By this point the two had reached the doors of the dormitory building and finally were out of the cold and snow. The blue-haired girl from Kagoshima couldn’t have been happier. Despite her demeanor, the harsh cold of Hokkaido was something she hadn’t gotten used to. Winters in Kagoshima were brisk at worst, so the twenty-plus degrees less wasn’t something she could entirely shake. She needed to condition her body. That much was clear, at least. She wondered how much her roommate felt about it and nearly contemplated the subject for small-talk before deciding not to mostly due to her habit of refusing to show weakness, even a weakness that seemed arbitrary to most everyone else.

There didn’t seem to be much idle conversation as the two were greeted at the door by the attendant of the dormitory before finding their way up to the second floor and to their rooms. It didn’t surprise her that they were the first two students to make it up the stairs given that by Yoshiba’s perspective most everyone else had been too busy gawking and listening to their upperclassmen when nothing they had to say really mattered.

Yoshiba slid open the door in front of her, taking the initiative to do so.

Two beds adjacent to each other at the end of the room. Generic furniture, cabinets. Distinctly Japanese dĂ©cor despite more western-dictated spacing. Enough room to do some stretches and study, but not much else. Doesn’t look like it supported qurik usage.

She wasn’t surprised. Ishin liked the image of being Japanese despite clear western influences. But Yoshiba didn’t really care all too much. It was about par the course. She took a light breath as she tossed her suitcase aside, before crossing her arms and looking over the room. It wasn’t ideal for training, but it was better than the cramped compartmentalized dorm room she had expected. At least every student at Ishin could put plenty of space between them and their assigned roommate if they so desired.

“This is it, huh. Bigger than I imagined.” She commented as she began to look around. “Glad to be out of the snow.”

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by CaliforniaState
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CaliforniaState Biologist

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Ishin Academy | Sapporo

Interacting with:@OwO

For all her quirks and aloofness there was still redeemable traits she had developed enough to land her in the throws of Isshin Academy. One of these traits was being able to read peoples expressions and emotions, albeit not perfect at it she was still able to detect when something didn’t feel right. Call it empathetic mimicry or just a sixth sense, either way when she saw her roommate part through the crowd like Moses and the red sea, she was initially quite elated. For one she had never roomed with anyone that wasn’t her stuffed animals and two she had never really had girlfriends or really any friends for that matter besides the younger kids that looked up to her more than anything. The thought of it gave her goosebumps that varnished her skin. Or maybe it wasn’t the thought of rooming together that gave her chicken skin so much as her response to the upperclassmen.

She was probably looking too deep into it, but it did come off as a little too nice and not in the same vein as Haruhi’s overwhelming boisterous attitude. The girl was pretty with her short hair cut and her unique skin, she’d be perfect for an idol group if she wasn’t a hero. Haruhi would just need to find out more about Yoru on their own time, but for now the upperclassmen cat girl was moving them along to the dorms. Separating from the crowd she stopped at the girl’s section while the rest of the crowd moved on to the men’s portion and were all continuing their conversations from last. A strand of hair shot into the sky when she heard Yoru call her name. “Hm!?” was all she could muffle from the surprise invitation, “Oh! Well I think we should settle in now since the others will probably start splitting off too.”

Her eyes shot up to the tops of her eyelids and her lips formed a slight pout as she began to ponder, “I know!” snapping her fingers “Why don’t we have a girl’s night tonight. You know like one of those sleepovers! To tell you the truth I’ve never had one of those. Come on I’ll help you get your bags inside.” Haruhi didn’t have much in the way of luggage whatsoever, just a few articles of clothes and bags of nuts and screws she had stashed away in seemingly impossible areas.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Naw
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Member Seen 8 days ago

Tanegashima Wakako

Sapporo, Japan
Ishin Academy. April 7th

"No worries!" Wakako said as she reached down, took Kana's bag and hefted it over her shoulder. Like she said, it wasn't very heavy, so it was little burden on her. More noteworthy was the fact that Kana seemed to take a while to answer. Seemed like she was lost in her own head for a moment or something. Maybe she was just thinking things over.

