Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 16 min ago

Evelyn Holder
Casey Frazier

Location: Unknown
Skills: N/A, N/A

"Lets get going then." Evelyn said as Spiral transported them all to the room with the aging device with all of them there, Evelyn stood in the background looking at everyone for a moment when Watts and Andrew went first. They both were aged to what they should actually have been which was a good thing. "I'll go next then." Evelyn said as she looked at the device and looked over at the console, she really wasn't sure how it all worked, she pressed a button she assumed that would work. Watts would probably end up yelling at her or something like that.

Evelyn then stepped into the chamber next, once the door closed Evelyn looked around as there was a blinding light and she felt every inch of her body and it hurt like everything was on fire. A few seconds later Evelyn stepped out, every part of her body ached as she slowly walked out of the chamber she looked down at her hands they were extremely wrinkly, and her vision was horrible now as well. "I don't think that was suppose to happen.." Evelyn said mostly to herself as she felt her face was really wrinkly as well she was a 97 year old woman now.

Casey watched as Watts and Arthur both went into the chamber first, and they both came back out as their regular ages before being taken to Mojo World. And then a few seconds later Evelyn did as well, though her results were the worst of the bunch seeing Evelyn stumbling out of the chamber as a really old woman. She really didn't want to end up like that at all, and she hoped that they would be able to reverse it all.

Casey made her way over to the device as well and looked at it she didn't know what to do really and just pressed a random button, thinking that it would work out. Casey then made her way over towards the chamber and stepped in, and then the machine itself activated and she could feel herself being aged rather quickly. When she stepped out Casey felt really aged as well, seeing there were quiet a bit of wrinkles on her hands as well, she happened to end up being very old like Evelyn was.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
Avatar of BlueSky44

BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Demetria Clarke and Andrew Rossi

Location: Mojo's Lab
Skills: Bioengineering, Mechanical Engineering, Perception

"Well isn't this a little turn of events," Sapphire couldn't help but say with a slight laugh towards Casey and Evelyn seeing what had happened to the two of them. Of course, she really didn't want to end up like them, and she didn't trust herself to not screw it up, so she glanced over to look at Andrew who was still by the console despite Watts more or less almost pushing him out of the way. "Mind seeing about getting me back to normal?" she asked him, and Andrew more or less just nodded his head in response.

He messed with a few buttons on the console (leaving it so that it would still be activated when someone stepped inside) and looked over at her. "You should be good to go," he said a bit uncertainly. Of course, he wasn't entirely positive what he was doing, and for all he knew, he might have just caused it to make her an old woman much like the machine had done to Evelyn and Casey. This was basically just him somewhat guessing at it, but he was pretty sure he had activated it correctly.

"Well here we go then," she said simply, before she stepped into the chamber. Of course, the machine certainly was not the most pleasant of experiences, and it was incredibly painful. Though she supposed that was to be expected, the machine was essentially causing her to go from a little girl to an adult again. This was not an experience she wanted to happen again, and she really hoped nothing like this happened ever again. After a few moments, she stepped out of the machine, once more her older self and she let out a bit of a sigh of relief over it.

"So, guess that just leaves a few people stuck as kids and two people stuck as little old ladies. Which that one we probably want to fix somewhat quickly since we don't want one of them dropping dead from old age or having a heart attack or something that would make things a lot more difficult. Then again we probably want to fix all of the above problems before we get caught or something."

"I'll go then," Andrew said, pushing a few more buttons and ignoring what Watts had said regarding it basically being a coin flip on whether or not he'd die from it. He started walking to the machine going to age back whether Watts wanted him to or not. There would be the sounds of gunfire that everyone would be able to hear just barely several hallways away.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 hr ago

⚡John Watts⚡ and 🏹 Arthur Twist 🏹

Location: Mojoworld - Machine Room
Skills: Bioengineering, Perception, Investigation, and Survival
Watts huffed, seeing Casey and Evelyn carelessly use the machine without help. It served them right to have been turned into the elderly and he had half a mind to leave them like that to teach them a lesson. Andrew was surprisingly competent at helping Sapphire, meaning that three of them in total had an adult appearance. His eyes narrowed, seeing Andrew about to use the machine on himself. "If you're going to insist on killing yourself," he conceded, "then I'll be the one to program and operate the machine. I'm smarter than you." He worked quickly, making a few adjustments to the parameters until he had made it as safe and foolproof as he could.

If his eyes could have melted metal, the machine would have been a goner. Watts didn't let his gaze waiver at all as Andrew entered the chamber, seconds stretching out to infinity as an eternity seemingly passed. The chamber opened again, a bit of smoke coming out, as Andrew stumbled out and collapsed. Watts dashed forward and barely caught him in time. He looked pale, but he was conscious. Watts' heart was pounding. "I've got you, kid," he murmured. "Tell me your name, date of birth, and the current president."

"I'll help the elderly first - then Belladonna. Don't use the machine on your own or you'll end up dead or a geriatric."

Arthur nodded. He quickly determined that there was only one exit from the room near the far end. That was horrible in terms of their survival chances. With just one way to go out, they were guaranteed to run into those responsible for the gunfire. They were essentially trapped at a dead end. Of course, they had already determined that they were going to fight their way out, but it would have been nice to be able to slip out the backdoor so to speak.

