Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Chuuya
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Chuuya Friend-shaped

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Suit yerself." The bar was as dark and dim inside as it looked on the exterior. It was rundown and had mostly been forgotten about in recent years in favor of more upscale establishments. This place had been around since John's childhood, however, and he wasn't willing to abandon it for some pub with nicer bathrooms. "We just thought that we would warn ya. The word is that they'll be sending those patrols after you and yer guys sometime soon. Ye should keep your head down and yer mouth shut. If yer looking for a Rablin then. . There might have been one spotted around you-know-where. I wouldn't recommend going that way though. Not if ya treasure that pretty head of yers!"

Rose Palace.

It was baffling to John that an outsider would find their way to such a place. Why would Caleb's friend end up there anyway? That didn't make much sense and seemed more like a trap than anything else. Stepping onto another gang's turf was surely a bad path to take. Still. . There was a part of the older man that felt sympathetic towards the boy that had risked so much to get news of his father's fate home. Even still, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something that Caleb was hiding. Why else would Rainbow have an interest in Rose Palace? It just didn't add up. "Wasn't planning on it. Tell me a bit more about the Rablin that you didn't see though. There might be something in it for you."

"Tell me another joke, Jake!"

Edward and Jake had bonded surprisingly well in the past few minutes. Neither, it seemed, were bothered by the fact that they had been left outside of a seedy pub. Caleb, on the hand, felt completely uneasy. He kept glancing towards people who walked past yet none seemed to bat an eye in his direction. Only evil men would go after children, right? They were fine. Probably. The fact that he was a child didn't stop him from being robbed as soon as they hit land though. . .

"Okay, I have another really good one. ."

Listening to conversation was difficult when every shadow made you jump a little. This was ridiculous. Caleb had a sword and he knew magic. There was no reason for him to be this nervous over some low level thugs. Besides, they had John with them. Or they did have John with them and he'd back soon enough. . Hopefully. Shady man or not, Jake was still his family and he probably wouldn't let any harm come to him. Right? Even still, Caleb could only keep a hand hovering over the hilt of his sword as Edward and Jake erupted into laughter again. It must have been some funny joke by the way that the golden horse shook with glee. It was nice to see the hippocampus having fun, at least.

Caleb could only hope that John would be back soon.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Tiger
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Jake and Edward continued swapping jokes and stories as the three of them huddled by the entrance of the tavern. Caleb, being the oldest and therefore responsible for the younger boys, was keeping a watchful eye on everyone that passed them by. He knew that it would not be very long before Edward would need water again, and he certainly wasn't about to let anything happen while his charge was weak.

There were several potential threats he gave a warning look towards, though thankfully none seemed particularly interested in the trio. The only person who did take any interest was a woman in colorful skirts and a crisp bodice. She wondered over to the children and gave them a friendly smile. "Hello boys."

Jake instantly fell silent, watching her with a small frown. Caleb stepped defensively in front of the younger kids. "Who are you?"

"Marge, but my niece calls me Auntie Marmie." She gave them a bright smile, "You're welcome to as well." She peeked past them and smiled brightly at Edward. "Don't you two fine young men have such a pretty horse!"

Jake lit up, eager to talk about his new best friend. "Thanks Auntie Marmie! He's not just a horse though!" Caleb cut him off with an elbow to the ribs.

Marge's smile widened as Jake flinched into silence. "He's not?"

Caleb shook his head. "No. He's our horse."

"You two look like you've been hungry. I can't imagine you're able to tend to him very well. He looks sick." Indeed, Edward was looking rather concerned about her. "My niece would just love him." Marge reached into her purse and pulled out a glittering coin. "Why don't you two let me keep him? My niece would love him and spoil him, and you could visit any time you like. Here, I'll give you this gold coin for him. I bet your patents would be thrilled to see you've brought home enough money for a month of food, and found a place for him to stay for free!"

Caleb shook his head. "Edward isn't for sale, ma'am." Marge extended the coin towards him temptingly, but Calen swatted it away. And ugly sneer crossed her face as the coin clattered to the gutter.

"Well then," from behind them a woman purred. "We'll just have to take him." the second woman flicked het thin sword experimentally. "Be good and you won't get hurt."

Caleb snatched at his sword, fear rising in his chest. "You're not taking Edward! Jake, mount up, go!" The younger boy rushed to obey his instructions. Edward knelt to let him in more easily as Caleb faced of with the sword wielding woman.

A man faded out of the shadows behind the boys. "That won't be necessary." He laid a gentle hand on Jake's shoulder, though his eyes were locked on the two women. "Go. I'll hunt you two down myself if you bother these boys again." The woman hesitated only a moment before they hustled down the street together. The man gave the kids a smile. "Not a bad scowl you've got there, kiddo." He winked at Caleb. "Almost scared me." At their wary faces, the man laughed. "What, you didn't think JJ would leave you alone out here, did you? Name's Dustin. Code word "sunset"."

Caleb and Jake exchanged a glance. Jake shrugged and whispered, "Kay said her dad and her have codewords, so she knows if he sent someone to see her or not. If they aren't family and don't have a code, she knows they aren't safe. But I don't know what the word is."

Dustin unhooked his sword and offered it to Jake. "Here. You can hold this if it'll make you feel better. I'll get it back if I need it."

"You won't need it." John shut the door behind him. Dustin hugged him with a grin. John slapped him on the back before turning to the boys. "Ran into trouble then?"

Dustin nodded. "Pair of cowards picking on children." He nodded towards the boys. "Sisters, lovers, or just buisness partners, no one's quite sure about those two. They have more faces than the king has knights. A different name for every person they meet." He walked over and picked up the coin, then scoffed. "Not even thr decency to offer a real coin. Nothing but pretty wood."

"What did they want with Edward?" Jake asked hesitantly.

"Depends on if they could get more for him alive or in pieces." All the kids paled at the answer.

"We should get out of here." John shook his head. "Maybe I shouldn't have brought you kids out here, but I got my information, and there's one more place I want to take you two."

"Where's that?" Caleb couldn't help but ask.

John smiled. "Any two boys getting into their own adventures need proper knives. Come. I know a man that will give us a good price on some small blades for you both."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Dusty
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Dusty Sorta Sharp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

“Then we’d best be off, just return Mister Dustin’s weapon to him Jake.” John clapped them heartily on their shoulders, giving Dustin a small flicker of the eyes. The action was subtle, even the experienced gang bouncer almost overlooked its importance. He nodded once, retrieving his sword from Jake who was more than willing to pass the heavy weapon off. Leaving the children, the two men stepped off to the side, conversing in low tones.

“…Green skin and one ear. Look, I am not risking my nephew or the other two near the place Dustin, I will keep them distracted at Barrow’s Swordsmithy. Take three of the lads with you and be careful. You remember Nart?”

“Oceanside Enforcer, yeah I recall him. Real tough fella.”

“He’s dead, along with fifteen of his thugs, Boegan just told me. Slain this morning by one of the Woodland Smugglers.” John saw a light of shock appear in Dustin’s eye, and he lowered his voice even further, glancing behind him to ensure the children were not eavesdropping. “Something big is going down, sooner rather than later and all the major gangs are gearing up and gathering muscle, and that includes the City Watch. I’d like to have this Rainbow found and be under cover before then. You’d best hide yourself as well, I’ve had my fill of loss for the day.”

“Don’t worry about me J. I’ll scope the place. If he’s there we’ll scoop him up and be gone like smoke on the wind.”

“I know, you’re one of the best. Meet me at the safe house if you find him or send a runner if you don’t. And try not to get distracted this time.” John finished up and returned to the others who had finished sorting out the travel arrangements. They seemed to busy chattering about what kind of knife they would pick to notice the brief conversation between the two gangsters. Caleb flashed him a suspicious look but said nothing. Dustin flaunted another of his disarming smiles at the boys, before giving John a double thumbs up and vanishing into the shadows from whence he came.

They set off in good order, taking the long way through the winding streets, across mossy roads and a thousand open-air shops. Delicious smells, and delightful sounds keeping them sufficiently distracted. Barrow’s Smithy, as it happened was on the other side of the Market District, and John did not once complain about stalling here and there to appease the fancy of his young wards. Stopping to smell a strange flower here, or purchase sweets there. The seconds ticked by, flowing easily into minutes, and giving Dustin and his men ever more time to search the expansive area within the vicinity of the Rose Palace. After pausing to supply Edward a hearty source of salted water from a talkative spice merchant they started off again, seeming no closer to their eventual goal then they had been a half hour ago. John felt a sharp tug on his jacket sleeve and turned to see a rather emotionally confused Caleb frowning back at him. The boy seemed to be in the midst of a near crisis, almost on the verge of tears, or was that anger? John could not quite tell.

“Excuse me, Mister Nieve.” Caleb said, looking and sounding both embarrassed and exasperated at the same time.

“Don’t worry about none of the Mister stuff, just call me John. Or J.J., or just J. if you prefer. All my friends do.” He winked. “Aren’t we friends Caleb?”

“Yes of course, but John…” Caleb paused, glancing back the way they had come, the seedy tavern where John had acquired his information only a few streets back. A sharp kid this one, John realized, or really determined. “Its just, you said you got a lead of some kind, and maybe knew where Rainbow was. I know you want to help, and get us new blades, but this sword of mine has served me well. I appreciate the offer, but and if you think you could find Rainbow shouldn’t we rush straight there?”

“Brave adventurers need trusty steel to see them through the day.” John opined. “And where we’re going, we’ll need everyone armed. Just in case. Do not worry about Rainbow, he’ll be alright. Hey, he might even find his way to us. Trust me on this one Caleb. I won’t let you down.”

“But that doesn’t make any sen-“

“Look, you’ve been in the city proper for how long?”

Caleb frowned, sensing where this was going. “A couple hours…”

“I’ve been here my whole life, alright? It’s a big city, lots of districts, and unfortunately a lot of nasty people. You remember those women who tried to steal Edward? If you want to find your friend, and be safe doing it you’ll follow my lead. Okay? Okay good. Come along everyone.”


It did not take long for the four men to determine Rainbow wasn’t in the Rose Palace vicinity. Nobody they spoke to claimed to have seen him, and even a few coins rubbed together under noses didn’t produce any answers. One local muttered about a bunch of noisy birds causing a racket, but otherwise the search proved futile. Dustin was about to call it quits when one of his goons nudged him, jerking his head towards an unimposing tree residence.

“Hey, Dustin.” The man chortled. “That there’s Miz Liz’s abode don’t’cha know?”

“Liz the thief?” Dustin snorted, wondering why the man had just lost his mind. “She’s another danger to worry about here, I suppose. Not hazardous if you leave her alone though. But what about it?”

“Didn’t’cha hear, ol’ Liz got mixed up with the wrong score. Got herself knocked on her pretty tail I heard and bagged by the Watch.”

“I heard about that too. Bet’cha she’s madder n’ a wet rooster. Probably have a hit out for whoever helped catch her.” Another man named Bysor supported, rubbing his hands together.

“Which means her gang o’ enforcers are probably scattered to the four winds.” Dustin finished a large grin spreading across his face. “Maybe this trip won’t be for nothing after all. I’ve always wandered what that petty thief had stored in there. Course, someone will still have to go let J. know we couldn’t find his rablin… Neil you go.”

“Me?” Neil moaned, looking at his boss in disbelief. “C’mon I want a share O’ th’ loot. Send Bysor instead.”

“Nope, Neil you’re going. Hurry along and get that message to John. You two follow me.”

The unlucky Neil scurried off, glancing jealously back at his more fortunate comrades who would get to split the spoils of the raid amongst themselves, no doubt retrieving nothing of interest for him. For their part, Dustin and his two remaining cronies were licking their lips in anticipation gathering at the base of the tree to produce climbing implements, and giving the local area a quick final check to make certain no one was spying on their burglary. “Act natural, pretend like we’re meant to be here.” Dustin hissed out the side of his mount before very inconspicuously throwing a grapple up towards the higher branches and beginning to climb.

He did not make it far.

A dagger spun from the brush burying itself blade first between his shoulder blades. Dustin gasped, as the air was forced from his body, and then went limp falling backwards towards the ground. His men yelled in shock, drawing weapons and turning to face this new threat. Liz, freshly escaped from her prison cell surged from the undergrowth flanked by her own lizard-folk goons. Seven in total they fell upon the human gangsters who fought bitterly for their very lives. Steel clashed against steel, and one lizard fell mortally wounded to Bysor’s sword before he collapsed In turn, lizard jaws clamped around his throat. The other man tried to run but was cut down, his life ended by a flurry of enraged thrusts.