As they continued on their way towards the dormitories, Wakako figured she would need to keep up conversation. "Alright, so, uh....let's break the ice. The metaphorical ice that is, haha..." Just a little joke. She doubted Kana would actually think she was suggesting they go to town on all this snow and ice around them.

"So, uh...I was born in Tomakomai. It's a major port city in Iburi prefecture, it's to the south of Sapporo. But I had been living on my mother's boat for the last five years. That's Tanegashima Sanae, as you might have guessed. The one, the only, the Warship hero, mistress of the waves, all that." She had a lot of different colorful monikers, not that she cared for most of them. Wakako always thought "The Smug Sailor" fit her best. She could never forget that blasted smug smile. She would have been more hesitant to up and admit to her parentage, but there was little point dancing around the issue with someone she was going be spending a lot of time with, both today and over the course of the whole year.

"Got her quirk too. Guess I should show you..." Wakako stopped for a moment and exposed her midriff. From within the center of it, the cannon barrel suddenly shot forth, making a sharp metal sound. Fortunately she wasn't pointing it at Kana, because it could definitely smack her rather hard if she standing there when it extended. "I'd show you how it fires, but that would be a really bad idea, as you probably know..." Not only was there the possibility for damage to the school, but there were all those rules about using your quirk in public. She wasn't so sure how much freedom they got a hero school. Regardless, the barrel would disappear back inside its recess, and Wakako would cover her midriff again.

"So yeah, uh...how about you?" She wanted to give Kana the chance to talk about herself, although she didn't want to pressure her either. On one hand, she'd think it rude to just talk about herself the whole time, but on the other, Kana didn't seem terribly keen to talk. Wakako didn't blame her either. If she wasn't forcing herself to engage, she might have taken a backseat herself. Although that would probably result in an awkward silence between the two of them, all things considered.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Mcmolly
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Mcmolly D-List Cryptid

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Kana had figured she’d recognize Wakako’s mother when it finally came up, and she was right. Tanegashima Sanae was indeed who she’d been thinking of, and though she’d never seen the Warship Hero personally, the stories were plenty. She wasn’t just some local talent, she was the real deal, someone people admired from Tomakomai all the way down to Kagoshima.

Suddenly the resemblances were uncanny, albeit Kana didn’t have much to go on but a few pictures she’d only seen years ago. Still, now when she thought about the child of the famous Tanegashima, it seemed so obvious. Then, to snuff out even the finest traces of doubt, Wakako presented irrefutable proof: the cannon. Kana had seen plenty of quirks before, and it was hard to define, or at least adhere, to any idea of what a “normal” body was in a world where so many people—revered people—were decidedly abnormal. She wondered then whether it was rude of her to stare at the giant, metal artillery cannon extended out of her roommate’s stomach, but she was excited by the idea of getting to see it in action. Not now of course. Wakako was right, a demonstration here would have been
problematic, in the kindest word.

Still, she had questions. Did it hurt? Was it heavy? Did she just
carry cannonballs around with her? It would have made sense, given all the muscle. She tried to think to what she knew about Sanae, but the details were fuzzy, and perhaps Wakako had her own methods anyway. Just because she was Sanae’s daughter didn’t mean she had to do everything the same way.

Or maybe you just can’t understand why someone would want to be like their mom.

"So yeah, uh...how about you?"

” Kana could feel the blood in her cheeks. She’d been paying perfect attention that time, she was just
slow. “I’m from G-goshogawara, in Aomori. It's not...super far from here. I mean, I was born there, but I lived i-in Kagoshima. That's farther, and there's lots of
boats. My, uh

Kana’s jaw twitched, she bit her lip to keep it shut. Her tongue didn’t seem to know how to make the right words, and her throat was being stingy with the air. It was like her body was protesting the idea that she might
what, be honest with someone? No. She was right to be careful.

You’re not being careful, you’re being a coward. And worse, you’re being very, very rude to Wakako.

“I’m sorry
” she said, finally managing to force her mouth open. “Could w-we go inside first? It’s very
people-y, out here.”

