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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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Frosiien looked back to Kim as she spoke up, she mulled over the words that the two spoke but she nodded to herself. She would have to talk to Benny and Merlin when they got back, but she was pretty sure about her decision as it was.

When Andy spoke to her and pulled her close her face deepened as she leaned her head against his shoulder. Frosiien stayed silent for a moment before she sighed happily.
"Manaphy always said that Love can only take one look." She said with a happy sigh. "But I feel like it takes two moments, first a look, then to learn their personality."

Gavin looked to Mabel again and gave a small nod.
"And I respect your thoughts." He stated truthfully, he himself wasn't really okay with human and legendary relationships, but now he had started to fall for Mindy. "I won't pressure Mindy into a relationship, if she wishes to date me then I will be overjoyed, otherwise if not I will continue to be a close friend to me."

Fez looked around and saw Merlin asleep, slowly slinking up to him.
He bounced silently around Merlin for a moment before he sat down beside the Bird with a happy grin.
Li had quietly shuffled closer to Mabel and Gavin and moved to settle beside Gavin to listen in. His eyes stayed on Mabel with a sway of his tail.

Niccia grinned as Mindy hooked arms with her, her eyes widened more at the mention of the department store.
She grinned at the sewing store as she nodded, "Yeah of course! They'll have to have ribbon there!" She glanced to Sparky as she seemed to slowly be waking up.

"Now you missy." She said as Sparky blinked and lifted her head, "No sneezing, no eating anything, and try not to get glitter everywhere." Niccia continued, moving to kiss Sparky's cheek again as the Joltsodour moved to push her face away with her paw.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

"Love at first sight can happen," Andy said, "but I think that is mostly attraction. It takes a moment to see the person as they really are to really love them." He frowned briefly. "It's sad when that love is one-sided though," he added with a hint of bitterness in his tone.

Bear growled softly and Kim's ears drooped.

"Whatever," Bear said. "That was a long time ago and I am going to be awesome in the gym battle."

Mabel accepted the words with a nod. Both had said what needed to be said, so there was no need to continue. She would keep a close eye on the situation, but as far as she could tell Gavin was decent. She met the look of Li and returned it for a moment, before getting up and stretching her wings.
"I'm going to fly," she said. "Please tell Mindy I'll return soon, and if she needs me she has to call me."
She didn't wait for an answer, with a few wingbeats she lifted into the sky.

"Enjoy!"" Benny said, flying around close to the ground. He wasn't one for sitting still long, but he never went far away from Michael.

Merlin opened an eye when Fez sat down next to him, then looked at the energetic Butterfree and leaving Dragonite, and then closed it again.

Mindy went to the shop and entered it. "We need the right colour of yellow," she said as she started looking around. "Colours like blue and purple don't really stand out in my dark hair." She touched the red ribbon on the right side of her head. "It's why I usually have a bright red one."

The shop was full of wool and thread for sewing and knitting, needles in all shapes and sizes. And lacework and ribbons in different colours and patterns.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Frosiien gave a gentle nod to Andy's words, and noticed how the others had behaved before she closed her eyes and thought back to her own history. She had a feeling Andy had been betrayed before, a feeling she knew all too well. She wanted to change the subject, she didn't like the mood of the atmosphere anymore.
"Did anyone believe you after you met me?" She asked with a tilt of her head, she was mildly curious about the situation that happened afterwards.

Gavin nodded to Mabels' words and watched as she flew off. As Mabel flew off, Li moved to stand up and watch her almost longingly.
The Strange Noivern looked to Michael and Gavin as if waiting for them to give him a command to leave.
"Do you want to go after her?" Gavin asked as he leaned back on the grass, looking towards Li, who seemed to hesitate as he was asked a question instead of just ordered.

"If you wish to go I don't see a problem, do you Michael?" Gavin glanced over to the human boy quickly before returning his gaze to the sky to watch the clouds move.
Fez settled beside Merlin as he slept, closing his eyes himself as if to meditate. He placed his bone across his legs and ducked his head down slightly.

"So we need a yellow like... Sparky's fur?" Niccia asked with a tilt of her head, running a hand through her Pokemons' head before looking to Mindy as she followed her inside, "I wonder where they get all these supplies from!" Niccia asked with a grin as she looked around, she went to the wool quietly and moved to touch it slightly, "Maybe Wooloo wool? Maybe even Mareep wool? Unless they got cotton fluff from Glossifer or even Jumploom?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

"I didn't tell a whole lot of people," Andy said. "A few people in the first village I came across. Only one guy believed me, the others claimed that if Articuno was in the area they would have certainly seen her. Maybe they were jealous and dismissed it because they didn't want it to be true." He shrugged to that. "My best friend believed me, he wasn't even envious. He was super excited about and ask me about every little detail. My brother believed me, but he had spotted Ho-oh once, flying through the sky. And professor Maple believed me, which was a bit of surprise."