“Filth! Thieves! Burglars!” Liz raged, standing over the four corpses that littered her bloodstained doorstep. The other lizards hissed in agreement, not often were they drawn to violence, preferring petty theft to murder. But seeing the hideout of their boss so vagrantly dishonored brought them to bloodlust unlike any other. “The other, the one that ran off before they attempted to enter my home. You three pursue him, cut his throat and show him what happens to those who try and steal from me.” She indicated a trio of her five-remaining crew. They hissed and took off, in hot pursuit of an unsuspecting Neil. Liz had been in a furious mood ever since her prize had been stolen, and she was carted off to prison earlier that same day. As if any cage could hold her for long! She’d escaped in record time, regathered her crew and returned home to their headquarters only to find a trio of humans attempting to break and enter. Insanity, she left the place unguarded for a few hours and the roaches start moving in. Snorting she kicked at Dustin’s lifeless body, retrieving her dagger from his spine.

Magically she summoned her climbing steps, leading her followers up into the upper floors where, stepping over the threshold her rage returned. The simple home was a wreck. Feathers littered the floor, furniture was scattered, and her prize chest... Once protected by a plethora of dangerous curses lay shattered on the floor. Liz howled in fury, drawing her daggers until her eyes alighted upon the still form lying at her feet, in a puddle of black ooze. The rablin she had robbed? Slowly she replaced her daggers into their sheaths, her long tongue working the air, scenting out the story. The rablin had taken the full brunt of the magical attack, but something else had shattered the chest, no doubt saving his life. Where the bird feathers came from, she did not know, or particularly care. “Grab him, and secure him.” she ordered, waving a hand at the unconscious rablin. “We’ll question him later, after I sharpen my blades. I’ll make him sing like a bird.”

Sara Nieve would die, the burglars’ friend would die, and this rablin and whoever had stolen her treasures would die as well. All in good time. No one wronged Liz the Thief and lived to brag about it. No one!
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Zapdos
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Zapdos Electric Pokemon

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

In the Thorn City Chambers, the five members of the Thorn City Council are gathered, listening to a presentation about the anti-gang war. In attendance are:

-Dara May “Darmae” Rose, the oldest and longest-serving member of the council, an elderly human woman.
-Wally Rose, a middle-aged human male who has been on the council for about 15 years and runs the local publishing firm.
-Gabriella Spencer, a middle-aged human woman who has been on the council for almost a decade. She also is head of the Druid Guild.
-Justin Rose, a 35-year old human man who is known for being extremely dour.
-Mason Treling, the youngest member of the council ever, a lanky human man of 23 years with shoulder-length red hair. Even by Council standards, he is a skilled druid. Rumors have it he has great ambitions for his family, which has declined in influence over the years. He has only been on the council for a year now.

Speaking to the Council is Gordon Rose, General of the Army. An elderly, gruff man decorated in full Thorn City Army uniform at all times, he is well known throughout the city for keeping the Army free of corruption and gang influence.

“and so, to summarize: we assassinate all the leaders, and then while their ranks are disorganized, we kill them. Any questions?”

“Yes,” Wally spoke up, “do we have enough men to take them on at once? If this fails, our city-”

Darmae rolled her eyes, interrupting the man. “Enough of your whining, Willy. We have the men and we voted to kill the gangs 4-1. If you’re going to make sour grapes, turn it into wine instead of whining.”

“Besides, if the troops die, we can get more,” Justin added.

The elderly woman nodded. “See? So quit-”

A knock on the chamber’s doors were heard, then a man opened them up. A young army cadet with paper in hand, from the looks of it. “Sorry to interrupt, lords, but this is urgent. Liz escaped from prison just a short while ago.”

“See? SEE!?” Darmae exclaimed. “This is what happens when we don’t take down these gangs.” Nods and affirmations were heard from the other council members except Wally, who looked nervous. “Get on it, Gordon.”

“Yes, ma’am,” the old soldier responded with a salute. There would be a lot of casualties today, but they were protecting the city, right? That’s what the Army is for, after all.


Darmae Rose returned to her chambers in the Rose Palace exhausted, but glad this plan was finally moving forward. Best to get it over with. And of course, Scer'Pi'Kenes was there waiting for her.

“It is done?” he asked.

“Yes. Gordon’s going after the leaders first, then the ranks” the lady responded.

“Good to know. I’ll tell John to lay low; I’ll need him alive for the next phase.”

“Can we trust him? He’s pretty tight with the Oceansiders.”

“Oh yeah, he’s the one who told me how to get past Liz’s traps in the first place. Anyway, I’ve gathered my fellow gnomes. Once the gangs and Army are weak, we’ll kill the other council members and rule the city. Is the Greater Silence spell ready?”

“Yes. When the time is right, I’ll call the special meeting. Be ready to overpower them with those rings of yours.”

Scer smiled an evil smile. “Of course, Darmae. I’ve been ready for 20 years.”
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Chuuya
Avatar of Chuuya

Chuuya Friend-shaped

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"If you ever want to save anyone, then you'll need the right equipment." A significant amount of time had already passed when the four finally reached the opposite end of the Market District. Barrow’s Swordsmithy was nestled in a corner near the edge of the district with a severe lack of foot traffic in front of it. That might've explained the emptiness of the establishment and how it was filled to the brim with cobwebs. There was just as many interesting armaments in the mix, however. "That includes helping with your friend right now."

"Whoa. . ." Edward had been let into the blacksmith's under the promise that he wouldn't stand too close to any of the displays. The person behind the counter still glared at him, but left him be for now. Everyone in Thorn City knew that it was unwise to start trouble with anyone that was traveling with John Nieve Junior. That was, perhaps, why his family had been left alone up until recently. Not only was he a dangerous character, but he had just as many dangerous connections. "There's so many weapons here. . They're all so sharp and shiny!"

"There sure is. This is home to some of the finest weapons in the world. Feel free to give any of them a swing. I'm sure that the owner wouldn't mind." Barrow, whom the store was named after, was likely off having lunch somewhere with family. He worked odd hours and was an odd man though he was generally friendly enough. He also made some of the finest blades, axes, and polearms on this side of the ocean. "You should find a weapon that feels right for you. I can also have Barrow make one for you. For free, of course. He owes me a few favors anyway."

"Are you sure about that?" Caleb's fingers were sliding across the handles of ornate daggers though his mind was somewhere faraway. It was on Rainbow who, for all he had known, was lying somewhere as a bloodied and broken mess. It isn't knightly to abandon your friends in need like this. Weapons could be recovered though Rainbow couldn't be. It was clear that John wasn't taking his worries seriously, however. He needed a plan and a way to slip away without the older man noticing "I wouldn't want to impose. I think having a new sword might be nice though. I've always wanted a silver short sword though... Like the ones that the knights in the Southern Kingdom use."

"I could arrange that for you. It wouldn't exactly be like what the knights in the Southern Kingdoms use, but it would be close enough." John was already approaching the counter and in the process of leaning over it. There was a devious look in his eyes that caused the clerk to step back a little. Everyone knew better than to become involved with the infamous John Nieve Junior and yet Harrow did it anyway. "Hey, Piper. When will Harrow be back in? I have a little project for him."

Mary ended up in the garden with books, Skyla, and Kayden. She had been drained of tears by then and was focused on reading a book to the two girls. They were absolutely entranced by the pop-up and picture books though their focus was usually on the librarian herself. Both girls absolutely adored Mary and she would keep them busy enough while Sara tended to other matters. Mary was in the process of reading a classic child's tale when her own mother disappeared upstairs. Ribbon was more than happy to follow Sara Nieve and plop down onto the bed in the room that she once shared with her husband. Her husband that wouldn't come home.

"We can't let Lydia end up like John and Herrown, now can we?" A door was shut behind the elderly woman and a pearl was shook loose from her shawl. It fell onto the bed next to Ribbon. The dog immediately raised her head to sniff it with excitement and familiarity. A tail was wagging in response before long. Sara, meanwhile, delivered a quick pat before sliding open the drawer to her bedside table. A pearl was shoved towards the back of it as light blue eyes fell on the wooden box that was pulled loose from it. "No, I won't allow that."

Within the wooden box was a pair of daggers that Sara relied on during her prime. She once was like her estranged son though put that life behind her once she got wiser and had children of her own. At first, there was hope that John Junior would do the same. He, however, seemingly gotten worse after Kayden was born instead. By now, he was much worse than Sara ever was. She was little more than a petty thief that enjoyed the thrill of combat fro time to time. It was ironic that she would fall in with someone from the Watch. That was what her husband was far before he was a sailor or merchant of his own. He was always a pacifist though. He also, unlike her, preferred archery or more diplomatic approaches. That unwillingness to fight was possibly what took his life in the end. But Sara was different. She would not fold to that fate nor would she leave her granddaughter to be sold into draconic slavery.

"That feels better." There was a gentle smile on the elderly woman's face as she lifted one of her forgotten daggers. Unbeknownst to the danger that was Liz's cronies coming after her, she knew that she needed to take up arms again if it meant saving Roger's daughter anyway. The thumping of Ribbon's tail had stopped by now. She had, perhaps, sensed the danger somewhere in the distance. "Now we'll have to think about how to save dear Lydia, won't we?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Tiger
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Piper swallowed hard. No one wanted this man's attention upon them, and Piper was smart enough not to be the exception. "Said he'd be by in time to send me home for dinner. Last time that meant sometime around three, but before that it had meant about ten. That's the best I can give you."

John laughed, a surprisingly playful sound compared to the earlier look on his face. "That sounds like him alright." The sinister smile flickered back to life as he killed his chuckle. "You won't mind if one of my friends hangs around with you to deliver a message, now would you? I'd do it myself, but I don't quite have the time." He had no doubts Dustin would be back with the news soon, and he would be able to move forward with his plan from there. The clerk looked horrified, but was smart enough not to refuse. "Thank you, you've been a big help."

Edward sniffed tentatively at the closest display of spears. He liked the smell of their handles, it reminded him of the bits of driftwood he sometimes would play with back home. The swords and daggers had a sharper scent to them. He preferred the gentle wood over the tangy metal. "I think you two should try these!" He suggested brightly.

Jake shook his head. "They're cumbersome and impractical. Caleb and I are too little to use them right." He turned back to the display of small weapons he had been admiring. Thoughtfully he chewed on his cheek. Gently he ran his finger down the sheath of a dagger. "I like this one. Uncle John, it looks like it goes into a boot, am I right?"

JJ smiled brightly at his nephew. "You are indeed correct!" He answered as he sailed across the shop again. "Pick it up, get a feel for it, my boy. I'll help you learn how to secure it if you like it." Jake hesitantly unsheathed the blade. His breath hitched. John Junior smiled, his heart softening as he watched the boy fall in love with a weapon for the first time. Sara had been firm on teaching the child nothing but hand to hand combat, but John was more realistic. Fists did little against a proper weapon. If you wanted to survive, you needed a blade. He'd treasured helping Kayden pick out her first knife, and now Jake had made his selection.

Caleb was significantly more antsy. He couldn't focus on any of the craftsmanship laid out before him. As tempting as the weapons were, nothing called his name louder than the anxiety over what had happened to his captain. "Mister John," he knew he'd been asked not to use the titles, but he wanted to show just the right combination of respect and familiarity to get what he needed, "I'm okay with my old sword for now. If Jake's pick something, can we please go find Rainbow now? I appreciate that you want to outfit us with weapons, but I already have one. Besides, Rainbow will need something too, and he should be able to pick something out before I do. He's my captain."

John sighed softly. "Alright, we can get moving." He would just need to make a few useless inquiries in the local area until he heard back from Dustin. He could bluff a stressed out twelve year old, and he'd have heard back about the rablin before Caleb figured out his interrogations were insincere. Out of habit, his eyes flicked to the shop windows and scanned the streets. Hasty movement caught his attention as someone turned onto the street. A true smile landed on his lips this time as he recognized one of his men. "Stay here, boys. That's one of my contacts now. I will be no more than three minutes. Caleb, take a second look at those swords in case you change your mind. We'll be on our way once I've spoken to him." With that the man strode from the shop and out into the dusty street.

