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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trash Panda
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Trash Panda

Member Seen 26 min ago

“Nice to meet you too,” Miles said sarcastically, to which Caspian elbowed him in the side. They didn’t have time for formal greetings when they were racing against the clock. As soon as Harry got to the mansion and discovered Jacob had never left nor given him a call to leave the hospital, the whole building was going to be swarming with soldiers. They had to get out before that happened and put enough distance between them that the city guards wouldn’t be able to catch up. None of them were safe until they were long gone.

“We’ll be fine as long as we move fast,” he assured Iris when she voiced her concerns. Everything she said was valid. If they were caught, his friends would be charged with treason, she would probably be executed, and even he most likely wouldn’t be immune from the consequences just because he was royalty. His father might even be livid enough to have him sent to the penitentiary for a while as punishment for trying to rescue a member of the rebellion. However, he couldn’t think about any of that right now. He had to believe that they were going to get away and that their efforts weren’t all for nothing.

“I’d better be sure, because it’s too late to back out now,” he smiled at her lopsidedly. “We’re already here, and we’re not leaving without you.” At his side, his two friends nodded their agreement. Even though they didn’t know her as well as he did, they had committed to the plan the night before. They were all in it together, no matter if they sank or swam.

As Iris climbed down from her bed, Jay stepped back over to the door to keep watch, and Miles placed himself by her side in case she needed someone to lean on while she was still shaky on her feet. Cas would have done so, himself, if he wasn’t already unstable too. All the running around they were doing was making his injured leg sore, so he simply stayed close by instead. “Then it’s a good thing we’re not real doctors,” he joked in response to her comment, pulling his mask back up over his mouth and nose.

“Someone should go get that gurney,” Jay reminded them as he peered through a thin crack in the door. “There’s no one in the hall right now. Want me to do it, Cas?”

The prince glanced toward him and opened his mouth to respond, then paused as something else caught his attention. Dropping his gaze to the floor, he noticed belatedly that the bed Iris had been laying on had wheels. He lifted his hand thoughtfully to his chin, supposing he should have realized hospital beds were mobile. Nurses needed to move patients around all the time. “Actually, I don’t think we need one,” he mused, looking up at his friend again and then turning to Iris. “Lay back down and get under the sheet. We’ll wheel you out to the back door.”

“I can help if you need me to,” Miles offered to her, the corners of his eyes turning upward slightly as he flashed a friendly smile behind his mask.

“Just move fast,” Jay advised them from the door. “I don’t know how much longer this hallway will be clear, and we don’t want anyone to see us take her from this room.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
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sukikyoufu Endwalker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“I’m sure you can introduce yourself later.” Iris couldn’t help but chuckle at his friend’s remark, even in their current circumstances it was nice to just experience normal jokes. Banter between friends, as she caught how quickly Caspain had elbowed him in the side.

It was true, they had to move fast, and she couldn’t believe Caspain had thought of this plan to rescue her. The lengths he was going to allow her to escape and the fact his friends were in on the crazy idea, it honestly made her heart swell that there were people going to such extremes for her. That there was some sort of care as they wanted to help her, well Cas had wanted to help her she didn’t know about his friends, but they were here ready to help. It was surreal thinking that they were about to escape, hopefully with nothing going wrong.

Not leaving without me. Oh Cas, how could I ever have doubted him. Glancing over at Miles she was glad he was there to offer help if she needed it, she was still shaky on her feet. Though before she could use him for support she looked over at Cas as he seemingly had another idea, the bed was on wheels. How did they not know that? It was the smaller details like this, but at least they had caught it now “I see, make me get out of bed, now back in.” Sighing heavily as she managed to just about get herself back on the bed only with a little difficulty, offering a smile to Miles at the offer of help.

Grimacing as she settled herself back down on the bed it had been a little uncomfortable, but she knew it was for the best. After all the idea of getting out of here was exhilarating, she was excited that she could be free of the prison and hopefully never return. But… where will I go? Back to the districts… home? Without realising the thoughts had crept up on her, the idea that this could be where she’d have to say goodbye because it was better for them in the long run even though she didn’t really have a place to go too. Maisie will take me in though. Grabbing the covers, she slid herself under them pulling them up to her chest as she glanced over at the boys, “Just… be careful.”

Biting her lip, she could feel her heart hammering away at the thought of them all getting caught. It was hard not to feel a little upset with how loyal his friends were and how committed they all were with helping her escape, in a good way of course. The fact his friends hadn’t just wrote her off because she was part of the rebellion was a nice touch, whether or not that was true was a different matter but she was certain they wouldn’t be here if they didn’t believe in Cas. Trying to calm herself from working herself up in a panic she closed her eyes focusing no breathing, in and out. In and out repeatedly so it didn’t seem like she was panicked, it was hard because she was worried about them all getting caught.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trash Panda
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Trash Panda

Member Seen 26 min ago

“I didn’t think every detail through, I guess,” Cas shrugged when Iris teased him about having to get back into the bed. “Just the major stuff.” With only twenty-four hours to prepare, he and his friends hadn’t had time to work out every little piece of their escape plan. If they’d had longer to do their research and learn all the ins and outs of the hospital, they would have been smoother. Honestly, he was just happy they were doing as well as they were with just a master key and a scaled floor plan from the internet. If their luck continued to hold out, they would do just as well as they would have if they’d had an entire week to come up with a more thorough strategy.

He waited for her to climb under the sheets with help from Miles as necessary and then waved Jay over to join their other friend at the other side of the bed. While he had one stabbed arm and one broken wrist, he didn’t have the strength to help wheel the bed very far, so it was easier if they did it instead. “Keep your eyes closed like you’re asleep,” he told Iris, taking Jay’s place by the door to check the hallway one more time before they left. Fortunately, it seemed like the nurses didn’t spend much time around the patients in this wing, because there was still no one else around. He guessed they probably hung around the intensive care patients much more often than those who were stable on their own.

“Let’s go,” he signaled to the others and opened the door, taking the lead as he directed them toward the elevator near the center of the wing. Behind him, he could hear wheels turning as Jay and Miles pushed Iris’s bed into the hallway. For a while, they all fell silent, not daring to open their mouths while they were in the middle of the riskiest part of their rescue mission. If anyone caught them now, it would be apparent that they were smuggling a rebel.

Cas swallowed nervously, glancing down each adjacent corridor that they passed on their way to the lift. Twice, he saw a few nurses in other parts of the wing, but none of them seemed to notice him or his friends or even the whole bed they were pushing along between them. Apparently the practitioners all kept their guards very low when they worked in an environment in which patients weren’t regularly swiped out from under their noses.

When they got to the elevator, the prince pushed the button and stepped back to wait, shifting his weigh back and forth between his feet with restless energy. As soon as the doors opened, he allowed Jay and Miles to cart the bed into it first and then climbed in after them, pressing the button for the ground floor.

“So far, so good,” Miles exhaled once they were in the privacy of the lift.

“Don’t jinx it,” Jay chided him under his breath, shooting him a glare.

