Sekhandur Khain

The Black Prince
| Male
| 31 July
| 4 Cubits
| 2780 Gold Debens
HobbiesDice games, chariot racing, hunting, fashion, makeup, jewelry, plotting to usurp his father's throne.
PersonalitySekhandur is narcissistic, hedonistic, indulgent, and uninhibited; all traits one would expect from a one who literally believes himself to be a god walking among mortals. Despite these qualities, he is surprisingly genial, lacking the pettiness or cruelty one would expect from one with his mannerisms. Sekhandur can also be diligent, determined, quick-witted, generous, and contemplative. His more benevolent nature stems from his god complex as well-- he truly believes that he is genuinely a superior being, and feels no insecurity or need to defend that fact. Even so, he is not without a dark streak. If the situation calls for it, Sekhandur can be utterly ruthless, scheming, or deceptive, as he sees no reason to choose the most pragmatic route to attaining that which he desires.
HistorySekhandur is the bastard son of the God-King of the Empire of Kemet, Pharaoh Qezremah IX, and a highborn woman of lesser nobility, Nefertari Khain. Kemet is a vast empire that rules much of the deep desert, famous for its towering stone monuments constructed by legions of slaves and undead. Qezremah, the ninth Pharaoh to bear that name, is referred to by many of his subjects as the White King, partially due to his kindness and generosity, but also due to his perceived weakness and cowardice. It was this kindness that moved him to bring Sekhandur to live with him at court, legally recognizing him as the Pharaoh's son, when he learned of his birth. A largely unprecedented act for a king, this action spurred much discontent among his advisors and the high nobility. Despite their protests, Sekhandur lived as a prince in the royal palace, enjoying the same care and privilege as his trueborn sisters, as for the longest while he was Qezremah's only male offspring.
Much changed when Qezremah's sister-wife, the Queen Manya, bore him a son, the prince Orimund. Now that he had a trueborn male heir to marry to his daughter Itzara when it came time for her to ascend to the throne, he had no need for Sekhandur within the palace. Rather than simply do away with him as a more brutal king might, Qezremah had him sent away to the distant city-state of Genelogia, under the guise of having him study to become Itzara's vizier. In truth, he hopes that Sekhandur never returns to Kemet, and in fact bribed the administrators of Avalice to set Sekhandur up for failure, who complied with his request by placing the exiled prince in the class with the worst track record for graduating students: Camellia.
However, Sekhandur learned of his father's plot quite some time in advance, as he first sensed something amiss when his magical tutor refused to teach him the domain of Kemeti magics reserved for those of royal blood: Sesha-Hebsu, the Closed Book. Rather than having this power denied to him, before his departure for Genelogia Sekhandur stole into his father's private vault and made off with his personal grimoire, hoping to teach himself the secret magic of kings.
Combat InformationClassificationMagic
Mana ColorIridescent shimmering
BLACKMana CharacteristicThe humbling magnificence of a billion stars shining in the desert sky.
EquipmentSekhandur carries a Was staff for channeling his power, a magnificent tool adorned in pure gold and lapis lazuli. He also carries bears his father's grimoire, the tome
"Hymns of the Creation of the Temakh", which carries not only the secret utterances of kings, but ancient history about the origins of Kemet and its royal bloodline.
MagicSekhandur is a student of Sesha-Hebsu, the secretive branch of Kemeti magic reserved for its God-Kings and their descendants. This magical style draws on the divine power that has been preserved for generations in the pharaonic bloodline since they first mixed their flesh and souls with the Shan'iatu thousands of years ago. Sehsa-Hebsu literally translates to "the closed book," but is also called "Utterances of Kings," by some, and its power is terrible. This magic can call upon the natural elements to do the bidding of the king, release the pure energy of mana from the king's soul, commune with the stars to divine their secrets, and even assert mastery over the forces of life and death.
SpellsAWAKEN THE DEADSekhandur can compel a corpse to do his bidding. Either briefly rousing it to answer his questions, or reanimating it entirely. He may raise a body as a simple, shambling undead, a Nenitu with an infectious bite, or can infuse a ghost into a corpse and create a revenant. This spell can achieve true resurrection with greater mastery, but Sekhandur has yet to achieve this feat.
CTHONIC DOMINIONThe incorporeal undead are also Sekhandur's to command. With this spell he may reveal the ghosts in an area, render them vulnerable to physical harm, bind them to his will, swallow them to consume their mana, torment them into madness, or infuse them with the darkness of the underworld to twist them into malevolent Cthonic Beasts.
GIFT OF THE GOD-KINGUnleashing the majesty of his divine soul, Sekhandur can inspire others to feats of bravery, restore his allies' willpower, cure sickness, dispel curses, and even mend wounds and injuries.
HARVEST OF THE DIVINESekhandur can transmute mundane materials to gemstones and precious metals, primarily gold. This process is irreversible, and does not work on enchanted objects, but he can also choose to render these transformed materials into dust. This spell can be used on living flesh, including the king's own, transforming them into an invincible golden avatar, but Sekhandur has yet to achieve these feats.
KISS OF CHAOSInvoking the Cthonic darkness, Sekhandur can poison his foes with necrotic energy, invoke a deadly curse upon them, or summon a cloud of darkness that attacks his enemies and drives them mad.
POWER OF THE SKY THRONESekhandur can create magical flames that speak with his voice, snuff out fire with magical darkness, or compel the sun to burn and blind his enemies with blasts of light.
REBUKE THE VIZIERSekhandur can shield himself from magic power, set up wards that protect him reflexively, or cast his ward at others to hamper their ability to use magic.
SECRETS RIPPED FROM SKIESBy staring into the night sky, Sekhandur can divine the his exact location and the hour of night, learn forgotten secrets, divine portents of the future, or summon a meteor to strike where he decides.
WATER OF LIFE AND DEATHSekhandur can summon a spring of fresh, clear water where he stands, which heals and blesses those that imbibe from it. He can also turn nearby sources of water into blood, or part small bodies of water for his passage.
WRATHFUL DESERT POWERSekhandur commands the essence of the earth. He may scour his foes with blasts of sand, create storms and dust devils that chase down his enemies like living beasts, assume the form of living dust, create a clay shell to armor himself, or induce a localized earthquake where he stands.