Three lizard swarmed out of the alley he'd shot from, two on the walls and one on the street. They turned as a unit, one moving like liquid across the side of the building. The second leaped to join his companion on the road as they hunted their pray. Neil was panting for breath, the whites of his eyes showing from fear and pain. John pulled a vial the size of a child's thumb from his left pocket and flicked off the cork. His right hand slid into a bag in his right, returning with a pinch of powder. "One." He released the powder into the vial. "Two." Wasting no time, he whipped it down the street, arching the glass past Niel's head. "Three."

The whole thing exploded in a flash as the chemicals reacted, a rapidly expanding fireball swelled and died harmlessly. A delay tacit, nothing more. The lizards stopped short in the street, hissing at the harsh smell and the uncertainty of where the fire had come from. John unsheathed his sword and strode forward to defend his man.

From within the shop Caleb bolted outside to help however he possibly could. "John!"


"One more, please Aunt Mary?" Though a little old for picture books on her own, Kayden thrived on the love and affection from the woman. Her own mother had left long ago, before her father had turned to crime. Before she could remember anything more of her than an intense fear of abandonment.

"No more time for that, my dear." Sara's voice was surprisingly cheerful considering the events of the day. "Why don't you two go pick some flowers? When everyone comes home tonight, we will hold a small memorial for Grandpa and Herrown." She would have preferred a full burial, but without their bodies, and with her family dispersing rapidly on their missions, a small goodbye would have to be enough for now. There was no time nor money to plan a full service. Perhaps after she had saved Lydia she would be able to venture out to retrieve the bones of the two brave men.

Kayden stood up and bravely reached for Skyla's hand. "Come on, Lala. I'll tell you about the new potion I learned from Witch-Hazel!" The children disappeared together with Ribbon on their heels.

Sara turned to her daughter. "Roger will fill you in on the details tonight. I will be leaving soon. Is there anything pressing you require before I am gone? This may be your only chance to make a request. Unless something comes up, I intend to get going tonight."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Dusty
Avatar of Dusty

Dusty Sorta Sharp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Despite their momentary setback the reptilian trio shook off the aftereffects of John’s makeshift flashbang, encroaching upon his space bearing a nasty array of weaponry. Lizards, although somewhat smaller than men were considerably better armed pound for pound. Powerful jaws filled by rows of jagged teeth could tear through flesh with ease. Long serrated claws on both their fore and hind limbs made versatile climbing and slashing implements, and their scaly hides prevented all but the most powerful attacks from doing much damage at all. Pile all of that on top of their wicked speed and current state of rabid ferocity meant they were lethal foes indeed. Of course, John was no stranger to violence himself, and stepped in front of the wounded Neil, defending his injured comrade, sword held at high guard ready to deliver death upon any fool who ventured to close. The lizards halted their inexorable advance. Something in John’s eyes warned them, they ought to take this challenge a touch more seriously than they might otherwise have. Even with their three to one advantage.

“Caleb stay back, keep Jake inside and don’t let anyone into that shop. Barricade the door and windows and remain within no matter what happens. No matter what you hear. Keep my nephew safe.” When Caleb hesitated, the swordsman raised his voice to a vicious bark. “Do as I say now!” The boy jumped in surprise at this unfamiliar malice, scurrying back towards the Smithy entrance. John maintained his position as the reptiles began spreading out, encircling the lone man, licking their blades in anticipation. Neil whimpered, clutching his bleeding arm close to his chest as he sank to his knees, muttering pleading prayers to any god who would listen. John kicked him. “Quit crying and draw steel, before they decide they’re man enough to attack.”

Neil shook his head overcome by his sense of hopelessness. “My arm boss, I couldn’t swing a weapon if I had one. They caught me unawares, came out of nowhere. I lost my sword and ran for my life.”

John’s eyes narrowed, and he shifted his position ever so slightly until he was practically standing over Neil. “Who are you? And why have you drawn blood in the public eye? The City Watch will not have this lawlessness in the market square, and certainly not in broad daylight. What quarrel is so important as to risk the gallows?”

The leading lizard seemed to consider this, tilting his head as if in thought. “Our fight is not with you manling! Step aside so justice might be done. Or would you die defending the cohort of a burglar? For there is no greater crime than the desecration of one’s sanctuary! It is folly to defend him.”

“Pah, I doubt you would hold that sentiment to your own victims. Or is it only alright when you do it? Blood vengeance is a two-way street I can ensure you will not be to your benefit. Besides, you are in the wrong any way you slice it and you will find the authorities will concur when they arrive. It would be in your best interest to forgive and forget this ever occurred, and leave this man in my care.” John figured he knew exactly what occurred to enrage these lizard, and what kind of people he was dealing with. Hypocritical, hypersensitive thugs whom Dustin and his three companions had done something to offend. Hopefully Dustin still breathed, but the fate of his friend was a matter to concern him another time. Right now, three angry lizards were bearing down on him from every possible angle and judging by the flickering tongues and shifting feet they were preparing to spring.

The reptile spluttered, clearly incensed by this accusation. His mud brown scales rippled under powerful muscles as he raged. “Do not preach to us! We have not come here to bandy moral philosophy with a manling fool! You are brave, but stupid. We are three and you stand alone. If you do not step aside, we will be forced to slay you, before slitting the throat of that scum you defend.”

John shifted his weight, inching to the left until he could get a good view of Barrow’s Smithy out of his peripheral vision. Caleb had ignored his commands to close and bar the door, but at least he was keeping Jake and Edward inside by blocking the entrance with his body. His cheap sword held in a two-handed grip, watching the entire ordeal from the sidelines. A good kid all in all, if a bit stubborn and bull headed. John felt the corners of his lips quirk up at this thought. Not unlike himself really. Turning his attention back upon the aggressors he narrowed his stance, sword rising until it was pointed directly at the supposed leader of the trio. “No.” He declared, not a hint of hesitation in his voice. “The man of whose life you claim is my friend. Be he a coward, thief, burglar, or anything between I will not stand by and watch you murder him. You have issued your ultimatum, so now here is mine. If you come forward determined to fulfill your sick version of justice know you will not leave this conflict alive. This I swear. Make your decision and be gone.”

The two foes stared across the no man’s land, a sort of realization settling upon them both. One of them would not walk away from this encounter. The lizard’s long tongue slithered out, tasting the air, sensing his chances. Neither would back down, but he held all the cards. The lizard braced himself and gave the smallest of nods.

Like triple chains of brown lightning the lizards sprang into action, their thin scimitar-like swords flashing from every angle, seeking to end the life of this brave, but doomed warrior. They did not count on John being equally stubborn, and trained by Sara Nieve. Like a one-man whirlwind John spun his broadsword over his head parrying two swords and dodging the third, his feet never once coming unplanted. Below him Neil wailed and closed his eyes, sensing it was only a matter of moments before even John’s skill was overwhelmed. Even the best swordsmen could not see in every direction at once.

John caught another sword a moment before it ended his life, forcing the blade and wielder away with a mighty shove, even as the second laid into his shoulder. The embattled warrior did not even feel the blade’s bite, even as his lifeblood seeped from the wound, he spun kicking the lizard who had landed the blow full in the face, sending him sprawling. Before he could take advantage of the downed opponent the other two were upon him, striking with a vengeance. Forced to abandon his defensive position over Neil John back peddled, parrying twin attacks from two separate angles. Again, and again he parried, never seeing the opportunity to repost, every moment a mere heartbeat before death, staved off only by his desperate defense. Yet, despite the intensity of their battle all John could think about was his daughter. Who would provide for her once he failed? Not if, but when he miscalculated by a millisecond he would be sent to meet his ancestors. Who would care for his now fatherless nephew and niece? Who would secret money into his mother’s accounts every month so she could afford to keep the home his father built?

No one… John felt his back press against a wall. The third lizard, having recuperated scurried towards the fight, eager to finish what he started. Nowhere to retreat. This was it. Kayden, Kayden, Kayden. I’m so sorry daughter, beautiful little girl, I failed you. The lead lizard smiled, batting aside John’s sword, and leveling his own, lunging forth to drive it straight into John’s heart, a battle cry hissed in victory.

“Gaaarah-ugh!” The lizard’s face twisted in agony, an expression of shock crossing his face as he crumpled, never knowing what killed him. John roared a berserker’s shout, the battle joy rising in his blood as he pushed himself off the wall barreling into the shocked comrades of the freshly reduced reptilian duo. Caleb stood over his collapsed, unmoving victim his bloodied sword held ready as one lizard turned to engage this new threat, the other squaring off against John. It was his opponent’s turn to scramble in desperate retreat. John came down upon him in a righteous fury, the air humming with the speed and ferocity of his assault. In his peripherals he could see Caleb battling bravely, but losing to the larger, stronger, and more experienced opponent. It was only a matter of seconds John realized. Driving his own foe into the dirt he pounded away until the scimitar broke, and the lizard screamed his final death cry. John did not show mercy. Turning he yelled in fear, not for himself but for his young rescuer. Caleb slipped on a patch of blood, and the iron sword was lost, sent spinning away. The lizard struck, not with his sword but his claws, racking the child across the face. Caleb lifted into the air flying back from the force of the blow and landed hard rolling twice before lying still. The lizard rushed forward, raising his sword to finish his small opponent.

John drew back his arm and let fly. His sword spun faster than the eye could follow striking the lizard hilt first causing him to stumble in surprise. Not wasting a second of his momentary advantage John surged across the ten meter distance, slamming full force into the lizard sending them both tumbling into the cobblestone street, weapons forgotten as they rolled, bit, and clawed for purchase. The reptile was far more suited to this style of combat, John realized to late. They tore at each other tooth and nail the lizard desperately trying to sink his teeth into the soft and vulnerable human throat, John doing everything in his power to ensure that did not happen. The lizard gained the upper hand, forcing John onto his back, drawing his snapping teeth closer and closer to John’s neck.

“No!” Jake stormed from the smithy knife in hand as he stabbed at the lizard; his clumsy blows turned by the reptile’s armored scales. A thunder of hooves followed, and the lizard was sent flying crashing into the wooden walls of the smithy, stunned by the force of the impact. Edward rose to his hind legs, whinnying and striking at the air, with a force that could crush skulls. Realizing he was disarmed, and probably facing almost certain death at the hooves of a powerful stallion the lizard decided discretion was the better part of valor. Sinking his claws into the soft wood of Barrow’s Smithy he scurried up the shear wall and vanished over the roof, leaping from house to house in his flight.

After a few seconds of unprecedented violence peace descended once more on the threshold of the shop. John laid on his back breathing heavily, bloody, but alive.

“Uncle, uncle please don’t be dead.” John felt small hands shaking him as Jake wept openly. John could not remember the last time Jake had cried in front of other people. He had always tried to keep his tears to himself. John smiled, raising his hand to cup Jake’s cheek, soothing the tearful boy.

“I’m okay Jake, just catching my breath. I need you to go check on Caleb, he took a pretty nasty hit, make sure he’s alright first.” Jake nodded and scurried off, attending the other boy.

“He’s stunned,” came the eventual diagnosis. “And his face is all bloody but he’s breathing.”

John released a sigh of relief. The adrenaline was wearing off, and the pain from his shoulder, and many scratches and bruises was beginning to emerge in full force. Wincing John forced himself to his feet, looking to Edward who was dutifully standing watch over the unconscious Caleb.

“Can you carry him and Jake?” He asked, scanning the rooftops for any sign of further attackers. Mercifully, it remained clear, either the lizard had no reinforcements to bring, or they were a fair way off. John was not about to take any chances though.

Edward nodded. “Yes, of course. If Jake holds him on, he seems pretty out of it right now.”

“Good, Roger should attend to him at once. I’m sending you back to the house, we’ll have to put off the search for another time.”

“Aren’t you coming with us?” Jake demand, even as John hoisted Caleb’s body up onto Edward’s back, placing Jake just behind him.

“No, I need to figure out what just happened, and more specifically why. And whether my men are still… If my friends need me.”

“But your shoulder.” Edward argued, sniffing at the nasty wound. “You’ll pass out losing that much blood.”

“I’m tougher than I look.” John winked, but nevertheless he tore off a piece of his shirt, stuffing it unceremoniously into the cut. “See, I’ll live. You three get back to the house and get Caleb in a bed with some of Roger’s medical marvels on that face of his. Stay inside, and do not leave. I’m counting on you Jake to keep everyone safe.”