"Of course not. I'm sure Niccia won't mind and I don't feel like we can order Li anyway." He turned to the Noivern. "We'll tell Niccia where you went. If you want to go, you can."
"And I can come get you when we need you!" Benny added. "I always found Merlin when Andy needed him, I'm sure I can find you."

"On Rhando we have a farm with Moomoo's, Mareep, Flaaffy and Wooloo," Mindy said. "The Rorie Islands all depend on that farm for our supply. I'm not sure where the cotton comes from, we import all cotton clothes."

She noticed a few ribbons with a shade of yellow and she pulled out her new dress to match the ribbons to the fabric. The shop cleric joined them and when Mindy said how much she wanted, the shop cleric cut it on length for her.
"That's it for me," she said to Niccia. "I'm going to pay for it."

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Frosiien only nodded at his words, she listened carefully as he listed off everything. She furrowed her brow at the idea of them being jealous of him.
"Well I'm glad some people believed you." She said with a weak smile, before she looked up towards the Gym as they got closer to it. "Oh wow..." She mumbled quietly.

Varina watched from her keystone, listening to the humans speak to each other as she took in the scenery.

Li looked to Michael and Gavin before he fanned his wings and quickly took off into the air without a second thought. He didn't seem to wait too long after saying he can, he span as he flew up into the air. He got above the clouds and slowly fanned his wings out before falling downwards through the clouds.
The Noivern had his eyes closed before he suddenly moved to fly upwards again, his ears flicked as he focused on the area around him.

Gavin watched Li quietly before he looked towards Michael. "What... Kind of things does Mindy like?" He asked quietly.

Niccia listened as Mindy spoke, "Ah, Okay!" She said as she watched Mindy go and buy her ribbon, she beamed a happy smile to her as she walked back. "Awesome, was there anywhere else we wanted to go?" She asked with a tilt of her head. "Is there anywhere we can get any treats?"

Sparky's eyes shot open and her head darted up, her tail starting to wag happily at the idea of treats.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

"Come on, come on, come on!" Bear said when he spotted the gym, rushing towards it. "I will kick that Miltank's butt!"
He jogged to the entrance and when he noticed no-one had followed him he started doing some warming-up exercises. "Slowpokes!" he called back to them.

Andy laughed when he saw Bear jog to the gym. "Excited and impatient as ever," he said. "The day he doesn't act like that is the day I will be worried about him."
He turned to Frosiien as she seemed impressed by the gym. "I would love to show you the gyms of the Rorie Islands one day," he said. "The gym leaders did their best to make them something special. My best friend is the gym leader of the ground gym there."

"Less talking, more getting your butts over here to fight!" Bear called to them.

Michael blinked at the unexpected question. "Uhm..." he began, knowing he should know that. They were friends after all. "I know she liked to do puzzles back home and read the detective novels of Marjory, an old woman with her faithful Growlithe who solve mysteries all over the regions. She loves astronomy, but she also likes astrology. Jirachi and Cresselia are her favourite legendary Pokémom." He glanced at Gavin. "Or were," he added, "but she had a plush of both of them in her room, and one of Clefairy too, and she wrote a thesis once about Pokémon from the stars and the moon when we attended Rhando Academy. I recall my uncle gave it a good grade. She also has a soft spot for fire-type Pokémon, loves apple pie with cinnamon, and she always has a rebus-puzzlebook with her to keep her busy when she made camp somewhere. When it's full she always buys a new one."
Was there more to tell? He thought he had covered most of the things she liked.
"Oh, and her favourite colour is burgundy, I think. And one of her dreams is to find one of Cresselia's feathers."

He paused as he thought about what they had learned about Cresselia in the Academy, that she was the counterpart of Darkrai. If there was one legendary Pokémon he wanted to meet, it was her. Every time he thought about Darkrai he felt uneasy and he searched in his pocket for the pendant with the crescent moon he had gotten from Giratina, who had been unexpected kind.

Mabel flew at a calm pace through the sky, going north. She wouldn't go far, just somewhere with a lot of open space around her. She landed on the rooftop she had taken the small Pokémon to before. She smiled when she thought about Charcoal who had evolved. Such a cutie. And Ixia too.

