“Mhm.” Yoshiba commented, acknowledging Asuka’s response.
By this point the two had reached the doors of the dormitory building and finally were out of the cold and snow. The blue-haired girl from Kagoshima couldn’t have been happier. Despite her demeanor, the harsh cold of Hokkaido was something she hadn’t gotten used to. Winters in Kagoshima were brisk at worst, so the twenty-plus degrees less wasn’t something she could entirely shake. She needed to condition her body. That much was clear, at least. She wondered how much her roommate felt about it and nearly contemplated the subject for small-talk before deciding not to mostly due to her habit of refusing to show weakness, even a weakness that seemed arbitrary to most everyone else.
There didn’t seem to be much idle conversation as the two were greeted at the door by the attendant of the dormitory before finding their way up to the second floor and to their rooms. It didn’t surprise her that they were the first two students to make it up the stairs given that by Yoshiba’s perspective most everyone else had been too busy gawking and listening to their upperclassmen when nothing they had to say really mattered.
Yoshiba slid open the door in front of her, taking the initiative to do so.
Two beds adjacent to each other at the end of the room. Generic furniture, cabinets. Distinctly Japanese décor despite more western-dictated spacing. Enough room to do some stretches and study, but not much else. Doesn’t look like it supported qurik usage.
She wasn’t surprised. Ishin liked the image of being Japanese despite clear western influences. But Yoshiba didn’t really care all too much. It was about par the course. She took a light breath as she tossed her suitcase aside, before crossing her arms and looking over the room. It wasn’t ideal for training, but it was better than the cramped compartmentalized dorm room she had expected. At least every student at Ishin could put plenty of space between them and their assigned roommate if they so desired.
“This is it, huh. Bigger than I imagined.” She commented as she began to look around. “Glad to be out of the snow.”