The boy nodded, a look of fierce determination emanating from him. “I won’t let you down uncle!”

“I know you won’t, you were very brave today. Saved my sorry hide. Ride fast, go straight back and do not leave, and keep that new knife of yours close at hand. Do you remember the way Edward?”

“I never forget.”

“Good, be safe Jake.” And tell Kayden, and mom, and all of them I love them with all my heart He did not add. He watched until the vanished around a corner, before he turned his attention upon his “friend”. Neil lay in a mess of his own making, nursing his injured arm and looking at John with undisguised awe.

“That was amazing… You fought them all at the same time… How did you-“

“Shaddup Neil.” John snapped, his mien switching from genuine affection for his family to ill guarded contempt for the quivering coward laying at his feet. “Twelve and eight-year-old children have more fight in their spines than you.” He grabbed the quaking man bodily by his collar, hauling him to his feet. “Where in the ever-loving hellfire is Dustin? And why did I just have to be saved by my nephew, protecting your sorry rear? Spill Neil!”
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zapdos
Avatar of Zapdos

Zapdos Electric Pokemon

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rainbow’s vision was blurry, but after what had happened before he was knocked out, this was understandable. Wait, what was it that happened exactly?

“You there! Rablin! How dare you steal from me!” yelled the familiar voice of a lizardwoman he was despising more and more by the second. Oh right; Rainbow teamed up with an old gnome to get the pearl back, but ended up getting knocked out instead.

“Yeah, I’m really in a position to steal right now,” the rablin sarcastically replied. His vision was getting clearer; Liz was standing next to him with her two daggers drawn while her two lizardman goons watched the door.

“Oh, shut up. Now tell me what I want to know or I’ll kill you!” the enraged Liz screamed.

“How am I supposed to do that if I’m not talking?” Rainbow knew he wasn’t helping his own cause at this point, but he was really annoyed at this point. He figured this woman was going to kill him as soon as she got what she needed anyway, so why not annoy her fi...wait, what was that?

As he had to deal with the shrill voice of the lizardwoman who was yelling at him again, the rablin noticed other voices too. And these weren’t lizardman voices either; mostly humans, with a boarman and an elf thrown in as well. It was somewhat difficult to make out what they were saying, but the words “strike,” “thief” and “prisoner” were discernable. Whoever these people were, they were on his side by virtue of being against the lizardwoman.

The ear on his head really wasn’t just for show.

“...and you’ll tell me NOW!”

Oh right, Liz would kill him if he didn’t start sharing something of use. Time to calm down and play along until help arrived. Well, the gnome had betrayed him, so he deserved whatever Liz would do to him and then some.

Rainbow started. “Well, this old blindfolded gnome man-”

Liz interrupted him “With a walking stick?”

“Yeah, he was a real-”

Even with the events that had preceded this interrogation, this new piece of information made Liz even angrier than before. In her most disdainful tone yet, she uttered a single name: “Scer’Pi’Kenes.” The lizardwoman didn’t really have time to say anything else as the Thorn City Army charged into her base immediately after that. Between their training and the lizard leader’s yelling, the Army had done a good job of gaining the element of surprise.

Liz could see that she was outnumbered by at least five to one, so she ran to a trap door and escaped, but her two comrades were not so lucky. Try as they might to fight, they were caught by surprise and overwhelmed, so they were killed by the Army in short order. Rainbow found it very satisfying to watch.

One young man who was with the group noticed the injured rablin and yelled to his leader. “Captain! Come quick, there’s an injured rablin here!”

A man who was apparently the leader of this squad made his way inside the treehouse. “A rablin? No way, I’ll believe it when I...”

And as the rest of that saying goes, he did see it, so he believed it. “Wow, you weren’t kidding! A rablin, way out here, whodathunkit. Alright son, you and Johnson help the rablin and get whatever info you can from him. Everyone else, follow me!”

The soldiers did as instructed, following their leader out of the base and out of earshot.

“Are you okay, sir?” the soldier asked as he untied the rablin.

“I’ve been better, thanks for saving me” Rainbow responded.

“No problem. Can you tell me anything about Liz or what was happening?”

“Of course, but can we do it while we move? I really could use a doctor right now.”

“Oh, I’m sorry!” the man responded, flustered at his own apparent insensitivity. “Here, I’ll carry you. There’s a hospital nearby I can take you to, if you’d like.”

“Thanks,” Rainbow replied as he got picked up by the man, “but I know a better place. Can you take me to 182 Blossom Street instead?”
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Chuuya
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Chuuya Friend-shaped

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sara Nieve was gone by the time that Jake and Edward returned to 182 Blossom Street.

Caleb was shifting in and out consciousness by then thanks to the heavy hit that he had taken during the brawl. His injuries weren't too grievous, thankfully, but that did little to ease Edward's mind. The hippocampus was hyper aware and mostly silent on the trek back to the Nieve household. There was no requests to hear a joke from Jake and he didn't even fight Roger about staying in the garden once they made it back. The skeleton doctor was horrified by the scene yet relieved to see that his nephew was relatively unharmed. "Jake! What in Sycamore's name happened out there?! Where is your Uncle John?!"

"It. ." Caleb was still stunned from the attack and a little bloodied too. He could only hear tidbits of the conversation as bony hands lifted his small body into the air. Eyes flickered open before closing again. This left a shred of hope for Edward who still remained quiet as the eight-year-old did best to explain their encounter. "It wasn't Uncle John's fault! We were attacked out of nowhere and Caleb saved him! He got a little hurt in the process and—"

"Well. . That's the last time that any of us will let Uncle John take you or your sister anywhere alone. We'll have to have a little talk with him once he comes back for your cousin." It was unsurprising to say the least and the skeleton doctor could only mentally kick himself for letting Jake and Caleb go. He was sure that Mary and Sara would've felt the same if they were aware of the circumstances. "You're not in trouble for what happened, Jake. Caleb will be fine too, I'll make sure of it. . Your mom is still reading to your sister and cousin in the garden. You and Edward should join them. I'll take Caleb upstairs for now and we can find out what happened after he's been tended to."

A head was lowered as the younger boy slid off of Edward's back. ". . Okay."

Roger Nieve was relieved to find a lack of substantial injuries on the black-haired orphan boy. Caleb Crowsnest was officially prescribed rest alongside treatment for shallow wounds. He was eventually left to recuperate upstairs in Jake's bed where he remained fast asleep for the moment. The lack of mortal wounds didn't stop the skeleton doctor from feeling indescribable rage towards John Nieve Junior though. He was always a shady character and Sara had warned her other children to keep their distance. Even still, he tentatively remained "family" up until now. Getting a child hurt was a new low though. Maybe one that Roger couldn't look past even if he tried. He was sure that Mary would have felt the same if she knew what happened to her son—

Roger's train of thought was interrupted by a knock at the front door. The animated undead lowered a hand away from his imaginary beard as he reached for the knob. It was probably a stupid idea to entertain any other guests considering what just happened yet here they were. Roger knew some combat though he wasn't nearly on the same level as John Junior or Sara. The fact that Sara was missing and had likely run off to be reckless didn't much help either. The skeleton was still sure that he'd be able to defend himself if it came down to it though. "Hello? How can I help you?"

"I take it that you're Roger." Standing just outside the front door was. . A rablin? Those were uncommon in Thorn City to say the very least. This could have only meant one thing. Exciting news for Caleb once he came around. "Sorry. What I meant to say is that I was wondering if this was the Nieve household. I come bearing a message from Captain John Nieve—"

"Ah." The door was opened just a bit wider. "You must be Caleb's friend, Rainbow. Come in."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Tiger
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Neil shivered as he stepped into the guard station. His wounded arm remained clutched tight to his chest. He turned back towards the door and caught sight of John Nieve leaning casually against the building across the street. Fear clutched at his heart. The cowardly man swallowed hard and faced the soldiers watching him. "H-hi." He winced at the stupid introduction. "I'm part of the Oceanside gang. I came to turn myself in."


Caleb opened his eye. He would have opened both, but he didn't seem to be able to. Tentatively he reached up to feel the bruised and swollen skin. His fingers skimmed over bandages. The pungent smell of healing herbs erupted from the disturbance and clouded his thoughts for a moment. Slowly both sight and mind focused as he adapted to the changes around him.

Someone was holding his hand. His fingers curled slightly and he gave the small fingers a little squeeze. "It's okay, Jake." He murmured softly. He turned his head to stare at bright green skin and a large rabbit ear.

Rainbow let out a long sigh of relief. "I'm glad you're awake, Caleb. You scared me."

Caleb sat up gingerly, his body aching from the fight. His arms were especially tired having absorbed so many blows of his opponent's sword. "We were trying to find you. These lizards attacked John's confidant. They were going to kill them both. I had to get involved. I killed one of them, but I don't..." he frowned and shook his head slowly. "Things are fuzzy from there." Fear washed through him and he stiffened up. "Is John alive? What about Jake and Edward!?"

Rainbow pulled Caleb against him, hugging the youth tightly. "I saw Edward playing with three kids in the back. I'm sure everyone is fine. I'm so glad you're alright. I don't know what would happen if we had lost you."

Caleb drew back slowly and swung his legs over the side of the bed. "I need to speak with Jake. I have to make sure he and John are alright." He trusted Rainbow's word about Edward, but he didn't think he would be satisfied until he knew for certain all of his companions got out unscathed.


Princess Kayden rode her magical unicorn through the enchanted forest. All around her horrific creatures screeched and threw boulders at her. But she wasn't afraid. Her great knight, Sir Jake was there to defend her. Every time an evil witch or a terrifying monster dared to cross her path, he would heroically leap to her rescue. And her steady and brave steed was surefooted and true, guiding her faithfully through the dangerous terrine.

Sara and Mary kept half an eye on the children as they played. Jake chased Skyla about the garden as she screamed and threw clumps of sod at their cousin. Edward trotted about with Kayden on his back, a twig clumsily tied to his forehead and slowly sinking down towards his nose.

Mary laughed softly at one of Skyla's particularly well aimed clods of dirt. "It is good to hear the children laughing. Jake has been wonderful about keeping the girls' spirits up."

Sara nodded stiffly, her focus on repacking the supplies she had just bought. "Wind this length of rope for me, please Mary. Marrathew," she turned, calling into the next room, "make sure that food is well wrapped. I'm not starving because bugs and water got into my rations."

Marrathew carried the bundles he had been working on over to his mother. "You won't. I have much I need to be working on tomorrow. How soon are we going to hold our service? I'm sorry, I don't mean to rush this, but I refuse to miss it. I just hate to be up too late."

Mary stood up and dusted off her dress. "I'll go and get the kids ready. We can say our goodbyes as soon as Caleb wakes up." She kissed Sara gently on the temple. "I will help you work on these packs after the children are in bed tonight." She carefully set aside the rope she had been working with and headed out into the garden. The smell of the evening air felt so joyful compared to the day's events. Between the soft breeze and the sound of the children playing, one could almost be fooled into thinking that everything was alright. "Kids, come in and wash your hands and faces. We're going to say goodbye to your grandpa and father soon." Skyla dropped the projectiles she was holding and bolted towards her mother.

Kayden looked over hopefully. "Is papa here?" She inquired. The girl slid down off of Edward's back and hugged him around the neck swiftly to thank him.

"No, not yet." Mary waved the concern off, her voice light as she added, "he might skip this one. Come on now, your uncle needs to get going soon, so we want to send their souls on before it gets too late!"

Kayden crossed her arms stubbornly. Nearby Jake's jaw was set in an identical expression. The two had clearly made up their minds about something. Jake was the one to speak. "We're not starting until he's here." Kayden nodded beside her cousin.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Dusty
Avatar of Dusty

Dusty Sorta Sharp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

When he had been lying abed, Caleb did not fully appreciate the extent of his injuries. Only once he had started on the stairs, descending from the house’s second level did reality strike. The nausea hit first, churning his stomach worse than an ocean storm as his knees wobbled, and the world seemed to spin. Retching he collapsed against the bannister, saved only by Rainbow’s quick action, guiding him into a sitting position before his legs gave out completely. This effort took a serious toll upon the rablin as well, who reclined against the railing beside his young companion, his limbs trembling from the strain.