"Probably," Mindy said as she scanned the signs of the shops around them. "Let's go that way and see what we come across. There are usually shops with Pokémon treats and accessories in big cities. I tried to give Marie a collar, but she detests having something around her neck." She laughed. "Mabel likes jewellery when she does a contest, but not to wear every day."
She looked at the people around them before looking back at Niccia. "I have a few friends on Rhando, but none of them wanted to come on this journey with me. Michael also didn't feel like travelling when I left, I guess he needed a little more time to get ready for that. I'm glad I met you guys."

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Frosiien only giggled at Bears' actions and words, nodding gently at Andy's words before she started to speed up in her walking. "We shouldn't keep him waiting. We can talk afterwards." She said with a bigger grin. She turned to face the gym again and closed her eyes, she focused on the area around them, trying to find any sign of any other legendaries.

A shadowed figure sat in the trees, their dark black eyes watching Frosiien quietly. They ruffled their wings before they moved swiftly to fly towards the gym, trying to keep out of sight as they flew to roost on the top of the gym, watching Andy and Frosiien with narrowed eyes.

Gavin listened intently to Michael's words, his eyes watching the boy as he spoke before he closed his eyes, taking in all of the information that he was told. His mind put it away quietly, making sure it was kept carefully. When the boy finished, Gavin gave a small nod.
"Thank you." He started with a small smile, slowly sitting up from his lying down position. "I'm sorry, that was probably a weird question. Human's are still.. Awkward for me." He said with a small laugh.

He sat up a bit more as he thought things through, "The Pokemon of the Stars are very interesting, I can easily admit that." He said with a small laugh, "I know the Deoxy-Brothers are going to be around for StarFall, do you think she'd like to meet them?" He thought about the idea of getting her a Cresselia feather, it... wouldn't be too hard for him to do.

Li flew over the city, partially looking for Mabel, but also mainly just looking around. His ears twitched and focused on any small amount of sound he could find. He circled around and noticed Mabel off in the distance, fanning his wings out to slow himself down to land beside her.
"Do you mind if I join you?" He asked gently, he had his wings out just in case Mabel didn't want company.

Niccia stiffled a laugh at Sparky's reaction before she looked towards Mindy as she spoke. When Mindy mentioned about being happy about meeting them she reached out and gently gripped her hand before letting go.
"I'm glad to have met you too." She said with a tilt of her head and a smile. "I was worried when I had to go out to the 'real world' on my own too, I had heard too many negative stories about Humans in order to keep me away from them." She said with a bit of a sigh, she looked to Mindy again with a bigger grin.

"But I met some good people, I met some bad people, then I met Michael, and then I met you!" She said with a grin, "Now I have a human female friend!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

Andy walked to the gym and once they got there, he put a hand on Bear's head. "Come, impatient one, we'll go in." He opened the door and held it open so everyone could enter. Bear went first and Kim followed the Primeape inside. Andy gestured to Frosiien she could go in as well.

"I don't know how she feels about Deoxy-brothers," Michael admitted, "but I'm sure she'll be intrigued by them." He paused as he looked at Gavin. "Your question wasn't weird though; I've heard people, teens, talking to the friends of their crush about what their crush likes. People want to get the attention of the one they like and the best way of doing that is knowing what they like."

"It's true," Lytse chimed in. "Human courting seems rather complex, but maybe that is because humans have so many things that can interest them."

Mabel looked up when Li landed and she had a gentle smile for him. "Of course," Mabel replied. "The sun is free for everyone and there is plenty of room here." She looked at the large Pokémon. "And I always welcome company," she added.

Mindy gave Niccia a quick hug and then noticed the name of a shop that had a shop at other locations too. "Oh, we can buy some treats there," she said, pointing at the sign. "Let's check it out."
She went to the shop and looked through the window to see what they had in stock. Treats, vitamins, this kind of shop was often visited by contestants. "I bought some glitter in a shop like this once, for a contest. I didn't win, but it was fun."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Frosiien followed Andy with a small smile, she watched the Primeape with enthusiasm, she was glad to see a trainers Pokemon so excited about a gym battle; although she was more excited to see a Gym battle take place first hand.

