March 18th, X900
Crocus, 10:35 AM

The sun covered the city in its warm glow. A cool breeze would brush past the many pedestrians of Crocus, walking to and fro in their daily lives. Whenever there was a bright, sunny day like this the city would be bustling from dawn til dusk. Peddlers took to the streets, shoppers perused the many stores, even the Kingdom soldiers that would patrol the capitol seemed to be smiling and jovial. All seemed well in Fiore on fair weather days, though today that may not be the case. Hidden away in the alleys of this labyrinth city is a guild that very few even know exists. A small band of heroes, though they don't know it yet, just waiting to be noticed by the world. And on this peaceful day, without any warning, that opportunity they have been waiting for will appear and forever change the course of history. The time of tradition, friendship, and family will soon begin anew in this world that has moved on from the old ways. Fenixtear is about to shine.
The beautiful morning sun made for the perfect company while the tall, tan woman watered the plants of her garden. Many exotic and magical trees, flowers, and fruits decorated her large greenhouse though not a human soul wandered beside her. Grasidia always enjoyed sharing her garden with the public but never personally lingered among them, making sure to only open her garden after she finished watering the plants every morning. There were a few regular visitors among the humans that she knew of but she couldn't tell you their names; she never spoke to them even once. And as she finished tending to her colorful, silent friends she noticed that one of the regular visitors was waiting patiently by the greenhouse door. A single sigh escaped her as she replaced the watering can on the table next to the clear door and opened it inward. Her face showed no emotion as she looked down on the teenage girl before her, though the human gave her a smile in return. "Thank you, ma'am," the girl spoke, giving a polite bow to Grasidia before entering the greenhouse.
Yet, Grasidia said nothing in return. She simply watched the human mosey past and approach the nearby Firelily flowers. Grasidia let out another sigh before pulling the front door as open as it could go, holding it in place with a latch on the wall so that the door would remain open while she stepped out into the street. Her garden was ready for the day so now it was time to head back to the guild. Many would stop and stare at the striking figure walking among them but Grasidia had grown used to the gazes of the humans. Their lust for her form was always a mystery to her but so long as none approached then it didn't bother her. The walk was brief anyways. As she turned right into a shaded alley the bustling crowd from the street was replaced by an empty walkway. People didn't often come through this alley except for the occasional shortcut or to actually see the mage guild that called it home. The latter was more rare.
She stepped into the guild hall, the front door creaking to announce her entry to all that were inside. A quick glance around confirmed Grasidia's suspicions: there were no customers for the tavern. Only her guildmates were present among the tables and the bar. She also noted that Torys, her master, was nowhere to be seen. The most important thing missing, more than customers and the guild master, were the quest papers on the job board. The corkboard on the back wall was completely empty, easy to see from the entrance. That makes eight days, Grasidia thought to herself, lightly shaking her head in disappointment. Eight days in a row with nothing to do. Turning back and staying at her garden would be worse than just staying here, as at least she knew her guildmates and could tolerate their presence much better than the random humans that would surely pester her if she returned. Of course there were some that wouldn't handle having nothing to do as well as Grasidia would, her guildmates are mostly young and immature. It would only be a matter of time before they tried to find other ways to occupy themselves. But with Torys nowhere in sight it would fall upon Grasidia to keep the guild hall in one piece, so with a defeated sigh she let the door close behind her and simply took a seat at the nearest table. Another one of these days...