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 3 days ago

Akizawa Nadeshiko

Ishin Academy | Sapporo

Interacting with:

Nadeshiko had, for her part, remained passive as the cacophony of her classmates raged on around her. Two by two her fellow were paired off, some eliciting more excitement than others, until the majority had been assigned to their dorm mate. She did not take much of the time spent idly to look over her own; it seemed Adrianne was more interested in the goings on of the others than she was in speaking anyway. Perhaps that was for the better. While she had done reasonably well with introducing herself to Shun and Kana, she was unsure of how good of an impression she would be able to make on the eternally-displeased looking German with whom she would be sharing her living space with for the next year. Better to keep your mouth shut and appear inept than open it and remove all doubt.

Of course, her time in blissful silence could not last forever. While she idly thumbed the handle to her suitcase, the timid catgirl in charge of their section set off towards the dormitories with the nascent heroes at her back. Nadeshiko contented herself to follow along towards the back of the group, watching the more lively members from afar while she dutifully listened to their guide. Standing beneath the shadow of the Shinonome building, Nadeshiko found the tour ending far more prematurely than she had expected. Aside from a rather unexpected display of dexterity from the class's most rotund member, there was little left to observe but the group slowly breaking away to individuals until finally someone spoke directly to the pink goo-girl.

"Now that's over with, shall we get settled in, Akizawa-san?" Nadeshiko peered up from her daze, catching sight of the foreign freshman gesturing for her to follow along. "Just t'let you know, I'm not much for talking, but I don't mind a little chit-chat."

"That is fine." She answered softly. It seemed that she was correct in her earlier assessment of Adrianne. It did not make much of a difference to her⁠—she was also not one to make conversation.

"Also, if you don't mind, I can help carry some of your luggage to our dorms."

At that, she was unsure of how to answer. It would be impolite to refuse, but at the same time, she did not wish to inconvenience someone who already looked so displeased by the circumstances they were in. Beyond that, she only had the one suitcase, set up on wheels as to not be a burden. A moment of brief rumination followed before Nadeshiko steeled her resolve and answered with a simple shake of her head, ropey strands of slime-like hair shifting to-and-fro as she did.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Once again, Mizuhana didn't seem very interested. Asuka held in her sigh, feeling like she was pulling teeth at this point. It was barely an acknowledgement! Perhaps she simply wasn't talkative. Oh well, so long as Mizuhana at least stayed cordial Asuka could get away with the bare minimum. No need to exert so much when the receiving end hardly cared, especially when it seemed like she wasn't getting anywhere. Aggravating her dorm mate could end badly, too, so she had that to consider.

At least the dorm room itself was nice, if a little simple for her taste. Hopefully they could decorate just a touch, although since it was a shared space she would have to be careful leaving anything undesirable out. There had been the brief but amusing idea of bunk beds at some point, but now that she was here, she thought it was probably for best.

"It's nice," Asuka agreed, placing her luggage down as she looked to the beds. After a few seconds, she tucked a hair behind her ear as she turned to Mizuhana. She felt like she should try again at a conversation, but at the same time, she didn't want to make things awkward. "...which bed do you want?" She decided to ask, even if she felt she would get some kind of response along the lines of 'it doesn't matter'.

Conversing with @Inkarnate

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Naw
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Member Seen 8 days ago

Tanegashima Wakako

Sapporo, Japan
Ishin Academy. April 7th

Wakako listened patiently as Kana spoke. As expected, she seemed reluctant to speak plainly. She had already heard about how she was from Aomori, but there was something about Goshogawara that made it sound all the more familiar. She could have sworn her mother mentioned something about that place once. Goshogawara wasn't exactly a large and important city, so the only reason she would expect to hear about it was in relation to something else. Knowing her mother, it had to be something work related, so it was probably something about a colleague, or an intern, or maybe even a villain. She just couldn't place it yet, however.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, crowded. Sure, let's head on in..." Wakako could fully understand the desire not to stand around in the judgmental gazes of others. Or stand around in judgmental earshot of them. Even as he sat there, doing nothing much at all, poor Osamu had something thrown at the back of his neck. Then there was that German girl that kept staring at her. It was so awkward, and she still wasn't entirely sure why.