“You ought to be in bed, resting.” Rainbow chided gently. He brushed his fingers against Caleb’s bruised face, wincing as his digits grazed over the more battered portions. “From the way Roger described things you’re most likely suffering from a rather severe concussion.”

“I’ll be alright, I just need a few seconds to catch my breath.” Caleb waved Rainbow’s concerns away. Right now, he did not have time to sleep. John was hurt for certain; he’d seen the blood seeping through the man’s coat from a nasty gash in his shoulder. Caleb wrinkled his forehead, trying to recall just what had occurred after his intervention in the battle. But harder he tried to focus the more the memory slipped from his grasp, like smoke through his fingers.

“Caleb…” Rainbow sighed in frustration. The stubborn kid would probably hurt himself even worse in his current condition trying to make sure everyone else was alright. “Look, it doesn’t take a professional doctor to see you’re not yourself right now. How about you stay here, and I’ll go get some help. I could even ask after… Jake and John was it?”

“Yeah,” Caleb relented, his one eye that wasn’t swathed in bandages examining Rainbow in turn. The rablin didn’t look like he fared much better. His skin appeared flushed and burned, and more than one scratch or bump marred his emerald features. A sharp odor hung about him as well, smelling of sweet rot, faint but undeniable and strangely familiar, though Caleb could not quite place where he had smelt it before. “You don’t look so shipshape either.”

Rainbow glanced down at his hands; they underwent the brunt of the magical curse. Blistered and raw, they smarted under even the slightest pressure. He bore the pain with a stiff upper lip however, knowing full well it could be worse, much worse. At least the agony just beneath his skin receded to a mere dull ache making it possible to think clearly once more. “You’re right enough, I’m not one hundred percent. I had my own tribulations to undergo once we separated. Touched something I definitely shouldn’t have.” He gave himself a little shake, remembering how his mind and body shattered under the force of the spell. It wasn’t a pleasant memory by any means, so Rainbow forced it to the back of his mind. “At least I can walk more than ten paces before falling over. If you insist on coming downstairs let me retrieve Roger to assist you. He is better suited to such physical labors than I currently am.”

Caleb found this agreeable and promised to remain put until Rainbow returned. Giving the wounded boy one last stern look to ensure he kept true to his pledge, the rablin hopped down the remaining steps and vanished into the foyer in search of Roger. Even if Caleb had wanted to break his word and follow, his body would not have complied. It felt good to just sit and relax. A stray beam of early evening light pierced a small window above the staircase, wreathing him in its warming glow. It had been a long day, from first tying up their ship in that Forest District harbor, to fighting alongside John and waking up in the Nieve’s homestead. The desire to ensure his new friends were safe, and the need to sleep warred in his mind, the latter slowly gaining ground until Caleb could no longer resist the impulse to close his eye.

“Tsk, tsk.”

The sound of a clucking tongue woke him. Roger, being surprisingly strong for a being without any muscle had gathered him up and was slowly caring him back upstairs, Rainbow and Jake and Ribbon at his heels. “I understand your concern for your friends young sir, but I must insist as my patient you remain in bed until tomorrow, at the very least. There is no point in arguing. Clearly if you are falling asleep within five minutes and leaning against that rather uncomfortable piece of banister you desperately need some rest. Well deserved as I understand it too. All of you should rest.” He glanced back towards Rainbow and Jake who were following behind.

“Huh, how did you do that?”

“Do what?” Roger asked, not unkindly.

“Cluck your tongue? You don’t have…” Caleb paused mid-sentence; would it be considered rude to point out the skeleton no longer possessed the amenities of a mortal man? He was rather unfamiliar with the etiquette of the reanimated.

Although he was not offended, Roger was a little surprised by Caleb’s question and unfished statement. He considered it for a moment, then shrugged. “To be honest young sir, I haven’t the faintest idea. I’ve never really considered it. I suppose it is the same way I can speak without lungs or move without tendons and sinew. I just can. Perhaps its something to research… After the seventy thousand, two hundred, and thirty-one other subjects I’m currently investigating.”

“Oh.” Was all Caleb could say to that. Roger pushed the door open to the room and laid Caleb upon the bed, pulling the covers up to his chin.

“Lay still now, I will need to change those bandages. Hopefully, the bleeding will have stopped already, but its best to leave them on just in case, and let the poultices do their work. Head injuries do have tendency to seep and we wouldn’t want you ruining Junior’s old bed now would we.”

“This is John’s room?” Caleb asked, and then before any of his three companions could answer he laid another question on them, turn his head to look towards Jake. “Is John alright? Rainbow said Edward was fine, but I don’t remember anything past killing… Helping John fight those lizards.”

“I think so.” Jake said as Roger continued his work, replacing the herbal wrappings around the left side of Caleb’s face, where the lizard’s serrated claws had done their grisly work. The worst of the damage had fortunately just missed his eye, mostly scourging his neck, cheek, and temple. Jake winced and looked away, remembering how profusely it had bled all the way home, drenching Edward’s back in sticky red. “He told me and Edward to bring you back here to Grandma’s house, and to stay here no matter what. He wanted to find out if his friends were okay and help that man he saved.”

“Was it Dustin?” Caleb asked, he’d taken a liking to their savior back at that tavern, and it would be good to know John and Dustin were together. They seemed very capable men.

Jake shrugged. “I don’t know, I never thought to take a closer look.” I was too worried you and Uncle John were going to die. He didn’t add.

Finishing up his delicate work Roger wrapped the old soiled bandages and tucked them into his pouch for proper disposal later. Patting Jake on the shoulder he guided the younger boy towards the door. “John Junior is a very resourceful man, and more than able to take care of himself. I assure you, I taught him first aid myself, he should be able to handle any minor injuries he acquires. He will be back, as he always is. Now Caleb needs his rest, and you need yours Jake. Don’t try to hide that yawn from me young man, you’ve had a rather excitable day. Your mother and sister and you are staying here for the night, as we are having the John and your father’s service in the morning once Junior returns.” Not that I imagine you will be able to sleep much after everything that’s happened, Roger thought, but any rest you might get would be beneficial. “Rainbow, we have a spare room down the hall you my make use of.” He ushered them out and was about to call Ribbon away as well when the pointer hound jumped up on the bed and curled against the crook of Caleb’s knee. Seeing no reason to disturb them Roger closed the door softly, as Caleb had already fallen back into a dreamless sleep.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zapdos
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Zapdos Electric Pokemon

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Somewhere in a dark, dingy room in the Northern Border district, John Jr. was meeting with one of his bosses, a fact he was not happy about. “Can’t we talk later? I need to make sure-”

Scer’Pi’Kines cut him off. “No. This is urgent. Read this.” The elderly gnome said, shoving a newspaper towards the injured man. While wondering in the back of his mind how Scer could read while blind, the younger John did as he was told.


Thorn City Army Crushes Gangs, by Walden Rose, Thorn City Times Special Edition:

Thanks to the new anti-gang law passed by our wise City Council and the efforts of our great army, the thugs that have populated Thorn City have been wiped out. The foot soldiers of these criminals have been almost decimated and of all the major leaders, only the one known as “the Hunter” remains at large. Please note, he is considered to be extremely dangerous. If you see him, notify the army immediately.

“It is good that these gangs are no more. Now they and anyone who idealizes them know what fate awaits them if they resort to criminality again,” General Gordon Rose was quoted as saying from his hospital bed in Rose Hospital. The General bravely fought and killed the leader of the Oceanside Gang earlier today, and though he is now quite injured, he is expected to make a full recovery.

In related news, the Thorn City Army is celebrating its victory over the gangs by offering an unprecedented sign-up bonus for new recruits. They are hoping to get at least 2,000 new patriots signed up to defend our great city in the next week. Please see your local recruiting station for more details.

Also, Darmae Rose has called a special meeting of the Thorn City Council. They will meet early tomorrow morning in order to plan the city’s next steps. As always, the meeting will be closed to the public, but this writer can say that our leaders will undoubtedly be hard at work to capitalize on the opportunity the gang removal has created for our great city.


John took a moment to mentally digest the article and its implications before asking Scer “so it’s happening, then?”

“Of course,” Scer’Pi’Kines responded, “and you’ll have a part in the coup. What I need you to do is...”


“Please note, he is considered to be extremely dangerous.”

Byures chuckled when he re-read that part of the paper. Of course, the decimation of the Smugglers wasn’t funny, but at least he was being taken seriously. And that wasn’t even the funniest part; what was hilarious was how short-staffed the army was. When did they ever offer sign-up bonuses? Gordon was not only famous for his anti-corruption stance, but also for being a miser. The Hunter knew that the Army was weak, so now it was time to go hunting.

He got up from where he was sitting; it was a nice spot, by a pool of water that he had previously shown to a young boy and hippocampus. Tonight, Byures would swim to the water plant using the aqueduct, then walk to the Army base and avenge his men.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Chuuya
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Chuuya Friend-shaped

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The plan was simple enough.

This much crossed John's mind as he passed through Thorn City. It was well after sundown and only shady company would be found on the streets at this hour. Even the bars were closed by now leaving the drunkards to stagger home or fall down alone somewhere in a dark alley. Sunrise likely wasn't too far off at this rate. A quick man, however, could still steal a wink of sleep. The older man was more interested in seeing how Caleb fared though. He was certain that the young man was fine, but there was still a part of him that felt like he owed him something. John Nieve Junior certainly didn't like owing favors either. It worked well enough that the boy was staying at his mother's house anyway. He could swing by, check on Caleb, grab Kayden, and take her safely home before the coup even began.

"But Daaaaaaddyyyy. . . I want to stay 'til tomorrow for grandpa's memorial. ." A familiar voice was lost somewhere beneath the thick veil of sleep. The dream began pleasant enough. It started with Caleb climbing a tree with his friends from the Red Twig Orphanage, Annette and Pierre. They would sometimes hide among the leaves to throw sunflower seeds to the birds. Instead of tossing them to the birds, however, he was throwing sunflower seeds at Edward who was still in his golden horse form. "Please, daddy? I want to stay for the memorial. . I promise that I'll be a good girl for Lala and grandma. ."

"It would be better if you didn't, Kayden. . ." The dream took a disturbing twist then. Branches suddenly snapped beneath the children and they were sent plummeting downward. Laughter was replaced by the screams of Caleb's friends which also included the panicked voice of Jake. Edward, meanwhile, had been replaced with the vision of armed lizardmen. Their claws were dipped in a deep crimson and they seemed ready to strike against their falling prey. The boy had opened his own mouth to scream for help though only air came out. Instead of falling with his two friends, however, the leaves were holding and shaking him instead. "Hey, Caleb. Calm down there. It's okay."

"Huh. ." Eyes slowly fluttered open. A heavy haze hung over Caleb hinting that he had likely been asleep for a few hours. The world was a groggy mess though he could make out the silhouette of someone outlined by a hallway light. ". . Rainbow? Is that you?"

"It's John. Rainbow is asleep in the other room, I think. Looks like Roger put you in my old room, huh? Figures. He probably knew that I'd come by to check on you." Or it was completely coincidental. The two didn't exactly see eye-to-eye and John was certain that the skeleton doctor held a grudge against him. To keep him in consideration was unlikely. Even still, there was a part of the older man that was grateful. "I'm glad to see that you're still kicking though. What you did earlier was stupid, but brave. You have my thanks for that. I'll probably be gone for most of today though once I'm free again, we'll stop by Barrow's Smithy to get that silver sword for you. It's the least that I can do after you saved my skin."

"Really?" There was a yawn from the tired boy. He could see Kayden standing in the hallway with a pouting expression on her face. This much was accompanied by a low-pitched whine possibly hinting towards a future temper tantrum. She seemed like a well-behaved kid though was likely cranky from the lack of sleep. Being woken up did that to anyway, after all. "Thank you."

"No need for thanks. I just don't like to owe people favors." John's shadow inched closer to the door. "Come on now, Kayden. I'll let you stay for tonight as long as you're well-behaved and promise me that you'll stay inside all day tomorrow. Let's leave Caleb to sleep for now."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Tiger
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

"Tawee! Tawee!"
"Zeeeeww Tee-tee!"
"Chi-Chi! Chii-chi-chi!"
"Na-whip! Na-whip! Na-whip!"