The figure on the rooftops moved quickly, spinning as they darted down to the bottom of the Gym and slipped behind it, twisting their form into something more Humanoid.
Their hair was deep purple and slicked back into three thick spikes, They wore a black masquerade typed mask over top of their intense blue eyes. They wore a lighter purple vest over their black dress top, Their pants were straight dress pants, in the same black as the dress shirt.
They wore a belt over top of their vest, which tied up into a lose bow at the back of their vest, which matched the same colour as their hair. They scowled as they moved to take the mask off and tucked it behind the vest, pulling out a pair of black sunglasses before walking towards the Gym entrance.

Why was his cousin here? He thought to himself, his nose almost twitching, He knew StarFall took place near the Shrine where the little twerp of a Celebi rested, but why was she in town?
He sneered at the thought of Frosiien being captured by a human, Disgusting things. He thought to himself as he walked into the Gym, moving his left hand over his slicked back hair.

Gavin nodded at his words, "I'm sure they'd be intrigued by her as well." He said with a bit of a laugh, "They don't get to meet humans very often. And even then, they're often scared off by Storm." He leaned back again and closed his eyes, focusing on the air around them as his tail slipped from his belt loops as swayed softly.

"Michael." He asked after a moment, opening an eye to look directly at the human male. "What do you know about StarFall?"

Li gave a gentle nod at Mabel's words, moving to settle down a few feet away from her. He tucked his wings around his body and moved back into his 'loafing' position, with everything tucked around him. He rested his head on the nook of his wings as he looked over the city quietly.

"I have never seen a city like this before..." Li uttered after a moment of silence, he looked to Mabel with a small smile. "Thank you for allowing me to accompany you."

Niccia's eyes lit up when Mindy mentioned about the treat shop.
"What are contests like?" Niccia asked with a tilt of her head, "I've heard things about them but I've never had the nerve to enter one myself."

"Glitter?" Sparky asked as she lifted her head up, "Who needs to buy glitter when I can Make Glitter!" She said before she proudly let out a small stream of what would seemed to be fire, if it wasn't so glittery. She stopped it after a couple of seconds before cutting it off, watching the glimmering energy fall below her. "See!" She looked to Mindy as if to receive a Praise, forgetting she couldn't understand her.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

Inside the gym, Andy looked around first, but there really was only one way to go. He walked further until they reached the gym. The only one he saw was a girl sweeping the floor.
"We've come for a battle," Andy announced.

Whitney looked up when she heard him. "Oh! Okay! We'll have a battle. I'm the gym leader here, my name is Whitney."

"I'm Andy. This here is Frosiien. And this one," he put his hand on Bear's head, "is the one that wants to fight you. One on One, your strongest against my Primeape."

"You've got a bit of a type advantage there," Whitney said as she took her Pokéball. "But that's okay. Miltank has swept the floor with many fighting types! Come to the field, Miltank!"

"Oh yeah!" Bear exclaimed. "Finally!"

Andy took place in the designated area and looked at the enthusiastic Primeape who was hopping from leg to leg.

Michael returned the look. "Not much. That it's some kind of gathering of Legendary Pokémon. Niccia didn't say a lot about it, just that she's excited to see everyone again. And she assured me I'd be welcome there. I have no idea what to expect, but she made it sound like a family gathering."

"My pleasure," Mabel replied, watching the city too. "It is a modern and big city," she agreed. "Celadon and Saffron are similar. When it comes to view I much prefer the ocean. Water as far as you can see. I like to swim in it too." She glanced aside. "Do you have a favourite location?"

"Contests are fun," Mindy said, "I prefer them over battles. But Blaze likes battling more than dancing." She laughed. "In a contest, you have to put up a show and you use attacks of Pokémon, but not to do damage. You have to dazzle the crowd with the moves. This Glitter-fountain over here," she gestured to Sparky, "would definitely score points. Blaze has his Ember-tornado. He makes circles with his tail while doing ember, so the embers spiral upwards. When he has the room to fly, he'll spin and be the center of the Ember-tornado. I won a fire-contest with that move once."

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Frosiien waved to Whitney when she was introduced, moving to stand off to the side as she watched Andy and Bear fight the girl and her Miltank.
Her eyes slowly moved to the other figure who entered after her, her eyes instinctively widened and she looked towards her cousin. "Orikin." She sent to him mentally, watching him turn his head away from Andy towards Frosiien. Orikin frowned towards her and moved to lean against the wall to watch.
"Where is your guardian?" Frosiien asked, Orikin only grinning at the mention of his guardian.

Gavin gave a small chuckle at Michael's words, "I mean, she's definitely not wrong." He said as he turned his head away and closed his eyes. "It is indeed a reunion for everyone. But it's also used as a general update for all of the Legendaries and their Guardians. They're not often in the same area as Arceus, so having him there is usually a big deal."

