A Fantasy-Cyberpunk Adventure
A night club thumps with the heavy bass, growling guitars and synth keyboard of Neo-Punktech music, the latest craze among the severely sleep deprived. It's feverish pace matches sickeningly with flashing beams of neon light that paint the room. A sweaty mass of dancers fidget and flail on the busted dance floor of the dilapidated discotheque. It's the kind of music only the drugged can appreciate or stomach. Soon their highs will run out, and they'll either pass out or need more.
On the second floor, overlooking, massive guards with sagging jeans and gleaming cyberware stand watch for troublemakers. Behind them, there is a single man that is impossible to miss, because he takes up the entire sofa on his own. Horns sprout from his forehead and spiral upward, painted in a rainbow of colors. Thick grey skin, branded in writhing holographic tattoos of more shimmering color. Pearlescent sunglasses shaped like knives barely cover his bloodshot eyes, while he nods his shaven head to the awful music. The Troll wears an obscenity of gold chains around his neck and rings on his fingers, but they are an afterthought compared to the gaudy golden tusks protruding from his bottom jaw. Though the entire room is suffocating with humidity, he does not sweat.
He leans forward and the entire balcony feels in danger of collapsing.
"I've got a job for you, Shadowrunner."
Shadowrun is a tabletop roleplaying game series, made popular more recently by several fantastic pc games developed by Harebrained Schemes. The setting is a unique blend of fantasy and cyberpunk, with things such as elves, dragons, wizards and magic. This is paired with the essential cyberpunk tropes of sinister megacorporations, cool trenchcoats, cooler sunglasses and virtual reality hacking. For this roleplay, we would be starting in the year 2070 in the Louisiana city of New Orleans. Mardi Gras never ends, corruption is king, and zombies wander the bayou. Shadowrunners, the teams of mercenaries operating in the grey area of the law, are vital tools either for or against the asshole megacorps that control the world... usually against.
Never played the Shadowrun tabletop game before? Me neither! You have? Awesome, but forget a lot of what you learned. We will be using the very cool Shadowrun universe as a springboard to create a fun and interesting fantasy cyberpunk world. There will be no dice rolling or stats on any of the player's ends. This will be purely roleplay for anyone that joins. You will play the role of a small group of Shadowrunners that have been hired for a job, and I will list different roles for you to claim. Hacker, mage, muscle, there should be some flavor for everyone. Our setting will tend slightly towards the magical, however, as voodoo is very much alive(and undead) in New Orleans.
So, that's pretty much the pitch. Who here would be interested in this sort of shindig?