A chorus of birds both familiar and unrecognizable clamored outside Caleb's window. He scrunched his eyes closed and rolled over, dragging his pillow atop his head. The screams of birds in search of food and mates would not be drowned out. A long loud groan escaped him as he sat up. Someone had left an old robe hanging from the foot board. Caleb pulled it on as he wrapped it around himself. It smelled faintly of woodsmoke and cloves and the scent enveloped him comfortably as he tied the belt around his waste. The robe was too large for him, but not unmanageably so. He shoved his hands into the pockets as he crept down the stairs. Something was crumpled in the bottom of one. Curiosity got the best of him. Cautiously he pulled out an old handkerchief. A clumsy JJN had been hand stitched with green into one corner, with a much neater, blue version on the opposite corner.

Caleb slipped the thin material back into the pocket of his borrowed robe. Barefoot and silent he made his way through the living room. John was stretched out on the couch, one arm thrown up behind his head, the other dangling off the edge. Kayden was curled up, wedged half on top of her father, and half between his ribs and the back of the couch. Caleb suspected she'd snuck down from Skyla's room where she'd started the night in order to join him.

For a moment, Caleb felt a pang of jealousy clench his chest. Right then he would have given anything to have what she had. A father he loved enough to make it worth leaving a warm and comfortable bed in order to sleep without a blanket in the cold morning air, just because it was closer to him. But that was not something that was meant for him. And he had someone worth venturing out into the cold for himself.

The back door was shut slowly so as not to wake the sleeping occupants of the house. Out here, the birds were much louder. They were significantly more annoying in the dawn air than they were in the middle of the day. Over the sound of their screaming Caleb could just make out the voice he had been looking for.

"Swim, swim my darling," the familiar tune drifted mournfully across the empty back yard. Caleb headed that direction, the wet grass sticking to his feet and between his toes. "When you get too tired," Edward's voice was soft, but strong. It seemed the early morning agreed with him. Though, being a creature of the cold, wet ocean, it should not have been a surprise that the chilly dew would be a welcome sensation to him. "-to me. Swim, swim my darling, and go learn to be fr-free." Punctured by the occasional sniffle and sob, it was clear the young hippocampus was doing his best to keep his own spirits up during the long, lonely hours. "When you g-get too tired, that is when you'll see. All the waves in...in the ocean-"

Caleb smiled. "Will bring you back to me?"

Edward was on his feet in a heartbeat. "Caleb!" He spun around and surged forward, almost bowling the weakened youth over in his enthusiasm. Caleb flung his arms around his friend's neck. Edward tucked his head down as if to pull him in closer. "I missed you!"


"There you are, Caleb." Sara sighed softly as she surveyed the young boy and his friend. "You frightened Rainbow something awful when you weren't in your bed this morning. Come inside. We've agreed to hold our service before breakfast. Marrathew has just arrived." Caleb nodded and climbed to his feet. He patted Edward's neck reassuringly. Sara frowned as her eyes flicked across the robe he wore, but she said nothing about it. Instead, she turned for the house and headed briskly across the lawn. "Come."

Inside the family gathered in silence. John had his arm around his daughter's shoulders. Jake was standing apart from the group, his jaw set in stubborn determination not to cry. Mary held Skyla and wept openly. Roger and Marrathew stood together, seeming to draw comfort in that they were not alone in their pain. Rainbow and Ribbon were pressed near the front so they could see.

On a low table -so that Rainbow and Skyla could reach- stood two thick unlit candles. Roger handed Caleb and Sara two thin candles of their own as they joined the group. Sara drew a deep breath. "John first, then Herrown. I will light my candle and make a wish for our departed John. I'll pass my flame to the next person, and they shall do the same, then pass the flame along. Once we have all made a wish for our loved one, we will light the mourning candle together. Our wish candles shall be placed in the holders around the base, then we shall repeat with wishes for Herrown."

Caleb shifted uncomfortably. "I'm not part of the family, nor crew." He spoke up hesitantly. "Perhaps I shouldn't be part of this."

Roger set a gentle hand on his shoulder as he guided the young boy to stand beside Jake. "You are one of us now. We want you here."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Dusty
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Dusty Sorta Sharp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Together they formed a somber ring around the table, rablin, man, woman, child, and reanimated standing close and rubbing shoulders in the spacious parlor. Even Flower was present, perched upon the back of a large azure sofa. She watched the proceedings through half closed eyes, her wing secured inside a miniature handmade sling, stitched specifically for the task it seemed. She completed the room’s look quite nicely Caleb thought. The decor was no doubt purchased and laid out to suit the late John’s personal tastes. A clear oceanic and sailing theme could be seen throughout the design. Crossed cutlasses hung over the mantle, the walls were painted a beautiful aquatic blue, and the drapes resembled the pure white sales of the ships who dared the mighty brine. Bright carpets from foreign lands were laid upon oakwood floors and several paintings of ships and sea were set high on the walls. Dominating the entire space was a large portrait, depicting the likeness of a younger Sara, and whom Caleb could only assume was John Senior and his children. John the younger and Mary could not have been more than ten and five, and Sara held a baby Marrathew in her arms. They looked so happy, their smiles permanently captured through the artist’s skill, it was clear the masterwork painting had been a prized possession for many years. All said the living space seemed a good location to give John and Herrown’s spirits the closure they deserved.

Still, he was unaccustomed to being surrounded by such finery and Caleb took care where he laid his feet. The gilded carpets looked like they cost more than the average villager in his home of Eagletown made in a year, and surely it was not for walking upon. He skirted the outside edge, as Roger showed him to his place between himself and Jake.

Sara looked to each one of them, wiping away unshed tears with the back of her hand as she held her candle close to her heart. “I will begin.”

Squeezing her candle’s wick between two fingers she murmured an incantation, whispering the name of her lost beloved. A small blue flame blossomed from her fingertips, bright but cool to the touch. Drawing her hand away Sara dipped her head and let her loss and worry of two years slip away, accepting that her husband would never return. Head still bowed she made her wish, uttered so quietly Caleb could not make out what personal wish she desired. Her part done Sara extended her candle to Marrathew, who made his wish and passed it to his sister Mary who in turned helped her daughter Skyla with hers. Around the ring the blue flame went, passed from candle to candle until only Caleb and Roger remained. Accepting the flame from Jake, Caleb held the melting wax close, uncertain what to do or say. The others had all been either whispered their wishes or made very personal requests leaving the boy scared he would say anything wrong. He did not know Captain John; his own involvement having been more or less happenstance two years past the good man’s death. Even this ritual was unfamiliar, the few funerals Caleb had participated in at Eagletown were completely different from this.

Realizing he was holding up the service Caleb bowed his head, whispering a hurried phrase he had heard Elder Eagle say once when they buried an unknown sailor washed upon the tide. “I wish you satisfaction in the journey you leave behind and happiness in the great voyage yet to come. May you find fair winds and following seas Captain John. Farewell.” Giving the ensemble a quick glance to ensure he said nothing untoward he passed the flickering sapphire light to Roger.

Roger’s own wish was soon given, and a small address spoken. His was the most flowery and well delivered of the lot, and Caleb suspected he had practiced during the long midnight hours. The circle complete Sara gave a nod and as one they dipped the candles joining the flames. Wishes, promises, goodbyes, and eulogy all mingled and burning bright upon the largest wishing candle. Then, once again, the process repeated, except this time with Mary starting by uttering the lighting charm. At Herrown’s name the candle glowed a dull scarlet and Skyla broke down completely. Mary tried to console her daughter to little avail, eventually settling the grieving girl upon the couch and taking up both lit candles herself.

Beside Caleb, the younger boy was doing his best to keep a brave face throughout. When the red flame reached him, Jake raised his candle until it shone in his brown eyes, his breath catching until an expression of peace came over him. “Daddy…” His said, so softly Caleb almost missed it. “I wish to grow up and make you proud. I will not let you, or ma, or anyone down. And maybe I will see you again someday.” He clutched the final vestige of his father close, as if trying to recall some distant embrace they once shared. He held the tiny flame near to his small face Caleb feared it might go out, or singe his tunic but Jake seemed unfazed by the fire, and the light burned on. At long last he extended his hand, allowing Caleb to continue the ceremony.

Caleb could say nothing as the fire danced on his candle wick. Even his simple prayer from before felt false and heavy on his tongue compared to what he had just heard. Shoulders slumping, he passed the light on without a word, hoping the others did not think him disrespectful. As the Nieves continued the wishing ceremony Caleb leaned towards to the younger boy. “Do you think you will? See your father again one day I mean?”

Jake nodded, as if such a thing was a certainty. “Of course, I will. I do not remember what he looks like anymore, its been so long, and I was only six when he left. But I know he will recognize me. Their spirits will watch over us forever, until we join them one day with all our ancestors.”

“That sounds nice…” Caleb said as they all leaned forward to light the last mourning candle. The twin fixtures twinkled, one a pure turquoise and the other blood red. Family and friends stood in somber silence, tears dropping unabashedly from several eyes until at last John broke the stillness that hung over them like a shroud. He broke away, gesturing for Rainbow to accompany him a small distance from the mourners gathered around the table.

“You must be Rainbow.” He crouched down to be on level with the small Rablin. Purple and brown eyes locked, both sizing each other up until John offered a hand, which engulfed Rainbow’s own. They shook once and the man rose back to his full height. “I’m glad you found your way here without serious injury. The city is dangerous right now.”

Rainbow shivered, hugging himself tight as John’s simple words brought back a flood of unpleasant memories. “Noticed that myself. No offense, but the place is crawling with lunatics.”

John’s lips quirked upwards despite himself. “Aye, true enough. Anyway, I just wanted to comment on your choice of companions. You’ve got quite a loyal friend in Caleb. He was absolutely determined to find you and would not give up. Frankly…” He lowered his voice so only the rablin heard. “I still owe him a blood debt for saving my life, and he was wounded in the process. Not something repaid easily in my experience. You will not come across kids like that too often. Sticking their necks out for someone they just met. Keep him safe for me, so maybe one day I could reimburse him.”

“I’ll do my best.” Rainbow vowed. He could almost see a part of the elder Captain John in this younger man, and not just from appearance either. The same confident and charismatic air hung around John, emanating from the way he spoke, to his more subtle body language. “Caleb keeps throwing himself into danger for others, which makes it difficult, but he’s been tough enough to survive this far.”

“Then I imagine we’ll all end up owing him quite a substantial debt. One I am happy to shoulder.”

The group broke up soon after with John departing first, leaving Kayden with them to return to his own obligations. Marrathew needing to return to his own business begged forgiveness a short time later following in his elder brother’s wake, leaving the house notably less occupied, despite only two people having left. A polite, but somewhat awkward hung over the family and guests for the rest of the morning, Sara being polite but distracted, and Roger looking none to pleased. They kept casting glances towards smaller ears and attempted on more than one occasion to gather away from their younger charges. Sensing the adults wished to converse without them eavesdropping Caleb suggested he and the other children take their simple luncheon outside to dine with Edward, while Rainbow, Sara, Roger, and Mary talked. Bearing trays of sandwiches, peeled Arrocmor fruit, and wooden beakers of green milk the four youths joined their equine companion on the long grass chatting among themselves, even while their elder counterparts conversed indoors…
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Zapdos
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Zapdos Electric Pokemon

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Marrathew looked around the area while walking to work at the Great Oak; there were a lot more gnomes in the area than usual. Perhaps there was some kind of holiday going on? In any case, between the ceremony he just partook in and the newspaper headline of the day (“Hunter Decimates Army Base”), the young man’s thoughts were too scattered to really focus on anything too much. Maybe work would provide something to focus on today.


Meanwhile, at the Thorn City Chambers in Marrathew’s destination, the five members of the Thorn City Council once again gathered to discuss city affairs. Darmae was at the central speaking podium while the other four were in their seats. This time, however, the elderly lady brought an unusual guest who was standing next to her; an elderly blind gnome.

“Dara, who is this?” Wally asked.

“This is Scer’Pi’Kenes, he has something very important to contribute to our meeting, Willy” the elderly lady responded with disdain. Mason glanced at the gnome as if he recognized him from somewhere, but nobody said anything else, so Darmae went on.

“I’d like to start today’s meeting by reading from a relevant work. I think you’ll all find it to be quite compelling.” She smirked and took out a scroll; as she read it, Mason’s eyebrows arched up and he muttered something under his breath.

“Silence!” the elderly woman proclaimed.

At this, the other four councilors rose up with alarm as they felt their mana being blocked. “What is the meaning of this?” Wally asked, this time much more urgently than before.