“Sorry,” Miles scratched the back of his neck uncomfortably. “This is the most illegal thing I’ve ever done. I’m both excited and terrified at the same time.”

The elevator dinged as they hit the ground floor, and Cas peered over his shoulder to hush them. Heading the group again, he stepped out first and turned toward the hallway that would take them back to the parking lot, only to freeze after he’d taken just two steps. “Shit,” he hissed, heart racing as his eyes landed on a corridor bustling with doctors and nurses. In the few minutes between when they had gone upstairs and come back down, the crowds of people in scrubs had doubled.

“What do we do?” Miles glanced at him worriedly.

“Don’t just stand here,” Jay whispered sternly. “We have to get to that door, and this hallway is the fastest route. Act like we belong here. If we’re confident enough, they’ll buy it.”

Cas nodded. His friend was right. He’d learned the same thing about politics. Even if someone was completely clueless about something, he could come off as an expert if he carried himself with swagger. Dressed like surgeons, they could do the same thing at this hospital. The time for keeping under the radar was over. “Follow my lead,” he told them, taking a deep breath and breaking into a jog. As they approached the crowds of nurses, he called out, “Coming through!”

The other people looked up and immediately parted like the Red Sea, making way for what looked like three doctors with a critical patient. Nobody attempted to stop them to question what they were doing either. Silently, Cas was relieved that the idea had worked. As they passed by the nurses and rounded the last few corners, the door that led into the back parking lot came into view. They were almost out.

All three of them slowed to a stop just before they reach it. The bed was too wide to fit through. Miles stepped up to the side and offered a hand to Iris again, “Come on, we’re going the rest of the way on foot.”

“We might have to run,” Jay said suddenly, taking a step backwards as he stared at something at the other end of the long hall.

Cas followed his gaze and blanched as he saw two nurses looking in their direction and talking amongst themselves. In the next moment, one of them turned and ran in the opposite direction. She’s going to call the police, his eyes widened, and he inhaled sharply, pulling the door open quickly. “They know. We have to get out of here now.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
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sukikyoufu Endwalker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Even though she had her eyes closed her heart still hammered away, her other senses on high alert as the realisation of how risky this was had hit her in full force. Keeping her eyes closed was difficult especially as she desperately wanted to open them and see what was going on, though she knew she couldn’t. Well she shouldn’t. Hearing the squeak of the wheels turning she wondered how long it had been, it felt like an eternity as she had to keep her eyes shut but in reality, it had probably only been a few minutes. Please… please don’t let them get caught. As if her words would have any effect it soothed her a little as she tried to think positive, a very strange feeling after she hadn’t had a positive thought since being arrested.

Hearing them talk in the lift she felt a little bit more relaxed as they began to discuss with one another about how illegal this was, that it was terrifying but exciting and she had to agree because she had felt the exact same when breaking Caspain out from her father. Regis would not have hesitated to kill her on the spot if she had been caught and it was similar here, they would all go down, even Caspain would be punished severely and she didn’t want that because ultimately none of them would be here if it wasn’t for her.

Getting lost in her own thoughts as she kept her eyes closed, she felt the elevator move coming to a stop alongside her heart as she felt herself take a big breath holding it. This is it; we are nearly there. I hope. The anxious feeling in her stomach began to rise, a part of her wanting to be sick by the rush of different emotions that she started to feel. Shit!? What does he mean shit!? Having to stop herself from opening her eyes she began to grip at the sheets, hands trembled under the fabric that she gripped fearful that they may have been caught. The minute she heard his voice commanding what she could only assume was a group of people she felt the bed go a little faster, silently Iris prayed to herself that it would work. That it was just enough.

Sitting up in the bed as she felt it stop, she felt a little dizzy, disorientated by how fast paced this was as her heart continued to race as she took a moment to ground herself. Glancing at the hand to help her down she took it glad for the help with a smile as she got to her feet a little unsteady, she could feel the cold floor of the hallway seep away whatever heat she had in her bare feet and dressed in just a hospital gown she felt a little exposed, but that was the least of their worries right now.

“R-Run!?” Iris managed to breathe out as she looked down the hall, eyes widened in shock as she realised what was happening. They had to go. Watching as he pulled open the door quickly, she forced her legs to move using what little energy she had, forcing herself to run even though it was difficult and her body trembled. Adrenaline fuelled her as she pegged it towards the car, to the escape vehicle that would hopefully guarantee her freedom from there.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trash Panda
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Trash Panda

Member Seen 26 min ago

As soon as Iris was on her feet, the group booked it for their getaway car. Cas gritted his teeth as the rapid pace made his left leg and lungs ache, but he didn’t allow his injuries to slow him down. The Aspirian law enforcement responded to calls within minutes after they were made. If his guess had been right and that nurse had realized that he and his friends weren’t actually doctors, they didn’t have much time to flee from the hospital. By his estimate, the police would probably arrive in about two minutes.

“Hurry!” Jay barked, swinging open the driver’s side door and practically leaping inside while Miles opened the back and helped Iris in. Unable to do anything to assist them, Cas took the front passenger seat and threw on his seatbelt. Winded from the short run, he ripped the surgical mask from his face and panted, pressing a hand to his chest where his fractured ribs had started to burn with each deep inhale. Luckily, the Accuparacin treatments seemed to be working there too, because the pain was already beginning to dissipate as the seconds passed. It was the gunshot wound in his leg that was going to hurt for a while.

Jay turned the ignition just as Miles closed the backseat door, having climbed inside after Iris, and quickly backed out of the parking spot. In the distance, they could already hear sirens, and he threw the car into drive, pressing the pedal to the floor and peeling out of the lot. “I’m gonna make a few detours,” he said, glancing at Caspian. “Just in case they catch us on any of the cameras. We don’t want them to know where we’re going.”

The prince nodded absently, craning his neck to peer out the back window as flashing blue and red lights appeared in the distance. For a few seconds he watched with bated breath, praying that the police didn’t notice them and take chase. However, it seemed like they had gotten far enough away not to be seen, because in the next moment, the cop cars disappeared from view as they turned into the hospital parking lot. They had gotten away.

“Oh my god, this is fucking insane,” Miles laughed nervously, pressing a hand to his forehead as he sank down in his seat. “I can’t believe we just broke into a hospital.”

“I can’t believe we got away with it,” Jay grinned, looking at the two in the backseat through his rearview mirror. Noticing that Cas was still quiet, he glanced at him again. “You okay?”

“Yeah,” the prince answered breathily. “Just recovering. I’m fine.” Like his friends, he was also shocked by what they had just accomplished. Even if the police tried to pursue them, they were too far away to catch up without calling for a helicopter to locate them. Because Iris had been a ward of the penitentiary, he doubted they could get approval for something like that before they called the warden to inform him that the prisoner was gone. Knowing the rocky relationship between the military and the police force in the capital, he predicted that the two groups would end up squabbling over the logistics and lock each other down rather than agree on a course of action. They were in the clear until the soldiers launched an investigation into the escape. At that point, he could only hope that they had done a good enough job covering their trail that they wouldn’t be found out.

