
Mayor Fleece White is a force of nature. She is kind despite the world’s malice, and has dedicated her life in the Red Wastes to helping others thrive. For decades she was an advisor to many of the political figures of the New Republic of Texas...until she wasn’t. As political tensions grew between the various factions around her it was clear that her message of peace and cooperation had long been forgotten by her peers. She long sensed a brewing conflict and removed herself from her position within the Republic under the guise of retirement. What she did next shocked many of the major players in the Red Wastes.
She began a campaign towards creating a new community that would stand on its own feet without a seat at the New Republic’s table. She spent a truckload of caps (to which she had earned many throughout her years of political service) to pay a team of elite mercenaries to clear out a gang of infamous raiders to the Northeast of Dafwo called “The Scarred” that had been operating out of the fortress-like remains of an old hotel known as the Tower. For years these raiders had gone unchecked...but just like that Fleece White saw them eradicated. She claimed the land as her own and kept the elite mercenary team on as her security force. Over the next few months Fleece began broadcasting a message calling those that were tired of the growing corruption and elitism of the New Republic to leave its walls and find a new life in the town of Independence. Dozens of weary wastelanders answered her call. Now, five years later, she still serves as the town’s mayor, and has helped the community finally begin to come into its own.

A man in his mid to late 30's, Cal Ambrose is the man in charge of Independence's trade and economy. He is also the husband of Constance Ambrose (one of Mayor White’s Advisors). He has a knack for numbers and a deep understanding of business. Having no affinity, nor interest for the political game, Cal sticks to what he knows and let's his wife do the same. Nothing comes in or out of Independence (especially the Tower) without Cal knowing about it.

Mrs. Ambrose is the main advisor to Mayor White, inheriting many of her ideals and philosophies as her own. She is a bright woman, who deeply believes that Independence can continue to thrive under the ideals of Mayor White for years to come. Constance is well liked in the community, but she is not necessarily respected, nor has she been tested in a way worthy of earning the respect of her peers. She is proud of what Independence has become and has looked up to Fleece as a surrogate mother since her early teens. She is as good hearted as people come in the Red Wases, but is seen by some as a pushover.

Haskell was one half of the leadership for the mercenary gang that initially cleared out The Tower for Fleece White. He respects Mayor White for her ambitions, but has questioned her reasoning along the way as being “too nice”. He has leant a contrasting voice to Mayor White and has become her other major advisor. Like Constance, elements of her philosophies have become ingrained in Haskell. Unlike his fellow advisor, though, it is the Mayor’s resilience, relentlessness, and willingness to do what needs to be down that he has pushed...and not her kindness.

Dalton, much like Haskell, led the mercenaries that took the Tower on behalf of Fleece White. Unlike his ex-business partner, he has stayed out of the political game and has instead become the acting Sheriff of Independence. He’s tough but fair in his position, and does the best that he can to walk the razor’s edge between the people of the Tower and Shanty Town. By all accounts he is a tough son of a bitch and is not afraid to get bloody when circumstances deem it necessary.

Mercury is the epitome of the difference between the Tower Dwellers and the populace of Shanty Town. He owns an entire floor of the Tower and has converted it to a club that he calls “Memory”. His club has become an entertainment destination that could make some of the joints on The Strip of New Vegas jealous. He provides live music, dancing, theatre, fine alcohol, and an outlet for socialization that is unlike anywhere else in the area. Mercury clearly suffers from an addiction to Old World Culture, and often gives off a strange vibe to those that meet him for the first times. The cover charge into Memory is so high that really only Tower Dwellers can afford to attend his entertainment extravaganzas...leaving those in Shanty Town either envious or pissed off. As a private business owner he is allowed to run the place as he wishes, and despite Mayor Fleece disagreeing with the sentiment he has issued a No Ghoul policy in his club.

The name Mr. Shaw is known to everyone with Independence, yet next to nothing is actually known about the guy. It is rumored that he is like the flipside of Mr. Ambrose in the sense that, while Mr. Ambrose runs the legal trade in the community, Mr. Shaw can get you anything on the not so legal side of things. He is an incredibly charismatic ghoul that holds sway over a small gang of ne'er-do-wells in Shanty Town that has grown to be a major thorn in the side of Mayor White and her Sheriff. He openly despises the Tower, inciting anger among the more aggressive residents of Shanty Town. Often he over exaggerates or spreads lies about the goings on within the Tower that paint them in a much darker light than most would claim them to be. However, he is a master of his craft, and even his lies hold some semblance of truth. No one really knows what his intentions are in Independence, but he is obviously a key player even if his role lies somewhere in the shadows.

Mouse is Mr. Shaw’s right hand man. He’s openly the scum of the earth but is well protected by the reputation of the man he follows. He handles a lot of Shaw’s day to day business, and can often be found hitting the chems pretty damn hard.
Smoke is the head of Cal Ambrose's merchant caravan. He scours the wasteland every few weeks and can seemingly find ANYTHING if you have enough money to pay for it. He doesn’t speak much but listens well, and despite his...quirks...he seems to have a wonderful working relationship with Mr. Ambrose.
NRA (San Alamo)

Governor Howard Goodnight is the man at the very top of the NRA. It’s pretty obvious to most that he is the most powerful man in the New Republic. He’s a charismatic leader that presents himself with a grandfatherly persona that many find endearing. He’s a ruthless politician that is steadfast in his beliefs and will go to any lengths to ensure that the Texas way is protected.

Anson is the red right hand of the NRA. He is the judge and executioner of its law. They call him the “General” and he puts the game to good use. His men are well trained and even more well armed. Half of the wasteland reveres him like some kind of horseback hero issuing swift justice to the vagrants of the Red Wastes. Others see him as a warlord.
(More to come in the coming days as the story begins to unfold.)
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