Li's ears drooped as she talked, he looked out over the city and didn't reply for a few moments before he looked back at her as he flicked his ears up again. "I'm not usually allowed out to sight see, so I don't really have a favourite Location." He said as he looked over the city again, "Anywhere safe is good for me. And Niccia likes to keep me safe."

Niccia looked to Sparky as her eyes lit up, she bounced up onto her trainers shoulders, suddenly full of energy.
"I wanna do a contest!" She barked, Niccia moved to pet her head gently, trying to calm her down.
"We'll put you in a contest at some point Sparky." Niccia laughed before she looked towards Mindy, "A lot of Sparky's moves are very... decorative, a lot of people don't think she can deal any damage with them until well.. she does."
Sparky lifted her head up above Niccia's with a big grin, "Yeah they may be flashy but you don't want molten glitter ON YOUR FACE."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

"Bear, Focus Energy," Andy said and Bear took a defensive stance as he started glowing with a blue hue.
"Defense Curl," Whitney ordered and the Miltank rolled herself up.
"Low kick!" Andy ordered and Bear ran forward to Low-Lick the Miltank, who fell back.
Whitney did not look worried. "Rollout," she ordered and the Miltank immediately curled up to roll around. She hit Bear and then rolled through the arena back to Bear.
"Karate Chop!" Bear jumped up to do the move, but when he collided with the spinning Miltank it didn't break her path and he got thrown back.

Andy had noticed someone else was watching the fight, but he kept his attention on his Primeape. This rollout was hard to break, and he knew it would only get stronger.

Michael nodded, that last bit sounded like an official part humans didn't have a part in, but they could always move out of ear-shot when the legendaries wanted to talk about the things that were important for them.
"I can't wait," he said. "It sounds like an amazing thing to witness."

"I see," Mabel said. "If you are allowed to, maybe I can show you some places I like. I'm allowed to fly freely." She gestured to her pendant. "When Mindy needs me, she'll call for me and I'm fast enough to quickly join her. I never travel too far from her anyway."

"Hurting people will cost points though," Mindy said. "The Pokémon have to show they are in control of their moves. It takes some practice to get a good routine going that is also safe for bystanders, but it's well worth it. When I started practising with Blaze, we sometimes accidentally put things of fire." Mindy laughed a bit. "But we got better at it."
She took a bag and filled it with various snacks.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Frosiien stayed silent for the rest of the Gym battle, she watched Andy instead of paying any real attention to her cousin. SHe wasn't sure if she wanted to cheer or if she should stay silent.

Gavin only grinned at Michael's words, he knew what he needed to expect from StarFall- and he knew that the humans would enjoy it as well.

Li pricked up his ears as she offered to take him places. "If Niccia allows, I would be more than happy!" He lifted his head up slightly, no one had offered to take him places- well, apart from Niccia, but she didn't count.

Niccia nodded to Mindy and got her selection of treats as well, Sparky making a bit of requests as she watched, her tail wagging.

The next couple of days weren't anything exciting, it was a day of rest and Gavin disappeared for most of the day into the forest to find a quick path to the shrine for StarFall.

The sun slowly rose over the city on the day of StarFall, Niccia laid sprawled out along her bed with Sparky over her torso.
Gavin was meditating in his bed with Fez beside him, both of their eyes were closed as they focused on the aura around them.
As promised, Frosiien walked with Mitch towards the Pokecenter when the sun rose. Sure Andy had mentioned after breakfast, but she couldn't wait; she was too excited for everyone to see each other. Especially so if the Alolan Birds were going to be there as well.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

The Miltank rolled to Bear again. "Low Kick!" Andy instructed and the Primeape did, but as they collided he got thrown back again. He growled softly, glaring at the rolling ball. He was able to dodge the next roll just barely.
"Lower, Bear. Low Kick near the ground."
The Primeape dove to the rolling Miltank and Low Kicked her where she touched the ground. The Miltank flew through the sky.
"Now jump and Low Kick again."
With the Miltank still in the air, Bear jumped up and Low Kicked the Miltank up. She slammed into the ceiling and dropped to the ground.

The Miltank unrolled and stayed down. That prompted a victory dance from Bear and Andy applauded his Pokémon.