He looked out the window of the door, seeing that the hallway was about fifty feet long. It ended in a T sort of shape, giving them two options on where to go. He glanced back at the others, readying an arrow. "Our window is shrinking - we need to move," he urged them. The longer they stayed here, the more likely they'd be gunned down like fish in a barrel. He had come too far to die here. He needed to avenge his father first - to burn the Sisterhood alive.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 16 min ago

Evelyn Holder
Casey Frazier

Location: Unknown
Skills: N/A, N/A

Evelyn felt like her legs could give out at any moment as the others went in and started to age back to their regular age, eventually Watts helped her back into the machine and then activated it again. Feeling all of the pain again for a second time, as her body was aged back to being an adult again. Evelyn stepped out looking over at Sapphire for a moment hearing her comment from earlier and shook her head slightly. "Lets not mention this ever again." Evelyn to Sapphire as she made her way back over towards where Arthur was, making sure she had her set of throwing knives, as well as the rifle from earlier.

"Lets hurry up, I agree with Arthur we need to move quickly." Evelyn said as she could hear the gunfire in the distance, they were in a room and the soldiers could come in at anytime and start gunning them down if they wanted, or turn them into reality TV stars again which Evelyn didn't want to experience again either.

Casey was next to go through the machine again, feeling the pain of being reaged again and eventually coming back to her normal age before coming to this place. She stepped out of the machine letting out a slight sigh of relief looking down at herself she wasn't old, and feeling like she would turn into dust or anything like that. Casey looked over at Andrew and then made her way over towards him offering any kind of help while looking over at Watts grateful for his help.

Casey could hear the gunshots in the distance as well and made her way over towards where Evelyn and Arthur were, having the rifle from earlier still in her hands. "So whats the plan then?" Casey asked, they just needed to get out of here as soon as possible before they were overrun by Mojo's men. She then looked over towards Watts and Andrew wondering if he was alright to move. "Is he okay to be moved now that we are aged back normally?" She asked.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
Avatar of BlueSky44

BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Demetria Clarke and Andrew Rossi

Location: Mojo's Lab
Skills: N/A

"Oh, just saying that will totally make me want to find an excuse for bringing it up," Sapphire responded to Evelyn with a bit of a smirk. Especially since mentioning that something bugged you and to not talk about it was the one extreme way to always have it be brought up. "Well look at the bright side regarding that whole thing, you now at least know what you'll look like when you get to be that old. What would you have preferred? Be aged backwards even more to be a little baby or whatever? That probably would have been hilarious to see let me tell you."

Andrew's eyes went a bit out of focus for a moment, but he eventually was able to focus on Watts. "Andrew Rossi, whactlescract d fedoed ind e s? s acratl g why sct fely in whamy sctl e ggg whan d why why oeggggoegs?" he managed to get one sort of sentence out before the rest of his words were just random gibberish of sorts.

"Uh, that sounds like complete and utter gibberish, so clearly a screw might be loose in the brain or something. Not too surprising I suppose."

Andrew stood up straight somewhat, but still a little unsteady on his feet, "I Mouy d d ine s hang. Cal guy't g. Wer de morre o hincan'me ove hevevinar itor calde in't ove I de, ing," he continued, but he put a hand to his head since he had a major headache that wasn't going away at all.

"Okay, so now what? We're all back to normal, his brain doesn't seem to know how to talk correctly, and people are going to probably come our way here really quickly if we just stand around here doing nothing."

Arthur and Evelyn would be able to hear the sounds of people getting closer to them, but they wouldn't see anyone coming into the hallway quite yet, meaning that they wouldn't know right off the bat which direction they were coming from. Spiral was likely held up so she wouldn't be able to help them out yet, so they were on their own for the time being.

"Move now. Stay bad. We de weep kep ke have to havee're toread, go, now." Andrew commented before stumbling a little bit. It seemed like his words were jumping between really broken sentences, as well as just complete and total gibberish.

"I mean, at least I could understand half of what he just said, so that's an improvement," Sapphire said, before she went right over to the door and froze the door, since it seemed like a standard door as opposed to an electronic door for some reason, and smashed the doorknob as it shattered allowing the door to swing open. "Alright, who wants to go first?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
Avatar of FantasyChic

FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Location: Hobo Camp -> Machine Room
Skills: N/A

Bella bit her tongue at Watts' insistence she did not go first. It irritated her to no end. What the hell was his problem? This was not the first time he acted this sort of way towards her. She got that it was not safe for the most part, but she was tired of being in this body and she wanted to do something to stop this madness. Watts entered and was reverted back, soon others followed. Casey and Evelyn were not so lucky as the process aged them considerably.

Gunshots rang out and Bella was entering the machine, with or without Watts' help. She went through it and came out. She checked to see if she had any wrinkles not there before or if she had aged more. She felt she was in her regular body now. She breathed a sigh of relief that she was back to normal. But they were not out of the woods yet.

She checked her weapons. If there was going to be a fight, she was now more ready than ever. "Go out, kill anyone who comes in my way, don't ask questions," she responded to the call to a plan of action. She took out her sword, eager to get it wet again.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 hr ago

⚡John Watts⚡ and 🏹 Arthur Twist 🏹

Location: Mojoworld - Machine Room -> Hallway
Skills: Superspeed, Hand to Hand Combat, Archery
Watts didn't argue with Belladonna's proposed plan. "I'll scout," he said curtly. He pulled the hood down on his suit and tapped his watch, injecting himself with more of the speed serum. His eyes glowed faintly red as Watts dashed out of the door Sapphire had destroyed. It was good that he had this to focus on - since otherwise, his mind would have been tearing itself apart over Andrew's clear brain damage. He knew that Andrew shouldn't have gone through that machine - he knew it. Watts was mentally kicking himself for allowing Andrew to make decisions when he clearly was ill qualified for them. Watts dashed off at top speed.