Given Kana didn't wish to speak until they were inside, Wakako simply trudged on into the building, and headed up to the second floor, and scouted out the room that was to belong to her and Kana. She opened the door and took in the sight. While it may have been nothing much to anyone else, this was almost nostalgic for Wakako. The five years she had spent on her mother's boat had been in exceedingly spartan conditions. Sanae Tanegashima was a big believer in minimalism. Even though it really looked nothing like it, the mere fact that this was a room with decent decor was enough to remind her of home.

"Nice and cozy, huh?" Wakako said to Kana, stepping inside properly and setting down Kana's bag. "This good enough for you? Or are you used to better?" It was more than enough for Wakako, but she had no idea what Kana was used to. For all she knew, she was used to living on a cloud of luxury, or maybe she lived in a tent. Given her meager build, she couldn't say for sure she wasn't actually quite poor.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial Gowi Reinkarnated

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Ishin Academy, Sapporo, Japan -- April 7th
Interacting With: Asuka @Hero

Yoshiba looked from bed-to-bed, mulling over the two options. They both looked about the same to her. It was a weird question, but her dormmate was obviously trying to continue having small talk. The two would be rooming together for the entire year, so ignoring her wasn’t going to get her anywhere.

Yoshiba’s thought continued to circle on the “one free day of acclimation” that the headmaster had promised. She had thought about training, but really how willing was she to make a fool of herself out in the snow and ice? She supposed she could sit outside up to lunch, but she was hesitant and still confused. Ishin was considered a tough school. Were they playing head-games with their students? Was it a trick? or was she just thinking too much about the prospect? She knew she should have been more concerned about her first day of class in the morning, but part of her kept going back to the speech. She couldn't help it. She had been repeating the speech in her head since it finished, after all. Being scared of forgetting or missing something about something a instructor said mattered a lot to her. How many times had other kids at the orphanage made fun of her “brain problems”?

She looked back to Asuka, hiding her anxieties with a look of cool-headed indifference.

“This one’s fine, I guess.” She commented, motioning to the rightmost bed on instinct. “Sorry. Just thinking about what I’m going to do all day. Guess you've already got ideas for that, or you're just excited to get started.”

“Good Save.” Her brain uttered, as she leaned against the bed.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Left side it was. Asuka placed her luggage by her bed as Mizuhana spoke, taking a small pause. She did genuinely consider socializing with the free time they had, but it was hard to tell who she should spend time with. The curiosity about the girl that had approached Seo did pique her interest, but she was also wondering if the poor boy that had gotten made fun of was doing alright. There were definitely a few she would much rather avoid, but getting extra information on them wasn't a complete waste of time.

Or, considering they would be in the same class, she could go definitely forgo that option entirely.

Smoothing out her uniform, Asuka gave Mizuhana a casual shrug. "I'm still a little iffy from being in a car for so long, I thought I'd take it easy," She replied in earnest. "I planned on exploring the dorm a little bit, maybe see where everyone is--" And know what dorms to avoid. "--and settle in. I don't really like getting lost, so getting to know where I'm going to be living for the next few years is definitely a priority."

After brushing her hair off her shoulder, she looked at the blue haired girl curiously. "How about you?"

Conversing with @Inkarnate

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 4 days ago

Sapporo, Japan
Ishin Academy, April 7th
Interacting With::

The moment the goo girl shook her head caused Adrianne to tilt her head and raise and eyebrow before lightly shrugging and gesturing for Akizawa-san follow after her. The chill of the school didn't bother her too much, though she was itching to get started with classes as she slowly walked towards the building with a couple of the other girls forming their own groups and such to chat with their roommates.

Adrianne sighed, not really paying any mind to her own roommate as she went about analyzing other students on the campus who were either being led on by another older classmate, or were on their own in pairs either heading to the dorms or frittering their time away by chattering like a bunch of numbskulls. It sickened her to her stomach as she walked through the courtyard before biting her lip and glancing over at the silent slime girl.

As much as she appreciated the silence, it didn't help that the only thing she could pick up off of this girl was that she seemed introverted and kept to herself. Adrianne's sigh broke the lull of their walk as they continued to the dorms as she glanced over at Akizawa-san with a somber look on her face.