On the day of StarFall was Michael already up and in the common area of the Pokémon Center, he sat on the couch with a cup of coffee on the small table in front of him and newspaper open. He guessed Niccia was still asleep; it still was early after all. And he knew for a fact his uncle was still asleep; he never woke up early. Mindy was likewise not an early bird.

Lytse lay on the floor and Benny flew around. Unlike his trainer was the Butterfree up with the first light of the sun and he was glad to have some company.
It was Lytse who noticed Frosiien first and he walked to the door to greet her.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Frosiien saw Lytse and grinned to him, moving to lift him gently off the floor and gave his head a kiss.
"Good morning little one~" She said happily as she carried him in her arms over to Michael, "I can only hope you two slept well?" She asked with a tilt of her head, "May I join you while we wait for the others?"
Mitch followed afterwards, keeping an eye out as he continued. The Galarian Birds were here, of course they were.

Sparky's ears twitched and her nose breathed in the smell of a legendary. She sleepily hopped off the bed and walked towards the doorway and over to Michael and Frosiien, pressing her nose against Frosiiens' leg while her eyes were closed, her tail wagging slowly.
"Good morning little one." Frosiien said as she knelt down to Pet Sparky's head, watching her flomp onto the ground and fall back to sleep. "Oop, not ready to wake just yet?" She giggled.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

Lytse let out a happy sound when he got a kiss. "Good morning!" he replied.

"Of course," Michael said as he gestured to an empty seat. "Uncle won't be up for a while though."
"He's such a sleepyhead," Benny giggled. "But he always goes to bed late. Even before we had Merlin in our team and started using him as an excuse for going to bed late."

Michael, Lytse and Benny all looked at Sparky as she joined them and fell back to sleep. Benny used his Confusion to lift her up and gently put her down next to the couch, where she would be a little less in sight.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Sparky let out a yawn as Benny moved her, she looked around with her eyes still closed before she moved a paw over her larger eyes.
Frosiien smiled and moved to sit beside Michael. "Oh you humans are interesting~" She sighed with a grin, "I remember the times when humans woke and slept with the sun. It was an interesting time, Lunala and Solelgeo were more than happy to help them keep schedules."

The Pokecenter doors opened as Soul slowly walked in, his eyes were on the floor before he looked up towards Frosiien and Michael.
"Good morning." He spoke before he placed the Keystone of Varina on the table. "I took her for a walk."
Varina poked her head up from her keystone and bounced slightly, "The city is gorgeous! I've never seen anything like it!" She said with a grin.
Mitch climbed up onto a seat and waved down a Chansey, asking for a cup of coffee with a small tired smile.
"Oh Mitchy." Frosiien said as she rubbed his head gently, "You don't need it~"
"I can assure you ma'am," The Delibird slowly responded, "I was up all night making sure your 'cousins' didn't try to disturb you. I do indeed need it."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

"Then we learned how to use electricity and weren't reliant on the light of the sun anymore," Michael added. Then Soul entered and he listened to what he had to say. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, Varina. This city is fantastic, it's unlike I ever saw as well."
Staying here for a few days had definitely been a good decision.
He turned to Mitch. "Soul is here," he told him. "Maybe instead of coffee you can take a nap. We can keep an eye on the cousins. I think that will be better. You can still have a coffee after the nap to help you wake up."

Lytse nodded to show he agreed with Michael. "You take some rest, we'll protect Frosiien for you." he said
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Frosiien laughed at Michael's words, "You did indeed." She continued, "You humans always amuse me." She looked to Varina with a small smile. "I am glad you had fun."
Varina smiled before she looked towards Mitch as Soul moved to hop up on the couch beside Michael as he picked up Sparky to put her on his back as he did so.
"I am more than happy to keep watch Mitch." Soul added quietly, the Delibird furrowed his brow before weakly nodded once.
"Aye, fine. I will have a nap." He moved to close his eyes and lean against the nearest wall.

Frosiien smiled towards Michael, "I'm glad you offered to look after me." She said softly, "My Cousins aren't bad, I promise. It's just... They're not used to humans. Not like myself and my brothers."
Sparky gave a small mumble as she was moved, nuzzling into Souls fur as she stretched out a bit more with a huff- some glitter jetting from her nose and covering a part of Soul.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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"And with Arceus telling you all to stay away from humans, our reputation probably wasn't very good to begin with," Michael said. "I don't really foresee trouble, but Mitch did need a nap."
"You could have asked me if he didn't want to rest," Benny said. "Andy often praises the quality of my sleeping powder." He chuckled. "Unless it wears off too soon. Then he always wants to have a talk about the quality of my powder."

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