Arthur could hear people coming closer to them. Spiral was frustratingly a no-show. "You have the intellect of an Ewok," Arthur told Andrew roughly. "This is life and death... Bad men are coming. Very bad. They get near you, you shoot - you shoot them dead." He did hand motions to accompany his instructions. He wasn't sure how much Andrew was understanding, but he hoped that he would get the message across. It would be better to be killed than captured by Mojo in this situation.

Watts sped back into the room. "There's a few guards coming down the left hallway. I could hear movement from the right but I didn't see anyone. If I were to guess - and I'll be right, as I always am - the left is our best bet. The right hallway likely has the majority of Mojo's forces," Watts explained. "Now hurry up. Sapphire, you need to babysit Andrew as we move," he added. Sapphire did have a medical degree and Watts doubted Andrew particularly liked him at the moment. Besides, Watts also easily had the best powers of the group - he was able to do just about anything, as long as he could tolerate more speed serum pumping through his veins.

The emerald archer left the room, three arrows ready on his bow. He went down the hallway and turned to the left, seeing a couple of stormtrooper looking guards in front of him. He didn't say a word as he let the arrows fly. One of them missed, but the other two were kill shots, the guards dropping to the ground. Arthur didn't feel a bit of remorse. At best, he had just liberated two helpless pawns - and at worst, he had killed those who eagerly served Mojo. Two more came around the corner and Arthur saw a blur dart out in front of him, and a second later, Watts stood there, his eyes glowing red. The guards were unconscious at his feet.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 16 min ago

Evelyn Holder
Casey Frazier

Location: Unknown
Skills: N/A, N/A

"Remind you to smack you around a little bit when this is all said and done. You aren't going to let this go I have a feeling." Evelyn said jokingly and shook her head a little bit letting out a slight sigh. She watched as Andrew finally emerged from the machine, he seemed fine until he spoke hearing some jumbled up words that he couldn't even understand only picking up a few little phrases. There was certainly some brain damage there and she hoped that they would be able to fix that somehow as well. But right now they needed to focus on getting out of here and back home.

"Lets move out then." Evelyn said as soon as the door opened she had her rifle out at the ready and started to look down the hallway after Watts had spoken and nodded, going down the right hall would be bad then. She occasionally would look over her shoulder at Andrew, keeping him in eyeshot just in case his health went for the worse. She watched everyone else rather closely as Watts and Arthur managed to knock down the stormtrooper wannabes again.

Casey remained fairly close to Andrew and Sapphire, though she didn't have any kind of medical experience she would be able to help Sapphire protect him just in case they came under heavy fire. "I have your guys back." Casey said as Watts and Arthur went out first, taking out the men just down the hallway. She followed shortly behind the others blaster rifle thing still in her arms as she occasionally looked back at Andrew.

"Are you doing alright?" Casey asked Andrew as they started to move down the hallway, keeping up the rear just behind Evelyn as well so far there weren't any aside from the ones that were taken out by the others. She was glad to not be a kid or an elderly woman now either which was a good thing actually as well to.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
Avatar of BlueSky44

BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Demetria Clarke and Andrew Rossi

Location: Mojo's Lab
Skills: Medical Knowledge, Cryokinesis

"Now hold on just a minute why the hell am I keeping an eye on him? Seriously Watts so nice!" Sapphire snapped at the speedster, clearly sounding a bit annoyed. She instantly started looking around the room for something helpful, when she luckily found a flashlight of some sort. Of course it was a weird alien looking flashlight, but once she found the switch it flicked on easily. "Hold still," she said to Andrew before she more or less started shining the light in his eyes before quickly flicking it away, before repeating the process.

Thinking for a moment, she grabbed onto his wrist and seemed to be testing his pulse or something. "Huh, doesn't actually seem to be too bad, though considering the degree I have isn't the best, so no guarantees that I'm not missing something. Clearly he's got dizziness, balance and coordination problems as well as the speech thing but other then that I can't actually see that there is anything seriously wrong. I think his brain more of got scrambled up like eggs or something more of from the machine then anything. Though without actual equipment to do a scan of some sort you can't really be sure. For all we know, he could be bleeding out in his brain right now and we wouldn't know the difference." she said finally with a bit of an eye roll, "This is probably going to end badly and let's hope he doesn't end up dead because of some weird brain injury we can't see, since that would suck horribly."

Andrew looked a bit annoyed with her comments, actually he looked really annoyed with just about every single comment everyone had made his direction. "I can't like I can understan't!" he blurted out, before he essentially did a face palm at the words that came out of his mouth.

"And hitting yourself in the head is not going to help you out, so let's get going," she then said, before grabbing him arm and dragging him along with the group. She couldn't understand a word that he was trying to say, not really, and she wasn't going to see about trying to figure anything out regarding it. They had to deal with a lot of people that were coming their way, and she headed out into the hallway.

"I fine fine am fine," he managed to say to Casey in a way that at least was somewhat understandable. Now one thing was becoming clear, Andrew could actually understand everything that was being said around him, just his brain wasn't really wanting to form the words for a response that was understandable.

Down the hallway, there was the sounds of more people coming, and suddenly more Storm Troopers popped up around the corner, and now there clearly were another 12 coming down the passageway towards them, and the sounds from the other passageway were starting to get louder, but there weren't anymore coming their way immediately from behind them. The soldiers saw them rather quickly, and instantly started firing at the group. A few shots headed straight for Watts, however he's able to dodge out of the way for all of them except one which just barely grazes his left leg. Evelyn gets hit by two shots, but none of them are life threatening, as it just hit her right shoulder and right arm. Arthur however is another matter, as a shot hits him in the stomach, and another heads straight for his head, when suddenly a wall of ice appeared in front of him, taking the brunt of the hit and shattering, but leaving Arthur unharmed from an attack that likely would have been fatal.