“This is a new era for our city,” Darmae responded, “now be good and die for the new order, everyone.”

“No, I don’t think we will,” Mason stated as he reached into his pockets, grabbing handfuls of white mushrooms in each. “Cultivate!” he exclaimed as he threw them around him, surrounding himself and the other three councilors with the fungi. As they went into the air, they started expanding and taking on a more humanoid form, looking like living half human/half mushroom beings in the shape and size of children by the time the process was completed. “I’ll hold them off, you three get help!” Mason yelled.

Darmae was livid that the youngest council member had found a way to block her spell’s effect on him, but she knew that her side had ways to counter it. “Now!” she yelled; in response to this, several gnomish warriors charged into the council room to fight the mushrooms. At the same time, Scer had transformed into a black, shadowy form; similar in size and shape to his gnomish body, but with red glowing eyes in place of the blindfold. He extended his right arm as if to punch the air in front of him, but instead of that pointless task, the arm expanded across the room and went right through Justin’s heart. At the sight of the councilor dying immediately, Wally and Gabriella decided to attempt to escape as Scer’s shadow arm retracted back to his body.

The only entrance to the Chambers was currently occupied by gnomes that were fighting the mushroom men, so Mason decided it was time to make another path. “Vine!” he exclaimed, and a large vine came spouting out of the ground to a nearby window. Wally started climbing it first, followed by Gabriella, but neither of the coup’s ringleaders wanted these people to be free.

“Willy is mine,” Darmae said with obvious hatred as she prepared a spell. Meanwhile, Scer once again extended his shadowy arm, this time aiming for Gabriella. The woman, rather than dodge the assault, took out a scroll and tossed it to Wally. “Save the city!” she exclaimed before she got pieced and killed by the shadowy gnome. Wally momentarily looked at the scroll, understood what he needed to do, and continued climbing. The elderly woman finally finished her spell. “Charge!” she yelled, shooting a large blast of energy at the man on the vine, but it was too slow; just moments before the spell hit the window, Wally had went through it, falling to the ground below. The spell simply singed the walls of the tree, leaving a black splotch in its place.

“After him!” the elderly lady yelled. “Wall of vines!” Mason casted, creating a mass of vines to block the door out of the Chambers. “If you want to get to him, you’ll have to go through me first,” the young druid retorted.

“Forget the old man for now,” Scer told Darmae, “kill this kid first. Once we have the Oak, all opposition will be pointless.” Saying this, the shadowy gnome slowly sank into the tree’s floor, starting the process of controlling it himself.


Thankfully, it wasn’t a large distance to the outside floor, so Wally only got minor injuries from the fall. He started getting up when he noticed a familiar man offering a hand of assistance; it was Marrathew Nieve, a prosecutor for the city. Although he had only been working there for about a year, he had established a reputation as an honest, hard-working and persistent lawyer. “Are you alright, sir?” the young man asked as he pulled him up.

Wally took a moment to think, then responded. “No, actually. Say, how do you feel about Thorn?”

Marrathew thought it was kind of an odd question considering the circumstances, but responded honestly. “I love it, sir. It’s home.”

The older man smiled, then took out the scroll he had received moments before. Speaking quickly in hushed tones, he explained the situation. “Listen. Please take this and get it to someone who can use it. We’re in the midst of a coup by Darmae and an old gnome and I think they’re trying to take over the tree. If this scroll’s spell is cast, the gnome behind this will be blocked and can be fought like any other man. They’re only after me. Please, get help.” Finishing his thoughts, Wally handed the scroll to the younger man, who simply nodded and took off running.

Marrathew knew where to go, too. 182 Blossom Street would have everything he needed. After all, Nieves weren’t known for backing down.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Chuuya
Avatar of Chuuya

Chuuya Friend-shaped

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The memorial ended without much issue. Awkwardness, however, still hung in the air. Caleb remained in the garden with the other children after everything was said and done. This was where Jake busied himself atop his noble steed by masquerading as a knight fighting an evil shaman played by his sister. The two were locked in imaginary combat that was occasionally interrupted by a silly one-liner or equally as ridiculous joke. The hippocampus was usually the one who had to pause for a laugh though Jake usually played along as well. The two were becoming fast friends from the looks of it. This much was noted by Caleb as he began to busy himself by cleaning up their lunch.

"I can help you with that!" Kayden shook off the sorrowful morning mood in the same manner that the other children had. Neither she nor Caleb denied seeing Jake and Skyla cry to themselves though. Both scattered to opposite sides of the garden once outside to mourn their father on their own terms. There was quiet acceptance between Caleb, Kayden, and Edward to remain silent on that matter. Losing a parent had to be difficult and Mary was probably having an equally rough time without having to worry about her children too. "Daddy says that you're hurt and you should probably rest anyway. Besides, I bet Aunt Mary will give me a cookie for helping you!"

"Oh, thank you." Caleb could barely blink as a stack of sandwich plates were pulled from his hands. He wasn't sure whether the girl was helping for a reward or simply because she wanted to. He was grateful either way though. His body still felt sluggish and heavy whereas he was still tired from being awoken during the night before. Most of his injuries, however, had thankfully been reduced to minor sores and aches. He would hopefully be feeling well enough to depart soon. The quicker that he had recovered was the quicker that they could head back to the ocean for Edward's sake. Not even that, but it was also the less time that he spent away from Eagletown and its mysterious plague. "Oh no. . The pearl!"

This comment got the younger girl's attention and her head tilted slightly. "The pearl?"

"We never recovered our pearl from that thief!" Caleb wanted to smack himself for forgetting, but there would be no point in that. He acknowledged this much as the front door of the house swung open from the opposite side of the garden's gate. Marrathew, unbeknownst to Caleb, had returned in search of a mage that could cast the spell that would hopefully save Thorn City. "I can't return home without it. . That was a gift for the Elder Eagle!"

"The Elder Eagle? That sounds weird. . I've never heard of an 'elder eagle' or even an 'eagle elder' coming to Thorn City before." There was a giggle from the younger girl as she turned towards the back door. "Don't worry though! I'll just ask Daddy to get another one for you. He used to get pearls all the time from that man who smelled weird and always visited the house covered in red. I'm sure he could get you another one! Daddy says that he owes you anyway!"

"But—" Caleb sought to deny the offer only to find himself pausing at Kayden's remark. A man who smelled weird and was usually covered in red? Surely she wasn't referring to one of John Nieve Junior's shady business "associates", was she? Kayden wasn't much younger than himself. She must have had a clue regarding her father's suspicious activity. Even so, Caleb wanted to reject her offer. He was already getting a customized silver short sword and surely that would be enough to pay the debt. It would have probably been easier to go along with the younger girl's words for now, however. ". . R-Right, thank you, Kayden. Let me help you take those inside."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Tiger
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Kayden smiled brightly over her shoulder at Caleb. "Thank you!" She headed for the house in slow measured steps, the way a lady of fine breeding was taught to walk. However she quickly forgot that she was practicing and her pace turned to the usual swift footsteps of a child. Caleb darted ahead of her so he could open the door. The two children entered the house together just in time to catch the last of a conversation they were not meant to hear.

"-could think of no where better to go." Marrathew's hurried explanation was given in a rapid, hushed tone.

"Let me see it," Sara replied, "I'll keep it in my room if I can not cast it myself. This is something we must not let Junior know about. We don't know who he's involved with, or what he might decide best benefits his own agenda."

For a moment the older boy thought that Kaden was going to cry, but the look flickered away before he could confirm it had been real. She turned and kicked the door so it bounced open and banged shut behind them. "Aunt Mary!" Her overly bright and loud voice shouted down the hall, as if they had just entered. The adults in the adjacent room were instantly silent. "We brought the dishes in! Do you need help washing them?"

Mary appeared from around the corner, still suspiciously teary eyed. "Thank you, loves. That would be quite helpful. I'll get you a cookie afterwards for your help."

Kayden gave Caleb a triumphant smile. Seemingly having forgotten about the prior overheard conversation, the young girl followed her aunt into the kitchen. Caleb tagged along wearily. The emotional and physical strain of the day was starting to take it's toll on his body. He plunked himself down at the table with a long sigh. He was half asleep by the time the dishes were done, but somehow Mary saw it fit to reward him with a cookie as well. Kayden sat down beside him.

Out front, someone knocked on the door. At the sound, Caleb hurried out to the livingroom. Sara exchanged a glance with Marrathew, who ducked out of sight. Caleb moved over to stand with him. Cautiously the older woman crossed the house and pulled the door open. "Can I help you?"

A woman approaching her thirties gave Sara a smile from the front stoop. Her pretty black hair was cut short, on side shaved nearly completely off. There was evidence of a nearly healed burn along her ear and cheek on the same side. Her eyes were overly bright, as if she'd recently spent some time crying. "Good morning." When Sara didn't answer, she continued. "I'm Emerenciana Witkhazelt. Hazel is fine. John sent me. He asked that I stay near his daughter for a little while, and he said I would be safe here, in case Dustin's murderers were after something specific." She glanced into the house, as if expecting to see Kayden there. "The codeword is sunse-no, wait. He changed it this morning. Daffodil. Code word Daffodil."

Sara seemed to swell with her irritation. "So now Junior thinks I can not protect my granddaughter?"

Hazel shrugged her shoulders. "If he thought you could not protect her, she would not be here. My understanding is that there may be opponents against who blades are not the most effective method of dealing with."

Roger didn't take his eyes off the woman at the door, though he directed his question to Marrathew. "Who's that?"

The young man pinched his lips as he frowned at the woman. Unaware of the youth standing near to him, he replied more candidly than he might otherwise have. "That's Dustin's girl and one of John's 'friends'." he answered with a scoff. "John introduced me to the two of them last Drestal Day. Kayden calls her Witch Hazel. Hazel the witch is about right. She supplies John with all sorts of little concoctions that are only legal because no one's seen them before to make a law against them." He and his brother had quarreled over that point before.

"I suspect there may have been an agreement of sorts between her and Dustin. Never did understand why he was with her. I always thought his affection for her was more of a brotherly sort. After all, it's my understanding his tastes were of a..." he frowned slightly. "Different sort." He shrugged and turned away. "But such rumors can get a man killed if it crosses the wrong ear in the wrong parts of town. From my understanding, Dustin grew up in the parts where it could. Though lord knows John isn't that way."

"What did happen to Kay's mom?" Caleb couldn't help but ask. Having always wondered about his own parents, he couldn't help but seek the same answers for those of his friends.

Roger shrugged, though the two men were clearly trying to figure out when Caleb had joined them, and how much he'd heard. "She up and left when Kayden was about a year and a half. Never gave John a reason why. Just disappeared one day, left the baby in the cradle, took all the money she could find. Oh, she'd told him she was leaving, he just didn't believe it. Thought they were just empty words looking for a fight. And this was before he started finding himself trouble. He has made it clear he has no intentions to become involved with anyone again. Won't risk having Kayden's heart broken twice."

Kayden popped into the room, curious about why her grandmother had been at the door for so long. Her face lit up as she recognized the woman in the threshold. "Witch Hazel!" She started forward, then stopped short. Clutching the skirts of her dress, she gave her a wary look. "What's the code word?"

"Daffodil. Your father would be proud of your diligence."

Satisfied that it was safe, Kayden surged forward to throw her arms around Hazel in a tight embrace.


Hunter licked blood off his claws as he surveyed his stolen paper with satisfaction. He was pleased they had rightly assigned the destruction to him. Of course, he had made certain they would know who had done it, but sometimes the credit was given to a more beneficial political rival.

He finished the last of this morning's breakfast and folded up the pages he no longer cared to read. He could easily take care of himself, but without his family, what really did he have to keep fighting for? For every one of his men's deaths, he had avenged them twofold. Though it may be fun to continue his slaughter, he understood the waste of life was pointless without reason behind it. Perhaps it would be better not to destroy the ones taking orders, and to simply focus on the ones who had given those orders. Though there was always the possibility that he had extracted enough flesh to equal that which had been taken from him.

The large alligator man stretched out his arms as he mulled over his options. So what mattered most to him? Seeing the entirety of those who had wronged him and his men brought to bloody justice, or finding a new cause worthy of fighting for?
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Dusty
Avatar of Dusty

Dusty Sorta Sharp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

“Ma’am, sir we’ve got a problem.”