Hopefully they assume she was taken by other members of the rebellion rather than anyone inside the capital, he thought, letting out a slow exhale as he caught his breath. Relaxing a little more now that he felt more certain that they were safe, he turned in his seat to check on Iris in the back. “How are you holding up?” he asked, his eyes sweeping over her concernedly. He’d been too caught up in the escape to realize that she was dressed in nothing but hospital linens until now. Running on asphalt with bare feet had probably been painful. “Are your feet okay?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
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sukikyoufu Endwalker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

It had been short lived, but the pain of running across the ground in bare feet had been quite uncomfortable, but worth it in the end. Getting to the car had been priority and even though every feeling in her body burned as she had pushed it, it had to be done. The feeling of needing to throw up did not leave even as they sat in the car and it began to speed off not wasting any time. Iris couldn’t calm down her breathing, panting from the effort she felt herself sink into the chair trying to find a glimmer of comfort as the car began to head off to wherever they were going.

Shocked that they had managed to do it Iris couldn’t quite believe she was sat in a car with the Prince and his friends, rescued from the hospital and her fate which would have no doubt been her death. It seemed she wasn’t the only one with similar feelings as she caught the nervous laugh of Miles and Jay chiming in, it was then she heard him direct a question to Cas asking if he was okay. Perking up at the question she turned her gaze to him in the front of the car waiting with bated breath for the answer, he had just run to the car as they did on a leg with a gunshot wound. That was impressive, but to hear he was okay she felt herself relax a little happy in knowing no one was majorly hurt.

Did they? We? Just… get away with that? It was hard to comprehend the idea that the plan had succeeded, if they had told her about this before she already knew what kind of response, she’d give Caspain. The darker thoughts, depressing words that would instantly shoot down the plan telling him it wasn’t worth it. That she didn’t think she was worth it, again it was something that had crossed her mind when they rescued her, but the heat of the moment took over and it didn’t leave much time for thinking. I hope they don’t think he did it, or his friends. The trouble they could get into. Feeling her stomach churn at the thought she gripped the white hospital linen trying to calm herself, taking the time to compose herself and stop the shakes.

“Huh?” Looking up as she realised Cas had addressed her, she tried to smile already knowing it wasn’t convincing. God I must look an absolute mess. Pale skin, dark circles under her eyes and unkempt blonde hair that she had tried to comb with her fingers, on top of that the very loose fitting hospital linen which in all honesty she had forgotten she was wearing because she couldn’t quite remember fully from the prison to the hospital. The pink dress she had been wearing long gone, and good riddance to it because it only reminded her of Ethan and the rebels, but the current breezy material did send chills through her. “Oh… I’m fine. Just a little shocked by everything.” The lie fell from her lips smoothly, but she hoped Caspain would understand that even if she didn’t feel fine it wasn’t something that she wanted to discuss openly in the car with his friends around.

“T-Thank you… to all of you.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trash Panda
Avatar of Trash Panda

Trash Panda

Member Seen 26 min ago

Cas frowned as Iris seemed confused by his question. He could tell right away that there was something on her mind, but with Jay and Miles around, he didn’t dare ask her what it was. To his best guess, she was probably still dazed from the interrogation she’d gone through, and the drug that had been used on her was classified. Even though he trusted his friends, he couldn’t reveal its existence to them because it was a high-level military secret. Unfortunately, he had to draw boundaries in regard to what he could and could not talk to them about because of the repercussions that could happen if the truth serum was leaked to the public. It was one of Aspiria’s most potent weapons against their enemies, and it was most effectively used when a prisoner of war was unprepared to experience it. Though he was saddened and angry that the soldiers had forced Iris to endure it, he was still loyal enough to his country not to give away such detrimental information.

I’ll just have to try to talk to her alone later, he resolved, nodding wordlessly when she said that she was shocked. He wasn’t surprised by that at all. Yesterday, he’d told her that he was going to do everything in his power to keep her safe, but he hadn’t explained that he’d been planning to illegally break her out of the hospital. She’d had no time to process everything that had just happened. He was just glad that she’d been alert enough to go along with it, even though she hadn’t known what was going on the entire time.

“Cas told us you helped him when he was taken by the Scourge,” Miles said, pulling off his surgical mask and tossing it on the floor when Iris thanked them. “We had to help when he told us you’d been arrested. And besides,” a playful smile appeared on his lips, and he nudged her with his shoulder. “We couldn’t pass up the chance to meet the infamous Iris.”

Caspian blushed at his friend’s insinuation that he’d been talking about her a lot. Since he had only just gotten home the day before, it wouldn’t take much for anyone to put two and two together and realize that meant he’d told them about her long before he’d been abducted. He coughed awkwardly into his sleeve. “So how long do you think we should drive around before we go to Miles’ place?” he asked Jay, quick to change the subject. With nowhere else to harbor Iris, Miles had offered to let her stay at his house. His parents were especially wealthy and owned a mansion that was large enough to hide a fugitive without anyone knowing she was there.

“Maybe fifteen or twenty minutes?” Jay estimated, peering into his side mirror as he merged onto the highway. “I just want to take a few extra turns, so it isn’t obvious where we’re headed.”

“Okay,” the prince agreed, taking off the blue hairnet he’d put on at the hospital and making himself comfortable in his seat. One perk of sitting shotgun was that he had more room to stretch out his legs than he had in the back. He sighed softly as he extended his left leg, relaxing sore muscles as he recovered from the effort of running all the way from the hospital to the car.

In the back of the car, Miles, ever the social butterfly, had decided to make small talk with Iris. “So, you were part of the rebellion, right?” he asked her with intrigue, leaning into the side door and pulling one knee to his chest. Caring little about standard safety measures, he’d foregone wearing a seatbelt and preferred to sprawl out. “What was that like? And why’d you switch sides? Did you think the Scourge was terrible?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
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sukikyoufu Endwalker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“Infamous Iris?” Raising her eye towards Cas not realising he had even mentioned her before, but then she did forget how she had been in the Capital before his abduction. The dear trap, amnesia memory situation wasn’t hard to forget now, perhaps he had spoken about her then? It did bring a smile to her lips especially when Miles nudged her and had his own playful smile. The idea he seemed comfortable around her put her at ease, she was worried they had just done it because Cas was the Prince and perhaps, they didn’t feel comfortable around her. Which she would have understood of course, but she was glad it wasn’t too awkward. Not yet anyway, there was still time. Catching the blush on Cas’ cheeks she couldn’t help but feel warm inside, to know that even through everything he had to still like her and the thought of that was music to her ears and a part of her just wished she could be with him alone.

Listening to their conversation she had gathered they were going to Miles’ place, everyone in the Capital was wealthy of course and it made sense to hide somewhere. Though, what would happen to her? She couldn’t just stay in his place; she had an awkward enough encounter at first with Caspain and her being allowed to stay in the palace when she had lost her memories. Now in another’s house when she truly had no way of paying them back, perhaps it was just for one night and then she would be going back to the districts where she belonged. Maybe I’m just assuming, maybe we are going there for a bit before they take me to the border, surely hat has to be it. They can’t harbour me, that would be insane.