"So, uh... well..." Great start Adrianne, stuttering; you might not know what to talk about, but don't mumble like some friggin' pushover! "Akizawa-san, I'm curious about your thoughts about getting a day to adjust to this new setting," Adrianne lacked any sort of harshness in her voice, though she was candid and rigid in her speaking patterns.

"I'm not too much of a fan starting out like this as I expected us to get begin immediately," she huffed, brushing some of her hair away from her face as she glanced curiously at the gooey gals jiggling hair.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sunbather
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Sunbather ŚȘŚŸ ŚœŚ™ Ś™Ś“

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sapporo, Japan
Ishin Academy, April 7th

With a finger squished into her cheek, Hajo ruminated over Shun's words, her eyes flickering back and forth between him and their neko-senpai. “Ehhhh?!! But of course! A hero saves everyone, and gets along with everyone!” Showing off her pearly-whites, Hajo throws the pineapple-carrying boy an animated thumbs-up, almost dropping her duffle bag, only to hastily catch it as it slipped off her shoulder halfway through. “I just meant, uhm, I expected a lot of boring meanies.” Her brimming, expectant gaze glued towards Nekohara did not match the crushing judgement of her impression on Ishin.

Giving her senpai a happy little wave as the catgirl excused herself, Hajo thrusted her bag upwards, steadying it tighter, before letting her eyes wander over the assembled students once more. “So she's none of them, but hmmm...” Her mouth shrunk into a tight-lipped dot, head tilted in thought. “Roomie must be one of them. Guess we'll talk later!” With a quick little shrug she gave Shun a quick bow. “Sorry that you're stowed away all alone! But at least you don't have to worry about a snoring roommate, heh. I think I wanna snoop around a bit and see where everything is. I guess you have to, uhm... get your pineapple stored away, too? See you around, Shuun-san!”
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Mcmolly
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Mcmolly D-List Cryptid

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Kana found the dormitories pleasant, certainly more than she thought they would be. There wasn’t anything particularly extravagant about them, but beds and desks and closets, and above all, space and fresh air, were things she’d taken for granted before leaving Goshogawara. In Kagoshima, at least where she’d lived, everything was salt and brine, and the humidity that clung to the air carried the scent of the docks with it, which was something she’d never quite grown accustomed to.

Once they were inside, Kana was quick to close the door behind them out of habit. Reflex wanted her to lock it as well, but she figured that might have seemed strange.

Now you’re worried about being weird?

She silently thanked Wakako for carrying her bag, and shuffled it out of the way while her roommate surveyed the room for herself. Cozy, that was apt. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d thought of a place as cozy.

“Oh, no, this is wonderful.” Kana answered, pleased to hear the evenness in her own voice. Their departure from the public had done more for her nerves than she’d thought. Without the eyes and ears surrounding them, with the excess anxieties sheered away, she was quite surprised with how comfortable she felt. It wasn’t perfect, the jitter was still in her bones, and her heart was still just a bit too lively, but compared to earlier, she was practically calm.

Time to absolutely ruin it, then, while she still had the confidence.

“Thank you for
ah, humoring me. I’m sure there’s still plenty you want to go out and do, or see. I just wanted to get, uhm, grounded first, I guess. So, thanks—no, I already said that.”

She’d meandered to the window without realizing it, and nearly lost her train of thought, again, looking outside at the academy. It was still jarringly unfamiliar to her, and she worried that, just like the smell of Kagoshima’s harbor, the sight of Ishin would never quite settle with her.

“Anyway,” she said, pulling herself back. “My quirk isn’t
it makes me stronger, and
uhm, well, it sort of hurts when I use it. But I guess that’s the
point. I’m sorry, I’m explaining this really badly. I should just—”

Kana knelt down by one of the beds and got her hands underneath it. The mattresses were thin, the frames thick but manageably light. Altogether it was still too heavy for her on her own. She considered activating her quirk, but letting it build up on its own could take a minute or two, and while Wakako had proven to be an accommodating sort, Kana didn’t want to push her luck. So, instead, she braced herself, and then banged her elbow deliberately against the bedframe.