The arched headquarters of Thorne City’s Great Hall was once a thing of immense beauty. Gilded chambers carved from the insides of an enormous ironwood tree and bolstered by white marble walls. Generations of hard labor, sweat, and history was displayed here, and every nook and cranny of the structure contained rich antiquity. Statutes depicting famed council members, honored heroes both remembered and forgotten stood in rigid vigilance, while artistic works bedecked the walls with stories from long ago. Stained glass windows built cast a brilliant rainbow hue upon the polished floors, making the small horde of grim-faced gnomes look slightly less intimidating then they should have been. Still, one could not ignore the green uniformed guardsmen and mushroom constructs lying dead at their feet, or the bloodied weapons clutched in the hands of the conquerors.

All this beauty and violence was lost on Jaron Hosth as he strode purposely through the Central Chambers themselves coming to a halt before a terrible scar in the tree’s heart. It was almost too horrific even for him, a black souled gnome who had known nothing but violence and cruelty all his life. Jaron licked his lips and turned his attention to Darmae, trying to ignore the spreading pestilence that fought the ancient tree for control.

“A potential threat approaches, I have received word from our outlying scouts that he is on his way here to slay the council in their entirety, apparently he’s already made short work of a number military loyalists and opposition troops, with little regard to whom they serve. They call him the Hunter, and I fear there is little we can do to stop him, not with so many of our followers deployed contest any Council Loyalists.”

“This was expected.” Darmae waved the concern away. She was relaxing on an improvised throne, her feet propped upon Mason’s back, a confident smile resting on her scarlet lips. “Setting the gangs and City Watch against one another was bound to unleash a few mighty warriors. If this Hunter is intent on slaughter the council, he will find his work already completed.”

“Most of the council.” Jaron reminded her. “You still breathe and were a member of the council before the coup d’état, and I assume you wish to remain that way. I suggest you vacate the premises until the Hunter has satisfied himself staring at their corpses and departed. I would rather not lose half my remaining troops fighting an enemy when the conflict might be avoided altogether.”

“NO!” A voice, emanating from nowhere, and yet everywhere at the same time interrupted their debate. Both Darmae and Jaron jumped, the latter whipping out his sword at the shocking reverberations. “I need you here, your magic is required!”

Darmae settled back down on her morbid throne, glowering at the growing black scar tearing its way through the tree. “Scer’Pi’Kenes, you rotten git. You near scared me half to death. Still, he’s right I cannot leave, so you will just half to sacrifice a few of your gnomes. Or throw one of our other assets at him if your precious troops are too costly. Either way you will have to keep him out or convince him it is not in his best interests to assault this Chamber, if that means killing him so be it.”

“Send John Nieve.” Scer’s voice exploded from the ether, causing both gnome and woman to flinch. “He may prove capable of such a task.”

“Very well then. You know this John Nieve and where to find him?” Joran inclined his head that he did and Darmae clapped her hands. “Excellent, then you have your man to stop the Hunter. I wish him luck, for, if this beast is as formidable as you describe this John will surely need it. Dismissed.”

The black hearted enforcer bowed. Turning on his heel, he marched from the high chambers, Darmae’s cackling laughter echoing in his ears.


To say the atmosphere in the house was tense would have been an egregious understatement. If Caleb still had his sword, he probably could have cut the tension in the air. His generous host Sara, who had only ever been a nice around him was less than pleased having to accommodate John’s assigned guards-witch, and she made as much perfectly clear with a few rather passive aggressive comments about the company her eldest son kept. Though, Caleb noted, she never outright ordered this new houseguest to leave. Instead Sara busied herself working on a map of some kind, while Mary and Roger whispered in the corner. Hazel for her part seemed perfectly willing to ignore the frosty receival and Sara’s more barbed comments, wandering hither and wither as if she owned the place, always keeping one eye on Kayden.

“Hey, um, Kayden? Could I have a word, over there?” Caleb touched the girl on the shoulder, wanting to lead her out of earshot of the others. The girl gave him a questioning look but followed him into the parlor, letting him guide her onto the azure couch. Witch Hazel kept her distance but wandered into the living space after them, admiring the twin swords hanging over the mantle.

“I’m not certain how to say this.” Caleb began, rubbing the back of his head as he searched for the proper terminology to use. “When I questioned Jake before he got a little offended that I would even bring it up. But it has gotten to the point where I have to ask…”

Kayden’s lips tightened into a thin line, and she shifted a little further away from Caleb, as if she did not trust whatever he was about to say next.

“I haven’t been here for very long, and I don’t mean to pry where I shouldn’t, but I could not help noticing your father has a rather tense relationship with all the other adults here. His brother, and sister, and mother all seem rather short with him. And he uses code words, and is friends with… Strange folk? I mean, I heard him talking to Sara yesterday. He said you didn’t know anything about it, but I don’t think that’s possible. After everything I’ve seen. I was hoping you might help me understand what’s going on between them.”

She crossed her arms, glowering at him. “No, you don’t.”


“You don’t know what’s going on, and you were right before; you shouldn’t pry, its rude.” She sat up a little straighter, suspicion flashing in her eyes. “You have shown kindness to my family Caleb and saved my dad yesterday. He told me all about that, and you have my deepest thanks for it. But that does not mean you should know everything about him, and you definitely shouldn’t be asking from me. My dad is an honest man, and… And would never do anything wrong. Just because Grandma doesn’t like his friends doesn’t mean anything.”

“Yeah that’s more or less what Jake said.”

She nodded shortly. “Yes, and he was right.”

Caleb raised a finger, a counterpoint already prepared. “Except, when Sara was talking to him, she declared she did not want any of his criminal coin. And when those lizards attacked, they were demanding a blood vengeance because John’s friend was a burglar.”

“Not his friend, he told me. It was just some unfortunate person that happened across his path. He wasn’t going to let those dirty lizards kill him, even if he didn’t know him.”

“Ah, that part is a little fuzzy.” Caleb gently touched the bruised part of his face. “But I distinctly recall John calling that random unfortunate his friend.”

This caused Kayden’s brow to furrow, and she turned away her confidence on the issue suddenly clouded by doubt. He told her last night that the man he had saved was someone he barely knew. Why would he lie about that? “It’s a common term,” she explained slowly. “He calls everyone friend, its just how he is.”

“You weren’t there,” Caleb continued, convinced he was winning the discussion, whatever that meant. “It wasn’t some casual term; it was actually quite powerful. He was standing up for his man and would not back down even when he was surrounded and threatened with death. Plus, the man called him boss, I heard that too. Random strangers don’t use ‘boss’ as a casual term in this city, do they?”

The girl leapt to her feet slapping Caleb full across the face. The boy gave a startled yelp, his vision swimming as his bruises flared up once again, fresh bloodspots appearing beneath his bandaging. “Why do you hate my father!” She screamed, arms akimbo. Hazel looked startled by this sudden umbrage and rushed over.

Reeling from the sudden blow Caleb hissed in pain, fighting to keep from passing out. He had not realized how sensitive the injury was, or that Kayden might strike him in the first place. “I don’t hate him! I admire him and just wanted to understand what was going on.”

“What do you want me to say?” Kayden continued, choking back tears. “Oh yeah, my daddy’s a criminal gangster who helps run one of the most dangerous syndicates in the city. Well he’s not, you understand? HE’S NOT! HE’S NOT! HE’S NOT!”

Caleb pulled back from the raging girl, startled by the venom she was spouting. “Alright, sorry I won’t bring it up again.”

Snorting Kayden spun around stomping from the room. Hazel stalled on her constant watch, long enough to give Caleb a piercing look. “Word of advice while you’re in Thorn kid.” She grabbed him under the jaw, gently turning his head to get a better view of his wound. “Keep your opinions to yourself, you’ll last longer.” She fished around inside a leather pouch tied to her belt producing a small purple vial which she pushed into his hand. Giving the child a farewell glare, she swept from the room after her young charge, leaving Caleb alone with his thoughts.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zapdos
Avatar of Zapdos

Zapdos Electric Pokemon

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As Rainbow watched everyone’s interactions (or lack thereof) with Hazel, he wondered if anyone was going to do anything about the threat to the city Marrathew had just described. Humans were strange sometimes, but if they weren’t going to do anything, he would; this was Captain John’s beloved hometown, after all.

The rablin then snuck over to the scroll that Sara had set down, walked a little ways away so Hazel wouldn’t see it, and opened it up. The scroll was a complicated, beautiful mess of druidic words; all at once he could feel an old, natural and familial power. This was a spell that Rainbow knew was far beyond his ability to make, and yet he knew he could cast it as easily and intuitively as he could walk. With the power of the scroll, the rablin was certain he could go inside the Great Oak, defend it from the gnomish threat, and ensure that the coup’s ringleader would never be able to attempt such an action again.

How Rainbow could comprehend all of this was beyond him; the rablin had never even read a scroll in his life, let alone one as incredible as this. But he did know that this wasn’t the time for idle thinking - this was the time for action. Based on Sara’s tone with her and listening to Caleb’s still-ongoing conversation with Kayden, Rainbow knew this Hazel woman was trouble, so he decided to be careful. Using a subtle illusion spell, he made the scroll invisible so he could keep it on him without anyone noticing.

He was going to talk to Sara about what to do next, but his rablin ear heard something that caused him to look at Caleb - first the boy was slapped and yelled at by Kayden, then he was grabbed by the witchy woman. Seeing the latter made him livid, and at this point, everyone else was paying attention to the scene as well. Rainbow was going to act, but Sara beat him to it.

“Roger, could you please make sure Caleb is okay?” Sara asked in a tone of barely restrained contempt, “apparently I need to show that thing what happens when they mess with my family.”

“Of course,” Roger responded, almost feeling pity for Hazel as he checked on Caleb’s wounds and re-dressed some bandages that were impacted by the slap.

Knowing that Caleb was safe, Sara walked away in the witch’s direction. Awkwardness hung in the air immediately after that; apparently nobody knew what to say. Nobody except for Rainbow, who had become even more irritated at the whole situation.

“Are you all kidding me right now?” Rainbow asked with contempt, “the city’s in danger and you’re all just standing there? Caleb’s hurt, so I get that, but this is the best you can do? The Captain would never-”

“Wait,” Caleb said with alarm, “what’s going on?”

“Some dumb gnome and his friends are trying to take the city,” Rainbow matter-of-factly responded, “we have the means to stop them, but it’s all for nothing if we just stand here.”

Caleb stood up. He knew what the right and knightly thing to do was. “Then let’s get going then.”

Roger spoke in response. “Caleb, even if it were safe, you’re still injured. The potion would-” he cut himself off after that, looking like he immediately regretted what he just said.

“What does it do? Will it help?” Caleb asked with a fierce determination.

The skeleton doctor sighed. “It won’t heal you - those kinds of potions don’t exist. But it will delay your fatigue. Basically, it will let your body pretend your wounds don’t exist for a day.”

Having heard what he needed to know, the boy drank the potion right away. “We should get going,” Caleb told Rainbow, feeling newly energized as the drink started affecting him.

Rainbow smiled and nodded. “Yeah, but you’ll need a weapon though.” Looking over at the twin swords hanging over the mantle, he then asked “could you grab those swords for us, Jake?”

The Nieve adults were startled and confused, but the rablin had noticed the kid sneaking in and hiding behind the drapes a little while after Caleb got slapped. Jake, to his credit, did not hesitate and swiped the blades from the mantle immediately and started running in Edward’s direction. Caleb and Rainbow, figuring out where Jake was going, followed him as well. The group of three was joined by Flower, who perched herself on Caleb’s shoulder and had been resting on the azure couch before that.

“Edward, we need to get going!” Caleb loudly yelled at the hippocampus, who was just finishing drinking a blend of salt and water. Edward complied, bending himself so the two boys, bird and rablin could get on him. The Nieve adults tried catching up to them, but they were too slow and Edward successfully rode away.

“Where are we going?” Edward asked Caleb. The boy pointed towards the big oak tree they could all see in the distance; the hippocampus nodded and went in that direction as Rainbow explained the situation again for Edward’s benefit.


Back at the Nieve household, Roger gathered his medical supplies. “Mary, Marrathew, please watch Skyla and Kayden. I need to make sure those two boys are alright.” Sara’s children nodded, so Roger took his leave. Leaving with him was Ribbon, who knew where she needed to be as well.
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