"We have enough problems to deal with, so can you all stop trying to get yourselves killed?" Sapphire said from behind the others, still dragging Andrew along after her, with frost emanating from her outstretched free hand.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 16 min ago

Evelyn Holder
Casey Frazier

Location: Unknown
Skills: Throwing Knives, Rifles

Evelyn continued to follow along side the others down the hallway as she started to get ready for another fight, hearing more of the stormtrooper wannabes coming down the hallway. Then a few seconds later they started to rear their heads and immediately opened fire on all of them. She grunted a bit in pain as she felt two shots hitting her directly in her right shoulder and arm, looking down at the burns that were now there which looked pretty bad. However they weren't life threatening in her opinion anyway, Evelyn then pulled out five of her throwing knives and threw them.

Seeing one of them going down without much of an issue, as her other two knives managed to injure two more but missed the remaining two completely. At least she managed to kill one of them as she watched Arthur getting shot, and Sapphire quickly blocking the second attack saving him from being killed. They needed to get out of here quickly, or have Spiral finally appear either way they could get overwhelmed at any second.

Casey looked at Andrew and gave him a slight nod, she wasn't sure how bad the brain damage was but as long as he was active and moving right now was all that mattered to her. As she followed alongside the others, and she could hear the stormtrooper wannabes instantly coming down the hallway now. And eventually she saw them and started to open fire on all of them, seeing Evelyn and Arthur both getting hit, though Arthur's looked a bit more serious.

Casey quickly stood in front of Arthur and opened fire with her weapon, firing off five shots, as they went flying she managed to take out two of them without much of a problem at all. And then injuring a third one as she looked over at the others as luckily they didn't hit her yet which was a good thing. "We need to keep going." Casey said she was pretty sure that Spiral decided to abandon them again leaving them to fight off Mojo's men.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
Avatar of FantasyChic

FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Location: Machine Room -> Hallway
Skills: Elemental Infusion (Lightning), Handgun Combat

Bella would have argued with Watts at his insistence on Andrew's protection, but it seemed that the process itself had done something to the man judging by his speech. Sapphire was charged with watching him too, which seemed odd, but she wasn't about to say much else regarding it. Watts was feeling protective over him and she could hardly blame him, given all that had occurred. They had this job to do and she would see it through. She was growing desperate to hurt someone.

And as luck would have it, Watts mentioned guards coming. They entered the hallway where they were shot at. Sapphire put up an ice wall, blocking some damage. She infused her own gun with lightning and shot off some rounds at them. She managed to kill one of them and knock out the one Casey was near. She had hit four more before she ducked back down to prepare. They had to keep moving. "They will keep coming so we should move. I can provide covering fire if need be."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
Avatar of Morose

Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 hr ago

⚡John Watts⚡ and 🏹 Arthur Twist 🏹

Location: Mojoworld - Hallway
Skills: Superspeed, Hand to Hand Combat, Archery
"You have a medical degree, Sapphire, as you're so fucking fond of reminding people," Watts snapped at her. He was on edge. His normal frustration with everyone around him on a one to ten scale was usually described as a seven. He was right now at twenty two. Andrew was his responsibility and he was babbling nonsense, sounding like a concussed toddler trying to repeat whatever Dora the Explorer had just said on the TV. "But if you can't handle looking after Andrew, then FINE, I'LL DO IT MYSELF!" Watts screamed. His left eye kept on twitching as he slammed down on the watch on his wrist, injecting his body with more of the speed serum. His veins felt like fire.

Arthur let out a muffled half scream, half grunt as he took a round to the stomach. The world seemed to slow down as a bullet was heading right for his face. His only regret was that he hadn't had the chance to avenge his father. And then, suddenly, a wall of ice formed in front of him, saving his life. "...Thank you... I owe you a life debt," he told Sapphire, shocked and stunned. She didn't know him. They had really just met in the grand scheme of things and she had saved his life. It had been ages since someone showed him any kindness. His heart quickened slightly although he didn't know why as he stared, shocked, at the ice goddess.

There were still more stormtroopers in the hallway - discussions of keeping on moving were a bit premature. Seven were left alive. That was a mistake. His eyes glowing a menacing red, Watts rushed forward faster than the eye could see. His hands vibrated and oscillated as he reached into the chest of one of the guards and yanked out his heart, crushing it and then dropping the bloody mess onto the ground. He repeated this five more times, eliminating all but one of the guards that remained. The bloodlust in his eyes was palpable. Watts was exacting revenge on behalf of everyone he cared about who had been hurt by Mojo.

Arthur blinked and six of the guards were dead on the ground. He had his bow at the ready so it didn't take him too long to notch an arrow and let it fly, piercing the heart of the last guard and killing them instantly. None of the stormtroopers remained - just a bloodied field of corpses in the hallway. He notched three more arrows, prepared for the next wave of attackers. His eyes flickered over to Sapphire for a moment, before Arthur chastised himself and moved onwards, hoping that around the bend would either be the exit - or the Sisterhood, so he could finally slay them and put his father's ghost to rest.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
Avatar of BlueSky44

BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Demetria Clarke and Andrew Rossi

Location: Mojo's Lab -> Hallway
Skills: Medical Knowledge, Cryokinesis, Projectile Weapons

"If you actually listened to what I said Watts you'd know that there isn't anything we can do about it here!" Sapphire snapped back at him, clearly annoyed with him at this point. Since now it was getting to the point where Watts seemed to be twisting her words around, since in their current situation, they couldn't do anything to help Andrew out and she had said that only a few minutes before! However it might be in her best interest to stop arguing considering the fact that Watts then proceeded to rip out the hearts of the remaining guards. Uh oh, this is starting to look bad, she couldn't help but think to herself before she turned her attention towards Arthur.