Drawn from her thoughts as Miles was seemingly happy to make conversation with her, she looked over at him feeling a little conflicted about his questions. The first question reminding her of the interrogation, and she felt herself freeze, a flash of what happened reminding her that she shouldn’t belong here, that she was just rebel scum. “O-Oh.. uh yeah.” A little unsure of her own answers she looked away out of the window feeling an odd sensation wash over her, did she switch sides? Iris didn’t believe she had; the ideals of the rebellion were something she believed in. The inequality of life across the border was paramount and she believed it should be fair for everyone and that’s what the rebellion was meant to be about. what she didn't believe in was the needless killing, the riots, the wars it shouldn't have been about that.

Staring out of the window for a good few minutes she had forgotten that Miles had even asked her the question, her mind had trailed off and she felt a soft pounding in her head tired from everything that had happened. “Sorry… I guess I’m still feeling a little frazzled.” Trying to force a smile and a chuckle to go alongside it, it’s not that she couldn’t answer his questions more that she didn’t really want to think about them because those kinds of memories were linked with pain. Everything about the rebellion to her was now and forever linked to pain, not just physical but emotional and she just didn’t want to relive it when she was barely out of the prison. Well hospital, after what Matthew had done.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trash Panda
Avatar of Trash Panda

Trash Panda

Member Seen 26 min ago

When Iris fell silent in response to Miles’ question, Cas peeked at her over his shoulder and frowned. He wished he could know what was going on inside her head, but there was no time to open that can of worms while they were still fleeing from the scene of their crime. He would just have to wait until he had a chance to be alone with her, like everything else he wanted to say and do. Although who knows when that will be? He thought with a pang of wistfulness. When they got to Miles’ house, he wasn’t going to be able to whisk her into another room to talk in private without raising suspicion. He’d told his friends that they weren’t romantically involved to keep the word from leaking back to his father somehow, so he had to keep pretending like they were just acquaintances, at least for now.

“Miles, manners,” he sighed, turning around to fix his gaze on the dimly lit highway in front of them. “She’s had a rough few days. Give her some time to process everything before you interrogate her…” As he spoke the words, he faltered slightly, suddenly connecting the dots in his head. It had probably been the questions themselves that had caused Iris to clam up. After everything she had been through at the penitentiary, undergoing intense questioning and even being injected with the most potent truth serum in Aspiria, the thought of answering any more inquiries must have left a bad taste in her mouth. He wished he could be the one sitting in the back seat of the car with her, so he could hold her hand or do something to show her that he was there to comfort her.

“My bad,” Miles backpedaled sheepishly. “I didn’t realize it was a touchy subject.”

“Speaking of it though,” Jay spoke up this time, shooting the prince a curious glance. “When are you gonna tell us more about what happened after you disappeared? We’ve only heard bits and pieces since you got back. I think you owe us the whole story after everything we just did tonight.”

“I know, and you do,” Cas agreed earnestly. “I promise I’ll fill in the gaps as soon as we have the time for it. Deal?”

“Deal,” Jay nodded, satisfied with the answer.

For the next ten minutes or so, everyone lapsed into silence, and Jay drove the car down the highway that would take them to the residential district where Miles’ family lived. The streets were blissfully quiet, and they made it without any unwanted appearances of the police or the military. Jay steered the vehicle into the garage in the back and put it into park, but before they got out, the three men took off the hospital scrubs they had been wearing over their other clothes. Balling them up, they threw the stolen garments into the trash bin, and Miles once again offered Iris a hand to get out of the car if she needed it.

Mi casa es su casa,” he grinned, flourishing a hand toward the door that would take them inside the building. “Come on in. My parents are never home, and my sister went to bed hours ago to get her ‘beauty rest.’ We pretty much have the place to ourselves.”

“His parents are luxury travel advisors, and his sister is a model,” Cas explained as he stepped up to Iris’s other side. He offered her a warm smile, “That’s why we thought this would be a good place for you to stay while the capital’s security is out looking for you. The house is usually empty, so you’ll be safe here.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
Avatar of sukikyoufu

sukikyoufu Endwalker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

A rough few days? I guess you could say that. They probably don’t know about that drug… I doubt anyone who is administered it lives to tell the tale either. Thinking bitterly to herself as she realised that not everyone had to know about that potent truth serum, in fact the rebels hadn’t known of its existence and just thought that the interrogators managed to break some of their best. Did… Cas ever authorise the use of this on someone? She couldn’t help her thoughts wander to that, wondering if Caspain had allowed the use of this on some rebels before. But… in their eyes we were bad. Just like in our eyes the Capital was bad too. Already her head was swimming with different thoughts and feeling and she wished she could just talk to Cas openly, but she knew they wouldn’t be alone not for a while.

Watching Miles backpedal his questions she felt a little bad, she knew they were harmless and of course they would be curious after rescuing a rebel member. It was just hard for her as now all she wanted to do was bury the incident and act like it never happened. “You man you haven’t boasted about your daring adventures in the districts?” Trying to smile and keep the conversation light, right now wasn’t the time to be sharing, but she was sure that Caspain would tell them the story of how he escaped.

The silence wasn’t hard for her, she welcomed it as Jay drove the car through roads she hadn’t seen before. It was quiet which was nice, but she couldn’t help but wonder if they had a good enough alibi. Deep down she knew his father would think it was him, they believed all the rebels were dead except for her which could very well be true at this rate as she had no clue on if Ethan survived. I hope he didn’t, for everyone’s sake.

Feeling the car come to a stop she watched as they threw the hospital attire to the trash bin and she watched as Miles extended a hand to help her out the car. Taking his hand as she got out of the car, she felt the ache run through her body as she stood up, the bottom of her feet burned slightly against the floor. The flourish of his hand as he grinned showing off his home, she felt herself smile knowing that at least for a night she could hopefully sleep in a bed.

“Luxury travel advisors?” Iris had never heard of such a job before, that and his sister was a model they all just screamed rich to her with jobs that sounded more like pleasure than actual work. It was good to know the house was usually empty, though she doubted she’d even wander or explore because that was just rude when it wasn’t her home. Already she felt anxious at the idea of staying here, she knew it was for the best whilst security looked for her. It was a good plan, but she always felt odd staying in someone else’s home when she couldn’t do nothing in return.

Then when they stepped inside the house Iris couldn’t help but feel incredibly dirty, of course it was a lavish home and she expected no less from someone in the Capital and she was stood bare foot dressed in the loose hospital linen with what she could imagine was really bad bed hair. Trying not to cringe Iris looked at Cas wondering if this really was okay.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Trash Panda
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Trash Panda

Member Seen 26 min ago

Cas nodded when Iris repeated the title with a raised inflection, “Yeah, they travel the world planning luxury vacations for people, which is why they’re never here.” It was also why Miles’ family owned a mansion in one of the nicest neighborhoods in the capital. His parents were some of the best travel agents in the business, so between the two of them, they made upwards of half a million in credits every year. They also hired some of the best investors to put that money to work and grow their wealth even more without lifting a finger. Miles didn’t have to work because his half of the inheritance was more than enough to set him up for life; and his sister had become a model because of the perks of the job rather than the paycheck. They were the poster children for all the other high borns in the capital who did the same thing. Their parents and grandparents had worked high-paying jobs to build their wealth, and now they were all so rich, a lot of the younger generations just lived off the income generated by their flourishing stock market. Their fortunes were self-sustaining.

