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early morning | morning | afternoon | evening | night
snow | blizzard | rain | thunderstorm | sunny | mist | cloudy | hail | fog
Interaction open

【 The only way two people can keep a secret is if both of them are dead. 】
early morning | morning | afternoon | evening | night
snow | blizzard | rain | thunderstorm | sunny | mist | cloudy | hail | fog
Interaction open

【 The only way two people can keep a secret is if both of them are dead. 】
The past few months leading up to the masquerade had been unusually cold in Hua'mu. It seemed to match the frigid mood that the eldest daughter of the Cha clan had been feeling as of late. She'd grown bored of the constant requests of suitors that had lined up outside of their door to court her. Their antics especially bored her as a great many of them sought after a submissive wife whose money they could live off of. Minagi only wished to share her wealth and empire with someone that she thought was deserving of such a title. She remembered the conversation with her father about her coming of age and being already becoming a spinster. He quite often mentioned how if she didn't quiet her ambition that no man would ever desire her, but it had never stopped the line of men before, and so she doubted he was right. Though, as he had no male heirs to inherit his name and throne, she wanted to prove to him that she could be better.
Truth be told, the girl hated parties; she hated everything that went along with it. The planning, the conversating, and especially inviting people into her personal space. The only person that the princess ever wanted in her personal space was Yunru, and even then, he had earned his spot. He had proven to her that he deserved to be there at her side as he had never questioned her or gone against her requests- no matter how asinine they may be. Though she knew that if she didn't do something to prove to the other kingdoms that Hua'mu was willing to open their borders and join the rest of the world in technological advancements then her kingdom would never flourish. That was why, the last six years of her life that she had dedicated to planning this out wouldn't be in vain. This party was a necessary evil that only she and Yunru knew all the details of.
She loved her kingdom and its people- probably far more than she'd ever love any living person. Her ambition to bring her people from their sheltered existences to watch them flourish had always been her first and only true love. That, and of course, her younger sisters whom she loved greatly- each one more than the last, and Asami more so than any of the others. She loved her so much that she'd gone to extreme lengths to keep Asami from going through what she had gone through at her age. Their father pushed them all far too hard to marry, and that was something she couldn't abide. She wanted Asami to live a comfortable life and not have to worry about politics. For someone like Asami who had been through so much trauma, the last thing the girl needed was men swarming her with invitations. As the tall girl moved throughout the foyer to make sure everything was in order for their guests, she noticed such a letter and swiped it up from the table- tucking the calling card into her robes. She would dispose of it later, but for now, she had many other things to worry about- like putting her plans into action.
Minagi had endured the primping and preening by her maids in order to get her ready for the night of her party. Platinum colored hair was tied in a loose braid over one of her shoulders. She wore a green and silver furisode made of heavy silks. The mask that rested across the bridge of her nose tickled her face from the white plumage of feathers that surrounded it. Honey colored eyes looked out amongst the guests that had arrived early. It had been nearly a hundred years since Hua'mu's borders were open to the public other than their political allies, and it made her heart swell with joy that royals and nobles from other nations were attending her party. Not only that, but potentially she could make friendly with their rivals in an attempt to bring Hua'mu out of their sheltered existence.
Even if she could not tell who the people were directly from a glance, it was easy enough to tell what kingdom people were from a glance. Their clothing and mannerisms gave them away. Those from An'elle were versed in manners, but lacked the honorifics that her people used. She had never met someone from Ilepia before, but it had been rumored that the new oracle was to host a meeting with her sometime over the course of the event, and she was intrigued to meet someone from a nation that had been rumored to be wiped out. Those from Graengarder- namely the men who felt entitled to be barbarians were watched with suspicion. Though, she was mostly interested in meeting with those from up and coming clans and colonies as she felt a kinship to those who had a love for their people. People from Starch and Estrye were greeted warmly as they were Hua'mu's biggest allies at this time, and she found their presence here somewhat relaxing to her overactive mind. Minagi spent a good amount of time simply just watching people interact with each other before she had gone out and interacted. Yunru was uncharacteristically late, but she knew that he would find his way to her whenever he was ready.
She caught up to Asami and rested a hand on the smaller girl's shoulder and gave her a reassuring squeeze. “Would you like to come with me? I've heard the Guo family is arriving soon, and I'd like to be the first to give them a proper greeting before they get swarmed by the sharks.” A small laugh left her lips and she took a gentle hold of the girl's wrist to lead her toward the foyer where they could meet up with their friends. “Yunru will catch up with us whenever he's ready if it worries you that he's not already here. He's taking care of some things for us right now, and will be here when everyone's arrived. Guess I'll have to protect us now~”