"Don't worry about it, now hold still," she said simply to Arthur as she walked over and put her hand over his injury (damn the guy had abs) and proceeded to ice it over. It wasn't the best treatment method, but considering the fact that they didn't have anything better and it was a blaster injury of sorts so it was more of a serious burn then anything else, it was better then nothing. She then walked over and did the same for Evelyn's injuries, before glancing down the hallway somewhat. "Alright, now can we move on already?"

As if right on cue, 3 more soldiers came around the corner, and instantly started firing off shots. Before Sapphire had a chance to throw up a shield, one of the shots slammed into her shoulder knocking her backwards, another shot slammed into Belladonna's arm, and one more just barely grazed by Watts. The other shots went majorly wide (maybe they are really Storm Troopers, Mojo likes TV shows and movies, so maybe they are? It would explain how they look and their weapons. Before Sapphire could throw ice towards them, someone from behind them fired off a blaster, knocking down all 3 of them. Whirling around, she was surprised to see that Andrew had picked up one of the blasters from the dead Storm Troopers and had fired it off.

"You do realize that I can understand you right?" he responded, his words were a bit slow though, as he spoke, as if he had to somewhat think about every word to ensure that it wasn't complete and total gibberish. "...So stop acting like I can't exactly do anything... That would be somewhat appreciated..."

"Yeah well sorry when you were just talking gibberish for the past who knows how long, I honestly lost track of time."

"...Not my fault..."

There was the sound of footsteps farther down the hallway, but this time they were accompanied by voices, and the voices were easily recognizable as the footsteps rounded around the corner. "Well now, isn't this a lovely surprise. Thought you all would have gotten yourselves killed by now," Madelyne Pryor said, as she looked at the group with a smirk as the others rounded the corner, and they'd be able to see the Mastermind Sisters as well as Lady Deathstrike.

"Well I mean... At least if they are still alive we can deal with them personally you know," the woman who they had known as Rae Gardner spoke with a bit of a laugh.

"That, you are correct Regan," Pryor said, before the group ended up getting thrown backwards down the hallway a bit. Watts being towards the front of the group got thrown backwards and end up being knocked into Evelyn, and they both ended up on the ground from the collision. Belladonna just got thrown backwards with enough force to just slam into the floor, as did both Casey and Andrew. Sapphire meanwhile ended up getting thrown backwards into Arthur, and they both fell to the ground in a bit of a heap.

"Oops, sorry," Sapphire said, before she instantly scrambled back to her feet and offered her hand to help Arthur up. "That was seriously annoying..." she said, wincing slightly, as she had yet to fix her own shoulder injury even remotely, the collision had sent a shot of pain through her shoulder. Arthur's injury from before would still be hurting, but luckily the ice that Sapphire had put over it seemed to be helping somewhat, so it could have been worse.

"How about we see about dealing with them quickly and getting out of here yes?" Lady Deathstrike said as she held up her hands and they extended into the adamantium claws that she has.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 16 min ago

Evelyn Holder
Casey Frazier

Location: Unknown
Skills: Rifles, Enhanced Condition, Knives, Martial Arts

Evelyn watched as Watts went in and took out six of the stormtroopers, and then Andrew stepping in and firing off the blaster rifle thing that the troopers were caring. Hearing him speak a bit more clearly was a good thing in her opinion and nodded towards him, feeling the cold going around her arm as Sapphire did her best to patch her up. "Thank you Sapphire." Evelyn said as she started to move forward down the hallway, when she heard some voices. Eventually spotting Madalyne Piror, the Mastermind Sisters as well as Lady Deathstrike again, they were all indeed alive and well here.

She was knocked away to the ground when Watts was flung down the hallway, letting out a slight groan and looked at Watts and helped him back up to his feet. She looked at all of them viewing Lady Deathstrike as a threat at the moment, grabbing on of the throwing knives that she had on her and ran forward. She managed to get in a few good strikes with her knife seeing that Deathstrike's healing factor was already kicking in as well.

Casey followed the others once the stormtrooper wannabes were dealt with, she looked at Andrew and nodded towards him as he managed to take out the remaining stormtrooper. Sapphire did her best to patch up everyone else as well, healing Arthur and Evelyn who managed to get hurt by them. She was more than eager to get out of here right now, and as soon as they could the sooner that they all could finally get home as well.

Casey was knocked out onto the ground letting out a slight groan as she slowly got up to her feet again, and cracked her neck slightly seeing the Sisterhood before her. She eyed all of them, but mostly targeted their former CEO Rae Garnder who went by Regan now, and fired off five shots with the blaster rifle that she had on her. Seeing that they all hit her, and the wounds looked pretty bad as well as she stared at the Mastermind sister.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
Avatar of Morose

Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 hr ago

⚡John Watts⚡ and 🏹 Arthur Twist 🏹

Location: Mojoworld - Hallway
Skills: Superspeed, Hand to Hand Combat, Molecular Oscillation, Archery
Arthur nodded at Sapphire, shuddering as she froze his injury. He had done a lot of things on Krakoa to tend to his wounds, yet focused freezing was never one of them. More officers appeared and Arthur shook his head slightly, trying to focus on the fight in front of them and not how Sapphire's hair gently cascaded onto her shoulders. Fortunately, the universe provided one hell of a distraction. Not too long after Andrew (who apparently wasn't a vegetable anymore) blasted the guards down, the gates of hell opened and the Sisterhood arrived. Arthur's focus sharpened drastically. He was filled with bloodlust and a desire for vengeance.

