Eobard "Eddie" Thawne ♦ Time Traveler ♦ Central City

C O N T I N U I N G C O N C E P T:
"A man often meets his destiny on the very road he takes to avoid it."
Eobard's a man who has all the answers. The personification of "I've seen this movie before." He's the oldest iteration the character's ever been through, he's the amalgamation of every version of himself, the CW, the comics and the cartoons and animated movies. He's lived it all, in one shape or form. A man who had nothing new left to experience in life.
He's a predator who caught it's prized prey, finally. And with it, he lost his purpose. Now, he's motivated by survival and his own ego. Competing against the ghost of the Fastest Man Alive. And in this most human of motivations, maybe he'll find a new purpose.
He's a predator who caught it's prized prey, finally. And with it, he lost his purpose. Now, he's motivated by survival and his own ego. Competing against the ghost of the Fastest Man Alive. And in this most human of motivations, maybe he'll find a new purpose.
C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:
I'm looking to explore him blurring the line between pretending and reality. An Eobard who starts to believe that he's the hero - not just wearing the red tights for his own survival. How the most murderous man in history tricks himself into thinking he's absolved of his sins and then eventually having to face the fact that redoing Barry's steps doesn't give him redemption. His past mistakes coming back, and him being absolutely certain that he's able to outsmart and outrun them.
This is Professor Flash.
This is Professor Flash.
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
Notable Characters:
GIDEON - The greatest A.I Companion a time-traveling sociopath could ever need.
Richard Swift - The Shade
Leonard Snart - Captain Cold
Owen Mercer-Thawne - Captain Boomerang II
Wallace West - Flash's greatest fan.
Cisco Ramon - S.T.A.R lab's finest.
Harrison Wells - Suspect of Thawne-double.
Hunter Solomon - Bad-Guy in the making.
Max Mercury - The only man who possibly knows more about the Speed Force than Eobard.
Bart Allen - Future Flash and very, very angry about it.
GIDEON - The greatest A.I Companion a time-traveling sociopath could ever need.
Richard Swift - The Shade
Leonard Snart - Captain Cold
Owen Mercer-Thawne - Captain Boomerang II
Wallace West - Flash's greatest fan.
Cisco Ramon - S.T.A.R lab's finest.
Harrison Wells - Suspect of Thawne-double.
Hunter Solomon - Bad-Guy in the making.
Max Mercury - The only man who possibly knows more about the Speed Force than Eobard.
Bart Allen - Future Flash and very, very angry about it.
S E A S O N O N E S Y N O P S I S:
Thawne won.
He won.
And the universe would feel his wrath, now that nobody could stop him. He had so many plans. But then, like a spotlight hooked up to a failing generator, he ran out of power. He stole Barry's lightning, following the murder of Barry's future self. In doing so, he undid the Flash who could stop him, and made sure Barry would never become his nemesis.
Things were going his way, until they didn't. The timeline was eating itself up, the paradox was created and the Speedforce was falling in on itself. The negative speed force had collapsed, and there was nowhere left for Thawne to run. He was forced to put on the mask of the man he hated most, and carry his legacy.
Eobard had to become The Flash
He won.
And the universe would feel his wrath, now that nobody could stop him. He had so many plans. But then, like a spotlight hooked up to a failing generator, he ran out of power. He stole Barry's lightning, following the murder of Barry's future self. In doing so, he undid the Flash who could stop him, and made sure Barry would never become his nemesis.
Things were going his way, until they didn't. The timeline was eating itself up, the paradox was created and the Speedforce was falling in on itself. The negative speed force had collapsed, and there was nowhere left for Thawne to run. He was forced to put on the mask of the man he hated most, and carry his legacy.
Eobard had to become The Flash
P O S T C A T A L O G: