
Name: Nishimura "Black Dragon" Katsumi
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: May 18th
Height / Weight: 5’5” / 149lbs (67.5kg)
Profile: The Nishimura is a family of longtime association with the Black Babel. The family line is one of great tradition, passing down an array of magic techniques to their children and applying their skills to become Witches. This is the fate of Katsumi.
Even from a young age she saw the effects of the Black Babel on her life; her mother was often gone performing missions, with her father only there half the time due to work, leaving the young girl to entertain herself. Which she usually did by reading old books, many detailing her family history. However, when her mother was home, she didn’t slack on the teaching of her daughter. Katsumi is homeschooled in both regular education and the magical arts of her heritage.
It wasn’t until her mid teens that she came to realize her true purpose. One fateful evening a creature of the night had followed her mother home, and killed her father before being wounded and fleeing. It was at that point that her mother became overcome with guilt and grief over what she had inadvertently caused. She abandoned her duty as a Witch despite traditional, and encouraged Katsumi to do the same. But the young girl wouldn’t. She defied her mother’s wishes because she wanted revenge against those who had taken her father away. She would show them the strength of the Nishimura Dragonblood.
Katsumi is a sharp individual, in tongue and will. She seems rather energetic and at times airy, but this is a version of stoicism for her, as underneath she evaluates serious situations more strategically than she lets on. She is rather rebellious at times when need-be, but always respects tradition, even if she’s loathe to hold her tongue in the face of things she disagrees with.
Witch Rank: C
Uniform: Type A Uniform shortened nearly to the hips, with black trousers and boots.
Walther P38Familiar:
Inikki is an Imp-class Daemon that takes the form of a nearly-transparent wisp. Despite being an intelligent familiar, Inikki cannot speak, and can only convey emotions and mental images to Katsumi. The daemon is a rather playful and often mischievous one, sometimes getting into more trouble than one would expect. This is aided well by its ability to possess simple objects. While possessing an object, he can manipulate them as if he had strength equalling a human. He has shown the ability to also split into two halves of himself and possess two objects, both at normal strength.
Daemon Hounds
Moji and Peach are two
hound-like Daemons who’ve been tamed by Katsumi to assist her in vampire destruction
and cuddles. These two Daemons are especially effective in hunting vampires due to the fact that they have potent regenerative abilities, as well as toxic blood. However, they can’t really do any meaningful damage - they’re better as distractions, or just bloodhounds. They
look pretty spooky though.
Potion Case
Katsumi wears a small potion case on her hip which holds up to four vials, usually containing physical enhancement potions.
CursesBlack Dragon’s Breath
Katsumi possesses the breath of the black dragon, known for its acidic properties. She can expel a spray of acid from either her hands or her mouth, up to about five yards. Against flesh it is not incredibly corrosive, but it does slow regeneration and hurts quite a bit. It is better at boring through earthly materials like stone and metal, though. She is immune to her own acid.
CharmsIndomitable Will
Katsumi can activate this spell to boost her willpower, decreasing the pain she feels and increasing her ability to keep pushing in dire circumstances. She can also use it to help counteract attacks on her mind, if she is aware of them.
Dragon’s Flight
Katsumi can activate this magic to allow her to fly or float. She can fly fast enough to keep pace with the average broom, and she has
decent control over her maneuverability.
Katsumi can enhance her agility in wet environments - whether it be a body of water, a downpour of rain, etc. Her movement seems unhindered by any type of water, and even enhanced by it in some cases. She seems able to hold her breath for an inhuman amount of time.
Hunter of Hunters
Katsumi is at her best when she is pursuing or stalking those who are caught off guard or on the backfoot. Her agility and stamina are enhanced when she is chasing or stalking her foes. She is also able to detect the state and position of her hunting Daemons, and telepathically transfer information with them.
CraftsDragonblood Tattoo
The heritage of the Nishimura family is one that deeply connects itself to the ancient dragon tales of lore. As such, they worship and emulate the magnificent beings, passing this brand down through their bloodline - in exchange for some magical cursing potential. Katsumi’s brand passively increases her senses of sight, hearing, and smell to impressive levels. Because she possesses the
Black Dragon tattoo, she innately makes it more difficult for adversaries to track her; her scent is weaker, she moves more silently, and any tracks she leaves are rather faint. In exchange, it is excruciatingly difficult for her to learn
any Curses outside of her
'Black Dragon’s Breath'.
Draconic Dominance
Katsumi has studied to learn the imposing nature of dragons, making it easier for her to influence the beings around her when she uses this spell. This makes it easier to intimidate Daemons or garner their respect, potentially even persuading them to follow her orders instead of someone else’s. This can also work on humans and vampires, but currently only in the form of a one-word command that isn’t directly harmful to the afflicted. To effect a human or vampire, Katsumi has to catch them off guard or render them susceptible to illusions in some way.