” she muttered, but it wasn’t so bad, really. More pins than needles. Still, it was enough; she could feel it in her veins, or her muscles, or wherever the quirk made its nest within her, and for a few moments she felt decidedly bigger than her own skin. She managed to get the bed up, not very high, and more tilted against the wall than straight, but it was a good enough display, she hoped. The effects wore off quickly, and she lowered it back to a proper rest while she still had the means to do so gently, then got back to her feet.

“And that’s it, really. The more pain the more
that. I haven’t really done a lot of, uhm, conditioning. I’m not very good with pain. I guess that’s something I need to work on. But, sorry, I’m talking a lot. I do want to know more about you—your quirk, I mean. N-not that I don’t want to know more about you, too, of course.” She bowed her head. That too had become a fierce habit. “Sorry if that was rude. I didn’t talk to many people in Kagoshima, and I guess I’m a bit nervous, and I’m
still talking a lot. I’m sorry.”

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Eurgh. Yoru's face didn't change in the slightest, but she internally cringed. A slumber party felt a bit redundant. Considering how they would sleep within four tatami mats for the rest of the school year. Well, it wasn't like Yoru was involved in any of those either. Not that she wanted to, of course. If she was able to have a slumber party in the first place, of course she'd refuse it.

But again, social standing. This was someone Yoru would be spending time with until late March, whether she liked it or not. She had to, at the very least, humor her roommates whims. There was no other reason why she'd accept a sleepover, none whatsoever.

"Sure~!" That sweet tone of hers came out again. She didn't refuse Haruhi's help in carrying her sole bag. There was no verbal jousting of 'oh no it's heavy, I can carry it myself' and other similar things, nor was there any offer of repaying her in some way. Just a simple thank you the moment she offered. With that, the two of them left the group of students to go see their own room.

It certainly was a room. That's pretty much all they were. The accommodations were nothing special. Room to study and sleep, but that was about it. The adjacent beds weren't something that Yoru particularly liked, but it was fine. Beds were for sleeping on and nothing else. The furniture was serviceable. Nothing special or lush, but that was also fine. It wasn't in disrepair, though that was expected. Horrible student accommodations were more of a non-hero university type thing. At least, that's what she read on the internet.

So she placed all of her things in the right spot. Uniforms in the drawers, as she planned to buy actual clothes at a later date. Make up and self-care products all over her desk alongside a hand mirror. Really, it was astounding how many care products she brought along. They took up the entirety of her bag, minus the uniforms. She settled in well enough.

"So Yano, what's the first thing you want to do for this girl's night~?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Naw
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Member Seen 8 days ago

Tanegashima Wakako

Sapporo, Japan
Ishin Academy. April 7th

"Nah, don't worry about it." She replied when Kana spoke of there being things to go out and do. Truth be told, Wakako wasn't sure what she would do if she chose for herself. They had been given a free day, but she didn't know if they were entitled to go somewhere and get started on training or whether they could just poke around at the different sights. Aia had already given them a brief tour, so she wasn't sure what there was left to see, beyond perhaps confirming the quality of their gym equipment. Chilling out in their room was good enough for her in lieu of anything meaningful to do.

When Kana first started explaining her quirk, Wakako was first expecting something that made her bulk up or something. Her eyes widened when she saw Kana bang herself on the bed, but she realised what was going on soon after. It wasn't that it hurt to make herself stronger, but that she had to hurt herself to make herself stronger. She gave a round of applause as Kana lifted the bed and put it back down. It might not have been the most impressive feat, but Wakako didn't want to be rude.

Although Kana's demeanor had improved since going inside, she was still a nervous nelly. "Don't worry about it, don't worry about it..." Wakako waved her concerns off jovially. "Alright, me and my quirk, let's see...." All the obvious functions she had already explained and she couldn't rightly give a practical demonstration any more than she could have outside. Worse even since firing it in here would be plain dangerous.

"....oh yeah, something that's not apparent is the ammo. To be honest, I'm not much for quirk science and all that, but as far as I understand, the ammo is made in my stomach on demand. It's like a little factory in there. I just kind of screw up my muscles and force out a shell, then fire it." She never really understood how or why it happened, but in this day and age, sometimes people could just make stuff in their bodies and shoot it out.