He walked with the others into the building, wincing faintly as his limp grew more pronounced because of all the running they had done, and turned toward Iris when he noticed she was looking at him. The discomfort etched into her features told him she was feeling out-of-place, so he offered her a reassuring smile to tell her without words that everything was fine. He and his friends had already decided that this was the best course of action, and Miles had been more than happy to open his home to her until they could find a more permanent solution.

“Let’s go to my room,” Miles said, waving a hand for the others to follow him down one of the nearby halls. “The maids probably all went home for the day, but just to be safe, we should hang out in a room where I know they won’t bother us.”

“You guys go on ahead, I need to use the bathroom, so I’ll meet you there in a few,” Jay said, branching off down a different corridor. He and Caspian had visited their friend enough times to memorize the layout of the enormous, sprawling mansion without needing a guide, so Miles just nodded and led the way to his bedroom.

As they traveled through different spaces, Cas let his gaze wander over the décor. He’d always liked the way his friend’s family had designed their home. While the Maydestones boasted old world wealth with over-the-top decorations and artwork, the Kinders had bought sleek, modern furniture that was equally as luxurious but not as overwhelmingly “in your face.” Miles’ bedroom reflected the aesthetic as well.

When they stepped inside, his friend flipped the light switch on to reveal an oversized suite that had been upgraded with all the latest design trends that his parents kept up with. It was also pristinely clean, which, to Cas, meant that the maids must have stopped by recently to pick up the sloppy high born’s messes. As little as Miles cared about cleanliness, he knew there was no way he’d kept up with the massive room by himself.

Cas strode over to the sitting area at the foot of the bed and practically flopped backwards onto the sofa, relieved that he could finally sit and relax now that they were safe from getting caught. Meanwhile, Miles disappeared into his walk-in closet. When he reappeared, he had a plain black t-shirt and a pair of basketball shorts in hand. “Here, Iris,” he said, offering the clothes to her. “I can swipe some of my sister’s clothes for you tomorrow, but for now you can wear my stuff if you want to get out of that hospital gown. The bathroom is through the glass doors, or you can use my closet to change if you need more privacy.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
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sukikyoufu Endwalker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Travel agents, I guess there are jobs I’ve never heard of before. I wonder what that kind of work is like. Travelling, seeing the world. Iris couldn’t help but wonder what it was like, it sounded vastly different to the life she had growing up and then she felt it, a pang of jealousy. Jealous over their lifestyles that they had; how easy it had been growing up for them not wanting anything. Not struggling for anything or suffering with hunger pains. Stop it. It’s no one’s fault, I shouldn’t feel jealous. Trying to push down her feelings as she forced it to one side, they were being kind to her, they had rescued her so she had no business feeling jealous even if it was for a fleeting moment. The discomfort however did not pass, but she saw Cas give her a reassuring smile and it helped a little.

What a beautiful home. Walking through the halls as she followed the others, she couldn’t help but look at her surroundings taking in how stunning the place looked. It was different to the palace, but it screamed high born, oozed luxury and was very sleek and modern. It was beautiful and she wished she could own something so beautiful; she’d be proud to own something like this but that would never happen. To her it was just another unattainable dream and something she should stop thinking about.

When they stepped inside to the bedroom, she couldn’t help but look at the interior, the sleek black décor complimented by greys and light browns. It was amazing and could certainly take anyone’s breath away, well probably not other high borns just to commoners like me, I guess. The thought happened before she could stop it, but she couldn’t deny that it was a beautiful room.

Standing in the doorway she felt uncomfortable taking a step inside, she honestly felt like she was just a piece of dirt that would clutter up the bedroom that looked so clean and tidy. Iris didn’t want to ruin any of the items inside, she didn’t want to make anything dirty and the uncomfortable feeling didn’t cease. Anxiety began to rise as she rubbed her arms trying not to look so frightened or out of place, but it was hard. Watching as Cas strode over taking a seat, she edged inside slightly knowing she just couldn’t stand in the doorway, it would look odd for one.

Biting her lip, she wanted to sit down because her body ached, she still hurt and still wanted to rest but again she didn’t want too. Though just as she was about to make her mind up, she looked up as Miles offered her some clothes to wear, baggy comfortable looking clothes that would be so much better than the hospital gown. “A-Are you sure?” Without realising her voice had sounded unsure, a little frightened as she took the clothes from him glancing towards the glass doors that led to the bathroom and then to the closet as he mentioned how it was more private. “I’ll just eh… ah.. thank you.” Finding it hard to find the words as she pointed to the closet as she moved to get herself changed opting for the more private option.

Safely in the closet she glanced at the outfit before she pushed herself to get changed, still a little unsteady and most of her energy spent it had become a bigger task to change her outfit than she had thought but asking for help was out of the question. Grimacing as she lifted the top over herself, she then pulled the shorts up thankful they had an elasticated waist which sat loosely around her hips and the T-shirt was a little baggy, but she felt comfortable. Glancing at her bare arms and legs she could see the odd bruising and as she touched her legs, she could feel a slight scratchy sensation which only made her grimace feeling self-conscious around them all. Pushing her thoughts to the back of her mind she gathered up the hospital gown in her arms and went to head out catching sight of herself in a mirror and frowning. What a mess. Though the swelling on her neck had pretty much disappeared, the bruising was still there but faded looking like it was on the road to recovery at least. The bandaging in the hospital had really helped.

“Where should I put this?” Moving out of the closet she held the bundle of the gown in her arms using it to hide behind a little as she was starting to feel drained.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trash Panda
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Trash Panda

Member Seen 26 min ago

As they made themselves comfortable in Miles’ bedroom, Cas noticed that Iris wasn’t relaxing like he and his friends were. He wasn’t entirely surprised, since she had been overwhelmed when she’d stayed with him before the incident in the woods. In the beginning, he’d assumed her awkwardness had to do with the fact that he was the crown prince and he’d invited her into the royal family’s manor. Now, however, he was starting to realize she was uncomfortable because she was surrounded by so much wealth and luxury. Aware that she was not and had never been a high born, he guessed that it was probably strange for her to dip her feet into the waters of people whose net worth in their little fingers were worth more than entire towns in the impoverished districts.

Tracking her with his eyes, he watched with a frown as she slipped into the closet to change out of her hospital gown. He wished she wasn’t so nervous around him and his friends, since they were the ones who had welcomed her into Miles’ home. She seemed to act like she was walking on eggshells around them, either worried about doing something that would make her seem even more out of place or unhappy because she already felt so out of place that she didn’t want to be there. He couldn’t determine which case it was, but after getting to know her over the course of the last week, he was fairly sure it was one of the two.