He barely registered as Sapphire slammed into him and sent him to the ground. He took her hand and stood back up. "Pryor is MINE," he told the group. She had to pay with her head for his father's death. She had to get what she deserved. The others could take care of the rest of the Sisterhood, but he wanted to lop off the head of the beast. He sent five arrows flying at Pryor, all of them designed to be kill shots. He hit her twice in the right shoulder - one of his shots missed and the other two Pryor stopped telekinetically. Arthur didn't even breathe before he repeated the routine again, getting largely the same result except he shot her twice in the left leg this time.

Watts had been shocked and extremely thrilled to see that Andrew could talk and at least aim appropriately. At this rate, he anticipated Andrew would make a full recovery. He didn't even care that a bullet had grazed him. The injury was minor anyways. The Sisterhood then showed up and Watts couldn't help but laugh slightly. The universe really wanted them to check everything off of the to-do list at once. He was flung backwards and landed in a heap with Evelyn, begrudgingly accepting her help to get up. "Let's kill these bitches," he said simply.

Casey had already attacked Gardner, but that didn't stop Watts. His entire body began to vibrate as he rushed forward, phasing his hand into Gardner's chest as he tried to grab her heart. The organ slipped from his grip on the way out. And while it was still within her chest, he definitely had done significant damage to her internal systems - organs weren't supposed to just be forcefully moved around after all. Gardner collapsed to the ground, out for the count, leaving just Pryor and Deathstrike. He didn't feel like getting into an argument with the archer, so he turned onto Deathstrike next.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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"...I'm not sure killing them out right is going to end well," Sapphire said calmly as just about everyone else started attacking full steam ahead, and already one person was down rather quickly. "Well alright let's try this out then," she said as she started to use her powers, before there was the sound of a gunshot that just barely missed her head, hitting the wall by her, and the one to fire it, and who had been the one who was clearly aiming for her head. Was none other then Belladonna. "...What the hell?" Sapphire said, her eyes growing wide at that.

"Are you surprised? I did join the Sisterhood, Regan came to me and offered me a place there. It was a better offer then playing superhero." she responded, before she sent another few shots at her. Sapphire threw up a shield of ice, but after the first few shots the shield shattered as a bullet ripped through it and slammed into her stomach, knocking her to the ground.

Andrew meanwhile glanced over at Bella, before he fired off a shot at her with the blaster he was carrying, managing to hit her with enough force to knock her down to the ground too. "How about you stay down," he said towards her, his words slow as he spoke each one carefully, as if thinking about what he was saying.

"Well now this is more fun," Deathstrike said, before she whirled around, claws out and slashed at Evelyn, resulting in her arms having long deep gashes on them. As Deathstrike looked at her with a smirk, the injuries that Evelyn had caused were quickly healing already.

"Okay, no one messes with my sister!" Mastermind said, before Watts would suddenly just see everyone as her, there were multiples of her and everyone else was completely gone from his view, and he only saw her.

"Oh right, you. Harrison's bastard son, surprised you seem to care about him considering you didn't really know he was your father correct?" Madelyn said with a smirk, before Arthur would feel a shot of pain go throughout his entire head. The pain also wasn't just your typical headache or just shot of pain, it was continuous, and it wasn't going away, at all it seemed like.

Evelyn cried out in pain as Lady Deathstrike managed to cut into her arms and stumbled backwards looking down at the deep gashes in her arms, knowing that they'd leave nasty scars whenever they healed up, she turned to look at Belladonna with a surprised look. She thought that she could have trusted Bella on the team, but apparently she was against them the entire time. She backed up slightly and glared at the woman as she pulled out one of her throwing knives, and threw it as hard as she could. Managing to lodge itself into her eye, seeing the nasty hole that was left behind as well, surprisingly she was still standing.

Casey stared at Belladonna at her betrayal, but turned her focus more towards Madalyne Piror who was what looked to be the bigger threat at the moment and aimed her blaster rifle at the woman, and fired off five shots. Two of them managed to hurt the woman pretty badly, before three of them were blocked by a forcefield.

Arthur's head was pounding. The others seemed surprised at Bella's betrayal. Arthur didn't really care. He wasn't part of this team. They just conveniently had aligned interests for the time being. "You tried to kill me. You should have made sure I was dead!" Arthur growled at Pryor. He let arrows fly. Three of them hit Pryor in the stomach. She stumbled slightly, but it didn't take her out. The more she refused to die, the more he became fixated on her, to the point that he ignored everything else.

Watts laughed in Mastermind's face. "Your sister's dead," he taunted her darkly. He didn't care that everything looked to be copies of Mastermind. No, he was the smartest man in the world, if not the universe. It wasn't particularly hard to be the smartest one in the Mojo-verse at least. He rushed off at superspeed, punching every copy of Mastermind as hard as he could. On the third strike, he hit the right one, a triumphant smirk on his face.

"Maybe you should pay attention to who you actually ended up hitting," she said, blood coming from her nose and she pointed behind Watts. He had ended up hitting Evelyn and Andrew, with enough force to knock them both back down onto the ground, and blood was coming from their heads somewhat.

"What the hell Watts?" Andrew said, clearly a bit annoyed with that. "Pretty sure I don't need anymore head injuries!" With those words he fired a shot at Mastermind, knocking her backwards a bit, before he got up off the ground. "Watch where you're going next time." His words weren't as stoic or slow anymore, so that probably was a good thing right?