"I actually have to eat and drink some weird stuff to keep it going. Explosive chemicals, for one. They've confirmed it doesn't have an effect on my body, but it still tastes nasty to down a bottle of that stuff, you know? But I gotta do it if I want to keep firing. Guess you know the feeling in a way, huh?" Kana's quirk involved hurting herself to get stronger, and Wakako's quirk involved eating and drinking nauseating stuff to remain viable.

"Apparently it'll eventually be possible for me to shoot all kinds of things out of this barrel. Mother's already proven it possible. She uses some kind of knockout gas shells on the regular." Naturally, firing explosive rounds at villains when trying to limit collateral damage and avoid killing anyone was a bad idea. Hence Sanae Tanegashima most regularly made use of gas rounds to incapacitate enemies. "But I haven't even really tried it yet. Not exactly a lot of opportunities for outside-the-box quirk practice yet. But I can still shoot real far!" She still lamented the fact she couldn't show it off. No better way to impress than to make a big bang.

"Speaking of, you got any prospective heights for your quirk?" The obvious comparison would be to whatever parent she got it from, but Wakako didn't even know who, or whether they were still alive to teach her.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DruSM157
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DruSM157 Nobody

Member Seen 12 days ago

Sapporo, Japan
Ishin Academy, Near Dorms. April 7th


It was almost sing-songy in how she said it, which made his face flush as he bowed, gave her a farewell, and made his way towards his dorm. When he finally found his room, he noticed that there were in fact, two beds. There was no sign of the other student, only an assortment of Gunpla set up around the other side of the room. Shun decided not to start off with a negative meeting, and so he simply began unpacking his things around the room. After about twenty minutes, he sighed with accomplishment. The pineapple was stored safely, his clothes were put up and a small framed picture of his family sat on his desk. A little slice of home.

The sudden rumble in his stomach made him aware that he was quite hungry. He'd gotten up very early and he'd skipped breakfast to get the pineapple. He checked his pockets for any extra money his grandmother had given him for his trip: only twenty thousand yen left. He needed to save it.

He sat back on his bed, sighing. "I'd kill for some barbeque..." he muttered.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Ghoul

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

N a m i e


Namie had her reservations about someone being so uptight. It usually meant they were not fun to be around. howeever, she still shook his hand and formally introduced herself. "Amuro Namie." She stated plainly almost sounding bored with the formal presentation. Thankfully it was Seo who would show a little life in the conversation and get her back into. Cracking a slight smile from his punch, she threw a quick no-look jab back into his arm. Returning the strength he used to throw his, maybe even greasing her punc to hit a bit harder, too. [color=indianred]"Oh you're just saying that because there were no jokes or punchlines. It was a good pump-up speech for the year." She felt somewhat relieved to think the Seo she knew was in there. "So how'd you like it?" She looked over at Osamu expecting his answer to be more inline with her own.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 3 days ago

Akizawa Nadeshiko

Ishin Academy | Sapporo

Interacting with:

There was a small mercy in not having to argue with Adrianne over who would carry the luggage—she had always heard foreigners tended to be pushy and stubborn, and she did not do well with confrontation even on the best of days. Content to trail along behind her newly acquired room mate, Nadeshiko kept her eyes trained on the courtyard beneath her feet as they maneuvered towards the girl's dormitory. The merriment of those around her didn't make much of a different to the goo girl; she was not one for socialization, and it seemed that her partner was of a similar mind. If nothing else, it would make for a quiet year between classes, proved the German kept to herself.

Which, as of now, she did not seem to want to do. Adrianne's sigh caused her to raise her head, listening intently to the words that followed. With how terse and rigid she sounded, Nadeshiko idly wondered whether or not the devil-girl actually wanted to know her opinion on the day's plans, or if she was simply making small talk out of some kind of obligation. The fact that she huffed shortly after, apparently exasperated at the fact they would be spending a day acclimating before beginning classes, perhaps shed some light on that. Had she wanted somebody to vindicate her feelings?

"I do not mind," She replied, soft and inoffensive as usual. "I have no expectations to begin with."