“Is she always like that?” Miles asked, apparently also noticing Iris’s nervous behavior. While she was gone, he stepped over to the sofa and plopped down at Cas’s side, kicking off his shoes and putting his feet up on the coffee table. “No offense, but when you said we were gonna be busting out the person who rescued you from the Scourge, I imagined someone more… bold? She seems skittish.”

Cas shook his head, “No, this is new. What did you expect though? She’s been through a lot in the last week too.” He recalled the first few days he’d spent getting to know her. Back then, she had been a little nervous, but she’d still been a relatively happy person in spite of her amnesia. He had enjoyed spending time with her, talking and laughing and lapping up her genuine down-to-earth spirit. Now, she seemed to be a bit of a shell of her former self. But who could blame her? He’d witnessed her father abuse her, her ex-boyfriend nearly strangle her in cold blood, and he knew the soldiers had tortured her during her interrogation. That was a lot for anyone to endure in just one week. They couldn’t expect her to bounce back to normal the very next day.

“Yeah, I guess so,” Miles frowned, looking him up and down. “But you seem okay, and you even got shot. How are you still so calm right now?”

“Honestly, it hasn’t really hit me yet,” the prince admitted, glancing at him with a shrug. He’d been so busy worrying about Iris lately that he hadn’t had a chance to sort out his own trauma yet. Somehow, he had a feeling that when everything finally came crashing down on him, he was going to be an absolute train wreck. He nudged his friend with his shoulder, “When it does, I expect you and Jay to be there with lots of booze. You got that?”

“Yes, sir,” Miles flashed him a dopey grin and saluted.

In the next moment, both men turned toward the closet as the door opened, and Iris came back into the bedroom. In spite of himself, Cas stared at her, finding her stunning even though she was just wearing his friend’s workout clothes. The shirt and shorts were oversized on her small frame, but he still thought she looked as beautiful as ever. She could make a garbage bag fashionable, he thought with a subtle shake of his head.

“I’ll take it,” Miles offered, getting up from the sofa and taking the gown from her hand. Cas noticed that the other high born’s eyes lingered on her for a fraction of a second longer than was socially acceptable before he turned away to take the hospital linens out to the trash bin in the garage. He pondered over it briefly, wondering if his friend was attracted to her too, but didn’t dwell on it for long when he realized that they were finally alone.

Taking advantage of the time they had, however long it may be, he got up from his seat as soon as the door shut behind Miles and closed the distance between himself and Iris. He wrapped his arms around her and pressed a fervent kiss to her lips, relieved to be able to hold her again. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get you out before… before the soldiers used that drug on you,” he breathed when he pulled back again, meeting her gaze mournfully. “I know it might be a long shot, but is there anything I can do to help you? I hate seeing you like this. If there’s anything at all that you need, just tell me, and I’ll do whatever I can to get it done.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
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sukikyoufu Endwalker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Iris found herself watching Cas, noting how he had looked at her when she left the wardrobe and it made her feel a little better inside knowing he still seemed interested in her. That no matter what had happened, no matter what she was wearing he still looked at her with the same eyes, the same affection and it boosted her own confidence a little perking her up a bit. It made her feel that things would be okay, even though she had no clue what was going to happen to her now. Without realising she had smiled, brightening up just a little even as Miles took the gown from her hands. “Thank you!” Calling out after Miles not even noticing that he had looked at her because all she cared about was Caspain.

Feeling him wrap his arms around her closing the distance as soon as they were alone, she held him back trying to hold back the overwhelming amount of emotions she felt. Not wanting to waste any time she kissed him back with passion, showing him that she still loved him no matter what even as they pulled back for air. “Don’t.” Seeing his mournful gaze after the kiss made her feel bad, there was nothing he could do. It wasn’t his fault and she didn’t want him to feel like it was. “You can’t apologise, you don’t need to apologise. It’s not your fault. I…” Frowning as she shook her head before leaning against him with her arms still wrapped around him in a hug, “I can’t explain that… drug. I.” Shaking her head she didn’t even want to think about it and she couldn't talk to him about it now when she'd only get in a state over it.

Looking back up at Cas she tried to smile as she reached her hand up playing with his hair as she watched his features, “I try to act tough, strong… I never want you to worry about me, and I will be fine. I just… I keep too much of it in rather than talk about it and then it gets too much. I break.” Glancing away feeling a little ashamed as tears surfaced but she knew she could trust him; she knew she could open up to him like this because he would understand. Caspain had seen everything and he probably knew there was so much more hidden away, but this was a first for Iris. Opening up to him like this, letting him through her walls, he had seen a brief snippet of it in the hospital yesterday when she had just broken down on him but she was gaining the courage to admit to him that she wasn’t okay.

“Your friend must think I’m a state, I’m sorry I’m so nervous…” Leaning up she placed a kiss on his cheek gently, “And… being so selfish when you suffered so much too.” Sighing softly as she moved her hand to caress his cheek from where she had just kissed, wanting to just enjoy his touch and hold him. “There is something I want, something I think we both need… I don’t know how possible it would be, but we need a night alone together. Just to enjoy each other’s company… and talk… maybe with junk food.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trash Panda
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Trash Panda

Member Seen 26 min ago

When Iris told him not to apologize, Cas fell quiet. He knew it wasn’t entirely his fault that the soldiers had interrogated her so brutally, but he still felt a little responsible. He was the one who had told her to surrender to them at the border. At the time, he’d thought they would just hold her in a cell, and he could get her out by talking to his father. Instead, he’d woken up from surgery to find out that she had already been questioned multiple times, and his father was unwilling to see her as anything other than a traitor. Even if it wasn’t his fault that those things had happened, he had nothing else to say to her other than ‘I’m sorry.’ He didn’t know how else to acknowledge the suffering she had been through.

As she reached up to run her fingers through his hair and attempted to smile, he didn’t match the expression. Even as she spoke about her coping mechanisms, he could see that she was still trying to act tough in front of him. She might have thought it was working, but in reality, it was doing the opposite. It was apparent to him that she was wearing down every day, becoming more heavily burdened by all the trauma she’d endured. He had buried it in himself to some degree, but he knew he was a ticking time bomb waiting to explode the second he could no longer keep it all suppressed. By contrast, it felt like she had sprung a leak. Her negative emotions seeped out constantly, and her formerly bubbly personality had been replaced with something that looked like depression.

Noticing the tears in the corners of her eyes, he stroked her back gently. It seemed like she was getting dangerously close to her breaking point, and he wished he could tell her to just let it all out. However, Jay and Miles could come back at any second, and he didn’t want to put her in a position to be vulnerable in front of two people she didn’t know or trust. He sighed quietly to himself. Until he could think of a way to secure more than a few minutes alone with her, there was no way for him to help her process everything.

When she spoke again, he shook his head. “It’s fine. You just went to hell and back, so he can’t judge you for being jumpy.” He knew Miles didn’t look down on her for it too. His friend was honest, but he wasn’t unreasonable. Just because he’d been surprised that she wasn’t an obviously heroic person didn’t mean that he thought any less of her. If anything, he would probably be more compassionate now that he knew she’d been scarred too.