Deathstrike took the opportunity that Watts knocking Evelyn down had given her and slashed at her again, despite only having one eye at the moment, she was able to slash at her legs, causing them to bleed as well, almost as if she was waiting a little bit to actually go for a kill shot.

"Perhaps you should learn how to kill people better," she responded coldly, before using her telekinesis she threw his bow out of his hand and threw him up to the ceiling, before sending him crashing back down again, and repeating the motion several times. Arthur would find himself getting banged up considerably, so he likely was going to have more then a few bruises and probably a horrible headache after all of this. However she stopped and he dropped to the ground, as the floor around her turned to ice, freezing her feet in place.

"How about you shut the hell up you bitch," Sapphire sputtered out, coughing as frost emanated from her hand, which was on the floor and there was a trail of ice that went straight to Pryor, holding her in place. She was against killing people unless they absolutely had to, it was a fear of hers that she has had for years, but she found she could deal with it better at least if she wasn't the one pulling the trigger.

Evelyn groaned loudly as she was hit by Watts her head started to ring slightly running a hand through her hair, as she felt some blood on her forehead. "What the hell Watts, we are on the same team." Evelyn said as she groaned loudly in pain as Deathstrike managed to cut her legs, she stumbled back up to her feet. She tried to lunge forward with her knife in hand, only to get the wind knocked out of her getting kicked in the stomach.

Casey watched as Watts went in and attacked two members of their team, and hitting Mastermind, and then Pryor started to fling Arthur around like a ragdoll. She aimed her rifle at Mastermind and fired off five rounds, two of the missed but three of them managed to hit her in the stomach, knocking her down. Her attention fully turned towards Pryor and fired off five more rounds, four missed but one managed to get through and hit her in the stomach. "You don't really look to good." Casey pointed out.

Arthur groaned a bit, slowly picking himself up off of the ground. Every bone in his body was screaming, as if they had been coated in gasoline and then set on fire. Revenge was a powerful motivator though. The desire to see his father avenged helped him to rise up from the ground. It drove him to pull out his hunting knife and leap at Madalyne Pryor, slamming into her and stabbing her repeatedly with the knife until finally, finally, she took her last breath. "That was for Harrison Snow," Arthur growled, a bit feral.

Watts blinked, realizing what had happened. "She made me think you were her," he told his teammates. It was the closest thing to an apology he would ever give. He would, however, strive to make things right. He walked up to the fallen Mastermind and stomped on her neck repeatedly. On the third stomp, she finally was knocked out - or dead, he didn't really care which.

"Whatever you say Watts, my head already felt like it went through a blender so a high speed fist to the face doesn't exactly help." he commented as he saw that everyone either was unconscious or dead, well, except for one person, and that was Lady Deathstrike. Sapphire meanwhile was managing to pick herself up off of the ground, but her shirt was covered in a lot of blood, as the shot she had taken from Belladonna seemed to have hit something vital, but she was still moving, and awake, so that was all that really mattered.

"I am getting sick and tired of you people at this rate," she managed to say, before a dagger of ice appeared in her hand and she fired it off, and it went straight through Deathstrike's chest.

"Now isn't that just rude," she said as she glanced at the hole that was now in her chest, much like her other injuries, it was starting to heal somewhat, however it was much slower now due to the cold that Sapphire had caused. She whirled around and slashed again at Evelyn, only hitting her in the arm once again. Whirling again, she slashed a few times at Casey, managing to slice across her chest several times, causing her to bleed a lot and it would hurt like hell, if it isn't treated soon she might start getting dizzy. She kicked Arthur in the stomach before she slashed him across the face and once more across the chest, blood coming from his injuries from her claw strikes. Watts lucked out as he'd be able to dodge out of the way of her attacks. Andrew much like Evelyn only really got a claw to the arm, causing it to bleed. Sapphire got hit the worst as Deathstrike charged right at her and ran her through with her claws. "How about you just die then?"

"How about you freeze," she coughed, blood coming from her mouth as she put her hands on Deathstrike, frost emanating from them and the others would see Deathstrike turning into a very large popsicle, before she ended up falling to the ground with a loud crash. When her body hit the ground, her arms and legs more or less shattered, breaking away from the rest of her body. Odds were that she wasn't dead, but it was definitely going to take her a while to heal from that one. Sapphire said nothing as she collapsed to the ground again, completely passed out due to blood loss at this point, as the puddle of blood around her started growing a lot bigger.

Evelyn groaned loudly as she was hit again in the arm by Deathstrike, she was the only one who remained standing for the most part as she went in and attacked everyone. She went for Sapphire, who had taken the brunt of everything and quickly ran over towards her as she fell to the ground from the blood loss. Evelyn turned to look over at Watts who was the only other person who had any kind of medical experience other than Sapphire. "Watts we need to get her treated as quickly as possible." She said as she tried to apply pressure on the wounds.

Casey started to feel very dizzy as she stumbled over towards a nearby wall and leaned on it for support, looking down at her bloodied shirt. She shook her head slightly trying to stay up a little bit longer, Sapphire had the worse injuries out of all of them, breathing slightly and looking a little bit pale as well from the blood loss.

Arthur had fulfilled his life's purpose. The fight left his body as he collapsed onto the ground, bleeding from the face and chest thanks to Lady Deathstrike and the injuries he had sustained earlier. He didn't care if he lived or died at this point. He just wanted to go to sleep, comforted with the knowledge the Sisterhood had been destroyed. His father could rest now.

"SPIRAL WE NEED YOU NOW GODDAMNIT!" Watts roared. Sapphire needed an actual medical facility - there wasn't much they could do for her on the fly. Her only other option, if Spiral failed to appear, would be to inject her with the speed serum in order to increase her body's natural healing processes.