That was a white lie. She expected Ishin to be much worse than this day had thus far proven it to be. But the headmaster seemed rather intent on proving that assertion wrong, if his ominous speech was anything to go on. Perhaps it was for the best that they had this day to adjust to dorm life in that case.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Etranger
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Osamu Kenzo

Sapporo, Japan
Ishin Academy, April 7th

Interacting With: @Raijinslayer @Pirouette

Curiously, rather than being told anything by his roommate, he was instead provided with something akin to a business card. He was confused until he saw that he clearly communicated by means of that board around his neck. He assumed there was something that made him incapable of verbal communication, whatever that may be. Ultimately it was none of Osamu's business, besides the fact he would have to keep in mind that he would have to look at him directly whenever they conversed.

As the conversation turned from his introduction, it seemed Seo wished to discuss the presentation, and in particular how boring it was. It seemed like a disrespectful comment to make about their school's efforts to orientate them to Osamu. At least Namie seemed to understand it wasn't supposed to be about jokes. "It was perfectly serviceable. It is not the staff's role to tell jokes and entertain the students. They told us what we needed to hear and that was that." Osamu was wondering if Seo was the type to expend himself in search of "cheap yucks". That boded very ill.

"Might I ask what your reasons are for attending Ishin Academy?" He was curious because Seo seemed like an abysmally poor fit for the school, at least based on first impressions. Namie too had greeted him completely out of line with tradition, and yet here they both were at a school known for rigidity and discipline. Perhaps they both had deep personal reasons, but Osamu could but guess. He knew little about them, and they knew little about him.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by CaliforniaState
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CaliforniaState Biologist

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Ishin Academy | Sapporo

Interacting with:@OwO

Haruhi tossed the bag onto her shoulders like it was a bag of feathers. Her tendency to lug and carry larger pieces of metal around dusty and gravel fields led her to put on more muscle than perceived by most under her school uniform. The room itself was pretty plain probably to save money and not allow for kids to get too comfortable while abroad. The uniformity was actually more reassuring than intended since her room was as vanilla as this one. Main difference being another bed and person with her in the same room, waking up staring at Yoru until she woke up would be the highlight of her stay with her.

She left no time to spare, quickly accommodating all her things while Haruhi watched plainly behind her. Why did she have so much stuff in her bag? Do other girls always carry so many things? And there was so much make up with tools that she had never seen before. Of course, she was more used to wrenches and screw drivers and not pens and curlers. Rubbing her own chin, she figured it was her turn to unpack. Mimicking Genkuro, she laid her uniform atop her dresser followed by taking a bag out of her garments rustling with the sound of bouncing metal. Promptly grabbing the bottom of the bag and flipping it over she dumped out the waterfall of metal pieces onto her bed. Anyone else might look on in horror even more so with her next action.

With the bag deflated she tossed it to the side before throwing herself onto the bed causing most of the screws and metal pieces to jump with her and onto the floor. “Uhhh I’m not sure what do girls even do for sleepovers? Have you ever had one? OOO! Maybe we can have a pillow fight” she rolled around in bed for a few more moments before eyeing her make up and connecting the dots. “I know! You could give me a makeover! Look at my nails!” throwing caution to the wind she extended her hand to Genkuro. To say they were far away from traditional hands was an understatement. They were rough, calloused, and her nails were practically none existent since she religiously clipped them as to not break any while working.

Physical strength wouldn’t be the only thing Genkuro would need to survive Isshin, but perhaps also mental and spiritual help.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial Gowi Reinkarnated

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Ishin Academy, Sapporo, Japan -- April 7th
Interacting With: Asuka @Hero

What about you?

Yoshiba had been contemplating what kind of training she could do for a few minutes, so she supposed the best answer to give her roommate was a bit of the truth. Yoshiba didn’t lie often and stretching the truth like she had with why she had picked Ishin was about as far as she would go. The blue-haired girl thought of the various training she could do like body conditioning, indoor exercises, and informal study of the sidekicks she was paired with for a year. She was admittedly a little anxious, despite her bravado.

“Guess I’ll do some body conditioning. Basic training.” She uttered, thinking about Asuka's plans. “Checking out the building wouldn't be a bad idea. Maybe I'll do that before figuring out lunch, unless they're gonna like call us to a cafeteria or something. Either way, result's the same.”

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