He opened his mouth to say so and then faltered, turning red as she said they both needed a night alone together. In the back of his head, he knew she didn’t mean what he thought she meant, but the fleeting image that crossed his mind when she said ‘enjoy each other’s company’ was still enough to make him flustered. The stroke of his hand on her back ceased, and he cleared his throat awkwardly, “R-Right. Talk…” Inwardly, he chided himself for jumping to conclusions, but the way she’d spoken so softly and caressed his cheek with her fingers had made it impossible not to take a plunge into the gutter.

Forcing himself to recover, he sighed, “I’d like that, but I have no idea when we can be alone. I have to go home tonight to make sure no one suspects that I was involved in helping you escape from the soldiers, and my dad might enact another lockdown if he thinks the capital is in danger. I wouldn’t put it past him. If he does, I’ll be stuck at home for at least a few days.” He studied her face solemnly. “I’m sorry. I wish I could stay here with you, but this isn’t over until the military gives up its search for you. I have to see it through to the end to make sure you’re safe.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
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sukikyoufu Endwalker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hearing him tell her it was fine it made her feel a little better, she’d be lying to herself if she said that his reassurance didn’t help because it did. The way he had agreed that she had gone to hell and back was true, but he had suffered too. Caspain had gone through things that would scar anyone and she wanted to be a strong person for him to lean on. That was what she had hoped, but it was becoming apparent she could barely keep up the strong charade much longer, between that and constantly fighting with herself and her emotions it was easy to see the cracks. “I wanted to be someone for you to lean on, to count on and I’m sorry I haven’t been able to do that.”

Feeling herself relax in his arms as she felt his hand on her back, stroking it gently to support her. It was things like this that made her feel better, the support, the gentle touches and care he had for her always made her feel better. It was nice to know that even with her darkest thoughts, the sadness that she felt he was able to make her forget about it and feel better even if it was only for that moment. Deep down Iris knew that when he left her, she wouldn’t be able to stop the thoughts, the words that would whisper in her ear feeding her doubts and lies.

Unable to stop herself from giggling when she watched him falter at her request it brought a bright smile to her face, her own thoughts following along his about enjoying each other’s company after his initial reaction. It wasn’t what she had intended, she did just want to spend a night with him without fear of anyone else walking in on them or worrying that they were about to be found by the rebels that wanted him dead. Though thinking on it she knew there was a hint of desire for him, that deep down she still wanted that from him. I can’t deny that, wanting to be close to him like that. A part of her thinking about that night in the districts where they had gone to the bar and shared a bed together, how they had gotten quite heated. A part of her regretting they had been sensible that night. Where did that come from?

“I know, but when we get the chance, I want to take it. Remember that, even if it takes weeks or longer you owe me a night together.” Iris smiled looking over at Cas, she knew he was right with her escape it might cause another lockdown and who knew how long that would take. They would tighten their grip on the Prince even more so especially with what had happened with his kidnapping before. “Is it really okay to stay here in the meantime?” Looking up at him her eyes showing how unsure she was about staying here, he knew her discomfort, but she wanted him to say it was okay. “I… you know I have nothing. I just don’t want to burden any of you especially with everything you have already done for me.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trash Panda
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Trash Panda

Member Seen 26 min ago

When Iris explained that she was upset because she wanted to be someone that he could lean on, he shook his head. For the time being, he was more than happy to be that for her. Of course, he wouldn’t pretend like everything was right in his world after he’d been abducted by the rebellion and nearly killed twice, but he obviously wasn’t the one who needed someone to hold him up at that moment. He wasn’t nearly as close to breaking down as she was. Whatever emotional scarring he would have as a result of the trauma could wait to be uncovered until after he’d done his part to make sure she was alright. “You don’t have to be the strong one all the time, Iris,” he assured her in a murmur, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. “Let me carry you when you’re too tired to stand.”

Her giggle when he stammered only caused the already noticeable blush on his cheeks to turn a shade deeper. Apparently his efforts to hide his fluster hadn’t worked out very well. He was just glad that she didn’t seem put-off by the fact that he’d thought about something other than talking when she’d said they needed to spend a night together. At the pub a few nights ago, he had been certain that they’d both wanted the same thing when things had gotten heated between them, but after they’d gotten to the capital, he hadn’t been so sure. A part of him had been worried that everything the soldiers had done to her would cause her to resent him, even if she wouldn’t admit it. Carrying him to the border was what had gotten them into this mess, after all. However, to his relief, she didn’t balk or pull away from him when she’d picked up on his salacious thoughts. It seemed like she still wanted to be with him in spite of the unexpected turn.

“I won’t forget that,” he assured her with a brash smile, elated that she said he owed her a night together. This time, he was sure she wasn’t just talking about having a late conversation. I guess I’ve got another incentive to make sure everything smooths over quickly, he mused, trying to stymie his racing heart by taking a low breath. Fortunately, the subject she brought up next was a perfect distraction.

“It’s really okay,” he assured her with a firm nod and a smile. “I promise, you couldn’t burden Miles even if you wanted to. He’s pretty much immune to anyone and anything that tries to drag him down.”

Almost as if on cue, Cas picked up the sound of the doorknob rattling, and he quickly took a step away from Iris, letting his arms fall from around her as Miles stepped back into the room. The other high born glanced at them, and then tilted slightly to peer around them with a bemused frown. “Where’s Jay? I thought he would have beaten me back here.”

“I dunno,” Cas shrugged. “Maybe he found a magazine to read in the bathroom.”

“Are we really so boring that he ditched us to go through my sister’s Cosmos?” Miles said dryly, stepping back over to the sofa to sit down. “I would’ve thought he’d be excited to celebrate our escapade at the hospital.”

“Not this time.” Jay’s voice came from the doorway as he stepped into the bedroom. As Cas and Miles turned toward him, he grinned and held up a full bottle of vodka and three frosted shot glasses. “I raided your parents’ stash. It’s time for you guys to get wasted.”

Cas blinked. He’d almost forgotten about that part of their plan. Remembering that Iris had been with them when they’d come up with the scheme, he turned toward her sheepishly, “I forgot to tell you, but my dad thinks I’m at the club right now.”

“Yep,” Jay sauntered over to the table and set down his collection. “Now we just have to make it look realistic, so nobody asks any questions when I drive you back to the palace.” As he spoke, he filled two of the glasses to the brim and then looked up at Iris. “Want to join? It’s up to you, but either way, I’m getting these two shit-faced.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
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sukikyoufu Endwalker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Maybe I will be okay. I’m just getting myself in a muddle. Cas is right, I don’t have to be strong all the time. Thinking to herself as she caught the brash smile and his confirmation that he wouldn’t forget that, it was exciting to think he still wanted to be with her like that and no amount of trauma between them had stopped their desire for one another. Already her heart raced and that was just at the thought of it, she already felt warm and she was sure her cheeks had to have a pink tinge in them which was no doubt easily on show from her pale skin. Thankfully though Cas had taken a step back from the sound of the doorknob rattling and the distance gave her a chance to calm down, turning to look at Miles she pondered his question about the fact Jay wasn’t back as if trying to act natural and not like they had almost been caught red handed in a hold.