No one seemed to answer Watts' yell for the moment, before there was a swirl of purple light and a voice spoke out, "I'm right here," Spiral said, before stepping out of the portal, looking at the group, and at the carnage that had happened in the area. "Looks like you seem to have succeeded in what you were attempting to do, taking out what remained of the Sisterhood, and you are back to your normal selves, which is definitely an improvement over you lot being stuck as children I suppose."

"...Uh, okay, that's all fine, nice to talk about, but mind getting us out of here maybe?" Andrew said, knowing perfectly well that they really needed to get going, otherwise Sapphire likely was going to bleed out while they stood there talking.

"Of course, anywhere in particular?"

"...Anywhere on Earth preferably a hospital or something!"

"Very well," she said, before a portal opened up for them. "I decided to make it easier for you, should take you back to Serval Industries and the medical facilities there, now go before more of Mojo's soldiers show up and decide to try and kill you all again or something like that."

Evelyn watched as Spiral came through the portal and stared at her for a moment as she walked over and helped Casey up to her feet and leaned on her for some support. "If i'm being honest I've had enough of this place already." Evelyn said as Spiral held open a portal for them and stepped through and into the medical facilities at Serval, Evelyn helped Casey down onto one of the nearby medical bed as well, and looked over at the portal waiting for the others to get through.

"If I never see you again, Spiral, it'll be too damn soon," Watts warned. He picked up Sapphire and ran her on through the portal at superhuman speed. He dashed into medical and put her down on the bed, ignoring the wide eyed Serval employees who were present. He didn't care if they were staring at him. What mattered was stabilizing Sapphire.

Arthur picked himself up and went on through the portal slowly. He didn't rush into medical like the others did, even with his extensive injuries. He didn't feel welcome here. The Sisterhood had been right about one thing - he hadn't known his father. This place was strange to him.

"I hope we don't run into one another again then," she responded to Watts as he took off.

Andrew followed through the portal and it shut behind him. He looked over at Arthur once he was through. "Hey, need a hand or something?" he asked, noticing that his injuries were pretty bad, most of the group (aside from Watts) had taken a beating.

"Excuse me Dr. Watts..." one of the people spoke up to him. "Where have you all been? You disappeared over a month ago..."

Evelyn turned towards one of the doctors that addressed Watts, and looked over at the others it hadn't even felt like it was a day since they were taken there. "That's a really long story." Evelyn said as Casey looked just as confused as well, it couldn't have been over a month at all. "What is the exact date right now?" Casey asked sounding very confused as well.

Watts was busying himself with Sapphire. He patched up her wounds as best as he could, before prepping and beginning a blood transfusion. His speed was assisting him to work faster than was humanly possible. Only once he had finally completed his task and gotten Sapphire to a position where he was confident she was stable did he stop to reply. "What's your name? Tell me it. NOW. I WANT TO KNOW WHO THE HELL THINKS THAT ASKING DETAILS LIKE THAT ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN SAVING SOMEONE'S GODDAMN LIFE?!?!?!" Watts screamed at the employee.

Arthur glanced at Andrew. For a moment, he was going to say no, to refuse medical care and just allow himself to die. "...Yes. Just... just don't tell them who I am," he pleaded quietly.

"Alright, just follow my lead and go with it okay?" Andrew said, not even questioning why Arthur didn't want anyone to know who he was or whatever. In his mind it wasn't his place to ask. He grabbed Arthur's arm and led him over to an open medical bed.

The employee who Watts yelled at sort of shrunk away from Watts while another one went to see about patching up Evelyn and Casey, and one went towards Andrew and Arthur. "It's April 2nd, 2018," one responded.

"...The last day I remember was in like, January or something..."

"You were thought to be dead, and who is this? I don't recognize him."

"This is my cousin, kind of dumb luck he ended up in the same place us, or really bad luck depending on how you view it," Andrew responded immediately without skipping a beat. He hoped that the others would get the hint and not reveal really who Arthur was.

Evelyn moved over towards a nearby table letting one of the doctors treat her wounds, she didn't really argue or fight against it really either as she watched Watts tending to Sapphire who was in the worse shape out of everyone though she felt like Watts suddenly snapping wasn't a really good thing. Casey remained quiet as they tended to her wounds as well she looked at Andrew and Arthur and then over at the doctor easily picking up on it and nodded. "Who has been in charge of everything since we have been gone?" Evelyn asked.

"Clearly an imbecile, given the level of idiocy going on in here!!!"

"I'm Oliver," Arthur introduced himself, groaning as he shifted lightly. The wounds covering his body and face were rather bad, the pain at the very least was keeping him grounded and centered to reality - at least for now.

"Actually there isn't anyone really in charge. They've been trying to find someone but ever since Harrison's death and the suspicious circumstances surrounding our last CEO no one wants the job." the man by Evelyn spoke, finishing patching up her injuries.

"Yeah, people believe the job to be cursed or something like that." another said.

"...Okay that just sounds beyond weird."

"Well that's how things have been for the past weeks now." he responded, before the entire group had finished patching up the injuries of the group.

"I keep forgetting that sometimes the world seems to get crazier every day..."

"Well aren't Rogue and Gambit somewhere nearby or something?" Evelyn asked once she was patched up she stood up slightly looking at them they were at least with them at the Sisterhood base before they were all taken away.

Watts rolled his eyes, snorting slightly. "Please. Once I unveil my latest line of experiments, the company will have a buyer interested. I wouldn't worry about any of this curse bullshit."

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