“Cosmos?” Tilting her head at the mention of this magazine she could only assume it had to be some sort of feminine thing, it didn’t sound like a sports magazine. Is there even a sports magazine? As if focusing on the small things she nearly jumped when Jays voice came from the doorway, but she managed to contain herself knowing that she was safe here. Cas had told her it was okay, that she wouldn’t be a burden and right now it was safe and miles better than the hospital or prison which were places she hated to be in. So Iris made an effort, to join in the chatter and not seem so nervous even though inside it was how she felt.

“Wasted, I’m sure this has to be the more enjoyable part of the plan. I was going to ask about your alibi, but it looks like you have it covered.” Iris mused as she folded her arms looking towards Jay as he set down the glasses, she was starting to feel more comfortable around them realising that they were just genuine people who wanted to help. I have to let go; I have to trust Cas. Willing her thoughts as she took a seat at the table where Jay had placed the stash down, eyes looking at the fact he had brought three glasses already including her as if it was natural.

“Oh…” As if debating on if she wanted to drink she wondered if maybe the alcohol would help her sleep tonight, she knew she would find it hard to rest in the new surroundings and her thoughts clearly wasn’t her friend right now so maybe it was a good idea. Though the thought of alcohol reminded her of her father and how trashed he used to get, passed out without a care in the world but that was different. Her father had a problem, this was purely for fun and it’s not like any of them were alcoholics, just young adults wanting to have a good time.

“Hmm do I take part or do I watch the amusement unfold of watching other people drunk.” Iris laughed as she toyed up with the idea, glancing at Cas glad he was here before she looked back at Jay and nodded. “Sure, it’s not every day I get to celebrate an escape plan.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trash Panda
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Trash Panda

Member Seen 26 min ago

“Enjoyable now; total regret in the morning,” Miles nodded sagely, picking up one of the full shot glasses and taking a seat on the floor beside the coffee table. Technically it wasn’t as important for him to get drunk as it was for Caspian, since the prince was the one who had to look like he’d been out at the club all night, but he wasn’t the type to pass up a good time. Besides, it could also be helpful to the group later on if he was reportedly hungover too, just in case the soldiers questioned him and Jay. It was unlikely, since there was no reason for the military to make Cas their prime suspect in Iris’s disappearance over the members of the rebellion, but it was better to be safe than sorry. Jay was the only one who couldn’t drink, since he was supposed to be their designated driver for the night.

“At least this time, we’re destroying our livers for a good cause,” Cas pointed out, taking his own glass and sitting on the opposite side of the table. With a glance at the clock on the wall, he saw that it was already after ten. His father expected him to be home by midnight, as usual, so he had a little more than an hour to get plastered, go back to the club and take Jay’s car back to his own place. Like Cinderella, except when my spell wears off, I’m going to be sick as hell, he thought amusedly, looking down at the clear liquid in the cup.

When Jay invited Iris to join them, the prince casted her a sidelong glance. He fully expected her to turn down the request. In addition to the fact that she had a raging alcoholic for a father, she also didn’t strike him as the type to let loose and take shots around people she barely knew. So, when she agreed, and Jay filled the third glass, he raised his brows in surprise. Either the stress of the last week was making her reckless or there were even more layers to the amnesiac than he’d thought.

“Yeah, Iris!” Miles howled his approval as Jay passed the full cup to her. “Should we toast to something? I feel like we should toast to something.”

“How about to pulling off a perfect escapade right under the army’s nose?” Cas suggested proudly.

“I like it,” Miles raised his glass. “To that!”

Cas laughed and tapped his glass with his friend’s and Iris’s and brought it to his lips to down the whole thing. However, as soon as he swallowed, he stiffened and started coughing into his sleeve. The alcohol was shockingly strong and scorched the back of his throat on its way down. Across the table, Miles had the same reaction. Poison,” he gagged, wrinkling his nose in disgust as he turned toward Jay. “What the hell is this stuff?”

Jay blinked and picked up the bottle, only to snicker when he read the label. “Oh, fuck. It’s 150 proof.”

“Are you serious?” Miles gawped at him before coughing again and waving his hand. “Go get the Gold Line from the liquor cabinet. I want to get drunk, not die of alcohol poisoning.”

“My bad,” Jay snorted, taking the bottle with him as he exited the room.

“Well, that was unpleasant,” Cas made a face, leaning forward to rest his arms on the table. “Remind me never to take a shot from him ever again.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
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sukikyoufu Endwalker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Iris couldn't help but laugh at the idea they were destroying their livers for a good cause, it was nice to know that they thought she was a good cause. The truth was they had risked their lives for her in order to rescue her from the hospital and away from whatever sentence she was going to face. This was something she had never expected from two people who had never even met her, they had done this for Caspian of course but it was nice to know that they took his word in knowing she was a good person and didn't deserve to die. Although she wasn't a keen drinker from past experiences she felt this deserved a toast at least, plus she was hoping it would help her sleep because it would be so embarrassing if she were to suffer from a nightmare in the presence of someone who had opened his home to her.

At the howl of approval from Miles as she had agreed to a drink she couldn't help but smile, it was nice this kind of setting feeling like she was surrounded by friends even though she bad only just met them. They hadn't excluded her once and on top of that they were more than keen to talk and interact with her like she was any normal person.

"A toast to a perfect escapade sounds great!" Iris chimed in as she took the cup that Jay had passed over to her filled with the alcoholic beverage.

Watching as the others raised the glass to their lips she followed suit, before she even realised the others experienced a strong reaction the clear liquid had hit the back of her throat and she swallowed. Within seconds she felt the burning liquid had hit the back of her throat and it caused an eruption of coughs from her, she had never tasted something so strong before and it made her feel sick. Spluttering as she tried to recover from the drink she glanced over relieved to see it wasn't just her that had suffered, the other boys had a similar reaction to the strong to the strong taste. Even as it hit her stomach she felt an uncomfortable churn, but the she realised she had refused to eat today not seeing the point and having something that strong probably didn't agree with her.

"Jeez, I thought you guys were meant to be rescuing me not killing me with this drink." Iris chuckled making a light hearted joke as she placed the shot glass down shaking her head, feeling the warmth of the alcohol flooding through her. Blinking a few times she knew she could be a lightweight as she really wasn't a drinker so she knew she had to be careful especially after finding out the high percentage of the shot Jay had provided them. Drinking and not eating was a dangerous combo and she had to be careful, but still enjoy herself at the same time whilst around the others.

"So, should we maybe play a drinking game? It might hell me get to know you guys a little. I can't promise much my end as I'm still learning about myself, but we can try!" Iris grinned as she looked over at Miles and Caspian, she still had a lot to learn about the Prince and who knew maybe she would get to learn some more funny stories about the boys. That and she knew it would make her feel more comfortable around them, getting to know them in a lively atmosphere.
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